Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1915, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
UrMzi li til life tf Tr..i
ossasa, "eno IniMiHafl
T S-SOslbiO fwiMMi
vol. xi jv ko.
0 Train and at
total liwi Steads,
Forty-One Western Carriers, Asking
Ten Millions More Yearly to
Save Credit, Blame Esthetio
Craving Partly.
Elaborate Passenger Depots' and
.Freight Terminals Aid in Cut
ting Profit-
CHICAGO, March 4. Contending
that the margin between their In
come and expenses was becoming bo
small as seriously to affect their
credit, forty-one western railroads
began before Commissioner W. M.
Daniels here today their argument
In their application to the Interstate
Commerce commission for an .in
crease in freight rates, which it was
Mid would add $10,000,000 to their
Annual revenue.
The argument was of a general
character. Later the rate on com
modities such as grain, live stock,
packing house products, coal and
trtflts and vegetables, are to, be con
itfdered in detail.
i The eWaf contentions of he roads, as
Isratllned by C. E. Schaff, president of the
1 Missouri, Kansas Texas road; S. M.
Felton, president of the Chicago Great
Western, and C. C Wright, counsel for
:fcho Chicago 4b northwestern road, were:
I - That aJl the railroads should be per
tnltted to charge enough to enable. them
to pay at least 7 per cent dividends, with
at martin over that for surplus: that at
present many of the roads are not able to
pay mora than E per cent, and some ot
them cannot pay anything.
. That their small profits Impair their
credit and they are compelled to pay high
rates for new capital.
That public demand forelaborate
, passenger stations and freight terml
' nals to enhance the beauty of cities,
such as Kansas City, Mo., and ft.
Paul, TUlnn., has placed burdens on the
railroads without increasing their rev-,-
en ues.
That Increased equipment, higher
-. wages and restrictive legislation have
greatly increased the expenses of the
roads Involved.
Thorae's Statement.
After opposing the demands of the roads
en tile ground that what they asked for
would amount . not to 110.000,000, but to
175,000,000 or $100,000,00 a year, Clifford
,Thorne, who appeared, as leading counsel
for the shippers, asked Mr. Schaff if it
.were not merely on account of the Euro-
' pean war that the roads were asking In
creases. Mr. Schaff said he could not
recall, Any mcreesed'expenses on account
' Of the wan ,
"What has happened since the war
Commenced that has 'reduced your deve-
neef asked Mr, Thorns.
"There nas been a , depression in bust
cess," replied Mr. -Schaff. - The witness
then said it was not because of the war
the rates were asked, but because of gen
iewd business . conditions since 1906, In
the last seven years the average net ki.
icome on the forty-one roads, he said, was
LIS per cent or, assuming that the roads
jwere entitled t earn 7 per cent, there
tea la the period mentioned $1,800,000,000
Ja capital on which no income was earned.
! The - total capital in that period was
ffSKI.OOO.OOO. said Mr. Schaff. Mr. Schaff
Km asserted tffat while In previous years
roads were able to borrow money on
si s to per cent basis, many of them
pow had to pay 7 per cent and more,
i Mr. Felton asserted that the need of
the western roads for more revnun and
Ca more liberal treatment by the public"
as imperative. He said the roads should
tot only be permitted a fair allowance
for maintenance and betterment. bjt they
should be enabled ' to pay T per cent
Dividends, to stockholders. '
"A good Illustration of the expense of
conducting our passenger business," hs
said, "Is seen In the cost of the new
terminal at Kansas City. There w.. .
trong demand there for a new passen
ger station and one was needed.
First Estimates?
'One could have been built on the old
location for possibly $2,000,000 or $3,000,000.'
KOboUnued on Page Two, Column One.)
The Weather '
' Forecast till 7 p. m. Friday v
Ker Oinaha, Council tluffs and Vicinity
ratr ait Jnaikt Yratrri..
5iw mm
S a. m.
a ra.
'Sv'4iT 7 a. m. ......
K a. m.
a. ni..
