Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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thk hkk: omaila. Tuesday, mahcti 2, 1015.
Houie Adopts Plan to Permit Voters
to Reject Any Man Elevated to
Pnblic Poiition.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 1. (8pecUl.)
RepresentAtive Palmer of Douglaa
county ran up against reptiment too
strong for him this morning in the
house when he" mad a' motion to
exempt Che Judlclarf fro toy the pro
vision! of the recall bill then under
discussion. He falled-to get a second
and the bill went through 'Jn its orig
inal form. - ,T.
The Norton recall bill provides for the
recall ef m-a-nbers of the legislature with
s.11 other officers, 'but provides that they
cannM ho recalled urit II after thoy have
served alx morrthi. As a member of the
legislature serves only three montha as
far a his duties as a legislator are Con
cerned, the recall will not "need to worry
him very tmtch;'
The recall also applies, to -officers who
may be appointed as well as eounty and
municipal of freer.--
IVwrtes. Eiplalaa Btll.
Mr. Norton spoke briefly In support of
the Mil, naming the states which already
have adopted the recall, aa follows:
Arisona, Arkansas, California. Colorado,
Idaho, Kansas. Louisiana. Michigan. Ne
vada, North ekota, Ohio Oregon and
Washington. , .
In all of these except Louisiana ' Mr
Norton said that-, he understood . the re
rail awXles to Judges th. same as othr
Under the Norton amendment, not only
state offloera and . supreme Judges, but
also all county, municipal, school district,
township and precinct officers, district
court Judges and 'members of the legis
lature will be subject to the recall. A SB
per cent petition Is required.
Mast Serve 1a Mentha.
No office- can be recalled until he haa
served alx months of his term. An officer
against whom recall proceedings may be
started la given five days to resign, be
fore any sups are taken toward holding
n election. Jf he fulls to resign a special
election aliall be called wtlhln twenty
days. Where an officer la recalled (the
vote being on that question alone) his
place shall 'be filled In the manner pro
vided by law for filling vacaucles.
Automobile Toll
'Road to Lincoln
. . Is in. Prospect
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) An automobile toll road Is the
scheme informally adopted by the county
'eommltwloner of 'Lancaster today, the
proposition being outlined to them by W.
H. Finney of this city. CommlsHloner
Dennett at once agreed to eubsorlbe fl.ono
to the road, which, It Is said, will cost
about IlSS.OOO. ' .The' road would consist
of two cement wheel' tracks eighteen
Inch wide beginning a the cad of the
pavement at Ilavelock and extending to
the paving at Millard. At the top of each
hill wVl be provided a turnout for passing
Stock for the iamc. It la geld, eoulJ
easily be sold to. fsrmers and aulolsts
uelng the road and a .charge of ,60 cents
would be made per machine for the en
tire fllstaaca. - '
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
JJNCOUN.'Merch .-Hpeclal Trlegram.)
-Bepreeentatlve Dalbey'a two bills de
signed to assist tn stamping out the
cocklebunr nuisance' In Nubreak received
the sanction, 'rot ths house In committee
of the whole today and were advanced to
third reading.
The committee- of the whole recom
mended for passaga the Hoagland btll,
senate file No. U, which define aa bur
glary the breaking of a cash boa in a
telephone booth. '
House roll No. 2fi. by Bates, providing
that no municipal queatlcn Shall be aub-
en dam more than once during the same
ear. was sent to third reading.
Representative Ralsner this morning
pent tip -a -reolttlort asking that 'a cm
mlttee be appointed to represent -the
house at the ranama-Psclfto exposition
thla summer. The committee will consist
of three. Under the rules ths resolution
went over for two daye unless Lanigan
calls It up." ' ' ' ' - '''".
PIECftK, Y Tr. March 1. (Special Tel
egram Vtat Secretary Itood today ap
pointed Oeorge T. Payr. a clerk In tho
department. . ta assistant secretary of
state, to fill the vacancy eeuaed by tha
resignation of John T. Nelson. -
Bills I'asae fcy ts eeae.
