J 10 Till: BKK: OMAHA, MAKCfl 1015. WANT ADS Want ad rce4ve at aay time, but t Insv.r proper riafination moat b pro toned be-r,? 1J o'clock noon for evening edition and i:A n. m. for rmv-nlng and unrisy edition. Want eVa received after h hours will b under the heading, 'Too Late to Classify." v . 1 CASH RATE" "even consecutive time. 1 cent a word Wh Insertion. Three times wltMn on week. 1H eenU word each Insertion. Ous time, 1 rent a word. rH ROC RATES, even consecutive times, cents a Una eh Insertion. . . Thre times vlthln ons It cents l!n noh Insertion. One tinxv II rents a 'Ine. Count l sterare wo Ms to lln. Minimum charge. W cents. An savertlsrmorit lnsrted to t3 discontinued mut be stopped ty rr ten order. All talma for from most . ,m" rlthln fifteen davs after tha last ln,r Tou esi. alai- our want ad In The Bee y tlrhon. ' TEUCPHOXE TTI.ER 1 Ucctairacd Answers to the onn)fla VAuniu Munai-Ma.or other aniwcr nm rallaa for and dcllvrrad durln tl,c at t . i- M. ...... i.i. i imiHtHt that HI of tho rfoiil. b-low have mad tho d. aired awopo. theroforo do not coll for tho balance of thrlrinawora. Beo wont ai gure trot reauiu. C. RC. C. "C. HT VJ 1311 IK M j M lt3f lllf till :'! ij lit 1411 H . tig 4tH t:rit 1414 i ' r.- 4if J.:4l 14i r . tn 4i7 ;: uit M9 ra 4i nsi 14J !'.'l MS 4 141 fc9 3 4; !4'l tn t7 vt .t m . Wtl 4?t M14 1441 Tf 14 4M 1.T7 14 l.i . yt iv un M7 14 l:'!0 M: tut rt ioj i7.:i 14 tmt m ma i.tm n 9f ' ft) y.r i4n itJ i rt ' l: lC '4.tt a r mil 14-mj n;i m mi iw nr.ATiiti ' n ki xf.hat. "J' fC. Vr 1SI1 1517 li2j li-4 lil Its4r 174 lfV i:w 1573 li7S 17 U'JS Klle.TRU-f-opI l M., Mri., at her late italdeno. Ill Scuth 'menty-tourth Mreet, Monday morning March 1, J1j. aet J venia. Kuncrnl from Cro.by" parlora, Twenls lourlh and reward atreeta. Weneailav. ot 2 r. m Interment at Knreat I.own rme trrj: Memliera of Uniform lllve No. u-i and Ladles of tho Maccabcci are to oueated to attend. ' CARD F THA' Ki. WK wlt.h to thank our friends Tor tho Miipalliy cNpreaaod and help riven ita during our bereavement. Mr. and Mr. ;: M. Brown. ' BIHTII AM) DRtTIIS. . Rlrtha-Dan nnd KlUabeth Huckley, 171". Clark, boy; Hen and Hoae . Hurote'n, 1.4 North Tweuty-alxlli, girl; John and ilhelmlna Huren, l'j:tu Houui Kourtecnth, bov: Mlehele and Mlchcla IMglonotlno, H.V North Kinhteeiith, girl: Vern J. and Lena Kelly, 'W North tinvrntecnth, hoy; Walter and Nellie Mclaughlin. S' Hr ni" , girl; tieorgo and Hael MePheraon. Twentv-flfth nnd Davenport, girl; Peter and Petrea Stenagaard, Ilalatoti, boy and girl; Calvin M. and Anna C. Mhort, hoa j.itMl. boy; Robert and Ruby Bwan. iXSt Amri avenue, girl: Hen A. and Kthcl H'mon, rli South Thtrty-oecond, boy. lJeathf tleorge 8. Hrewater. M. ;M North Thirty-ninth; KlUabeth lifrene, n. iKl Karnam; Chrlettun Kraft. W. 224t l.arlmore avenue: Andrew J. Undblad, 7. 2M Parker: Michael O'Meara, 62, 714 ITickory; Jenalna Pederoen, S7, 1514 Ollvo avenue; John Wahlgren. tW, Fortieth and Poppleton. M4RRIAUE1 L1CKN9EI. There onuplea havo secured Ucenac to md; Nane nnd Rekldence. Aijn. 'nrl P. Johnson, Henann Murtha Iitraon, Omaha Wayne rlark, tOmaha Jajiulo HmalljKOod, Omaha.... Pnnmel Men Ion Morae, Omaha C:.arlotl M. Witt, Omaha SMniuel Rahlnovltch, Now Tork City., ffl llortrnae Hiilralierger, Omaha 20 liana Hanacn, Council Uluffa... 4 .Anna Llndaay, Council Uluffi 16 charlva Maler. Omaha H 1 oiilhu Cox Fort Hmlth. Ark iW Kmil Korhiinoweky, South Omaha ?l I t) el Clayton, Houth Omaha tl Hrrnmii Wllliama, Omaha 23 Alma Jenaen, (mmliL , 23 Hurry dra vert. Hno.l 2J Ill icit H rlneer. Omaha 17 erg- Ntelen, Council Uluffs it 'Ml Jorgenaen, Council HluKa 22 i:arl C. Ilock. Rutland, la rt 7.uma irfiiiniutr. Dawaon, Neb Vi Charlea 1. Culltna. Omaha ,. U .Addle K. Rico, Omaha 21 ""icerlck A. Prlncker. .Mo. Valley. Ia.. .1 I'earle DiIkk. Mlaaurl Valley, la.... g Ytliilain, J. I'ny. Httpenor, Neb 27 l'eao P. Hollingaworth, Nora, Nob. A... 23 HI II.UIXU FtiHMlTI, i-,niri Itlxin. 3-113 Webater, framo dwell in. W.i-. R. Paiiden. ill 10 Laurel avenue, frame dwelling, life). R. W. anu-n. Ijiilrel awniie, frame dwell Iiik, Byron U. Hurbank, 3 Caaa t'ticV anarttnenl hniihe, tlo.nnt; John iRnden, ititl North Twr nly-clghth avenue, franco dwelling, l,0i. ' TOIAV8 CJO.MPlKTB MOV1H 1'IUHJKAMS . ' KxclUNlvtljr In Tlie Vv. Uowai Torn. CAM Kit API ION K, im DOI'lIIAS. The ftottomlea Pit. K.. 11. (irama. t i,bel nnd Katty's Married l. fe. llow Mael ft K.t'Oit. t-T. :djtlc dr. KL1TK NO. 2. 1 3 1 r'AKNAU. Hw Night Out. (Chaplin ) 2-r. Ka. com. The Woman W ho 1'ul'i. Iliograph drama. The Need a of Commerce. K.H, euucathmal. y i n s a ii t iTka t kr, Tiii karnam hi. Runaway June will ahown hero every Tuepday in connection wlih our regular roaram and a K ey at ona comedy. Hiiil,"YirjSxtritri6ii anxt uanky liomo of Paramount Plcturea I'AKk' Atiluvrc.it. i. N. UTlt Kttjr program dally. Ke('P'-,rie V'orilpdlea. 1'AULOR. J4t'l IxiL'OLJvfi. taccdle does to College. Kaaanay com. I l;l.M'ls, nn-i 1k)1 ;iai I I i lr Hour (Cleo MadHon.) 2 reela. V. ;,! w Uhln Whi-cla iM. McUuarrle.) The Water Cute, e-oiarihinu- Jokpr .-urn. i . , lWrlk. ALVMO. 24T1I AND FORT. Four reels ot the best Mutual pictures. "ll.KToN, Miliary Air. and BurdctisT The Mni-, Kellaiue drama. lhe Una Hung Bride. Royal comedy. llllini Dollar Myaierv, No. Is, r-r -el JjiAMuMi. LA K u. An i-.xanil. 2-reel Big V. 1 lie Couolei felt. Victor. KlMier nd the Girl. Imp. com dramu UtA.SKI.IN. 44TH AND KKANKUN. The Little Lnnlneer. Kulciii drama. Af air of ll a 1'es. rlrd House. 