W a. m
11 a. m
12 m
1 p. ni
t p. ni
I p. ni
4 p. m
5 p. ni .
p. m... ,.
7 p. ni
I p ni
Local lUrvrs.
JM5. 1914. 1913. mi.
highest yesterday.
44 Ho
west yesterday 21 30 21 12
Mean temperature i" 37 U'H 1
precipitation -W .00. .00 .W
Temperature and precipitation detar-
ures from the normal;
Normal temnciature 30
efii-lencv for the day s
total deficient y in e March 1 4
Normal precipitation .04 ln h
xceas for the c'oy .-' Inch
rotal rate fa ,1 alnoe March 1...V.W inch
:xceas since March 1 4 Inch
Xifuleniy for cor. period l,d4. .15 inch
eficiency for cor. pciluj, 1MJ. .la lath
Reports front Stulona at T P. St.
Station and Mute ' Temp. HIkIi- Rain-
oi int-r. , u. in. e!i. tall
Pheyeniw, dear 14
Lavenport, cloudy SO
benver. cloudy
ties Moines, cloudy
bander, clear
Noitli Platte, ;-iiow
Omaha, sn-iw
Rapid City, snow
fait lAkt City, r-lnuily.
Bantu K. ar claudy...
sloux flty. snow
T mo i taies iraee or precipitation.
Ia A. WEI..SH, Local Forecaster.
IN CONSTANTINOPLE? The. old superstition
that the fall of this column, Bruk , will mark the fall of
the Turkish empire. Knowing this, the French and Brit
ish ships may throw shells in that direction to play on the
Turkish superstition.
J:.l J. 1 I
TfTV. ' i " ... -a.v 1
V mt' ....
Prominent Omahan and Former
, 'Treasurer of MJnited . State.
' T"Sucumbs to Old Age.' " '
A. U. Wyman, former treasurer of
the United States and pioneer resi
dent of Omaha, died Thursday morn
ing in Washington, D. C. aged 82
years. 'Word of his death was re
ceived here by his son, Henry F. Wy
man, wh'o left for Washington im
mediately. . . ...
Mrs. George A. Hoagland of this
city, sister of the ' deceased and his
daughter,! Iletene. 4 wffe of- CapUin
William Neelyof Buffalo, were at the
bedside. He is also survived by a son,
William' Tupper Wyman of Chicago,
Mr. Wyman 'came to'Onfaha in ,185
fromt Madison. Wis:, and became paying
teller -In the 'Western Exchange Flreand
Marine bank, the first tank of Nebraska,
opeartlng under a charter from the leg
islature. ' '
Twice Federal Treasurer.
ln 1863 'he was i called to Wanhlngtoh
to becSme assistant 'cashier of the treas
ury, '" and occupied . succiersive higher j
grades in "the department until 'he 'a
appointed treasurer by President Grant
In June. 1K76. After' serving in this po
sition a year, he relinquished tha. office,
owing to ill health . and assumed . the
lighter duties ol' atsiHtant treasurer. In
1K83 ho was again ' appointed treasurer,'!
receiving the appointment from President,!
Arthur. He occupied-1 this position until ' Sara Bernhardt, whose condition was j they have not made other-arrangement
May, 1SS5, when he removed to Oma ha ' considered escellent for several days, for the defense before that time,
to become president of the Omaha Ioan i after the amputation of her right leg on I
and Trust company, vlcip president of the! February 22. recently has felt a reaction j EXPRESS COMPANIES WANT -Oman
National bank and President of land her condition for the last forty- ..... MfiniFIFn
the outh. Omaha National bank, which eight hours has caused her friends some! RA 1 1 UKULK MUUIrlCU
he organiesd. ,
Contentions of Honda. J
Mr. Wyman also served as postmaster
In Omaha and as treasurer of the Tie-t-raska
Central railroad, in liKiO, he again
left this city to take up duties In the
Treasury derartment at Waahinuton.
Mr. Wyman had not l.een actively en-1
Kaged for some months, owing 'to 'a rapid
i decline, and his death .ass expected. Mrs.
