Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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nn: n::. omaua, wkdnt.srvy. M.ncn
Nebraska -
Tood Commissioner Harman Finds
Seven Million Pounds of Meat
at South Omaha. . .
(From a Staff Correspondent!
LINCOLN. March 2. ISperlsi.) Rep
resentative Jerry Howard twloet odiiy
was twice denied the rtKht of free snreoh
In the presence of his countrymen and
none of them, not even Pick Regan, at
tempted to protest.
Severn i days bro Mr. Howard Kent up a
resolution to the chief clerk calling upon
Food Commissioner Herman to produce
lor the edification of the house the num
ber of pounds of meat in olrt storage In
the packing houses of, South Omaha. This
waa sent In this afternoon and during the
reading Mr. Howard stood within easy
reach of the speaker's eye with a speech
primed showing that In these democratic
times people were starving while thou
sands of pounds of good meat was within
reach. The report of Mr. Harman was as
Pursuant to the request of your honor
able, body, I am pleased to transmit to
you herewith the amount of food products
in cold storage In the cold storage plint
of Armour & Co., South Omaha, and a.o
the amount In the cold storage plants of
the other packing concerns In this state
as well. This report Is made from a sworn
statement forwarded my department and
shows the several amotints on hand and
length of time up to and including Feb
ruary as. ma.
taye. In pounds
Carcasses .
Cuts ...
. 90
, NO
, 90
, 60
' 120
Trimmings 60
Cuts ...................... SO
Cuts 60
Trimmings 60
Cuts ...
M 90
Sweet Pickle
In process of cure..
In process of cure.
In process of cure...
Dry Salt
In process of cure...
In process of cure...
In process of cure..
.. 90
.. 60
.. 90
... 60
Grand total LU5.SG6
This report shows that no products nave
been stored longer than 160 days.
A report from the cold storage of
Morris & Co., South Omaha, shows 1.
063,733 on hand In their cold storage, none
of which have been stored longer than 130
A report from Swift ft Co., South
Omaha, shows 1.911,223 on hand in their
old storage, none of which have been
stored longer than seven months.
A report from Cudahy Packing com
pany. South Omaha, shows 2.624.693 on
hand In their cold storage, none of which
have been stored longer Uian eight
Recapitulation of all concerns showing
Jength of time In storage is as folowa:
f'ixty days 3,04R,K2
Three to five months 4.610.3C8
8tx months 141.296
Seven months 6S.493
ign monms 381
Total 7,769.460
The quarterly report received by this
department from ail of the concerns
named herein, shows the total amount of
meat products In. storage on.. January 1,
1915 to be 7,038,1.10 pounds.
Business Men of
Kearney Turn Out
to Hear Mr. Hirth
KEARNEY, Neb., March 2.-(8peclaJ
Telegram Kearney's response to wil- Hlrth's plea for farr-treatment of
the railroads was a large gathering of
business men at the Commercial club
today to bear the address of the presi
dent of the Missouri Federated Commer
cial Clubs. A. C. Killian, president of
the Kearney Commercial club, presided'.
Mr. Hlrth evoked expressions of approval
when ha said that Nebraska must
gnarmmoe a lur interest return on
every dollar or Outside capital invested In
the state, and a square deal for all cor
porations. Mr. Hlrth came here from Grand la
land, where he addrsesed many business
men laat night. He peaka in Tork to
Shiverick Asserts
Rabinoff Is Owner
Robert Shiverick alleges that the
Pavlowa Ballet company la partly owned
by Max Rablnoff in a reply filed In dis
trict court in the suit in which he at
tached 12,600 of the proceeds of the last
charity ball in Omaha in an attempt te
collect a portion of a Judgment against
Shiverick was injured in 1910 in Winni
peg, Canada, when struck by a portion
of a sword while watching a sword Jug
glers' act in a theater there. He secure
a Judgment for damages against Rabln
off. who was proprietor of the company.
The Pavlowa Ballet company was al
lowed to collect its share of the proceeds
ef the Anna Pavlowa charity ball upon
a representation that Rablnoff was not
financially interested in the present com.
paay. This. Shiverick asserts in hU re
ply, Is not true.
Splendid for Rheamntism. .
