THH OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: MARCH 7, 1915. AUTO TRAYEL GETS BIG LOCAL BOOST (Continued from Pag OnV DIPLOMATS WILL QUIT MEXICO - CITY Foreign Ambassador and Ministers Decide to Leave the Capital in a Body- SITUATION HAS BECOME ACUTE WASHINGTON, March 6. The foreign diplomatic corpg la Mexico City hit decided to leare In a body. tHrpatcheg telling; of the decision ere recelred here today by Huro diploniaUata and forwarded to their home government. The Mexican altuatlon, topped by this latest deTelopment, was admitted In all quarters to be more critical than It has been at any time aince Buerta precipitated the landing of troops at Vera Cru. , Seer etary Bryan had rewired today no word from the latest representation to -armnt against General Obregon'a de 'ree In Mexico City and hi threat to leave the capital unprotected, with water and light plant out of commission and -th possibilities of looting ami killing. Mr. Bryan did not commont further today than to aay that the altuatlon continued t be bad. ' . Borne definite development wa ex ,'pected In dlplomatto clrclea aa the result of the derision of the corps of European ' representatives to leave the Mexican cap .itol. Whero the diplomats would go wii -the subject of some speculation. Inasmuch as tho condition which are forcing them to leave are being Imposed by Carransa' commander. Obregon, It was pointed out they hardly would go to Vera Cru. Villa has Invited the dlpiumatlo corps to Join him at his capital In Chlhunhua. . To da so. it was pointed out. might be (construed as recognition of bla faction, j ."Without diplomatic representatives In i Mexico City, the capital and a large por- rln of the dlstrncted country would prac ' tlofilly be cut off from the world While the foreign colony in the Mexican capital JHaa been greatly reduced In the laat year there are still many foreigners In the co-Dntry. The Washington government ' Has been making Its representations In behalf of all through fha Brazilian mln- ! 'The condition of that road will be the isier, dui wun mo n'iniwu ui ma uiytu- uikk'i ming in bringing people to ; Vtatlo. corps it 1 rearea au roreignora Would be at tho mercy bf the factions. Arnold Kelson, 1T1S cuth Seventh street. Omaha l.'l Henry Petersen, 2M Aidm avenue, Omaha 1.13 Freddie gutter, 2i A street, South Omaha, Neh (ui Ralph P,onac I. I?l South Nineteenth street, Omaha i ........ MJ Clara Venous, IKS foulh Eleventh Street. Omaha 790 Iie-rhardt Holt, Irt Bouth Thirty-sixth Street, Omaha 4S fern HcOy, 6S3S North Thirtieth atrret, Oirutha , Mo Bessie Warner, lf Bouth Thlrtjr-flftrt avenue, Omaha BiS Iannard Nowllng, Clarlnda, la 3.11 Adolph C. Thomas, 3211 North Twenty seventh avenue, Omaha "811 Hltsaheth fttapenhorst, MU Grace street, Omaha X10 Herbert Roy Oember, Ml Park Wild avenue, Omeha 150 Robert Hhlelda. Btl Emmet street. Omaha lw Virsll Taylor. 714 South Thlrtr-thlrd stwt. Omeha 4A Chester Tsylor. Nebraska City. Neh Marge Qrace. Mil California Omaha ..... , FRENCH LINER LA TOURAINE I S BURNING AT SEA (Continued from Page One.) others were from New Tork and Montreal. Ion, Kllen O' Him I on, Aline Male Mr .'ormlck, Nellie frurdette Parsons and Hda I Peterson and Thomas J. 11 u rite, Jr, nurses. The crew numbered approximately 0. The vessel was tir.der command of Cap tain Causal n, It was said, with M. Gall lard aa second captain. Two wireless operators, Messrs. Sagot and Vldment, were aboard. Stored away In the vessel' hold was the ammunition which caused keen ap prehension as to the vessel's fate when hospital in New York, are the Misses 1.F.FT HKW TORK ATI R D A Y Report Comes from Point Twelve Ilajsdred Miles W ret of Havre. The French liner, Ijh Touralne, sailed from New York February 27 for Havre. The position g.ven In the message is approximately 1 0 miles west from Its port of destination. Among the passen gers are five doctors and nine nt'rses on their way to Francs to be attached to tho new warship at the Chateau de Fasey, near Hens. The doctors are