! Hoagland. his slater, left for Washington
Uome ten Days ago. Funcial services will
le conducted there.
WASHINGTON, March 4. Colonel
Oeorge W. Goethals was nominated today
to lie a naJor general In recognition of
his services,!!! building ti e Panama canal.
Four other nominations for promotions
of offiiers associated with Colonel
(loethals were presented at the. same
time and all were immediately confirmed
J In an opening session ot the senate, an
j unurual proceeding. The other ' nomlna
! Hons were:
Brigadier General William C. (Jorgas
to be major general, medical department.
Colonel H. F.- Hodges and Lieutenant
Colont'S William L. Blbert to be brigadier
generals of the line-
Commjtnder H. H. Rossesu, I. 8. N.,
to be rear ndnilral.
The bill providing for the promotions
intends ths thanka of congress to the
i-4 ..A-
Head of Department of Iowa' Town
"Accused of Collusion with -'
'7 Underworld,
SIOUX CITY.j'Ia., .March' 4.'
George Peirce, police chief of Bloux
City, was placed under arrest this
evening on a warrant sworn out in a
ltcal justice's. office. The informa
tion was filed by E. C. Walcott, secre
tary of the local Toung Men's Chris
tian, association.---It-charges bribery
against the head of thea police force.
Tha accusations ' are based on ,a
srletPcUateJ.ln(juijies,'lai which it
Is alleged , that ,the t police.. ch, let has
been in collusion .with denlzens'of the
underworld, gamblers and' bootleg
gers, allowing them to conduct 'places
In violation of-law. .;. " M . ..
It is also charged that . thei police
chief has "double-crossed" these lridl- ptrt" ". 'umme.d "p..blr Ab?
, . , , , ,i vlth the brief statement that "we wanted
vlduals by causing, thelr arres.t. and L t a mb in some rich neighborhood
trial in court. It is rumored that-a
wholesale exposure of graft' will fol
low the' initial- move of. local re
formers.; - ",.,
Sara Bernhardt
Condition Causes
v Alarm to Friends
March 4. (Via Paris.)
anxiety. " It was announced ly her
physicians last night that she was soma-
what , better.
Vrmn o ATci n T'finnrl
XUUiig iUaU X Willi. U.
Trill -J TT.. " T1
Killed Upon i arm
Telegram ) Thomas
March 4. -Special
carnlck, years
o'clock -'our mile, northwest of Monroe j ronenc. tn. fompanJe. fl6 a
V! -'A T..relLed by ,M"- Pt.tlon formally the commission will
ZImmerV He wss shot in the temple hyi!.,.. ... . .. ...,...
shot gin.
. . . .
i r ' . J ,1
neur the pump house. Trie deputy sheriff,
j coroner mid the county sttorney from this
Citv wont ther to Inventls-ntr th ahAni,
. .
bylvester Illehcc. whom the offtcers
found at a neighbor's house, was ar
retted and taken tp t i lumbu and placed
In Jail.
The body of Zcar ilik was brought t,j"
Columbus and taken n. Coroner tiavs.
The officers were unable to locate the
cause of tin- sliootii'x
MASON CITY, la.. March 4.-8ieilal
Telegram.) Mrs. Charlotte Van Horn man
indicted by the grand Jury this afternoon
for the murder of her husband, Chester
Van Horn. T'al may follow immediately.
Bonds were fixed at 113,00.
Snow Storm it General and the Fall
Heavy in Iowa, Dakota, Ne
braika, Wyoming and
Transportation Service in Omaha
and North and West of City
Greatly Hindered.
Traffic west and north of Omaha cial Telegram.! "Breaking Congres
was seriously Impeded, street car j slonalltles" might easily hav lwen a
service snd other transportation fa- j subject for the brush of a Hovendon
cilitles Inside the city were with dlf-as was his famous picture "Ilreaklng
flculty maintained and in many ! Honiw Ties."
places abandoned and Omaha was 1 There were brcaKIng hearts in
visited by. the heaviest snowfall of, many quiet corners of the national
the winter as a result of the second ! rapltol today, many ssd hearts about
day's operation Of a storm wave j the historic building which stands as
wbieh covers a vast area of the mid-, the embodiment of the democracy of
die west.