"I think Chamberlain's Liniment
Just splendid for rheumatism," writes
Mrs. Dunburgh, Eldrldge, N. V. "It has
been used by myself and other members
of my family time and time again during
the last six years and has always given
the best of satisfaction. The quick re
lief from pain which Chamberlain's Linl
ment affords Is alone worth many tlmei
the cost. Obtainable everywhere. Adver
tisement Washington Affairs
Nineteen applications ti organise n
tlonal .banks were approved during Feb
ruary. according to an announcement by
the comptroller of the currency. The to
tal number of national hanks doing bus!
auss February JI was 7,I0. with an au
thorised capital of S1.07C. 434.17a and out
standing" circulations amounting to tTlfr-
Kepreaeatative Britten of Illinois Intro
duced an amendment to the fedrraJ bank
law to permit national banks to invest
noi more man o per cent or their capital
with state banks and others In banks or.
ganlxed for foreign business exclusively
It was said that under the la now only
the largest banks can participate In the
icrvisa vsuf.
rhelps County Man Accused of Steal
in Twenty-Six Head of Cattle"
from Ranch. '
sarpy Bounty claim slumbers
( a ftaff Correspondent.)
IJNCOLN. March 1 Speclat.)-Oover-nor
Morheal his morning signed requi
sition p.ipers for the return to this sate
Of Lloyl Tollv. r. Mir.s Roy White, who
Is being held under arrest at Jerryvllle. I
Tolixer Is accused of stealing. In com
tony with two other men, twenty-six
head of cattle. It Is alleged that they
drove the stock away fiom the ranch of j
Manlicus Lvras In Thelpa county, shipped
It to South Omaha and placed It upon the
market. They did not renllse any monri-,
however. I. urns was husking coin near
the T-uras ranch at the time of the al
leged theft, whioh occurred February 5.
HarlnsT Fish ky Barrel,
Canned salmon as a part of the bill of
fare at state Institutions Is apt to be
come a thing of the past The board of
control is now buying salmon In barrels,
the fish being In brine. The barrelled
product costs only 9 cents a pound,
whereas the canned fish cost nearly twice
as much. Various Institutions have sig
nified that the Inmates like the barrelled
fish better than the other.
Sarpy Claim Mara hers.
The claims of Sarpy county against the
state for eienea occurred In connection
wltti the trials of the officers connected
with the convict chase of three years ago.
Is still slumbering with the claims com-
fnlltee of the house.
Judging from remarks paeed by various
legislators the claim will continue Its
slumber. Most or all of the expense was
lncured in the prosecution of Chief firings
of South Omaha for the killing of Roy
Blunt, who was shot either by the fleeing
convicts or accidentally by the posse.
The legislators are inclined to bellve
that the Sarpy county commissioners
were altogether too liberal In their dis
bursements. Besides his regular aalarv
County Attorney Berggrin of Wahoo
drew down $100.85. County Attorney Beg-
ley, who suoceeded . Berggrin in the middle
of the case, as a member of the firm of
Berggrin 6 Begley, gets in on 1,0W. The
total of the claim la 12,011.54.
Woe Id Hear from Weston.
The atary of H. D. Weston of Kearney.
the Nebraskan who first successfully
demonstrated that alfalfa coull be grown
In unlrrlgated dry land, la Invited to tell
"his own story" to the legislature.
A resolution tl that effect proposing a
Joint session, was Introduced by Senators
Wink Howell and Orece.
Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County
BEATRICE. Neb March t. I Special.)
Qus Schmitt, an old resident of Beatrice,
received a letter from his sister who lives
at Rotenfele. Baden, Germany. She says
that conditions in Germany are about
nomal with the exception of the absence
of so many of the male population. There
Is no suffering and they seem to have
plenty to eat. Nine nephews of .Mr.
Schmitt ave been in the war, one has
been killed, while the others are still at
the front. His sister says that they be
lieve there that Germany Is bound to win,
and that no men over 28 or under have
been drafted yet for the war.
Company O is going after the $50 prise
offered by the adjutant general for the
best company In the National Guard. The
Annual inspection by a regular, army of
ficer will be held March IS, and an effort
will be made to recruit the company up
to sixty-five members.
