Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Jtiia in Sham Attributed to Ber
lin's Acceptance of U. S.
NEW TORX. March I.-For want of
Mm mors stclftn reason Wall street
as disposed to attribute the further rice
In stocks to Berlin's acceptance of Wash
ington a proposale regarding the regula
tlon of tlila country's exports to Europe.
At any rate the market, which opened
with aome Irregularity, aoon became
strong with an unuaually Inn nutnlier
of material net italna.
Trade more diversified than In re
cent days, but speculative favorite led
the movement throughout, I'nlted Htate
Pteel, Heading and the seasoned dividend
payers contributing over 40 per oent ot
the whole.
Specialties moved In contrary fashion,
loim showing aohstsntist advances, while
others fell hark correspondingly. This
we exemplified In a twenty-point rise In
Oeneral Chemical and an elghtoen-polnt
decline In Harvester Corporation pre
ferred. The strength of Steel and allied aharea
va accounted for by the . Februsry
r-cord of tha trade, slthnught It seemed
a debatable queatlon whether tle current
month waa keeping pace with Ita rede
reaanr, i'lg Iron production shows a ten
dency to fall under laat month's figures
and hither prlcea for flnlahed products
are Ning made with caution. The In
stabilttv of the copper markets waa re
flected In a aharp break In Ixndon.
Ionir-tlme money waa earner, half-year
loana being made at 314 per cent and call
loana were made at the surprising; low
rate of 1H per cent. Korean exchanse.
market went Irregular with a reaaatlon
of the recent unsettled condition.
Among; tha numeroua rati ay returns
for January, New Haven reported a net
Increaae of $Wi.0; Boston Maine.
1-iH.fW, and Northern raclflc a very
allaht Increase. Reading loat rc,0 and
lnuivllln tlbu.OOn. I
Bond aa a whole advanced In the face J
of Increased offering for Kuropean
lonnt. Mlnaourt I'd rifle Issue ahowed
especial strength. Total aalea par value,
were I2,MO,000. I'nlted Rates bonds were
unchanged on call.
Number of aalea and leading quotation
on stocks today were:
Hale 11 1 in. low. cioe.
AlartaXlnM 4. w 24
.AiralatraatKl Onpper .... I." 44 S"
Am.rl.aui Best ttucar.... 1.7 44", M,
Atnerlraa u -.IM r7H
Aisartraa B. H l.M tl4 U
AmertiM 8. R. r..
Am. auaar Heflnlna....
Amerlnan T-l. Tl...
AaMtian Thrc
AiMu-on4a Minlnc Oo. ..
Athlvoa ;
rulllmnr a OWo ,
Broiilirn 4Upl4 TnuMlt.
fHfnreta fMrnlawia ...
rn4(an pariria
ixitjul trainer
im ivot lwi is)
Xm !4', IZV,
m r 74 BS
K.'4 4S
4.1m uv im
'heaaBek 4 Ohio...... tnn
41 4 41 Oreat Wa)ra,. 4iw ion
""htr.o, M. Bt. P.... 4' H,
rntit N. w i. ran v
little Cnnxa- I.4 3
v,lnrwto ruel Iroa,,..
IVItnil9 9 Soathern ,...
1 leaver A Hie Oianrta
I leaver a H. O. pfH
IMMllleraf Itoeantlea .... l.ins
l ..A i.U tlV
OMienU Klertrls Ji IM
fitma ivortTiera xo
CrMt No. Of ctfa
iiKttnhMtm Bxploratloa.
JlUnm eutrl
IntorWouah MM. (4...
IiiMplrmtloa Oftjfvr
Intemathiiial llerreirtftr.
Kinaaa ttr Houlhera...
ouOlle NhTlll..
iKlra Petrolaaia
Jtiami Copper
Mlmnurt, K. T
National Plaralt
Nattonal Ia4 ,
Neraa OnplMr
Naw Toek Caatral
N. Y.. N. H. H.....
Nerfolk Waatarn......