Six ami one-half ?n lies of snow f-ll
In Omaha during Wednesday nlghl and
Thursday; In the city a brisk wind te
on m drift the masses of snow lain
ycKtenlaj' and reports from the greater !
portion of the state snd from other j
Hates indicated that this condition was
Trsitm from the wet on the I nion
Pacific eie from two to Six hours is la
and fre'rht scrvlco nns anoiisnea lem-
porsrlly. n the Burlington like condi
tions pievailed snd the Hock Inland lines
suffered severely. On the Northwestern
where the storm reached Its height con
dition approaching a tieup so tar as
local traffic 1b concerned were met.
Northwestern Iowa and South Dakota
also were a rart of the storm area.
Snowfall which lasted all day and which
was piled into drifts at night was re
ported at Pioux City.
llepoi iB frsm varlooo points In the path
of the storn- told of trains stalled In the
snow anil of a complete tleup of branch
Temperat area Mild
Everywhere leports told of mild tem
peratures, the result being thst a com
paratively small amount ot suf feting was
caused by the storm.
. Generally throughout the state snow
commenced to . fell Tuesday night, con
tinued all Wednesday and late last night
was still falling, .' without indications of
cessation. '
The fall of snow, acoordlng to tha rail
road reports,' has been the heaviest
through the .central part of the state,
reaching out luto the. sandhills. North
(Continued, on fags Two, Columa Two.)
Anarchist Reads
Guilty to Throwing- ,
Bomb in Cathedral
NEW YORK, Marcor , Tne existence
of 'many plots on which the police bavs
been working was made kaown today In
a statement by Arthur Woods, police
commlrsloner, In commenting on the In
dictment by the grand Jury . of Frank
Abarno and Charles Cttrmone,. charged
w'ith attempting to explode a bomb In
8t. Patrick's cathedral on Tuesday. Com
missioner Woods said that so. far aa this
case Is concerned. It doe.i not go beyond
Abarno and Csrbpne, but that there was
other men which the police were watch
ing. . The commissioner Indicated that
Amedeo Pollgnanl, the young patrolman
responsible for the arrest of Abarno and
Carhone, would have a part in exposing
other bomb plots. i
Justification for placing tha bomb In
!.o that the - rich would understand tha
sorrows of the poor."
"1 plead guilty," said
Abarno, when
Mked to plead, "but I did not mean to do
any harm. I was there, but It was all
the Idea of this other man," referring to
Amedeo Pollgnanl, the patrolman. Car
bone entered a plea of not guilty.
District Attorney Perkins stated today
that he would move to have Abarno and
Carbone tried as soon as possible. The
men will be brought Into court. again to-
- u .k.l nl. . III h fnvrr, tl v
I entered and counsel assigned to tnera, ir
J ' '
WAS1HNOTON, March 4. Presidents
j of the express companies will confer
Jwlth tho Interstate Commerce eommls-
i10" hrrc i'rcn to a,k for modinca-
jUon t ii4 commission's deHsion which
' made a general reduction and readjust-
i mem of rite..
, Nt testimony will b taken, but th
mvm ronlos) will hsl rM rm ft a4 a vnialn
I th the pl,,ent rate. Members
1 . ..... ennimtaalnna nil others In.
i mite ui ui tiuraiiun ui rnirrininina 11
' " h c reopened will ;
'. "
4. President
Wilson' today signed the seaman's bill,
mprovlng working conditions of Amer-
lean seai.tan and Inc reusing life saving
equ'prScnt refinements.
It was ssld - president had csrefullv
exsmlned the I ections of some aerators
ittat the bill 'would Interfere wlt'i the
treaty obligations of the I'nlted states,
but concluded that It was so drawn that
he could handle those question with full
recognition of th right of other na-
Hons, lie -believe the bill will n t dls-
turn anytning iunaaroen(si in tne Torelgn
relations of th country. It provision
do not go into effect for fifteen month.
