Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday, March 2, 1915.
g formally opened yesterday
.HE Tea room at the Fontenelle
afternoon between 4 end 6.
It as a pay sight that icrfleted fhe tea connoisseur of
Omaha, and that there are many among ns was proed by the
large attendance that greeted this long-hoped-for pleasure.
"A real RItx Carlton," were the exclamations from all, and the moet
senutnely JJitz (arllon beverages were enjoyed as well. Tou can lose
yourself beautifully In the new lea room and easily Imagine the gayest of
a Fifth avenue "fl.itterer" coming In.
Never again will we have to go so far for an afternoon'a Martini!
Monsieur Mayard, chef du re?urant. Is so delighted with the enthusiasm
of O-naha'a fair sox, and promlres anything we ak for and any number of
new suggestions can bo hidden under the most attractive tea coy.
Among those to Inltiste this delightful retreat were: Me!amcs
Harold Frltfhrtt. Fen Cotton, Glenn Wharton, Kdmund V. Krug of L
LouIp. Pen Wood, Mrs. Joseph Byrne; Mlacs Kllzabeth Davis, Clare
Helepe Woodsrd and Elizabeth Uruce.
oit.v of 'I, ).-(( and taught In the Fair
t'tiry Itlnh ahool until February 1, PIS.
The arcMim was rlnclpal of the Kalrbury
r),n for tao yean. Ha la now prac
ticing law at Caldwell.
A aerldina; of unusual hrauly and a
Itnlntmenta, relrbralrd I nut evening at
the Ktfitenelip, man that of Miss Itortenaa
j 8ilonlcrn'r, cIhurIiIoi- of Mr. and Mrs.
i .Vnthnn Hi icIxmkt, and Mr. Pamuol
Rolilniolcli or riikaao. Tlic erreinony
. a pri 'former In the motim adjoining
the hall room o! the hotel. Here an
Improvln-d altur of palms and calla llllea
' liulit and from thla an aisle for the
bridal parly s formed of hiiKe basketa
Midi Hh barter lilies. The niarriaao
The folloivhiR picsram 'ji l'nr mrr read by R ibbl Frederl-lt Colin
Informal Dinnr..
Mr?. J. M. Mrtcalf ell entertain ln-f-irmally
at dinner thla evrnlne I" honor
if Prof. F. N. F.lni of l.ln-oln, who
leriur this evening I" the council
chamber of th'l ''ill. A moml of
deep r'nl arnYrins will decorate the
tabic and covers nil V pla.-rd for I'mf.
Fllns, Jtidse and Mrs. Alfred Cornish,
Mis Anna Tihbct of Lincoln nnrl Mrs.
Golf Club Entertained.
The first awlal hfTa of the Krettlest
Mile Wrvmrn't 'li tub will be held at
the home of Mia A. I. Ni.rthnip this
enlns. The afalrtlns hostrstca will be
Meadamea II. M. Wilbur. F. H. HUh and
V. A. Mover.
to le plvcn: Voral solos, Ml Iiorett , "t fl oiNk In the presence of near rela
Amdl and Miss tlrnce Northrup; piano tlvos.
olo. Mrs. Edwari Hnrke; readln. Mr.; The bride waa most attractive In a
Clifton Hmlth; duet. Mrs. C. J. Tarrott j n charmeuse satin made very
and dniuhter. Miss Fisnies Pnrrott. lmple fitlolng the Qu-en Loulae lines
women me expected to be!""" r"P"" " iwnria. The aleevea were
I of tulle and were made very tliiht and
About fifty
Carter Lake Clui.
The Carter Ike Hwlmmlna; und Howl
ing club mpt Monday at the Farnam
alley. The hlftii ai-ore was made by Mra.
C. M. Johnson's team. Those
F. I. Lovering,
4'harlea Meyers.
A J. t'leiaon.
Frank I'arpenter,
J. A. RriBfrs,
II. H. Jrt htlrUioiise
very long. The tulle veil was drawn far
back from her far e and waa caught with
rofica of pecrls. (the was without gloves
and or; no rrnamenta whatever.
MUa Jinmle Spleherger, twin Bister of
the bride, was the only attendant. Iter
laanii'i- 'If i,
present gown waa of violet orchid taffeta made.
Women Cut Off Their .Tressei to
Raise Money for Relief Work
May Soon Wear. Bows.
