Daily nouKNKs ee4 a lantern hut the ti.-vto-cJate, business mtn n Omaha uses the advertising eel nmi of The lice, H TFE WEATHER. Snow VOL -XLIVXO. 224. OMAHA, NA'ITKDAY MOKXIXU, MA1.VII '5. FtU'KTKKN I'AOIX 0 Trains Hud at total Haws Stands. 5a. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Omaha Bee BREAK IN STORM IS MAKING APPEARANCE OUT INJEBRASKA Reports IndicAts that the Snow Gen erally Has Ceased, Wind Gone Down and Fair Weather f Coming. CLEAR AND CALM IN THE WEST Railroad Clear Up Their Lines and Trains Getting Back Onto the Regular Schedules. STILL STORMING IJJ IOWA Reports received from out in the tate Jast night gave promise of a break in ' the snowstorm that has been pretty general all over Ne Ibraaka sihee Tuesday night. From , Colorado and omins. through 'pi-act'oa-lly nl! of Nebraska snow fell at lntrrvalen ell yesterday. Late In ithe afternoon I, eouinieneed to clear! lup in tlio west aud at 9 o'clock last liiipht the railroads gave out the in formal ion that the reports indicated ft rtee'ded break In the storm. I On flip Northwestern, west "f 1 o- jTVne, e'ear ar.d c:ilni wiatlicr was the m.'ln n'l llio way through to Lander. p"r.c tn'v ilaii where truuMe h he 'inp prpir;i n'- l was nround Bioonifield .end Rrnrlolph, Xj-h. Ituliig the early !'.:( i .' t. e lity tlifr- hurl been conyM jerat'io fimw H the fountry nround these 'towns :.n la'er h h'K'n wind rtartid the 'now t tr.ovinjr. t'uta were filled and 'lrn'ns were onmillpd. On the main line and. on tiie l.ln " oiii, and Superior branches, passenger 'Iran were runn!nr; m-e.rly on lime. JKttlfihln wirs s'Mit out durlns le aft ler:icun cnl l.y today it is hoped t) have ha lee r.taut icstored to normal, t leurtn ..t Wrathfr WorlLa Kant. Aior.i th H.irriiFton. nports to the OMl-a;-iiOi 8 o.'l.-e latt night lnc!l'ated n ercnrrnl Jreati in the storm with a poa-aili!-? rturn of fa.r wcatner today. The iear:n"5 weather that was retorted around and weft, of Alliance last nifrht had notfn down as fer as Prol-n Bow and wiM of thero tt was eltMr and calm, with temperatures of around freei- ing. . Kor (oin dUtami east of CugtPr county, eonsMerable new snow was re - poi tec!, i.t nowhere was it drifting, jrnins ivi'.t r.eiu oot on sfneaoie anal ' It hr 5 eomlns In were Iosc to one time. Tha t'rloii Pni Iflc last .flight found clear and ea'.m weajher all thv way west from Oallala. Between there, and Ernnd island there waa a strlpof eeiinlry, fifty, tnlles or so wide, where it was enowlng and wl.ere It was drifting. Most c-t the trefna w?er on ttua. All freight trains will be sent aut on schedule today. Rtports late last ,ti'Shl ' werw to the effect that over hi (own snow continued, te fall and that there was considerable drifting. Trains wet j lute and generally "were following snow plows. ' ' In Omaha light snow continued to fait ;ur!ns the. ent're day anl at a l.t hour ! .last night-It was eomlnjr down n light iiflurries. At no time, however, was It .heavy enough to !nterfer with traffic. Te"iperatu; vs wre aroi:nJ freezing. SUsitH-il lnt-hPs of Snow. A total oC aliout tlxteon inches of snow was on ih-' ground at Cma'in at o clock ycaurda n'.orr.i".i3. acrorc'InB to govern jii.t t p.ie3.;un.ci.t. Since then consider all': !ijiv -Inj Vh 'lea. Of t sixteen In i hi k r.bot fourteen have fallen within tlK la.st throe -.(!;.;-a. Calw.el Welsh or tho ' t eLitliT hii'cuu rays, the other ro inrhes hr.vlhg been on the ground before that. Within the twenty-four hour ending at 7' a. r.i. Priday. the snow Hint fill n.enfured of nn Inch, when molted 1'ieval Irs winds blew from ten to ais tec:i iriUs per hour around Omaha. The stcrin was f:ir fiom a blizzurd. I'olonel Vels1! 8j'3, as It lacked t!ie shwrp, cold and strong northerly wihds nece tury to acvomppny a heavy foil of snow in ord'.r tu make hl:axirJ conditions. t III llehlnr 7t -c-rl. lien with the heafy srofail of last tew tfuys. thU vinif-r is far behind t'tat of three years agi. so far as total enow fall ia com-erned. aci ording to ov ernnient weather buixau pcords. The winter of lau IV hod a total of (TT.4 inches (Con'lnuod on IMee Five. Column One.) The Weather Knrecant ti'l V p. in. Satuiday: For OnislsH, Council Bluffa and Vkinlty -Snow; not .much charge In temperature, Iriaprratare at UauaUa Vrstrla, Hours. 