2-r. Kal. dr. fis..r.lp and iter Dog. Kesanay c imeily' i .."'.!, . .V....'"" ' ' """' - ... . , mania. In I i.e Jury ijmm. 2-reel drama. 'J tie Kiar Hiiardi-r. Jill l uDKt.ME. ;f,u CLMIN'J Jiuuaaay June No. 4. t reels, yln.li House Manlier, Krystona comedy. iU Taenty Win. Reliance drains.. i i 1 1 u Fa t er. ii il "n iTLocVaf" 1I - Amhitloii of trie Huron. 2-rol. 'I he liriify Guh-ii ( hanol iiaca. The Ijmn .aije of the Dumb. Harrier of Faith. LOTHituP. Twenty-fouitU and jlotlnop Tcnt -third epiuoe of the Million Dol lar jjyaicr). Don t luas 1U toimvh oomplktk MOVIK PRtM.KAMS i:rlnivrl in The Hoe. th. T.OTAL, :tn CALDWELL. The Thief a n.l 1 he Chief. Ed. comedy. The Yanrlrv Jewds. .'-n-el Dig U. SlKhf of llie H'lnd. Eel. orl. 23M DAVKXIMHT, r A LA C E. The Village f'osimiistcr. .Inker rnmv. Within an Tric'i of HI l.lfr. :-rwl Kd. srmMtltAX," jlTM AND AMKS For Another Crime. 2 r. Vita, drama. The Cliiw of It All. kalm comedy. Th Creed of thr t Inn. Kseanay orama. ARBOR TMNATKK .".'.I AND AltMOtt Million Dollar Mtrsterv No. I. When Fat Iteheis, l"rln. lira. Hnimn'a 'VIM ( ts Keystone i-nmedy Al ' 1.1 A T 1 1 K A T F, H , wii" Lea von wot t h. Ileart-Kdlg No. M. The Trapper's Revenge. 2-r. Lub. dra. Caotnan Kate, Vila. rout. COLUMBIA THKATEIl, i.io s. ivrii Th Regenerating Lrce. 3-r. I.ub. lira. Mill I Olfl. t'OMI'VltlT. '.MTU AM) VIXTU.N. J Tha J?il.(iri.ftrV Jtva'.p'-y, KlodP 1.1. I Tha Chtnatonn Myni'ry, 2-rei. Bronoho. 1lon tho Hoilrr. Krya. ) FAVdRITK. ,Ut VINTON HTHKUT. f'oaral -Krilt; No. 1-1. 1 1 hr Kttni'ahir of l-ainond 2-r. I.ub. dr. I 'hlafly f'onrrrntnic Alwlw. Vita. i-'iniP'ly. U KM THKATKH. I ,S. i:iTll fT.' t'urap fit thr lrMprt. 5- r llinon. A Hit li liravpn i-.i-:. TIiop l-rtnnn Holr. .tPrllnr mriadv I . .. . . ' . - '-1 l.YRlt' TIIKATKR, 117 VINTON T, The Anawer. S-r. K- l ; Myafry of the Man Mio SI. pt. ltx dra, Katty'a Infatuation. I Ko cmnedy. PAHTIMK. m AND I.KAVKN WORTH. The Million Dollar Myaiery, laat and final episode, 4 reea, I'nlveraal pro grant. VEN21A, i;u tu mtu or Four reela pf Ala'.uul plctarea ". Writ. MONROK. 2W, karnam. The ComhinNthtn. ld Drew.) Vita, c m. Rronrho Hilly and the Kalae 5fotr. Kaa. Mllndy'a Houdotr. Kxplolte I'.lnine No. Aeaioii. - RKN30N", ' Wn MAIN HT Terence O'llniiike, (Warren. Kerrigan). The Crlnie if Thoneht. Powers dra, Their l,aat Maul IKn nm. Inanrll Mlaffs ELITE No. I, Mi imOADWAT. l-na, 2-r. I'dlson comedy. lleatsl-Hellg No. 1.1. The Understudy, frv Behind the Hi enes, VltHgrarh drama. Nic ho j , aIT " yi,rinHo dw a y. Ills New .lob, 2-r. Ossnnv com., Chnplln. On the Altar of Love; Vitngrapli drama. The Borrowed N'ecklaep, Blouraph drama. ROPER. . "ig'i" f t rfoAD W ayT Smouldering r'lrea. 2-teel Victor. I'resslnn His Hult, Imp. The Water euro. Joker comedy. soma tiisata. B EH-E. 24TII AND N. Clutching Tlniiil. Her Miiriyrdoii). 3-r. Luhln drama. Ham and the WauaaKP Factory. Kal. com. M.VOIC, 24TH AND oT Trvasun of Anatole. 2 icel Imp. Htved liy a fhnwer. Joker comedy. Vaadrvill. ' 21TH AND M. OliPHKUM. Special Keystone plajs, featuring Charlie Chaplin. ANXOUNCK.MKNT8 HOMEMADE anuaage, imlv one in Oma ha. Bain rinlier, li:) I.eavenw'h. D. WJO. Wedding nnoun .inenla Dout. Ptg. Co. HAZ1CL lt l llo Cones. IH-st remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding pllos; lOo postpaid; samples free, bherman McCunnall Drug Co., Ohiaha. Are You Expecting to Move This Spring! N0W la tli tttllt to lnrg.iigrA tnr vnnr fflc bftforti thy r all takrn only four IWll flUW. i The Bee Building, I ' ' '' Office, Room IDS. - MAXR 8TKKAN. PIANO TEACH Kl )penlng new clnaaea for beginners. PliVHte Leaaous. PHONE H EI) 706. N ROLL sow; V. M. Q.";A. night a. boot. LLiCKY weCdmg rinas at iiroaegaard's. ' AUTOMOBILES Overland Kiva-paaeenger. 40-horse power, electric starter, splendid condition: need the money and must sell at once; 1100, or beat offer takes It. 418 Bee Bldg. I HAV'K a 6-cl 0 h.-p. White car that ' 1 will trade for a modern home of miual SL.tJ'.t??lv.lu"' J' Po'lo". Karnam. i'OR C 1 1 E A I i' i v fine touring cars for Jitney buaea. from ii.'.O .m i. M0. Cadlllao Co. of Omaha. Wot Kar ri in I7sa Ovpilo.,'. tar ln.kv ua uvet ton a lor leaky radiator, dealer AUTO PAINTING. FORDH. 16; OTtiKR.4, up. Brlggs, 1444 N. 16th. Phone Web. 17;K). FONTKNELLE AUTOMOBI I .K CJ.. deal- oio in ueeu cars mat guarantee scrtlco. J14 Ho. lkth St. 1 W'lLl. take a good lata model car anJ $;&0 cash, for eaultv In snul. sis-hiiv lot lean than one mno trout court bouaa am.' on 24th street. Palance. VU0, payable tlO a month. Call Harney &34 todar or after 4 p. m. Monday. Oreenough Omaha Rod. Hep. Co., 9S40 Kar. AUTO Clearing House, 22i Kaiuam. buya ana sens uaen cara. mono Uougias XI to. C. ClASSEH, expert radiator and bung rryairs. i y. iva. wi ueavanw ortn. liiuw.u ial Garage i.e., Otli at Harney Bn )C.) REWARD for any magneto w can't n'palr. Coll repd. Bavsdor(er,210 V.18. o Motortiyi'lea. HARLKT-DA VIDSON MOTORCTCLE8. Bargains In used machines. Victor Hoos, "l'he ili.lni'.'V. . Man.'" T.'lS lx-vrnnrin ilt INDIAN' MuTuHCYyLK now reauyi uwran na in use a Bi'. icLr; t,tiwt maciilne. OMAHA and Cntcaao. U. Ji2S. BLB1XKS6 CHANCES AU'IO rviMtlr shop. . garaae and black- aiullt. aH i . L' for rent or fur aaln. I'hm Uj Smaxal, r.illli,n. Nvl. M. I AVON. Bus. Broker, llctt W o A., wlij help you In or out of business. C j. Canan can aeli oi.r ftrimng land. DRUG STORK. ' Kolt SALli IN WESTKHN N r. 11. TOWN OK :W. SALES tl'f.v. Kor paittclilurs address Y tbX Be Omaha. - - lK1N KLkuN does more than list vnr h"s'nea. lie aella It. 301 Omaha Nat'l Bk. KTAbl.lr-liKI inanufaclurer want atate manaiier. High clasa article, "hould pay IIu.im) annually; to tl.nuO (apitil. Will pay expenvea to Chicago if you ars the man we want. References larv, 4"4 K'sher BldK.. Chlenitn KOIt HALK ,. practlca, of lice lurnl-luie.