TMK HKK: OMAHA, FKIDAY, MAhVII o, l!H5. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUKPEn BY EDWARD ROaEWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER.. EDITOR. The Bee ruhllahlng Company, Proprietor. HER Bl'ILDlNQ, KARNAM AND HKVKNTEKNTII. Kntered at Omaha. postofflce aa second-class matter. TEItMS OF SL'BSCRIITiriN. By carrier per month. hfiC.. he.. - 2ftc.. ac. Py mail per year. $s i 4 "0 TO 4.00 latty anil P'indar lally without Sunday. ... r?vnlng end Sunday Fvenlnf without Sunday., Huiiilav Ilea only Fend notice of rhanite Of address fr ron-ip'alnt of Irregularity In delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation Department. REMITTANCE. Remit by draft. expresa or postal order Only two cent stamps received In payment of small ae entints Yernnnal checks, except on Omoha and eastern exchange, not accepted. OFFICES. Omaha The Cu BuUdlna South Omaha Si N street Council Bluff 14 North Main street. Lincoln W Little Building. Chicago aol Hrrl Hul'dlng New Tork Room 1!0.. Fifth avenue, flt. F nils--MB New Hank rf Commerce. Wsahlngton 7S Fourteenth St., N. W. CORRfcFONDKNCB. 'Address communication reUtln to news anil edi torial matter to Omaha Bee. 7-dltoiial Department. FEimiAItV C1RCTLATIOX, 51,700 Stale ef Nebraska. County of Douglas, in. Pwlght William, circulation manaacr of The r Publishing company, being duly sworn, nay that the vera circulation for tho month of February, i:Hi, waa M.Tno. FUVIOHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager. Subscribed In mv presence and aworn to before SB, thia 3d dav of March, 1WI5 ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Tubllc. Subscribers leaving tho city temporarily should have The Bee mailed to them. Ad lrew will be changed aa often aa requested. rr brch Thought for the Day .( by Sttllm Af. Cain Be only it advancing in lift vhone heart ii getting softer, whote blood warmer, vKom brain quicker, ichoet tpirU U entering into living pace. Jfusfcin. -J. The University club of Omaha Is a live wire, and don't you forget It. We don't care how soon the groundhog raajtes hia reappearance. The weather man la doing his best to Vx pedite the winter wheat crop's trip to Europe. Wonder If the health commissioner got per mission frotji the water commissioner before Uaulng hla "boll-the-water" edict. Nebraska is not the only place with 'demo cratic patronage troubles. In fact, the state (without a patronage fight is the exception to the rule. Of all the war news coming ont of the far eafet the report of "Great execution in the Champagne district" may be accepted as fairly accurate. The manner In which the wheat market Is hammering bakers' excuses for strueeslng the weight of bread loaves is painful to the verge of scream. The ship purchase bill dies with the dead congress. By the time the next congress gets into action, the excuse for the bill will probably be dead also. ; Omaha's country neighbors ought to come into the family homestead if lor no other reason than the luxury of joy riding in the Jitneys at regular rates. Mr. Gary of the Steel trust urges rounc men to "etlck to the golden rule." No doubt the young men will gladly heed the advice If mag nates will only leave a few scraps of gold on the rule. It Is not pleasant to chronicle back-sets suf fered by. Omaha, but still our people should not overlook the fact that the loss of the federal reserve bank, the Indian supply depot and the signal corps school, all are to be charged up to the democratic administration. We are not sure that making life convicts eligible to parole aften ten years incarceration will be favoring them with clemency or not. Fear of the culprit's final escape from punish ment may Impel the jury to bring In a capital Instead of an Imprisonment verdict. The railroad presidents are acting on Sec retary Bryan's advice to watt on the law maker themselves Instead of sending lobbyists to Pak for them. It remains to be seen, how ever, which la more productive of results. We have beard of law-makers who would rather be aeen by a railway lobbyist than by a railway (resident. Advice that May Well Be Heeded. Tresldent I,ee of the Cleveland Auto club gave the citizens of Omaha some good advice during the short visit of the Cleveland trade boosters to thia city. It was to get busy on a campaign to secure the overland tourist travel over the Lincoln Highway. He pointed out that it Is not enough to