Welsh Folks of This
City to Organize
Tha nusleuB of a local association of
Welsh folk waa formed Monday evening,
when 2oo Welsh, people gathered at the
Toting Women's; Christian association to
observe the holiday of their r,aion saint,
tt. I'avld. x
Vt. Hugh Rowlands, pastor of the First
Baptist church; Rev. Thomas Pithell of
Trinity Methodist church and Rev. J. T.
Jones of the First Congregational church
of Council Bluffs were the speakers.
Miss Hasel Evan sang and Mrs.-A. R.
Knode gave several readings. Mlsa
Ceslah Jones assisted rh the. arrange
ments. A letter from Plshop A. L. Williams
waa read and the meeting closed with
the singing of the old Welsh eong, "The
Land of Our Fathers."
Klernal comfort awaits the two t.rave
Omaha Oerman women who sacrificed
Irautlful beads of golden hair f r the
benefit of the Herman war relief fund.
Bobbed balr Is the lstct.
And aoine well-known Omaha maids
lready have had their hair bobbed. Fur
thermore, It Is whispered that tly will
make their first bobbcd-halr appearance
at the Fontnelte this evening.
If. J. McCarthy, In charge of the hair
goods department at the Krandels atores.
tells all about It. How the fashion origi
nated In .the east, where Mrs. Vernon
Castle appeared with bobled tressej and
Immediately set the ball for bobbed hair
Miss Laura ."lierman of Mr. McCar
thy's department mas so enthuaed when
told of the new vosue that she as';d to
be the first one to demonstrate the possi
bilities of the hitherto juvenile lialrdreax. I
Jf all followers of t ho mode will mako!
as attractive an appearance as Mlsa Sher-'
man. It la safe to venture the guess that)
Omaha maids and matrnnavwlll all be
come devotees of the mode. ,
Perhape they will later appear In bril
liant red, pink or blue Mary Jane bows
In their hair, like unto their youthful
off spring. Then when huhblo comes home
of an evening he will find It hard to dis
tinguish his hitherto disnlfled wife from
his baby daughter.
But to cease our wanderings Into th
future and return to cold, hard facts,
hair goods men welcome the innovation,
according to Mr. McCarthy.
"Tou see when thla fashion haa run ita
course there will be an overwhelming de
mand for hair goods to make up thu de
ficiency. "That's where we will shine," or words
to that effect, washow Mr. .McCarthy
expressed It. "
I "The Rrt" fO J (JT "Ike Rourj" fl
always was1.35 k.m.m, .i..n.. .''iLiM. him iMiiiaBi in' li igniinMiiiiaiiifsTaTrmii' I always was $1.35 J
Florence Bar
clay's beautiful
at ory rurw 60c ;
alaya was $1.35
.1. A. Krei-lanil,
II. I.. I'nrlerwood,
lex ,ie.i .
R. U. Blerman,
N lll am II. tloiild,
W. .1. l attln,
J. M. I'tinlrk.
Httiiy Renting.
U H. Ooldsl rom,
T. A. liertw.dy,
M. M. Kassxtl,
It .1. Hackett,
I'. M. Juhnsun.
Birthday Pajrty.
Mr. and Mn, lent entertained fifty
oung people on Saturday evening In
btiior ot the twenty-first birthday of
lister It. .usnr. Cards and dancinv were
". cycd In the evening. The guests were:
it-ssrs. and Mesdaine-
Joseph Wtknt, .
lieorjro Jones,
, Oil n I wnt,
. ... iej ,,
..u" .. ond Calcy,
I', f s
... u e.rdnn,
m u . r,
,.4ikln l MeFarren,
n.-jv-i fttireanen,
ti i .li.ntit. ' -
) r. t iiaeiiian,
Ncl'ile Rbunel,
.ar, 'M ill...
. i-4t..
I.i ti'-r taar,
lit.'ofd haar, '.
". . llcwley,
V I limn t o a ley.
inuiiiln liowley,
i.'oiii-ilNiid Vtsher,
nennetn Tlilier,
I'llfton Tlshr,
Herman lluoen,
jamea Hnat-ii,
Hurry h;rgu
sitlKuict Mnckay,,
l mrn V'llon.
i illlMrt Kiiifsell,
Mildred Chase
ii n ,Melonald,
I.iii lie Haley, '
I r-Uitlrx Harris,
Josephine Kvk,
....rl.i McFuaden,
(.airie Jcnarn,
Harold Colmr.ll.