-lxiure and drua, everything in an upo-date ulflce; leasonable pi low; god vominunlt) ; no cio; failurea; must .ttire. as liavv lost health. Invrstlgato. Auorei V Xk,,, Bee. Ll.s r bupini-sa il.ancea, property torrent 4ia or cxii oiih" with ma. I win wiitu till natunr of insurance. W. G Tem I.I3RH. t.en UHokKI'.. a Bee. Ty. . LIST YOUB blSINEtJri ua lor iulck action aud auuar vt h Itr.atnic.t QUICK BALE COM PA NT i" B'?'d.!,j " Pnon Red SSC'4 hall for sale. This ia a. bread iXTriT a Inner. Pox b, Jeffeison. U. F l'J?L """ caros Clara it aon. fcAl.OONS overywhere In atats. Hanua Realty Co.. Norfolk. Neb. LXI E'TING to rank business cnanxo unm oixy aas. win coiuiUer pro, o- ll l.. n Ailorets K M. lle-e. 1 1 1 1 : A i: 1 te.--"lJ u y . liac"irru"your tha" eur, mai'hlne and suiilea inroueh Theater r ctiug tu.. Out, Kaioaut bL l.-vu,.as Bl sini:.ss uham.-ks i inti lirinlrr. wt'erf liiialnrpa hex twin well eiabli."hp-d f"i a numlier of j'urn v'hrap nr. I.lalita frr-p. AnK- for Hi'Prln tpndint of thr. !;,, KiiildlnR. Uffl-j rMm Hi.t To fiKT In or cit of buiinpSK. Call on GANfJKNTMt. 4i 4 Hee Blfia. D. 3I7T. tiu'hti jvh i,f:r maTinkhh STOCK. TIip tin l-i Unod tnip: will, on Mondav. .Mnr. h , m nt II n clo. k, . rn., offer for at imhllr vondnp, for rneh. at tirand iMlnnd. plirHaku. th onii-te ffo k ot thr Urond lolmid "oildlrrv t'nmimny, con- iitini of lmtina. bh'I.IIpkJ leatlipr, hard !. flxtiii-oa. nmiliincrv. rtr. Invnlre IT.Wf't. Only one otiirr hnrnp-x etorp In ' l y of 111, on, anrroutidpd by good farin Inir roiititry and the locniloh of thp lii- p.t hnie market In the wpoI It la lo!n; Rfild for the Iw-npflt df Terlltora and of"fer rare biielnepa oiiPtilnx. Hto-k can he liifjK-cteil. Kor parth nlora rail on or write to . ). Rush. TltfHTKK. tirand lalnod, Ne'naika -o Vol' K hupTneep or ral eatate qiikl.ly : I ' I.' I lUT T U II. . .. 1 -1. .!.," ! o,f InaTrni-p departmptit of their buel t n'ap. ItPniwala v.lll thnw an Income of jJwVtii per imnth. Could bo doubled bv itltht iatt. (lied renfon for relilnr. jl'on't tula Ihla upi ortunltv. Very little money tterepary. Afldreaa M !. Hee. (Hor paylntt renturant rlajht down town; owner ntiist have city the 10th: .vno. OAX(JKSTAI), Itooni m Ilee Hll. T. 3477. HAV'K pnrty with I..VM to Invent In M. P. theater, nm:ill tow n. Clvo full den Ip tlon. lr.n.0"n Kealty Co., l Omaha Na'lonal I'.anK Hide. Inveatnienta. laa Our Nebraska farm mort T engpa are not affected b European wara or panlca. ) Amoiinta M to lai.OW). Wo M V collect all intercut and w piluclpal free of charge, M scat In Ilia Nebraska farm loan field Without a lota la our record. KUlKU iNVKSTMENT V IMPAN T, ") omwha Nat. Bank Kidg. Omnhi EDUCATIONAL ! EXPERT iacly atttnorapher will ' tako ! rUDlla. PHOflTIl AND touch typowrlt 1 1ns, siiolilns, punctuation, etc . taught and I complete tiah I 'K Klven for business ca reir. Pilvato Instruction If dealred. Mtl4 I cm.l .m at q-.i ch.. jr The Van S.-iut School Stenography Dagchnol, !.U0 to 4.04. Night school. S.li to 1:15. lMh and Karnam Kt !out'M ?. WINTER TERM MOSHlCn-l AMPMAN COLLEGE, NOW OPEN. Unsurpassed classes In bualnesa, short hand and English oranehes. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. Kor free catalogue add'esj Mosher-Larapman College I'th and Karnam Street. Omaba, Neb. KOR sale the following scholarships In a first I'lnss Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business aiitl shorthand course. On unlimited bualneas courso. One unlimited stenographic courso. On three months' business or stoaow Crxphic course. Will bo aold at a discount at tho ofrlos of the Omaha He. iSOYLES COLLEGE Day School; Night School ; complete business course: complete shorthand or stenotypo course: complete telegraphy course; civil service tranches and Eng lish. Students admitted at any time. Write, phono or call for U16 catalogue. BOYLES COiLKUl'i, M. H. Boy LEti, ATasldeht. Boyles BlUg , omaba. Nab. To!. Dougla l&SS. FOB HALE Knraltare, llouaraiold uooda, Ktc. ri-rtl J. C. Reed, 1207 Karnam UeKS "OUBnt 'sold. Douglas New c .u-nand furn'.turo, cash or terms; reasonable. Amer. iCui n. Co.. 4u N. IH tloraee and Vrhlclea. MUST sell team bay browory horaas; 1 V a u r . I 1 if.. .. . , ....... 1.1. .1. ... l . w . m . v. , m,w iw... i .aill i .- UMUCS, ; ill runt, uti young; 1 team blown mare, '2.7UU His., heavy in foal. Call at Bottlo i Beer Dept., 1214 8. 18th Bt, KOR 6ALI 1 team of nice, large maxea. heavy iu foal; weight l.ataj lbs. each; ago 4 and 7 yeaia; inconvenient for parly to cuts for atock; prlvato rssldenco, 2U1 Dookh Ht. Lndy owner. KOU MALE-A nice, large team, weight 1,6(.0 lbs. each; one in loal; 20 bales of hay, six bags of cracked corn and bran: f blankets, curry combs and bruahea; must I lie sold within next J days; party leav ing city; cnoup lor rcaay caan. jamcs It'tiry, 2223 Dodge. 81111 live atock to boutn Omaha. 8a vo nlleays and shrinkage. Your consign ments iscrivs prompt and careful allu tlon. KOR SALE Hlandard brwl stallion, reg- ; iMtcred, Volume 20, No. ciiao, welgbt J 1.-6"; ago 4; guaranteed sounl; p.