Joseph I... Wheelwright, T. C. Walker. W. O. Rtndilork, A. O. Jlmlnla and John H. Irwin The nurses. alt of whom are graduates of the French "" ! aboard if It became known that a fire wa raging It was estimated that the ship ment contained at the least half a million round, and possibly several time that much. Wireless stations along the Atlantlo seaboard directed vain queries through the air to the burning ship and the little fleet of rescuers reported to be around It. While the crackle of the sparks from powerful stations here. It was thought, could be heard by steamers In the At lantic aa far away as La Touralne, the wireless plants aboard those steamers were too weak to send back their a sodatlon, Rmirtre, Colo., giving notice that the association ha sent to the Omaha Automobile club "one framed picture of some mountain scenery at or near Empire," with the request that It bo hung In a prominent position la the swert. All news of La Touralne' fate. It club rooms. "Thero's a lesson for you," said Mr. Lawrle. 'linplre, Colorado!' I never heard of It end hardly anybody else ever did. And here they're doing things, sending out picture of thia mountain to automobile clubs all over tha country, and they're going to draw people to their town, too. Here on their letter head Is printed what they have. There's nothing very attractive or Interesting Just elec trla light, their own water plant, 'streams that teem with trout," etc., but they have enterprise and push, "Well, W0're preparing to do something similar to this for Omaha. And with tha many things wc hive here that are In teresting we ought to send out some pretty good lines to tho autompblllsts." Illahwar la fiood Condition. Mr. Lawrle declares that the condition of the Lincoln Highway both to the eait ami west of (mis ha is remarkably good. He traveled over It last Yall' between hero and Chicago, through Logan, Carroll, Marehalltown. Clinton, and found a great amount of work lelng drfne on It waa thought, would have to come from the other side of tha Atlantlo. La Touralne was heavily loaded when It steamed out of the harbor last Satur day. In addition to the 4,595 cases of cartridges, It carried 139 rapid -fire guns and a varied assortment of supplies for the allies' commissaries, both foodstuffs and clothing. Twelve hundred tons of Ita cargo consisted of uniforms, cloth for uniforms, sweaters and hosiery, for sol diers In tho trenches. There wore l.Sno rases of machinery aboard, as well as many hundred wagon wheels and XT- bars of silver.. In addition there waa a large assortment of foodstuffs. Iflhortly after 1 o'clock It waa an nounced at the local offices of the line that- no Information as to tho steamer waa expected until Monday and tha offices were closed for the usual Satur day half holiday. The list of steerage passenger In cluded five Frenchmen and seven Bel gians, said to be reservists. Among the steerage passengers also was Walter Fah of British Columbia. Moat of tha ; KEARNEY GIRL WINS.- .. , ' (Continued from' Page One.) . . Kearney wouldn't have jumped In and i wnr-ki'rl for her like thev did. ; . And now, boys, since you have read ihelr .part In building their section Ornaba," ho said, "We must exert our energies to keep them here as long an we can. "A for tho highway to tha west from here. It Is also being Improved far more rap'dly than people generally Imagine The commission ha succeeded In arous Ing lnleret and enthusiasm In the grea' project. In this age when the automoll' Is as much tho farmer's a the df man's, It la not surprising that agrloti) j MNil counties are going ahead and dotnr I Diet Tia In t,, 11.11m-. , 1. -1 ' this far, here is a dandy surprise for ' i Some Consolation Prises. ,J Tho circulation manager and tha editor ' if The lice talked over how hard you had workod and what good boy. you must l..,,, Comml.lon-to Ne A IhAw AtkeylAmti that Va.ll npntrVM n. - ...... ...... ..v...-. braska count es thl. ve ... the read.' of Ilonglna t'onnty " Bnay. t Mr. 