merely provide local accom modations for these automobile travelers; the eastern folks who will visit the west during the coming summer must be made acquainted with the fact that Omaha Is ready to take care of them. The attractions oT the route must be set before them, and things generally made plain. The time for this work is short, and if action is taken along the lines suggested by Mr. Lee, It must be taken promptly. Other cities have been busy, notably Kansas City, which Is Interested in diverting travel along the Santa Fe trail. Omaha stands to lose heavily unless the Interested par ties move without delay. wMii mtt ulu At th extra aeapiou of the city council a new street car ordinance waa prevented. Jt requires that afreet cars Ott all tracks and ouraa be run from 4 a. in. to (km. and every twenty mlnutea from '20 p. m. lo zsldnlcht, and penalizes failure to warm the cara. The gas fixtures for the new oourt houee arrived from New York and are now bring placed in poaitlon. Thomas Brennan, the great Irish patriot, la here t deliver an addreaa to the Kmmet Monument associa tion. Ho Is described aa a man of eaay bearing, prob ably not over 30 yeera of age. tail, allm and almost beard lee but for a light aandy mustache with a highly Intellectual forehead and cat of feat urea. The meet ing; la the evening waa presided over by Hon. I'alrlc& Egaa. and others contributing to the program were: Mtse L Lorene Glbeon. Mlae Fanny Arnold. Mlaa Chamberlain, Jay Northrup and Walter B. Wllklna. A semi-riot waa reported to have taken place at taa alaughter houae when HuperiateiMlent Crouaae put up a flag; lu honor of the new president, which waa promptly ordered down by Manager Meday. Carles K. Kobertson. bookkeeper lor Weldeman A Ctw. oommlaalon merchants, waa united In marriage to Mies Caroline K. Van buren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. VL Van Buren, at their residence, corner of Cali fornia anc Dutton streets. Bor. J. A. Hultrnan and wire have returned from a two weeks' Chicago trip. Important Laws Dying with Congren. Many Important measures, passed by one house or the other, will expire on the calendar when congress adjourns on Thursday, because of the inability of house or senate to reach them. Among the list are measures that have been recommended by both the republican and demo cratic parties, or have been urged on congress by Influential bodies of citizens, and that are looked upon as essential to progress. The Kern McOlllicuddy bill, to provide protection for gov ernment employes under workmen's compensa tion; tho Herry bill, to regulate the shipping of ronvlct-niadc goods; the administration bill, dealing with the Philippines; conservation bills of all kinds, the rural credits bill, and blmilar measures, all go down to death with the calen dar. The failure to pass these laws Is charge able directly to the iron rule of King Caucus, rigidly enforced in support of the administra tion's shipping bill, a measure that was fore doomed to defeat because of its impractical na ture. It the democrats had in no other way for feited the confidence and support of the public, tbe record of omission shown by the present con gress would be sufficient to condemn them. Patronage Cometh Soon. Two whole years have elapsed since tbe democrats took possession of the promised land at' Washington, but tbey have elapsed without distribution of any of the Important federal patronage in Nebraska. Except for Secretary Bryan's cabinet portfolio and Governor Met calfe's temporary Panama berth, and a few minor places, nothing has come this way, but on the contrary all of the faithful have been compelled to remain hungry because of the deadlocked feud between tho senator and tbe secretary of state. All the efforts of outside peacemakers, and all the frantically passed reso lutions demanding compromise have failed to unlock the gate, and what was first hinted at as a possibility will come to pass when the presi dent goes at It with recess appointments. In such event the distribution la sure to be dictated by Secretary Bryan in total disregard of the de Biros of the senator, who has persistently ar raigned himself against the administration measures. Patronage coineth soon for tbe democrats, but hardly in a form to sooth the sores and heal the breach. - On the Other Hand. Railroad presidents, appearing before the legislature, support their plea for increased