Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    THK r.KK: OMAHA. MAIMl 2, l:M.V
X. leley k Sods, general Insurance,
sts Koot Frlnt n -New Bra on Press
nrgees-ftraadsa Co. L'ghting future
are Tour Photo Taksn at your home
by Kltncr .Ml woik guarntcrl. M ode-rate
j.rt. .. rail Walnut VMV
Christy Wanta Divorce Mis
Jfllr.abclh M. Christy Is pliiinttf f In a
dlyorip suit sssinst Jcsso K. Christ), m
H'hlcii Mn sll ucs nonsupport.
AUan la Discharged r.lmrr Allen, :01
C'limrm street, who nilstik the poller
jiatrol n .titnry war rtt harped
vh. ii Airaignrd In polio- court.
"Todays Complete Mo1e PTOgTSXi"
lsssifled wdion today, and appears In
The Pee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out nhal
the varloua moving picture theaters offer.
Betreat for tha Womn A retreat f'r
the women, hy h Jesuit father from the
east, will he held Mann !' at St. lirrvh
rnans' aranYmy, Twenty-seventh Hiid ft.
Mary avenue.
Jolna Commarcial Club Clyde U
Hawkins, has hern elected to sctlve
membership In the Commercial club and
M. Mather has been elected to non-resident
Halaa War Hot Coming Manager
Hyrne of the Orpheum has received word
that the rnca cement of lleln Ware for
that theater has been cancelled, the wire
not stittirifc the reason.
Must Via Bsgular Dump Health
Commissioner it. W. Council announces
that he will arrest persons who dump re
fuse in Kant Omaha at places other than
the prescribed dump nt Eleventh and
Hurrtette streets.
Quickly Located and easily accessible
re two prime reuulsit'-s of a dosirabl
office location. Tenants in The Pee build
Ihr. "the building that is always new,''
find these two conditions of great service,
in huildiim' up their business.
Bom for Colored Women A move
ment is on foot to try to Induce Mis. J.
H. Hush of rcs Moines to come to Omaha
to Inaugurate a work hero Just a she Is
doing in Huiix City to establish a home
. .. . . .... I l . . .1 ......... 11 f .i f villi nl'
nil iiki'ii i ipiii'-ii . .in, ii ..,. ... ...'....ct.
hAmnlimi! i.ilnri.'a
Hoodoo Tail! to Work A. Van Horn,
ftivlng his address ns Fremont, who was
the thirteenth prisoner to appear before
Judge l.ritt Monday morning to refute
the potency of the hoodoo number, was
disiharKed. Van Horn was arraigned on
a charge of vagrancy.
To Lunch Medici The medical men
who will attend the convention of the
Missouri Valley Medical association
Mrrt h .5 to 26, In Omaha, are to bo tlia
guests of the Commercial club at a
luncheon while here. The club has sent
the imitation to the proper officials of
the association.
Ike Hart races Jury Ike Hart Is on
tri-il in lUstriot Judge KiikIIhIi'm court on
li ehargp of manslaughter us a result of
th" shooting of Mack O'Pay at 610 North
Seventeenth street on November V. It is
alleged that Hart called at the house and
became Involved In an altercation with
O'Hay and his wife, after which the
shooting followed.
Hew Use for Baior Corlnne Hender
son, colored, Hcvonth and Webster streets,
asserted John J. Johnson, also colored,
of Oilveston, Tex., slit the heel of her
stocking w ith a razor and extracted there
from one 50-cent piece. Judge Brltt was
at a loss whether to sentence Johnson
for breaking and entering or robbery, so
he compromised by discharging- the pris
Karl William. 201 orth Ninth street,
arrested by Special Officer Deal for the
theft of coal from the railroad yards,
pleadod guilty In police court.
Williams told a pitiful atory of how
his wife, who Is sick In bed, had com
plained of the cold, and not aide to bear
her plea for warmth, he stole the fuel. He
declared -that he had no money and
thought that the little he took would not
be missed-
"It's a hard proposition to send you to
jail, Williams, so I am going to give you
unc more chance. See what you can do
with a ten days' suspended sentence,"
decided Judge Urltt.