William McKarren,
A.arnn Bachman,
slxyio hachman,
(inl.-n Jarred,
Arohlo Dent,
Mark Grnhm.
Harvey Hhunel,
W illiam Ptout,
Hairy Kuinp.
. lA-ster h hi I re.
n, gold cirop aklrt. rhe carried a
ni'iff of purple orchids.
Little Misses Kr.rothy Bell Apple and
Florence Wolf, ageil 4 and 6 years, were
the flower girls. Th-y mere dslnty little
frorks of hsnd embroidered French
batiste and shnerd the bridsl couple
with nao petals Just before the cere-
I iiiony.
J - The givoin ma sttonded by his brother,
i Mr. Frsnk Roblnovlch. of Chicago.
Mrs. hplesliergr's gomn mas an elah
oralo Importation of light blue silver
cloth t.immed m-1th pale blue and orchid
pink seifulns,
A dinner mas served to the wedding
guests in the hano.uct room mhlch was
(Pmusely decorated with orchids and
Tlifi bride's go-away gown mas of navy
blue serge made with a very high empire
malst, line. With this was morn a small
toque of l.l ie straw- and braver furs.
Mr. ami Mra. Roblnovlch left last even
ing for Sw York city nnd will later go
to Palm Beach. They will be at home
at tha Biltmore In New York City.
Pleasures Past
, A racently formed dancing club of
South Omaha met Monday evening. The
numbers are:
doctors and Medames-
H!"c"hTndle. Vermil.ion. . .
sieasra. and Mesdames
Nu Sima Ku Party-
The! Beta Rpsllon chapter of"Ku Sigma
Nu ot the Cnlveralty of Nebraska College
of Medi.lne entertained at their house
inn per Saturday evening. Those present
M tear a
Anne V right
olive Mapie,
Mary imry
of Lincoln.
Myitis Fibber
of Fremont,
trl Sen langdon,
lss Itlli-ibrov'k ,
of Fremont,
Marie Hlxenlraugh,'
Helm lnjtwe.ller,
P. J. llnry.
K It. fa'arlk,
. H. MiHer.
t. A. Meyer.
K. B. r'avla.'
1 4. f l. Rlrgert.
K. . Montgomery,
W. T. V ildliaber, -
U. K. Faimrn,
l..,in Mrona
of Fremont,
Julia Heller,
JuHtiita iiarxrrn.
Katherlne Hturlvent,
J. ina lYiig.
Alpha Flfld.
Mabel Hmllb
of Ilea Motnep,
Uretchen McOnnrlU
Lois itobblna,
tlcorge Hoffmelater,
Kay Uwy.
I 'avid H !r bee,
l.lmer Bantln.
Julius J rbnson,
Jerald Bruce,
W . A. CassMy,
Handy Uifford.
John Bmlth.
A. Ii. Majors,
V. Mvlle.
O, Francis,
fl. B. Hr.yre,
John Hughes.
A lick La vert r.
II. M. like, '
N. L. Petersen,
N. R. Kngdahl, .
J. R. McPhail,
Allen Hudly. ar.l
N. Wilkinson.
Lenten Sewing Clubs.
The . Mission teeming club of Trinity
Catheral met as usual thla morning at
the home or Mrs. V. H. Davis. -
The 'members of tha Original Bewing
circle., mho sew fortnightly for the Vis
itlng Nurse asaoclatlon, were entertained
this gfternoon at the home of Mis.
Thorns Bwobc. Those present m-ers:
Chris MeKher.
J. 1.. HUHtl.
Harry Mn-llng.
l.' us....
h ''. B'. Reed. '
Walter Klsher,
F.. A. Roue. -
Claud (irrhard,
Frank Phucka,
Valtr Nltehe,
V. B. Taag.
B. F. Maxwell,
Theodora Tlllotson
H. II. I'.nvd.
IV. Frlcke.
Miss Hortenae Kads.
Mrs. Richard Kitchen entertainad fir.
teen of the member of the Daughter
of the American Revolution thla aft.-
Inoan 'in her apartments at the Paxton
hotel. '
The ProgressWe Flvs llundied club waa
; entertained Saturday eenlng at the horn
or r. nnd lira. E. w. Van Houaen.
Trlaes ware awarded to Mrs. Marks and
Mr. Secl ner. Thos present mere: Mlaaea
Mav Bowman. Ida Mrsason.
Mr. I.loyn Bfchner.
Messrs. and Mesdamea
T i ' .t0m K.T.Baker,
J, M,V'M",r,h7' E. Mark.