Harry Johnson, whom the officers be
lieved was Anton Birkner, who escaped
from the federal prison at Fort Leaven
worth. Kan., a year ago, was released
Monday. The; description of Johnson and
the man who escaped from the federal
prison tallied closely, and the local offi
cers were holding Johnson until they
could hear from the federal officials.
Shetiff Acton Monday received a letter
from the sheriff at Tain Falls. Idaho,
stating that David Kidd. whe la being
held here In connection with the robbery
of Bonebrlght Bunte a store at Cort
land, Is wanted there for horse stealing
and will come to Beatrice after his man
In case he Is not convicted on the rob
bery charge.
i . . ; .
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March i. (Special. Al
though February is supposed to be a dull
month In the automobile business,' Secre
tary of State Pool's office Issued 174 new
licenses and 440 renewals during the last
From the different sources mentioned,
the same office received In feea the fol
lowing amounts during the month of
From permits issued to 'corpor
ations H.WO.00
From corporation penalties i.
For filing articles of incorporation l.WW 85
Notary commissions issued 01.00
Miscellaneous' , 1.6.1
Hi a nils 5R 50
Certificates and transfers W.2n
Labels and trade marks II. 00
.Statutes sold 112 00
Peraell to Waco.
FAIRBURT, Neb., March S.-(Spccla!.)
Lyle Puraell, Falrbuiy's big southpaw
pitcher and familiarly known as "Big
Six," departed for Waco, Tex., Sunday
to begin training. He will pitch for the
Ws,co team of the Texas Ktat. league
this summer. Pursell opened the season
last year as twirler for the Hi. Joseph
Drummers of the Western lrsgue circuit.
After pitching for the Ft. Joseph teem
until the middle ef the summer, he was
"farmed out' to the Hastings team of
the Xeoraska league and finished the
summer with this team. PurselT com
menced his base ball career as a pitcher
On Falrbury's semi-prof eeslonal toam of
1913 and achieved considerable fame. -
Me4lral Corps Inspected.
LINCOLN, March 2.-tfpeelal.)-The
lincoln medical corps underwent federal
Inspection last night. All but one of the
detachment of thirty men, which la under
the command of Major John r. Speal
man, were preeent. The Inspection was
conducted by Captain Charles C. Blll
ingslea' of the regular army.
ten the Cnlla'a eaak
. It'a Merlons.
Croup and whooping rough are chil
dren's ailments. Dr. King's New Disco v.
cry is what you need. It kills the rold
germs. All druggists. Advertisement
Bombardment of Second Line of
Forts in Dardanelles Tempor
arily Suspended-
,, .
March 2. Operation
of the French and British fleets ; 1Mlon
gainst Ihe Turkish fortification on A compromise on the naval building
the Dardanelles, which during the i HRram was one of the imiwrtant novel
last week had taken the warships of i "l"" f th -onferee "
... .... ,, inuch-illscussed measure agreeing to two
the allied Home firteen miles through ; ;bmrnP, Clf the .cagoing type and six
this well defended and narrow w ater-jt.rn rnat defense eulenarlne.
way, are t a standstill today on ac-! The house Mil had provided for but one
count of a gale of wind, accompanied j 'r"KOlnB "mrlne and eleven of the
by a heavy mist, which hinders the;
efficient marksmanship of the naval
gunners neeessary to reduce the
ond line of forts eoncealed by the
hills. This respite is likely to prove
... A ' , ,,.
of benefit to the Turks. The allies.
reallting tli necessity of pushing any
oriental offensive movement with
energy, will resume the attacl' as
soon as possible.
Fr-mi Athens comes a re, ort that
rha of Albanian fame, the Turkish so -
"i'v0 a , " ,Pr,,,,'ll,n T "."r"1"
Bulkr.n war, has been plnced in command
of the Turkish forces at Gallipoll. flank
ing the straits.
Petrograd reports the completion of
Russian military operations at 1'rzsanysi
and claims to 'have thrown back to the
frontier at thtr noint two Omnium orrnv i
corps. Petrograd announces also the ie -
sumption of the offensive by the IUissUn
forces In Oallcla.