CSpe-al. Mr. and Mrs. J. li. Northcutt
to.lav celebrated their riruein weaains
anniversary. They were married In M
Ju-eph March I. IS, the bride being a j
of Judge V. C. Toole, one or,
the leading lawyers of northwest Mis
souri. Mr. Northcutt has led an eventful life,
in curly childhood experiencing all the
hardship of frontier life, his father hav
ing come to Boone county, Missouri, In
where ho built the farst grlat mill in
that part of the state. Mr. Northcutt en
gaped n freighting, making several suc
cessful trips to the west. In 1M the
couple came to this city and engaged in
the grocery business for thirty-five years,
snd still liven at the old home place.
Ho has been quite prominent In demo
cratic circlet", serving several terms as
coun ilman. He Is also prominent in
Masonic circles, rive sons were born to
th-m. four living being present: Ebble
and Wilbur of Portland, Ore.; Harry of
Omaha and Jesse of Sapulpa. Okl. Mr.
Northcutt has one sister, Mrs. F. A. Heal 1
of Borton, and two brothers
Teutoiiia lodge No. 11, Sons of Herman,
held th ir annual anniversary banquet at nan .-aiuruH- "- " "
hall Saturday night. The principal
address was delivered ny i-r. wei
of Lincoln.
Joe L. Stewart of Orals. Mo., snd Mian
Maw Ruddy of LeMars. la., were married
here Saturday night. They will make
. i - rit
tner nome a "' nwnn,.
El la Catlett and Miss Nettie Townwnd ,
of Hamburg. Ia., accompanied by a num
ber of friends, came here Saturday night
and were married. Thev will reside on a
farm owned by the groom near Hani
burg. oles froan York.
YORK. Neb.. March l.-( Special.) Hunt
ers tay there never was so many wild
d icks in the ponds as at this time. As
the season is closed about all the hunter
can do is to figure out how many ducks
he could kill at one shot If he dared to
shoot Into a cover
Tomorrow evening William Hirth of
Columbia, Mo., president of the Missouri
Federstion of Commercial Clubs, will
speak to the business men of this city.
The body of C. W. Kirk, found dead
in the room at the hotel in Nebraska
City, arrived from that city yestetday.
His father, mother and brother are resl
di nt of this city. The funeral services
were held this afternoon.
Keep It llaadr for Hbreamallsaa.
I'op t suffer and try to wear out your
rheumatism. Sloan's Liniment goes right
to the spot, kills the pain. c. All drug
gints. Atlvertisemen'
Many Letter, of Protest Come
Adjutant General Over Pro
posed Cut.
i From a Staff Correspondent t
LINCOLN. March 1 -i Special.!-With
the Nebraska National t.uard fining dis
solut'on. as is t ie opinion of many, in
view of the threatened SO per cent reduc
tion of Its funds by the legislature. Ad
.Ititant (icneral Hall is being flooded with
letters from over the state, the writers
voicing every sentiment from surprise to
indignant protest.
Some l,Mlrn Hfi'fhfd.
O. K. Arterhurn, a St. 1'aul banUrr. Is
rurioi s to know whv. at this time, when
h.ilf the civilised world Is at war and
when President Wilson Is espousing a
citizen soldier? , sin h a backward step
should be even considered.
lMward P. Hner, an lnurnnee man at
Stanton. Informs the adjutant general
that he has a son who has been asked
lo Join the Nebraska guard. He wants to
know If It Is going to be worth while and
wants to know what the efficiency of
the suard will be.
Offlrere ttnrmeri.
Officers and members of the guard, of
course, are writing in to headquarters by
tho score, naturally deploring and en
pressing alarm at the proposed rut In the
In an interview Major Earl Sterrlcker
of the Omaha battalion passes the buck
to the governor and says that If the rhlef
executive does not come to the rescue
of the guard it means dissolution.
