Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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THE HKK: OMAHA, J-;i)M,Nim , MAM Jl .1, 1!M..
BAte Recommends Bill that Make
Assessment Value of Property
Insurance Value.
District Clerks
Must Not Retain
Federal Fees
(Prom s Staff :rrp mlrni.
LINCOLN. March 2 f8pwll- There
win short flr.M over house roll No. 4-TI,
by I aimer. rrfilrln dlstrlrt Herss t
turn ovr the rntur'Histlnn fees Into the
county trriiry. Mr. flrnom rhamplotied
the tatise of tho rlTka and said the
mtf had no rtht to dh'tate what shotitl
on with frs collected uwler federal
(FVenv it Ktaff Correspondent!
I-INCOLN, March 2 (Special.) The
conservative acnatn brliod all tradftlon to
day and twnrampnitfd for passsae K.
No. Itt, one of the trio of hills by wi i. h I rf
Senator Mattca pmo-rs to annihilate th j,BW1
tax-aonsere or me sist. Mr (ilPOnm,( ohjected to Ihe hill tie-
The effect of the three hll;s la to pro- I ,.,,, . ,.cr cnl of the naMvsllr.ationa
vide that the nwn' o' Kss on .in l"-!,r, ,n tviuRlnt co-mtv and he thought
surance policy shn.ll he measured i '"jtl.nt If the fc. were to he turned over
amount by the value mm me on.r rc , Bn.0, th,.y should so to the state iren-i
turned to the eo-rr -or taxation pur- rt1 f,ln(, nnt (0 tIu , lInfyi r 1
poaea. j Hr'inine ejt-rtnrea hat "evcryllme the :
Tha nhr trn Mils. 9. F". 141 and '. . rlrmnrlla irt thn r.trrm Ij.a nm
b . .t i. k.n iii. nrlor to lhe!.. . ... ,i,i. , .. n- ...i i terdny poked conilderable fun at the
Bill Finally Oeti Partisan Vot of
the Members on Third
llowa 110 per month for each child
re the. mother or guardian la unable
to aupport it otherwise. Thla money la
to eome out of tha county general fund.
County Unit Bill
Changed by Senate
(From a Ptaff Correspondent.)
MNCOI.N. March ?.-Piclal.)-Two
...... w....n na.- .1 a eiormy -j,nd compul.ry 1
session In the sen.te manaared to f't , Coun(y unit school
vnics rnoiiKn 10 carry ii.ein inrouan 10
day, while Ilkhmond'i ahlp purchase res
olution, which took ao much time yester
day, p illed through by a strict party vote
of 17 In 1 1 with fTitir ipnntnri nhsent '
Just why so much time should be spent
on a proposition which the senators pro
nounced dead as far aa the present con
gress la concerned waa not understood,
especially by Pndall of Tork, who yea-
L '.hrJ'"' r'T P."T'1' ,Mr- n"n "B,', i The Mil la ecUjIIy drHlgned to come to
" " u n!ln, ,,,,,, f Norfolk, ln ,h8 district rep-
hl.eoun.yws n favor of the Ml. by Mr. Nlchola. When up In1
inZ7fLri TT'v... -"""Ittce of the whole It met with con-
hln orae e 1 " 7, t u f, ' 'd-r.bla oppo.ltlon, but it paa.ed today.
lh-n orderel engrossed for Its final pasa- rMt for u and M mM
... i Ai first constructed It raiwd tne salaries
T 1 i . i of Pouth Omaha councllmcn, but waa aft-
2iUpUril0nll.eni rwarda amended not to, Incdo 8outh
School Fund Plan
(From a BUff Correspondent.) . -UNCOLiN,
March I.-Hjeclal.) With
. two-third of tha leKlalative aesslon gone
tha houae of . repreaentatlvea haa apent
leas thin half of the IU.00 provided for
warea t U employea. The report filed
Tuesday morning by Chairman Taylor ot
tha commute .on employee ahowa the
total S5.1M eapended under that head up
to the data of February . During tha
laat two weeka the: amount paid t,ul of
tha employ' wag fund waa S1.J.
The commute . on account and ex
penditure reported H11 pent in the laat
two weak of February. Of thl um
t.D3 waa for expense in the contaat for
the aeat held by Meaara. Drueedow
and traa. ,
The house and aenato oommltteea on
employe hav pertlally agreed on amend
ment to the bill which ha been Intro
. , duoed providing a maximum number of
employe for each chamber and fixing
I their par-. The number will be conald-i-reUr
cut down. ,
v:. ; Proceedings
Bill raal by the House.
