THK HKK: OMAHA. TtT.SDAY, MARCH 2, 191o. ron hknt llnsjaee an MaggarcTs per nr.. ury. 2 men, Sl.a per hr. en(flr, i'OUg. 141SV lolliin. Van aad etnr Co., Lsrra van. I men, (i 6 1711 FOB RENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartment and flats that are for Ttnt. Thi list can be sem Ire r.( chargn at Omaha Van Storage Co.. WW So, :6th !t. ATTORN FY would llk pHrtv to share office nulla. Address, F 73, Be. WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent an unfurnished house of 10 rooms; must be first class, with all modem Improvements: In a district bounded on the east by 2Mh Ft. on the north by Dodge St. and on the south by Poppleton Ave. dive rent, number of street and where key ran be had to house. Address J 79, Bee. WANTED TO BUY liBT Kaplans prices for ti hand turn., hoes, clothes, before sellln g. Web. TM3. Yale buys everything S hsnd. Tyler 14l"? OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. 8148. WE BUY 2d-band clothe. 1421 N. ttlh. REAL ESTATE t'ARH a RANCH LsKDI ( OR SALB Colors ae ro SETTLERS ON L Y 320-acre for 1200; rich corn, alfalfa and wheat land, DO ' sand, i. A. Tracy, ft. Morgan, Colo. Miasnarl, GOOD lend, clou, to a R town, 20 acres, S4u0, - ti monthly; acres. T0o. fit monthly; to acre, SLiMO; no interest, no taxes, no forfeiture; beat bargain In couth Missouri; literature free, 1. Mer riam, Ellin . Hen ton, Kansas City. Kan. ,'OOH man's chance; to down; SB monthly; buys 40 acrea good land and timber; near town; healthy location; price only .). Box 423-Q, Carthage, Mo. 'JOOD homes in tiouth Mo. cheap aad on eay terms. Write me toe prices, i. C. Wynkoop. Mountain View. Mo. Kaaiit. BARGAIN 240-acr dairy farm, near Sft ilna, Kan.; write for full description and list ot 100 Kan has farms for sale in central Kansas. V. E. Niquette. Sallna, Kan. Nebrauiaus. KOR SALE-S0 acres. miles north of Central City, Neb. Mrs. Amy Stavely, SCO IJncoln Ave., Council Bluffs. FCK BjL.K Best large body high-grade medium-priced land In Nebraska; Tory little money required. C. Bradley. Wot bach, Neb. Wlecoaala. Upper Wisconsin Best and tier.eia. viup statu in the union; seiner warned. lnda for sale at low prices -on easy terms. Ask for book let No. 84 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. Kxceilent lands for stock raising. If interested in fruit lands ask for book let on Apple Orchards. Addles Land and Industrial Department, Moo Una Hallway, Miiiiusapulle. Minn. BO ACHKS. fairly level, lib cultivated; brick house, six rooms; frame barn; outbuildings; 1V4 miles Barronett; price $3,600, JUl'W cash. Tom O. Mason, Cum berland, Wis. tuinlni(. HOMESTEAD Homestead, 2,000 acres, Just opened; 330-acr to each applica tion. Particulars, writ a at once. F. Lavalleur, Burns, Wyo. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY ami la' in loans, it av. per cent, J. II. Dumont & Co., 416 State Bank. WaNTKU-City loans aii'l wariauis. W. Farnam Smith & Co., Ji2o l-'arnam. Iluv to tlu.uOv maae promptly. D. Weed, Wead Bids.. 18th and Farnam Su. WANTEDOity loan Peter Trust Co. GARVIN BROS TS!b KiR u flrat for farm loans In eastern Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. 6 CITY LOANS. C. C'!berg. 310-812 Brundais Theater Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a sDecls.Ur. w. H Thomas. aitat -Bank Bldg. ' otate Bank Bldg. HONrJY on nana ior city and titrin loana H. W. Binder. CUr Natl Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEi'B REaL. ESTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha Natl. Douglas 2715. I10O to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., loth and "arnam 6ts. ABSTRA OF TITLES HEED Abstract Co.. oldest ahittart f. flee In Nebraska. a08 Brandnls Theater. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. aij S. 17tb St Phone Douglas 687. REAL ESTATF FOR EX CHAN GL. WANTED To trade, hotel In country town with thirty-two acres adjoining; no encumbrance; for Omaha residence or bungalow property. Address, K. L. Flan nigan, Burton, Neb. . TWO small improved Nebraska ranches; small payment down and terms on bal ance. Why pay rent? Investigate and get price and description. Have good ex changes to offer. J. A. Olson, 636 Bee Bldg., Omaha. EXCHANOE.S-Kilas ROBBINS. D. 2842. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE A BARGAIN. .Suburban home, 8 acres, 4 acres in fruit, tvtlance In . truck garden; 6-room brick liiinKalowt ' Hteam heat, electric liKht. water. Want to exchange for city property. Must bo well located. For further particulars address CaS, Uee. REAL ESTATF NORTH SIDE $2,850 Dandy 5-ioom. all modern home, bed rooma and bath upstairs; elegant lot, i ). fruit and shade trees. Located near l.i h ahd Laird tits. C. 0. CARLBKRO, ni3 Brand. Is Theater Bldg. 2577 EVANS 6-r. mod home, oak flnisi. throughout; easy terms. Web. 891". SOMETHING FINkT " . Living room, dinlnw room, kitchen, pan try, i bedrooms and elegantly furnished bath room, cement basement,, modern in every way, south front lot, paved alreet with paving paid, good location, a little north ot Bemls 1'ark. Price, $3.uu0. Surely u uimrt C. U. CARLBERG, 312 Brandels Theater. REAL EKTATE SOUTH SIDE BO. HIDE BOULEVARD HuldK U.T&. A rine, stt-lctiy molern. practically new. H-reom bouse, with baro, for I1.0U0 less than It'a worth; V4 block from Vinton St. car lino. I'AYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Douglas 17S1. Ware Block. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Exporters Still Hare Faith in Abil ity to Land Breadstuff in Europe. WHEAT IS A LITTLE LOWER OMAHA, March 1. 