J. H. Bkovlund,
. Mr. J. A. Helvis was honor guest at a
birthday surprise party given by. a num
ber of his friends at his home Saturday
night A short mualcal program mas
given by Mra P. J. Helvle and the guest
present wore:
Messrs. and Mesdamea
William Helvle.
High Collars Not
to Be Fastened to
the Shirt Waist
"Never before has there been a season
of such dlst'nct novelties In neckwear as
I at the present," declared Miss Ceslah
Jones, In charge of the neckwear depart
ment at the Urandels stores. "AVho
ever heard of a collar that mas not
sedately fastened to the ahlrtwalst? Vet,
now there la mostly a space of several
Inches between tho low-necked" shirt
waist and Its attendant collar."
"The collar Isn't always a collar, either.
Pometlmea it ia a (Jucen Elisabeth ruche
fastened around the neck with a black
atln or velvet ribbon."
"Then there Is the detachable Swlra or
estln stork and the "cuff rollar,' so named
because of Its resemblance to Its mate,
the cuffs."
Vestees in all (conceivable atyles and
materials and cuff and rollar sets In
sheer Swiss embroidery and Oriental
laees are also vying mlth each othor In
Many women have looked with askance
upon the harbingers of high collars,
being haunted with tho remembrance of
by-gone seasons when, In order to be cor
rectly attired, It waa necessary to appear
in a close-fitting, high stock collar. Not
so this coming summer, fftr although the
collars are high In the back, the throat
Is open. ,
After the esreedlngly great Comfort
of the y-ahaped collar for the last few
soaaona,' milady will resort to the high
collar again," ssM Miss Jones. " (
Miss Jones Is authority for tho state
ment that ribbons. . especially striped
onea, mill be extremely good In spring
millinery. . ,
Detective William Pevereese received a
telegram Monday Informing him of the
death of his father. Joseph Devereeae,
aged 83 yeats. at Ithaca, N.' Y. The de
tective will be unable to attend the fu
neral. The deceased la survived by two
other children, Agnes and Edward Dc-vereese.
H Those Women Who Now Are Planning Their Spring and
wm r i t rrn r- t .it rtri aw
oummer Costumes and Lingerie . Will te Interested in 1 his ji
Great Sale of An Importer's
Stocks of Embroideries and
Q Laces Beginning Wednesday
rUR buyers in New York were fortunate in closing a deal with o
-f the Large importers in the east, whereby we came into 'possession of
thousands of yards of the most beautiful embroideries and laces. They were
secured on a price basis which makes it possible for us to place them on sale
at prices which represent a very small fraction of their true worth.
WARIEXIES are al- QUALITIES are all DRICES much less
most limitless . of the very best than one expects
one of
Embroideries worth up
to 25c, Sale Price, a yard 2
A rarely beautiful selection of embroidered Swisses,
Voile, Nelge and Cambric edges In widths from 4
to 10 Inches. . A variety of dainty colored edges
with neat designs, suitable for collars and the pop
, ular ruffled effects. , Regular 25c qual- j 1
itles. Yard........... IjC
Embroideries worth up to OP
50c, Sale Price, the yard fcC
An - assortment comprising 18-Inch Swisses, Cam
brlc, Batiate Corset Cover Embroideries and Floun.
cings in beautiful crochet, shadow and filet effects
with pretty embroidered designs. They are worth
to 50c a yard, but will be. on sale Wednes- or
day at the yard, only..... aCDC
Embroideries worth up to CQ
$1, Sale . Price, the yard
Assembled In one great group at a marveloualy lit
tle price art 27-Inch Swlsaea, Batiste and Nelge em
broldered flounclngs In dainty designs, especially
adapted to the prevailing modes in two and three
tier skirts. In this assortment there also is a beauti
ful selection of Baby Flounclngs In neat ruffled cro
chet and hemstitched edges. The group Is farther
strengthened by a large assortment of 45-lnch
Voiles, Crepe and Swiss Flounclngs and Crepe and
Voile all Allovers in the daintiest designs In col
ors for blouses and kindred wear. Regular values
to $1.00 In this lot On sale Wednesday, CQ
your choice, the yard, only ....0JC
Most Exquisite Laces at Very Little Prices
A Koine bualnws ran be sold quickly
inrousn The Bee's "Bualnesa Chances
. 11. Adama.
l'li'ir Murlarty,
W. II. Koonts.
Vlrtor Whltr,
T. I.. Bradley,
J. T. Yalea.
W. J. Ilynta.
I'aimrr Hnlley,
'. K. Kmltli,
l.itr Mri'heraon,
llrbr-rt lUsr,
Alfred Rrlialrk,
K. Wallers,
Harry Jordan.