11. K. S'M. bv Nichols of Madison Ap
prprttes tt'i for tne purchase of addi
tional land for tli Norfolk asylum;
mr-pency.. Aye. 24; hsys, none; ab
sent, s. ,
H R. !. by nut County Delegation
Appropriate H,.xU for the purchase of
additional land for the' Meat ro institute
for the fi-eU&-riinilxt. jruK-rgeu y. A) on,
i4; aava. tiflne,; eta-at. ' .
H. It. (rV, tv 1-lna.ruje OOmm It lo Ap
propriate t.L as deficiency for stats
(rmtiiutlons; tsama amount revert back
Into treasury from oilx-r funds that
t-ould not be uced; emergency. Ayes, M.
nays, aone, auseiit. a
HeaBaaeaae4 fa.Paa. by Srt
rsaatMre Ike Whale.
B. f. ;J, tiy Po'Ve of Oouglas Pro
vules that hfe rrtsiwrs f)all tie ellgilite
for alior t-u y-rs.
It. H.' , t-y i'na An smerldsneat pro-ma-d
t the stula surveyor rriallna to
ttte riUli um-iiI of coiwmou corners for
cj'jaru-r eettujo. .
it. lii .', by Kelsner of Ttioresa Pro
vide a rmaiss for transferring ttia prut
trijr of i-r,UTt''tS. wbea hry Ceasa
t HI' t.
li. It'. ?J. by 'Howell of Ikmrln Ex
tend Omaha pole e I-mlolis (o luws of
uc.a"4 orti'-.-ra.
il. ii. t'V Nli hoi of Uadiaun-In-
ri' t a tui, ijnom 6f fularie of ocaineil.
m-ii l.i cuit-e of from ;.Om to lt,0uO pupu-v
Int.uu txuu U' IXitfi.. , . 1 .. , ,
Investor - witri luonej read the Heal
t'-Utt- ads' In The Bee. Advertise your
u".-riy fur Qukk sal.
(Continued from Fage One.)
the legislature waa offered by Mr. Mock
ett, which Is rrobably the first step of
the minority to throw a few pieces of
glasa In the path, of the democratic auto
mobile. . , , '' j '
When the- Ianlgan resolution-. , was
brought before the house. '. Nichols of
Madison knowing that five minutes for
each snesker waa Insufflcont time to
present adequate argument, turned hl.j
talk Into a humorous discussion of the
resolution and the meaning of the word
"amenable," which he said according to
Wehnter meant to "drive aa cattle"' and
therefore the railway commission shoul
be driven as cattle by the attorney gen
eral. Attack Casamlsslaa.
Lanigan attempted to show that the
railway commission waa working politics
and that a evidence of that they had
not consulted the new democratic attor
ney general. "The railway commission
Is Imbued by old republican hatred,'" said
Morkett ssked that a letter prepared
' " " "-n'mlKpInn covering - the work
of the commission might be read, but
j ..,-n mm 'i rumble Insisted that tha
time 1i taken out of Mockctt's five min
utes. " . . :
Mockett Informed the members that It
would take mora than five minutes to
read the letter and It would not be fair
to take his time.
A motion, waa made that the letter be
read by the clerk and carried.
People, Wise A ay way .
Mockett In the short t'ms given him
lambasted the democrats, mWg that a
republican legislature bad been respon
sible for the paaaage of the railway m
m (anion art, the people had sanctioned
it ami had had sense enough to keep
denim rata off , of It since Its existence.
He denlnd that tha railway commission
was compelled to call on the attorney
general union they wanted to.
Mr. Trumble read a section of the atat
utea which declared that It was the duty
of the attorney general to aipear In all
sulfa In which the state waa Interested,
but Cronln read from tha constitution
and also from the act creating the com
mission showing-that the railway com
mission did not have to call upon the
attorney general unless In Its Judgment
It waa deemed necessary. He thought It
small politics to put In a resolution of
the Lanigan nature. '
Iloffmrlater "Masi ' Up.
Hoffmnlster, a democrat, ' who at times
show very pronounced views "agin the
government," scored the commission un
mercifully. He thought they were ut
terly unfit to draw down a salary for
the work they were doing.
Relshlck was also "agin' " th commis
sion because. It waa not doing, In his esti
mation, what It ought to do and doing
many things he thought It ought not to
do. It had bought mileage book out of
It physical valuation appropriation when
there was no provision for such an action.
