THE OMAHA SUNDAY HEE: MARCH 7, 1915. Shell Fired by the Germans Sells Well ae souvenirs that a bricklayer and - a real Mtttn agent recently want to law over a portion of helt. The piece weighed forty-eeven pounds, and retailed t H M a pound, no the claimant atatm). The relle waa found In a gutter by a bricklayer, Spoor. . Being It discoverer, h claimed the shell as hi. Olhbon. the etate a lent, heard of thl and proceeded to prove that tha hll struck a hoti belonging -to a client, whom he held to be the rightful owner. A tha client re nounced the title. Glhbon claimed own ership and proceeded to take the piece from ftpoor on the around thai he In tended to tend It a a preent to Ixrd Furne. Before giving .Judgment to Gibbon. Judge Bonaey of the county court all he would not give a half penny for the hell and thought that any one who would pay JO pound aterllng for It a fool. If the Germane paid a few more vlaita to Hartlepool, the judge thought the market price of ahella wouM drop en low that people would not even bother to pick up the fragment. Long Eoll of Honor Sent In by French (Correspondence cf the Aroclated Tre.) LONDON", March 4. -Sir John French' Hat of name of officer and men whom he recommend for promotion or reward for gallant and distinguished service In the field, I the Ion gee t Hat of tha kind ever submitted hy a British com.nander. It occupies nearly three closely printed page In the Times. No less than 446 generals and members of the general taff are Included In the list, and there are 264 names from the Royal artillery, and 234 members of the Medical corps, to say -nothing of the other branches of service represented. A noticeable feature of the ltst Is the way In which all rack? are classed to gether as being equally distinguished. The duke of Wellington never mentioned any but officers In his dispatches, while other British commander have men tioned non-commlsion"d officers or pr vates very sparingly. Sir John French makes ro distinction between the high est officer and the humblest private; tlr names are aM placed M!o by side In the long roll of honor. Correspondence of Tha Asaoelated Pre.) LONDON. Feb. .-FrtwnU of ehell thrown bjr the Ofmuni upon Wet Hartlepool during the Icmber naval raid are now fetching uch high price A going bualnee can be old quickly through The rice' "Buelnee Chance." 0 X3E - Calling Cards Candy Specials Special assorted - Universal choco late creams, pound, -12c. Assorted fllossy butter cups, all flavors, Mon day, pound, 19c. . .(Monday, Pompeian Boom.) 75c Embroideries 39c tT-lnch Swissea. Batiste and Nelge Kmbroldered Flouncing. Baby Flouncing. 45-Inch Voiles. Crepe and Bwlea Flouncing and Crepe and Voila AJlovers; worth 7lo. Monday, a yard. Me. To $1 Laces 59c Fllk Chantilly Flouncing and Shadow Oriental Net Top Flounce In black, white and cream, IS to 2" Inches wide. Silk shadow and Net Allovers, etc. Monday, yard, lWe, Fifty calling; cards, printed on gen uine Scotch linen, In any style of type, for 39c. 300 business cards, for 8c. (Prlntery, Main Floor.) mm jjaO-in'-eT wr-iiiwrn a7a-erT'4TT;li&aL&i rr-r-T''. -"'V-f 3 w' .7 - r'-'-T J SM II U Within the Store M Is Spring-There's ,a Breath of Newness Throughout Welcome, Merchants WHILE you are guests of the city,' students of the mercantile busi ness, this store Invites yon to the freest use of our institution. We believe that the time you upend here will be time well spent aad prof; (table, and we assure you that we shall put forth every effort to make' the time you are here educational, en- joyable and profitable. Look upon this store as yemr cwn. Inspect its many departments, ask all' of the questions you wish we are at' your service. $ This store's greatness Is the best) evidence of Its success. It Is en 'In teresting study. A store of constant growth. - ; It Seems Almost as Though a New Blouse Style Blossomed Hourly Here, so Rapidly They Come Never before such a spring for Diouses never before such a com 'plete and altogether charming collection from which to choose the model that best suits the fancy;; that meets-with every idea. There 'are literally hundreds