Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1915, Image 5

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The Truth
About It
By William Allison Gray.
"I sew by the papers," said the
Bit; Fellow, "that wine Is
stronger than beer, and whis
key Is stronger than either.
Which may be all right, so far
as it goes, but it doesn't go far
enough, nor in the right direc
tion." feanln,g which," inquired
the Little Pal.
"Meaning that the chap who
wrote that don't know what
he's saying If he's referring,
to the drinks of Today."
"I suppose." ventured the Lit
tle Pal. "that, according to your
lews, whiskey Is the mlldeBtr
of the three,"
"Most assuredly," declared
the Big Fellow, as one speaking
with authority.
You wouldn't mind explain
ing, would you," requested Lit
tle Pal, "and. at the same time,
if not too much trouble, giving
me your valuable views on why
black Is always so much whiter
than white." -
That touch of sarcasm shows
you belong to the large and
mistaken class who think wines
and beers are a lighter and
more - wholesome stimulant
than whiskey, though there Is
a larger and constantly grow
ing class who know to the con
trary." "I listen with Interest," said
Little Pal.
"In the first place," exclaim
ed the Bi Fellow, "when a
man orders whiskey he' modi
fies its strength to suit his
taste; It he takes a high ball,
charged water reduces the
strength of his whiskey to be
low the relative alcoholic
strength of an average glass of
bear. -
"And, furthermore," contin
ued the Big Fellow, "you real
iie that neither wine nor beer,
does he modify to suit his taste,
bat consumes as served to him.
"One ounce of whiskey Is the
usual drink, three ounces of
wine Is the usual drink and 12
ounces of beer is the usual
drink. Let's do a little 'sum'
In arithmetic and see which is
actually the strongest," and,
taking a pencil, the Big Fellow
roughly sketched this dia
gram on the back of an en
velope: Art A Y w rnf m
Whiskey; 46-100' to the ot, 1x4845
Winn: 50-100 to the OS.. Sx20 0
Beer: 4-100 to the oa 12x 4.-48
"Thus, you see, the average
drink of whiskey really Is mild
er than the average drink of
beer, which is not particularly
important In itself, for it is not
the minute differences in the
strength of a beverage, but the
greatest degree of wholesome
ness that should influence the
"You have proved your first
contention that a drink of 1
whiskey is milder than a drink
of the others, which I acknowl
edge is a surprise to me. But
do you really think whiskey is
the most wholesome also?"
' "No," said the Big Fellow, "I
don't think so I know so!"
"I await your valued diag
nosis," declared Little Pal,
, with what might be termed a
shade of skepticism. "Will you
favor me with a few illuminat
ing remarks,".
"I will. Wine is a wholesome
stimulant, yet wine is liable to
sour on the stomach. Beer is
also a wholesome stimulant,
yet, according to the authority
of brewery advertisements
themselves, beer is constantly
subject, even though carefully
handled and hermetically seal
ed, to the deterioration that
causes billonsness to many
systems. Whiskey, on the other
hand, is not only germless it
self and germ-proof, but Is the
active aid in destroying germs.
Whiskey can't turn sour, whis
key can't ferment, whiskey
can't germinate. Wine and beer
are the result of one or another
form of fermentation, which is
Nature's lesser method of pro
vldlngjjne of her most valuable
properties alcohol; while
whiskey is the result of distil
lation, which is Nature's high
est and absolutely germ-proof
method of doing the same
thing. Thus while Nature is lia
ble to play pranks with her fer
mented alcoholics, she Is ever
the stern guardian of the puri
ty of her distilled product
"I think I see the light." said
Little Pal. "And propose,
therefore, that we precede
lunch with the pleasant, thirst
quenching appetite-stimulating,
tood-asslmilatlng whiskey
And they did.
The foregoing is in substance
the actual conversation of two
particularly bright men, and
as it touches with remarkable
truth a subject on which I feel
myself peculiarly well quali
fied to speak I have considered
it worth using as a predecessor
to an article which I had al
ready prepared on the same
theme, and which I shall pub
lish shortly.