Konhara Padtlo
-i(l Mall ,.
a-ltta Tel. -A Tel
rulltut Vmr Ou
!( Cea, Ovimt
7 1HU 1I4S 11
la It tIS !"S
sua 404 v
It 14
44 '
4M 101 w
id 14
1.400 1U)4 144, nt
1.401 IT 144 1814
J. 14 HI'i
tiepublln Iroa 41 Waal.,,, t& JO SO lj
Itock lelaa V
tluek lala4 . t4 tot V 1 l'
Pi. U r T M f4 ...X
aktutbern PaHfle . w n M
aoitdiara Kallwar ana lba 14 14t4
lainawavanKI I,WI R tt
Trxaa ivarnr ,
I ia I'acltla , 14,3
11H 114
X tuna r.fle l(4 pa)
t'allad fialoa flleel .!
44 42
i. a. Htai prt
I tah tbpeer
!. k4k 0iL livu
J.MX . Uf 41V U
iaatara t'aloa Cl .
r UncBoaaa Elerrh .. 1 i it 44
Total aaiaa far tha amy. IJI.tM aUaraa.
fH York Money Market.
r ;": (l4 per cent
tJTKKIJNil KXCMANQE HUady! six-t-dy
bilU, U IM); for cable, jl.soio;
Inr demand.
BlbV'KR liar. 4tfc; Mexican dollars,
HONDB Government, steady; railroad,
TIME IX5ANB Easy ; sixty days, 3H4T
t per cent; ninety days. JVal per cent:
Ix month. jer cent.
CALL. MONKY-Keey; high, t per cant;
', 14 ler cent: ruling rate, t per rent;
laat loan. Z per cent; cloaliig bid, H4 per
cent;' offered at I per cent.
Closing quotations on bonds today were
V a. ref. Sa. ra
So eevpea .....
f. e. ta. ra....
4o autieoai ....
V. 8. 4.. re....
.. Mo. Pae. . ta 4s
""IN Y. I'. lias.... U
..loiSN.T. CHr 'U itt..le4I
..1CHN. T. Hiala 4,,
" "wf ikFia am, mm
ranania couaoa..iiiv,No. Paclfla 4a,..,.
Am. SaieHara .... 104 v da TT...
A. T. Si T. mr. 4i WV, 0. 8. L. rt 4a
Armaur 4V Ca. pme. T. 41 T. sa..
ALOiaoa o. 4a..., Hl-ana. o. 4a
J l. a UMa 4a kat do eoa. 4va....
' i a mue 4sa... ) Raadiaa a. 4a...
. ' B 0 J- 4a.. .. H'S. u 8. F. r.
so evypoa
let ti
.. 7l
.. tin
sa ib
C m. n r a a..ii'H on. rao. cv. wj..t
to c. ta i4, d, rat. 4...
. C. . I. P. e 4a. fv Sa rm. (a
. 8. rf. 4i.. M o u
, P 4V K. Q. rer. 4.. 44 4'nlna Pvciria 4s
Kris sa. 4s U, Jo rm. 4a
. &an. t-laotrls lt....Hlll. S. Huhhar 4s'!i
n. fco. lt 4HB.. I'. 8 8t a...
, 'ill. ra. rmt. 4.... 44 Wabaah lat ta
. K. O. 6a. rel. ta.. H Waal. I'nlaa 4,s.
. J . A N. nl. 4a ... til Waal. Kiea. e. ta
, M K. T. lat 4a. 17
urn. -trr.
.. 41
.. M
.. t
.. 44.4
. .I0tj
I.x-1 Mtoetta Mnaala.
- QuntMlona furntahed tr Buma. Rrtakar
444 tMnalta Naitoael kaok bulliila:
fcUHka Aid.
4"iii,auil n. 4 t I an eaat f4.. i;
a Co.,
loailnaaial i. h. I pr oaa nam., 1
1 alipioot Creaatrry t Br cast ufd.. lonii
! Klirar Huttw iso
Kircalona TIra Si RuMnr O)..!
Ijaa-HII Hlarult lat aid m.
l,ibiila Tnrtlut 4.'s ,
luva wwfc hat. fMLoa Boutk Oauka 174
Uuhi 4V f. B. si. R. aid ;4
4D'&h a C. B St. fty. oom , t2k
4-Kiuur atfg. Co t
ttai liank of Onanha J14
ttmm ard Nat. Hank, South Oaiaha
t aloe binrk Yarda, Uiaaba ti"
t aitba tiraia coia
. ui.llnralal O 4 I b, 1-T (Vah).. 44 Mil. Klac f. ta. lilt .... as
lcuvwr (ina Notas par Deal, 117.,,., M
ilMl. Ta., 4a. IS34 H
iluwbuldt. he., itaf. as. lti& ima
aniu :ltr. Mo., svbool 4a, laSi.... .