J. J. Mr-Mu Hen.
N. I Win kerl,
J. T. l-ord.
oiirar Williams,
Thomas Kaobe.
('lata Thomajr.
I. Tack.
John Wuail,
A. Kane,
fharlea guall.
W llllam Moyl.
i M iKaea- '
Tmala Hlakealey.
Esther Kafia.
Oa.-ar Hchumann.
.harlea ilreon,
Oieorse lavl,
b. lrlk.
Debutante Bridge Clnb. "
Mtss Krancck Horhstcller was hrwiess
t-Kiay at the meeting of the Debutante
I'.r dsa rlub. Tha membera Include:
F. Oasnlvln,
i-. irannrn.
If. Trlmbla.
J. A. Helvle.
Violet Hinds Ir.
Julia Helvle.
I.loyd Ar.rlerern,
John C'aehman,
lliarlea lavia,
A. K. Wattera.
Mercedes Puts On
Mystic Act Before
Omaha Uni Pupils
A demonstration of thought transmis
sion was stacd before aoine 200 students
of the I nlverslty of X)raaha try Mercedes
and Mile. Stantoiuv who are this week
headllnlna the bill at tha Orpheum. About
fifty aelm-tlona were played on the piano
ny nine. Mantone, through tha thought
tranainlasion method of Mercedes and
each occasion was a success.
The students wrote the title of tile
desired selection on a card and held It
firmly In their hand. Then Mile. Stan
tone would 'play tha music called' for.
The demonstration laated for half an
hour, during which time all manner ot
selections were played. Including "Men
dolsecn's Wedding March," followed by
"No Wedding Bella for Me."
l'ean Waiter N. Haisey was quite
pleaaed with the demonstration and ad
mitted It appeared to htm as a practical
proof of thought transmission.
With the Visitor..
Pr. I.. May rine of Los Angeles Is vis
iting with Mrs. T. W. McCullough ai the
Ml aea-
KlrHrMir Mackay.
riijfenia t'att.-reo:v
Jarwt Hall.
H. len t'lai k.
vsitoi) Knhn.
Harriet Hmllh.
Blanche Deuel,
Ann Uifford,
Ktella Thummel.
r'raacea Hochatst-
lei. .
I ah lie Bacon,
I iine-Tar-Honey stops tha
j cough and prevents your cold getting
won. If, gn.ranteed. Only Sc. All
aa"i. Advert wma.
Tneiday Bridge Club- '
The Tuesday Brlse club as enter
tained this afternoon by Mra. Waller
iiolterta. The members present mere:
Meerlarnea Meadanwa
i:eore K-.1l' k, W, M. Mrl ormU k,
Krank Ke.,h. RaTnle,
Jixm Murliltii, lxils Clark.
Hanon M ihard, Arthur Keeline,
Jot n Hclu k. I teniae Barkalow.
Mis K:ibeth CnKon.
Dancioa: Parties Tonight.
The TaiuVle rlub IU entertain at a
dancing party thla evening at the Metro
politan hall.
William Raymond, vagrant, arre.ted at
Kt tatAM k a.b t
na iavenwcrtl rtreeta. at-
fmited to ditch a bottle containing a
Mara tna.titu .. . . ,
iaiird in police court and aentenced to
'n day. on a charge of vagrancy. i
the nauwhll. hta caae will be t.kep up
.hi. J. ovr"ment owing to the fact
that Ma poa.ea.lon of su, h a large qu.n.
tity or morphine after the effect of the
new federal taw wtU lllVMU
HilU-Bellamy Wedding.
T wedding of Miaa lona Bellamy,
naughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mel
im. and Klmer Hill of Caldwell. Idaho,
f-. p at Kelt Lake City on (Saturday. J tB
i niy JO The eojple ill be at home
iffr A pi U L The brloe Is a graduate
of t- XB.aba Hixh school and t'nhtr-
u Not rt n.m,mmrt.
T"1 Uoub'' h indlge
tlon and constipation have been benefited
by tln. Chamberlain . T.bleU thlt no
one ahouu, ,ee, dlur.sed who ha.
given them a trial. They com.i.
