Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Eonis, Committee of Whole Accepts
Measure with Number of Re
dactions in Force
(Fr-m e Stuff - Corrsrin1fnt.)
LINCOLN, March 5.-8pcil.)-The
power which Mr. Norton of the finance
enmrr.ltte has over hi colleagues was
hown. thin" mornJng hsn the salaries
bill, H, R. 7s. came up and went Ihroufth
with acarrely a kirk. Nobody teemed to
care whether the state waa run on an
efficient basin or whether- men with
future Ideas on political preferment could
JnoorporM their Ideas Into bills. A.
number of state house employee' heads
re chopped oft by the measure.
One or two members attempted to a-et
chanters In the bill, but to no avail, and
the thin wnt through as If It was going
down tobbogan slide. After aJJourn-
otners began to discover how they had
been worked anad registered a personal
protest with Norton. Iloffmelster and ona
or two others for running the thing
through without giving time, for dis
cussion i. . .
Both Norton and Hoffy declared that
thla waa a free country and the members
could have kicked If they wanted to, but
of course the thing waa over and It was
no use to cry over "spilled milk."
Hands Off" Followed.
The nearest the house came to amend
ing the bill was when Representative
Korff pointed out a superfluous letter
" after the state treasurer's office
title. Mr. Korff wanted to strike out this
typographical error, but Chairman Nor
ton of the finance committee explained
that thla was not necessary, a the orl
glnaJ bill dl dnot contain the extra letter.
Chairman Elmelund of the banking com
mittee tried to amend the bill by provid
ing for nine bah, examiner instead of
eight and allowing the department two
assistant clerks Instead of one. He Justi
fied thla proposal .by saying that In the
last year the number of banks had in
creased over fifty and examiners have all
they c&a do. Mr. Hoffroelster, a member
of the committee, replied that the number
of examiners had originally been fixed at
seven, but at the request of Secretary
Roy put it back to eight, the same num
ber now employed, lloffmelater aald the
governor and banking secretary had told
him they thought they could get along
with eight
Worlt n laereaa.
Mr. Patcrson contradicted Iloffmelster,
saying he had talked, with the governor
and Boyse and they both told hlra they
thought nine examiners would be neces
sary. He aald the work' of the depart
ment wse constantly Increasing. In spite
of the talks made by Elmelund and
Peterson, the amendment was voted down.
Mr. Hornby sought to restore the pro
vision tor three deputy game warden,
which provision the house some time ago
voted to abolish. Thl would bare meant
an appropriation of taoo per year aach for
the dnpuUe of I3.60 for all of them dur
ing the next two years. ' The amendment
had very little support
;. Labor Commlaaleaer Rtaade.
Mr.. Howard took a shot at Labor Com
missioner F. M. Coffey by sending up a
motion to atrike out his salary of $1,500
per year. - Thin was lost. - 1
A salary provision of 11.600 per year for
a ecabbles Inspector In the live stoclf de
partment wa opposed by Mr. Retoner,
who moved to cut It out of the bill. Ob
jections were offered by Hoffmetster,
Broome and Rleschek. When the voto
waa taken, even Rclsner failed to say
"aye." and his motion waa turned down
unanimously. ,
The salary bill will be paired by the!
hnilM Si livtii mm 4 nmw Vna a I
" si. WTJ vnniuawrru.
Chairman Norton of the finance commit
tee expects to take up the general main
tenance bill. House Roll No. 7J1, within a
short time. It has Just been received
from the printer.
Eighty-Six Member in Home Vote
for Measure that Affects All
(Trrtm a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March . (Special.) Seven
vote were cast In the house Friday
aralnet the Norton bill, H. R. 10, for a
constitutional amendment providing for
tho recall of all elected public officers.
Including Judges. Two of these votes
raine from Douglas county, two from
Lancaster, two from Gage, and one from
Butler. The members voting "no' were:
Messrs. Chambers, Conley, Dalbey,
Hunter, Hutton, Meysenburg snd Mose
ley. It received rlghty-slx votes.
For t'oin mission Rill,
The Parrtott supreme court rommleeion
bill, H. K. S2. also went through, but had
more opposition. It received sixty-two
votes, while thirty-one were recorded
acalnst It. giving the bill a maporlty of
Just two to one. The bill provide for
a commission of three members at 13,000
each to be appointed by the supreme
court. The commission' existence will
expire by limitation in two yetrs.