U ' R. Lancaster Delegation
i Change method ot creating paving dis
tricts in Uncoln. ,'.'. .
H R. 440, Moaeley Allowa electric light
companies U tiing Ulita on steel towers.
H. K. ai, NayUir Kinpowera county
board to establish roads along railroad
rlHhts-ot-wsy, without petition from
1 property owners. .
. H. K. Yii. Broonie-HofmelaUiv-To ea
tabllsh demonstration farms In thirty
' li counties of northern and weatern Ne
braaka. railed to pnsa. The vote wa
W aye aod t nayay
I'au by Seeat
Coaaaalttee the Whel. - '
a. JT. iS, Bushe of Kimball Provide
for -county unit rurnl achool district.
; Make adoption of iitna optional with
tou title. Substitute bill.
H. K. 1M, Mslte of Otoe Companion
bill to 8. F. providing that value of
property (or taxation purpoaea be the
same a that for purposes of Insurance.
&. F. ZH, Wat tea ot OUe Companion
bill to EL if. Noa. Iti and 14. Kvuutrea
assessor l llet land and linproveiueiit
8. F. Ho. Baunder of Douglas Author-
lxv a under certain conditions the resur-
faoing of existing paveinnU.
II. II. si. hcuddsr Chanke dale of an
nuJ achool meeting from laat Monday
lit June to second Monday.
'. Hill Passes! by (he Beaate.
II. IV 1M. Klchmund of Dougl Joint
reoluuon meinoralKiiig vongrs to pasa
the alilp purchase bill. Ayes. 17; naya, Li;
absent. 4.
H. it. PS. Rt-lsner of Thoma Provide
means lor the transferring of the prop u( reniiioua twdiea after aam cease
to exist. Ayes, r,; nays, o: absent, a
It. 1C. 14. Fries Amendment by state
eurveyer relating to the establishment ot
conun.ui oornora on quarter section.
Ayes. &: nays. 0: absent. 4.
H. R. 1M. Nichols of M ullson Increase
the maximum of touncilnian a salary iu
cities of 6.UuU to K.otM itupulatlon from
SI.uim to V.tArti. - Ayes, V. nay. It; ab
sent. 4.
B. F. V. Bpeucer of Oae County aeat
lucatea in one place tor ten years can
not be changtid except upon a three
fuurths Vote of the Dropie. Ayes. I.
naya, I; absent. 4.
X. F. 140. Randall of Tork Provide for
optlunal rash deposit instead of bond
where nonresident Is compelled to f ur-
niwi security fur costs in a court aution.
Ayes. a; tuos. ; absent. I.
. F. 2S., Henry of Oolfax-Abollahee
ithe demurrer aa a pieaauig In civil ax;
lions, sAyt-s, , nays. 0: absent. 4.
K. F. Is H.rk of Hllne-. ourt may
aeaiKiuaa pisce for sale of lands on ax
ecuiiuu. Ayes, T: nsys, 4; ausMnl, 4.
KeeeMsaeneal for Paaaa; br leasts
Cuasaatllee ef the Whole,
H M. U, Douglas County Lelegatlon
neduuM number of Ioukis eouutv tue.
tlcea of tie peace- from sib lo two and
make coustsbiea appoinUve Instead of
BV F. 15. Mattes of Otoe Provide that
U grossi asss4-d value of property
enaii Lie usea in in issuance of an In
auran pwiicy tnslea4 ol the present
Prom n Blaff ' Correspondent.)
UNCOLN. March 2. (Special. I Doug- 1
las nd Lancaster memtier a strong t'lght
this morning In committee of the whole
In the lower house riralnst the Bate bill,
house roll No.- which make n new
app-wtlnnment of the school funds of the
tate. Vnder It provisions, It I said,
that the eastern part of the state, espe
cially the older cities and town, would
loe considerably by the new scheme
while the western rountlea would gain.
However, the opposition was unable to
muster urport. sufficient to defeat the
bill and It was sent to third reading.
Mr. Rates, the principal sponsor of the
bill, had some figures showing that under
thr present method of apportioning school
funds a rtiral district ln Dongiaa county
get $16.1.96 while a country district In
Wheeler oocnty receive only 14. S9. Hate
aid he wanted to correct this In equality
In part. The hill proposes to do so by
dlvldlnc one-fuurth of the temporary
chool fund equally immi all districts
In th state, the remaining three-fourths
to be distributed, a It I now, to the
varlou counties nn the basis of their
chaol population. '
(From a Btaff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Mrch J.-(Speclal.) The
house committee on railroad reported
out tody for passage the Osterman bill.