Winds Up After Baring Been (n
Sesiiorr Almost Continuously
Since April, Nineteen
Thirteen. '
Some Notable Fignrei Out
Public Eye When Gavels
(1'iom a Staff Corresiuinilrnt.
WASHINCWON. March 4 (Spe-
the nation, for, to many 1
noon meant the d'tference
2 o'cloi-k
"I am" and "I was."
Some of the big brainy men of ihe
country pnssed into private lif when
thB gavels of Vice President AlarshaU
. Sr..k,P clark foil declaring the
congress adjourned
"without day."
I.awniaklni Body,
Not in tin- history iif Ihe nutlin lm a
congress snt so continuously if M the
Sixty-third congress, which expired by
limitation of luw at noon toilny Knrrimt
five weeks of recess the conKrcws h i
been everlastingly "plugging nway" stjl"-"1". which hcW the law constitutional.
legtslnllon since Aprlf 17. 1911. and wht-
evef may be the estimate of history upon
the work of the congress, this Is to be
said, that more laws were pliiced on tho
statute books by the congress Just ended
than by any similar bodv of like tenure
fclnce the adoption of the constitution.
While much Important legislation was
enacted like the passage of the fndor-wood-Slmmons
tariff act, the anti-trust
law to supplement the Sherman anti
trust act, repeal ot the Panama canal
tolls exemption for American shipping,
the federal reserve act, reorganizing the
currency systems, many measures ot
wide Interest failed of enactment because
of strenuous opposition or could not be
considered for lack of time.
Two Issues Failed,
The session of the congress) wss notable,
too,' for- the failure of two great Issues,
national prohibition and woman suffrage.
Proposed constitutional amendments pre
cipitated two of the most, exciting legisla
tive battles in tha history of the house of
representatives, both measures falling to
receive a necessary two-thirds vote.
Since All Bet.
The stage of the house of representa
tives had been aet for a beautiful and
touching "drammer" of deep-aeated affec
tion between tha leader of tha majority
and minority parties, sn'd their fealty and
devotion to the highest traditions of
(Continued on Page Five, Column One.)
Fourteen Bodies
Recovered from
HINTON, W. Va March 4. -The num
ber of deaths resulting from the explo
sion Jast Tuesday In the Layland mint
on Qulnnlmont mountain remained un
known at noon today. Only fourteen
bodies had been broVght to the surface,
but rumors that half a dosen more dead
had been found spread among the scores
of anxious friends and relatives who
flocked about the mouth of the mine.
There was still much confusion as to
the number of men who entered Tuesday
morning. The company made known the
names of 177 employed In the workings
affected. Whether all were at work
when the explosion occurred officers of
the company were unable to say, . but
the opinion prevailed that perhaps twenty
Utile nope was entertained that
of the burled men were still alive.
ATJCANTB, Spain, March 4. Vla Lon
don) An explosion of petroleum yester
day inder tha forecastle of the lielglad
tank steamer Tlflls, from New York,
caused the death of one member of the
crew ' while six others were severely
burned. The fir spread so rapidly that
port authorities abandoned hop of ex
tinguishing the flames and devoted .their
energies to preventing them from spread
ing to other ships in the harbor.
A message hss been sent to Carthage
asking that a warship be dispatched to
sink the Tiflls and thus avert peril to
The Tlflls is a tanker of 1.S45 tor.e. It
sailed from New Tork February 10 fur
YANKTON, 8. V.. March 4-Bpecial.)-
j The cases of special agent of the Indian
Ulepartmcnt, II. C. Obershaw, for the gov
ernment, for bootlegging on Yankton Ip
dlan reservation. In hearing here for a
i week
were concluded Wednesday. Those
I held for trial were Frank Clbak, Dante;
L, i. Holmes, John Anthony, both of
' Wagner, all pooj hall men; M. Vawrlnek,
I merchant of Wagner
Thomas Whalen,
Ueddes. and three Indians, John Blaine,
i Adam Feather and Abel Thomas. All
i gave bonds or tt.OuO to appear In federal
court at Sloux Falls for trial In April.
j The transcript in the Chsrles Bowman
i murder trial, Just rurnlshed the attorney, lf ail() that It keel wn damaged badly,
fills 62 typewritten paitcs and make ajlndi.atlng the for-e with which th eiaft
Jviry bulky volume. tad struck the ubmartn.