11. Exporters seem to have little fear as to the ability ot tnc ocean carriers to land breaustuns abroad without any great amount ol trouble or oelay. VeMi'l room it being taken from day 10 day .in a lib eral manner tor stupmcnta, Including wheat, oats r.r.d corn. Mtn the possiuio. exception ot England and Frame, me stocks of brcadatufts In the old world are quite smail. It may be said without fear of oontraalction thai supp les held In tho two countries named are not large, aa they continue to buy from day to day at Chicago and the smaller markets ot the world. Additional reports were received by (.able of the supply of breadstufis In Germany being abnormally small, and these same caides told of a reduction In the rations of th German army. A fea ture of the market for several days past has been the taking of corn by France. These puichaaca. while not large, showed there Is a possibility ot corn being pur chased In large ciuantltiea because-of the smaller supplies of wheat than wanted. Receipt? at westorn points from July to date, 3iB.457.0Oi) bushels, as against 2W. m.m for a like period last year. The large holders of corn In i the weotern country, especially nt Chicago, feel more encouraged by the liberal takings of that grain by France, the purchases the last two days being iono.oOO bushela, and ves sel room has been engaged for the ship ment of this gram. Country movement of corn Is smaller and the country la not selling In as liberal a way aa formerly. Kansas city reported good sale of corn for export. Western receipts since November 1 were 1,727.(W bushels, compured with loi.K,00 bushels for a like period last year. Oats continue to be taken In liberal quantities by exporter and the trade on the whole believes that this grain is In a strong position. Western receipts from August to date were U7.037,or0 bush els, compared with 14,502,OHO bushels a year ago. Hog prcducta show a lack of buying power even on the soft spots to material ise, with the big storks of manufactured products here the principal cause of lack of demand. Tho hog situation may be called weak and against prices, as tho averago farmer Is unable to see any profit In feeding high priced corn to low priced hogs. OMAHA SPOT MARKET. Wheat was unchanged to 3'4c lower. Corn waa He lower to Ho higher. Oats were unchanged. Clearances were: Wheat and flour, equal to 1.521,000 bu.; corn, 129,000 bu., oats, 3n0,000 bu. Liverpool close: Wheat, not, tuoted, com. 4d lower. Primary wheat receipts were 918,000 bu. nd. shipments S61.000 bu., against receipts of 1.3W.000 bu. and shipments of 483,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were KTO.Ono hn. and shipments 5fi4.0OO bu., against receipt of 1,545.000 bu. and shipments of 640.000 bu. last vear. Primary oats receipts were 1,021,000 bu. and shipments S94.000 bu., against receipts of 858.0U0 bu. and shipments of 726,080 bu. Isst year. CARIX5T RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oata. mark, mrrn included, Ivillijc; ordinary firsts, l'tc; flretn. U'v. POTATt iH-Rei-elpta. XI cars; market unchanged POl'l.TRT Alle. higher; springs, Wi 1V; fowls, 14l-,rlfK'. SKW YORK OK KRAI, MARHKT (notations nt lie Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. March 1 .FtXMMt Easy ; sjnng patents, $ VMr7.l); winter patent. ff.fij7.2ll; winter straight. K.f'S'i.0"; Ksnn strelfhts. S7 wtiTlO. WMKAT-Ciit, oulci: No. S red. tl.K'; No. 2 bird, II. s. all rail r. I. f. track ex port; No. 1 northern, Puluth, II &'. and No. 1 northern, Manitoba. Il.tUV e. I. f. Buffalo. Futures were weak; Mar, II.M. CORN Spot. easy. No. 3 yellow, im'ic c. 1. f. to arrive OATS- Spot, .ai-v: Mandard. Sl',4: No. S white, lc; fancy clipped whit. ft4iT.c. HAY Ey; N'o. 1, 11.0"; No. J, ftHi'Ae; No. 3 .wvr: shipping, Vfl)c. HOfS Quiet: xtate. common to choice. 1HI4 crop 12WSo; Pacific coast. 1914 crop, l:!'irHc: 1911 crop, in? lie. HIDES Steady; Rogotl, 31Stf3Clkc; Central America. 31'c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock first. 32c: seconds. S"T31c. PKOVISKNs Pork, barely uteady; mesa, l.pni'.V5); fsmlly, lia0iiti.5H. Beef, "tulet; mess. 21 Omu23.rt1: family. S24.0 Iard, enty: middle west. 9.ti.0t TALLOW-Bteady; clU, tk1! country. BViifno. special, Jo. HI'TTEU Firm ; receipts. 4,475 tubs: creamery extras (2 score). 81-ff3H,c: creamery thlgher scoring). X,'952,--c: firsts, ?7'y(i.lm-; seconds, IMi27c. EGOS Steady; receipts. 11.177 cases; fresh gatherevl extriia, IIH'o'Sc; extra firsts, c: firsts. 2.Vui'!Hc; seconds, 22tf 2l'c: nearby hennery whites, 2tt2Jo. CHEKSK Fteady; receipts. 472 boxea: state whole milk, held specials, lW44jl7r: state wholo milk, average fancy. I. HiMlC. IOi;LTRT Dressed, steady: western roasting chickens, frozen, 174? 21c; fresh fowls.. 14H4il7c; turkeys. 13y21V. Alive, ptesdy; western chickens, l&Hc; fowls, turkeys, ih-jtisc. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Chicago Minneapolis . Duluth Omaha Kansas City St. Lou it, l Innipeg 88 3.V3 t7 22 113 84 24t 111 38 These sales were reported today: Wheat io. J hard winter: 2 cars, 11.44. No. 3 hard winter: 2 cars, 1.46Vj; 1 car, $1.44; 2 cars, 11.43'i; 1 car, $1.43. No. 3 spring: 1 car, $1.44; l car, $1.42. Corn No. 4 white: 1 car, 67c. No. 2 yellow: 8 cars, 67c; I car, Hic. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, 6t!Vc; 1 cars, Stic. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, (CAie. No. 6 yel low: 1 car. bc. No. 3 mixed: 1 car (near white), SHcs II car, c; l car, 5c. No. ' 3 mixed : t car, Sc. Oats No. 3 white: 3 cars, 53c; 1 car, 62ic. No. 4 white: 2 cars, fi2V. Sample: 1 car, 61c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard, $1.4ottt'l.Vs: No. . hard. tl.4254tl.45,'; No. 4 hard, $l.s;ta:.43; No. 3 spring, $1.4atf 1.44: No. 2 durum. $1.43 1.46; No. 3 durum, $1.4i(ft1.44. Corn. No. 1 white, 7Hc; No. 2 white, 7Wtrfi7Src; No. 3 white. 74i7'4c; No. white. bUKftGic: No. 6 white, WVio; No. i yellow, rt71ac: No. S yel low. 8MrifiTc; No. 3 .yellow. tie: No. 4 yellow, firir7iio4ic; No. 6 yellow, fiRS4W i4c: No. 6 yellow, rif S5Hc; No. 1 mixed, Gfi'irafiiic; No. 2 mixed, r&WAc; No. 3 mixed. 66Vt4ii)tc: No. 4 mixed, 6iW'tc; No. 5 mixe'd. 6''i tiic; No. H mixed, 64ifi.'iSc. Oats: No. 2 white, 63fe$346c: standard, 5363'c- No. 3 white. 52fl63c; No. 4 white, :3fi'5ZVic. Barlev: Malting, 70fl 77c; No. 1 feed, KVft&Hc. Rye: No. 2, Sljtttt 1.13Vi; No. 3, $1.13H,1.13. CHICAGO CiRAIt AND PROVISIONS LEGAL NOTICES. NEW YORK, January 26 1915 ELECTION NOTICE. The Missouri Pacific Railway Company. Notice is hereby given that the annual mealing of the stockholders of The Mis souri Pacific Railway Company will be held at thu general office of the Company in the City of Kt. 1-ouIh, Missouri. - .n Tuesday, March 9. l!u, at i o'clock A. M , for the election of thirteen directors fur the ensuing year, and for the transac tion of any other business that may come before said meeting. The annual meeting of the directors will be held st the sajme office on the same iay at twelve o'clock noon. 