5 a. m . . a. in.. 7 a.m.. Jeg. a 2i 23 24 2.-. 26 25 25 36 'j't ....... r, 25 ..... 25 in., m. . m . . m. . WW CoaaaaratlT laral Rerord. rtu. m. my nvi. Highest yesterdar ai 4T ii 4 Lowest yesterday 22 M ID 4 Mean temperatvr IH 4o r. 11 J'rcrlpltatun 61 T T T Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature SO Jeflehney f..r the day Total deftcieney since March t.. W Normal preelpltat!on 04 inch . F.xcesa for tha day.. rj inch Total rainfall smce March 1.... l.S) Inches Fx- ess aince March 1 l.St Inches I)e.ficleney for cor, parlod lt14. .1 Inch reficieni y for cor. period 1W3. .1 Inch neports trans Station, at T P. M. Kiotlcu and Htata Temp. High- Rain- oi w eaiuer. 7 p. m. 'lieyenne, cloudy 1 liavenport. snow J2 Jwnver. cloudy J Ia M-rtnes. cloudy tZ North Platte, aiio. ix 'maha, wioar : S 'cello. Pt. cloudy Itai,l.1 City, "now M rlt I ako, cloudy M t...nt Ke, Tt. cloudy 'j4 Hii. rld.m. Pt. cloudy U ftoux 'ity. anow 21 Yentiue. anow 14 H a. 51A a! a " r "Vo. yip. m.. &2-Zs p. in.. - 7 p. in., 7-C' t p. in.. at. fail i8 .00 II .00 t! .74 21 . W .! XI .eo IX .06 M .10 4? , 2. .) 24 ix .12 T indistes t'are of precll'atlon. , U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. fr FIGHTERS OF THE AIR FLEET One of the French monoplanes that took part in the recent raids on German positions along the Belgian coast. I ' LOBECK PRESENTS ' OMAHA PETITIONS j Assistant Post-nsster General Roner oils Consideration. HITCHCOCK VIEWS WRECKAGE (From a. Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, March 5. (Spe cial Telegram.) Congressman Lo- ! beck," in his conference with First 1 Assistant Postmaster General Roper j today on the Report of certain in- spectors affecting the efficiency of Declares Protests Warrant Seri tbe Omaha postofflce, intimated to General Roper that an aroused pub lic sentiment was against the recom mendations of the inspectors and that he would be dorelict In hisduty if he did . noWv puPrt lie expressed w ishes -of his constituents. 'Thereupon li Hied -with C4enerM Roper probably tne most complete router of name, of weK -known Omahana ever at tached to 'a series "of petitions ' caflinff upon the Postofflce department to con tinue the present high-grade efficiency of the Omaha postofffce. Warrnuts Investigation. When Genera! Roper looked at the ex ceedlnsly formidable bundle of protests a?a.inft the recommended changes and letter.', telegrams and resolution in be hall' of Individuals marked for demotions and separations from the aervlce the first assistant p33tmaater general turned to the. congressman, from tho. Second dis trict and said: "Tou certainly have a weight of evidence here that must lie se riously considered." ' Mr. I-obeek stood for the men recom mended for demotion, transfer and dia. mlsral. He contended that the report of the Inspectors was biased and had been Infuenced by snurces which, while now not connected with local postoffice mat ters, had at one time been most powerful Ih their manipulation,- It was agreed tl-at .nothing would be done until both Senator Hitchcock and Mr. 'Lobeck had an opportunity to b heard further. Mr. Loberk said today he tvou'd not go home as long aa the Omaha r-ostoffice readjustment of personnel was a live issue. To I.ouU Into Paiaplnsr Project. "Cncle Moe Klnkaid." who has prob. ably rectircd more real benefits for his district thun any one representative of the minority party In congreaa, wka In formed today that his persistant efforts for Irrigation "bn Ilo Pole creek by pumping had fluully b"eu aimed to and thst early this spring the irrigation and drainage division -of the department Of Agriculture would liijUq preparations for the Investigation. This means that be tween 0,00i and ICyM at res of land in the co in'i.s r Cheyenne. Kimball and Deuel, may be found feasible for irriga tion by water pumped 'rom wells. Maftrn p. M.'s Held la. Jn looking over hl list of reoommen Oations for postmasters today, . Senator ,'ititchcock ascertained Uat nineteen had tailed to "come across," In other words had not been sent to the senate. Among these ' nineteen are O'Neill, ht. Paul, Vork. Wahoo. Crete nd Falrbury Senator Hltchovk va id - today .. that he had been advised l.y tlx Treasuiy de partment that in all probability, J. o. Wiese of Omaha, wo-ild be awarded the contract for building the extension to the IJncoln postofflce. . Former I'nited gtatcs D'strlct Attorney Itush of N'ebraaka, is In ashtugton on matters tonneited with the lepartment of Justice, with a-hi"h he has been con nected since his retirerm nt from active political life. ' ' Special Pension Bills. Congressman Ixibeck announced today that the president before the adjourn ment of congress had signed the follow ing special periston hills, which he suc ceeded In p.Kising through congress: Cal vin . P. Elklns, l; Mrs. Bella K. gehwartziander. 24; .William Kennedy, (M. all of Omaha. Orgaalaed March 15. WAtmi.Nt.TON, March a.-The new FedeiaJ Trad commiaiilon w ill be organ ized March IS. George Rubles ef Cor nish, X. 11. , the only member uricn flnnrd by tl:e senate, will serve under a recess appoint tea? ami- 4 01 ft WwiilTjirw e- -a- Sara Bernhardt Safely Past Crisis, Says Her Physician BORDK.M'X. March 5. tVia Pari.) There was a marked improvement today In the condition of Sara Bernhardt, who suffered a relapse a few days ago while recovering from the effects of the am putation of a leg In a hospital here. A bulletin, Issued by her surgeon, Denuoe, reads: "Sara Bernhardt'e crisis has ended. Her convalescence Is following the normal course." ANNEXATION GAINS FRIENDSEVERY DAY Backers of Measure' Confident that It Will Receive Necessary Ma- j jority in the 'Rome. j ; WHY SOME LETTERS - WRITTEN (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) . LINCOLN, March 5. (Special.)i Tb e Omaha annexation bill - will carry in the house, according to the opinion of Representative Robert Drucsedow of Douglas county. He and other members of the Douglas county delation have been rustling around pretty lively during the last few days and they find that from now on the annexation sentiment will grow. Letters, addressed, to members of the legislature are being recelYid written by 11. Thomsen, vice president of the Na tional Roofing company, which has Its offices in the Ware block at Fifteenth and Famam. It la tatd that the Wars block is owned bya the Paxtoa aetata, which has large Interests in tha South Omaha Live Stock exchange, and there fore the gentleman may be Interested in being with tho packing interests of that elty, which are fighting tha annexation proposition. City Attorney Murphy of Bouth Omaha, Kho will be legislated out of a job if the annexation bill carries, has been hover ing around the corridors of the state l.ouse for several days. He thinks that the bill is losing ground, but, of -course, may be considered Just a little prejudiced In the matter because ot hla position. : Marshall Will Take Wison's Place at The Fair Dedication WAHHINGTON, March 6.-Vlea Preal dent Marshall will go to San Francisco to represent Prefldent Wilson at the for mal r!.wlii'U Hi.n ,f thm a ln.n... II.. . . I I ' poentlon on March 20. The president still ! hopes to visit the exposition later. ! The vice president left here tonight fori Cleveland. O., and later . he will go to ! Indianapolis before leaving for the coast, j He had planned a trip to Arizona, but has ' abandoned this part of his loumev. '". ' ! Pd,Uni wo. i.i , . . omlng to the coast thi- month with ra. 1 1 . n Kll rtn. l.l-.l . N . . V. . j . . I ., . ,, . , ... . . .7 ' " . 'B ,"!0n.1, "T? th! B'-l'0"":The submarln fill tha lirntai't nn , . f A em ah lib. J i. i I V.' - .uteres.., uurtiig iiif) war. - Burrnl e af Ilssnl.tla. ar.iaJ aL i intended, to carry out hit ortrinl plsn to visit the Panama-Pacific exposition next - " , ..