rates by showing the figures that indicate that tbe sen tee now rendered is not properly com pensated for, This argument would be more ef fective were not the recollection of other actions on part of the railroads still fresh In the pub lic mind. It is easily recalled in Nebraska how James J. Hill bought tbe Burlington road from the Perkins group, paying for it at the rate of 2 for $1, and guaranteeing the dividend on the new valuation. In 1907 E. H. Harriman added one hundred millions to the stock of tbe Union Pacific, saying the road would earn on that additional amount. These great feats In stock expansion are too recent history to bave been entirely forgotten. Railroads are entitled to earn proper in come, but it In open to question how far tbey rhould be permitted to take advantage of a time of general depression to raise rates to continue to pay dividends on their inflated security is sues. The profits they have a right to ask should be based on legitimate financing. Look Who1. Here! Now cometh forth tbe tender, shrinking lieutenant governor, and, in full knowledge of Ms individual weakness, he proposes that in union there is strength, and if enough of him tan be gotten together, he will be able to de mand and receive certain things that are now withheld from and denied him. First among these desiderata is more pay, showing the lieu tenant governor to be normally constituted, like most of those of us who toil for hire. Then, he wants more power, and in addition to the al liance defensive, he proposes to form the al liance offensive, and that whatever of legislation is urged by the lieutenant governor of one state included in the bund, the same shall be advo cated by all the others. The fifth wheel of the wagon Is beginning to turn. No longer will the lieutenant governor sit, a lonely and neglected figure, in solemn silence presiding over a body in whose delibera tions he is permitted only a passive part. As an exemplar of tbe modern notion of tbe efficacy of organization for the accomplishment of any thing, he proposes to have a share in the busi ness of the body politic of which he has long been an ornament, but never a part. And it is eminently fitting that our own Pearson should be united with the peerless O'Hara of Illinois 'n bringing this about. President liolden of tbe Burlington is cred ited with remarking to the legislative com mittee that tbe railroads are opposed to litiga tion on railroad rates. Tbe admission is a pain ful reminder of the sundering of the oldtlme ties which made the courts a haven of refuge for the railroads. i. Bruce Ismay of Titanic notoriety has been beard from. What about ia Immaterial, it suf fices to know that Bruce's voice occasionally rises above 'tbe rattle of the Titanic skeletons in his closet. The Political Caldron WIfFN thre's nothing elee to talk about Jut now In rrnnec-tlon with the city coimnlFslon primary campaign. It a.crn to bo In order to relet back to "unfinished buelncsa.- or ' the g.wd of inc order.' and discuss Judge Abraham Lincoln Sutton as a n.-l"le or probable or Improbable candidate A coterie of village rut-ups. talking In front of the town ball. wer enjoying a little converse rione in the gloaming. Somebody put Into motion a current of thought when he declared that a man called during the artrrnoon at tho office of the election commis sioner and rccured a petition Wank to be circulated with Jiidne button's nnme filled Into It. The town constable refilled his corncob pine and ruffed vigorously. !l had met the Judge not an hour before and declared that the Judge disavowed any In tention of becoming a candidate, nor did the Jude seem to have any knowledge of the circulation of the petition. Putting aald,. the above, bit of levity, it may be said In all seriousness that a petition waa taken out for Judge Sutton and It may be added that twenty-four hours after the petition waa taken out, tho Judge told the writer he knew nothing of the petition and was unable to say whether he would become a candidate, fmiulry at tho office of the election commissioner failed to yield the name of the man who is thus In terested In the Judge. or course." naively declared hi honor, "It may be tlmt my frlenda have taken out a petltlf i for me. If so. they have not consulted me about thl. matter.