-emiuin winner at siato tatr. li. C. .barker. UJb a. M nt, Lincoln, Neb.' HoilrfKH KOIt HALE-24 mare and 11 geldings, ranging III age from 4 to 8 I .,.r.. -,-iahi T i.ii to t mty All h.rn,... j broke. Also two K"l thoroughbred I Ml f. III. tnm VtMI. II ili,lll,-UB.n Kliu-vl. S. D. r'AKM wagons, V-0 and up; ha mesa, 140. Johiison-l'anfortli Co., l'iih Clark Bta iKVEN head good marcs, weight 1,100 to l.ouo pounds; must ar-ll. 1-iVj 8. 'JUx St. Take West llaiisrom Kark car. OWING Co sickness, muni sell 4 splendid horses and mares cheap. Res. 314 N. 17th. CO farm marcs, horses mules, Missouri ranch, tl. L. Llghlf jot. 2102 Cuming St. FOR SALE 20 head of nurses and mare a, aga from 4 years to s years, all well broke to work. Call telephone South, SOU. 33-".' Harrison St.. South Omaha. Live Stock t'eiaihatsaleM Merchants, MARTIN BROS A CO.. Kxcnana Bldg. Maaleal Inalmaaeata. PIANO WANTED Save storage a'nl leave your piano vllh me. It will have the beat of care. Address J-6IS. Hi. Fliiihtiy used inch grade piano. D. 317. Poultry, Kits aad Sappllea. DON'T forget that three times mora cDtckcna havo buen hatched In OH Trusty incur-alors than hi any other in cubator. Calaluyue free on request. Ad dress, M, M. Jouuaon Co., Clay Center. .Nii. 8 1'KRKOTYPK matrices make Ui best and cheapest lining for poultry houaea They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically Dcepr-of. 7c hundred at Tlie B office, i irnp . K m n . . . v w. ., i . VL, - 7.7 i . r m. a. . . - . , "... " -.,., WUVI I VI liwe b'atK. "Tuinli.g Eggs Into Chick ens Into I'oilars." ana f too samila worlds only batching chart; book describe Rayo incuiiaiom; give moat cntcka; batch on oiio gallon oil. Rayo Incubator Co., 10K 8 Ktii frt. Omaha. Neb. Phono Red If. Mixed, grain, 1.x) lb.. JiTtS. Vvagnor el N.14. 8. C. WHITE LEGHORN co kerela. fine blrda. 32. W. H. Bore herding, Zsbi Ohio. Websler 2T1 y R. C. RHODE ISLAND RK6 rugs for hatching. Vlyorutis. hsroy stock on country range. II for 1"; tu per hm. A. II. BAKER. BENSON, NFH. Phone H.-iiim 747-W. R. K. I). No. S. S. C. White leghorn eggs foi hatching. My hen are rroin pi ire winning layers at international egg laying contest, Sloora. Conn. $1 M for li. 34 per 100. A. 11. Baker. Benaon. Neb., R. K. D. No. 1 Tel. Benson 747 W T pwrlera. , RENT Kenunatons. Monarch and Rraith 1'renilera of iliuir maker. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Dougiai IM. Rental eredtted If you pure has aad oiuy vui newest ana hiahesi aiuu ma chines sent out Hales, thr uumths for t lor understroks machines or W par month for iatemt nioii.'i vfsihle w.lter. TV KE WHI'I tiitii so u. i uiuad, rvyau -aj. eeiinal Tpewrluir Lxrhang. Jul tt. I7ih !'.LX'1'-A oILdi- typewriter, 3 moot In lor U. The MI T 1 i itar Co.. I. gJl M laee llaae. FOR SALIC New and second hand eaieua and poeksl billiard lull.;s and bowliug slleys aud acceaaoi l--s ; bar f,xlu:a of all kioea, easy lisyni, .s. Th Brunswick. fcaia-LuUciitr Cu ui-u U. Ivitn ot KOlt H.U.K MIrpP. KLECTK1C MOTORS l-H. V., 230 oits, 3 Iiaae, new I-1 1. P., i3D volta, I pnaae, new 3 II. P., : volta, i phase, new HI. P., 2.0 volta, phane. new DYNAMOH. J-K. W., 110 volts, l. C . new iVK. V, 1" voIUb. I. C. new 44 $7 100 M Z'i K. w.. yrt volta. new 1-1 T. P. Uerollne Kngine iH. P. Gasoline Knulne, throttling JO governor J00 it; unos ki.kctkicai. works. .11K r. l?tll Ht 3-hand m h. litona re k IS NEW automatic aeUhln i ana (iv. aiatrn mnchin. a and lirtlna nMi-nioei, em imc tixiurea ana tup; lira, bugay harnea, toola, hinibrr and otirr mit.cellane.oua articlea for au'a or trade. J. (J. IS1I, EXECUTOli 703 Ho. 31t Ave.. Phone Harney Hi Kt n SAI.K cilkA P Oe'oTioTaerHiuer engine, I -noraepower holler. 1 enter prlne. 1 mlirr, I Bluffer, I looking rat. I aptcr mill. Kverythlng complete for alo ihenji, or any part thereof. Apply to I'rpnnd Paeklnif oc Mfg. Co., St. joirph, Mo. HKU VA.TKI FKMAIJ3 tier lea I and Ufflor. XO USUAL FILING FEE Lftdy Bookkeeper Hook keeper, retail Htenographer, I'roduce t'o ...Ki ... ... 4'J Ktenographer. doctor's office j Reception room girl "i J Business Mph' !ei'ercnce Assui n of wor,d. it, trim young man 1319-20 Woouma HTENO. and clerk, neat. not afraid of work; a Job with, fine fu ture $.. Can use several experienced salesmen. Business I very good, thank you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE. CO., nuo-lti city Nat. Hank HI rig. WANTKIi Good experienced dining room girl willing to work; good wages; out of city . R iilKR S JR EI' CO.. 02g- HUte Bank. TKN()iHAPrKR K-) S4TENOGRAPHKK and Bookkeeper.... Ti STIC.VOOKAHHKH, law experience 60 W TTS REF. CO., vW-40-42 Bran. Thea. Hf M IK K KEPE R . ifi KOOKKEEPUR AND HTENO till THE MNO AflENC'Y. H BEE BLIX4 STENOGRAPH EH and reception room girl for lawyer s oftlce; high school edu. cation, of nent appearance and some ex perience preferred. Give full particulars in first letter. Address B 84, Bee. Factory and Trades. LEARN ha'rdresslng. Oppenhstm Parlora Hussekerpen Oonestlca. THIS Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bi! will run a Servant Girl W anted Ad FKhJlt until you get the desired resulta Thla applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffa Bring ad to The Leo ol flee or telephone Tyler luOO. WANTER Experienced chambermaids. Apply at housekoeper. Ilth lloor. Hotel Fontenelle. WANTED Good girl for general house work one who can go home nights, rmnll family; m-t No. 4, Stiatford, 29th and Jackson. Harney 74MI. EXPERIENCED aecond girl for three and one-half months; city reference re quired. 