of styles 'and materials from which selection, may bemade, and this. in face of .the fact that just those materials' that are the most popular now are becoming very, very-scarce. ' Easter is near and the blouses are here. i Especially Exquisite Are These: i Figured Radium Silk Blouses. ' Unusual values, now at $5.98. Taffeta Blouses, charming creations, special now at $6.98. Crepe da Chine Blouaes, $3.91, $5.00, $5.98 and up to $8.98. Georgette Crepe Blouses very popular now, $5.98, $8.50, $6.98. Black Lace Blouses, rarely attractive styles, $5.98, $8:98. Blouses for $5.00 and $6.98 Organdie Blouse, very dainty models, for $3.50. Handsotne Dress .-Models'' From $ 10 to $35 , ." 1 lr sr, rwaiaVa Mi m ' i Strlna.Creue da Chine 'These . are ? blouses made J by Jules Samuels; v Paris blouse designer,, now in . New, York. . His talent is plainly evident in frhem. .. - .It has taken our buyer' several' weeks scouring the,-New. York market to collect this really exceptional selection. - Crepe de Chine Underwear ShoWs Noteworthy Reductionsj in- P A special purchase which brought us ettraordi- nary values makes this low pricing a possibility ' An important feature' of i 'this 'sale h' the larfre' variety of styles that 'will, the, offered at -these, prices. nice an uranaeis unaerwear, . these, gar ments are made oncorrect Mines, 'daintily trim-, med and finished.'- Some ra'rme,nts:'arepla"in others, are simply- or ' elabordfely-'-trimmed with exquisite laces, dainty rosettes and ribbons' . , .vx.n-..r.. . . The most, complete and attract . ice selection we ever have shown at one time.,- Every value is unusual . . ' f l Gowns at $2.C8,' $3.98, $5.00 and p to $8.98 Skirts at $2.98,'-$5.ob, $6.98 and op to $10.00 Combbuidona, $2.98, $3.98, $5.00, $7.80, $8.98 Underbodlcea, $1.50, $1,98, $2.50 and upwards. Beautiful Gut Glassery Special ?BIg sample,, line of rich, brilliant cut glass, beautifully engraved :on copper wheel, i Vases,' Punch Bowls, Decanters, Water Pitch ers, Cigar Jars, Puff Boxes,' Bowls, Comports, Sugar and Creams, Wine Sets, etc. all to go at less than half their actual value. ri s s. Mdre Entrancing in Their Love liness Than in Seasons Past orone nats But regardless of their mimy exclu T'fiive. f eatufes and their unequaled ex1- quisitcnes,s. the price remains $1000 ror sprinKo wnunLi nacs ar shown' in the fascinating pokes, the large 'and 'small sailors and the Shepherdess, Tricoms and the tight oblong toques. There. is no end to thevarUty a. ahapea, , Each CORONET is fetehlnjrly trimmed with rlbbona of Faille, Groegraln and velvet, with fruits and with ' flewers fJom with French wreaths of assorted small flower, alao tha very new wing and quill trimming, distinctively thl We believe "in the CORO NET. We give it our fullest confidence and our mosf-sin-cere commendation and surely' the values offered this season justify us more than ever before. THEY'RE COPIES of much higher priced models the price Is the only difference. They are shown In all of the very newest colore Soldier blue, old rose, dreadnaught (ray, brown, sand and,, of course, black. Spring Fashion Approves These Silks For Monday We Price Them Specially Chiffon Taffetas la plain weaves, printed wars ef fects, new smart stripes for the fashionable new silk frocks so much In vague for early spring. Taffeta Raye, Taffeta Imprlme. Taffeta Checks, Taffetas in plain-weaves. A superb quality all 88 . r A Inches wide. A yard ...... pl)U New Spring Spot Proof Foulards In scrolls, coin dots, Irldescsnt strip, pencil stripes, Jacquards and neat floral prints for the exacting customers who de aire a quiet styl of dress.- The color line Is nn large, with two and three-tone effects. Yard. . . UaC On special sale this week for the first time, 100 pieces of 35 inch Sole de Luxe, in a wide range of the cor rect street shades for spring, Including all the wanted evening tints Ivory, Cream and Black. fA Regular $1.50 value. Special, a yard plUl 36-Inch Faille 'Dress Silks are creating a furore. Three shades of Belgian and Copenhagen Blues, two shades of Russian Qreen, Wistaria, Old Rose; three shades of ntw tana, new plum, marine; two shades of army grays, midnight blue, new browns; also black. Regular 2 kind, yd. $1.50 Black Silks Priced Very Special for Monday $1.00 Black Satin de Chine, yard 69c$1.29 Black Crepe de Chine, yd. 88c $3 Black 64-ln. Crepe de Chine. $1.95 $1.60 Poplin Sublime, yard. . . .