'The transfer boks will be closed on Hutu relay. February i 1815, at twelve o'clock noon, and will be reopened on Wednesday, March 10, lfiji at ten o'clock A. M. THE MISSOl'RI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. By B. F. BC8H. President. II. L. UTTER. Secretary. FebM Din Investors with money read (h Real B tat ada In The Bee. Advertise your property for a quick sale. Features of the Trading; sad Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. March 1. Blockade meas ures not equalled In a century gave al most a knockout blow today to a wheat market staggering from terrific selling, due to signs that unlimited Russian ship ments might soon hf coming" through the Dardanelles. Aftor breaks that reached 7ie. prices closed at 5ih5Hc under Sat urday nlcht Other net losses were: Corn, l-m&.Hia to 2Kilc, oats iWliic, and provisions tm"vi2W-. Rushes to unload investments In wheat began the instant that trading could start. Reports of fleet successes against the land aefensea of the Turks had been so pronounced that dealers here had only one tnlng in mind at the outset the prosrct of an overwhelming number of ltusrtnn cargoes crossing the Black Be a nd the Mediterranean within a few weeks and slopping .to an unknown ex tent the European demand for wheat from America. Values here withered away 6VjC In the wink of an eye and sub sequent rallies of 2'o3c proved brief. New low levels In the wheat market heneaih those tuched In the first smash were uncovered after midday. Foreign purchasing of l,000,0i 0 bushels for spot, cash delivery had failed to bring about pny lusting return of confidence on the part of holders. Then came word of lremler Asquith's speech In Iondon Im plying that all ships carrying foodstuffs would be In danger of seizure. Berrrl-panlc lollowed In the wheat pit. and although final quotations showed an upturn from the lowest figures of the sesnion the ef fect was due largely to wild efforta of short sellers to realize profits. Corn suffered from the depression of. wheat. Many stop-loss orders were caught on the decline. Buying on the part of strong Interests did not have much ef fect. Onta for a write seemed to have more strength than other grain. Persist ent liquidation, though, finally forced down prices for oats even more relatively than lor corn. Free selling was the rule In provisions as well as in grain. Coverlne by shorts did not do much to check the ensuing break. Futures were quoted as follows: OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Killing- Cattle Slow to Lower and Feeders Very Finn Fat Lambs and Yearling Higher. FAT EWES ARE HIGHER, TOO SOUTH OMAHA, March 1. 191... Receipt were: Catt'a Hoes. Pheetv Estimate Monday .: 13, day last week.... I.Ml Bame day 1 wks. ago. 1.241 Same May 1 ka. ago. J.14.S Same day 4 wks. ago. .1 Same day last year .. $.708 The following fable show the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha lire stock market tor the year to date aa ooikiuamwI with last vear: ion iiki4 Inc. f"le lavSM 10.4T0 5.772 Hogs rR I7 8o7. "7.20 "hcep 43,244 4W,tO 1..4 The following table shows the average price for huge at the South Omaha live stock market for the last tew days, with comparisons: Date. 8.3M 7.2S4 12. 2 li.016 8.4. b. 14,992 14,149 1H, Hl4.lU.lltir191l.l91U,ilk. 141 81 it. 1 e w 17. S WHI 18.1 t U4, 19 1 3fc U.l 221 S M 23.1 ioVsl 34.! M 1 6.1 60 I 2. I S ' 'm ; 4M 1 1.18 61 I 4UI 46 T l I 41 1 7 S2I I ttj 76 S 7 ! lit IK I 7 W I 34 1 $81 S 91 4i S 141 8 3 8 06, 8 33j 1 l 8 ti l A I I 12! $351 I m 8 4 S 12i I 4i 8 U8 Mi 1 Hi S )! . o J Ml 8 47 t 1& $061 8; "ol SOI 6 Kl $ i I O4 e m t DAI 7 4) W 8 111 15 7 M 7 01 7 11 7 04 S W H S77 I 481 S N 1 S 71 80 U 6 li 8 78 6 II S 7l 8 18 8 841 8 07 7 01 8 M 03 I 1 wn o si 7 08 7 01 S 981 I o4 aoi s m i $ 70l 19 lWl 8 821 1 6 88) S 8 021 47 08 I W i !M 8 04 8 11 7 10 8 13 14 mem ainuunteo, to lolly en lanios and yearlings, aa compel ed ith iat Filday. and Vxi on ewes. "rh lops tor the year to date were made all along the line, there being both fed western and Mexican lambs g.xwt enough to sell HP to fft.Sft. Mexican yeanlngs at SV and frd western ewes at $7 25. The bulk of the lambs moved at $.2rff . and most of the ewe at $7.0P4i'7.1&. There waa little If anv discrimination against the heavy weights, as most everything at all de cent for killing sold In practically the aame notches. The light run of !.. head reported at Chicago helped to stim ulate -tha local trade. Few offerings changed hands on feeding or sharing ac- NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Considerable Firmness Shown De spite Injection of New and Un favorable Developments. CHANGE LATE IN SESSION NEW YORK. March 1. Considerable firmness wss shown br today a stock market, despite the Injection of hew snd count. An early clearance was effected. I unfavorable developments here and Quotations on sheep and lamns; i.amns. Mexican". $i4f.46; lambs, led west erns, $8.7MrS 8S; lambs, shearing. r.t : yearlings, light. $8 Sin 8.8.'.; yearlings, heavy, $i !Mn .27: wethers, good to choice, $7.2Vb7; wethers, fair to good, $7.0)fft! 7 2S: ewes, good to choice, $7.fjr7.; ees, fair in good. $H.7Mf7.00. llctircsentatlvo sales; No. 2M fed lambs ;r,"i Wyoming ewes :ftt fed lamha Ski Colorado ewes MH Mexican lambs 834 Mexican -we Av ) 101 7S lil 75 W Pr. 9 10 7 U 30 7 ti ti 7 la BUTTER No. , -r. carton. He; No. I, 60-II1 tubs. c. CHEESE Imported Bwlaa, $4c; Amer ican Uwtsa, lc; block Swiss, 22c; twins. 18c; daisies, lie; triplets. 17c; lomirf Amorlcss, 19c; blue label brick, 17Hc; Urn burner, 8-lb., 20c; 1-lb., 2oci New York white, lSc; imported Frenun Roquefort. 40a r POT ATOEo Colorado Kurala, 74a bu.; Red Rlvor Ohlos, V bu.j Minnesota, whites, 86a bu, FISH Trout. 2vc; large crapplea, Ific; balibut, lie; channel cauish, ln, eNVEET Wl A iuEs-vi4, $2.75 bbl. BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs. Pic; No. 2 ribs. 14c; No. 3 ribs, KHttc No. 1 loins, 17Mic; No. 1 loins, liVc; No. I loins, llu. No. 1 chucks. Be; No. 2 chucks, 84jc; No. 3 chucks. 