411 H. 4th St. GIRIi or ialddlewfcd woman to do light housework; no wages paid. 2744 Grant St Webster J135. WANTED An experienced girl to do gen eral housework; must be good cook. 137 S. 86th St Harney 3313 WANTED AT ONCE A YOUNG GIRL TO HELP WITH HOUSEWORK, IN SUBURB HOME; EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE AND PLEASANT HOME. ADDRESS. M 621. CARE BEE. WANTED A young girl to work for room and boafd. School girl preferred. W7 No. 23d St WANTED Neat and Intelligent girl to assist with housework. Phono or call mornings, 101 Blnney. Web. 893. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; 8 In tamUy; good wages; White gtrl only. Phono Webster 90. WANTED Housekeeper by young widower with two small boys on a farm near Goring, Nsb. Address F. D. Price, Gerlng, Neb. EXPERIENCED girl for general houee work. Tel. H. 900 or call 3338 Harney St. COMPETENT white girl for general housework. Tel. H. 8192. GOOD irlrl for a-emeral hnujworlc w r Lyle, 684 Park Ave. COMPETENT girl for general housework, no washing, good wanes. 3315 Burt St. A GIRL for general housework; lauiidress kept i days; wages S3 a week. Mrs. E. S. Wettbrook, 2U)l Harney St. WHITE girl for housework; 3 In lamlly. Wal. 24JO. A COMPETENT second girl; references required. N. A. Spetsburger, 3619 Kar nam St H. 187a WAN r ED Competent white girl fcr housework. No others need .apply. Phone Harney 3120. atlecallaaeoua. . . YOUNG .women coming to Omsha ss strangers are invited to visit tha Young Women's Christian association building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and 17th St, whera they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aasiated. Look for our traveler's guide a.; Union station LADIES' V nilsaas' coats, suits, dresses & skirt samples at wholeeal prices. Bon. off s New York bamplo BtJro, 204 N. 14th. List free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 4V4 B, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Klv neat, refined youni ladlea who sr willing to work for 312 l?r .i!'ec,k,' .'liK ,API'y Mr Brewer, NovllU- Hotel. Utolp .in. Don't phone HEIJ WANTED MALE Clerical and Offle. NO FILING KEK Best CommMPPlal l-..ill..n. Experienced stenographer, 870 to 876 Experienced shipping clerk, 375. ROGERS RKK. CO., 626-8 State Bank. YOUNG man with some knowledge of bookkeeping. Tho Mid-West Bonding Co., 312 Bee Bldg. bookkeeper and steno 8 s STENOGRAPH EH . ' STENCH JK A KHER -lo SALESMAN inu THE CANO AGENCY ) BEE BLIXl A NO. 1 bookkeeper for out-of-town; must w. iwu, virttujr wwraer; good habits; appearance; gte age, experience., ieier-etK-ea, saiarv. etc.. in first letter. Ad dress P MU Bee. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WEST. REF. & BOND ASS N., :ti omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. YOUNG man. 18-22 yeara old, bright, good iiiirsrsiui: inn nanus, ior rierical post- tlon. . Must be good penman; glva age, v.v ,iw.w, TAiriiriicv inn salary i pected. Address S 12, Bee. Aseats, Kaleaaaeai sad Slleltra. W ANTED Callable organiser and promo tion man; must b willing to travel. If you hove had experience In thla capacity and ore worth 3;. year, see ua at once. SALESMAN, automobile, commission. SAlEtMAN, stwiclalty, -salary, tom- mlsalun and expenses SALESMAN, aales promotion, $100. WATTS RtCF CO.. KjU-43 Brandela Then. Drug s tor anaps; jobs. K noietT BeB IdgT WANT E IV S KVKRAL GOOD MEN OF GOOD ADDRESS TO TRAVEL; 3 TO PER DAY; STEADY POSITION KOU PRODUCERS. APPLY K3 BRANDED THEATER BIDO.; BEKt 'KK NOON. Ttih. Ill st psMne-iil nuw covers liiauianee til .iiiiy I. l'':b. This niakea our twin v easy to sell. Call or aril. Mutual Ben efit, Health and Accident Aaa'n, 423-3 City Nat link Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Gloie salesman foi Nebraska; A-l factory line of glovea and mittens. both leather and cotton; a hustler can iwiry as aide line; a money making tin for the right man: refrrencea required; Niininlsi-inii only. Andres Adel Mfg. Co., 01 J:K 'il A R BE rTcUI J3GE I -arr. et. best In the west rfDecial um. nor dates Make back your tuition while h-arnin4. V rile for free . ataloaue. 110 8. lilh bt. Mi. Wuituiure bats, in chare. IKI)ICA1. Why Do You When Piles and. Fibula Be Cured? I cure without eurgcry. My patlcnta are not confiited to bed and they do not loae a moment time from their hualneaa. My method Is not a "horn" cure" or a "correspondence treatment," but II Is an appllcntinn of skilled treatment, administered under the most riirld anti septic rondlilone In mv offh-e. A WRITTEN Ul ARANTEE GIVEN IN EVERT CASE TREATED. Pay. When Cured. Dr. Maxwell has resided in Omaha for twenty-eight years, acd during; Ujia entire period has been engaged In treating Diseases of the Rectum, Pllas. Fistula. He. i llundreda of the most prominent people in Omaha and all parts of tha United States have been cured by Dr. Maxwell, whoee names may be obtained by request, and who would gladly certify that Dr. Maxwell accomplishes all ho claims In his advertising and at reasonable expense. Persons are cautioned against Imitators, substitutes or Inferior methods of treatment. Patient must come to the office for treatment. HOURS: T TO 12, 2 TO 6; PUN DAY, 1" TO 12. William Greighton Maxwell, j . 