-' Such are the uncertainties of politic. It is believed the Ji'dge will have something to say on the sixteenth of this month, because ho looks upon the numeral sixteen as having eotne mystic significance for him. He resigned a Judge on the "sixteenth of the month, his office was burned out on the six teenth of the month, he wore his first long trousers wh"n he was 11 and he thlnka Sixteenth street the greatest thoroughfare In tho world. Charley I nltt ha filed. There la no mistake about It, for his name appears on tho list poated In the elec tlon commissioner's efflce. Charley haa lived thirty two years In Omaha and has never held e-n elective of fice, though he has chased one several times. Ho wants to be a city commissioner and expecta to kick up a cloud of dust during this campaign, Mark the name of John Power off the Hat of prob abilities. "Honest John," In a personal and exclusive Interview, declares he will not be a candidate. He thanks his many friends for their kind considera tion, but ho does not believe he should make the race thia time. Pam ftpcatlen, of the house of Bpratlen, Is now busy formulating a platform which will be a formid able structure, ho asseverates. Mr. bpratlen Is visiting the city hall several times a week, that he may get famlllai- with the municipal building. Charles II. Wllhnell. one or the preaent city com mlasioners. is tho first of the present Incumbents to file for re-elcctlon. He is now In the race to the fin ish. rarapluaslng the words of a popular song. Harry J.I. Hackett la singing to himself. "It's a long way to the city park office, but my heart Is there. The fact of the business la, Mr. Hackett would like to be a city commissioner and he haa his eye on the depart ment of parka and boulevards. To show that he Is not bashful about it, Mr. Hackett Is circulating Ms pri mary petition. Fred H. Hoye, who announces that he positively will stay in the race, Is now doing a marathon meet ing the plchlans and politicians, the proletariat and al' of the rest of "em. He finds this exertion rather str mucins at first, but says ho Is petting into his old form. Being a building contractor and getting his start aa a brick mason, he says he does not believe In setting up political straw men and then knocking them down. Nor does he Intend to throw any bricks In this campaign. Nicholas Dargaczewskl, better known as "Nick," made a stirring address the other evening before the Polish Citizen's club at Twenty-fourth and Bancroft streets, lly the way, ho was Indorsed by this organiza tion of Polish citizens. In announcement of his can didacy Mr. Dargaczawskt said he waa ctIfldent he could fill tho shoes of any of tho present city com mission Incumbents. Me made this general admission without mentioning names. He is friendly, to every one of the commissioners, but he believes It Is unwise for a man to hide his light under a bushel, as a cer tain unwiso man of old did. Twice Told Tales A Complalat. "Knglisli phrases are creeping into our pure lingo at an amazing rate," said Oeorge Ade at a houae party at Ilaxciden farm, hla Indiana estate. "We now call a dude by the English term of nut. A sack suit ia a lounge ault. A derby hat. a bowler. For 'excuse nic' we say, 'I'm aorry.' Even our flno old Yankee word 'smart' haa been corrupted. Tou never know what 'smart' means any more.". Mr. Ade frowned. "Why," said he. "when people nowadays tell me a girl's smart, I have to ask them: " 'High brow or low neck?' "Indianapolis News. laleeleaa lafornia I Ion. 'When Illicit distilling was common In Ireland there waa an old man who went about the country repair ing whisky pots. The gauger met him one day and asked him what he would take to Inform him (the gauger) where be had repaired the last whisky pot. "Och!" said the old man. "I'll Just take half a crown." "Ioiie!" retorted the gauger. "Here's your money, but be careful to tell me the truth." "Och! I'll tell you no lie. sir. I Just mended the last whisky pot where the hole was." Kansas City Star. People and Events Talk Is to be cheaper in New Tfork, If you must put It on the wire. Telephone people promise to come down from 10 to S cents a spiel. General Rosalie Jones, champion suffrage walker, has forsaken the tircaome job, and ia hitting the road with an automobile. Jonea pays for the gaso line. The tiny stream of American touriat travel to solemn Puree has been choked off by tbe German submarine scare. The only Americans venturing errors the channel me the war contract jobbers. Havana la going