7c. No. 1 r.iuuds. r.Sc: No. 2 rounds, lie; No. t rounds, 10c. No. 1 plates, 8c. NO. li plates, 7yc; No. 3 platea, "c. POULTRY Broilers, HW; spring cblck ana, lie. hens. Kijllc. cocks, 8c, duuks. luc; guese, 8c; turkeys, Isu; uigeotts. per dea., 80c; ducks, full featbered , geesa. full feathered, kc, squabs. No, 1. $l.W. No. k, oOc Market quotations furnished by Fiu.l company: FRUITS Oranges, extra fancy Alpha- belical, all sizes.. t-'.'iO per box; cxlra fancy Ulendora Huiiits. ail six-. $. per box; extra fancy riunkist, all sixes, 82.00 per box. Lemons, lancy sunkiat, 8u0s, W0b,"$.S.00 per box; choice Red Ball, $J.6o per box. Urape fruit, M and 4ts, $J.u er box; 64s, ana, $2.60 per box; 64s, $2.2-5 per box. Apples, extra fancy White Winter Pearmaines, $2.00 per box; fancy White Winter Pearmaines, 81.75 per box; extra fancy Washington Hpltzetiburga. tl.W per box; WaHhlngton fancy and ex tra lancy Hoovers, ll.Si per box; fancy Washington Jonathans, I78s, 188s ond 2J(ia $1.2i per box; extra fancy black Bun Iavls, $1.2i per box; extra fancy Black Tnlga. $U" per box; fancy Black Iwlga. $1.36 ir box; extra uanos, $1. per box; fancy Rome Btautles, tl.W per box, a bo lots or more, $1.4u per box; Pen Pavls, highly colored. 8.1.2S per bbl.; Wlnesaps, $3.i0 per bbl. Grapes, Cali fornia Emperors, $3.50 per bbl.; Malagas, $8.00 per bbl. Pears. Anjous, $J.2$ per box; Jersey, S2.2T. per box; Sheldon, $i.26 per box; Lawrence, $2.50 per box; Bosco, $2 26 per box; Easter. $2.25 per box. Ba nanas, per bunch, $1,764)3.60. Strawber ries. 60c a qt. VEGETABLES Cauliflower, $2.50 per crate; cucumbers, $2.25 per box; celery. Jumbo, SOc dox.; leaf lettuce, 40c dox.; head lettuce, $1.00 dox.; onions, yellow, 2c lb., red. 2o lb., white. 2V lb., Bpsn Ish $1.60 per crate; endive, 36e lb.; arti chokes, $1.60 dos.; Brussel sprouts, 20e lb.; California new cabbage, Ic lb.; peppers, SOc basket; onions tshallou), 60p dox.; to matoes, $400 per crate; garlic, Italian 26c lb ; radishes, 60c dos.; turnips. 6O0 dog.: spinach, 60c dox.; parsley, 60c dox.; beans, $4 60 per hamper. Potatoes, Colorado rural, 76c per bu.. Red River Ohlos, 80c per bu., Minnesota white, 6O0 per bu. Sweet potatoes, li per hamper. HUTS No. 1 California Walnuts, 18c per lb.; black walnuts. 84c per lb.; fil berts. 15c per lb.; iecans, 124c per lb.; Brazil. 12Vic per lb.; almonds, 20c por lb.; 12-11 os. fig", 85e Pr box; $0-8 os. figs, $2.00 per box; sugar walnut dates, $140 per box; hallowl dates c per lb.. MISCELLANEOUS Bhelled popcorn, 4c. per lb.; limes, $1.75 per box; cracker lack. $3.60 case, hi cose, $1.76; checkers, $.1 60 case, case. $1.75. Honey, $4.00 per case. Cider. New York. $3.50 per keg. Cocoanuta. $3.60 per sack, 75o per doa. Cranberries. Late 'Hoses, $7.00 per bbl., S2 60 per box. Peanuts, raw, 7c per lb.. raw, sack lots, jumno, ou iier 10., roasied, 814c per lb., salted. $1.50 per can. Mush rooms, 60c per box. Kansas City Oraln and Provtsloaa. KANSAS CITY, March l.-WHEAT-No. 2 hard, Jl.444il.47; No. 1 red. $1.49 1.45; May. $1.38; July. $1.101.U; Septem ber. S1.08H. , CORN No. 2 mixed, 674ctic; . ko. i hlte. 7fth70Vic: No. ! yellow. 69ct No. 8. ftHc; May. 8c- July. 704cf September, 7Hi'Bnc. OATS No. 2 . white, , 65g6Vc; No. 2 mixed. .MMjMe. Bl'TTER Creamery, 29c; firsts, I7c; seconds, 2Tc; packing:, 17e. EGGS Firsts, ISc; seconds, 18c. POULTRY Hens, 13c; . rooster, iOVjc: turkey. 15c. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fralt NEW YORK, March 1. KVAPORATEI APPLES Dull; fancy, i8c; choice, 7s 4BTk" ; prime, 7ti71ic. DRIED FR1UTH Prunes, stesdy; Call fornlas,; Oregon, 8&llc. Apri cots, firm but Inactive; choice, Wn; extra choice, lotrlOc; fancy, imllc. Pea'hes, quiet; choice, WuOc; extra choice, 6'tiiAiC: fancy. Talkie Raisins, steady; looae muscatela, ('.iif7''4C; choice to fancy seeded, 7VC'7V: seedless, tV-'(i' 8Vbc: London layers, $1.4bl.&0. 7 1 . 2 18 26 2 68 3 10 11 1 1 30 30 I 8 3 .. 1 a ISt 61 p Artlc'o! Open. I Hlgh.l Ixiw. ( Close. Bat y, 1 48 I 1 47 1 17V4.' 1 l1 I vfheat May. I July.l Corn I May. I July. Oats ! May. I July.) Pork I May. July. Lard May. 1 4R 1 21 7'i iu'.i 58 63' 1 51 1 22 7341 75 ' ' tfi',1 &3'; 17 35 I IT 10 17 72'il 17 45 71 I 64S,i tlSI 71m 731 54'i! 51V I 5.1H 1 24H 74 76 87 M'4 17 30 1 17 35 I IT 10 17 10 1 17 S?t4 17 70 I 17 72'il 17 45 17 60 I 17 72V4 m 7WI 10 !7a! 10 17V 10 17'J 10 37H July! I 10 47H! 10 62', 10 40 I 10 40 I k tio "mI-. 87Hl 8 871 75 I 9 76 j R7H July.l 10 17m 10 17V 10 ifi 1 10 OS I 10 174 Cash Prices Wheat: No. I red. 11.48 151: No. I hard. Il.47ifjl.62. Com: No. 4 yellow SMiVtc: No. 4 white, 84i'70c. Oats- No. 8 white. 54fi0.";: No. 4 white, 6u.l4e. Rye. nominal. Barley. 7oi Tunothv. $5.0066.50. Clover, HO.Vr.rl4.50. Pork $18.75. Lard. $9.85. Ribs, tt 8.V,9.5. HCTTER Ixiwer; creamery. 23'(i2S:. , EGGS Iower; receipts, U.408 cases: at UIGAL NOTICES NOTICE Of 8foCKHOLDB:R8 MEET Notice I hereby given that tb regular annual meeting of the stockholders 0 the bourn St trie oiim Nabruaa IDIro eay 1 w Mrwj ritvii ni ins regular meetlns of the stockholders 0 the latte Land company will be held ilftoe of said company at Lincoln. ,a at eleven c cluck a m. on tha ky of March. A D. 116. " 1 n. mvnniLn rrldenL A. B. MINOR. brM... Lincoln. Nebraska, reuruary 1, 1 Feb. Kak, Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Keb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Fen. Feu. Feb. Mar. 'dunday. lleceipt and disposition of live stock at the v nion block Vaius, tiouth Omaha, for the twenty-tour hour ending at S o'clock )vsiro.ay : RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle Hogs.Sheep.H'sea c, M. A nt. I" s Missouri Pacific Union Pacini 22 C. N. V east... 10 C. t N. W.. west... "7 C, 8t. I'., M. A O.. 49 U.t H. Ac g., east C, B. K Q , west... 8 C 1C 1. ex P., east, i Illinois Central .... 3 Chicago U. W 8 Total receipt ..204 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hog. Mice p. Morrl & Co , 54 1,458 1.087 ejwilt A Co Hi7 1.1)41 4,,(M cuuahy Packlna Co ; 2,871 l.Oui Armour Ac Co 881 3,4,0 3,jj0 Wchwartx AV t'o 345 Lincoln Packing Co 6 Cudahy, from country Ti VY. H. Yansant Co.... 3u Benton,' Vansant L... 68 F. B. Lewi 68 Huston 4fc Co 8 ..... J. B. Root A Co 48 J. 11. Bulla 78 L. F. Hun Ill nosenstock. Bros 1M Kellogg i weruieimer ft Degen... 3n4 H. F. Hamilton l.i ' Sullivan Bros -4 ....1 Rothschild ft Krebs Ij Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.... 2u Christie 171 ... tilkglna '. 10 . .... Hutiman 18 Roth ft .) ) tri 1 issuer. June & tfmlth.. 