3 A-S-10 Omaha National Bank Bulldlns. Seventeenth and Farnam Streets, Omaha. Graduate of Bellevue Hnspital M-dlcal College, New York city, New Tork. NO PRINTED LIT ERATURB SENT OUT. RUPTURE itOpture treated euccRsfully by all safe, scientific methodg. The ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, women and chil dren. The cost is determined after ex amination, and time required to cure two or three weeks. Call or write for farther particulars. Frank H. Wray, Suite 306, Bee Bids;., Omaha, Neb. DRUG habits succensfuliy treated. 6-day guarantee, tiarmlesg and painless method, full stock; you can be treated at homo. Address Dr. C. C. Altken, 828 Park Ave. Phone Harney S.196. o. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other recto I diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseaaea with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Hee Bldg. ' YOUNG woman to take 6 months' course of training In the care and feeding of Infanta. Apply Child Saving Institute. HELP WANTED MALE Factory and Trades, OET WISE A thorough, practical auto mobile education. st minimum cost" Ask for catalogue "C" and explanation of our get-results method. Nebraska Automobile School, 1413-17 Dodge St.. Omaha, Neb. LEARN BAREIMt TRAiG, Be Independent; wages and tools given. Electric massage. Strictly modern. Big demand for barbers. Call or writs. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1124 Douglas St.. Om. 1002. N St. Lincoln. M tacellaneoBB. WANTED At once, capable business man for each county seat town In Ne braska to assume charge ot the manu facturing and selling o the best rein forced concrete silo now on market. Ex ceptionally attractive proposition open to capable business men. Nebraska the Mecca for alio saies for 1915. Silo sales In Nebraska Increased 11.1 per cent from Aptll, 1D13, to Aprlr-1014, over all previous years. We have no blue skv to offer for sale; nothing but legitimate manufac turing neoooafrtnn Tf vml want to aet in touch witn til' best alio propoauion, oinmunlcate with us at once. In making Inquiry about our proposition, always ad else, ua In your llrst communication If there la a local cement manufacturing plant In your town. Minnesota Keystone Sl.o company, Minneapolis, Minn. Be an Auto Mechanic nd draw a large salary, or go Into tha auto business for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shops will bring this result for you. Write for free booklet. Nat'l Auto TraiAing Ass'n, - 2814 N. Mth St.. Omaha. Neb WANTED l.i m men to Sat ham and eggj, 1.1c. Coffee John, Mth and Capitol. WANTED Cleaner andi preaaer, all around man; must furnish references. J. W, Lauman, Sioux Rapids, Ia. HELP WANTED f ALU AND KE1IALB. OMAHA government clerk examinations April 28. 70 month. Common education sufficient Sample questions free. Apply Immediately.- Address T S41. Beo. MEN. WOMEN WANTED Government Jobs. tw to I50 month. Write for Hat Position now obtainable. Krtnkllti In stitute, Dept 221 C, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By in experienced young man. 23. a position as cashier, bill or offle-e clerk In Omaha. Can do any kind I of general office work. Am college 'graduate, good calculator and excellent i penman: best of references; willing to sian worn ni. w niueieraiu msi. .v. - dress. K 7i, Bear. TOUNU man wanta place to wx.r. (or board while attending Boylca college. Telephone Douglas looj. WANTED Employment ' by middle-aged man, aevaral years, railroad and office experience; prefer position as traveling aaisauian or of lice work; can Us i'pwriter; not a steno. K 4J3. B. WIDOW with boy 3 years old, would like position as housekeeper in a small family In or out of Omaha Y 31. Bee. Day work or bundle washing. Web. K-'67. iilfKECT l-.om washing. Lace curtains a specialty. Web. 4-NI. GOOD maid, steady desires position; references. Call Oxford Hotel, Room 19 MAN and wife, no children, want place on farm, with everything luiniahed. P. on farm, wits -every thlt R. Ar.inton. 1'24 -Far nam. EXPERIENCED clerk, dry go.sla or gro cery. It yeara old. desires position. Had experience as collector also. Address, L 41. Be. foUNG colored girl wants peilion do ing housework. D. 2i2. Aak for Carry LOST AND FOUND OMAHA fXJI NCIL BLi'KFS SThEtiT RAILWAY COMPANY.' Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha at Council Bluffs Mrcet Railway com pany to ascertain whether tbey left It Id the street cara Many articles each day are turned In ami the company la bnxious to restore tl em to tbe riuh'f.l on.;r. '-all Doug. 4S. .i REWARD for safe return to owner of Boston bull ten w r, llxl it biin.lle and whit face, breast and I rant lens, one blue eve. crooked tail. lmg pais, one while tipped; favors right resr leg, which rse tern broken; nam and adJr-ess on collar. F. J. Karrlngton. i.i-6 W'oolwerth Ave Harney No queations asked. LOST Thr gold pl.'es. Monday fl ernooii. between BuiluiKton headquar ters and Union Pacific ear shop. Re ward. Call Charlea Flanagan. U. P. cotnintavai y. Lt's T-V al uahlo paix-ra concerAing M a ry Michael Huller business: pleasu return to Marv Huler. JSI3 So 1-Mi St T.'i. D. l7v!i. Llbciul reward- MKLMCAL Suffer Can. LOST AX1 FOUND LtiST Sunday, gohl watch and pin, be tween 4Td and I.afayette Ave. and 41st and Charles: finder please call Wal. 241.1. LtlST Fenmle bull dog, hrimlle white. In Council Bluffs. Call Douglas 98. PERSONAL $7,000 IVli INVALIDS. WD subscriptions to the L. H. Journal. 31.60. tho S. E. Post 81-9, the Country Gentleman 31.00 earns that 17,000 for Tho Invalids' Pension Association. Your order or renewal contributes 60 cents. Phone Douglas 7163. Address GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. OPIUM, morphine, cocaine, etc. can be successfuiliy treated home; guaranteed, painless, harmless. Address Dr. C, C. Aitken 828 Park Ave. Phone Har. S396.