Berlin officially announces the lepul.-o
of Russian attacks north of Loiur.a and
northwest of Ostrolenka, bu . says that ;
otherwise there Is nothing to report along i
the eastern front.
Peeatinlsm la Berlin.
News dispatches reaching here from i
Berlin say a certain degree of pessimism I
prevailed there because of the offensive !
action against Russians all along the 1
eastern battle line. Vienna, more com-
municative than its nlHee, reports sue-
cessful action in the western section of
the Carpathians and artiller:'' engage-
ments In Oallcla. where the Russians are
said to have been heavily reinforced.
The British press is virtually unani-
mous in praise or 1'rcmler Asqutth s
announcement yesterday of Great
Britain's reprisals against the submarine
warfare of Germany. The only discord
In the chorus of praise Is the criticism
that possibly neutral protests might hve j
been obvlatied by the proclamation of a
formal blockade.
The only reported activity in connection
with Germany s submarine vigil is . pro-
vlded by a story from a British collier,
which claims to have rammed a German
submarine in the channel after the under-
sea boat had made an unsuccessful
tempt to strike it with a torpedo.
Bombardment Is Resamed.
PARIS, March . Bombardment of the
Inner forts of the Dardanelles was re
sumed at 10 o'clock yesterday morning,
says an Athens dispatch to the Ilavas
agency. A Russian admiral, delegated to
attend a council of admirals, has Joined
the allied fleet in the st rails, making the
trip by way of Dedeoghatch, a seaport of
Bulgaria and terminus of the railway
line from Adrlanople and Salonlkt.
A dispatch from Salonlkt states that
mines and submarines, destined for the
defense of Dedegatch, have arrived at
that port. According to the Havss dis
patch, fire from the guns of the allied
fleet has destroyed the batteries of Killd
Bhr and Fort Sultanle (Chanek Kalesl),
which guard the entrance to the narrow
est part of the straits.
Information from Mltylene and Tenedos
is to the effect that over 100,000 Turks
nave Deen posted aiong tne coast or i
Gallipoll peninsula, near the Sea of Mar- 1
mora, abott 130 miles from Constantinople. 1
Athletes in Business Rehool.
Outfielder Elsel and Third Baseman
Parmerlee. who played last year with th.
Chlllieothe Ohio' Plate league club, and
who are now attending a business college
in cotumbua, nave signed with the Rocky
Mount club, that la to replace Richmond
In the Virginia league.
- f-i Ar
WHEN you put a package of Faust
Spaghetti in your market basket, you
don't need to give very much thought to
meat, because in Faust Spaghetti you have
nutrition enough to enable" you to cut down
materially on meat. Ask your physician
on this point.
Large Package
Ever try a whole meal on Faust Spaghetti,
cooked with tomatoes? Costs 10c for a
family meal takes but 150 minutes to
prepare, and makes mighty fine and sub
stantial eating.
MAUIX BROS.. St. Louis. U. $. A.
Compromise on Natal Program One
of Important Derelopments
v of the Day.
WASHINGTON. March i.-Polh houses
of congress worked until late tonleht, ad-
i ministration leaders straining every re-
isr.urre to expedite legislation that must
, . ,immfBt Th,,,
coast defense type.' House conferees
vtnlrieri to the antt Hmn4 for the six
t,sn COH9X defense vessels, but would not
sec-'aicept the senate proposal for five of the
of esngoing type. Neither would the
! hoy"' con''r,,M Krre to th """ prrt"
p sal for a new hospital ship and , new
,llnbo.t lne Mn, ,mlnated from the
j ropot t. The provision for to battleships
w unchanged.
I Leaders of both hotisea continued their
i efforts on conference reports on unfln-
. . . , . ,., ' , . ..
I ished appropriation billa throughout the
j dgy rwn ,d u w gf.Mrlllif
i, ,hat ,h , wpr,
far sdvanced as they usually are In
the strenuous closing days of a congress.
Although the army, naval, agricultural
and poslofflce measures still are In con
ference it was expected that all would
be rervirted tomorrow.