42 Tanner liros 85 John Harvey 285 Kllno 34 Dennis & Francis 8 Other buyer 311- 1.64J Total 5,001 8,985 11,328 CA 1 'l itv Kecelna were the l&rgcai that, they have ioen on a Monday nun iOur )tnl ago. vi toe aame timu re-i-oita f 1 0111 omcr acting pol.aa luulcaied taigc run ana lower marati. Tn i-esuli, v.a tuat tho trade uuiu opened Siow anu uUit, with duvcis uluuing lowvr prices so laj' a killers were luncerned. tltouktra aim leeders, wnich were . In 1 U..I aupiily, wore li e lrs cattle to sell uuu .nty commanded good strong prices, 'ine oiicrings ior tne mo.t tart were cleaned up 111 a very snort time. jjeef kteers were siow from start to finis. 1, tor the reason that puckers were aeternJned to buy tnem lower, wni.e scl. crA weru very bacawaru aoout uaKluM' ln roucession demanded, in the end the pilvua paid were largely around lOc lower and In some casus 16c lower than last wee'a close.,' jowb ana helier cold all the way from Fiend y to fuliy 10c lower and they, too, were s.ow the aame aa beet ateer. Wuutiiiion gn taititi: Uooa to choice cornl'ed. beeves, $i.72'ft8.30; lulr to good coiufvd' beeves, 7.w7.75; common to lair corn fed beeves, 8.0O'o'7.O0: good to choice belters, 8.26u1.o0; good to tholoe cow, $6.75t8.0; fair to good cow, v,.oa8v 5.76; common to fair cow. U.Wvj.iai, gcod to choice atocker and teeners, li.oj Ul W: fair to good atocker and feeder, $8.507 .ovi common to fair atocker and leeders. $5,764)4.60; stock heifers, $5.mji 8.60; stocU cow, $5.oOio.2S; stock calves, $.WKf8.ou; veal calves, 7.uoy I8.uu; bulw, stags, etc., 84. 768.26. Representative sales. BEEF HTEERS. A. Vr. ...1M 7 7 4H ...1M4 7 u Aiut 1 to .14111 0 f-lllt ; I.IVK UTOCK MABKF.T Cattle I naet4ld Hog "trongt- aneesi Mtrona. CHICAGO, March l.t'ATTLB Re ceipts, 18,00) bead; market unsettled: na tive steers, a-..5o9.1ft; western. ,6'-''rt; cows and heifer. $:l.60?t 7.7(1; calves. I8.50 HCMlfl-Recelpts. 43,000 head; ,irkrl strong. Re t 10c higher; bulk of le. $89 8i.78; light. $8Kxb80; mixed. S.4rHoX.. heavy. $8.2b4iH.7t; rough, i..36; plga. lo7fVdH.Hr. SHEEP AND I.ASIBS-rUwelpt. 16,ft head; market strong; aheep. $H808jI.90. yearlings, $7.7Hf!t6; iamb. $,.7fp9.S... Kanaaa City Ut toek Market. KAN8A8 CITY. Mo.. March l.-CAT- TLE Receltrts, ll.ono head; market lower: prime fed steers, $8.KVii.;&; dressed beer ' . ,d"r.t1 II. . ..I.r.i at ,r Bn.8t8l 8.00; storkers and feeder. 80Oid7.76; bulla, Sft.vr'v-..; caivra, ftf.w"uiv on Ht )ifS Receipt. i3,w n. ki.k.r- hulk .,r u h tH8iXi(.7ti: heavy, $i;.tfti .'70; packers and butchers. K8244 8.78; light. $ 8JMi8.Tr.; pl. K.ondr M. slllF.EH AND MJIBD- lieceiris, li.v-v head; market higher; lamb. pi.iii-;.; yearlings. $7.fAlj8.40; wethers, $8 T&i'oT.); ewes. tt,.mn.. long City Lire toe It Market. 8IOCX CITY. I.. March I. 4 BATTLE Receipts, 2.500 head; market, Uii2ie higher: native steers. $"0M77.8O; butehers. $.V0OhiC.4i, cows and heifers, $4. "1i 6. ; eanner 84; stocnera ann i-MMier, W.jl.rtn. calves, $8.oun.u: bulls, stags, etc., $4.V"!.'.00. rit .o neceipTS, nv"" neaa; mararr .1 hlulur- heavy 8.R2"r.': mixed. $8.W.i 8 524; light. $8.45tt.W; bulk of sales, $t!..0 1B8 88. UltKEP AISU 1A.11" nei-eipis, juo heaj. St. I.onls Lire Ktork Market. 1T. IXICIPI, Mo.. March 1. CATTLK Receipts. 3, DO0 head; market lower; natlvo liecf steers, $7; rows end heifers, $f,.fovsi8.25; southern steers, 8.76fl7.7i; cows and heifer. 4.00fll.00; native calvee. W.OKil 10.75. HOfiS Receipts. 38 WO heart; market higher; plga and light. $o.3iVtn.90; mixed anil butcher. i).ivr-(.iv; goon Heavy, 88 7.".1l.85. 8IIEKP AND 1.AJ1B8-HecellMS. i,u head, market . higher: native muttons, $n.7.VirT.$5: lambs. $.75130.70: yearllns. $7. 10 i8.25. ' ' at. Joseph Live gtoek Market. PT. JOSEPH, March 1. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.500 head; market siow:v steers, ir.lKViiS.M; row and heifers, l4.GOn8.00, calves. $8.00( 9. 75. . HOGS Receipt, B.WI0 head; market higher; top, $n.70; bulk of sales, 6.0O3 8.874. ..... HHKKP AND i.amhb iieoetpta. 7,000 head; market higher; lambs, $8.Vttl9.40. ha 1... 16... I... 4b... M... It... av. ... klO 8 u0 ...KM) 8 78 .vima 8x8 ...lut4 8 181 ...iiui 7 ui ..IliU 7 M . Ms. ... 21... no... II... 17... li lM 8 VI bltr.lti. AND IIEIFU.IH. Bagar Market.' NEW YORK. March 1. SUGAR Fu ture opened 4 to 8 point lower lit sym pathy wlrh the weakness of the spot market, but later prices rallied on cov ering and at midday were unchanged. Quotations: Raw, easy; molaaaes, 3.87c; centrifugal, 4.Mc. Refined, steady; cut loaf, 8.5fo; crushed, 6.65c; mould A, .20c; cubes, 6.0J; XXXX powdered, 5.90; powdered-, 6.k6c; fine granulated, D.78'.-; olamond A, 5.75c; confectioner' A, 8&; No. 1, S.50c. Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 1. WHEAT May. $1.384i'1.3irS; July, $1.3486 1.S4T bid; No. I hard. $1.46'4; No. I northern, $1.4o4 ft 1 44"V4 : No. . northern, ll.atl.tiV. . FLOl -H - Cn. hanged. BA RLE Y uiri6c. ' RYE ai.l.Va) 18. BRAN $22.00. . . CORN No. 3 yellow. W'ioc. 1 OATS No. 3 white. 51V(ulc. ' FLAX-41.e4ffl.864- Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, March 1. COTTON-Spot, (teady; good middling. 6.$7d; middling, 4.9'd: low middling. 4.6d; sales. 7,'WO bale NEW YORK. March 1 :OTTON Spot. quiet; middling upland, 8.36c; sales, 30) bales. The cotton market closed steady, but at a net loss of from 5 to 8 point Cotton futures closed steady; March, 8.17c: May. $.38c; July, 881c; October, 881c; Iecember, 9.08c. 28... I... U." u 41... lit 8 40 1. . . -iV w U .. Im 8 M rtElFERS. .. 1 10 4 8 ,.W 18 8 .. U 8 W II .. M) IU t 1 1 ..UlU 4 US CALVES. ..M IH 1 au 1 81 1 . . 4 I W , 1 . . 4u ; in 1 .. IM s in 1 (10 1 to VJ. 417 7 14 818 7 U m lit hit) 8 Ml , a . iv 1 ii Mil 7 t tto no M M 1U 8 ',. KM) S It IM 10 IK 140 W 00 Live Stork In lht. Rei'elpf of live slock nt the five princi pal western markets; i;aMie, nog, nneep. 18, M) 43.IMI0 16,000 ..... 2.5O0 10.0H0 38) .....11.000 13,0ft) 12.000 ..... $.800 28,000 . 1.100 ..!., 6.060 8,500 13.1)0) Chicago Hloux City , Kansas City St. Loul j-iouth Omaha 'Total receipt.. ..40.400 100,500 41.300 I of fee Market. NEW YORK, March 1 COFFEE The market for coffee future opened 3 to 4 points higher this morning on scattered covering and trado buying which emed to be Inspired by the steadier ruling of Braxlllan exchange and report of large Braxllian shipment to Europe last week. Price later eased off, however, owing to apprehension that the British embargo on' the shipment of commodities to tier many might load to some fafllng off in the demand and the close was 1 point higher to t' points lower. Hale, 7,260 bags. March, 5,44c; April, 6.56c, May, 5 59o; June, 6.84c: July, $.84e; August. fl.73e: Beptemher. .82c; November. 