-0 THE Salvation Army Industrial bom so Helta your old clothing, furniture, mags- tines. We collect. Wa distribute. Pbon Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodg St TOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Toung Women's Christian association building at 17th St and Bt. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise asietea. ixkk tor our trav elers' aid at the Union station. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA A B C of . Omaha FOUR rooms from which to select your new office. Com In and see us now. The Bee Bldg-.; office, room 103 N EW and 2d-nand motors, dynamos, magnetos, tc, and moch. repairs. Le Bron Elett Works; 818-20 S. 13th. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1907 Cuming. . Douglas 2467. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feathet mattresses and down covers. VACUUM cleaners for sale. . Vacuum cleaning don In the home. Sanitary Service Co.. 308 Bee Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines, NE BRASKA CYCLES CO., Mckel's, 1.1th and Harney. Douglas 1661 AccuastaaM, E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A , Address 433 Adding; Machines, Dalton Adding Machines. 411 8. IS. D. 144s. Adder Mcli. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. 6338. Architect. Everett S. Dodds. 612 Psxton Blk. D. 8981. A a to aad JMaaraeto Hepalrlaug. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 8418. Anctlaneers. Dowd Auction Co.. UiS-16 W. O. W. R, 828. Attractions. OMAHA FUm Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machln and film bargains. Bta I'rlatlng;. HORNBY BLUM PRINT CO.. 801 Omaha Nat'l Bsnk Bldg. Barbers. 13 Chairs. 10c shave, neck shave. 1617 Far. Braia Koandrles. Paxton-Mitehell Co.. 27th and Martha St. Carpenter aad Contractor. STEVENSON, 823 S. 22d. Douglas 8620. tsllfornli I.aada. W. T. Smith Co., 1187 City Natl Bk. D.2813. China Palatine. Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R. 441 ( lvl Baarlneern. M. J. LACY. 618 BEE? BLDG. PQUO. 4718. W. J. McEathron. Tel D. 6601. Iul8 Om. Nat. Cream Separator. The Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th at Farn. Clatcm and Well Digrlaa. NEED well or cistern cleaned or dug? BCHAFKEft doea it Phono Web, tea. J. B. RICKERTT Wsll Construction CoT; nothing too big or Impossible: estimates furnished. 613 N. 21st St.. Omaha. leal lHraler. - $.r fill Johnson's special, also Viotor nut -',yJ 33.(10. Phone Douglas 1702. naMMiBa. iMd.Hl... TurphVs Dancing Acs demy, gth A Farn. Try Mack jo's first. 1H16 Harney. Doug. 644 ii CM A M E Kg Academy, classic. D. 1871. Ueattata. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W.BIdg. Dr. Todd's alveolar dantistry. 403 Brandels Bailey, the Dentist. 70b Citv Nat'l Rank Tslt Der.tal Rooms. 1617 Douglas. D. Pyorrhea. Dr. Klckea. 7a4 Pity Nat Bank. Deceptive. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any . pwn ui -u neu mates, e anaaa or Mexico. 809 Paxton Blk. Doug. VSli. Walnut li30. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Ev. dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Dreusuklas. Teny Dtessiiv;k'g college. ?0th tt Warnam. DRESSMAKING and tailoring, work guaranteed. 406 Cass St. Tel. Red 7J3a. Mies -TUhliy. 2il Casa. Red 7:0. Iraa. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on 310 orders; catalogues free. Sherman t Mc Conuell Drug Co., Omuha, N"b. Eleetel.. Soppliea. LELIloN F.lee. Wks.. 31S S. 12th. D. 3174. Evrrvlhlaar for Wowrs. ACCORDION, aide, knl.e. supbur,,. D eatins: covered buttons, all si lea and styles; hemstitching, plcol edging. Ideal MOTORCYCLE 2-cyliudcr . Excelsior, Pleating 10.. Xt lwuglan Block. D. Uuti. 1 tandem, pr-sto light and tank, Wl". niVT-. Trrrirsri n ' .. e7Cc r model, in A No. 1 order throucliout very 8f,eiCMr. 1 '"I Krt I il Varfy H lrt'S mwhln. cost 8-7aT I wlH -rtee Mrs It. M. K a. 3i Marey. tl. ola. 1 . ,.- .iiai.M.n.l rlnir .f 1 ...1,, HAIKDRF.SSING t your home. R. 43i. I Florists. ' A. nOSAOIll'K, 1(CJ Hamay. Doug, mot BATH S fiorUlH, 1S04 Faruanl St HESS 4k bWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St L HENDERSON, 15l Farnam. D. 12-4. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. yeslkers t Ieaar4. BRING In your old straw hats: cleaned. uyed Lfc. Dura L'locK 1136 City Nat D3b32. MVK WIRE UIH1NKSS MKN OK OMAHA l.ntterlnt and unnatlif. FIHB PREVENTION Co. Douglas irM. Hale Dreaalaar. Harper method. IV , Pnlr Rldg. D. KU. Hooper lea nlua. Exiert Kuiopi'an floor waxing. P. 423. Llghttnai Ktitnrra a ad Wlptma. THOMAS DUKIvlN . Electric fixtures and gupplloa. contract ing and repair work done reaaonahle. 2418 CUM1NO. DOUGLAS 2619. 1.1 ve Stock Remrdleo. OMAHA Remedy Co., 107 R. 13th. Red 4Tt. Klraaeagee and Teamster. WHITE LINE, S10 N. 1thPt Douif. SS1I. Mnak, ( mtsrori anal liudxi Supplies. MNER. of lodge regalia and costumes. Tho largest stock of masquerade and thcatiiciil costumes in tho country. Theo. Mebon & Son. 1M4 Howard. D. 4115. sfnaaetiaea Miss Jacobs, mass., mnt.iciii Ing. D. 42P7. MISS SCHMIDT, mass., elec. bath. D. 713. Open eve,, i) p. ni.; Sundays. 12 to S. .MASSAOK. 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. CORA BELLING Y ,e,Tnry8my ' good, restful Magnetic. Other satlsfac- tory treatments. Also vapor baths. Open 10 to 10, Including Sunday. Notice: En trance downstairs. 