II! fHK BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, MARCH o, 1915. V Dress Warm and Keep. Feet Dry Tells Rheumatism Sufferers to Take Salts and Get Rid of Uric Acid. Rheumatism la no respecter of age. Sfx, color or rank. If not the most dangerous of human affllrticns It In on of the roost painful. , Those subjo-t to rheumatism ho'iM eat lss meat, rtreae as warmly a fusible, ' old any tinrtue exposure and, above all. drink lota of pure walrr. ntieuninllym Is raueort bjr uric add which la irenrratoil In the bowels and ab sorbed into the blood. Jt la the function of tin kidneys to filter this add from the blond and cast It out In the urine: the , pores of. the skin are also a means of freMnt the blood of this Impurity. In dnmp and chilly, cold weather the. akin, i pores are closed thus forcing the kidneys 'to do double work, they become weak, and sluggish and fall to eliminate this uric Held which keeps accumulating and circulating through the system, eventual ly settling In the Joints and muscles caus ing stiffness, soreness and pain called rheumatism. . At the. first twinge of rheumatism get from any phafmacy about four ounces tf Jail Halls; put a . tablespoonful In a, Rlass of water and drink before breakfast each morning for a week- This, Is said to eliminate uric acid1 by stimulating the kidneys to normal action. thus ridding the blood of these Impurities. .lad Salts' Is Inexpensive, harmless and lr. mJrrrtm the exlil of arft en- and lemon Juice, combined with lllhla' and is lined with excellent results by.. thou sand of folks who are subject to rheuv nstim. Here you have & plcaslint. ef lervescent llthla-water drink which over cornea uric acid and Is beneficial to your kidneys' ns well. Advertisement.' "Swat the Fly" la a national slogan for the summer months, and It wjjl soon be advanced by every pa per and magaxlne In the coun try. Make this national anti fly campaign BOOST YOUR UUSIN'KSS, by making your ad a part of it. Your Ad on a' Fly Swatter will be a profitable means of advertiHing 'Every housewife, will want a Swatter on hand, ready for the first fly. Make this Swatter a -reminder of Jour business. Phone for our salesmen to call with samples, or write tor description and prices, M. F. SDAFER & CO. 12th and Farnam Sta. iSH'T ITCHING ECZEMA AWFUL! Arc you an ecsema sufferer? Do those fitly patches of eruption start up and Itch as though they would drive you fran ttr. -ind have you tried treatment after treatn ent with, .t best, only temporary relief T Then you are jnly going through the experience of thousands of others ho. hsve at last found that. Reslnol iiislnl their ai-k skins for good! With Iho first u of Real no I Ointment iX itfsinpl Soup the Itching and burning .'.i:u s'op, und soon alt trace of ecsema or ..Imlljr turtuiing sktiv-trouhle disap- c ii.', i vrn ; Severe and stubborn rases. xeiore. have prescribed the Keslnol trcit.vfi-t ror, twenty yenrs. , Hold 'by all ilt hi Viv tiiil fW. write to Dept. 1- :. I:e-!'.. Mahluiore'. Md. ' ' ' ' . is vot'ii Toni:TKOAi safk? Mat.y- u M t;,iia contain harsh, in J u lot a s'l. . r.islnol Hoap contains . 4.1 s.,1 iU ly t fn-e alliall. and to It la i!ddeatiie'..ru;liinl tncil.(jn. This gives !t soothim, litullng proiH-rtics . which i lar..Ui complexion, i-omfort. tender klns and keep the hair healthy. ? If i r.HOTTB BROS. CO. Ueaieral Dlatrlbatara Oaaaaa, Hat. A True Tonic h one that assists Nature. Iicgular and natural action of the stomach, liver, kidneys and howels will keep you well and fi t, and this action is promoted by l-LftLaCC level's! i n i c L ilLdikiaO TVs ITrf S.! W Axr BMoas fa W VoU, stcwim. la , t& li. THE OMAHA BEE THE H0:.LE PAPER " 11 "' 'Iwswswh'i i). 1 1 hi ' . -U . I. V " i - ' ' tf I ' ' ' ; ARGUMENTS SENT TO CLUB MEMBERS Opposing Statements Concerning: the Electric Light Bill Go with Postcard Ballots. COMMERCIAL CLUB WILL VOTE That the Saunders electric light bill contemplates not municipal own erslifp, but Water board , ownership of an electric light plant In Omaha, Is asserted In the argument of the opposition that went out "with bal lots to all Commercial club members providing an opportunity for an ex pression of opinion as to what shall be the club's attitude toward the bill. That Omaha's present electric rates are excessive and are a municipal handicap. Is asserted by friends of the bill In one of the opening sentences of the 300-word ar gument that goee wltn the ballot The ballots were mailed yesterday. They are In the form of a post card. Tbey are to be returned to the club Friday and will be canvassed Friday night or Saturday. . Ararwmeala Kor aad Aaatast. ' Arguments for and against the bill as they went out with all the.