Disputed Points in Agricultural Bill
and Poitoffice Bill May Cause
a Deadlock.
WASHINGTON, March 3. The
Sixty-third congress swung -into the
last twenty-four hours of its life to
day confronted with a mass and Jum
ble of work which must be done be
fore noon tomorrow. Both house
and senate wll be In practically con
tinuous session until adjournment.
One by one the accumulation of bills
and resolutions was being disposed
of and sent to the White House for
President Wilson's signature, but the
closing hours were not without
threats of failure for some measures.
Today house and senate conforms were
deadlocked over the rural credit amend
ments to the agricultural appropriation
Nil; there was likewise a deadlock over
the railway mall Pay Provision In the
postofHce bill. ntlmatums to abandon the
disputed points or let the bills fall, were
being exchanged t between the contending
Ides. No differences appeared in the
other large bills which were not sure to
be composed.
So much work on the appropriation bins
remained to be done that administration
leaders did not hope to sea any of the
democratic legislative program passed.
They expected the ship bill, the Philippine
bill and other measures would have to
go over for the next congress.
Senators Root, Burton, Smoot and
Lodge, who led the republican opposition
to the ship bill, arranged to watch The
closjng hours of the senate to meet any
ttempt to pass the bill when the oppo
sition was not watchful.
Senate Passes Rivera Bill.
At 6:3T a. m. the senate passed without
amendment the river and harbor bill,
the last o the big supply bills to come
before It, and then recessed until 11
It waa only by taking the unprecedented
step of arousing the vice president and
requesting his attendance that a quorum
was obtained to pass the bill. Shortly
after 4 o'clock Senator Oliver raised the
point of no quorum in order to get full
consideration for an authoris
ing a new dam In the Pittsburgh harbor.
Only forty-elx senators could be found,
and two more were needed to make a
quorum. A motion was made and car
ried for the Issuance of warrants for the
arrest of absentees. Senator Bryan, tem
porarily In the chair, declined to sign
the warrants on the ground that they
could be signed only by the vice presi
dent or president pro tempore, Senator
After a parliamentary wrangle, how
ever. Senator Stone moved that the vice
president be requested to attend. This
was carried and the vice president was
roused from his bed about 6 o'clock. Just
before he arrived, bowever, Senators Nel
son, Page and Dillingham reported and
made a quorum. The vice president,
however, resumed the chair.
The senate, after spending two hours
on the conference ' report on the Navel
bill debating the abolition of the plucking
board, finally accepted It
. Two More Bills Finished.
Then In short order the senate agreed
to the reports on the legislative bill and
the diplomatic and consular appropriation
bill, putting two more of the principal
supply measures out of the way.
The house agreed to the conference re
port on the legislative, executive ' and
Judiciary appropriation bill, accepting
the senate provision to pay mlleago as
uual for traveling expenses of congress
men, then debated the river and harbor
bill after some heated discussion, accepted
the senate amendments and sent that
measure to the president.
Meanwhile disputed points In the army.
Indian, General efficiency and other bills
were taken up In conference committees,
(Continued from Pace One.)
make concessions regarding its marine
war sone in return for Great Britain's re
laxing the pressure designed to cut pff
its supplies. The British vie is that
Germany has everything to gala and
nothing to lose. Nevertheless, Great
Britain la still considering the American
not and a reply to this communication,
together with a further pronouncement
concerning details of the blockade of th
German coast, may be forthcoming.
Austrian Fleet Off Tarltey.
GENEVA, March I. (Via Paris)-An
Austrian fleet consisting of six Auatro-
German submarines accompanied by sev
eral torpedo boat and torpedo boat
destroyers left Pola. the Austrian naval
base at dawn yesterday for the Medl
terralnlan, bound for the Dardanelles, ac
cording to tho Telegram, which bases Its
report upon what It characterizes as hi'
formation received from a reliable source
from Thiuate by way of Innsbruck. The
fleet Is said to have been last reported
off Corfu.