4). Mr; December. 7.00c Hpot, quiet; Rio No. 7. 7c: anto No. 4, i)ic. Milrels nrlcea In iiraalb were un changed, Rio exchange was 1-161 higher. Oil glad Roslu. NEW YORK, March lROSIN-Hteady; strained, common to good, $3.40. TCRPENTIN E Steady ; machine bar rels, 454c SAVANNAH, Oa.. March 1,Tt'R PEN TINE Firm at 42c; sales, none; receipts, 4 bills; shipments, $5 bhla.; stock. 33,806 bbls. ' K08IN Firm: ale 121 bbl.: receipts. 67 bhls.; shipment. 1,226 bbl.; stock. 128,- im doib. wuoiarion: a ana h, ( 1 and E, $3,024; F, $105: G. $3.06ii3.15; H, $3.07; I, $3.15; K. $3.25; ei. $4.00; N, $5.), WG, $:..i; WW, I5.n0. abroad. Trading lost none of Its pro fessional character and prices showed little change until late In the session when the cables told of England's de cision to declare an absolute embargo on all shipments to and from Germany. Anticipation of this move wea oen In Die market for foreign exchange, all of which ere again unsettled with acute weakness In remlttsnees to Germany, France, Italy and Hwltxerland. There was also Increased selling of American bonds for future delivery, most of which was traceable lo German source. These offerings, however, made no Impulsion on quoted values. The most unfavorable feature so tar as domestic conditions were concerned wss found In the statement of January earnings submitted by the Pennsylvania railroad. On Its lines eat of Ptltshiirgti a net decrease of $J77,0ii0 was shown, hlle west of Pittsburgh the loss amounted to $70.000. These figures were accepted aa an Index of conditions In the steel Industry. The Illinois Central roa 1. by pruning Its expense account, mails a substantial net Increase. Industriala were more active than rail way shares, and specialties again ab sorbed a large share of attention with lns of 1 to J potnl In 'he speculnllve Issues. Copper made further favorable response to the recent adxnce In th metal and reports of Isrge February sale. The day new minimum Included Ixnilsvlile ft Nashville, which declined $ points to 110; American Icomotye r referred 3 to 78 nnd American Expres. to 83. For the first time In several weeks advices from the middle west Indicated a lull In activity, railway tonnage beimr lighter and movements of general mer chandise snowing a siigiu decrease. Money rates In that section a well aa locally arrowed a further tendency to Mil, I Two small Imports of American gold were received from Iondnn, the metal having been acquired, according to re ports, at the low rate of the past fort nls-ht. Pealing In bonds were on a larger scale with fair maintenance of the price level. Total sales, par vauie, ag lrll 82 S4J tXV I'nited State bond were unchanged on Number of sale and leading quotation ea stocks were a tonows: kali. Hit. t- CI AlMks Ool4 I "" An.alxasiatfid CVppsr .... 4 r Amorlrsn Ht tiusar.... 4,4nt Anirln ran 1.400 American a H 1,40 Aii.anrun 8. A K. sta Am. Piissr Reflnlns Amert.on Tel. & Tsl-.t. 0 1IH 1U4 An.erti'sn Tohsrro ,. Ansoonris Mining Atr.hlBon HtltiBiars a Ohio Ilranklra Hapl4 Transit, ('llfoml frtroUusi ... t'ansriian Psitlo Onlral IjMther i.Mwk Ohm.... Olilrssu Clrest Wstrn. f'hlom., M. Ht. P... H't.l.sso N. W Ohlno t'opper (.Mlorada Fuel iron l'loradn Boiithem rnr Bio OnMil.... 100 4 44 iwnrer It U. n tilntlllfin.' SscurltlM ... Krle tnrl Klwtiir ureal Nortbarn pfd.... droit No. Or rtfa OuaKcnhalr Riploratlos. IIHnola ontrai ., Interhnrmixh 8lt. pfd... lnnplrutlrMt (Vpper Iniarnaltonal HarreataT. Kansas I ll Houtksra lhlri rvalley TOO lxullll Nanhvllla.. l.tno llOi, Mealrsn PMrolauia 4,3M 474, Miami Coppar Mlaavurl Mtmeurl Nallnnal Rlarvll National Lean Nevada rlopper , Naw York tVntrsI N. Y., N. M. a H. Norfolk ft Waatera Northern Pacific, Pacific, Mall Pacific Tal. Tel Pennsylvania Pullman 1-alaoa Car.... fur Con. Ooppar. ....... Il.aiilni Ipuhlln Iron ft gtaol.. Hock I. land Co Rock laland . old.... Hi L. a 8. K. M ptd.. Boutharn Paclflo Hmrthern Railway Tannaasaa Topper Taa Tompanr I'nlnn Haclflo In Ion Pari tic pfd Vnltad rst gtoel t'nltad Hlitoa Htesl pfd. t'lah Oippcr Wabsah prd Weaiara Union .) 800 Waatlnshouaa Klortrlo .. 8O0 Otfarad. "'m-aivioano. Total salss tor lha dar. 1ST,00 aharaa GERMANS FLEEING " FR0MPRZA8YHSZ Petrograd Says Retreat is So Pre cipitate Guns and Eren Slightly Wounded Are Abandoned. FORCED BACK ACROSS NIEMAU 10 l.tM) im 8M1 1.900 t.n l.xn r 81 4 T US IMI4 14 811 M'4 Mi 8T IT 1WH 144. 41.. 14.. la.. 18 (. Ials li rata. Market. ST. Uil'l.S, March 1.-W1I KAT No. J red, $1 rtil.48; No. 2 hard, $1.6U(fl.63: May. $1.41ti 1.41T;. July. $1,124, COKN-No. I. 7M-". No. : white, T4c; May. 70So: July. 72c. OATS-No. X, 68c; No. t whit, ST'iC. I.lyeroool Grain Market. ' LIVF.UPfXJU March l.-WH EAT Spot, No. 1 Manitoba. 13 8d: No. t. 13 'd: NO 2 hard winter, 13s $VI. t OKN-Hiot. American mixed, nea-. 8a: American mined, old, 8 $d; klarcb, 7 84. aiu a aw . iw ,v BTULlvElt! AND Fh;KLj!.Kr). 1I?0 so 18 1 00 ti 60 l lMl T 08 Car 8 tb ta aw III a40 8 76 at M t li w t 80 U 11 7 m k.a 8 W 114 lit fli 844 IH -HI 118 7 111 HOGS Tne week opened out with a liberal run, about 138 cars, or ,0u Peso, being received. This 1 over l.uuo head larger than last week and almost heavier than for the aame day last year. 'trade opened generally slow, and early killing ofter were not much better tnau Saturday's average, and if anything m guile ao good as Saturday close, bhlp. per bought at tew on flrat round tnat were largely 8c higher, paying a high aa $8.80 tor their kind. Advice from all other point were encouraging, and locai sellers priced their offerings a dime bet ter, but packer refused to better theli flrat bids, and when flrat sales wen, finally made value were no more than a sonde bcttsr than Saturday' average. The trade moved along In very dull fashion until the big end of tne ottering had been rashed. Towards the close, however, values begun to ease off, ana while sellers tried lo bring the msraet back to tbe early baais, ine late sales wsro finally inaue at prices that were weak t'J a nickel lower than the earlier market, and hardly steady with natur dsy's average. The general market la Just strong with the close of last week. Bulk ol sales, was made at i.