- .I'm n. tV v., arsiup via the Panama canal about July 1. War Pictures From the Front Full Page in The Sunday Bee fe;,S,. . f .... I - vv TWO SUBMARINES SUNK IN CHANNEL D i- i. xrr ' British War Office Announces the Destruction of TWO Of Kaistr's V Undersea Craft. RUMORED LOSS OF THIRD IS 1 jmany state commissions snd legislatures IX1NDON, March 5. Two German i handicapped the roads, aubmarines have been sunk In Brf-I "I)on t you th,nk u rther mlsman tUh .', ...n- . -,,., the selling' of blue sky and , vw..B . announcement given out in London today. The text of the statement follows: . 1 ,llltIa commtoelon. "The secretary of the admiralty makes I tteta Hlae from Waae, the following announcement: The sleam- J""' ch wild statements aa you ship Thordls has now been examined in ! Imve r.mie that has hurt their credit," dry dock and injuries to its keel and Its ! replied Mr. Wade. propeor confirm the evidence of Cap- j WH.Ha e. Reed of Nebraska wanted to tain Bell and the crew that on February j know If Mr. Wade ever read a book pub VT'j rVnnt Bn7 ,n ,'n b- j rCoatinued on Page FivTlu7ilnfw'o7 tiiV tv vjri mull ji.iun.l ine wiucn had fired , 'tnrpetio ; at jl.; ';' '. V -VVasterdav afternoon iVIm sArmun anli. marina. m aiiiiK in tne cnannei oil fJover by ' destroyers, - the officers and man were taken prisoner." News dispatches riyxid from Paris and London lrithe last twelve hours have related the sinking of two Ucrmni sub- ' marines. One lias been described ' as tha! WASHINGTON, March 3.-4ebraaka's C-S; the other has not been definitely ) alien land law was attack. fa uni-onsti-identlfied. tutioual In a brief filed '4sTn in the au- Crew Reaartea Prisoners. . ! rr'" court by attorneys for nonresident Tha Frencn ministry of marine an-' "'n" who nav" ben deprived front In nounced Ust night that a German sub- j herlUn of John Toop, an English- marine had been sunk by torpedo boat destroyers and the crew taken pilsuner. Thla aubmarslbla tha French authorities called tha U-8. - The British steamer collier Thordls, while making Ita way raceutly from Blyth to Plymouth, sighted a submar'ue. The underaea boat fireda torpedo at the trawler, but the captain of tho British ship succeeded In dodging the missile and then drove hla vessel at the per iscope "lha" not Cfiu're title to agricultural or showing above the face or the water, lie mln' lands by.d-socnt or purchase, ex claims to hava struck and aent It to the . '''pt tllat tha widow and helra of. aliens button!. Hla contention was aupported by his mate and tha members of bis crew and now it haa been accepted as correct by the British naval authorities. ' The submarine U-a was of 300 tons dis- placement. It had a spe.rd ot thirteen knots above water and eight knota sub - merged, with a radius of operation of l milee. The vessel carried three i torpedo tubes and had a complement ot twelve men. The U to the famous U-9. 8 waa a aisler ship (aatared t'rew Lanld. DOVER, Engl aud. March 6 (Via Lon- I don.) Tha crew of the i'-t. numbtx-lng twenty-nine, was lailded at Dover today and waa taken to Iover castle under an armed escort. The U-a waa smaller than tbe lateat Ger:nan submarine. Its displace ment under water being only iK) tons. 'French Warship Fires Upon German 1 ' 'ft . j nopa to ds a Me to noid the Olympic OUDmarine JaItiil"m m rlin in 191. according to In-jwl PAR 1 8, March &, -The ministry of ihar- "' '' a siai-iiit-m io me T.. ,h"' .r,"n of the. l-u type nau been rired on by a cruiser in the English channel yesterday. k.iuuHrU aiiu . uu wnncr r,ce , u WR oun jROSEBERY OBJECTS TO SUSPENSION OF RACING LONDON. March J.-Tr.e question or. e.'hether hoise racing meets ought to be I suspended during the war Is being warmly j discussed by the press and the public. The Tiniea In an editorial yesterday ad- vocstes at least the suspension of the Ascot and Epsom meets, but Lord Rose- : tt ry writes to tha Tlmea today protesting i agslnst. such a move. He argues that ! horses are Invaluable to the future Of the ! army and that If raoea cease thorough- etedi will disspiar, because bo man can' afford to keep blooded stock for the raeru J pleasure of looking at them In the iaMa. ( T wA TY na.k.H. . ...I . -. . . . . I j "-.... j iuai.,r yf.llll. DB nil I all through tha French revolution and (he Napoleonic wars the Epsom, snd Ascot races were held regularly, adding that "oi:r forefathers did not regsrd It as an offense to witness horse racas wh:l at war." 