There are many who write simply ask
Ing Information and inquiring as to the
general status.
Arthur County Files
Appeal iu Court
fFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 1 (Special.) Arthur
county, the most recently organized of
the state's local governmental units, has
carried Its fight with Garden county for
the contested three-mile strip lying be
tween the two to the supreme court, hav
ing filed Its appeal today.
Judge Hobart of the lower court held
against Arthur county and in favor of
Garden In a suit brought by County At
torney Halligan of the former to oust the
officials of tho latter county from the
Jurisdiction they had assumed over tho
disputed territory.
Jury Is Secured in
O'Connor Will Case
HASTINGS, Neb., March l.-(Speelal
Telegram.) A Jury was secured today
to try tho appeal in the John O'Connor
wlll case. One witness wss railed tW
afternoon, w ho Identified the signature on
the will favoring John T. Culavln of
Omaha as that of O'Connor. The trial
may last a week. Judge Duncan today
overruled the motion of the state to In
tervene. Aged War Veteran
Is Struck by Train
BEATRICE. Neb.. March !. (Special
Telegram ) Samuel Bangs, aged 70 years,
a farmer living a mile west of Rockford,
this county, was struck and killed this
afternoon at 2 o'clock by eastbound
Burlington passenger train No. 98 In
charge of Engineer Pennington. His
skull was crushed and both arms broken.
He vu taken to Crab Ore hard for treat
ment, but died at S o'clock.
Mr. Bangs had started to walk to town
and had gone but a short distance when
the train struck him. The accident oc
curred at a sharp curve. Mr. Bangs was
a civil war veteran and leaves a widow
and three children.
This and Five Cents.
Don't miss this. Cut out this alio .
ciose it cents to Foley 4 Co., Chicago,
w ' 1 ,CH' Ch,, ''
"P "" clearly.
.Ji '.J""""" p,t-
--.....,..,B roiey s iioney and Tar
Compound for coughs, colds and croup
Foley Kidney Pills for pain In sides and
back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and
bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic
Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly
cleansing cathartic, especially comforting;
to stout persons. Sold everywhere.-Ad-vertlsement.
K BARNEY, Neb.. March 1 -(Special
Telegrsm.) A special session of the coro-
ers Jury, sitting In the hearing, of the
testimony in the death of Conductor
Akeyson and Loadmaster Johnson, who
wero killed when a mall crane test was
being made near Gothenburg two weeks
ago, was called Saturday night. The Jury
in its verdict failed to place any respon
sibility on any corporation or individual
for the death of the two men.
Akeyson and Roadmaster
Johnson were standing In the mail car
when the crane gave way during a high
speed test, and the two men were klllenl
when struck by portions of the crsne
which were hurled Into the car. Union
Pacific officials were present at the hear-
Colds, Headaches, Sour Stomach?
Regulate Your Bowels 10 Cents
Tou men snd women who get a cold
easily who have headache, coated tongue,
loul taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't
sleep, are nervous and upset, bothered
with a sick, gassy stomach.
Are you keeping your bowels clean with
C'ascarets or merely dosing yourself
every few davs with salts, pills, castor
oil and other harh irritants? Csacarets
Immediately cleanse and sweeten the
V. I vBmmJ!0 ct"T
House Committee
Said to Be Against
Annexation Bill
i from a Staff Correspondent
LINCOLN. March 1. tSpe. isl Tele
gram V-The iniiimillfc on cities sn
tnn in the house w IM probably report
out the Omaha annexation bill for indefi
nite i-sttonement tomorrow night. A
'poll of the committee. It Is understood,
'shows Snder. Nelson. Hutton. Laltounty.