Conference reports .on the District of
Columbia, military, academy and sundry
,clv" l'lu" w0,, finally approved during
j th d"'- Measures approved and sent to
,hp President up to tonight aggregate an
; overlay of $.14,411,223. The other nine bills,
! excluding tlie ST8.000.000 river and harbor
hill, a passed by the senate aggregate
-;74.0.ft,l.'o. Added to these In all proba
bility will be a Joint resolution approprl
ntlng a lump sum of $25,000,000 to $30,000,
0U to continue existing river and harbor
The senate passed a measure extending
the thanks of congress to Colonel
Goethals and other officers of the army
j or navy who have participated In the
construction of tie Panama canal,
I An amendment to the federal reseVve
, act. was pasted to permit the reserve
,loard id Increase the limit of acceptances
j to 1W per cent of the capital and surplus
lor any bank.
; System of Compulsory
Education for Russia
NEW YORK, March 2. An officer of
i the emperor's household, in a letter to
a friend In this city, writes
I uiruu m mis cuy, writes mat tne
second wide-sweeping reform to be ef
fected In Russia will be compulsory edu
cation. The letter states that M. Kasso,
minister of Instruction and religion, is
formulating a decree to be Issued on the
termination of the present hostilities and
to be In full effect throughout the em
pire within a period of five years.
Colonel James ft. Meagher.
j COLCMBCS. Neb., March .-peclal
i Telegram.) Colonel James R. Meagher.
Jan old soldier of 77 years and a pioneer
of this city, died at his residence last
night. Mr. Meagher, or better known
as "Cncls Jim," served In the civil war,
and after the war he came to oClumhua,
where ho became the station agent for
the Union Pacific railroad.
Funeral sen-Ices are In cahrge of the
Masonic lodge nnd the Grand Army of
the Republic. Burial -sill be held Thurs
day at 2 o'clock.
Witnesses Identify Blarnatnre,
HAKTLVGS, Neb., March l-Fpeclal.)
Several witnesses in the district court
I today Identified the signature and oon
1 tents In the will In the John O'Connor
r.- , Mnm .., -.,
i M hIn' t"t of Connor. Two
I banker from C lindron also Identified the
signatures, Tho hearing on the will fa
voring. John T. Culavln of Omaha may
last te days.
Farm Loan Plan is
Adopted by House
After Fierce Fight
Tl"AHINfJTON. March S.-A farm loan
plan was written Into the agricultural ap
propriation bill by the house tonight after
a long and vigorous fight. The rural
credits amendment reported by the agri
cultural committee and generally ac
cepted as having the sanction of the ad
ministration, was revlsrdUby a series of
amendments which revolutionised the
As framed In the house the plan would
provide lor a system of farm loan asso
ciations formed In Individual communities
to make loans on farm mortgage notes at
not more than per cent Interest. These
associations would form federal lan.l
banks In districts corresponding to the
present federal reserve districts, for the
purpose of dealing In mortgages held by
the association and loaning In the asso
ciation upon those mortgages. In these
bsnks the government could have a su
ervlslng and. under certain circum
stances, a stockholding Interest. They
would be authorised to issue bonds based
on their farm mortgage security.
Dope Users Find
New Law in Force
Disappointed drug us?rs by the score
were turned away from their favorite
supply shops yesterday. Kach one of
the victims had probably tried unsuc
cessfully at each of the many places
where the stuff was formerly supplied.
but the dialers, entertaining hearty
respect for the new federal drutf law
which went Into effect yesterday, took
no chance of invoking the wrath of the
internal tevenue department. Information !
brought to police headquarters last night '
Indicated that the backbone of the ding!
traffic Is broken beyond hope by th
law and Its attendant penalty.
Harmless Not a Dye Acts
on Hair Roots Makes Gray i
Hair Healthy Dark.
If your hair Is gray, strealu-d with
gray, prematurely giay. thin or Tilling
Pply, for a few times, Q-Unit Hair Color
Restorer on your half nnd scalp, with the
guarantee of a relinlilo dealer that It
won't cost you one cent unless It beauti
fully darkens your gray hnlr and pro
motes Its growth, it acts on the hair
roots making the hair healthy so the
gray. hair Is beautifully and quickly
darkened so evenly, naturally and thor
oughly that no one can tell It has been
used. In addition Q-Ban stops Itching
scalp, dandruff and falling hair, and
makes the hair thick, fluffy, soft, lus
trous, beautifully dark and abundant.