Rotation 1 pon nnllnt,
S. F. ta. the Saunders bill to rotate
grouped nominees of political parties
so as to give thein all an equal chance
on the ballot, was passed with the emer
gency clause.
(Conttnirad from Page One.)
to the allies. The Bouth African rebellion
ha been crushed, the Turkish Invsslon
of Egypt seemingly ha been abandoned;
the reports from the eastern battle front
are favorable, no adverse news regarding
the operations against the Dardanelles
yet has been received, snd the blockade
on foodstuffs Into Germany is about to
be enforced. In the western arena of the
war the Hermans, Judging from dis
patches reaching here, are fighting hard
to recover the ground lost during the last
fortnight. Near Arras they have forged
ahead somewhat, but the allies report
progress both In the Champagne and the
Argonne district.
Bryan Protests
Against Plan to
Loot Mexico City
WASHINGTON. March .-fiecrUry
Bryan and Ambassador Da Oama of
Brazil conferred late today over report
that General Obregon la threatening to
evacuate Mexico City, cutting the water
upply and that looting may begin. Three
hundred merchants, who resisted' Ohre
Kon't decree, are Imprisoned.
After receiving the later report telling
of the situation, Secretary Bryan dis
patched an urgent message to Consul
stlllmen at Vera Cru telling Mm to made
tronrest possible representatlone to Car
ransa urging Mm to take some action
which might relieve the danger threat
ening in Mexico City.
MEXICO CITT. March 1.-(Vla Vera
Cru, March t)-(Vla New Orleans.
March .) Follower of Manuel Zapata
have looted the town of Copoe.ce n, in the
state of Mexico. Boms women and
children were kiUed.
WASHINGTON, March 5-Investlga-tlon
of alleged manufacture of dura-dura
bullet In the United States for the use
of the allies ha been undertaken by the
Stat department th miu .v.-
submission of new evidence by the Ger
man embassy.
Secretary Bryan announced today that
an Inquiry had been ordered. When th
embassy sent a protest with exhibit to
the department some week ago, Mr.
Bryan aid that If It could be established
that such ammunition was being sent
out of the TThlted Bute, the president
would use hi Influence to stop It.
I , 1
Assorlsg rlar Coarh.
The first dose of Dr. Bell Plne-Tar-Honey
will help you. It kill the cold
Keim. Only So. All , drugglste.-Adver-tiscment:
- . .
From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March .8peclal. State
Treasurer Hall ba Issued his report tor
the quarter ending February 27. It Is hi
, first "report,, he having abandoned the
practice of former treasurer of issuing
monthly re port a
Ta report show $17,102.19 in the gen
eral fund against 9C4.664.74 on Decem
ber L W4. The receipts and disburse
ment items In th general fund each
show Aver SI ,000.000. Th report shows
cash on hand, being the last day' .re
ceipt of fis.Tfcs. and cash on deposit of
U.091.1M.M, the total balance in th vari
ous fund being tl.lll.TO.sS.-
Trust funds are invested In the sum of
9.70B.US.U. the permanent school fund
being Invested in ths sum of S,S22,3107.
(TVora a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, March l Spelal.) Aja
other bill to establish a minimum w?
for women ha been reported out to
house by the standing committee on bor
and the frtanda of that Idea will have
another chance to get it enacted Into law.
Thl bill. H. R, 43 by Conley, was placed
on the general file Friday morning.
Earlier In the aesslon. a minimum wsge
bill Introduced by Jerry Howard, which
applied to both men and women, failed
of paasaa. The Conley bill fixes the
lowest wsge for female labor at to cent
per hour or IT SO per week. It contains
a clause preserving1, the time limit of
employment under the nine-hour law for
WASHINGTON, March l.-Change In
th .federal foot and mouth quarantine,
effective March 1. prescribed today by the
Department of Agriculture, include the
Iowa Territory in Linn county within
five mile of Infected premises mad
'closed area. Territory In Jones, Jackson
and Dubuque counties, not within five
, mile of infected premiss. Is exposed
Montana Two ranches in Dawson
county and a township in Custer county
made exposed area.
DrMrtatfsl Orders.
WASHINGTON. March . (Special Tel-
eram. rostunuftt-rs reappointed:
Nebraska lie, Ueward county, Lilsha
South Dakota CrsndalU Day county,
Juhn peniitt-k; Marvin, Orant county'
f-baries B. V illtams.
Nebraska (m-usiuus granted: Hsrrlet
I-fSvkrr. Pllr,vlBW, $15; suttls J. NKUo
ls. fcladea. IX
Hills n Third Reading; In Honse. .