U. S. Envoy Triei to Arrange for
Neutral District for Nonoom
batants in Event of Siege.'
WASHINGTON, March 4.Amerl-
can Ambasssdor Henry Morgenthau i
Is endeavoring to arranRe for the-
definition of a neutral sone at Con-1
stantinople for the protection of for
eigners and noncombatants in the
event the silled forces reach the Otto
man capital.
The American government was ad
vised of this In official dispatches to
day. Extensive measures already
have been taken by the Turkish gov
ernment for the protection of foreign
and native population, It was said.
Plsns are In operation for a stub
born defense of all the outlying posi
tions along the Sea of Marmora and
the approaches to Constantinople.
Fortifications are being erected
and the activity of the Turkish force's !
Is such thst there Is no question, ac
cording to official dispatches, of the
Intention of the Ottoman government
to niata a desperate tight against the
Invading forces.
Anti-Alien Law
Operation Held Up
By Supreme Court!
WASHINGTON. March (.- M"-! at'o'i
of (he New York Htste alien luw iv nits,
poiulcil toilHy ly the supreme coin i im :
writs of error were granted fer u re !.
of the decision of the state court of hi-
it is contended the building of the New '.
York subway would be delayed by the j
The state of Arlxona appealed to the su
preme court toowy form the decision of
the federal court, which held unconstitu
tional the ArlKnna antl-iillcn employment
Inw tignlnflt which Urent Britain and
Italy had protested as a vtulntlon of
treaty rights.
Three federal circuit Judges sitting at
a district court, to etoedlte consideration
of the law, held It unconstitutional at
Kan Francisco on Janmry 7. The law
provided that when any employer had
more than five men, SO per cent of that
number must be American cltlaens. It
had been enacted through the Initiative.
Italy at once protested through Its am
bassador. Count Dl Collere, that the law
was a violation of Its treaty rights and
a protest from Great Britain Immediately
followed, Japan did not lodge a formal
protest, hut Viscount Cltlnda, the Japan
ese ambassador, railed at the Stats de
partment on various occasions for In
formation on the subject.
In view of the fa?t that there Is a
similarity between the Arlxona law and
the antl-allen isw In Culirornla. against
which Japan has protests, the course of
the case In the courts Is being watched
in diplomatic circles with much Interest.
The decision ot the supreme court will
be awaited as possibly having some bear
ing on another pending question.
Grey Says Advice
of Neutrals About
Belgium Not Wanted
LONDON, March 4.-"Unless neutral
nations are prepared to assist In throwing
the Germans out of Belgium, no sugges
tions from them In the matter ot pre
venting the further devaatstion of that
country are wanted," ssld Sir Kdward
Grey, It? foreign secretary, In the House
of Commons today. The foreign secre
tary's statement was made In -response
to an inquiry from Frederick W. Jowett,
whether the government waa "willing to
Invito suggestions from neutrals with a
view to avoiding the further devastation !
ol Belgium Dy ihe great powers which
are contending fur Its mastrry."
"The only solution of this question,"
Sir Edward continued, "is the evacuation
of Belglun territory by German troops,
the restoration of its Independence and
reparation for the wrong done It. Un
less neutral powers are prepared to assist
In securing that solution I don't see what
co u 1,1 be gained by the course suggested."
Wheat Makes Big
Plunge Downward
Late in Session
CHICAGO, Marcb 4.-Wneat made a
sudden downward plunge today In the
last fifteen minutes of trading. Reports
were current that millions of dollars
worth of orders for war supplies, mostly
arms and ammunition, had beeqcancelled
In the laat forty-eight hours.
