11-A THE OMAHA SUNDAY NEE: MARCH 7. ioir. ( FORD BREAKS MONTH RECORD Salei During February Surpass Sales of Corresponding Month of Tears Before, EIGHTY-THREE CARS ARE SOLD Local ford sale during the month of February reached a new high mark. Eighty-three cars were sold to local purchaser during tlx month, which Is practically four timea as many as were old during the same time last year, and came within a few cars of equaling the high record made lat May. Purchasers during the month were: J. V. Plympton, A. B. Currle Co , Qua Blnscr. B. B Pan k rats, A. M. Satterlee, Neb.-Ia. Grfcln Co.. H. A, Wigton. A. B. Williams, K. K. Oentleman, l'at Rooney, A. E. Swanson, J. K. Johnson, Anna Griffith, "Bewshcr Uraln Co., Ia. A. Harmon W. O. (TarDenter. Ktrkendall .shoe Co., Klrkcnilall ihoe Co., Ktrkendall jhoe Co., Kirkondall 8hoe Co., W. W. Stilnn, W. W. Yager. H. n. Rlxs. Carpenter Paper Co., W. 1). 'Shaw, F. H. Pocttger, R P. Antrel. Ix-na TUhfrld. 'ansdlan Pac. R. R., Kllen A. Teets, C. F. Wallrn, Thos. C. Rich Co., McAllister Fuel Co., A. R. Fleming, K. B. Zimmerman, J. Burke, M'ileon ftrsm Holier, 1-ester Murphy, Hants C. Paige, Wm. J. Peterson, F. J. Bulmer, Pierce Ryan. i :Dr. D. A. Meddars, E. V. Armstrong, H. Buffet J. C. Aldrlch, W. C. Dona hey, J. W. Medltn, C. H. Leonard, J. D. Catlett, A. 11. Wheeler. lr. H. R. Morris, John .5tr1bllng. , J. H. Kupplg. Henry Mruhn, 'has. Jencen. J. J. Sherlock, ti. W. larloch. J. F. Pettigrew, J. W. llutchins. 'Haul Merger, J. RadiiElner, Chns. Hnrdlnr, Walter N. Weeth. Santtary Wet Wah, Martin Jetter, R. Kulnkofsky, Omaha Transfer Co., Standard Laundry, ' A. Pftlrd. So. Omaha. Pck. Co.K . L. N. Osborne, , . .T. J. Petersen, Mrs,, Kramer.. . Boston Meat & Cm.. V. O. LanK. itco. Brown, ,. 'Fairmont Cream. Co., J. H. tiurand, '"'rnwnt Cream. Co., S. J. How?. Harry C. Larson,. J. C. Klnnard. ' '-' - Collins with Athletics. Collins wl!l l..p with the Athletics, after all. It Is announced that Connie Mack will give a ti!;,l to Hob Collins, the Ford iam college pitcher. Bill Sllne Is Fired. The Chattanooga club of the Southern league has given Pitcher BUI Sllnc his unconditional release, which makes hinv fed like a real major leaguer. Buyer Should Think of Later Costs, Not First in Motor Car "In figuring tip the cost of a long rail road Journey the traveler does not merely ask the rate to the next station, but for the entire distance." says Mr. Clark of the Noyes Auto company. "And so It Is with the wise buyer of an automobile. He not only wants to know how much the operating cost of his car In likely to be during the first year of ownership, but In later service as well. "That sort of a buyer Is not blinded to the real Issue by economy 'stunts'. Nor le he persuaded by specific! trip records. What he demands to know Is the prob ability of low average upkeep during the entire life of the car. "He passes up experiment for experi ence and assertion for reputation. He chooses a car like Klssel-Kar, for he llnds that Its manufacturers have built sixes for eight years and fours for ten years, and have adhered closely during that whole period to sound mechanical prin ciples. He finds on every hand evidence that Kissel-Kara have given satisfaction to owners, both as regards stability and eoonomy. He feels that a Klssel-Kar Is a safe buy because It has made' good in the past surely the best kind of testi mony he can select to guldo him." Woman Makes Long Cfoss-Country Trip A continuous trip In a Snxon car from Fort Iiudenla'e, Fla., to Moline, 111., Is the recort established by Mrs. Kinnia E. Walsh of tho Illinois city. This la thf longest trip ever made In a Saxon ear by a woman. Much of the routo was through, sun and mud. "Between New Smyrna and