'Lawrle Is Lincoln Highway com mlssloner for Douglas county, He state . i. . . . 1 . . . I .i.-ii. vwterai inousana oarreia of cemen' 'trlao. . So they are going to give you euch $.".Q0 i In cash. I has received the quota for Douglas count' he will turn It over to tha county and. ' AVth.n.'. rln k. .netkM nn'e. I Wrk th highway her Will prOCCed ,. . And there a gr.lng to be another contest ,t . . k. tlghi awavr.too.- Oh, yes. this Isn't tkai "i! ' th?r ; , i fnly' blcycu, In th. world, not by a toft T, a. . 7 ? -Watln- Ihot. And perbap. you'll win tha next I ?" ?n J? "t Let no. tera art being received how conttnuain , There was much Juvenile excitement In r'-'" nin 1 '.. V".lnoj.' office-of The Dee yesterday J "IS? 'S""!? W"? afternoon.-' Tl.e small contestant. wtrtt 1 mV Jtood word, for ?maha. Mr. Lawr( Hhera-'lK forVV; political Condfdate. Wer , ? ,plJ'en" ' ,U! fr0m IhiwM murh Mrmmt whllo !. -.- "nrr o j, ng foe tha return a thes "kiddles flld y nno in voae were neing counted. . . ! the Planters' Grocery, company. I tin ' La Roy Zust. 7 North Fortieth street, ..who has the distinction of having won' ; greater. number, of-votes than any other Benay MIm. Nobody In these part eve Mart of ttta Bena, probably, hut Mr J Ely has an automobile and ho I expect ing to travel to the exposition In It.1 ' "And, observe please; that he Is flgutlri' pmaha boy or girl, was there with, a '"Z UM ",'""n """; for him, That, say Omaha enthusiast 1. Just a sample of tha treat prestlg. that will accrue to Omaha Just froi having the Lincoln Highway go througl number of his little friends and hia father, too. Le Roy is an extraordinarily blight lad, who shows already that he la going to succeed In tha battle of life, ira-wfen'tltnlo the content because hi aister, Dorothy, .won a doll In The' P.a j ontesis. Dorothy was there, too, and with her Was a little friend, Alice Roberts, who proudly volunteered tb Information that she, too, had- won a dolL "t.won Prtacilla.;' she said. , i Dorothy Tell th Story. Proper deference having been paid to the winner of Prlscllla. young Mlsa Dor- i rthy waa Interviewed on the subject of lor brother' candidacy for th position if bicycle rider. Dorothy was full of th ubjoct. A whole lot of little boys and Utle" girls had given him vote. Vary Ind little boy and girls. And, oh-, there t'Aa one tittle orphan boy she did want 0. mention him, such a good llttl orphan -he gave; Le Roy 1.0K5 votea. Wasn't hat'ijrlce. effhlmT And Vance Wilson va Roy A.6A vutcaT"'- )Aiwl. ohtlanothsr -little boy hi name 1. Frederick, I don't know his other name, but you might aay ho Is Henry Lehmann's cousin he gave Le Roy 600 votes, . ' "And I waded through the snowdrifts nd got lots and lota of votes." finished the Uttle miss, proudly. Very good, Dor othy. You deserve Just a much crex'lt s though Le Roy had won th bicycle. ' Well-Won Third Pla. j Harold Christiansen live at SOS) Web- iter street, and he was Just a little ba plnd Le Roy, with 14.308 vote. Harold wasn't present. at the time, but the girl hi the office said he was "Just the sweet t little youngster." Harold, you're luckier than If you had won th bicycle. When you grow older you will learn that titer are things In the world better thaa tcyclea. Harold ha lota of friends, too, and they have been working like beaver for him. Ills Sunday school class waa "on th Job" all th time. And an Indefatigable worker ha been hi grandfather. ' Better luck to you next time, Harold. You get ti anyway. Paulina Burkett of Herman, Neb., gar nered a big numlwr of votes, too, but not Enough Uy win .Ihl bicycle. Pauline Is IS year old. and a llttl mis that Is a Sandy. Eha. raises chickens and has a bank-book and money in th bank, too which Is more thaa a good many Pauline wlc and thrice her age cam aay. t 1. 1st of the Contestant. Never nflnd; ther are more contexts coming, and 1 lie re will b aom of these boys and girl wbos names will be tb winners' name. .' , . Here Is th complete list of eentatantai Ixu:se K. .Saunders, 1011 Wt Jwenty- glxta street. K-earney, Neb.. lruy . Zual, 1M North VorUoth street, Croatia -. H.W2 Harold Chrtsllannen, J Webster street, Omaha . Pauline Hurfcett. Jiernmn. Net,. ,0bt Irtne . Tiiuinlr, - 4.'2 Mail street. (miuha .' S.6V2 , C!ore Maker, Twenty-fifth and C t i .