Mr. Reel Scored. ,
( ReUner' went after the democratic at
torney general hard. He wanted to know
What he waa doing all this time. . "I have
been to. his off Ire half a: dosea time's
since I have been here and never can find
him," said he, "and I have been told that
he Is conducting his law practice up home
Instead of giving his time to the 'state. !
If he waa tha caliber of an attorney which j
tha railway commission desired to con
duct Us legal business I feel sura that
they would hire him, but they want good
lawyers down there, and so they left him
out." ' ' ; .
' .. Wkat Abaat Halleaf
Mockett Just before adjournment sent
up a resolution in which he called at
tention to charges made that Arthur
Mullen of -Omaha 'had ben lobbying
around the legislature . and that tha
record of the secretary of state's office
showed that he waa not registered. .
Tha resolution cited that Mullen at on
time had .beeu attorney general of the
state, but since that time It was reported
that, he had served for seme harvester
company at a big salary. He wanted the
matter investigated and moved that
committee, of five be appointed to Investi
gate the rumors. Ths resolution went
over one day under the rules.
LONDON. March t A wlreles dispatch
received from Berlin contains the Interest
ing statement that large numbers of tho
Herman soldiers In last Prussia were put
eut of the fighting through heavy march
ing. Th communication refers to a state-,
ment attributed to the German ambassa
dor at Rome, to th effect that the Ger
man lossea In East Prussia were loo.ono,
and na a:
"Our losses are less (nan a sixth of this
number and , consist chief! of patients
suffering from the effects of marching.
The battle was won mainly by qulckneee
Test Tears Misery Eaded.
J. T. Chambers.' merchant, Jontsboro,
Ark., write: "Foley Kidney Pill curad
me of a ten-year atandlng case of rheu
matism. I suffered miserably. A friend
told nie of being cured; so I used them,
and they cured me, too." Most middle
aged men and women are glad to learn
that Foley Kidney Pills afford a way to
escape sleep disturbing bladder weakness,
bacheche. rheumatism, pufflness under
eyes, stiff aud swollen Joints and other
Ills attributed to kidney troubles. Sold
everywhere.' Advertisement.
' Kir. A, Ttsasaercaaak
EDOAR, Neb., March 1. -(Special -Mrs.
A Ttmmertnan died at her home In Edgar
yesterday about ' noon, aged 70, of
nephrites, after nearly two weeks', sick
ness. 8h waa the mother of fourteen
children, thirteen of whom 'are living.
The funeral service will be held Tuesday
at I S p. m. at the Methodist Fls opal
church. Ilev. W. W. Hull officiating. In
terment will be In the Edgar cemetery. -
- Fvaak T. Bailee.
LONDON. Msrch 1-Frank T. Bullen.
the English author and lecturer, died to
day at Madeira. He wa bast known aa
a writer of are stortsa Ha waa born In
Var rssgk mm Ce-M.
Bell PlnerTar-Honey go right te th
lot, checks Jth cough, sasea the tHsoat,
kills ths cold germ. Only SttwAevertls
nwnt. Department OrSers.
WASHINGTON, Match l.-i(8pe lal Tel-
esram.i j, i.raKa pensions granted Ann
ftlullken. htratton. Hi, this J. Da via.
Ilarsard, IU; Malinda. A. tddard. Au
burn, lt-y H. Itortls. lilenMlls, $12.
On the recommendation of lmocratlo
Cuinnutteeinan Wad. Dr. W. liaker
has been appointed pension ureou at
ladunola, la.
All Testimony Completed Monday
and Argument! Will Begin
Thii Morning-
Testimony In the trial of Thomas It.
MRtters. charged with aiding President
Luebhcn of the failed First Nntlonal bank
of Putton In operations vlolstlng nstlonal
banking lswsj was completed yenterday
afternoon Junt as o'clock struck.
Ju'lge- Youmans had promlned an even
ing aeneloT! It testimony should not be
Argument will begin at o'clork thle
mornlnr and the Jury will hsve the case
late this afternoon.