BERLIN", March S.-Vla Indon)-The
Tageblatt correspondent in, Gallcla tele
graphs that the Russians have not won a
single complete success In their efforts
to regain Carpathian crests lost by them.
Heavy fighting continues, he says, along
the whole front In spite of bervy snow
storms. . The Russians are sacrificing
many men, the correspondent declares,
in their effort to regain mountain heights
and prevent a threatened encircling of
'their flank. . v .
Tarks Report Defeat of Fleet.
BKKL1X. March . (By Wireless to
isayvllle.) Included in the Itema given out
today by the Over-Seas News agency Is
the following:
"Turkish headquarters report from Con
stantinople under date of March I aa
follows: , '
" "The enemy's fleet yesterday,, unsuc
cessfully ' shelled the Dardanelles for a
period of three hours. This fleet was
then forced to retreat by the successful
fire of the Turkish batteries. At the
same time another fleet consisting of foui
French cruisers , and some " destroyers
shelled the Turkish positions on the Gult
of Saroa, but without any success what
ever. " 'Turkish aviators successfully bom
barded the ships of the enemy.' "
Stow That f siak tw,
When you catch cold or begin to
co,ufch take Dr. Hell's Plne-Tar-lloney.
It penetrate the throat and Vungs. All
ciruggu.ta. -Advertisement.
(Continued from rage One.)
they found him guilty on some counts
and not guilty on other
Judge Toumans opened the smatl paper,
found It blank and tossed It aside. As
he did so young Matters turned about
from where he was standing with a sigh.
He went and sat on the table back of
his father's chair and put his hand on
the elder Matters' shoulder.
Thus they sat, while the JudRe read the
verdict, which carrbs with It a sentence
of from five to ten years In a federal
"Guilty on the first count," read the
court ' .
"Guilty on the second count." and so
on up to the eighteenth count, on which
the Jury found him not guilty. And then
guilty again on the nineteenth and twen
tieth counts.
Matters' head dropped on his breast aa
he heard the words. But he' recovered
quickly and seemed his usual self.
Attorney E. J. BurketC In ' behalf of
Matters Immediately made the formal re
quest to file a motion In' arrest of Judg
ment and also a motion for a new trial.
The Judge set March 16 as the date for
filing these motions and then on request
of Burkett extended the time until
March K.
The first fifteen counts charged Mat
ers with aiding and abetting President
Melchlor Luebben of the First National
bank of Sutton to Issue certificates ot
deposit without ' authority. The. other
five-counts chaired him with aiding
President Luebben In misapplication of
the funds.
The eighteenth count, the only one on
which Matters was acquitted. Is a smatl
Item of f 150, a count having to do with
misapplication. This is the only count
alleging that Matters was Indebted to
the bnnk.
Jarara Eiriird from Service.
The Jury which was Impaneled February
waa dismissed by Judge Toumana In
view of Its long service permission to be
excused from further Jury service during
the present term was given to those who
desired it.
This is tho twenty-fourth day that th
Jury has been in service. During all that
time they have been under constant
guard of bailiffs, not permitted to read
the newspapers nor to talk with their
fellow men.
Judge Toumans pushed the trial with
all his energy. Under common federal
oourt procedure It might easily have been
Girls! Lots of
Beautiful Hair
.- ... .I
25 cent bottle of "Dander ine"
makes hair thick, glossy
and wavy.
Removes all dandruff, stops
itching scalp and fall
ing hair.
To be possessed of a head of heavy,
.beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy
and free from dandruff la merely a mat
ter of using a little Danderlne. .