-, . Iuuth Omaha. h . t,lua feter WaljMroin, aiU bouta . Twaotleth trt. Omaiia 2, 11 Kranois rsorni. j Sooth Tenth aUeet. hera Dr, Wiley Food Expert Testifies Way He Saloya Oood Health. "Much or lh credit for the good health which I have always enjoyed 1 attribute to the fact that I have always taken care of my teeth," th doctor remarked. "No man ran keep well If his teeth are bad or if Ills month Isn't kept In sanitary condition. As you can see," baring hla teeth and exhibiting a perfect eet. "I haven't a bad tooth In my. head.. Kvery one Is sound and In fine hap. My advice, on my seven tieth birthday, would be to take care of the teeth, keen them In good order, and thus avoid more than half of th other troubles that inak most men older at fifty than I am today." Honesty built our business to oa of th largest rractloe In Nebraska, We tell you on first consultation Just what you need and exactly what cost of aatn will be. panrxzaa vttbactiost IT YITA.X4SV9 AXaV Taft's Dental Rooms wit BOuaXkts nun, Mr A. FfTvrnaft Manager Nebraska 'Clothing Co. MlIMoerY Dept It Is Strange But True In all my t2 yean' experience In the millinery buataeaa I bare never held such a ucoeaaful challenge sale. Thia is the 10th 8ml-anncal sale I have managed in Omaha and in spite of the weather con dlUona thla sale broke the reo-' ord. We have had many 'phone calla and lnqutrlaa regarding the various challenge sale prices' that we have decided to con tinue Challenge Sale All This Week Starting Monday Morning i From 8:80 to IS o'clock. Choice of the House .. Any 1 llntrimmed Hat Valaei opto $10.00 at Igala we challenge aay store anywhere to equal oar price. Correct Apparel for at en and Women. Alma Marie Mcformlck. Dorothy OVon nell, E'igenia H. !ons. Victoria Krano- hort. Florence tlordon, Ellen O'Hanlon, Mollle McGrath. Nellie RMrdette Parsons and Beda Iurentia Peterson, Touralne. under the command of Captain Causktn, Is one of the older transatlantic liners, having been built In 1891. Bine It was launched I Touralne haa played an Interesting part In th his tory of travel. . It arrived In New Tork on October 28, IMS, with forty-two persona which it rescued from the Ura nlua liner, Volturno, which burned at sea with the loss of 132 II vo. Captain 0usln was one of th first cmnmanders of rescue stremcre to get a boat over In the heavy sea to aid in rescue work. The captain and crew were decorated with medal for bravery on thl occasion. It was the captain or Totirslne who warned the Ill-fated Titanic of the pres ence of Icebergs in Its course. Once lwforc the steamer whs threat ened with fire when flames w-re dis covered In the stst rooms whlli It Isy at Its dock In Havre on January 21, 1W.1. There were no passengers aboard and the damages were not serious. It wss withdrawn from service for a time In 1W because of serious damage to Its ma chinery. The discovery was made Just before It was due to sail from New York. On another occasion a number of Its crew was killed by the bursting of a team pipe. When the European war began the en tire carrying capacity ot La Touralne was reserved for Americans struggling for passage home from France. It ar rived In New Tork December 1., 1H, thirty-six hours overdus because of hur ricanes It encountered. High sea swept Ita decks while the passengers w?re bat tened down below. The ateamer I 620 feet long with a beam of flfty-atx feet and a depth of S.t feet. ALLIES NEARLY READY FOR DASH INTO GERMANY (Continuant from Page One.) serenity with which the allle today re gard the future Is the picture of Prltlsh, French and Russian wsrshlps hammering at the gates of the capital of Turkey with such success, apparently, that Tur key alteady has lecldcd It has had enough of the Fyptlan venture and Is now rushing Its troops back to defend