'ASK HIGHER RATES SO THEY CAN CUT i BORROWING COST jRoad Make So Littie They Have to Pay Haje Tnterrt to Obtain j Monej. Says Wade of St. Louis. ATTACKS STATE COMMISSIONS ; Never Heard of JJnok Telling All About Depression Mentioned by ! Reed of Nebraska. v ! NO MART FOR RAIL SECURITIES i CHICAGO. March . The credit ; of railroads I - " v , ability to obtain new capital was dis cussed before Interstate Commerce I Cc muiissloner W. M. Daniels today in the petition of forty-one western ; railroads for permission to Increase freight rates. Fositis J. Wade, a hanker of St. Louts, testified that owing to their poor earnings western i railroads were unable to nhtaln money except on high rates of Inter est, out of proportion to thai asked j f rom industrial corporations. "To what do you attrlblute the flnan ; rial depression from which the railroads sre suffering?" nsked Laither Walker, counsel for the parking Interests who are opposing (he Increases. ) What Is to Hlame. j "I attribute It." said Mr. Wade, "largely to trie attacks or state railway commis sions in iclurlng the railroads rewr. to onerous acts by slate legislatures and to wild and extravagant charges against railroads. " "If business anndltions throughout the country are poor now, do you think It would hasten prosperity to tax the shin, peraT" "It would help hasten orosnerllv t,i i r,,ore the c''edlt of railroads. Many shippers who are now suffering from ! I"lness depression would be glod to pay "'Ji". T" bM,nT"u The witness said he considered the In- ! fluence of the Interstate Commerce oom- I mission over rallroa.ls was smd. hut tht h hurt ,h(, rodj mor. n etata commissions," asked Bverc j c"nsei for tha. Illinois ? Jen Publlo Alien Land Law of Nebraska Attacked As Unconstitutional f man, naturalized in the United State, and I living at Ulysses, Neb., at the time of his I death, in 1H3K Oral argument In the case will not bo beard until late In the spring. It has at tracted much attention from constitu tional lawyers aa well as In diplomatic circles. The statute In question waa passed In im. and provides that nonresident aliens . n0 h,a hltehto acquired land might hold j "urh f'r ten years for sale or naturalise- j : lon- J j H Is claimed that the statute Is in con-j' ! f,,'t with treaty between the United j j states and Great Britain, ratified In WW. t ' Moreover, it ia contended there haa been! ,n unconstitutional, arbitrary classifies - I t,on of nohreaident aliens, becaune cltl - I of certain countries by treaty are ! rermltted to acquire land anywhere In the : United States and the state of Nebraska 'has iinl IttnnM in Arrtv V, . t . u. . rltht. Germany Expects to Hold Olympic Games in HftrllTI in I Ml R ' ot ";,rk nike. The smoke resohed the Ail -LUi IIU. Ill XUXUh,Knt of fho serol,,anr ,nat ,0 jl.Md yards. NKW TORK, March S. The war is not Car tain Happe remained for ten mln preventltig the development of a Gerirsn utca over the powder works to observe : Olympic, track team and 'Germany still urination contained In a letter from CaVI Diem of the German commission to John J. Mel high. Inspector of athletics of the Public School Athletic league. Mr. I Hem told of h's experiences In the , hospital, 'where he Is recovering from ,.,. ..,.,.J , in north- .. Fiance. Mr. llem visited this coun- i try two yesrs ago, whan he took buck ' with him Alvtn Kraenxleln, formerly of! I - niKimirui, lunnrriy or. the University of Pennsylvania, to coach I the German Olympic team. Kraenaleln. however, returned to America at the out- bresk of the war. i Tomorrow the Best Colored Comics -with The Sunday Bee 1TEUT0NS HAYE TO YIELD CZERNOWITZ Austrian Evacuata Bukowina Capi- j tal While Germans Give Up j Mysiyniec. j DOGS HAUL SUPPLIES IN SNOW i LONDON. March 5. (5:0a p. m.l I - The Hitchnrent correspondent of tho Evening News telegraphed today that the Russian offensive move ment lu Callcla had forced tho Aus trlRns to evacuate OernowlU. the capital of Rukowlna. The dispatch adds that the nialn Austrian forcei Jr. this region have retired in the di rection of Kranxrnthat, to the south of the Carpathians. 