&tYu4 82'4, with a aprinkling on up to $8.fio. Wulle a numb, r of the later sales dropped don to $8 47t&. while Bom of the sally shipping purchase were made at $8.0, the day's top. Tliu close was extremely dull and there were still ume hog in flrat hand at noon. Representative sales: No. . 8k. Pr. No. 'it W4 11 8 U M. .. M in at iu a... .. 8 4l' ',... .: li7i to... 8 IU 70... ..8 88 7 Ml I 8 8 18 84 10 4 40 10 Mt 71 4 M VI 08 lt 81 Til AT. ,.W7 ,.28 88. Pr. ... 8 80 ... UI ... 8 8h Metal Market. , NKW WORK, March. l,-MKTAtJ8-Lead. firm; $; lndon, 120 o Hoelter. slron: 110. 12dil( 82- tr.i HT. 1XIJIH, March 1. MKTALH-Iead : Firm at $.1.80. rlpelter: Unsettled at $9 26 tjlOOO. i Tin. strong; five-ton lot. $28.7W40.SO; twenty-five-ton lot, $;.7f,44 .00. firm: electrolytic. $14.754114.87: csstlnar. tli.ZViiH.t3. Iron, steady: No, 1 northern, $l4.ulKau.00: No. 2. $l4.2Mfl4.75; No. 1 and No. 2 southern, $I4.2,'xal4.7$. At Ixndon: Spot copper, 84 12s $d; futures. 86 2 6d. Tin, (pot, 183; fu ture, 181 10. 'evr York Money Market. ' NEW YORK, March l.-MKRCANTILK PAPl'.R 2'o-i per cent. HTF.RUNG KXCHANOK Weak; I 80 day bill. $47823; for cables, $4.8o26; for d.mand, $4.7Hn6. H1L.VER Bar. 44tc; Mexican dollar. 7i'. i HON'DS-Government, railroad, steady. ! MfNl!.Y Time loans, steady; 80 days. 2j3 per cent: So days. 3 per cent; six months, 3VuV per cent. Call money, teady: nigh, 2 per cent; low, 1 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; last loan, 2 per cent: closing bid, !' per cent; offered at 8 oer cent. Closing quotation on bond today were a follow: V. 8. rat. ta, ra.... Ml 8o. Pac ct. 8a 444; 8 conpoa N. T. '. g. IWa. .. 7a TJ. g. la. rag ill N Y. City im 180J..14I', do coupon lOlvt'N. Y. stala 4ta...lui V. H. 4v raj N Y. N. II. II do ceiipu IMki rr. 8a t raaaBa WNo. Par If la 4s lw4 An. Hmrltara U . Xdi do Is m A. T AT. a. 4Stata0. g. L rml. 4i.... 89 Armour r. 4Sa.. KiS Hau. T. ft T. 8a rt Atctilao gaa. 4a.... 1 Si Tana. cos. 4a ., 7 Pal. 8 Ohio 4m M do eoa. 4,a W CaM. ft ilo 4Hi.. 8S Rasdln sen. a.... lw f a ft g. I. 4a ... f.Hi. It. ft . r. r. 4a 81 C M ft S P g 4S8..P4HV. fan. c. 4a 41 go tv. Is 10n4 do raf. 4a n C. R. I. ft P. e. 4s 80 ao or. ta K C B. rat. 4Ha.... M n. Railway 8s t D, ft H. O. raf. 8a 48 I'd Ion Pacific 4s.... M'J Brio gan. 4a 4S do CV 4a fl.o. Klactrto la...mV. U. Rubber 8s. .. .loiu "Ot. No. lat 4a.. 0 V g. Bla.1 is loo III. Can. raf. 4a... a Wabsah tat 8a MU, I K. C. Bo. rat. 8a... aWM. I'ntoa Sa ... 8IH L AN. not. 4s... toWaat. Blae. er is. . 8 J II. K. t. 1st 4s. 77 . Bid. . 100 !00 '"im l.too too "ion Moo 814 'it" 10fc lift 814 4ns 'm" IfV, 84 tos iiivi 81 S 4S4 1W4 ilo 88H I rvroium ...... I, 1 1( oomwr I, K. ft T 80) 16J 18 I Paclflo 2.TO0 Ui 1148 800 t.700 14.8110 "l'o 800 ', "i'.ini too 4 81 W 11 8:h 474. ioi" 1418 wi 181.. 17, Ml 400 1,808 ",'00 144 8 18 'U'i 'si" too i; 8.100 liH 400 TO 84.100 41 00 Ifnli l.Ouo MVs 6H 44 it's IIS 41 iooH ls iois lil "" t nrt. 1174, 78 4a 10a 814 8t 84 Si S4. 8Ja 5.' 4144 10US 100 1l4 88 4 CIS I MS I" 144 40 lH MS 121 . IMS, 84 11 10 50 41 I. II 1134. 1S 4S least ik iH Ht 2J 1S2 llOVt 84 11 10 lt 110 81U, 18 ' 8IS 444 111 ions 18 104 '4 IM I4S )4?H 18i ' S t 8'i 82'4 1.14 rjvi l't 1171 T4 4J4 10.1 H 61 '4 Pa 8J IIS PF.TROGRAD, (Via I-ondon), March 1.- The hlghrst Importance Is attached -by the R'isslsn mllitar' authorities to ' the German defeat at Prxasynat. It "I -aerted by Russian staff officer that the German' hope of uece during their operation of the last fortnight along th northern front was based upon their con fidence In breaking the Russian line at !'rxaynx. This attempt by the Ger man to strengthen the position Of ttielr left wing, which was n Important part of their plan for a gigantic encompaaalng movement extending from Augutowa to Kastern Gnllcla. la said today by the Russian leader to have failod definitely. The Russian assert that the retire ment of the German In tho north I mori precipitate and disorderly than any pre vious retreat In thla theater of th war. They state that the German have aban doned large number of heavy and light gun and have even left behind wounded soldier In an effort to execute a hasty, retreat. This condition of affair, ac cording to the Russian viewpoint, assume added significance from the fact that the" German are said to have employed wrni of their bet troop In thl fighting. Thero are many Indication that the German1 were entirely confident of gucresa. Th reported German pln for 'under-' taking a siege of Grodno) would now p penr to be venturesome, with the Ru slana advancing along the left bank of the river Nleman toward tst Prnsatsv nd endangering the position of th 0r- man left flank. Tho claim 1 mad hr that all the German troop which r-. cently crossed tho Nleman hay agalm been forced back to th other bank. .' Although report from the operation In. Gallcla are Incomplete, It would gppear hat the Austrian, were mgklng little headway In the attempt to force th Ru ian to retire from that province. Local lock a aad tjoads. Quotations furntahad hr Boma. Brisker A 00., 44.1 Omaha Nations! bank building: . (Hooka ma. .aa. bHKEP Th receipts were 18.000 head. a against S.467 last Monday, 8.228 two week ago and 14,144) on the corresponding day a year ago. The most of th offer ing came In from northern Colorado and the North Platte valley, with a good proportion from eastern Nebraska and Mouth Dakota. The bulk ot th receipt consisted of lamb, among which waa a mall percentage ef Mexican. bliarply higher price were paid for verytning on sals and the trade was autiv at U advanoa. Tb liuprov- Ladaa Stock Market. LONDON, March I. The American sec tion of the stock market jvas neglected todsy. Canadian Pacific was the only active Issue. Th market closed dull. HII.VV.R Bar, 23Hd per og. MONEY 1 per cent. DISCOUNT RATKS Hhort and three months. 1 T-l&jlMi per cant. Dry Uooda Market. NKW YORK. March 1 DRY OOODH Wool and dreua fabric were advanced to day. Cotton good were cjulet, yarn dull, ftaw alik remains) unchanged. Continental O. ft B. 8 Mr cent pfd.. T7 t'ontlnanlal U. A B. 1 per rant com.. II Creamary 1 per eant ptd.. Ion v. Poi Mlvar Butter.... 