Constantinople. Austria-Hungary's re ported reply to Constantinople, when the Turks asks for naval assistance, "you had better move your capital to Asia," Is being published prominently In London newspapers today. Tvro weddlnsra nt Litchfield. UTCHFIEL.D, Neb.. March . tSpe clal.) Mlas Mayme Garnett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Garnett, and Mr. R. P. Waterbury. both of IJtchfield. were married at Grand Island Wednesday eve ning by Rev. I. W. Alexander of the First Presbyterian church. They left for Colo, rado for a short stay. Miss Wlnnlfred Parsley, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs.' Thomas" ' ParsleyT an,l Mr. K. J. Gurnet t were mitrrled at the homo of the bride's psrenls at no"n Wednes day, Rev. Mr. Wagner of i li-latin. They left that evening fur tinsha to be g'ne for a short time. They will make their hf me here. Make This Pleasant Cough and Cold Remedy Yourself Hsre's th recipe ! Into a pitcher put a tablespoottful of butter, one-quarter cup light brown sugar, an ounce of frosh, whole allspice and n pint of Duffy's pure malt whisky. It It stnml for half an hour: then add one half pint of hollies water. Let It stand again for a short while, and before serv ing stir well and add the Juice of one ornnpe and one lemon. This is to bo served in a wine glass. It I very wholesome, nppetlslng and strengthening, especially for fever and chills in stormy and blustering weather. Trompt action on siich occasions will ward off mnny a serious and cft-tlmes fatal attack of bronchitis and pneumonia, as well as Irritating coughs and colds. Advertisement. r 72Z, J j Teach tho Child j to save A, FRf-rtf-H Write ll ktnri mf 1 Vesrf ertaratlatt fef fvarv ehUd. 4,M nibttMl I.mV ika f...llM fo-.C-Mitmgf yTf jhiljfree I the rHgi . thlf iWimeltor are eretot4 h OeMtieltur UtiaraaU Faad, the t SOUTH OMAHA SAVINGS BANK 24 th and M Streets H. C. HOST WICK, President TRUMAN Bl'CK, V. Pr. F. R. GETTY, Caahler. e I Typewriters i For Ront ' any make Toe went $1 and Up Per Month Central Typewriter Exchangi 1 Ine, 807-800 Booth 17th. Phone Doug. 4121. LADIES! 500 Adjustable DRESS FORMS A modern necessity in every home. Special demonstration MONDA Y, MARCH 8 at the Union Outlining Co., 16th and Jackson. Own "IJ1 The "IDEAL" Automatic Adjustable Dress Form Open Bust, I Wa4st and Kips I Automatically I Open Heck Automatically On honldar Can a Mad ttlgher Th Other, High, low or Medium Bust. Iiong, fhort. Small or Large Waist. Flat or mil Trout. yu.- ' r fiT. ' 1 I B Othr. - L, EHJ I I Adjust a- gS21 fr-H 0 A , him. ' . I "BM - atandard k7r ; I 1 nd f H Length. f r I Auto, i .P- 1$$ Bprader. mo sacpx.a to oraaAn btii a BCsooLorxx, CAJBJ aroocXSBrirU.T Ull IT. an Dress Form 1 orn nKnrrr:T PKICK ON AUTOMATIC DI5EHS FOHMH 13 50 OS yOlU OWN CONVENIENT TERMS OP $1.00 Cash ! r y And 7 Cents Per s Ont-ofTmm Onatomere can secure an "IDEA I j" DIIES8 FORM; at the Adrttlised Price and on the Same Terms. And Be Beautifully Drened Learn how thousands of America's women possess extensive, Btylisli ward robes on a small, limited income. COME IN MONDAY. A FACTORY EXPERT WILL BE HERE TO DEMONSTRATE "REAL" DRESSMAKING ECONOMY. MR. AIJiAN li. ELZAS, one of the fo remost authorities In America on dress making, economy, will be here Monday fo r the express purpose of "Bolvlng" the "knotty" problems In Dressmaking of our Greater Omaha women and to prove be yond a doubt that the practice of practical economy in making one's attire will stretch a meagre Income Into undreampt-of jiroportlons in producing stylish, perfect-fitting creations for the entire family. His talk Is Interesting and will be em inently beneficial from a money-saving standpoint to home-sewers who are inter ested in the fcroblein of Increasing Their Wardrobe Without Additional Expendi ture. EVERY WOMAN WHO OWNS A SEWING MACHINE SHOULD HAVE AN "IDEAL" DRESS FORM. The "Ideal" Automatic Adjustable Dress Form makes your sewing machine a profitable in vestment enables yew to accurately make, alter or repair a gown