4 amnnlan la Poland. REM. IN, March 5. Hy Wireless to Snyvlllei The rampulgii In Pnlnnd ai peiirs t i be at present an affair of shift ing local stireeses for one 'de snd the other w'thoiil PMrllcular slanlflcsnce. Tho. tie. n pns have heen compelled to retire tii-rorr1 s iper i i ttt:ssian forces from Mj.rjniei, which lies close to the Khm Prussian l.ercor. The if;nrt tht l wo of the forts at Oowel3 hne leeii desernyed bus not been CiiMflnncd ofriclally, but It follows tha Ki.nMhii report that heavy bstteries have linn lir.iurht Into position before the city. If th's report be true. It means a cons'dershle success for the tiermans. The Snrprlatra I'reneh. The correspondent of the Morgenpost expresses surprise thst the French, not withstanding the steady reverses with which 'hey am said to have met, still feel thst their forces are strong enough repeatedly to assume the offen sive in Champagne. A Vienna dispatch says that a Dr. Koenlg has ptesented to the military suthorltles ninety dogs from Greenland for the pui'ivosn of drawing sleds loaded with ammunition and provisions through the Biur-ct vered region. This Innova tion alr ady has proved to lie a success. Load of Ammunition Husk, Army headquarter under date of March 4 Issued a report savins that a PVench ateamar loaded with ammunition and on Its way to Nleuport, had gone into Ostend by mistake. Oslend being In the possesl n of the Germans, the s'.cjjmer wtis shelled and aen to the .bottom. Tho wounded mambers of Its crew were saved. The report explain that this mistake of coming Into the wrong port was made because the men In charge of the ateamer were Intoxicated. British. Warships Damaged. tMapatuhea reaching Parlin from Con stantinople continue to controvert the re ports being given out In London concern In the damage done to the Dardanelles forla aa a result of the persistent bom bardinimt ef the last few days of the allied fleets. Two Turkish newspapers, Fl Tanin and Taaflr! F.kflar. have pub. Halted repurta of witnesses of these operations who declare three British warships badly damaged have heen lying In ti e port f Palonlkt for a week; - One of these is tbe,8aphlr. whose smoke stacks hava Ven' shot away and whose machinery haa been destroyed. , . . n ii e Dispatches received In V Tnv t i days ago from Berlin said a Constanti nople message had reached there bring ing the Information 'that tha British cruiser phyr had been badly damaged In the Dardanelles' bombardment and was at Bslonikl with wounded men on board. There is a French gunboat Saphb; and a r.rltlsh light cruiser named Sapphire. French Aviator tyops Bombs Into Powder Factory PARIS. March Further details of the bombarding from an aeroplane of a German powder works at Rottwell. on 'he Neckar river, tha other aide of tha Black forest, are given in an official note issued In Paris today. This factory on' of . the moat Important powder Producing points In Germany. Here Is ,hB M-wt account of the exploit: "0 ot our aviators. Captain Happe, i cm" down to a height of only 1,600 yards ."bov th' powder factory In order to "'row nis projccttiea with the greatest ",g' or perctsion. lie thus let fall four mp,,"l bombs, esch measuring ninety , niuiimeiers. The rirst landed on an scl.l ( reservoir and the other three fn the fac itotT tadf. Tiie projectile which fell on mililnielerS. The f rat Slirla.l nn th iicid i.M"rvrlr caused blue smoke arise, which the aviator at first thought jrame from fire directed against himself, j foou after an Immense flame shot up '" effect of Ms efforts. In this wsy he : snie 10 see nryond the fire Itself, cre Wreo bonihs had been thrown. names spread to flirrerent parts of the building- as a result of the explosion of tho bomb in the reservoir." IBeet Sugar Combine ! is Sued for Postage .i.