H. R. f Prn I.. roin 1 1.. -
mission of patients to orlhopedlo hospital
at Llnioln. Massed. to 0. '
I. n. evv rrovhie regnlstlon for ad
mission or Inmates at MUford industrial
liome for women. I .nut tn M m.. ..v.
jectton to this bill was that It carried a
provision for furnishing tl history of
Illegitimate children born at the Instl-
luuuii w i'uns aoopiiug mem.
II. K. 5US Provliles rulaa tnm
of Inmates to stave home for dependent
children. Passed, M to IS.
H. R. 6u Provides rules for admission
of boy to the stats Industrial school at
nnnier, rssseo. i to e
H. H. $10 Authorises Board at Cantml
to show convicts working outside peni
tentiary additional good time, deducted
from their sentences. Pasee, It to 0.
a. F. si, Saunders Provides for rotation
of patty tamltdates' names on general
election ballot, where several are to be
elected under the same office head, such
ae presidential electors and members of
tne icfttslature. Applies to Lancaster and
Douglas counties. Passed, with emergency
clause, 7$ to 14.
H. K. 10. Norton Proposed constitu
tional amendment for the recall of all
public olflclala. Psssed, s7 to a.
H. R. li, Parrtott "reates a supreme
ourt commission of three member ap
pclnted by the court, at $3.0.0 per year
each, and limits tenure tu two years.
I'ssscd. W to ?1.
H. R. M. Scott Reduces minimum
school year from slant months tu six.
Passed. t 0.
H. R. 21ft. Bstes-Provtows mat not
more than one electHn en the same mu
nicipal question shall be hrld under the
Initiative and referendum within a year'
time. Pssmid. to II
H. R. SM. Palmer Allow defendant In
a replevin suit to retain th prorerty by
Klvlna a redelivery bond. Pssend, 75 to 11.
Hills Hreontmendvd to Pass by tne
Senate Committee of Ike Whole.
H. n. 4. by Kogan Permits building snd
losn asaoclstlons to Issue stock in greater
amount than 0u0 to one person.
H. F. 3t. by Brookley of Clay Author
ises school board to issue warrants for
building purposes upon a vote of tbe peo
ple. Now have power to Issue only bonds
if. H. 21. by Ureeuawalt iCxpressiy
authorises cumulative voting of stock, ex
cept where holder Is Interested in com
peting business. Kxceptlon is senate
II. H 2. by Meredith of Saunders Pro
x I'les thst In case nf damsse suit for sc
ctdonts the attettdlug physician may file
a Hen In court. Amrndsd to net operste
attalnst persons ronilug under the work
men's compensation act.
Bills Passed by tbe Senate. .
II. H. t. by Iloffmelster-Requires
rourss not havlg an, ao-redlted twslve
grad high athool to establish a county
hlsh school. Ayea, St, nays, none; ab
sent. .
II. R. 474. by Ttbbets Appropriates
$7,b for purchase of addition land for
asylum at Mastlnss. Pensl amendment
Increases It to $JU.0uO. Ayes. 17; nays, t,
absent. 4.
II. R. 748. by ths Governor Appropri
ates $3,000 emergency for State Hallway
commission. Henate amendment that no
part shall be used for special attorney's
fees. Ayes. M; nava 1: absent. .
H. F. it. by Buenee of Kimball Emas
culated county unit school bill. Aye. M;
nsva 4; sbeent, I.
H. R. by Nelson Require ewaera
of vacant lota to mow wends. Aye. :
nay nun; aoesnt. t
BI1U Postpone by linns. Itnndtnar
H. R- fli-Requiring lookout on switch
it. 1C 8-Requiring any defeaUd can
dl.Ut who ftlra a contest to siuve bond,
Insuiing the incumbent to reimburse him
self for expenses incurred If the contest
Should fail.
11. R. 447. Moseley To abolish th fire
men' douU shit 1 la Lincoln.
Paris Auto Bandit
Band Accused of
Acts of Sedition
PARIS. March I. Persons ssld to have
been connected at one time with the no
torious Ronnot bsnd of automobile ban
dits ar charged by the police, according
t.. thla morning paper, with being' re
sponsible for the authorshlo of aedl.
tlous pamphlet' with the title, "People,
iou Are emg Deceived," in which a
plea ta made for the cause of Germany.
Several arrest have been made.