Although confirmation of tha reports
was lacking the market broke 7c a
bushel under last night, the May deliv
ery touching 1.7.
Final trading was excited at a rally of
to is cents from the bottom figures
Sinking of Submarine
by Collier Confirmed
LONDON, March 4.-The statement of
th captain of th collier Thurdia, which
arrived at Weymouth iwo days ago, that
hi vessel had rammed and destroyed a
German submarine off Beacy Head, ap
pear to hav been substantiated. The
captain and crew of th' Thordls prob
ably will receive In consequence reward
amounting to ".. which had been of
fered by vartou agencies to th first
merchantman which sank a submarine.
The Thordls went Into drydixk at Ply
mouth today. It was learned then that
one of its propWIcr blades had been torn
Large Austrian Force Pressing for
Relief of Prtemyil is Defeated
with Heavy Loss, According
to Petrograd.
Reinforced Fleet of Allies is Bom
barding Turkish Defenses from
Two Sides-
The Day'ii War "News
A HHITISII OTKM KM nf Ihe nlllril
fleet . nhlch U boniherdlnii Ihe
llnrdnnrllea la quoted In n dlapalrh
from tthen its saylna Ihnl only
Ins forts run reinnln Intact. The
bombardment of Ihe Inner forl
nai rrsnmeil this mnrntna;, ten
Inrae wnrshlpa eiilerld the straits
for I his nnrnosr,
fiRIIMW MIMTUM nothorltlei.
admit Ihe rrciiplure of l'r! .
northern Poland, hy the ltnlnn,
hnt n'rt Ihe llnsal.ina nattered so
severely durlnn the altnck that
j they were nnahle to dlstnrn tha
orderly retreat of Ihe tiermnna.
jFKt'.Xt tl WIR OITIl V. ba nlven n
more drflulte Men of the extent ol
Hip but lie tmtr In rwu,ress In
f tin m pa ivne. The nttneklnur front
Is Hbniit foiip nillra In lenith art
It Is ertril thnt the nllles now
li.iiil IJcrmaii niislllons tn the
tli-pth ol etui,, t tn-ti'thlrds of a
inllr. '
lit M i'l'TtflvS nrnr the Prus
sian linrrft'r arP snltl by the
tiiiins to huvr tnlletl. The Uermnn
rfforls to t-apture Ossonea sate
reunited tn a tlolent battle, wltli
no derision yet In sight.
LONDON, March 4. The interest
of British readers in the Russian
campaign has again shifted to the
extreme southern portion of the line
of battle, where Petrograd reports
thst General UruslIoff has won a
noteworthy victory 'south , of Ball
grod, Inflicting heavy losses on the
Austrian, who were again pressing
north to the relief of Pnemysl. t
the same time an unofficial dispatch
from Bucharest credits, the Russian
forces with the reoceupatlon of
Htanlslau, In Gallcla, about , sixty
miles from Tarnopol,
'At the -same time YlennM" reports the
repulse of desperate Russian -counter at
tack in the Carpathians, with compara
tive Inactivity along the remainder of the
line. Berlin admit officially the German
retirement from Prxasynss, north - of
Warsaw, which was made In good order,
in spit of haste that necessitated the
abandonment of wounded.
nO the western battle front In Fiance
end Belgium, tho French nowsippear to
be content' to hold the positions they
claim to have won In the Champagne
Ilattlr of Straits Continues.
While British battleships are battering
fort No. I and fort No. , In the narrows
of tho Dardanelles from a point ten miles
within the-entrance to the straits, French
warships from the Gulf of Saros are
bomburdlng the . Turkish, position at
ouiuir. a report hs been rarrent In
London that certain big Krupp gun re- ,
cenlly sent to tho Dardanelles are still
unmounted and an aerial reconnolasance
made over tho straits last 'evening seems
to have confirmed this report.. .
The bettleshlps of the allies, w hich now
(Continued on Page Two, Column One.'y
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