-iiiiic io., i.ircij a. putt to re- cover 167,(14 from Trueman G. Palmer.1 aocietary of the United States peet Bugar Industry, waa filed here today bv the' government, which allevea the sum was' nrorer unlnu. nn toti prorer copies of "fjugar at a Glance, delivered in the ji. a'U under the franlt of Bonator Idge. ine government's bill alleged that Pal mar substituted his pamphlets for tsbles of figures whh h were used by Senator Lodge In a speech In the tariff debate and thnt the postal officials were de- icjvto. in peiieviiig they were proper; nutter t he carried free. PROPOSED RAISE IN RATES ON GRAIN SUSPENDED WAHHINGTON, March 5The Tntci -state Commerce commission tcday sua pendnd until July II for investigation, pro. posed Increased Individual and Joint rates on grain and other commodities over the Kansas City .Southern and Union Paclfij railroads. RUSSIANS UPSET ' TEUTON PLAN OF WARJN EAST Muscovites Are Attacking Germans Along Line from Vistula to Nie men and Slowly Torcing Them Back. FIERCE FIGHTING IN G ALICIA Austrian and Hungarians Continue to Fling Themselves Against Russ with Bravery. SULTAN FLEES FROM CAPITAL The Day'o War News HI MUX Dlit K fRA FLKRT -rill attack the. nppeoaehea to Ceattss tlnople from tbe east, aeeordlna to anofflelal adrlrea tram Baeh arest. umritt GERMIX RF.PORT aaya that the French left e than 1,000 dead ha fore the Orrais aa tancleinenta aa a resalt at several attarks made yesterday alone the w reatera fraat. BRITISH ADMIRALTY aaaflraaad the reports of the stnkiasj erf t 'a ieiman ikmsrlsfs, tho U-, which the Preach adanlswlr pra-f aaly aaaon-ced had sees aV strayed by a taraedo boat, aad aa anldentlfled aahmarlaa rasaaaed by tha ealller Thardis. FIRST REPORTS af definite arfmia oa American trade of Or oat Brit ain's retaliatory policy asjatnat Germany cornea from Bremen. "It fa aald that ae-eral Araertcaa -easels -rblch had keea taktna aa rargoes of fie r ma a aooda, aarttea larly dyestnffs, anloadcd thoao raraors aad wtll retara to the t nlted State, la ballast. AI.LIF.II KI.F.KT eontlaaes attack on the Dardanelles. The Tnrklsh thorltlea admit that aora damage haa. been done to the enter torta, bat atate that the defeaaea on which main reliance la placed are attll Intact. Prom British aonrcea It la reported that the Inner fortU flcatloaa have heea badly dam aged. LONDON, March l. Even If no j decisive battle develop from the present Russian offensive on thn eastern front, the allleg today are advancing the claim that tha Austro Oerraan plans for their prin cam paign in the east hare been measur ably interferred with. . . A .... ....... 1. i.K..t j 1 , Von Hlndenburg tii aweepiog vlc torlonaly through northern Poland, while .In the south the Austrlaua were pressing forward both in Gali cia and in Bukowina. Today these rolea appear to be reversed. Rus sian troops are attacking along . tbe German line from the Nieman to the' Vistula, and although tbe Germans are clinging tenaciously to their po sitions before Ossoweta and at 6the. points north of the Vistula, their thrust toward Warsaw has been brought to a standstill, and they are being slowly forced back to their own frontier. ' Other newa dispatches reaching London set forth that in the south the Austrian! and the Hungarians continue to fling themselves with great bravery even greater loss against the Russian lines These onslaughts have not yet abated; the Ruaslsn general atoff declarea they have brought no gains Tha Gsnr.an con tingent In the Carpathians haa heen re-' duced to three army corps, aoeording to reiicrt In London which leaves the A us- . tro-llungarlans to bear tha brunt of tbe righting. Saltan's Pllht Reported . In the meantime the allied fleets art slowly battering their way up tha Dar-' danelles without so far aa la known a single serious loss among the ships. The eultan of Turkey according to a report from Athens already haa fled. Thla how ever has not been confirmed and reports from Turkish sources notably an Inter view with Knver Pasha, deprecated the seriousness of the- bombardment of the Dardanelles and Insists that the real de fenses of the straits have not been af fected. Bltaatloa Parem Allien. It can be aald that from the German point of view the situation where the fighting Is going on Is taken aa favorable Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) rr AilrMtlae raur w&ata THB OMAHA BC tnnorrw