. l.roome. Smith and Hsrrrtt against the
hill anil Hl.hinond. Hruesedow,
and Kcutcr for it
Nebraska in Movies
At the Exposition
l From a Staff Correspondent
I LINCOLN. March V -Thoueh
the legislature at the last session refused
to appropriate funds for a building at the
I'annnia-l'aclflc exposition in which to
show motion pictures of Nebraska and it
Industries and the people did not take
enough interest to subscribe funds, yet a
portion of these pictures will be shown
anway, for the Nebraska Conservation
and Public Welfare commission has made
arrangements to furnish l.ono feet of film
to the government to Illustrate the Path
finder dam and during the time at stated
Intervals the government building will le
used to show films of the live stock, agri
cultural and fruit productions of the stale.
WRF.P1NO WATER. Neb. March 1 -(Special.)
L. P. Swltxer died suddenly at
his home In. Park Place, this city. Satur
day night. !eath was from diabetes,
from which he had suffered for many
years, but this attack was of onlv two
days' duration. Mr. Swltxer was well
known throughout tho county, having
served as county commissioner for two
terms ending with the year 1PU. He
farmed for over thirty years on his plane
southeast of town and retired last fall
to take up residence In town. Resides
the widow Mr. Swltier Is survived by
four sons and one daughter. Two of the
sons, Wayne and Iran. are on a ranch
at Verona, Wyn.; the eldest son. Dan. Is
farming the home place and the youngest,
Clark, Is st home. The daughter. Miss
Leone, Is teaching music at Guide Rock,
Neb. The funeral will be Tuesday after
noon at 2 o'clock.
(From a Staff Corespondent.)
LINCOLN. March 1. (Special. )-John
I. Cutrlght. the Lincoln boy who left
the consular service recently following an
Incident In w hleh the wrath of the English
was excited by certain pro-German utter
ances of his. was admitted to practice at
the Nebraska bar today in the supreme
Mr. Cutrlght was forced to leave for
his diplomatic post early last June before
he was able to be admitted with the
other members of the 1914 graduating
clsss of the law college of the University
of Nebraska.
Ifotrm from West Polat.
WEST POINT, Neb.. March I. (Spe
cial.) The marriage of Arthur Wleland
and Miss Hellene Von Seggern was sol
emnized by County Judge Dewsld on
Thursday. They will reside on a farm
near this city.
The body of J. S. Yearlck, a former
pioneer resident of Cuming county, was
brought to the city for Interment on Sat
urday. Mr. Yearlck died In Denver, Colo.,
where he removed from this county some
years ago. He was an early settler of
this vicinity, coming here from Pennsyl
vsnla in the early '70s. Mr. Yearlck leave
two sons, George and Frank, and several
young daughters.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Magdanz, northwest of this city, the mar
riage of their only daughter. Miss Rosa,
to John Jurgensen, a young farmer of
the vicinity, occurred Saturday. The at
tendants were Misses Emma and Sophia
Jurgensen and Adolph and Anton Mag
danz, brothers of the bride.
Jonas Blrky and Miss Lizzie Sehantz
were united In marriage on Thursday at
the farm home of the bride's parents. Mr.
snd Mrs. Joseph Sehantz. Rev. J. D.
Blrky, father of the groom, performes
the wedding ceremony.
(iet Rid nt Mngerln ( olds, Coafths
and l.a i.rlpae.
Spring finds many afflicted with linger
ing, hacking coughs that weaken the sys
tem, musn and wet cause more colds
than zero weather. Croup, bronchitis and
pneumonia are prevalent. Every family
shouid have a safe and reliable cough
medicine ready for use. Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound contains no harmful
Ingredients. It eases a cough, checks a
cold and relieves Inflamed and congested
membranes It clears the air passages and
soothes inflammation, bold everywhere.
Table Bock Boy Aerldratellr Killed
TABLE ROCK. Neb., March 1 (Bpe-
rial.) Lynn Penn, the l.Vyear-old son of
Wllber Penn, living several miles south
east of here, in the IiuBols vicinity, wai
ni: lot-uiaiiy seoi una Killed while en
deavoring to crawl up on a bunch of
ducks In a pond and leading a mule as a
blind. Funersl services were held at the
home and the Interment was in the Ath-
stoma' h, remove the sour undigested snd
fermenting food snd foul gases; take the
excess bile from the liver and carry off
the constipated waste matter and poison
from the bowels.