H. n. 442, requiring a' uniform width of
right-of-way through any county In the
itte. The bill affect the Union Pacifies
and th principal kick comes from Mer
rick county, Charle Wooster being the
chief exponent against the railroad. .
Th hbuse committee on privilege and
election ha recommended tof passage
us xnueraon Din,) it. . 034, imposing
poll tax of ftl upon each voter, but
providing ths,t In caae the voter exercise
the franchise S3 of the sam shsll he re
mitted. 1 ; i ' 1 k
The same com ml tie reported out TT.n.
S14, Introduced toy Smith, providing for
two election boards; on to hav charge
of th voting nd th other to count the
ballot. The bill tiar been amended not
to apply to Dougla ee-unty nor to any
voting preethct casting lea than 100 vote.
House roll No. tSI requiring automobile
lo come to a full stop at railroad cross
ings and house roll No. S2S, raising the
salrlos of th county commissioners of
Uncoln and other counties were both
killed today In commute, but late No. Ml
waa recalled In and sent to third read
ing today, lioth bill were Introduced by
Woodhurat of Lincoln county. The former
bill received considerable attention at the
hands of the railroad committee at Ita
metirg a week ago. th representative
of the railroads explaining that th cus
tom of automobile driver to approach a
railroad croselng at a high rate of speed
kept the engineer of a train up In the air
tor n did not know whether they con-
templated beating the train to th cross
ing or toping tx fore reaching it and
tnai tor that reason accident were hap
pening all the tlm because of th fct
that the engineer of train never know
just what to expect.
A bill was Indefinitely postponed re
quiring sto-k train to atop caboose
within one-fourth mile of the lv Mock
exchange at Bouth Omaha. The bill wa
known II. R. 404.
Th proposed law for ugenl mar-
liege. II. R. 671. by Meredith and Llg.
gen. wa reported by the medical com
mltte of th house for th general file
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Woodhurst succeeded In reversing
th standing committee report Indefinitely
postponing II. R. 684. which require auto
mobile to Mop at crossings. It
was placed on the general file.
tnvnty "rat Hill.
The Spencer county aeat bill, 8. K. 14,
which had a Moriny time In committee of
the whole, also received ufflclent votes
thl morning to land, ln fact the opposi
tion melted to only two votes. The bill
formerly provided that whcii a countv
seat had been located for twenty conitecu
tlve year In any one place It would lake
a vote of three-fourth of the people to
relocate It. In committee of the whole
thl was changed to ten year and In this
form It passed thla morning by a vote
of 27 to 2.
(From sj.Ptaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., March 2. (Special Tel
egram ) With most of the centrallxlng
feature cut out, the
bill was recommended
for passage by the senate thla afternoon
I In committee of the whole, with Deal In
I the chair.
The bill, known as P. V. 22. was Intro
duced by Mushcc, but It met with so much
opposition that a comparatively ne bill
was prepared cuttlnT out the objetlonahe
features, and It now goes to the general
file with a provision that the weaker
; counties ran help the poorer districts by
! rlltrllmtlnv IhR rallrnnrl favos nmnnff th
noon recess. The vote t.n tne n"" to Inderinltely poMpnno the bill. """ ': districts of the county Instead of golnff
was close, the motion to postpone In.lefi- j Mr. p0;,n. r said thst the measure would tne h"" of president. . t ( t)e d,.fr1cU ,nroURn which the roads
nltely. upon which the only roll rail ws.nt a d fiU-nd of his. Clerk Robert alnrlea ot ..iiiiellitien. i run.
taken, losing. 1 to 11. There were th-f , smith of Koucln county, who no putsj ,, n. 2c, by Nlci, f Madison, raises The unit system la optional and can be
absentees, who may chanse the com- the naturalization fees down Into his own thp ,aart0, of concllmen In cities of , put In force by a vote of the people on
plexlon of things on the otner inns, '"'-'i ". "' woi.i.i navo to aisKorge them th(, Bm to V) w cla,, frpm ym to v :m thp ppton of ppr c.nt of tne VOIerB
vote on the motion to xetpono was.
Aves: Heal, Hrooklev.. Dodge. Henrv,
Hoegland. Howell. Klcchel. lyihners.
Mallery. Qulnby, Robertson, Rudcn. San
dall, Shumway. Total, 14.
Nays: Bedford, liuhrman. Rushee. Ryg
land. Douthett. dates. Kohl. Krumlmch.