back to the bull fight game. Amer ican waya and American ldeaa of duty are steadily declining in Cuba. The dollar la the only thing bear ing tho American stamp that gets the glad hand down there. ' Little Old New York" Is steadily changing its face. The Hoffman and the Albemarle hotels on Madison Square are about to disappear, and their laalng marks the end of a aeotton famous for IK hotels twenty yeejs ago. They will be succeeded by loft and office buildings. Francis Sayre, son-in-law of President Wilson, de clined a salary of tK.uuO a year aa "business manager" of Wisconsin university, the fountain hed of uplift measures, lleaaons for declining are not stated, but are presumed to refer to the incompatibility of the tempera of bustnesy and uplift. A man supposed to be bughouse threatened to blow- up a city block In Los Angeles and displayed a bomb-like package a though he meant business. When the package waa unwrapped a fine fat ham was revealed. The fellow explained that he could not restrain the Joy his treasure Imparted. John W. Mi-Cardlo. former tax commissioner of Missouri, appeared In the Bt. Louis police court and pleaded for leniency for a woman who had victimized Mm for S&Ji) In a book deal.' McCardle admitted that the operation of pulling bis leg was performed witlt artlstio skill and daintiness and was worth the pike. Could Missouri gallantry go farther? Wti fa. Fsrsl.k the 4o.rf CAHSON, Is., March l.-To the Ldttor of The bee: I suppose that all the lead ing newspapers receive many letters from cranks this Is from a crank on L'ncoln and Lineoun literature. In Smith s Bibllogrsphy 1 note the pub lication of a sermon delivered by Hev. P. M. Dlmmlck "at the capltol In Omaha, N. T., April 1. 1W5" a funeral sermon In honor of the dead president. I never saw the sermon, but many copies are no doubt In existence, and I write to suggest its republication In The Bee on the fiftieth anniversary of the date of its delivery. I write you this simply because 1 am lrte rested In the subject and The Bee la one of my favorite papers. F. Q. WEEKS. Omaha m Stopover Polat. OMAHA, March 4. To the Kdltor of The Bee: I read with pleasure your editorial In yesterday's paper relative to advertising Omaha as a stop-over point, and I believe that the retail and whole sale merchants of this rlty could assist greatly In this movement. My thought at this time In this connec tion would be the Issuing of an enclosure to go In the mall advertising the various hotels In this city. We now have a hotel that will compare favorably with any hotel In the United States, and we also have the new Castle hotel, which Is to be a hish. grade hotel, and the hotels that we have had for a number of years that will compare favorably with the hotels In any city In the western country. Such a circular could probably bo Issued by the Hotel Operators' association In this city, showing cuts and brief Information regarding each hotel, and the merchants of this city could enclose these slips In all letters that they are sending to the eastern concerns with whom they do busi ness, as well as their customers through out the western territory. The more literature of this kind that in placed In the hands of the public out side of Omaha, the more people will be influenced to stop over with us, and I am sure an occasional editorial from your pen on tho subject will assist greatly. f. V. JUDSON. Way Raise Krrlaht Rates t HAMPTON. Neb.. March 4-To the E'dltor of The Bee: I say to the Inter stste Commerce commission, force the railroads to sell the unnecessary land which they have all along their right-of-way at every station for a half & mile long. They have an extra V to 400 feet wide strip in every town along their line which they never had any use for anl never will have, especially In the small towns. They could take a heavy burden off their shoulders by selling this un necessary land at a good price and take this money and use It to pay off some of their debts and get rid of paying taxes thereon, which come out of the public's pocket. Owning their non-productive land Is only a heavy burden which the public Is carrying by paying exorbitant freight rates, and which they will always be expected to do unless they sell this and let the new owners pay the taxes on It, and make It productive, which would help the railroads in three ways: First, they would get the use of that money; second, get rid