$1.0O2.t5 Black Costume Crepe, yd $1.79 $2 36-ln. black Faille Francalse $1.39 Here Are Wonderful Savings in Poplin Dress Goods 2,500 Yards of High Class Dress Goods Skirt and suit lengths. Bought ata big concession. . Mostly 1 54 In. wide, and In the most wanted spring weaves. A splendid assortment of colorings. A chance to select materials at about their .worth. . 59c 2.500 Yards of Gabardines, Costume Serges, Sebaato- pols, Crepe Poplins, Vigoreuz, Coverts and Fancy 8trlpes, Including some smart black and white checks In all slses; also some smart weaves In cream suit ings, In addition to the regular costume serges for coats and suits. A yard ....... 98c Dress Goods and Silk Specials--In the Basement 1.500 Yards of Mill Ends Suit or skirt lengths, em bracing all the new spring tf weaves and weight. Worth to . . lMi $1.00. Monday, a yard....,...' V Jaoquard Dress Silks on a Poplin Weave, In four combinations of colors. Also 24-tnrh all- nr. ' silk messalines. Very specially priced for XrJ C Mqnday, a yard fi Great Spring Sale Home Sewers' Needs Just when the woman who sews is thinking of the many little needs for the season we hold this Annual Spring Sale, offering, at rarely small prices hundreds of those sewing-room necessities for. which, there now is the greatest demand. . Prices are greatly lowered. n , i WrtNMl I Bansiikj t Oata 1 Clark's TkrMiS Monday (no mall or phooa or- 9 dara). a apool iee-1'arS tplm f Gm4 BUk l'kna 41. pool . J- IMe.Yar4 SmIs mt Baat ! Tkraa A 91 A pool -""J M. A KJ KktttlmT C(. epaolai. a ball . C S-rarS BlaJta al Cattoa Tn Monday, a 1 - olt i. (gpMPO in? 31 ( ) bol rari at( dally prtoadi a t doaaa IhI Shall Hato riM HruUr lao - C velua. dosaa.... Lara ie Baa ! itiMrit wit . e llalr I'lM, tO!...Vg Vwlti Baittoa Metda All aUaa. A 1 r bunch. Weaken- OmI Urn mm ara rtpaclal K Monday. S for.... VC IJirs-a ae Oil! Fl Mtr-hMdr ee fur,UM. aaoh. ,. HI-kry na So- rtora All !. pair.. Rwi-rmt Dmii . Monday, a ca -Yard Bait ( Um Tpt Bpaclal. a rM bolt oc Gd 0U y4 ldlea spacial, a pa. 1 n . m w per Taata1 ctt for.., Imalda Skirt aHtlaa woria to iso a e at Darmlne -i apooU. . . gc yard. o. w All number ball. for.- yard T. Crrht Ottaa 7c 7c d.,.C 5c Rnn Ska Strtnjr una ooaen la a bunch. . for Hraaalnar Mmm 6ai prloa. paper. v. Om 0aallry . P aajaiaa 1 jut alaaa, , pal Baby B Worth eloaa; out ...,1PC. bkaar tnnta - T 10c 10c Stoektnc r Ail Slaea, apaoUl. a plr....0( Will Blerl Hair OmrUra I on 1 Q a card, for ?c Lnrai SUe Hair HaU All ahadea. 1 Special, each ....,' Santtnrr Bella All laea. IS al- 1 . each Wv A CI San Silk Sale 71 price, a spool .JJC Lars Ma Tattla Skit- Special. I n each . . . VC Hlrrl lid BUk I red mrr Wire Cellar Btaya -Spei lal 'Monday, a card" Nerk llaida fer 91 . Mn'i Bhlrta. each. jC All Our Km Keller Belaeere Worth CQ. to $1.25. for WC Meet Steel t'reeket 41. Ueeke Tice. ea..JC Banltary aprina - ' I.arae 60o eiae, in. Monday, each...C AracM Dim Vereia All alaea. Can be put away In email box when throuh uatnf. Rerular $6.00 vaJuea, bale price Jiittrr: $2.69 .ante 1S Bettlei ( Mark lie Oil C Each OC T-arae ' Klaatle Rem. ( Special. r i CO 4 1 I MAa A I r"iS J X tur. ii4 Qialltr Safety I'll All iliei. A card. C KUIiert-a lll Urea htrlde OS.. SOc value for... Klrlnert'i Braaalem 10 cloae out. OQ. valuea toJl for. Every woman who enjoys Art Needlework Will be Interested' in these specials arranged for Monday Steel Crochet Hooks with protector. The regular Be quality. r Monday, 2 for 3C Stamped Turkish Quest Towels Guest size, with pink and blue borders, -t p neat designs. 