X licols. Nab.. ISa, ly4 us
liuala Wast I'lllltlas ta. lilt ?
On ah. k. av P. 4a. Itu au
Oiualia . B. Ml. Hr. is. llt ,u
4a.ha Hater 4S,s IS41 lw!
OmM Hi hool 4a. . r
KrauMate. lal., ia, 1M-ism..., Mu
lit a Co. 4a. J4 ... a,,
I ulvaraltf PlaoO, Kk.. 4',a, ltd.-. M
V ii mis Utark Ysrtla ta. 1W4 7.. H
47 '4
7 14
100 14
Belief Dutch to flop
Into War is Baseless
THE HAGUE (VI London! Vr. h a
Xeporta reaching Holland from the I'nlted
fctates tuid other countries Indirata that
! belief has been spreading recently
.l.t The Neacrlands Is about to enter
into the hostilities. Seml-of fl, lal circle
it-re declare that such reports are with.
jut foundation. It is assorted that Hoi,
lands attitude of complete, neutrality
l a rot chtnged. but that it continues
determined to protect Us national right.
A going business can be sold quickly
through The lire's "Business Chances."
' tieseaiia ( Oerss
'" arrived.
M.w v.ii:!t rti,j,
. . jmct It
Inreitigation of the Rendezvous of
Dope Fiends Rertals Plentiful
Stores on Hand-
That the effects of the new federal
law will not be felt for aome time to
come by the many dope user was
proven by an Inveetlgatlon carried
on by a Bee reporter, who, in the
company of Detective Charles Van
Dusen, rlalted the rarloua hovel
along the bottom, where the "tnow
bird" and "hophead" congregate.
Practically all have provided In eorae
measure for Just auch ati occasion.
Tli home of George and Maude Gum,
J 406 California itrert, waa the flrat place
vialted. Two ycara ago they returned
A-..k. 4 . rr 1. u u - - A
iron on a vialt. At that lime they were)
both plentifully supplied with money and
poaaeased Jewelry valued at more than
r,000. Leaa than a year since George
cut Ms wife' hair and sold tha awltrh
to obtain money to buy dope.
Ths pair now live In the most miser
able squalor, confirmed users of sny nar
cotic they can procure. Maude wit bin
the decade ending with J!14 asserts that
aha has uaed more than 110,000 worth ot
gum opium for her own consumption,
whele her huahsnd has smokd more tha
equal amount.
The pair still had a small supply of
morphine left, which they were guarding
like a chemist equal amount of
radium. "I gnaas we'll croak when this
Is- gone," declsred Maude when akea
wl-at they would do In the future.
Mllll Had Plenty.
At Twelfth and Chicago streets. In a
hovel 10x10, devoid of windows, were
found "Kitten" and "Ooldy" drecn,
I-wy Patterson snd Victor Cronln hud
dled tn a pike of filthy rags on the floor.
The first thice are colored cocaine flendit,
while Cronln, who Is white, could not be
mado to tell what drug be uaed. Nons
seemed to be suffering from lack of the
product, and would vouchsafe no plsns
for the future than "We'll get slong
The shack of Bessie Psyne and Grace
Kane at Ninth and Capitol Avenue, to
gether with visits to a half dosen more
equally dilapidated hovels disclosed the
same sort of drug fiends but none who
seemed to be suffering from want of
their partlculsr poison. All apparently
having saved something for the rainy
v Will Reveal Kffecl.
Desplt this fact the police are firmly
convinced that with the passing ofa few
days the stringent government ruling will
start revealing Ha effectiveness. Suicide
and violence on the part of the drug
users will be the method, no doubt, by
which this revelation will come. The
penalty for the sale of dope will not war
rant the practice Is the belief, of the
authorities snd according to Ferry's story
as an example of extended attempts, to
secure the drugs, they are probably cor
rect Chief of Police Henry Dunn has
taken precautions that will bring about
an eiiectiva co-operation with the' gov
ernment officials on the oart of tha
police, toward the absolute enforcement
or uia law.
Litte Jitney Puts
Seven Cleveland Men
' First to Breakfast
"Hurr-y-ec for the Jitney." yelled fifty
luty voices when the Cleveland booster
Stepped out of the Burlington station it
T:14) till morning, and found one meek,
weasened little Jitney Ford waiting for
Then there waa a scramble for the Jit
ney. There -wa a foot, race ot fifty
Cleveland men. Including everything from
brewers to preacher.