St. Augus tine." relates Mra Walsh In telling cf her trip, "we drove through gome eighteen miles of sand, which reached op to tho hubs of tho wheels. It was neoescaty to drive through this on low gear. "Between Jacksonville and Lake City, up in the northern part of Florida, we were obllKed to drive sixty-three miles through the worst sand I ever savr. "During the entire trip we used J9.gr worth of gasoline, and while we did not keep track of the figures on oil con sumption, we are sure that It was small. Of course, one m'ist taku Into considera tion tli roads we drove over the deep sand, mud, hills, mountains and cobble stone roads In Kentucky, and fresh broken t--tone roads through Tennessee and Indiana." The route was through Macon. Oa-t At lanta, Oa, ;, Chattanooga, Tenn. : Nash' vllle, Tenn.; Louisville, Ky.i Indianapo lis, Ind. ; Chnmplaln, 111.; Blooming-ton, 111.! Peoria, III.; Oalesburg, 111., then on to Rock Island and Into Molina. NEW MANAGER FOR THE MAX WELL IN NEBRASKA I i I: i'. t ' ' s s Y ; I Chandler Sedan All-Season Model se3 WwwwwctJ ivwrnwrowi"' H ' ;,"Vj- fPf'Zh. Every ' Inch aCsr In-built Quality Explains Leadership of this Car BARE specifications faU short' by a wide margin in truly . determining,comparative automobile values; It takes a search into the vitals of the machine and the methods of manufactxire to bring out the telling points of difference between cars of seeming equality on paper. It is by such comparisons deep down under the skin comparisoiu-that the KisselKar has established itself as an auto-,' mobile of exceptional worth. In-built quality explains its leadership! iThe KisselKar is a manufactured car, which accounts for its possession of certain features buyers must seek in searching for a car of endur ingyalue. The Detachable Top . R i5 a car of fine proportions and striking appearance roomy and comfortable. It has exceptional riding qualities it is built with a keeni regard for low up-keep and long life. The ALL-YEAR Car Provides Comfort able Year 'Round MotOring The One-Compart, ment body and De tachable Sedan Toptwo original Kissel ideas mean twelve months in thq year motoring. You can buy your car 'right now with the top at tached and use it that way until the approach of warm weather. In the fall it can be replaced gain for winter use. The expense cf the De tachable Top adds but $350 to the regular pr ice of the car. See the New KisselKar Models kak U9 10 x,laIn th pw' x, . . .. reasons for KisselKar quality You are cordially invited to call and see the new AU-Year car, the One-Com-partment or Four-Door bodies, Roadsters, Coupes and Limousines-four models. ;S6.Four at $1450, 42-Sjx at $1650. 48-S at $2350 and 60-Six St $3150. NOYES AUTO CO., 2206 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. o. j. uroicaw. C. J. nrokaw has rfn nppoiulf .cl trlot manajrrr In Omhi fnr thn Maxwpll Motor Salra company and will in the future handlo tho bualnena rrlna for the Maxwell dlatrlhutnra throuyhnut tha territory adjaront to Omaha. Mr. pro Haw comw from FHrgrv N.' !., and sue oeeda O. II. Williamson ,1n hla now position." Mr. Ilroknw la aald to bo nn oxecutlva of ability and an expert nalea innnajnr. While In Farso ho made an enviable reputation for hlnmolf and aurcosa In predicted for him In his new and lurner field. Mr. Hrokaw declaim he in Kind to, come to Omaha, knowing that this olty la one of the largest distributing points fur automobiles In the country. He anticipates for the Maxwell company unprecedented soiling records In Ne braska during 191 and the hooks al ready show that a mighty good start to that goal has been made. OMAHA MANAGER OF STANDARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. f V " 5 ' Carl Cfoitgskrom