THE OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: MAKHI 7, N1P15. PROHIBITORY ACT SIGNED Temperance Forces Make Show of Interest Over Affixing of Name. HIGHWAY LAWS ARE UPHELD 3- fPmm a Ptnff CorrcsHndcr.t.) DRS MOINT'S. la.. March e.-Speclal Telegram.) The temperance forces made quite a show of Interest In tlie process of rslsnln 1he Joint rrsnltitinn prt pc slne; to mnd the ronntitftl n for prohibition, anfl when the govern ir affixed Ms signa ture a larfe crowd Rathcicd to witness The pen he usd was tnkm by Senator Thomas, one of the try lenders and In speech ho presrnfd the same to Mrs. Edworthjr of this city, the legislative ent for many years of the Women' Christian Temperance union The governor at the same time h-ned h resolution for the woman stiff ran amendment and the pen was Riven over to the representative of the state asso ciation of atiffraKtsta. t'phold HUbwny l.avr. The senate made a (rood start toward hawing Its position In upholding the highway laws o fthc Mate today, bv rasa ng almost without opposition a bill to place the mattrr of road Kradlne on the same basis as brldfre nnd culvert work s to Mm by contract ,.n l. Jobs. Later the highway committee reoomrnonded a number of minor bills to Improve tho pnsmt law specially with regard to Win It eBlcr to fix Up lhe ranroad crossings. The- whole temper of the legislature appeared 1 ,. ,mprov the law rather than to tear It down. Wouldn't Stand fo. Home Role. The house put In practically all of Fri day morning; on the bill by Mr. Klm fcerljr, to give "home rule" to cities, ftc m wa prepared for the lowa leagues or munlclpaliues and a introduced In cluded the clause of tho new Ohio con stitution reserving to cities the right to OTern a to their own local affair-. But the bill did not suit the lawyer, of the hone and they commenced Immediately to tear It to pieces and to make amend ments, which caused ,ij 0f the prolonged discussion. It was defeated. 34 to 69. The house made a special order for next Thursday of a bill to amend the highway commission law and virtually to return to the old system of working the roads. The bill to amend the law as to sterili sation of certain Insane and other In mate of institutions, by requiring the consent of relatives, failed of pa sage, end also the Wll requiring at least two persona to handle each street car failed. The house also failed to pass a bill to return to the old system of elect ing state superintendents and to undo the work done two years ago In strength ening the department. Senate Doe Much Small Work. The senate made a special order for next Thursday of the bill by lmball, to provide that Judges of the district court and shorthand reporters shall have their paid while travel ing. The To.wft had recommended a substitute for the original bill, but there has been some opposition to the expenditure Involved. The senate refused to back up on the Kupher bounty law and killed the Cas well bill, to repeal the law. requiring h 10-cent bounty In every county., Caa .weKll wanted It repealed' om the theory" that the number of gophers la not being reduced. The senate passed the house bill, by Griffin, to require that pawnbroker make daily reports to police officers of mer chandise tools purchased and hold same for cortaln time before selling them. This is to head off the stealing of tools and pawning them. The senate passed the bill to authorize towns and citlea of the second class to levy a 1-mlll tax In aid of road work on the main traveled roads into tho towns. The senate passed the following: Bill by Senator Taylor To Include "of fering or exposing fur sale,-' in the law as to registered phHrnmclm. I!lll by Senator Allen To legalize bs satisfaction of mortgages prior to Jan uary J, 1910. Hill by Representative Sullivan Legal izing as to ct.rtaln suits imieting title. Bill by UeproseiilHiive Sullivan -legalizing as to relcuse of liens, by adminis trators. Bill by "Senator Whiimore To legalize elections In Blakeshtir. Nebraska Mill Owners Sued By Injured Employe BEATRICE. Ncn.. March fi.