"Jitney are a brand new thing in
Cleveland," wheeled one fat Clevelandlte,
a he waddled double time toward tha
auto. "A deuce of a lot of u haven't
even liad a ride In one yet. W eure want
to get Into thl on.
But the fastest leg told In thl race aa
In all ' others. The fat man with hi
wheese didn't get there In time. Seven
of the spiightllest landed In that wretched
Jitney In a pile, and the driver, seeing
Jitney-hungry Clevelandites hot on ' his
trail, rammed la tha clutch and snorted
It was a four-passenger Ford that had
seen better days back in the McKlnley
administration. In the word of th
Jockey it was "halter broke and wind
brok." But it anorted, halted, hesitated.
sputtered, kicked snow back all over the
Burlington platform, and. scooted away.
The seven men all but bad to get ml
and push on the way up the hill to the
FonUnelle hotel, but the little car tri
umphantly hsultd them into port event
ually. The seven beat the reat of the
crowd to breakfast by I't minute, which
wa considered a great triumph.
In order to meet tha Cleveland boosters
at the. special luncheon given for them
at the Commercial club yesterday . the
Omaha Rotary club adjourned early Ita
regular meeting at the Hanshaw rath
skeller. Home of the Cleveland visitors
are I tot art ana
The chief business ot the meeting was
the acceptance ot the report the com
mittee, conatstng of Will Clark. La V.
Nicholas and Will Taylor, which had
char of I he big party given by the
club laat Friday to celebrate the tenth
annlveraary of tha International organi
sation. - A letter also waa read from Rsv.
T. J. Mackay, rector of All Balnts' church,
who Is recovering from Jllness.
K. B. Marshall made an address telling
about elevatora. He said Omaha Was the
first city to have freltht elevator run at
passenger elevator apeed. Byron Bmlth
was chalmmn.
& Mid ( Lras'riss tslti, leaerba
mm4 l. 4Jrls.
Spring finds many afflicted with linger
ing, hacking coughs that weaken the sys
tem. Blush and wet cause more colds
than sero weather. Croup, bronchitis and
pneumonia are prevalent. Every family
ahou'.d have a safe and reliable rough
medicine ready for uae. Foley' Honey
and Tar Compound contain no harmful
tiis-rt-dtent. It ease a rough, check a
cold and relieve Inflamed and congested
Bienibianea. It clear a the air passes. snd
soothes Inflammation, bold everywhere.
I '
eaaiin aia ium4 . 'aT'fi oe Ma wim mii
president of the National Association of
Lulldtng Owners and Managers and man
ager of the new Continental and Com
mercial National bank building, the larg
est offlcs building In Chlcsgo. Mr. Ran-
del will be one of the principal speakers
at the banquet held by the Owners and
Managers' association at Hotel Fontcnelle
Thursday evening.
Duf rene Estate of
Half Million Given
to Mrsjaill by Will
The estate of Mrs. RlUabcth Pufrene,
estimated to be worth $0n,0i0, will go to
Iter daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth It. D. Hill,
by the terms of Mrs. Dufrene's will,
which hss been filed for probate.
The wdll was written In July, 1910, pro
vided that the Iste Fred Dufrcne, pro
prietor ot the Fariutm hotel, a. son of
the dad woman, should Inherit equally
with lila slater. Mr. ' Pufrene, however,
met death only a few weeks ago by
Jumping from the second floor of his hotel
during dcllrtnum csuaed by Illness.
No person of Roman Catholic faith shall
Inherit any interest In the eMate, Mrs.
Imfrene's will provides. No explanation
for this provision Is made In the will.
Relative ssy they know of no reason
for It.
The Instrument provides that grand
children shnll not inherit any part o'
the estate until they become 2i yeai
of age and then only In the event thoy
shall not be spendthrifts nor Incapable of
caring for property.
Provision la made that" Fred lames
Mill, Mr. Illll husband, shall not ac
quire any Interest In the estate.
Mrs. Hill Is named as executrix In the
Miss Butler has changed the location of
her millinery estsbllshmtnt to 907 South
Sixteenth street, fotmerly occupied by
the Rees Jewelry company, and has al
ready equipped the new quarters with a
full and complete line qf the latest spring
millinery fashions. TVo new place af
fords many advantages both In slie and
location. The rooms are considerably
more spacious, pern Itting a much more
lavish display of the season' models and
the central location I more convenient.,
W.. It. McCord h broken th record
thus for by taking out six dog licenses at
on tune.
