Tin; r.KH: omaha. Friday. march o. iu.v 5 CONGRESS ENDS SESSIONAT NOON Deadlock Over Poitoffice and Indian Appropriations Continue! to End and Both Fail. LAST YEAR'S BUDGET CONTINUED Official Text of German Reply to Proposals of United States WASHINGTON. March 4. Con gress adjourned sine die today. The senate adjourned at 12:04 p. m., and the house, after turning back the hands of the clock, adjourned at 12:18 p. ni. The total appropriations of the session were approximately $1,120. 484.324, several millions under the record of previous congresses. Two appropriation bills failed. Cur rent appropriations for the postal service and the Indian office were extended for another year. in the ringing hours President Wilson iKned tho. SVamrn' 1.111. the neutrality resolution, empowering him to prevent ships leaving American ports with sup plies for belligerent warships, prasnoted Colonel Goethals to be a major general for his services as bull. lev of the Panama canal, and gave promotions to other officers associated with the work. The, administration ship bill, the Phil ippine, bill, the Christian bills, the rural credits provision of tne agriculture bill nd ratification of the treaties with Colombia and Nicaragua all hard Tressed administration measures fell by the, way sldS. In the. senate, several members, long prominent national figures, among them 1 Senators Root and Burton, stepped back Into private life as the curtain fell. In the bouse, Democratic Leader t'nderwood Mid good bye, to sit in the next senate, and three score or more members re tired. For many minutes before adjournment , there was a lull In tho senate. Absolutely no business was transacted. Senator Sim mons paid a tribute to Senator Perkins of California, who retired at noou. Sen ator Perkins sat for a moment in con templation of the tribut?. Then ho slowly half rose from his seat, feebly wave'd his Jiand toward the North Carolina senator, and his colleagues in a gesture of fare well, and then took his seat again, too overcome with emotion to speak. Senator Gallagher offered a resolution or tfianks to Vice President Marshall for his services as presiding officer of the senate. CONGRESS MAKES MARK FOR PASSING MOST LAWS OF ANY (Continued from Page, One.) Ktatesmanshlp, when, as the hour of 13 o'clock had almost struck. Representative HMtzEftratrt of New York, cnairman oi ine powerful committee on appropriations, and Ttonreaentaiive Moon of Tennessee chairman of the committee on postofflc ml noKt road, became involved in a bit ter personal altercation over the failure of the postofftce appropriation bill that ihmntcnpd thn reace of the occasion and called for the presence of the aergeant-at- arma with the maoe. Tho tin iu naseed between the two distinguished democrats and when they had finished the artlstio setting" or a great national epic had been rudely shattered hxraima of attributed betrayal of Indi vidual right, growing out of the passage r a iMni rpanliLtion continuing the pres ent postoffice appropriations until June 30, 191. All Hush for Home. When the gsvels fell in the two houses there was never seen In Washington such a rush for trains on the part of legisla tors, their families and secretaries, t'nion station late this afternoon never saw so many plug-hatted and long-coated states men all cn one mission bent, ''Home Bweat Home." Representative lan Stephens and wife did not stay to witness the complete burial of tho sixty-thirl congress, hav ing arranged to take an early train for Fremont. Congressman Bloan, wife and daughter, ieft "tonight for Geneva, accompanied by JMr. Sloan's secretary. Mr- Bross. Representative Barton, anxious to get back to "his own west," where his best affections are, took an early eraln for Grand Island. Mr. Barton will "browse around" a bit before ho decides as to his future, work. Barton Hay Try Aftaln. He is not satisfied over the result of last November and may decide to get Into the race for another term in ion gress. But if he does, he said to The 'Bee correspondent: "It will be as straight-out republican." Representatives Klnkaid, Lobeck and Maguire having departmental business to clean up will go back to Nebraska in a leisurely way. Senators Hitchcock and Norris have still much to do before returning to the prairie state. Senator Noris particularly, being desirous of securing data for sev eral chautauqua addresses he will make during the spring and fumraer. Pension Circular. The ommi8loner of pensions has pre pared s circular letter, which will be sriit to every male penHioner on the rolls aggregating about 460,)f, requesting In formstlon as to the domestic status of eech. Tin: letter contains Inquiries as to the (lute ami plae of the soldier's birth, and his reclame st the date of enlistment hid wife's full name and her maiden WASHINGTON. March 4 -The official text of the German government's reply to the American not suggesting that Germany and Great Britain agree on a plan to lessen danger to neutral shipping iti the war sone as made public here today. It follows: The Imperial German government has taken note with great Interest ot the suggestion of the American government