Mattes. Tiller. Bpencer. Bplrk, Wilson of
Total, 11
Rased nn Honesty.
Mattes, in behalf of ths bill, said that
It was based on 'honesty." He admitted
that 1t wa drastic, but contended that
drastic measures were necessary. If t he
rniation of tangible property should con
tinue to prove a unsuccessful a It has.
he wa of th opinion that he would
finally Join Fenator Qulnby In the rank
of the alngle-taxer.
The member from Otoi hotly denounced
(th tax-dodger. Many of them there
iwere, he said, who being Christian gen
tlemen at all tlmea loudly espoused the
Yrlnclple of rendering unto Ceaaar the
Ithlng that wer Ceasar" and at the same
'time returned their property at rldlcu
llou low value. Their only excuse was
'that the other fellow did It. Would It
i be an excuse for a highwayman to aay
that somebody else had once wylald a
'man? If not, what excuse oould a Chris
tian gentleman glv for waylaying and
'robbing the government that protected,
nd why not pay for governmental pro
jection a well a for the protection af
forded by th Insur&nc company, he
Release Real Dodgers.
Senator Qulnby thought that the pro
"posed measure would enly servo to.ln
jcrea th unjustne of th present y
item under which people are dally being
driven from their home.
Bandall of York thought It an attempt
to legislate honesty Into a certain class
'of people. Moreover, he was against It
as It would Increase the burden on taatf
ble property And shift th load ' from
those who have Intangible property, the
very one who. 'offend the most In th
matter of tax-dodging. '
It makes the county superintendent's
office non-partisan and election at the
annual achool meeting. Mr. Bushee In
formed th senate that If the bill became
a law It would do away with th necessity
of the appropriation by the state for
weaker school dbtrlcu.
(From a Ptaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 2 - (Ppexlal.) An
amendment to the Sundry base ba'.l law
embodied In II. R. 197, a companion bill
to the lloatetler-Harrls measure a'ready
passed by the house, waa approved tn
committee of the whole. It prohibits
playing base ball on Memorial Sunday
preceding Memorial day. The lull was
emended on a motion by Mr. Tlbbits so
that game will e permitted after 3 p. m.
on that day. In this form It wa sent
to third reading.
NEW TORK, March t-Rlchrd P.
Btegler, the German naval reservlt, who
Is under Indictment on the charge of con
spiring to obtain Illegally an American
passport, was taken to the federal build
ing today, where he went over personally
with Roger U. Wood, assistant United
State district attorney, th statement h?
had mad previously through hi eoun,
that he had obtained the false passport
with the Intention of serving as a Ger
man spy In Kngland and that he had
confidential relations with Captain
Boy-ed. th German naval attache.
Btegler. It waa understood, reiterated
these statements to Mr. Wood. After
Wards he waa taken back to his cell In
the Tombs prison.
NEW TORK. March 2,-Two trans
Atlanllc passenger liners that left the
home ports flying flsgs of the allies after
the German war xone declaration waa put
Into effect arrived here today. They wer
the P.rltih steamship Cameronla of the
Anchor line from Glasgow and Liverpool
and the French lino steamship Chicago
from Havre. Both carried a large num
ber of passengers.
Captain Wadsworth of the Cameronla
said that he left Liverpool for New Tork
at 11 a. m. February 2", proceeded at full
speed out'of the Mersey. He said that he
did not pursue a winding course, for the
reason that he believed a stern mirk
would ,be a target harder to hit by a
Oermaa ubnarln ti an would th brod
side target he might offer were he lo
wtto from Ma coure. All lifeboat wer
wung from the davit ready for n
emergency until the British coast wa
left well behind.
Officer on h Chicago said nothins
unusual waa seen after they left Havre.
The ship was escorted by several destroy
ers until It wa well out to ea.
w eJnperlor Poalnsaater.
WASHINGTON. March 2 President
Wilson tonlKht sent the following poM
offlce nominations to the senate:
Theodore H. Werner at Rapid City. S
D.. and C. E. Detdrlck at Superior, Neb.
The National Capital
Tneaday, March 2, 101.1.
The Senate.
Met flt 11 a. rn.
lebate resumed on Indian bill.
Conference committees were busy com
posing disputed amendment with the
The Hons.
Met at noon.
The Conference report on the hip bill
was brought In and was at once con
fronted by a republican filibuster.
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 2.-(3peclal.)-A por- i
tlon of this afternoon was devoted by tha f
house to listening to an address rulogletlc I
of the life of Dean Charles Beasey or
the state university who died last week
and wa burled Sunday.