Vhe names of the canines are: Terrace
Abbey, Reklow, Harry, Chlrquo. FhanV
line Chine, Teddy and one not yet named.
Four of the animals sre Airedales, one a
fox terrier and another a Scotch terrier.
An Industrial and -commercial geogrra
phy Issued by L. C. Rusmlscl. principal
of the High School of Commerce, I meet
ing with considerable favor among the
schools ot the country, Mr. Rusmlsel re
ports. He state that hi geography has
been adopted by fifty schools since Isst
November, when tha book first appeared,
Be Pretty! Turn
Gray Hair Dark
Iook young! Nobody ran tell If 70a
use (Jraiidmnther's simple recipe)
of Hnge Tra and Sulphur.
"" a
Almost everyone knows thst Fan Tea
and Sulphur, properly compounded, brings
back the natural color and luster to the
hair when faded, streaked or gray; also
ends dandruff, Itching scalp and atop
falling hntr. Years ago the only way to
get this mixture was to mak It at home,
which la muaay and troublesome. Now
adays, by aaklng at any drug ator for
"Wyeth'e Sage and Hulphur Compound.
you will get a large bottle of this famous
old recipe for about bo cent.
Don't stay gray! Try it! No one can
possibly tell that you darkened your hair,
as It does it so naturally and evenly. Tou
dampen a sponge or soft brush with It
and draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time; by morning
the gray heir disappears, and after an
other1 application or two. your hair be
cornea beautifully dark, thick and glossy.
n the Back
Pot a steaming hot towel over tha
painful spot for a few moments to
open the nores; then rub with Omega
Oil. Quick relief usually follows this
simple treatment. Tri4 bottle 10c
Weak from Abitinence Drag Fiend
Aiki Police to Place Him
in Tail.
Weak from the terrible cramps oc
casioned by the abstention from
dope, Clarence Ferry, aged 26 years,
Denver, Colo., telephoned police
headquarters from the Merritt drug
tore. Twentieth and Farnam streets,
Tuesday night, and asked that he be
arrested. A fruitless search to pro
cure morphine or cocaine, made pos
sible by the recent enforcement of
the federal ' dope 'law, convinced
Ferry that his "habit" had been
brought to an end,, and ' wishing
receive medical treatment through
that period of pain and misery which
follows the breaking away from dope,
he sought confinement In Jail. .
Ferry was arraigned In police court
before Acting Police Magistrate Brltt
and told his story to a decidedly Inter
ested group.
"Ferry, you are charged with being
a vsgrsnt and dope; fiend," read City
Prosecutor Fred Anncuser.
"Well, I plead guilty to being a dope
fiend, that's why I'm here now," began
tha prisoner, "but 'Im not a vagrant. I
have been worklnc steadily up till last
night, when I had to quit because I
couldn't stand the pain any longer.
Tried More After "lore.
"I hadn't had a bit of dope aince Hun- j
day, and the cramps nearly killed me. 1 1
tried drug store after drug store, and I
the usual place where we get what we
want, but It was of no use. I couldn't I
get a grain
"Tou can't1 buy any more, Judge. The
government has surely stopped us poor
fellows from getting it But you . mark
what I tell you,1 the dope fiend with
money win have dope just the same. God
Got to Go j)ccp to
Cere Rheumatism
linimenU Help Laxally, But
the Disease is Way Down
Inside. .
to get at the ourr ot rheumatic
pain It require the deep, searching la
fiueaoe of 8. g. 8., tbe famoua blood pur
ifier. Rheumatism 1 primarily a blood
dlseaa that, since It Is In this vltsl fluid
thst rheumatic V tendencies sre carried,
lodges In the joint and muscles, there to
Irritsts the nerves and produce pain.
And la order to drlv out tbe pi In la
Dieting polaona It requires . 8. 8. to'
Ink deep Into th tiny gland Imbedded
la th Innermost tissues. 8. 8. 8. travel
wherever the blood goes and never lose
It medicinal Influence. Thla explains'
why it overcome th most chronic form
of rheumatism, why It dislodge those hard
deposits that thicken th joints, for It act
aa a solvent and assists tbe blood to pro
vide In the tissues those natural element
for which tbe body building ,prces con-.
tlnually crave and must have.