stylishly and exactly to your liking. Your sewing experience has taught you the fallacy of endeavoring to satisfactorily drape a gown to your figure with only a mirror to aid you; The "Ideal" does away with all this annoyance. It gives every woman the opportunity of dressing in the height of faBhloa. Thousands of others are wearing more and beter clothes than ever before and are spending less money bcause-they are making the "Ideal" Automatic Adjustable Dress Form their sewln : room companion. ... YOUR CLOTHES QUESTION PLEASANTLY AND ECONOMI CALLY SOLVED. TOLD JN A NUTSHELL by These Illustrations: At 82.981 or 83.98 ' you can of ten pick up . a barga 1 n la ready made cos tumes that can be quickly into a stylish. . perfect fit ting $12 or $15 gown if you have an "Ideal" to aid you. A doten other dresa economl e a will be bouw n you. -ideal" Dress l'Mrm. I assured. I "Ideal" to aid her. THE "IDEAL" ADJUSTS TO FIT EVERY CONDITION OF THE FEMININE FIGURE QUICKLY, EASILY, ACCURATELY. The "Id!'' Is th only dress form that Is ABSOLUTELY INDEPENDENTLY AD JUSTABLE, enabling the UBer not only to duplicate the exact measurements and propor tions of any feminine figure but at th same time, always retain th perfect contour or the lines of the body. Absolute Freedom in Draping and Pinning without danger of injuring or puncturing the form. Easily operated by reason of Ita automat lo meehanlem. Post. Waist, H1ps, Neck and, in fact, every part can be Independently adjusted to any desired sire. The skirt can be raised or lowered to any desired skirt length. In all the "IdeiU" in the most Dimply oper atedi yet th mott completely adjustable dresa form ever devised. I K. T-KK JWi Iftlfll niirtJI m II JaMilll I I I' Dress Goods Sale Watch daily papers. Dresa Goods sales are frequent and offer a double economy to the woman possessing an ''Ideal" Drea Form. Your "Ideal" at Home awaits you at all times there, and1 never tire, no matter how much you drape and fit to It. Good dressmaking results are assured. rhe Finished Gown Perfect In fit, hang and style, 1 the posi tive outcome of any woman's home sew ing errorts with an J j I i i ' ' - - -- - i - iipii $25 Cash H FOR A NAME t j We tvanta new trade name for Lee's Shampoo and Lee's toilet soaps something distinctive and individual and will pay $25.00 for the most satisfactory name submit ted to us by letter on or before May 1st, 1915. Lee'a Shampoo U something new and better than any other shampoo. By using- a neutral soap made of three superfine vegetable oils, Olive, Cottonseed and Cocoanut, combined with pure grain alcohol, glycerine and three aromatic, antiseptic essential oil, we get a shampoo that does not fill the hair fibre with oaky auda, but one that cleans quick of all grease, dirt and dandruff, waahea out quick and dries quick, with no soap left in the pores of hair or scalp. With a pure alcohol soap; the hair drying In from tea to thirty minutes; no soap left ia hair fibre, there Is no danger of colds or of the hair becoming brittle, breaking off or falling out A trial Is very convincing. Large 4 ounce bottle (11 Shampoo for man), 25 eta. . 32 ounce bottle (fills 25 ct. aice 8 timea), $1.0 Sold by druggists generally. Sample Shampoo mailed postpaid 14 ct. Mods only at rk laboratories of GEO. IL LEE CO. Omaha, Nebraska Local tra mpUea coaveaWatly kg Rlcr4sa Drag C. 1 WHY HE FAT? Why carry around with you the burden of superfluous flesh Have every movement hindered bv too much fat and suffer with shortness of breath: defective elimination and Imperfect circulation. Writo for My FREE BOOK. It Tells You tho Causes and Dangers of Fat No Stout Person Should Be Without This Book It tells you how one man lost rOUBTZSV rOUVDI llf Tig SATS, without drugs or exercises, and without loe of strength; TELLa TOO SVSrt WHAT KB ATI AJtBTD BBAJIX, and how the reduction was ac complished. Th book is fre for the asking; write for It today. DR. A. F. SWAN, 309 Exctrcnga Bidg., Denver. Col. Let The Bee get you a job. Situations Wanted" ads are free. e