that certain principles for the conduct of maritime war on the part of Germany and Kngland be agreed upon for the pro tection of neutral shipping. It sees therein new evidence of tho friendly feelings of the American government toward the German government, which are fully re ciprocated by Germany. "It is In accordance with Germany's wishes also to have maritime war con ducted according to rules which, without discriminate restricting one or the other of the belligerent powers in tho use of their means of warfare, are equally con siderate of the interests of neutrals and the dictates of humanity. "Consequently it was Intimated In the German note of the ISth that observa tion of the declaration of London on the part of Germany's adversaries would cre ate a new situation from which the Ger man government gladly would draw the proper conclusions. "Proceeding from this view the Oe.r- msn government has carefully examined the suggestion of the American govern. ment and believes that it csn actually see in it a suitable basis for the practical solution of the questions which have arisen. Offers to tamp Mines. "With regard to the various points of the American note it begs to make the following remarks: First With regard to the sowing of mines, the German government would be willing to agree, as suggested, not to use floating mines and to have anchored mines constructed as Indicated. More over, it agrees to put the stamp of the government on all mines to be planted. On the other hand, it does not appear to it to be feasible for the belligerents wholly to forego the use of anchored mines for offensive purposes. "Becon The German government would undertake not to use Its submarines to attack mercantile vessels of any flag except when necessary to enforce the right of visit and search. Should the enemy's nationality of the vessel or the presence of contraband bo ascertained, submarines would proceed In accordance with the general rules of International law. "Thlrrt As provided In the American note, this restriction of the use of the submarines Is contingent on the fact that enemy mercantile vessels abstain from the use of the neutral flag and other neutral distinctive murks. It would ap pear to be a matter of course that such mercantile vesecls also abstain from arm ing themselves and from all resistance by force, since such proceeduro is con trary to International law and would render Impossible any action of the sub marines In accordance with international law. Food for Animals Alan. "Fourth The regulation of legitimate importations of food into Germany sug gested by the American government ap pears to bo in general acceptable. Such regulation would be confined to Importa tions by sea. but that would, on the other hand, Include Indirect Importations by way of neutral porta. The Germans would, therefore, be willing to make the declarations of the nature provided In the American note, so that the use of the Imported food and foodstuffs solely by the non-combatant population would he guaranteed. The Imperial government must, however. In addition, emphasise having the importation of other raw ma terial used by the economic system of non-combatants, Including forage, per mitted. To that end the enemy govern ments would have to permit the free entry Into Germany of the raw material mentioned in the free list of the declara tion of London and to treat material In cluded In the list of conditional contra band according to tho samo principles as food and foodstuffs. "The Gorman government vrntures to hope that the agreement for which the American government has paved the way may be reached after due consideration of the remarks made above, and that in this way peaceable neutral shipping and trade will not have to suffer any more than is absolutely necessary to unavoid able effocta of maritime war. These ef fects could be still further reduced If, as was pointed out In the German note of the lflth Inst., some way could be found to exclude tho shipping of munitions of war from neutral countries to belligerents on ships of any nationality. "The German government must, of course, reserve a definite statement of the position until such time as it may receive further Information from the American government, enabling It to see what obligations the British government aro on their part willing to assume." Alleged Chicago Grafter Captured After Long Chase CHICAGO. Mirrh 4 -Kdmund Rice, wanted in connection with graft charges made anainst four former officials of the detective bii-can of the tliloago police department, ha been arrested and has confessed. no'iTding t'i a story pub lished hire today. Rice, who radcd arrest for months, was caught Itl Tiajunana. Mex , by de tectives under State's Attorney Hoymv He previously hail been traced to San Francisco nnd Fan Plcgn, Cal., and Juares, Mex. It Is alleged that Rice was at the head of the "pa-off" operations between the police and a band of clairvoyant swlnl lers and wire tappers. Mid-West Cement Show AT THE AUDITORIUM March 2 to 6 I Austria Loses Many of Its Best Guns (SENKVA. March .-(Via Paris. 