Chancellor Avery wa the first speaker
and he told of th work of Dr. Bessey
from the time he came to the university
to the date of his lllne about four weeks
Representative Peterson. Representative
Parrlott nd Representative Norton,
graduates of the university, also ad
dressed the house.
Special For
Wednesday Only
Women's Lisle or Cot
ton Hose:
35c, 3 PRS. FOR $1.00.
Amend Mothers' pension Bill.
LINCOLN, March 2. (Speclal.)-Senator
Beal' bill, 8. F. 12. providing for a
mothers' pension received the approval
of the committee of the whole on Mr.
Peterson' motion. It was originally a
widow' pension bill, but the wording ha
been changed to "mother or guerdian."
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Neb.. March X-(8peclal Tel-
egram.)--No democrat who visit tt
slat house will go away with ataln Jpon
hi name of being a lobhytet If Senator
Grae, the corpXxnt atateaman from
Harlan county, ran hav hi way
A few day gc- Qulnby of Dou1ac.
Introduced a resolution rallng for nn
Investigation of Secretary Hprsgue o? t
democrat atat.j committee. Arthru Mullen
and John Byrnes, nnd one of two others
because of their e-llvlty ngainst senate
file No. t the Water board bin from
Now th Harltn county stateinan de
sire tht their reputation shall be rree
from lobhylsm and thla a'temooi made
a motion that line reo;utton of Mr.
Qulnby be expunged from the re?.rt and
th pagea appear aa whit th Irlven
Lieutenant Governor Pearson declare!
that he would consider that th resolution
b enpuoxcd from the record and the
reputation of th gentlemen saved
Tho Housoof
V Announce a Bale ot
Ok Afternoon Dre3o In
7 ?8Uk and Noveltr Cot-
.ton fabric that will
fcjT interest you.
Three Special
These are every one
Dreitea ot the usual
House ot Menagh qual
ity, which Is a stand
ard In Omaha today.
The regular worth of
these Dresses Is up to
r i
5000 Yards of
Beautiful Dress
At Half Price
or Less
You Are Invited, on
Wednesday to inspect
and Get Samples of
These Goods.
This 'advance notice I Is
given so that families play
get. samples anil Katlsfy
t hi'irnelves at their leisure
as to Jut what fabrics
plenne them best before tho
day1 of sale. This is to be a
llHKSS ftOOlKi BALE such
as Omaha never saw before.
Bee goods displayed in
Sixteenth Street window.
On Sale Thursday
Morning;, 8:30.
The Store For Shirtwaists
- : '
All the Fine Early Spring Blouses
(about 200) that have become slightly mussed and soiled
from handling are placed on sale one day:
Tomorrow (Wednesday)
Your Choice, $2.95
Values From $4.50 to $6.50
This sale includes crepe de chine, florishaw and lace
waists, mostly white and flesh colors, although there are
some blues, browns, and blacks all sizes are included,
34 to 44. SALE STARTS 8:30 A. M.
White Goods
Specials Wednesday
i'ZMc Sheer Linen Lawn,
Wednesday, 8 He a yard.,
2."So Llneweave Suiting,..
Wednesday, 13c a yard.
23e Toplin Suiting, Wednes
day, 18c a yard.
2.V 40-inch Plain Whito
Voile, Wednesday, 19c it
COc 45-inch Plain White
Voile, Wednesday, H9c a
50c 33-inrh Linen Walsting.
Wednesday 23c a yard.
30c DO-lnrh Checked Pearl
ine Walstlng, 1 Wednesday, .
20c a yard.
To See the New
Spring Neckwear
. -YoU have but to visit
, 'the ' Section devoted to
Women's Neck Fixings.
Collars, Vestees and
Chemisettes. .
In the best of . the
Spring Fashion.
The Suit Section Is More
Popular Than Ever This Season
Because of the Values Offered for
) At these prices you can obtain, an authentic fashion,,
thoroughly tailored and, further, you have a large and
complete showing from which to make your selection. ,
The Brassiere Has
Come to Stay .
.Its close relation to the
, corset makes careful se
lection absolutely neces
sary. We have studied Bras
siere, from the corset
'. viewpoint, and find
there is a certain style
; for every type of f igare.
We of fer f or Wednes
day a special garment,
made of fine batiste,
elaborately trimmed
.. with lace, at the price
of $1.50.
Oort Bsctloa Third rioor.