188 F Ira on. Tlra ft Rubaar CV) !naa-Wllra Dlacult lat pfd , 88 ,1ncoln) Traction ilo B , 1,1 ve Ktork Nat.. Bask. South Onataa 171 On. .ha ft 03. B. Ht. Rr. p'd 74 m ana ft Ci. H. Mt. Ry. oum 4'1H Cklnnar Mf(. Co Hlata Dank of Omaha 114 rUHk Yarea Nat. Hank. South Omasa nion Block Yarda. Omaha..., 01 l pllka Oral com II . Honda-r (Vntlnastal a. A B. 8a, 1M7 tNaa.) Chlcai.i. Mil. Elso. Rr. 8a. Ilia .. paavar das Not aa I par eant, HIT... Oalraafnn. Tai., 8a, 1HJ4 Ilumhnldt. Neh., Raf. 8a. 1128 f.ssaas ( II r. Mo.. . School 4a, 1011.. Enrols. Ns0.. 4Ha, 1U Mlddla Wert Utllltlas 8a. 111! Omaha R. U ft P. 8a, 1M8 Omaha A C. B. Bl. Rr. 8s. 1818.... On.aha Water im 1K41 Om.ha Hchool 4a. IKI Han Kranclaco. CaJ.. Is, 1181-1080.. kwlft a Co. 8a. 1V44 t nlar.HT Plsoa, Nab., 4: 1118.. Wlchlla Block Yards 8s, 18S4 0 JO Wi 170 840 . 8 100 '77'" 11"" II 104 84 80 04 08 a. 7 m inn 1H(, ll8 wi VK) 1804. 07 . 1 074, 8848 T M'4 ' WV. 10 87 07V4 nti 101 a',. M 80 IM Belgian Relief Work : Keeping Thousands i From Starvation LONDON, March l.-Herbert C. Hoover.; chairman ot the American Belgium relief, committee, today Issued the following statement: "It I desired that certain fact b per-' feetly clear In the discussions going on In th American press -with relation to the wo tit of thla commission. ."Flrt The Germnn authorities agreed with' u In December that there ahduld. be no further requisitions or purcha of foodstuffs by the German army In' the occupied lone of Belgium. Th occu pation gone comprise the whole of Bel- glum with tho exreptlon of territory Im mediately adjacent to the fighting line. ' The German authorities have carried out the undertaking with scrupulous care. . Ther never ha been any Interference by them with foodstuff Imported by the commission, and the whole of these' food-, stuff or their equivalent have gone to the Relglum civil population. "Ther were awkward situations " In ' some localities; for Instance, where troop were billeted on the people 'and where German officer and soldiers were eating" In public restaurants, but these dlfflcuU-.. tie were solved by th Issue to thl com mission by the German from fhelr mill--tary stores of a liberal 'quid pro'-quo.',.'" "Without entering Into any discussion of the right or wrong of requisitioning' foodaturr from the civil population dur ing th early part of the occupation of Belgium, I wish to point out that a Bab-i glum normally import five-sixths1 of IU ' foodstuff even had no urh restrictions been made, Belgium would long lnc have been without food except for til ,. Import of thl commission. "Second. fCvery Belgian I today on a ration from thl commission. .Food. and money are not Interchangeable. .A Bel-' (Ian man with 81,000,000 In cash can ob tain no more bread than the man who 1 . destitute and without any opinion on th Justice or Injustice of levle In tbe way , of forced Issue of paper money, I can a reiterate that the Belgian pan only be ' saved from atarvatlon by the Import of'. thl commission. The Germane cannot and will not upply people north ' of the German line with food. - : "Those In Belgium with paper money are no less dependent upon ua for food than the destitute, and every pound of food w are abl to Introduce Into Bel gium by the mercy of a charitable world ' prolong Just that much more Belgian life and ha nothing to do wth the taxe. Indemnities or monetary tranacactlon." Kitchener Originated Hoax of Russians' 'Trip Through Britain (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) liONDON. Feb. 18. The famous hoax of the first week of war. when a body of Russian soldier, ald to number 100,000 to 200,000 men, was reported to have circled around from Archangel, landed In Pcottlsh port and been shipped through at night to reinforce the Brltleh force In France, originated with Lord Kltctienar himself, according to a state ment made by a British officer to a cor respondent of the Dally Dispatch. 1 It lo noteworthy fact that although tho myth spread Ilk wild fir through the Pnltod Kingdom, with any number of witnesses to awear they had aeen aqd talked to the Russians In their native language, the press bureau did not laaue an official contradiction for a long time. The Russian atory, ay the British of fleer, was designed to Impress the Gar man commander in Belgium and north ern France and to keep them In fear of a surprise either In 'the rear Or on the western flank. Jt accomplished lta pur pose, for thl dread was real among th German staff and account to om ex tent for the retreat of General Von Kluck from Pari. To give color to the report. Lord Kitchener 1 said to have caused 100 transports laden with sundry good. to be sent from Scottish port to Archangel, after Insuring them in Holland- And when th British troop were moved fropi varlou point in Scotland and th north of England to channel porta, he ordered the blind of the train to be lowered. o a to arouse popular curiosity and speculation. Bomb Explodes on -Mexican Gdnboat ;j ' . Thirtyre Killed. GALVESTON, Tex.. March l.-Di-patche reached the ' Mexican consulate here today telling of an explosion on board the Mexican gunboat Progreo which resulted in tbe death of thirty per sons, Including five women. The expto-' Ion. according to the flrat report, oc curred yesterday morning while the' gun boat wa at Progreso. It I said that what purported to be a barrel of rice sent on board, wa. in reality a bomb , prepared by person opposed to the Cr ranxa regime. The Mexican consul here ha cabled for further Information. Kant room quirk with a Bee Want Ad. r a aT u TKi Booklet Sent uoon Request Your Sarinp Will Buy Good Securities Our Partial Payment method enable you to purchase high grade, dividend-paying Block aad Bond by making a small Initial dcputit and proportivoaca wuota , ly pUiBi DMdaad ssd lnwrst will 8a cmlliad t yonr auooual (ram 11 rue ut flrat pamaot. Our booklet L i down above, wntch drafriba. our partial paytnanl Basttu, niallad ta ywu upon rrQucat. HlllU. WIStTHBtOr 4 CO. Mraiwra Naw York 8-iock Eitbanaa. II WS Sl. ft. V. Ta efcsry, Clleage boo Opponusllias r a mat I tnvaainra OuiMned In lha curraat taaua ( TaUl Oi0 LOT B4BTXBW. II a rasa-, send tor m- n