Oarl CliangHtrom, mnnngcr of the new Standard Motor Kaloa cempany, which has opened sales rooms at 301 Kariiani street. Is well known about Omitlia. as ha was for thirteen yrara connected with tho Keys Uros. firm of Council llluffa. (MianKstroni comis to Omaha from the Capital City Carriage company of Dos Moines. The Standard Motor Hales company haa taken the agency of the Allen, a mn chlno which has In the past been pimhed very little In this part of the country. Hut Mr. ChangBtrom declares Allen will be Hinnng the familiar namea around tliene parts before many moons. Jeff cry Company Has Sold One-Half Its 1915 Production The month of March, which may well be considered lo mark the opening of the spring pr-lllng season among automobile manufacturers, seen tho Thomaa It. lef frry eompanv with over ') per cent of Its total production for the l!li . n sold and delivered, lniiimii 'ti ns trie ft manufacturers depend mxin elllnR from K0 to 70 per cent of thlr ouli.wt helw.en Murch and the latter unit if June, the Joffery organlziition recu to bo In a p.iiticuiarly emliblo position. According to Ueorge C McVlcker, lo cal tnaniiKer for the Thomas H. JeffevV compnny, tho ciy of hns'ni'si depressloit bus not come from lvmMr.iiVlcc! t, win hnve I een steadily bnlMln.r a reputnble product and murketlng It :ihnn; sunn btial tieB llne. In cninmiMitlui; on th bin khIcs nado by his conipuny diirinit thr. .vui't minths, Mr. McVlckers said; '.Ml Ihr-iKKh the year we have experienced a norniat, healthy demand for Joffory rara, whlcbj hits at no time fallen below the mark. whUh we consider to oo highly favor, able and Mithly liu'.'catlva of prepcrtty. Our htrgfr model ar prattle-illy nil si:b Ject to orders now and from tho present Indication the Chest.vflcld Six and the IJght Four will also bo td out at least h month before tho timo wo noimall set ns tu and of tho string sol ing cm-J iialKn. ' INTERNATIONAL LOOP TO FIRE EIGHTY ATHLETES About eighty ball pin vers will ra re leased outright In the International leiiguo when the sens n gets under way. According to Information, the Interna tional havo divided to carry not more than sixteen players on their payroll. Of course, there will perhaps be twice that number of players who will be taken south this spring, but only those who show the real goods will be kept throughout the season. Anyway, no club will carry more than sixteen men. Stearns-Knight Performs in Snowdrift t r COU V. W. JKWELL DRIVINO HIS KOUR-YKAR-OLD STEARNS KNIOHT THROUGH A SNOWDRIFT NEAR HAPPY HOLLOW! LAST FRIDAY i LOWER IPIRECES ON Solid XIRUC1K TIRE Efifiective IVSarcIn Sflu, 1915 Fire&one gives you the Tire and Method of fastening which insures maximum service under every condition because it includes every recognized type and size of tire removable and non-removable. Each type refined to highest degree-result a Firestone tire for every road, load and condition of service, so that our expert advises you with an unprejudiced mind. Firestone service is as extraordinary as the prices. In every trucking center large and complete stocks are carried, insur ing prompt deliveries and careful attention to all tire needs. Telephone our local branch at once for full details and pri ces on tire equipment for your trucks. Firestone Net Prices on Solid Tires for Gasoline Trucks 8lz PHc 36x2 inches .$12.63 32x2y2 inches 17.05 36x2V inches 18.95 34x3 inches 22.10 36x3 inches 23.30 32x34 inches . 24.55 36x3i2 inches . 27.35 34x4 inches 33.20 36x4 inches ..." 35.10 3 oi 5 inches - 42.95 42x5 inches 49.95 36x6 inches 52.70 40x6 inches 58.50 36x7 inches 64.65 40x7 inches 71.90 Firestone Tire (Si Rubber Co, 2220 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. Phono Douglas 3064 , .... ;