1-That Austria lost much of its best new artil lery In the recent fighting In cast Prus sia snd northern Poland Is the informa tion received here from what are con sidered .reliable sources The guns lost are said to include twenty-three batteries of .ins ' mllimetres and. a number of 1 millujetres. In the region surrounding riock, Kutno and Begicr alone, nine complete batteries are said to hav been captured by the Russians, whll nine others were destroyed- name; date and place name; date and place of marriage, and as to whether there is any public record of such marriage. Tf either the soldier or his wife was pre viously married, he Is requested to fur nish ful! information In regard to such former marriage, and also as to the names and dates of birth of all children. These Inquiries are made wholly In tho interest of the soldier and his family, and it is believed that the information thus to be gained will at some future date prove of great value to the widow or children. Duplicates Former Letter. A somewhat similar clrculer letter was sent to the pensioners In 1R98, and the re plies have already proved to be very valuable, but inasmuch as more than six teen years have elapsed since that date, during which, many changes may hae taftvn place ln'each family and because those circulars were not sufficiently defi nite to bring out all tho material facts it was thought bets to make this re quest for full information. The commissioner urgently requests Rub Rheumatic, Aching Joints And Stop Pain Rheumatism la "pain" only. Not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Stop drugging! Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs OH" right into your sore, stiff, aching Joints, and relief comes instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism liniment which never disappoints and can not burn the akiu. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle of old. honest "tit. Jacobs OH" at any drug store, and In Just a moment you'll be free from rheu matic pain, soreness and stiffness. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. "St. Jacobs Oil" is Just as good for sciatica, neural gia, lumbago, backache, sprains. Advertisement each soldier or sailor, upon receipt of this letter of Inquiry to consider it care fully and to mako prompt and full reply to such Inquiry and to return it as promptly as practicable In the addressed envelope which will accompany each letter and which require no payment of postage. Investors with money- read the Real Estate ads in The Bee. Advertise your property for a quick sale. A Real Flesh Builder For Thin People A New Discovery Thin men and women that hig. hearty, filling dinner you ate last night. What becamn of all I he fat-prodticlng nourish ment It contained? You haven't gained In weight one ounce. That food passed from your body like unhurned coal through an open grate. The material wan there, but your food Uiesn't work and stick, nnd the plain truth Is you hardly get enough nourishment from your meals to lay for tne cost of cook ing. This is true of thin folks the world over. Your nutritive organs, your func tions of assimilation, are sadly out of gear and need reconstruction. Cut out the foolish foods and funny sawdust diets. Omit the flesh cream rub ons. Cut out everything but the meals you are eating now and eat with every one of those a single Sargol tablet, in two weeks note the difference. Five to eight good solid pounds of healthy, "stay there" fat should be tho net result. Sar gol charges your weak, stagnant blood with millions of fresh new red blood cor pusclesgives the blood the carrying I ower to deliver every ounce of fat-making material in your tood to every part of our body. Sargol, too, mixes with your food and prepares it for the Mood in easily assimilated form. Thin people gain all the way from 10 to 2fi pounds a month while taking Sargol. and the new flesh Slavs put. Sal-col tablets are a scientific combination of six of the best flesh-pro-duclng elements known to chemistry. They come 40 tablets to a package, are pleasant, harmless and Inexpensive, and !hermnn McConnell and all other drug gists in Omaha and vicinity sell them subject to an absolute guarantee of weight increase or money back. Advertisement. Mr. Contractor... General Mason Plastering Tlu Mixing of llanlwoll Plaster in tho Harding Mortar Mixer was THE SENSATION AND THE TALK OF THE CHICAGO CEMENT SHOW We mixed the actual material for the "Show Me" type of contractor, made good and sold him. Watch this machine at work at the Omaha Show, Space 11. Mixing Hardwell plaster with hair and fiber, Portland cement, lime mortar and hard finish. Makes perfect mortar, spreads easier, hangs together better, sets harder. Ask us to mix any kind of mortar that you wish. Note the Simple Real Mixing Principle and the Way It Cleans Itself. CaiMirltr Fifty iOO-llt. 11a an Hour, With I p to Fort) Shovels of Sand to the Nark. WHAT YOU SAVE. WITFI THIS MAtHINK Vol" HAVK F1UI OXK TO SIX LABORKHH OX KVERY JOB. On man ran mix for fifteen plnMerrrs or twenty masons, and two men ran mlv for twenty-fire' plaMerers or forty masons. TO!' SAVE ONF.