107 So. 17tb St. baso meiit, corner DodKC M'sg Fisher, mass., elec. treat. Red 5030. H TH n,l mass., nlcohoj rub. 1-e.ui. t Wilson, 1WJ Fa,-nam, 'R. 2. Doug. s7'.l. Open evening and Pundsy MASSAGE nZfii BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug. Ciara Ie, bath and massage. Doug. R75L Moil.inr, Slorane wad (ieaalag, W. C. KERK1N. 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Ocallata. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Dra. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathia physiplnns. Dr. Rencha. 203-4. MoCagne Bldg. D. Sfi3. Dr. Peteraon. 4Uj Brandeia Bldg.. D. 2144. Printing:. WATETRS-nARNHArtT Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13th S t . DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 844? COREY M'KENSUE PTG. CO. D. 2641. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1620 Capitol. D. HOj. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3764. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 8. 11th St Patent. It. A. Sturges, 838 Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 71177 Roach Exterminator. B. B. B. Roach powder at "Fregger's." Palatlna; and PaperlasT HUGH M'MANUS, 417 N. 40th. H. 8728. Plnmes Reaovated. PLUMES & flowers made over, cleaned . dyed. Bertha Krugtr. 429 Paxton. D. 8394, Safe and Tim Lock Experts. SAFES'- w w hnrt ling rirutra r ti corns, n . port. 14U4 Dodge. D. ik2L Shoe Beaalrlas. Electrlo Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 St Mary's Av. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 211 8. 14. Sigma aad Showcards, E. M CLARK ft SON. 113 8. 18TH ST. Steel Cell!. CARTER Bheet Metal Company, 119 8. lfc Store and Office Flxtare. , DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 8. 12th. D. 2724. Towel Sapplles. OMAHA Towel Supply. 807 8, 11th. D. 628. Tranks and Snncasn FRELINQ A 8TE1NLE. 1808 Famam 8t Tailor. CHAS. C. LANDERTOU,' 108 N. 16th St OL8EN 4k KOUkXJHE. li)05 Harney. U. tSJi. Veterinarian. DR. O. R. TOUNq, 4608 Center. Wal. 80ti Wlaei aad Llqaors, ALEX JETES. 201-8 8. iJth 8t Wine. "i""i'i 'irt, xiee pinners, n IO B. lOCj Globe liquor house, 424 N. 16th; California wine, ii.zo per gal, write for price list HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House. K23 N. lth. Douglas 1S09. SWAPPER'S COLUMN A SINGLE horse cultivator, seeder and assortment ot farm tools. What have you to offer. Address S. C. 664. Bee. AUTO One new and cne second-hand touring car, for good first-class mort-' gage paper. Ana, quick. S. C. 871. Bo. AUTO Bulck 40-horsepower, 6-passenger, In beat repair, or house and lot or lot worth 3D0O. Will assume. Address S. C. 681, Bee. AUTO 1313 5 pass. Bulck. fine condition. Will trade for lot valued 31,000 on paveU street Will pay difference If lot is wottn more. Call Webster 4S16. A AUTOMOBILES Foi other automobile bargains see the "Automobile'' classifi cation. BOWLING alleys, - billiard room - an I cigar store for sale or trade, soda fountain In . connection. Will trsde for auto, diamonds, or rental property. Come at once. A bargain. Address Ray Page, Friend Neb. BOOK of foreign stamps; want to swap for Victor records, or jyhat have you. Address S. C 605. Bee. BOOKCASE Mission oak, good shape; win trade for sewjng machine or Ko dak. Address 8. C. 673, Bee. . BRASS Candelabra, Brass Chafing Dish, Copper Chafing Dish, Tray and Kla- foon to match, brass Muffin Rack, Brasj ardiuer. ALL brand NEW, never used, to trado all or any of these articles. What have you that 1 might use? Address S. C. iM, care Omaha Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE Half Interest In an established real estate firm for used car; must be in good condition. Address S. C. 6fca, Bee. CHAIR Large library diblr for trade for young fox terrier. Address e. C. 6SQ, P.oe. DIAMOND RING, worth 310. I will trade liulf of its value for anything useful, balance cash. State what you nave tu trade. Address 8. C. 6M0, Bee. ENGRAVING iTeautiful steel engraving, VERY rare tiecaue only 6 copies known to lie in existence, title ot picture Is "The Trial of Archbishop Laud Eefore the H0U20 of Lords In lM.Vr I will trade this very rare steel engraving for anything that I might be able to use. What have yo 1 to ofterT Address 8. C. 6K4, care Omaha Bee. . I WILL take a good late model car and $,15o cash lor equity In good, sightly lot less than one mile frnrn court house and on -th street. Balance 3310, payable LJ a month. Call Harney 6934 today or aftur 6 p. in. Monday. . ; 1N1UAN CU RIOS-A collection compri iii over ONE HUNDRED speciments of INDIAN headwork and other rare speci mens to trado for AUTO, lots or acreage, merchandise or what you have to offer. Ail Iims S. P. rIK, care Omsha Bee. INCUUATOH-old Reliable Incubator. good condition. WMat have you to offer? I want Buff Orpington heus. Address S. C. tei2. Br. MAMKJI.IN A beauty, perfect order, worth J&; want tyewTitcr In good re palr or offer. 8. C. 712, Bee. MANDOLIN and Kanlo for diamond ring S. C. 7U1, Bee, Ouislia. MEAL TICKETS We have traded for 8-0u worth of meal tickets: would trade them VZSl. 1 . for diamond. It la the beat 2c modi iu or for good cheap lot tu Omaha or South Omaha; might consul. r goud piano. AU dress S. C. Kin. Bee, Omaha. OAK roll lop dexk. a bargain. Can call Sunday Phone Walnut 224. OKKICK furniture. 1 bookkeepers' desk 8 leet long; I A in bergs letter filu, 8 drawers: 1 Amliorg's letter file, 13 draw ers; 1 Besly letter HI 60 drawers; 1 mail ing cabinet. I water cooler, tvo letter presses 21x17. Make offer. Address S. C. W. Bee. -a