of paying taxes thereon; third, by letting the farmer make It yield crops, which the railroads would haul. This enormous sum would amount to ILOOO.OOO annually to a railroad having right to 10,000 miles of track. Another rase of vital Importance to a railroad la to stop aggravating the pub lie's bitter feeling toward them In cases where a farmer's elevator desires to build or a co-operative firm desires a lease on their track. A railroad company invanaoiy ngnia such companies, stand ing In their own light In not being will ing to lease the land needed, when they would have the material and machinery to haul to add to their profit. They have no reason other than partiality, yet at the same time they are making the public dig up for the deficit. What the rail roads need ia less partiality and more common sense; less pencil pushers and less red tape. They would get along better and not have to come to the public on their knees begging for clemency with a four-column expensive paid ad in all the magazines. Treat the public fair and square and the railroads will be treated likewise. There Is never a better adver tisement thsn a well satisfied customer. STEPHEN S. BITTICK. Democratic Patronage Troubles. WAIIOO. Neb., March 3 To the Editor et The Bee: It seems that the Waah Ington corresrc ndent of a responsible Ne braska newspaper is Riving, through tho medium of his paper, the Information that as soon as congress adjourns the president and his secretary of state are going to dispose of the federal political plums In this state. Owing to the great mental strain that haa been weighing them down for the last several months. somebody may have auggested to this pair of astute politicians the propriety of turning their backs on Washington for a day or so. while they hie themselves away to the mountains, or the lakes, or possibly to the ancient democratic shrine, the historic Hermitage, on the banks of the historic bay. It would seem that here In this place, sacred to the devotees at the shrine of so-called democracy, this pair of astute guardians of the peopis's liberties, watchdogs of the nation's treas ury and custodians of the people's In terests, might, after due deliberation, prayerfully proceed to parcel out to pa triots partisans the perquisites due to persistent political productivity. In other words, the one-time president of Prince ton university, who. by the accident of politics, Is now dictating orders, appoint ments and policies from the chair once occupied by Lincoln, and the mighty mogul who, by reason of the same ac cident. I shuffling around In the shoes of one Alexander Hamilton, Daniel Webster and James O. Blaine, are soon to enter on the work of distributing the federal patronage of this great state. But let it be knwn that democracy that will not bend the pregnant hinges of the knee Is not entitled to the thrift that may, or may not follow fawning. Ia other words, that other mighty apos tle of democracy who Is shuffling around in the shoes of his Illustrious father, from whom he seems to have Inherited no political legacy, only some of his quali ties, among which are those of honesty and sincerity of purpose, and which he bellevea ought to be the common heritage of. us all. is neither to be Invited nor permitted to enjoy the day off or to en gage In the ploua manlfeatations at the Hermitage, or tuo pastoral eshlleratlons of lake and woods. It has lately tran spired, through unofficial sources, that Senator Hitchcock la to have no part in the distribution of the slate's patronage. The author of I lie "Prince of Peace" seems to bave about aa much use for the senator as hia aforetime progenitors had for his illustrious father. How true it is that If you sow the wind you must reap the whirlwind. The way of the transgres sor ia hard, and to a nnn of the sena tor's acumen It is hardly necessary to rolnt a moral. However, we will suggest this: "Train tip n child In the way he lvwld go and w hen he Is old he will not depart from It." was the admonition of the wisest of all men. The senator seems to be an exception to the rule. Otherwise It would be beyond the power of this ad ministration to ask him to compromise his conscience or his Judgment or to hu miliate him by refusing him the right to participate in the distribution of pub lie favors a rlpht end n privilege that Is as clearly hla as It Is that of any other man- C. H. CI. GRINS AND GROANS. 