25c values IOC 8tamped Center Pieces, Scarfs and Pil low Tope New designs of cross-stitch all new patterns. Special n Monday, each . ; 1 JJC Mercerized Crochet Cotton White and ecru; a ball.... C Stamped Turkish Towels Plain white and f anoy. Some with colored borders Regular SOo values. Special P Monday, each .Zi)C Stamped Pillow Cases Neat conven tional designs. Hemmed. lr Monday, a pair )C Children's 8tamped Dresses In blue tan. rose and white. Regular a 11.00 and fl.2fi values, each.... 5UC Slipper Cotton Tan." blue. red. green and brown colors. Monday. 25c balls, eaoh V Free lessons in all branches of Art Needlework and Crocheting; also Hard anger and Embroider ing by an expert teacher. Lessons from 8:30 to 5:30. Admirably Adapted to Spring Are These Smart New Frocks and best of all they are to be sold at remarkably little prices, as they are a special purchase Street frocks in wool or silk: nartu and dancina frocks; dresses for afternoon teas and bridge, and gowns for the most select affairs all are included. The showing we shall make Monday will far surpass any we ever have made this season. As dresses are destined to be the popular garments of the spring, we have made extra efforts and preparations to make this a notable style exposition. wool crepe in the best $6.98 Choice from a selection of aft ernoon and street frocks of silk, in Charmeuse, Taffeta and the very popular Crepe de Chine. . . , Special group of anf serge dresses modes for spring wear 1 HIIU $15 w f w jSW $10 Pretty silk dresses for street and nouse wear, in crepe de cnine ana popim; ail colors A fascinating assortment of party and dancing frocks, in dainty silks and lapes; styles for both miss and woman. Any one here, at. Smart afternoon and bridge frocks, made in the very modish chiffon and silk combinations; special, at $19 $25 Afternoon tea frocks, fascinating copies of designs conceived by the most talented Paris designers. fcQC a fl-Tr? Exclusive in style and very lovely $jj tO p0 Housewives with an eye to economy should buy & Linens while these small will accomplish so D prices much $1.75 Lace Lunch Cloths These are In the 54-4rfch size, round or square; trim med with deep lace and drawnwork centers. Special, one day, each $1.39 with 10c ii-i.inri (raeK Natural color fan.y border. Regular loc value. Special, while 100 piece last, a yard All-I.liei Table Clelha Sl.e TOitTO In. All neat pattern, with bor- m ?.?". "M "" Rea-ular XI H U.26 value, gala price. ea...'P Beal Set Conalatlnir of one spread, acal loped. cut-corner end; with bolster ta match. Fine aatln finished Mm Mr! Marselllea effect. Regular a. AM $(.60 value. Sp'l, one day. . . .feta? Bed Spreads Plain hemmed and fringed ends. Extra heavy, crochet kind.. Regular $2.00 and $2.50 val ues. Special, while three M r A cases last. Your choice. ... 137 1 D This Is the Season to Secure Your Supply of Draperies These prices show the many advantages in buying here Bungalow and Novelty Nets A beau tiful assortment Monday, f np a yard, 25c to ... i.Za) Scotch Madras Cream and or while. A yard ZOC 48-Inch Plain Marquisette Beige In cream and white. Special for a ft Monday, a yard 4aC 40-Inch Plain Voile Excellent- OL? quality. All colors. Sp'l., yd. . . L DC 40-Inch Mercerized Ribbon Edge Eta mine Over 75 new patterns. Qfl Special, a yard al IC Colored Border Eta mine All J Q colors. A yard. 17C Cretonne More than 600 pieces to select from A yard, 19c, 25c, O 35c and.,...; : J7C Etamlne Curtains Special, a pair , A , f .t. f ...... . Marquisette Curtains Mon day, & pair. Scrim Curtains and Cre tonne Side Curtains A set. , Quaker Lace Curtains Monday, a pair Imported Duchesse Curtains Special, a pair.... Columbia Window Shades Size 3x7 feet. Each Goose-Neck Curtain Rods f r Special, each IDC $1.25 $1.50 $3.25 $1,98 $5.98 .... 35c R.