-FOFHTH OK YOI'H MATKK1A1. MM.. More sand can be tisrd and "till have richer mortar on Amount of the) thorough mixing. You have perfect mortar all the time and the) ex. nc-t amount to last until quitting time. The machine la fast, A HATCH IV THKF.K MINUTES. You no longer have to rater to the mortar man In busy season. You ran teach any laborer to he a first class mixer In ten minute with the use of the machine. You show your pro(rressleness by doing away with the hoe, the only antiquated feature of modern building. You gain the good will of tho public and architects by showing them the best mortar that has ever loen put on lath or brick. The Mortar Mixer Corporation JOHN P. KEMP, Pres. 710 WASHINGTON ST. IOWA CITY, IOWA. Architects Are Beginning to Specify ''Machine-Mixed Mortar." " If you are interested in excavating, gravel stripping, storing or re claiming any material, see the Negley Stack Cable-Way Excavator I Indianapolis Cable Excavator Co. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. Booth 49 Cement Show 0 mum nn lii ItKLIABfiK 1IOMK TREATMENT The ORR1NK treatment for the Krink lUblt arj be used with absolute ronfl denoe. It dentrnys all desire for whiskey, b.er or other al. oholir stimulants. Thous mids have surrcusrully used it and have Ix-cn restored to lis of sohrictv and UM'fulneaa. Can be serretlv slvi n. Costs only $1.'0 per box. If you fail to tift rr. Hilts from OHKIN'i; after a liiul. vmir inmet- will be refunded. Auk tor 'fret Ixiek'et trllliii all uIhiiiI ORHIXK. Hherman A. l i "oniif : lru . luH nd lo.g sts., ol lirufi Co.. Kthanl iarne t-ts Interlocking Cement Stave Silo Co. of Omaha, Neb. (INCORPORATED) Interlocking Cement Stave Conceded to B the Best Form f Constriction la the Unite States This Is one of the latest and most scientific Silo construction of today. We manufacture our own material. We make a cement stave tongue and grooved on either end and side and Is substantially banded with steel hoops. When properly made and cured, and properly erected, will Improve with age. Why We Claim the Interlocking Cement Stave Silo Is tne Besti Because It is air-tight, water and acid-proof and will preserve the silage per fectly under all weather conditions. Because It is a permanent Silo and grows stronger with age. Because It cannot be destroyed by fire and will resist any wind except a cy clone or tornado and can be Insured at the regular farm rates. Becanse It is acid-proof and sealed airtight with our Interlocking wash and varnish. Because It requires no attention or tightening of hoops. Because Curing the silage perfectly, it freezes as little as any Silo on the market. Because It costs less than a good wooden Silo. Because The first cost is the total cost; no expense for repairs, painting, or loss of silage from air leaks. Because We erect with skilled and mechanical labor and know the construc tion Is correct. Because Our many satisfied customers are our best advertisers and a care ful investigation will convince you of these facta. Why Do You Not Build Silo? t Ifuj Corn stalk properly siloed contains 40 to 50 per cent of the crop value. Slxu Silage can be fed to an advantage during the summer and drouth season. Seventh Silage Is your cheapest feed and best bal anced ration, and with the proper method one acre of corn silage can be put in the Silo for the same expense It can be put In the crib. Eighth The silage wtll keep your herd in good con dition the year around, and help to save your first crop of alfalfa In a rainy season. Why Net Save Itl -1 ! N "1 h First Cows fed on silage In winter give milk in quantity and quality equal to June pasture, gecend Silage enables the farmer to manufacture more Milk or Meat at less cost than any other method. It is the cheapest and best feed for all stock at all times and under all conditions on the farm. Third One acre of corn In the Silo feeds further than two acres outside, and more than doubles your feeding capacity. Feurth The Silo will more than pay for Itself In one year. We also make a specialty of Stock Tanks, Supply Tank. Granaries, Hog Houses, ( blrken flosses, Ice Houses, Pritate Garages, .tc cheaper and more durable than wood. Strength, Durability and Economy are our Basic Principles. We are a hnm ni.ntifH-tnrlng company. The abo?e facts have been and can oe proven. nniir.M is t iik ri k i u mi iMuitqiiiin, 101 Ware Stale Agent y IM'Xk Lincoln Interlocking btment Stave &i.d it. or onuna, 'Nab. (Ir.i.i Telephone Webster 886 Booths 1, 2, 3 and 4 Office and Yards: 28th Ave. and Sahler St. Omaha Concrete Stone Company Manufacturers and Builders of Cement Building Stone Decorative Concrete Concrete With Pleasing Surfaces Everything in Cement OMAHA, NEB. 5 AUDITORIUM, March.2-6 THE ONLY Cement Show West of the Mississippi River The best manufactured cement products and cement work. ing machinery now on exhibition. No cement products manufacturer, contractor, dealer, builder or user can afford to miss it. It's an education. The best convention program. Every number of vital in. terest to user and builder. - Valuable prizes for the best photographs of concrete work done in the last three years. Something stirring all the time. Now Going on at the Auditorium, Omaha, Nebraska