It 1 atated that those taken into cus
tody Includ Lorulot, former editor of
the New Tork Anarchy, and Jeanne Be
nardl, a friend of the anarchist bandit,
Carouy, who committed suicide in his celt
in the conclergerte prison after he had
been eentenced to life Imprisonment for
hi share !n the sensstlonal exploit of
th outlaw gang, which waa not broken
up until the melodramatic battle with the
police at Cho;-Ls-Roy on April IS, 1MJ.
It I understood that those under sus
picion will be tried by court-martial at
Marseilles. The police are maintaining
the strictest secrecy regarding th case,
which the newsnanera itarlir, 111,-1.
to hsve important ramification.
War Paralyzes
Business in Spain
MADRID, Mrcn $.-Via Parl)-Evl-denoe
that Spain la suffering more
severely economically from the war th.n
any other country except the belligerents,
1 contained I dispatches from different
provincial center. Notwithstanding dras
tic measures taken by the government to
prevent monopolistic price th cost of
food, especially bread and meat, continue
to rle. Th situation I felt moat acutely
by th working classes alresdv hrd hit
by th Industrial stagnation resulting
tram tne war.
At Pampeluna. Bevtll. Dtrumu .r.4
Cadi aconomlo dlffleulUee are twcnmlnv
o serious that the authorities hava been
obliged to nee drastic means. Grave
disorders have ocotirred at Jturcia.
capital of a Medieval Moorish kin
and th woderln province of that name.
a mob or city resident stormed th
bakeshop and civil guard had to bar
th gate to koep country people from
luming in to increase the tumult
BELLE FOTJRCHE, 8. D., March . "
(Special.) Th firt group of eastern
wool buyer have appeared In the west, i
Instead of offering U or 10 cent a pound
as ha been their custom In year gone
by they are opening the ball by pledging
y cent and at this they are only getting
th laugh from the big owner, who are
now sticking out for S5 cent a the base
line and some of Ahem are talking about
40 and (0 cent. Whatever th price, it I
going to be a quick step and a merry one
for the fellow who have to pay. England
I to be a heavy bidder thl season, for
It colonies will not be able to supply
half th needs of the great nation In time
of war.
Five More Bodies
Taken from Mine;
At Least 150 Dead
HINTON, W. Va.. March 5 Five more
bodies were taken from the mine of the
New River and Pocahontas Coal com
pany at Layland. where a gas xploloa
entombed and killed probably 17$ men.
Th total Hat of recovered bodies I now
forty-four. Only the mln entries of th
rrlne have been explored by the rescuer
When the aide entries are penetrated it Is
expected bodlee will he recovered more
rspldly. State mine officials and company
officials estimate tbe death list at be
tween 150 and 176.
State officials estimate that nearly $3(10.000
will be paid out of the workmen' com
pensation fund to th families of men
who lost their live in the Layland mine
of the New River and Pocahontas Con
solid a ted Coal companies, where an ex
plosion occured Tuesday. Th estimate
Is based on report from Layland that the
fatalities will number In the neighbor
hood of 150. Th widow will receive $30
a month anS $3 per month for each child
under IS years of age.
DBNVER, March 8. Dispatches to the
Denver Time from Bluff. TTtah. today
said scout had reported to TJnlted State
Marshal Aqulla Nabecker that the Piute
Indiana, led by Old Polk and Tse-Ne-Gat.
were encamped In Butler, Wash., twelve
mile west of Bluff. Earlier report had
Indicated that the Indian were retreat
to Navajo mountain, across th San JMan
river. The poese under Marshal Nebeker
I making no further effort to rapture
Tse-Ne-Gat. who 1 wasted on a charge
of murder, pending the arrival of Briga
dier General Hugh L Beott from Washington.
Coaaned for Three? Yen s.
A grateful sufferer writes: "Tour
medicine. Dr. King's New Discovery,
cured my cough of three years' stand
ing." 60c. All druggist Advertisement
:$o Da Witts Little Early Risers
'or it
9Ra lll.n. in v.-- .
B-v ..,i, 4 w- n s see
.e0o RromA ftltBr
J So Caatorla aio
Bonis of 100 Hlnkle's Csscara
Pills for 14
$1.00 Fellow Syrup ye
$1.7$ Horllcks Malted Mllk.ta.T4
He Peroxide Hydrogen ?