-llots are as tn'lows: Statement supporting Saunders electric light hill: Thnsw cities will lead whose economlo and Industrial advantages excel. Klectrtclty la a mouern economic re quirementcheap electricity an Industrial neceslty. Therefore Omaha's excessive electrlo rates ore a munh losl handicap. A recent month's bill at 2ft1 Bberman avenue and the coat of Identical service elsewhere la as follows: Omaha , MM Hastings 4.10 Kansas City, Kan ; 1.7 Lincoln 8 ) Calgary 3 IS Knr.rion, Ont !M Cleveland l.M Onriha a U-cent electricity eosta for fuel but 1-S rent mure than Cleveland's S-cent electricity. Therefore, Omaha's excessive ratef are not due to coal, but rather to monoooly. Reduction of rates through legal regula tion Is an Iridescent dream. Juch at tempts In Omaha have not meant final regulation, but futile litigation. Therefore, nubile ownership, alone, promises relief. It -ia advlaalil to atteinnt to acaulre the present eleotrlo plant, bolstered by a perpetual rranchlse and tiuttressed Wltn dlrldend-psylng wster securities? If not, the alternative is a competing plant of sufficient capacity to act as a regulator of rates, but, designed to afford. Ultimately, relief to all, if necessary. The Haiindera bill empowers the Metro politan Water district to develop such a plant under the most favorable circum stances, provided only, that the people vote bonds there'or. Objections ta Meaeare. The opponents of the bill base their opposition upon the following grounds: The bill contemplates not municipal, but water-board ownership. A water board Plain la unnecessary to regulate rates, the city now has that power. To construct a water district electrlo light plant would duplicate the existing plant; to Invest In two plants when one will suffice. Is unbuslness like. If the city wishes to enter the electrln light business. It should exercise Its pres ent cnaner powers ana acquire the ex lating, plant Alter tne city gmn ted a-franchise to the electric light company, and the com pany has spent millions In constructing a plant to perform Its franchise obtlca tlnns. It Is unfair for the oKy to dsstroy the value of the plant by subjecting It to an uncommercial competition through the Omaha Investments shoiffd be dealmhla. If the people destroy the Investment made unuer me eierino ugnt franchise then we show that Investments here are not pro tected, and the effect will ho n mri. ouslr retard our development Municipal ownership and municipal competition are quite distinct Municipal operation of a publio atlllty necessarily should bo a monopoly. W'hea a city haa power to regulate Ue- rates and services 01 a pumio uiuity, snunwiptai competition with such utility Is uniust and incon sistent. More Candidates for City Election Make Annearance Harry J. Hackett announces th ha will be a city commissioner candidate. Ills petition la being circulated and he Intends to file within the next week. II was a member of tbe racenj city charter board. Fred H. Hoye. former city' councilman and member of the uld fire and police board, states he la In the race and will stick It through. Tom Quintan of the Ilrandela atm n.lia that he has been importuned by various persons, but declares emDhatlo. ally that he will not consider being' a candidate. Rank forms for Petitions have been Is sued by the election commissioner to W. F. Wapplch. Frank J. Rlha. Robert Druea. dow und Kd Hlmon. One hundred and fifty voters registered Wcdmsdav. It was aald most or thm favored the candidacy of Uarry Zlraraan and Kd Blmon, FIFTY-FIVE CARS OF GRAIN RECEIVED ON LOCAL MARKET Considering the weather and the con dition of the country roads, Omaha grain receipts were fairly heavy, there being eighteen cars of wheat, twenty-seven of corn and ten of pats on the market. ' Omaha prices were firm, wheat selling at tl to $1.40 per bushel, practically unchanged from Wednesday. Coin was one rent up, sales being made at cents to OS cents. Oats were one cent up, selling at N cents to S3H cents per bushel. Wkscplif Cvk. "When my daughter had whooping cough she coughei so hard at one time that she haii hemorrhage of the lungs. I was terribly alarmed about her condi tion. Peeing Cbamberlaln'a Cough Rem edy so highly recommended, I got her a bottle and It relieved the cough at onoe. He fore she had finished two bottles of this remedy she was entirely well,", writes Mrs. 8. F. Orlmea. .CrooksvHle, O. Ob tainable everywhere. Advertisement. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. OPENS NEW SALESROOM Carl (hangstrora. representing the Allen r In this territory, opened salerooms estcrday at Ml Farnam street nnder tr-e name of the standard Motor Ca com pany. Throe models of this car are dis played there, and although this la a new company ia thy territory Mr. Chang strota reports vary good business. The Lthrae models of this car are selling at a4 U.3;. Relief frea Aral Rbraasatlaaa. John H. Orong, Wincheater. X. II., writes: "I suffer from lacuia rlmum- . nam aim cioan imminent always helpa uuicmy c. All diugglsts -Adver-Useoient. FLORENCE WANTS TO ANNEX .Commercial Club Members Send Ap peal to Legislature to Pass the Consolidation Bill. BUSINESS HEN SIGN. MESSAGE Tbe Florence Commercial club met Wednesday night, and after some ex change of opinion on the general subject of annexation, sent the following appeal to the legislature ."Not having any money to hire brass bands, or any one to rend down to IJn coln to bother you while you wero trying to work, and oelng very busy ourselves, the undersigned business men of Florence kindly ask you to pass the annexation bill now before you, as since we were not asked about the Metropolitan Water district bill, which was passed, taking away a substantial part of our taxes, we esrnestly request that you go further snd pass the annexation Mil, so that we will have one great-big ' Omaha, which will then Include In Its limits the fl.000,000 water plant As It now Is, people coming to Omaha, find this great plant In Flor ence, Instead of Omaha. Awaiting to hear the good news that the annexation bill has passed. Wo remain yours truly," and the appeal Is signed by: W. K. Well, Farmer Rtate bank. A. u. Anderson, postmaster. J. H. Price, hardware. K. T. Parker, real estate. K. C. Webster, editor Florence' Tribune. Ueorge Hlert, Florence Drug company. Kelrle Grading company,, grading con tractors. Henry Anderson, retired merchant. H. T. Brlsbln. Hank of Florence . James Q. Hrensman, barber and cigars. C W. Hhults. Florence bakery. II. W. Harrington, Harrington . Mer cantile company. F. M. King, retired merchant. R. H. Olmxted, attorney. Paul W. Rlvett. Klvett Lumber and Coal company. C. K. vvaJI. boots and shoes. J. C. Rennlnxer, bsrber and cigars. Marshal Warner's Brother Nominated to Canadian Office Quitting the United States after the prealdentlal. election of 1S9S because his party, the populist, had endorsed Bryan and he had to vote for the Uncotnlte la support of the party; going to Canada with $5,000 and making S600,0G0 on lands there in seventeen years, and now being nominated as a candidate for the Cana dian Parliament that ia the story of D. W. Warner of Edmonton, Alberta, a brother bf United States Marshal W. P. Warner bf Omaha. The latter haa Just received word of his brother's" nomination by a big con vention to be liberal candidate from the "riding" or district of Battle River, Al berta. The Warner across the Una In the Dominion la also honorary president of the Union Farmers' association. To In dicate his pronounced popullstlo tenden cies In American politics he named his son Ignatius Donnelly Warner, after a famous populist. The parliamentary eleo tlon will be held In May. . Good Roads Lower . Railroads' Income Declares Stenger "The last month, when 1a& weather and almost Impassable , roads have been the rule, has given us an Idea ot what the- automobile haa done to. railroad travel," asserted Ernest Stenger, general manager ot the 8t. Joseph Grand Isl and road, who Is In town. Contluulng, Mr. Btenger aald: "Through Kansas and southern Ne braska the country roads have been In such bad condition during 4h last month that people have been unable to drive tiutomobllee over them. During that time the local travel oa our lines has increased wonderfully. We could note the Increase the very day the roads became Impassa ble and have also noted that it haa held up. changing but little from day to dsy. This Increase, must be attributed almost wholly to the fart that the automobiles have not been running." THRILLING POKER GAME INTERRUPTED BY POLICE Oust Abarlotes and Peter Palloa, pro prietors of a pool hall at 1415 Jackson atreet. were fined 125 and coata each whan an aicnej In police court for keeping a aiaoraeriy bouse. The two proprietors, with four Inmates, were arrested Wed nesday night by Officers Williams and Rartoa. who discovered a nokee nim In