If yon have never -need 8. B, 8. for
rheumatism, get' a bottle , todtf ' of asy
druggist. . tse It as directed and with
aome simple home--helps you will. soon
dethrone the : worst sad most painful
forms of rheumatism. . Write, the medi
cal . department, Ths Swift Specific Co.,
63 Swift 'Bldg., Atlanta,' Ga., for ' addi
tional 1 advice. Tours ' stay ' be a ,'cas
where - a . alight help from ' a specialist
whose advice Is free, will solve' the' mys
tery that' hss been making life miserable
for you. When 50a aak for 8... 8. 8. In
sist upon It and refuse all substitute.
old SjrxTH mBCxva rom oataju
- aVBLa.l asts
If you know eomnone wtto la troubled
with catarrhal deafness or head nolss,
cut out thla formula and hand it to them
and you will have been the meana of
aavlng some poor sufferer perhaps from
total deafness. Experiments conducted
In Kngland aome time ago seem to prove
conclusively thst catarrhal deafner.
head noises, etc., were directly caused by
constitutional trouble. It waa further
brought out that salves, sprws. inhalers,
etc... merely temporise with the . com
plaint, and seldom, if ever, effect a per
manent cure. This being so, much time
and money were sjpent In perfecting a
pure, gentle, yet effective tonic that
would quickly dlapel all tracea of the
catarrhal poison from the system. Th
prescription which was eventually for
mulated and which has aroused the be
lief that catarrhal deafneas and head
noises will soon be extinct la given below
In understandable form ao that anyone
can treat themselves In their own home
at little expense.
Hecur from your druggist 1 ox. Par
mint (Double Strength), about 7Sc worth.
Take thia home and add to It pint of
hot water and 4 os. granulated sugar;
stir until dissolved. Take one table
stpooirful four times a day.
I'armlnt la uaed In this wav not nu
J!o reduce by tonic action, the Inflamma
tion ana aweiung in the Euatachlan
Tubes, and thus to equalise the air pres
sure on th drum, but to correct any
excess of secretions In the middle ear.
Every person who hss catarrh In any
form ahould give thia recipe a trial and
free thenuelvea from the destructive
disease. Ad vertlaement.
Centrally located and
easily accessible by
rar line from any part
of tbe city, thla bank
la well situated for the
convenience of Ita cus
tomers. Its prompt
and courteous service
In all departments fa- tha transac
tions of your banking
without loss of time-
pity the wretches that haven't the price."
'"Where were you In the habit of get
ting dope?" against questioned the msg
Ist rate.
rla1 Always' OefIt.
"Why, I could always get It at the
Res Drog company," Informed the fiend.
"Re, R-E-X. ehf queried Brltt. "It
seem to me they have spelled that
wrong. It should be W-R-E-C-K-4J."
I'Tou're right Judge," seconded Ferry,
"but I can't even buy It there now.
Rlease put me away until I get over this
PSIn,. and I think I will be able to make
It all right after that."
Judge Brltt sentenced the man to
twenty days In the county Jail, and w
Incerely thanked by the young fellow,
who expressed his approval of the fed
eral enactment, by the quiet remark,
"I'm glad It's all over."
('ch mm C'olda Are aertoaa,
Don't tllsrtrgsrd your cold. Tou sneese,
rough, are feverish Nature's wsrnina.
Dr. King s New Discovery will cure you.
ooc. ah druggists. Advertisement.
George A: Parker, S.W Webster street,
aged 35 yesrs. was killed when he sus
tained a broken neck In a fall from a flat
car" from which he was unloading lead
Tsrker wss employed in. the shipping
department of the Falrhanks-Morse com
pany. 902 Harney street, and was step
ping off the csr when he slipped and
fell backward on his head. A number
of the pipes, becoming dlalodged,, fell
upon him. He was dead before Dr. R.
U. who was summoned, arrived. The
coroner took the body and may hold an
Inquest. Psrker Is survived by his wlfo
snd mother.
Broader Assortments and Better Qualities at Every Price
House Furnishers ' Will
Find Our March
Splendid Saving
Spring Garment Styles That Are Charmingly Distinctive, Abso
Hundreds of. Classy New
Including the choicest as
sortment of the popular
' Suits at $25.00
we have ever had the pleas
ure to offer; best in style
and workmanship at the
Other Remarkable Values
at $29.75, $35.00, $39.50 up
v . to $75.00. . , v
125 Beautiful Suits, $20.00
and $22.50 values $14.00
In ' Gabardines, Serges,
Coverts, etc. Several up-to-date
designs; unusual bar
gains. .