1-1 b. Powdered Borax go
60c Possoal's Powder Sle
$1.00 Peruna for 3o
2(o 411 Glycerine Boap la
25c Meitholatum 14
$.$$ Mary Garden Perfume, per
ounoe , 9l.l
tlo Pond'. Vanishing Cream. lee
a.V can American OUv Oil,
guaranteed pure, iq
special, per can . . . . 1 a C
Tie Msrcollsed . Wax
(Oo Ht Qulnol
Sic Opal Shampoo
0o Kianiea Kace Powder...
5c fteaton' Cold Cream..
2&c DeWItt Arnica Salve..
$1.00 King's New Discovery
$1.00 fitch Hair Toslc ....
$c DeMar' Shampoo er Liquid
Green Sosp We
$0i California Oyrup of Figs, ate
$1.00 Hwainp Root are
$100 Mesca 60
$0o BsU'a Podolax Sle
"Follow the Beaton Path"
0111 6.,
15lh and Faroan
Announce y Mond&y
jf Authentic Spritvl Sse?
I 'v
Spring Modes
As Attractive as they
are Correct Make This
Store Today one of the
Charm-Spots of Omaha.
Suits for Spring
Every day, ' by ex
press, come new, suits,
new fashions, " new. fa-,
The cream of Ameri
ca's style ideas direct
from New York where
our buyer is spending
the season in close touch
with all that is new and
Sack Service as This
Is Really Helpful
It's a common remark
among our patrons that
the prices this spring
are from $5 to $15 less
than in former seasons.
Spring Suits Range in
Price froni $19.50 ,
to $85.00
Saturday a Millinery Event
A Group of Beautiful New Spring Hats
$6.75, $8.75, $10, $12.50, $15
Never have the millinery sections been better and earlier prepared
for spring:. Everv bricht color, everv iaubtv onill. everv t.interi fiftwpr
foretells the season close at hand.
We Now Take Great Pleasure in Presenting the New
Shepherdess Hat, $6.75, $7,50, $8.75 and $10. 00
Saturday Will Be Featured:
The New Colonial Bonnet.
Tbe New Tailored Hat in black and white.
The New Ostrich and Flower trimmed Hats.
The New Hat trimmed with Marguerite, black, white and yellow.
The new colorings I)u Barry Rose, Cherry Red, Soldier's Blue and
Belgian Bine.
$6.75, $7.50,. $8.75 and $15.00
: Millinery Second Floor.
The Store
For Shirtwaists
Exceptionally pretty
Crepe de Chine Blous
es for $2.95, $3.95
and . . $195
New Gloves
. for
Spring Wear
In purchasing your
new spring suit and hat,
bear in mind the fact
that gloves, well se
lected, are most neces
sary accessories and
will give your outfit
the proper finishing
We already have received
many pretty thing In both
fabric and kid gloves. Try a
pair of our well known "Tre
foaase Glove"- the quality
glove In every detail.
$1.50 to $2.50 a Pair
A Complete Assortment of
Women's Out Size Lisle Hose
Just one of the many often neglected stocks, which we
are careful to provide.
In Cotton . . 25c a pair
Lisle or Cotton, with rib
top -. . . 35c a pair
Cotton with split sole and
garter top . 35c a pair
Silk Lisle, plain or rib
top . . . 50c a pair
A large variety of Silk
Hose from 75c to $3.00 a
Saturday a Special Offering
of Fine Hand-Tailored Sufts
For $29.50, $35 and $39.50
Stylish, New $6 and $7 Sorosis
Shoes, $4.75 a Pair
It would be impossible to find
better, newer, more pleasing styles
at any price, but when the price,
9 1.75, for $6 and $7 Shoes is con
sidered, the bargain is indeed most
A fine variety of cloth top
models in colors, including the
new sand shade; with pat
ent or dull kid vamps and
Doth Lace and Button
Models. $6 and $7
' Values,
$4.75 a Pair
wT 7
1 1 y A
House Dresses New, For Spring
Another shipment, which makes our stock complete
with choice new styles. Come in Saturday and let us
show them to you.
Priced . . . . . . $1.25 to $3.50 -
Saturday Toilet
Goods Specials
15c Face Chamois . 5c
Pasterine Tooth Paste,
special . . . 15c
50c Powder de Riz,
special . . . 19c
Exclusive Agents
, For
McCall Patterns.
The Best
10c and 15c
The New Wash
Goods for Spring
Are Ready
Fresh, spring-like materials
are arriving daily. They seem
daintier than any previous sea
son. Printed snowflake voiles
and embroidered voiles and or
gandies are fabrics of unusual
beauty. Special showing Mon
day. Dress Goods Section
Main Floor