A Csscaret tonight strslghtens you out
by mornlng-a 1o-cnt box keeps your
head clear, stomach sweet, liver and
bowels regular and you feel bully for
months. Ion t forget the children.
ens cemetery. Theic serenis to lo a
strange fatality wid this family in re
gard to flresims The father ef hi
ung man some yeats sin. e lost a hit no I
from the accidental discharge o; a shot
gun and a younscr brother iss ..'lot about
a month since through the arm. the hall
lodging in his side
Rattle reek He feat. I'llarr.
ni.OVK, Neb, March 1 .-tSpcnal 1 1
debate between the Haltle Creek and I'll
ger lllfch si hoois wa held at the I'llir. r
opera house Samrdav c i ning snd was1
won by Rattle Creek. Ptlger had the af-
flvmatle and was represented by Alice (
Tift, Raymond Kills and !cll Hawkins I
Battle Creek was lepresenled bv I arl
t'lcdrlch. Brian Flood and Mis lltelle. J
Ka.'h sivaker was allowed ten minutes I
and four minutes in rebuttal. The Judges
were Prof. K.aton. superintendent oi
schools n VMsnei . Prof. Softly of tin
Fremont Normal, and Prof. Hagey. stu
dent teacher In the Fremont Norma!
Each of the Pilger speaker Is but hi
years of age and some had nexer taken
part In a debate before The showing
they made la n compliment (o them and
their Inslrui tors.
Greek Notables
Arrested iu Sofia
PARIS, March I. -The Itaxa agency
has given out a dispatch from It Athens
correspondent, who ns tluil informa
tion has reached there from Sofia to the
effect that the police of the Bulgarian
capital have arrested a niimbei of tiieek
notables, charged with complicity in the
explosion of a bomb the night of January
15 In the local casino during n ball st
tended by the exclusive society ef the
city. This at resulted In the killing ef
two persons.
Among the Orecfca arrested was Chrlsln
Manos, who Inter died In prison. The po
lice of Soda refused to turn the body of
Manos over to the Urcck legation. It
was Interred In Sofia by tiieek priests.
Girls, Avoid Yellow
Spots on the Teeth
John Isnt It a pittv Stella has such
horrid tooth. W hat i.gly yellow tooth she
shows when she smiles, with that h orrld
gold front!"
Now. aa a mutter of fait, holes Iu the
teeth and yellow- teeth are usually i mixed
by pure riirelessnens When tl 1....11, 1,.,.
gin to turn ellow, blacken Inside, little
sputa appear, w hen then, la grit anil tartar
between the teeth anil giima. when teeth
are Bore and begin to serrate, when thev
ar loose In their sockets and wobble
shout, rock to and fro bv the tongue,
one can overcome t'ese condition iimtc
easily. According to a tierman scientist,
all vnii need to do Is to get from your
druggist about four ounces of fluid organ
fyou won't need morel, and use morning,
noon and night, merely holding a toa
spoonful In the mouth a mlmile or so. The
infestmenls and microbes will be washed
out, the enamel cleansed of the dlrtv yel
low eoatlng. and Tour own white eivimel
appear. The sensitiveness to heat and
cold, to sweets and tobacco, will no longer
be noticed. Your teeth will be firm and
strong again, all the mouth, tongue, upper
palate and tenth will be clean, the disease
condition disappear, and you save yourself
a bill for store teeth. Advertisement.
1413-1415 Harney St., OMAHA, NEB. Phone Douglas
Read the Story in The Omaha Daily Bee
Store Hours
Burgess-Nash Gompaot.
Miiiiil.-n, March I, IWI.V
Wonderful Values Offered in WASH GOODS
for Tuesday in the Eco nomy Basement
Especially interesting to Women Who Sow
K V I N't J w,',k brings fotwntd
tho quality Is tho best. Our
offer for this ltd of desirable wash
offered for Tuesday.