Q-Ban la not sticky or messy, harmless
and makes scalp and hair clean and feel
pleasant Darkens hair when all else falls.
Only 60c for a big 7-os. bottle at Hherman
MoConnell Drug Co., Owl Drug Co..
Harvard or Loyal Tharmacy, Omaha,
Neb. Out-of-town folks supplied by mail.
The best and sorest way to save
money ia to buy a diamond on
credit at
aad pay 91 a week. Tea will
get a bargain If yon BUT WOW
during ear great March Sales.
Sale of
Beautiful Oenuine Diamonds,
formerly sold at ISO, now S40.
Any 14k solid gold mounting
Ion may choose mings, Btos,
oarf Flas, Bar Bc'sws, La TaU
lieres. Brooches, eto.
Open Sally Till 8 P. K, natur-'
day Till )30.
Call or write for catalogue No.
DO!). Phone Douglas 1444 and
salesman will call.
Credit Jewelers
I-, on Are m r : SIM St. Cm. 1st
I Savings First j
Are you -workina for a llvlna?
Are you maklnir remilar wann?
Tiien evttry tune you receive
your wages take out some cer
tain fixed sum anil twfore you
si.erid a XINCJLK DOIXAR brlnrf
tliat amount here and deposit !
In your Having Account It Isn";
the amount thnt t-ounta but it is
Hie regularity kceplnr at It all
I lie time. The one with of sue
ch Is tiAVIN'iiti KIH8T.
i paid on deposits.
24th and M Streets
H. C. FOtfTWICK, President
K. It. f.KTTY, Caabler.
!'. .
If you want the
Inside dope on
"What's What" in
Spring Hats
Just take a glance at
Our Display Windows
No. 1, 2 and 3
They" contain just
about the nobbiest
selection of style
right Hats that has
over been brought
to the attention of
Omaha men.
You can buy whatever
ffVT 1G to at
Lai mzmrn vaw
For Coffee, Cereals or Cooking
Here it tn eraporaud milk WITHOUT THAT COOKED TASTE
milk that baa overcome tha latt
Starfllao4 Unsweetened .
can bt used for every purpose for which fresh milk or cream is used
for beverage, for cereal, for th baby's milk and for cooking.
And it Is always fresh, sweet and pare, No dinger of soaring. -
It it good and of uniform
The Milk Without the
5 an 10 cents
At AD Geed Deafen
The Woman Who Takes
the proper help to keep her digestion right and her system
free from poisonous accumulations, is not troubled
with headaches, backache, languid feelings, unnat
ural sufferings. . All women who have tried
know thl' famotifl remedy to be the ' proper help for them. A
few doses will make immediate difference and occasional use will
cause a permanent improvement in health and strength. They
cleanse the system and purify the blood and every woman who
relies or Beech am 's Pills, not only enjoys better physical
condition, with quieter nerves and brighter spirits, ' but she
Enjoyc A Clear Complexion
Directions ml Special Value te Women with Every Boa. '
Sold everywhere, la boses, 10e 25c .
CAA for First Half
OUU Mile. 40c for
esch additional mile there
alter lor the distance you
ride. Re charge for call
ing or returning.
Waltinr Time at Kate
ef I1J4 Ver Mont.
'That's On Berries"
Telephone Doug. 00.
Omaha Taxi Service Go.
2104 Farnatn St.
The Sort of Employes
You Like to -Take
an Interest in
Reads Bee 1 Help Wanted ' Ads.
Advertisers tell us that the class of '
Inquiries is much above the average.
They come from intelligent, ambitious
workers the kind you feel are going
to be successful.
Make a bid fo such employes through
the "Help Wanted" columns of The Bee.
Judging by the experience of others, you
will get them.
Telephone Tyler 1000
"Everybody Reads Bern Want Ads
you choose from $2 to $5
i'i Hi it 9
objection to an eported milk.
richness to the isit drop. '
Cooked Taste
i il
' r;-
4 , . "A
if ' IJ'-
General Distributors
Oaaann, Ren.
" '"eit
O r