- DRESSES s ....
Large women. Will, find sat
isfying selection easy from
the splendid assortment of
style's and values .offered.
Our special line this season
Ki8 unusually complete. See
them Thursday. ,
Embroideries worth 15c to
a oig. assortment ot pretty Flouncings, Cor
set Cover .Embroideries., Bands, Edges, In
Bertings and AUovers, in Cambric. Swiss.
Nanisook and Organdies, regular 15c to 30c
yard values, choice, yard
Rem ember- Friday.
15c Quality 4-Ply
Linen Collars
All Styles All Sizes All
v Guaranteed Perfect
6 for 25c
17 Lbs. Best Granulated Sugar
Thl flour I mad from the beat
aelected No. 1 wheat, nothing finer
tor bread, plea or cakea. Every
aark guaranteed equal to any, or
rour money refunded In full.
0 bare Beat 'Km All. White Rus
sian, Lenox or laundry Queen
AVhlta laundry oa.p .... .... S3
can oil or mustard sardines 86a
lbs-. - best while or yellow corn
meal 17 ;
T Iba. best rolled wbll breakfast
oatmeal SSe
t 4c can condensed milk Soo
' 4 lb, beat hand picked navy besn i
at SSo
4 lb, fancy Japan ric ..tarn
J -lb., caus faucy sweet suaar corn
4?t TH
Z'lb. cans wax. atrinr. arreen or
lima bean ,....fVe
l ib. cans karly Jnne pea ....T
J-lb. ran golden pumpkin, hominy. -
eauer kraut or baked beana . .THe
Th beat domestic macaroni, vermi
celli or apaxhetti. pk. TH
Advo Jell, for daeaart. nothing like
it. Pka T-i
Ta.ll cans Alaaka Salmon lOe
Mtolarfo'i peanut butter, lb. lSVio
Yeaat Kom, pkg ae
Compreaaed yeast, cake t Is
K. C corn flakea. pkg. Sc
Orane Nuts, pkg 10
Gallon csuis Golden Table Syrui.
at s
I -lb. pkg. granulated smoking to
bacco , ., laa
,11, TOY
First Seition of Tenth Annual Con
rention of Mid-Weit Associa
tion it Held.
"I believe the present legislature Is a
good a body of men as ever got together
In the state capltnl," said Frank I. Ringer,
commissioner ot the Nebraska Manufac
turers' sssoclatlon. In his talk at the
opening session of the tenth annual con
vention of the Mid-West Cement t'sers
sssoclatlon at the Hotel Rome. Ringer
discussed fifteen or twenty bills now
pending In the legislature and went over
some of them In detail.
Commissioner Ringer urged the dele
gates to get in touch with the lcglslAure,
snd If they are for or against anything
that Is being brought up in thst body to
make their wsnts known definitely In
communications to tht body.
O. F. ' LIUlo of Fremont, president ol
the Cement Users' association, msde a
brief response to the addresses of wel
come delivered In the morning by repre
sentatives of Omaha and the bureau ot
publicity. H. R. Park of Bruiting, Neb.,
gave an Instructive talk on concrete Ir,
southern Nebraska. He dwelt on the In
creasing variety of uses to which con
crete Is being put in the state and on
Its value as material'for the construction
o'. silos, hog sheds, flooring and many
other uses on the farm. . It was particu
larly pointed out in the discussion that
followed thst the great advantage of
concrete floors for barns, hog she-la and
otter animal shelter is the ease with
lutely Authentic and most Pleasingly Priced
4$ll ilvM
n vvi a. j w W4
30c, yard 10c
Fine Embroideries in Loom End Strips, 5
and 6 yard lengths, at
yard 5t, 10?, 15, 19t, 29t
New Convent Embroideries, five choice spe
cial lots at, yd. 7, 9, 15, 20S 25t
Extraordinary Millinery Bargains
Your Choice of All $ if K
Trimmed Fabric Hats J
' That Sold T $5.00, Thursday at . .
A Big Lot of Classy Fabric Hats for
Present "Wear for Selection.