-(Ppeclsl Telegram.) Benjamin llagernian. who was so serknuly Injured In an explosion at Black Bros." mill last September, when he was Mown Into the Blue river with the west wall of the building, today in stituted a KO.OO damage suit against the firm. He allege the primary cause of the explosion was mill dust, which was r.llowed to accumulate bv the owners of j the mill, thus endangering his life, lie further avers that he hits been unable to work and support his family since the accident occurred. Harry Ooeblc of Odell today brought suit for $in,ifli damsges against Hell ul grove f that place because of injuries received in October. If 1 4. by bein run over I y an automobile driven by Calgrove. I ! HIGBEE AND MRS. ZIMMERER i ARE IN COLUMBUS JAIL OOIA-.MBUS, Neb., March. . -(Special.) No Inquest will be held over tho body of Thomas Czarnlck, who was shot to death on a farm north of Monroe. Syl vester Hlghen now admits that ho firct the fatal shot and his reason for doing so seems to be that the dead man waa a bigger man than be. Both men were employed by Mrs. Oertrude M. Zlm merer on a farm, where they got Into an altercation and Hlghee seized his shotgun and shot hi victim in the head. The dead man was left lying where he fell until the officers arrived. After Mlrwing-the remains and the surround ings, the slayer and the woman were i placed under arrest nn.l brought to this city nnd placed In Jail. Higree Is 3f years of age and Is a cripple, having lost his right leg. C'xar nlck was about 2R years of age and Is well known In this county. The woman Is also quite Veil known and Hlgbee has been In her employ as a farm hand for some time. The body of Czarnlck was shipped to his parents, who live near Genoa. HENRY PERRY. LITCHFIELD PIONEER. DROPS DEAD LITCHFIELD. Neb., March .- (Spe cial.) Henry Perry, an old soldier of "0 years and a pioneer of this country, fell dead In his yard here Friday. Deata was due to heart failure. Deceased sened in the civil war and afterward located on a farm near here. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 o'clock. Bladder Trouble Causes TerrMa Pains After taking a trial bottle of Dr. Kil mer's Bwamp-Koot which you forwarded to me, I purchased some from a local drug store, and after using three dollar bottles I can truthfully say that I was cured of all the terrible pains I had In my back, side and head, caused by blad der trouble. I had t'hs worst kind of kidney trouble and suffered so that I rould not oven .stay In bed with the pain. Dr. Kllimr's Swamp-Root made me feel Just like a new person and. I am glad to recommend It to anyone suffering as I dli- Very truly yours. MISS. MART ARDNER. SOT Washington St. i Defiance. Ohio. Sworn to before me and in my presence subscribed by the siald Miss Mary Ard ner. this Kith day of' July, 1909. F. li. RAT, Notary Public. Letter to Dr. Kilmer Co.. Blnghamtoa, IT. T, Prove What Swamp-Bool Will Da lor Tot Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., BlnghHmton. N. V., for a sample size bottle. It wfll convince anyone. Vou will also receive a booklet of valuable In formation, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, bo ure and men tion ttie. Omaha Sun-Joy Bee. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for ale at all drug atores. ff"Vs Km.. it's . ''. tWfetZ - j laMtlfl Ibi'l III. IM.I1IH. IWI.I1IIJII UB JIH , , CI & L QUALITY DENTISTRY Reasonable in Prico Our prices are high enough to enable us to do the very best work, yet low enough to make our service possi ble to everybody. See us before having your work done. WWII! V-'IUWU, -K . . . . V V V Best Bridge Work, J f a A per tooth .' .SfoUU Finest Stick-tite pa . .-" JJubber Plate ViprfV Best Silver Filling .50$ Latest and Best Methods of Extracting Teeth. Hours, 8:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday, 10 to 1. . G.L 0EHTAL COMPANY 14th and Farnam Sts., Over Union Pacific Ticket Office. I'hone DouglaH 287a. RHEUMATISM CAN BE CURED ... ,. ,iH M" Infectious disease, not the results of 'accumulated uric acid l.,HU2v,M"1 'utem m"t -'l of the infection before a cure disease t M.tJ"?i'"m e.uu"e' ",ore tn.,en "ufferlng than any other hJTKen'in .Kr rheumatism. Pay when cured. He W. W. BOWIES, M. . . O.. 314 B.e Bldg., Omaha, Veb. Mo Xtoug. M70. I OOSLPLXTB OOT7IT TOtt AMATEUR E &11EDLE8 HOTHITIO lcoma A.