2 Toilet Goods
Specials Wednesday
. Rubber ' Cushion . Hair
. Brushes, triple bristle,
special for Wednesday
only . . . . 59c
Velvet- Powder Puffs,
large 20c size, special
for Wednesday . 10c
Smart Tailored
Are offered
for Wlednea
day'i selling-
In all. They
are priced at
They should
sell for S5.
C o 1 o r a are
Bamboo, Sol
dier, Nary
and Black.
Tr 1 OmthL
Za Sis it fcocio. i.a. Woo4-
bus, f ta World Bid-,
A suite or eight rooms. His finest and
most com le is dootaj offices In ths
eat. Kvrry up-lo-dsl and painless
method known. Consider our reputa
tion, ipcrlesc. priors snd our nsw
equipment snd you l!l rc that r
hav raai'had ths Inchest Point In
modern denial fCk'leiicy.
Ws lnvtt Inspection of our nw
The House of Menagh .
lias arranged for Wednesday
sellln. ? trlmins hats. Tlixs
sxe hats of Hie sort that will
s.ppai to the (orntn ho la
used to weartna aiiparei of th
House of atenas-h style an. I
ouaUty. Tha prlt for Wednes
day will b
The House of Menagh
TJUSo for C -.-.'"
, , , , J
paolal Baton Bararamaat.
A Voice From the Grave
rloai. aso-aoo-TSe a4 ti.oo.
MARCH 4.5-6 ,Kw,
an VUUBvr -----
1! : 100 efficiency that's I
what you want when you f.
. ... . . ii
'( place an order for engraved
p plates. We put snap in
oar uor,' we have work-
j men that we can rely upon.
DroealwTLij ci 29 St
"Aa Hotel Whara Coast at Made
t Fal at Homa"
Not too Urge, yet large
enough to afford the
maximum of value at
minimum expense.
Exception&Uy Accessible
M0 & oVeat aWasrsal (Urgm
SlBfl RoasM with Kuanlas fsiar
Slasl Rsesu with Ta r Shewsr
' tl.S0toS.00prsr
Daukis ! with Bassist Vstsr
12.09 rs sr day
. Oautls RoasM with Tuh ar Shawsr
IXM la S.00 par ay
EDWARD C rOGC. Maaawcsa- racar
HOT L. sROWN, eTaMaat at.
IVlcea (All rerformancea) 50c to 1
rOrXTIaJaV Tbaata
The Man Fron Hone
Scat. "Wad., Thar., Bat., S5o
STlfhta. 8Sc to 60c
' SXTKA 6ladt smor '
la Boss's and Daaoaa.
Tnaaday, Bool sty Wlfht, March S
Will Xathartaa-toa'a VtrlB-4 Trio.
All keli&ar TRpiind
llireeMeals aamazv
IfVi'UlQi$oodIee Cream .too.'
"OHAXA'B rui CEKTZl' .
4-sw Iru lS-SS-oO-7fta
rorrastar' Kot-Hoa Baaoh of .
American Beauties ."latin
Iw Hlltoa as fthlmskT" la "Tha Tango Kc-
torr." Mattdla Hlh. Capasa RUtsrs and Burns.
Ulllr Evaas, Oordon A riirlo. Irrr JaUh. Tss-
a-Mal Bio'ltr Itrnru. Ju.t cieaa fun ana liusns.
X.dl' sun Kaunas sry waaa say.
Sonalaa S069
15th and Bains
ivast rnna tosat
Baalal Trohmaa Frsssata
la Srasaa of Valqa SUTalry
' By Cyras Town Brd y.
Other Act Alan
Toy. Tha RplnatU
ljulntetta. Koio ""WTi .VT.,.
lrloea: Matinea. aailery. JSc: beat
(.itipt Saturday and tiunday). A
Niabta lfto. 16c. 0o and "
Trier is adood dealer
near your Home who
"will servo you
Tha most beautiful dentistry
you ever saw. Special equipment
Crowns 110(1 large practice enables us to make you a very
j tt reasonable price. NOTE THIS Prices exactly as
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without pain. Many of your friends patronize us.
test Enamel Killing, $1
Heat Kilver Pilling, 50c
.....Ii. Bl I limit Ruhlww Ilt
One Day. ijt white crown ...a tor $7.50
Free Exauiinations. Ijidy Attendants. Sterilized Instruments.
Cor. 14th and Farnara Sts. Omaha, Neb.
Plates and
Filling's Com- Best 22k tiold trown, Si
1ete1 in llridgeworlt.
uur vaiu.