MiBrsu an a...
.teength.n the stomach and enable It to
perform Its functlona naturally. Obtain
able eryher. Ah(rtjKnirn
Makes Stubborn Coughs
Vanish in a Hurry
IA .
ft JMrM l;
U - ..
arprtalagly Coo4 Ceagk Syiw
taalty m4 Cfceoyly
Made at Bosm
If soma one in your family has an ob
stinate rough or a bad throat or chest
cold that haa been hauiiinu ou and refines
to yield to treatment, iret from any drug;
atore 2 ounces of 1'ine nnd make it
into a pint of cough syrup, and watch
that eouKb vanish.
Pour the t ounces of Tine (SO
cents worth) into a pint bottle and hit
tha bottle with plain granulated sugar
svrup. The total coat ia about 64 rents,
ami gives you a full pint a family
supply of a moet effective remedy, at a
saving of 92. A day's use will iixuatlv
overcome a hard couph. Easily prepared
In 6 minute full, directions with lSuev.
Keeps perfectly and haa a pleataut taste.
Children like it.
It'e really remarkable how promptly
and easily it loosens ths dry. hoarse or
tight cough and heals the inflamed mem
branes in a paiatul rough. It also stopa
the formation of phlegm in the throat
and bronchial tubes, thua ending the per
sistant loose cough. A aplundid remedy
for bronchitis, winter coughs, bronchial
asthma and whoopinx cougo.
Pin ey U a special and liigtaly ooweea
trated compound of genuine-isorway pins
extract, rich in guaiacol, which ia so
healing to tha membranes.
Aroid disappointment br sfVing your
druggist for -1 on nova of i'inx." and
do pot accept anything else. A guarantee
of absolute satisfaction goes with this
preps rst ion or nioner promptly refunded.
lb liatx Co., it, S)ne, JuO.
No more fretting and worry about
the dirrhen. Hubby comes home
wo eat he smokes while I
WaaA t A DUhtt in Stvn Minut
Of coiirae it'a possible. T waah
drv eterlllse our dlshea with auald
Ina hot water (the kind It Is ini-
poHHlble to put vour hands In) in
oven Minutes' Tim.
How it It Postible?
Why I am the proud possessor of
a "Whlrlnool" Sanitary insnwaaiier.
Vou never saw one? Then you go
to 1110 Farnam street an see It
demonstrated. You'll do tho same
as 1 Buy on quickly. .
Your hands never touch the dirty
arreuav dlahwater and you never
Tiv to use a Germ Iulen. Sticky
iJlahrag or Towel It saves coat of
a maid, too.
Demonstration Sally.
Bring This Ad Oet 10 Discount.
Writ (or Booklet.
rfcos Don-, ltll. 1110 Tarnasa It.
Laces worth to $1 for 59c
Here are Silk Chan till y Flouncing and Shad
ow Oriental Net .Top Flounces In black,
white and cream. - Widths .are 18 to 27
inches. - Also. Silk Shadow-', and Net Allovers
in black, white and' cream, all 36 inches
wide. Values to $ 1.00. Sale price
a yard, only
Laces worth to 35c for 19c
In . this ' group are Shadow and Net Lace
rlouncings :n .12 to lo-incn widths and, in
white, cream and ecru; laces regu
larly sold up to 35c, sale price, yard
Lace Special for 15c a yd.
Fine Imported Net Top Laces, for Ruffles
and Neckwear and Piatt Vala, m all widths
suitable for, underwear. An excep- j f
tkmally worthy selection, price, yard. 10C
Laces worth 10c for 5c yd.
At this price are Imported Torchon, Filet,
French and German Val Laces and insert
ing, many of them matched sets. . Lace
edge footings and Cotton Cluny laces. All
widths are included. Not a yard worth
less than loc. Sale price, very spe-
cial, a yard. 0C
Almost Enough Ribbon to Go 'Round All
Omaha Makes Up a Great Sale Wednesday H
THERE are thousands and thousands of yards of ribbon in a variety most H
yards of ribbon in a variety
complete and w.onderful, bought in such a way that they will be sold at
prices so low they are amazing. Many of them are "loom-ends," conse
quently very inexpensive. Very good for spring millinery. Ribbons really
are in some instances worth more than double these prices.
All-silk satin ribbons, 5 Inches wide, in
good colorings. Very special, a yard, 15c.
Brocade satin ribbon in white, pink, light
blue, etc.' In this sale, a yard, only 15c.