-. FASCINATING T UTmi:uiT,r . . r-v . . A &K VM rauixui.s J u t . i , '"'P"-te ojitrit for the amateur bretder every thing .,''h. ".,ed'1 ,or " " i' his fascinating work. YoU ?-srV breeding cage with removable tmn VZJ-W f" the ,eH7.!'prlad0Or bVe tOT the lu"' eCtlon A Wire Nest V.V ii A package of Nesting i A Carton of Holler el aa A One-Venr-Old Mie "living M.i. k. " ' V.l'-Ll 1 ' LV A female of the mine strain J.00 Value of the whole ... ws.wiu Brx.i. ion, this wm. tii ' wkbia' bnTm " " in AT 1KB Fi.CIAI, VBICB OT QmLt . $9.1,0 Book of lastrwctioaa Bow to Breed Canaries' fni ' M QJEIBtaiB. BID CO., KIT rABJAMBTBtBBT. CONVICTED OF ASSAULTING HIS AGED MOTHER TFJCVMSFH. Neb.. March (PnediU ) -Inward rmyall of Lincoln, who was t harged with coining to Tecumseh on January 0 And with forcibly taking 110 tn money and a watch from his mother. Mrs. Panic! Hay. and with handling the woman, who is old and who was sick at the time, very roushly. was taken be fore Judge J. rt. Raper in the district court, which Is In session here. ruval pleaded guilty. Judpe Raper has not yet passed sentence. team defeated the Gothenburg team here Tuesday evening, Bo to W. oe frwm heltoa. SI TKRIOR, Neb., March .-(PpeclBl , Telegram. President Preston rt the i Commercial club has 'appointed Harrey seaton and ex-Mayor Rossemeyer a com mittee to get signers for a petition for raln In the business section, starting at the Rurttngton's new station and go ing north, including side streets to ninke about a mile. fnperlor WaaU Paylna SH ELTON, Neb, March 6.-(Sprclal.)-Mrs. Ed Adams died at the family horn here Wednesday evening of heart foilure. She leaves n husband and ten sons and tUBhteis, seven of whom are at home, William Muelbach. a prosperous Ger man farmer, residing nine miles north of town, died Thursday from the effeet of a stroke of paralysis. Me leaves a idow and five grown children. At the April election of the villaitn the voters will decide- whether or not the lon will issue bond In the sum of ?s..W with which to purehase the light ing plant, now owned by a private cor poration. The flhelton High school basket ball Amateur Federals To Meet Tuesday 1'erni rtegcinann. the Jim Ollmnre of Omaha, has called a meeting for all amateur bale ball men who are anvtous to Join the proposed Amateur Federal league. The meeting will be held Tura- i day evening at the city hall. Hagemann proposes lo organise a clr Miit' Just as rpposed to ' the Omaha Amateur Fae ' Rail association as the Federal league Is opposed to orgsniied ball. All of Jim Ollmore' principles J a few more are his. He respects to con tract and declares the ten-day clause Is Illegal, lie will induce all association players to jump to his loop and he de clares he has seme flattering Induce ments Hsgemann asserts he will put at least one class A team In the field and a class R and C If poealnble. Or he will put in several of each rlasa If he rsn get enough plyera. He say tie has gnrple banking and vet) though be only ha one league that on la bound to be a go. He will enter one team htmaelf nnd manage It. Hage-. mann hag managed several amateur team la Omaha In seasons past. PANAMA FAIR GAMES GUARANTEED SUPPORT KHW TORK. March t.-The Tanama Paelfio exposition athletlo games were guaranteed the support of the Inter collegiate Association of Amateur Ath letics of America at the annual meeting of that body here today. An Invitation from the exposition ask Ing the association's aid waa read and the unanimous voice of the meeting waa in favor of rendering all help possible. I ft " f . I . 1 Fight Tooth Decay For Health's Sake! tilennooil nefeats gller t'lty. ULKNWOOn. la., March (Special.) The third game of the series of three, between Glcnwood Hlnh school and Hllver City High, wasplayed at Malvern Thurs day evening. The game was anybodies to the whistle. Glen wood pulling out ahead by the score of 13 to 20. We offer careful, con so i e ntioufl dentistry at a prico any one can pay. One prioe to all. if" 'S Many popl believe in aanl tatlon, perfect sewerage, and cleanliness, yt neglect tnelr own teeth and mouths, when It's a proved srientlflo fact that most diseases have their Inception In the month. TAKH THE 8ENBmi,E TO KPAVTIOX BKK I S AT ONCK. DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST, 26 YEARS IN OMAHA, Suite .021-22 Woodmen of the World Building. 