:!. Molro Suit inc.,
iB-zag woven inoiro suitings. ;:i;
wide, pla'n desirable shades, highest cost
of n'l tho tnoire cotton suitings. Instead
of "fn', Hrwtnt rrk sale in ice. vtird. . . .
I.ortcx Suitinus nt 7 '
l.orlrx Hrdfonl suitings, Hiirton's
i loth, l.otlrx worti stripes, pluue
that would yhnloHHlo as high 1
lane) frrprs, H'tr
Kicp cloths, ratines, etr., an al
most endless Htlety of desirable
spring wash goods, at, O 1
Hrd 05C
Join the New Era
Sewing Machine
Club Tuesday
.loin this tilth at oneo Pay
1'lxe ( nils mid you limy select
the finest style of the finest
iiuichlne ever made, retc'ilnt-ly
lis(,vl nt ftin.OO, for f:tlMHi,
nml pnyliiK or more e'h eek
than I he previous week's pay
ment, soon niako It your for
Nothing like this; ever con
ceived before.
Don't Wait
COPYHIOMT, 1 1 1 4.
Bnrgess-aTash Co. Third floor.
ByGeoge Randolph Chester
and Lillian Chest of"
TODAY - oSa?0-
FARNAM THEATER, 15th and Firnam
Kegnlarly Svery Tassday
Xn Addition to Oar Keguler Vrogrem.
Council Bluffs,
Every Thursday.
Episode No. 7, Next.
VENEZIA THEATER, 1211 So. 13th
GRAND THEATER, 16th and Binney,
Every Tuesday. TAn . v
Episode No. 6 TODAY
i r iil i rr ,rT"vvfcsJvyarwsfivvsxi
Every Wednesday.
Starts No. 4, March 3.
- 8:30 A. M. to 6 F. M. Saturday
the host and bv far the hicsest wasb
Inner fnutui a large manufacturer
goods and ns
io houchl we offer
brocaded new
materials rj I
Medium weight,
yd. aC
Hear Mills Mfg.
t.V l.alatra ( loth, Nr
York (iolden C.ilalcn clot It In
stripes and checks for making.
children's clothing: regu
liT 1 ,rr value, yard ....
,T hesecret iSjtoknow how.
are the latest word in Fashions.
Jfk-t l4
Mn.'t 9R
Pnl-m AMI
.Skirt I4
It rants fm Mrk of
Select your
today, absolutely the beet pattern mede in America.
onlylO cents extra when purchased with one I) cent pattern.
4PRIL STYLES now ready.
argess-sTash Co. Main Floor
Burgess-Nash Co. Everybody's Store 16th
2319 Vinton Street.
Every Sunday,
Starts Episode No. 1, March 7.
South Omaha,
Every Friday.
Episode No. 7, Next.
St., Every Friday, Episode No.
CLIFTON THEATER, 45th and Burdette,
Every Friday.
Episode No. 6, Next.
14th and Douglas, Omaha,
Every Tuesday.
Episode No. 3, Today.
iasasaaassaaaass.sjisaisaisi m m m
Till 9 P. M.
Phone Oniifflna 187.
n,,lih..i.. r" i i
mum tho., .min. . -
.von. .hist as an Idea of the values
New Cnlnlea I'loth, t r. 1.V
New f.mrj striped and checked gslatea cloth, also
plain colors for making, hoys and girls' i t"
Olhcr Twist suit. Tuesday, yard lijC
12'tc While .V
white plipie, made ij the
o retail at 12r. vard.
1'sra-f lawns :jc
Hatlste, rrepes. Hat.lne suitings,
etc., waist and dress Q 1
lengths. ard OljC
Co. Vaaemsnt.
tk sttov item
styles from
and Harney,
r 1
3, Next.
- - -rv-riri nj-LTLnxUT-TUXfUl.
Cnsnim l VI Wmi site