Fancy satin stripe ribbons in very beauti
ful colorings. An unusual value. Yard, 15c.
Fancy warp print ribbons in light and
dark colors. Special value, a yard, 15c.
Fancy warp trint ribbons, 5J4 to 84
inches wide. Worth to 75c a yard, 25c. t
Plain satin and plain moire taffeta ribbon
up to 8 inches wide. A yard, 25c.
Beautiful colorings in handsome plaid
ribbons ribbons such as never before nave
been offered at such a price. A yard, 25c.
Shot ribbon with satin edges. Very
Pretty for hair bows. A yard, 15c.
Usually Women Would Pay Much More for
Neckwear Like This Than We Shall Ask j
UNDfcK circumstances very favorable to us, we secured a large lot of the
newest novelties in women's neckwear at a price concession unusually
attractive. As a result, we shall have on sale Wednesday an assortment that
not only is 'wonderfully complete, but contains the newest styles in the new
spring shades, one lot being in the favored sand shade.
A m. Of. There will be yestees, fancy mill- I a a. Off. There also will be white Swiss era-
tarr collars, silk military collars
and full Swiss and lace collars, all In the very new
sand shade,, too every ohe a wonderful value.
broldered collar and cuff sets with
plaited back; the very new lace embroidered collar
with the plaited back In very dainty styles.
4 0 new cBacomor wuj , i
i rottud-n-bond" f '
loo HAYtfEa
pcoor ra w
Express CW(M Ptdd
IT raabavettemr Wed HayserWn laker,
ti-r It wn. HaUulhUedwithttteenta
to itaatpe or core aad we will eead yen
tuU quart bottle of Hajmtr frivat
Sltck MttitM-md Whiaaer fee eale4
lam iirHThiT r"'i Ita Sot 1 14-tn-Btmd
whnk of the Saaa kt
eaaled with the U. S. CmreiMU'lunn
btmiap ever tha eark fully ed. full
luua proof, fall m enure jure te plaaie
rw to eor war. Km take a eheacea
weareeoeof tha lartomt (hstiUan to
Aaterica-kwa to kuaiaoaa -eare
eapltal S6uO.iMa.0U. ifrUr rikt mam
mtimt mtor taM an auaH If ram hke-
goad Will S forward oy Bta ex
Or&m trmm N. ftelo , Vm, Btana.,
an4 ii ataue wm ibrr wiaa mu ior
fiMlm ert -eiye pU. a4l
Aldrmt tmf aearaif JU
Mm. B, Wlan. D.C. St. Uk, rk.
1m, u. M,aM, uaMim.ak
Ii i natiiia. fa.
K . Cf We shall have on sale a most fascinating; selection, comprising collar and .
W uUC cuff sets in handsome and rich oriental laces, and collar and cuff sets
in beautiful Swiss embroidered effects. Values here are truly extraordinary.
Very Special-Plauen Collars, worth up to 75c, Wednesday for 25c
Silks Are Used Charmingly
In These Fetching. Frocks
Designated as "Afternoon" and "Bridge" frocks, they are peculiarly
adapted to functions of the present moment In them are all of the
usnioname siiks tor cany spring w ear silks sucn as .
Crepe de Chine, Crepe Meteor, Charmeuse, Poplin and TaffeU In
plain or daintily trimmed and chiffon combination 'effects. In
them all the newer spring shades are ' apparent Sand, Putty,
Belgian Blue, Rose, Navy and Wistaria, and, of course, Black.
. - s
A wide variety of models, every one of them new and char
acteristic of this season's newest ideas. Priced specially $19.
' r- w xa ii m a
Daintiest of Undermu&lins, Special at $1,00
An assembling of the most bewitching, filmy muslinwear, com
prising gowns, combinations, Teddy Bears, princess slips and pet
ticoats, most attractively trimmed with dainty laces and embroid
eries and in the fine tucked effects. While the assortment is'
most complete and the garments unusually fine quality, the special .
price Wednesday is only $1.00.
Great Sale of Bags and Suit Cases
This u tha entire floor stock of Samuel Sherman, No. 9, Debrossea , street. New York.
About 40 trunks full
Ims. All floor samples
worth 15 and M. Spe
cial Wednesday
Traveling Bags and Suit Cases -Made of walrus
leather lined; also leatherette and kerotal. 16,
t8-inch sizes. Worth from 12 to S5. Wednesday, in 1 op
two lots pl.QO