14th and Fantani Htreets Consider price, equipment, reputation, and experience. We will stand the most thor ough tost Crowns and Bridges $2.50 Up MER ENDOR s HOPP ER'S . lid ss Jl . El 99 Why? Because they have learned after rigid investigation that i the system under which this association operates is just as sound as the sys tem of any national banking institution. They know that every "Shopper's Mileage" certificate is as good as a government bond backed by a guarantee reserve fund now on deposit at German American State Bank, Omaha, U. S. A. The merchants listed below are issuing "Shopper's Mileage" because it's a high class legitimate method to increase their business. It's an incentive for yoa and everybody to pay cash for the things you have to buy and make every dollar earn a mile of first class railroad or steamship travel. Phone Douglas 1313, or drop a postcard to the Shopper's Mile age Association, City National Bank Building, Omaha, and we will send you i you our free travel folder, "Seeing America via "Shopper's Mileage." Make your next purchase at any one of these firms and get "Shop per s Mileage." It is your guarantee of high grade, honest service Drug Stores H. B. Klnf. 24th and Farnam Sts. Faratoa-a rmg Co., 24th and Amea Ave. ' Adams-HalR-hl Dnia- Co., 244 h and Lake ts. Aditms-Halg-ht Drug- Co., 24th anlKort pits. J. fi. Schmidt. 24th and Cumins Sts. Auditorium Urug Co., 1609 ( llcato St. Hansoora Park Pharmacy. . . , Park Avenue and Woolworth. ..Pops Drug Co., 1.1th and Farnam Ms. Clothing and Men's Puniiahings . Geo. Pray Co., tM feOUVfl itll ot.-"- - - ' Hats, - Men's ' Furnishings ' McQutllln's Hats i Furnlihlnts. S10 South 16tta St. Men's Tailoring Drashor, Tha Tailor Inc., -U1S Parnam St. Shoe Stores Btryker Shoa Co., SU Houtn mh ft. Shoa Market. 222 South 16th St. Oigar Stores Tracy Bros. Co. 1416 Douglas. ' Tracy Bros. Cp. 316 Southlfith St. Subway Sstrar Stora, . 1523 Iodcs St. Xote Each band from 'TRACT SPECIAL'' Id stral-ht olfara will be exchanfsd art elthsr of tha above stores for one 1-10 mil certificate. , Cleaners and Dyers Royal pry Cleanera, - 2281 Leavenworth St. Imperial Dye A Cleaning Works, 11 Vinton St. Lumber and Building Materials ndspendent.. Lumber Co. : fclS Leavenworth St. Groceries and Meats ruchman Bros., 26th and Davenport Sts. Pitchman Broa., 36th and Harney Sts. Tuchman Bros.. Uth and Chicago Pts. R. Kulakofsky, 24th and A11114 Ave. Tom Johnson. 2th and l-nke SU. Moeller Bros., 17th and Clark Sts. Marks Bros., 2203 Military Ave. Fred ' Hafeltn, 34th and Parker Sts. Henry Hainan. . 17th and Clark Sts. Henry tSehnauber, Sttib and Parker As. Henry P. Marquardt. 10th and Hickory Bts. Chaa. Nathan, - 24th and Leavenworth Bta, Harrr Hollander, 1821 Leavenworth St, Morris Rosenstetn, (01 North 20th St Dental Offices Dr. J. B. Flckes. 724 City National Bank Bids'. Dr. W. J. Bradbury, 921-22 W. O. W. Bldg. Publishers Omaha Ncbraekan, Karbach Block. Photographers The Heyn Studio, 16th and Howard Sts. Carom & Pocket Billiards C. C. Cannam, 15U Harney St. Florists Lewis Henderson, 161 Farnam St Electrical Fixtures Jaa. Corr Electrical Co., tot South lth St. Confectionery Tlie A. B. Sweet Shop, 624 South llth St The Olympla Candy Kttohen, ILli Harney St. Millinery Miss Butler Hat Hhop, 307 South 16th St. Barber Shop Henshaw Hotel Barber Shop, iun Farnam St. Taxi Service Omaha Taul Sen-Ice, 2102 Farnam St. Paints and Oils Barker Bros. Paint Co. 16u9V Farnam tit. SOUTH OMAHA, Neb. Tobln'a Cut Price Vtmk Store, 14th and N 8U. FLORENCE, Neb. H. L. Helfrtch. v Orooerlea. BENSON, Neb. Chaa. Spraane, Drug a Conrad Swanson, Palnta, Eta. Smith aV Corrlnaton, Barbara C C, Johnson, Hard ware. Start Tomorrow-Buy Where You Get J VLJ "-.LI LzD:L-L vjiJ Free Fare Everywhere fop Everybody ... Applications from other merchants representative in their line, and who practice upright dealing with their customers will be welcome 'aJ r r