It Is easy and Inexpensive to have nice,
soft hair and lots of it Just get a 25 cent
bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne now all
jiu; morn rwonimcna 11 apply a lime
as directed and within ten minutes there
will be an appearance of abundance,
freshness, fluffinesa and an Incomparable
gloss and lustre, and try as you will you
can not fmd a trace of dandruff or fall -
tng hair; but your real surprise will be
after about two weeks' use, when you will
see new hair rine and downy at first
yes but seally new hair sprouting out
all over your scalp Danderlne Is, we be
lieve, the only sure hair grower, destroyer
of dandruff and cure for Itchy scalp and I
It never fails to stop falling hair at once. I
If you want to prove how pretty and
soft yoyr hair really is, moisten a cloth
with a little Danderlne and carefully draw
It through your hair taking one small
strand tjd time. Your hair will be soft.
glossy .and beautiful in Just ,a fear mo
mentsa delightful surprise awaits every
one who tries this. Advertisement.
Thousands of men and women sutler front
tteadacbea every day, other thousands bsv
beadacbes every weak or every mouth, and still
outers bava headache occasionally, but not si
regular Intervals. Tbe best Doctor Isolteo unshla
to find tb cause ol many el IUsmi bcauacjea,
and In most oiber rase, knowing the rauae. t
does not know what 111 remove Tt. so as to glT
a permanent cure. All be can do la to prescribe
the usual pate telievers, which give temporary
relief, but the beadaefaa mums as usual, and
treatment Is seals necessary, II you suffer tronj
headaches, no matter what their Datura, take
Aou-kainula Tablets, and Uie results will pe satis
factory in the hlirht degree. Sou can obtslo
mtm at all aruairiau In
any quantity, luc worth.
zao worth or mora.
Ask lor A-k Tablets.
Sick -bead ache, the roil miserable of all sick-
a. Icwts its terrors when A K TaMeia ara
taken. When you teel aa attack comliir on,
take two taiileta. and in manv cae a. thu atiark
I will be warded on. Iuring an attack take on. i
I Tablet every two hours. Th rest and com- ,
"uu,"u"" """" " wu"
I C.aama A-K TmUmf ..or (A M .mm
rr.. Af mU
ft - . i '
" V- ,
1 '
L sir
six weeks long Instead of a little over
I three. Illness of one Juror held up the
trial for two days In the second week of
Its rrogrese.
I'nlted Rtatea Attorney Prank 8. I To well
declared the verdict was exactly what he
"It there Wiu one fount In the whole
Indictment on which I would have found
him not guilty It would have been the
very one on which the Jury found htm
not guilty," he said.
Matters has been out on bond ever
since he was Indicted by the grand Jury.
This Is a "continuing bond" and after
tho Jury found him guilty It continued In
force and he was allowed to go Instead
of elng taken In custody by the I'nlted
States marshal as la tho umial procedure.
After motions are filed on March 2,
Judge Toumans will pass upon them,
probably at his home district. Fort Smith,
Ark. He will then have to make a trip
to Omaha to make his decision a matter
of record.
If the motions are denied, the next step
to be taken by Matters to keep out of
prison would bs an appeal ot the case
to the United States circuit court of ap
peals. The volumtrtousness of the record, which
la close to J.000 large typewritten pages,
will make all this nrocedure cumbersome,
slow and expensive.
Judge Youinans left last night for his
home, Fort Smith, Ark. N
This ana rive CVata.
Don't miss this. Cut out this slip,, en
close S cents to Foley ft Co.. Chicago, 111.,
writing your name and address clearly.
You will receive In return a trial pack
age containing Foley's, Honey and Tar
Compound for coughs, colda and croup;
Foley Kidney Pills for pain In aides and
back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and
Madder ailments; and Foley Cathartic
Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly
cleansing cathartic, especially comforting
to stout persons. Sold everywhere! Advertisement.
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Cmpany Confines af ffc.. DU. sasi
The National Capital
Wednesday. March a, 1WIS.
The Senate.
Resumed work at 11 a. in. after a five,
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tion Mils.
The lloaae.
Met at 10 a. m. Resumed work perfect
Ing conference reports and appropriation
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