& G.Corsets Fulfill Their Mission Well H The function of a corset . is to create a beautiful figure, and to be of benefit to the wearer, it must support. tne ngure. - WMS Whether laced back or. laced front, there is a style just for you. Although the corsets are higher in the bust than last season, they are not the old high bust and small waist of other years. The normal waistline Is where nature curves the fig ure. Our trained corsetieres will advise and fit you most carefully. A. trial fitting does not obligate you. R. & G corsets from $1.00 to J 5.00. R. J G. Model for Stout Figures made of coutll. Medium bust and slightly lower under arm. whih meuna comfort for the stout woman. This model Is Just the right lenrth over the hips and back, with wide band of elastic . o rn at bottom of back. Six heary garters attached .b5.)U R, & G. Corsets for Me dium Figures Made of handsome brocade ma terial. The new height of top, with free hip boning. Long skirt with elastic Insert In r ff front and back pD.Ull Youthful grace and beauty are at tained and maintained by the new R. & G. models. They do what they are intended to do, in every way. Model for Slender Fig ures, and Young Girls Made with all soft boning and free hip section. Medium low 0 ) A top with short back stay. pZeUU Other models from $1.00 to $5.00. There Arc "Styles" in Rugs and Spring's Are Now Coming In "y ,Dm Pr?n ides, many handsome) color combinations sund best of all, prices are very moderate, as inspection will show. 9x12 Brustels Ruga Good assort- 9x12 Seamless Brussels Ruoe All ment of patterns. Floral (19 aa new patterns. Best qual- irf An and Oriental. Monday.... 1Z.UU Ity. Special, for... al5.UU Sanford Axminster Rugs--" American Orientals" v The highest quality Axminster Rugs. All are seamless. Beautiful new designs exact copies of real Orientals. Prices all very moderate. Size 9x12, seamless. .. .$27.50 Size 8-3x10-6, seamless. $25.00 Size 6x9, seamless $15.00 Size 4-6x6-6, seamless. . .$7.50 Size 3x6, seamless. . . . . .$4.00 Size 27x57, seamless. .. .$2.50 Special for, Monday .One lot of rag rugs. Values to', 2.5Q, for. . . .$1.50 Spring Wall Papers AreHere Stocks now are most complete in fact never before have we shown such a well selected assortment . To mike early buying profitable we quote some specials for Monday's shoppers. Haw Oatmeal rap era A complete as sortment, la plain aad pattern papers all. tha muod'i aaweat n re rxo4e. Positively worth tee. Sala sHo. a. roll. S Ira a Pa- Beaattfal SalevOeai ef M4i era With cut-out border.. All ahadaa. Sale prtoe, a roll 7 New LUaM OeU rape re Suitable (or livmc room, aun room ana re cepttoa hall. Larae aaaort- n.ent. Special launder, roll New Srrlaa; Paare Llaht end dark ahadea with borders to matoh. MpeoJaJ, at roll 10c 1 (or Uic 3c rarler, Dtadaa neaa aa4 Hall Papers la the sew shade of 'tan, brown, green and hlh Itgrht et- flf (ecta all new till dealfaa. Roll..vw 11 Monday's Domestic Spc'ls Set New Record for Value P-4 D S3-IaMh Dreea Selaette Silk flnlah- ca. Ail new color; perma nent finish. 15c and lc valuea. gal price, a yard.. Qualltr Dreaa Per- llaht liirtlne Geaalae Reel Seal Dreea Ulaahaat . In all the new aprlna; shades: neat checka and atrlpes. Worth . e 1 II Ho. Special Monday, a qAQ 3T-laeh Bea'atlf el' Mill i 'stride Peplla ad Jaeaard U ravraElevant de slgns and colore all new e hade. lo value, lion- I Sf day, a yard V Oeaalae Wlaelaar I'llae Crepe Mostly kimono and wrapper de Ian. All perfect rood; Kenulne pebble weave. Kesrular lo n 1 value. Sale price, Monday, I -AC a yard FULL STANDARD APRON GINGHAM Genuine Indigo dy. .All tbs choice broken checks; also staple shades 4 1 Regular 60 value. Sale price, a yard Genuine American and Simpson's . SS-rnch Finest Quality 12ic 1 Per- lirtlng Cic S-Iaeh Placet ealea i 4 rlotb. in tyie ana dark indlfto dote and Otrures. Keg-ular ivc vaiue. A yard.. Fae aalttr Dreaa Eephyra aad Wrapper hevUta In all the want ed new eprln dr.lgas neat check and stripes. Rea-ular orlce lwc. Sal price Monday, a fi-A-e .. ViiW. yard. Dresa Print Many deiilgns In neat strip and figures. All perfect new goods. Full pieces. Special A I Monday, a yard ..I2C St-lnch Bleached Muslin Extra fine quality; soft finish, easily laun dered. Full pieces. Regular 8c Talus. Monday, a yard 5c Unbleached Muelin Extra fine weave; easily bteached and laundered. Regular price 7c. Sale price, j 1 a yard 4c 42x45-lnch Genuine Bleached Indian Head Tubing Elegant linen finish. Long lengths, easily matched. Regu lar 19c value. Monday, A 1 a yard lOC FINE QUALITY COMFORTER AND ROBE COVERING A choice assortment of Oriental and Persian designs; also neat floral patterns. Regular Sc value. Special Monday, a yard 4c 1 D