'Its no wonder Jiggs finances are In bad shape." "What's the trouble?" "Why, his wife doesn't think anything or ordering two or three loaves of bread." Buffalo Lxpress. City Visitor Tour son at college Is quite an athlete, I understand. Great at tlitow-Ine- the hammer. Farmer Hawbuck Tea. gol durn It! Iast time he was daown 1 gave him a hammer to fix the barn an' he threw it so fur I haint seen It sence. Boston Transcript. "Could you learn to love me?" asked the sweet young thing "Well." replied the voung man, "i have learned to love a lot of other girls." Yonkers Statesman. "I am wedded to my art," said the emo tional actress. "Well." replied the cynical manager, maybe It would be advantageous for vou to get a divorce and make art pay vou alimony. "Washington Star. "What's thst piece of cord tied around your finger for?" "My wife put It there to remind me to post a letter" "And did you post It?" "No; she forgot to give it to me." Cin cinnati Enquirer. "These apartments are entirely too dark." "They are no darker than the average." "Yea. but we want to do light house keeping." Baltimore American. A "cub" reporter on a New Tork news paper was aent to Paterson to write the story of the murder of a rich manufac turer l'V thieves. He spread hlmse.f en the fetalis and naively concluded rl.-c ac count with this sentence: "Fortunately for tne deceased, nc nun deposited all of his money in the bant the clay before, so he lost practically nothing but his life.' -Everybody s Mag azine. THE FIRST ROBIN. Grand Rapids News. Bill Aug, the soda Jerker, stood st Jaii- riorf s marble bar. In meditation deep was he. His mlnil. it roamed afar . To bosky dells and rippling stresm where trout are apt to lurk. A vision of a Joyous spring came to tne luncheon clerk, "Pay. bo," he said, as he brought on our sinkers snd our tea. "Spring's on tho wav to this burg, sure, take that tip straight from me. When 1 came clown at 6 o'clock this morning lust at dnwn . . I lamped the first spring robin hoppin 'round upon a lawn." We've got a lot of faith in Bill. For many vears we've heard His brand of wise philosophy on all that hn occurred. If any other friend of ours had said this wondrous thing Concerning the discovery of this first bird of spring We would have taken It with salt and winked the leeward eye. Hut BUI Is such an honest cuss-he'd tell the truth or die. "The harbinger I saw, taid BUI, "was somewhat weak and pale. And waa some wabbly on his pins. No, it were not no quail. It staggered 'round about a tree, craz' as a loon. Its song was weak and seemed to say, '1 guess I'm here too soon ' 'Go back,' I said. 'Go back, you nut, unto the sunny south. Before our climate stops your song by freezing up your mouth.' Fut that bird simply looked at me pa thetic like and broke Into n song which seemed to snv, 'I'll stay here, if I croak.' "You sav that It might not have been a robin? Mercy, man, If I can't tell a robin I would like lo know who can! It wasn't any whlppoorwill or hen or stork or crane. A man who cannot pick out birds gives me an angling pain. Oh, yes. he was some skinny and his feathers they were rough, ' But for all that I know it was a robin liKht enough." Will it be "Mild" this evening? fj One's tobacco taste gets out-of-sorts if fed on too many black cigars. J There's a time for mild cigars just as there's a time for heavy ones. How about you? Have you found the mild cigar that satisfies your smoker's taste? J We believe you will get new light on this subject . if you make your second and third cigars this evening "modulated" Havanas Tom Moores. J Just for mildness they always come back for Moore, Tom Moore cigar 10 Littim Tom 5 Unit Tern it "all IfWaj "mm if A dot rest trjy m nickel. BX1T ft ICIttll. CtOAJS CO., SIS So. iota Sri Omaha, dstzibatos. ) fx e Busy Bee Bicycle Contest closes at 4 P. M. Saturday, March 6th. Some little boy or girl will soon be happy riding this bicycle. Are you the lucky one? This picture of tbe bicycle i will be in Tbe Bee every day. Tbe bicycle will be given Free to the boy or girl thai send us tbe moat pictures be , fore 4 p. ni., Saturday, March 6th. Subscribers can help the children in the contest by asking for picture certifi cates when they pay their subscription. "We give a cer tificate good for 100 pictures for every dollar paid. Payments should be made to our authorized carrier or agent, or nout direct to us by mail.