Final Clearance of All the Fabric Shapes. Broad assort
ment of nobby styles in all the best colors, regular values
up to $3.00, choice ...49 and 79
A Bevy of New Spring Styles Shown.
$1.00 48 Lb. Sack
Oolden Santos coffee, lb 80o
The Best Strictly lrah Ears, noth
ing fiaar. per dosea 83o
The beat creamery butter, carton or
bulk, per lb 32a
Oood country creamery butter Soo
Fancy dairy table butter, lb. . .870
Good dairy table butter, lb ae
! lbs. good table butterine 8&e
Kancr full cream cheeae, lb. ..SOo
peolal Orape Txxdt mMi Oraag
Mala Tkoxsaay
1 carload of extra fancy 1'lorld.i
Grape Fruit- nothing finer grown.
Thursday, each Ve, 4c, 5o
Per dosen SSo. 4Se. 85o
Xlghlamd aTavel Oraagea, th Oraag-
of QaaJity
Per dosen 18le, IBe, SOo, SSo
The healthiest fruit arown to eat
thia time of year.
In order to Introduce to the housewife and all users ot con
densed milk the Justly famous
Guaranteed to contAin not less than 7.8 butter fat, 25.5 solids
prepared from fresh cream completely sterilised, absolutely pure.'
We are making an Introductory sale price fur Thursday of four
IS ounce cu for oe.
The Oondenard Cream of Quality You'll IJke It.
which the concrete floor csn be flushed
and washed.
Andrew Hartt .assistant secretsry ol
the Nebraska Manufacturers' aaaoclation.
spoke on the workmen' compcnbtlon
law .
George P. Dleckmann of Msson City,
la., consulting chemist ot the North
western States Portlsnd Cement company,
gave a technical discussion on the grad
ing of sand and pointed out In a tech
nical way the best methods of selecting
the various ssnds for concrete work.
R. B. Howell Becomes
Wrathy at Officers
of Comiiiercial Club
R. B. Howell, genersl manager of the
Metropolitan Wstcr district, declares he
Is going to the mat with the qfficials of
the Commercial club, or at least, such
officials as he contends were responsible
for an alleged refuxal to allow htm to
peruse the records of the board of direc
tors. Mr. Howell states for publication that
Commissioner R. H, Manley of tho Com
mercial club told him he was directed by
official of the club to decline to let Mr.
Howell see the records. '
No Sir. Howell demands to know who
those certain officials may be. He di
rected a letter to Commissioner Manley
demanding the Information be given him
by 1 o'clock.
Mr. Howell has been granted permission
to Investigate, the records at his leisure
by President John L. McCague, who de
clared any member of the club had free
right to look over the minutes any time
he pleased. ' ,
Our March Sale of
Offers Buyers a Price
! . Saving
Of 20 Per Cent.'.
A Great Assortment of
For street, afternoon and
evening wear, newest ma
terials, colorings and styles;
most attractive values at
from $15.00, $19.50, $25.00
up to $65.00.
In assortment of new de
signs broad enough to sat
isfy the . most particular
buyers; unsurpassed values
at $5, $7.50, $10 and $12.75.
Two Big Special Lots of
Dress Skirts, $2.95 & $3.95.
Are causing more favorable
comment, bringing larger
crowds of enthusiastic, buy
ers than ever before. Thurs-
rlotr ira'eo nfPari n rr tVit-on
"Q very exceptional lots at
$2.95, $3.95 and $4.95.
of "Simplex" and "Dix"
House Dresses and Uni
forms on iSecond Floor
Best High Grade Flour, $1.85
Taa Tea-etabi Market For tha lo.
trmmm we. ws- iaaa a
,at,b"" th be,t cookla no'oe
fincy'solYd''he'a'ds'caVba':e.' 'ib.'"?
fancy Cape t'od cranberries, at "oo
Large bunches freali beetn, carrotd
turnips, shallots or radisheg , a0
jancy cooking applea, peck ...ioo
2 heads frenh leaf lettuce .... 6o
fancy head lettuce, head ....TH
Itrge cucumbers, eftch 209
Fancy ripe tomatoei. lb aoo
fancy cauliflower, lb TUo
l ancy Florida celery . .XI". eS
Good white or red cooking onions
lb g.
Old beets, carrots, , turnips, para-
.nlps. lb. ao
t heads endive t ..! 6e
3 large aoup bunchea '. '. ...ioo