operation In the rear of the establish ment. The Inmates of the nlace were fined 15 and costs each. Freelile-Face ow Is the Time te Oat Sic ef These ' Orly Spots. Do you know how easy ic Is to remove those ugly spots so that no one will call you freckle-face? Ktinply get. an ounce of othlne, double strength, front Sherman aV McConnell Drug Co. stores or any druggist, and a few applications should show you how easy It Is to rid yourself of freckles and get a beauIITuI complexion. The sun and winas or reoruary and Msrch have a strong tendency to bnng out freckles, and as a result more othlne is sold tn these months. Be sure to ask for the double strength othlne, aa this Is sold under guarantee ot money back if It rails to remove the freckles. Dandruff Soon Ruins The Hair Ulrls-lt you want plenty of thick, beau tiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, or it will starve your hair and ruin It tf yon don't. It doesn't do much good to try to brush or waeh it out The only aura way to get rid of dandruff Is to dissolve It, then you destroy It entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; ap ply It at night when retiring; use enouah to moisten the scalp and rub It la gently with the finger tips. By morning, most U not alL af yaur dandruff wilt be gone, and three ar four mora applications will completely dis solve aad entirely destroy every single sign and trace ot It You will find, too, that all Itching aad digging of the scalp will stop, and your balr wilt look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drag store. It la Inexpensive and four ounces la all you wilt Deed, no mailer tmw much dandruff vou lime This simple lemedy ucer fails. AdertUcinent. RAILROADMEN ARE STRICTLYHEUTRAL Favor No City in Advertising- Stop oyer Privileges on Exposi tion Tonrs. IS UP TO COMMERCIAL CLUB While the railroad paiMenger men have commenced a campaign to en courage travel to the Pacific coast, they assert that they are not doing anything to Induce people to stop off at any particular point enroute, either going; or coming. "Omaha," said Oeneral Passenger Agent Wakeley of the Burlington, "has been designated ss ono of the points where paasengers trsvrltng In cither di rection will be permitted to stop off and remain Shi long as. they like, providing they ontmtie the trip during the life of the ticket. "Attention to the privilege of the stop over In Omaha Is noted In the folders and time cards, but In this respect this city is not given a preference over others. We could not do this, for if we did, even town between Chicago and the Pacific coast would be clamoring for the same attention." Railroad passenger men assert that It It Is desirous that Omaha be put on the map as one of the points where special notice Is to be called to stop over priv ileges, the Commercial club, or Its pub licity department should take the matter in hand and do Its advertising through the east. They take the position that It would be unfair to other cities along their lines If one city should be singled out and advertised aa a point most at tractive to visitors going to. or coming from the exposition. Bald Mr. Wakeley: "It Is very likely that the railroad pas senger offices would gladly co-operate with the Commercial club and the pub licity department In the distribution of certain advertising matter, but no road could Jump In and boom any one city along Its line to the exclusion of the others." NORFOLK GIRL CAUGHT .WITH WORTHLESS CHECKS Irene Johnson,, aged IS years, of Nor folk, Neb., was arrested by Special Of ficer Finn of the Brandeis . Stores for the passing of four worthless checks, totalling a sum of 125. The girl's parents have been notified and will the'siraount Most Old People Are Constipated The wear of yearn Impairs the ac tion ot the bowels. With advancing age people are disposed to restricted activity and exercise, which is respon sible for the constipated condition of moat old folks. The digestive organs are mora sensitive to the demands made upon them and rebel mora quickly. ,: , A mild, effective remedy for constipation-, and-'eue that te especially suited, to the needs of elderly people, women and children. Is the combina tion of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that IS 'sold in drug stores un der the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. A free trial bottle can be ob tained by writing to Dr. W. B. Cald well, 4G! Washington St.. Montlcello. lee. Insurance Company of New York In 1914 ' ' In benefits to policyholders, the "Oldest Company in America"' has again surpassed all former achievements. . . , Total Amount. Paid Policyholders, $69,032,809.59 The above total, including death claims, endowments, dividends, surrender values, etc., amounted to $1,327,554 for every week in th,e year, $228,585.46 for every day, and $28,573.18 for every hour, counting 302 working days of 8 hours each. The total paid to policyholders during the year exceeded the amount re ceived directly from them by, $10,612,872.70. Other notable features of the Com pany's business at the end of the year were . Insurance in Force, Admitted Assets, Net Policy Reserves. Total Income, Total Disbursements, The amount of new insurance paid for durinsr the additions, was $147,720,038." . ' '-. ' Balance A 8 H K T S Real Estate, .....$ 22,129.049.51 Mortgage Loan 127,416, 467. 2 Loans on Policies' 90,766.345.11 Bonds and Storks. 35S.752.949.56 Interest and Rents due and accrued 7.590,552.84 Premiums In course of col lection 4,450,552.06 Cash ($3,689,744.78 at in- ' teret) '4,039.717.03 Deposited to pay claims... . 8S9.167.15 Total Admitted Asseta. . . . . Waite H. jSquier, Manager Brandeis Building, Omaha, Neb. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK . Home Office, 34 Nassau Street, New York, N. Y. . MANY EX-ARMY MEN HERE Rfcrnitine Officers Estimate 1,500 in Omaha Eligible to Proposed American Leg-ion. ABOUT 200 FORMER NAVY MEN Omaha could furnish, from 1,000 to 1.W0 men for the proposed Ameriosn Lieglon. according to estimates of local army and ravy attaches. " Whatever the exact figures might prove to be. If they were available. It Is quite certain that Omaha and vicinity has plenty of ex-service men of the various brsnches who would be able' and willing Eery tking Else Is Forgotten ! IOLLS AND BOOKS D provides that gladsome surprise lem Cream. Forsaken is trie Teddy bear. Neglected lies tke dollitt. TU picture book must wait Playthings hr?e their dwm$, but never greater than a dish of this frozen holesomeness and health! Good Ioe Cream is good for all children and you everybody should eat more than' they do. As a dessert, it knotfs no rWal. As a tonic, it brushes all weariness away. As a.. food, it furnishes added energy. Purirp is our first consideration so be sure, for your own sake, that it's always .71 VttU'f" "5L5- There's a good italer near 1 TS4 3& awj Mutual Mf e $1,612,574,168.00 611.033.800.53 496.438,884.00 85.482.390.33 80.013.720.06 Sheet, December 31st, I.IABILITIK8 Policy Reserves . . . ... ,$496,438,884.00 oupyicnieuiai jr iomraci ue ' eenre . . ., Other Polity Liabilities..'.. Premiums, Interest and Renta paid in Advance Miscellaneous Liabilities . . . Taxes. License Fees, etc.. payable in 1915 Dividends payable in 1915.. Reserve for future Dividend 70,834,884.23 Contingency Reserve 12,647,616.19 Total Liabilities $ai 1.O33.8O0.5S .$611,033,(100.53 to again be In readiness to take up arms for Old Qlory, if such were necessry for the honor or defense of tht nation. Varying estimates by experienced and retired army men place the number of ex-service men in that branch here at from iOO to 1,300. Recruiting Hetgeant Fred M. Hansen says he thinks sOO 1s a lew flsnre. Sergeant Olhson at the quar termaster's depot ssys the ex-army men hereabouts will total from 1.000 to l.fcV). Albert Wedermyer, formerly a chief mu sician in the army and now retired and attached to the quartermaster's depot, ssys there would be almost 1.000 anyway. In the naval branch ex-service men In Omaha number about 2nd, according to Chief Petty Officer F. A. High of the naval recruiting station. There are also a few ex-marines. r jsbi a i s a l a sm saw w at toted skl tfken tnotW 7ie Groam of Ice Greoms a ' you who ttifl itfte $00 71 l. v vear,. including dividend V. 1914 3.696,764.05 . 7,871,734.69 1,294,032.09 659.355.39 651,210 00 16,939,320.89 Deferred jpsTn.. J 0 D 1 Farm should make a practice of reading The, Bee's Farm, i Land columns reg ularly. Good Land on Easy Terms is advertised there from time to time, making it possible for every man and woman with a lit tle money to be come His Ovn Landlord Farm Lands have just begun to go up in price and -insid of another month, there will be a heavy demand. Buy Now If You Want the Best at the Lowest Prices Read the "Farm and Ranch Lands" columns and look into ' some of the m offers. Be a Prosperous American Farmer These ads are .on the next to the last page. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE "Everybody Reavia Be Wan AAa." &very .Renter e