The caae has been on trial precisely
three weeks, this too in spite of the fact
that Judge Toumans has pushed It with
court sessions lasting sometime aa long
as from 8:30 a. tn. to . p. m. with enty
an hour and a half noon Intermission. '
The recorda cover upward of t.'W type
written pages of twenty-eight lines each
or 'nearly 75.000 lines.
Thomas It. Mstters, the defendant,
completed nearly three days on the stand
yesterday at D:9ff o'clock. Then three
other attorney were put on In rapid
succession. They were Judge Ben 8.
Taker, A. VT. Jerferls and Thomas If.
Matters, Jr. Tho first two mentioned
were Matters' attorneys, up to the time
of his Indictment by the grand Jury.
' Woald R'rnmmud I'nrdua.
All three of these witnesses testified
that President l.ueliben of the failed
bank said to them In Lincoln that he
wiia going to plead guilty before the
grand Jury and that the government was
going to recommend his pardon.
They also testified that Ijucbben stated
at another time substantially this:
"Whatever la wrong with the bank, I
am to blsme and Mr. Matters Is not to
blame." ,
I.ucbbcn waa recalled , to the witness
stand. United Rtatea Attorney. Howell
asked hm whether any Immunity bad
been promised him by tho government or
by any one else. Mr. Iuebben answered
In the negative.
Trying to keep hold on his nervous
strength, drained by a trial . of throe
week and twp and a half 2ays on trie
witness etand, Thorns H. Matter was
a , "difficult" witnes under , cross-examination
by United Htate Attorney.
Howell In the morning. .
Rebelled by Judse. I
t Matters' propensity for amplifying his
answers or Riving Indirect answers
brought several rebukes from Judge You
mana. , i . .
Only once did the witness lose control
of himself. This was at the culmination
of long questioning regarding the 14,000
p n ii ii
Hsin Office and
al to
316, 3d
Goal, All Sizes,
Suite 316 Omaha National Bank Building, 3d Floor
Announcement' of Permanent Location RETAIL
DEPARTMENT Later. Watch for It
rerr certificates. Sliaklng his finger and
with m break In Ms voice, he exclaimed:
"I took my boy's property, my own
son's property thst I had given him aa a
wedding gift and I paid off $11,000 of these
certificates. It Is hard for me to sit her
and tell of using the property of mem
bers of myi family and then to be mis
understood." Take 1 P Disrated Items.
The morning wss spent chiefly In tak
ing up the disputed Items, consisting Of
money which Mattrra claims he paid to
the now defunct bank and or which he
wa net given credit.
Senators Vote
To Endorse Ship
Purchase Bill
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 1. -(Special Tele
rram.) While the housa waa havlna a
I scrap over the Lanigan resolution the
prnate caught the fever this afternoon snd
pulled off a little row of Its own. AVltlv
nothing better to quarrel over, the senate
put up the ship purchase resolution, house
roll No. 154, and by a vote of 13 to 11
agreed not to concur In the recommenda
tion of the committee ifi postpone In
definitely. The vote wss a strict party
vote, the republicans voting against the
bill and the democrat for It.
Howell of Douglaa, who was sponsor
for the Hitchcock resolution earlier In
the session, took the opposite view of the
senator on the ship purchase and said
that congresa ought to uphold the hands
of the president by passing the bill.
Republicans took the opposite view and
Sandall particularly scored the resolution
ss not being pertinent at this time when
the ship purchase hill was dead and no
body, not even the president, had any
Idea If It ever came up again what form
It would have.
Wrong Committee Has
Light Bill, Declares
:. Dniesedow in House
(From a Btaff. Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 1. (Ppeclat) The
house got Into a aqttabble today 'when
Drueeedow moved ' that '8. JV NO. '," the
Paunriera Water board' hill from Omaha,
be taken from the committee on" tele
phones and telegraph and' given to the
committee on cltlea and towns.
liruesedow explained that he could not
trust the chairman of the committee on
telephones and telegraph (Trumble) and
he wanted It. to go .where It would re-
rrlve honest consideration.
Trumble got hot and demanded 'to
know what TJrucsedow meant to .Imply,
und the two .wrangl"d until someone
called for tho speaker to put the. inOtton.
It lost , by a tlo vote, the speaker re
fusing to break the tie. ' .
onciircji 'iiRimnaviKfiirni
innnn t
All Dcparlnenls. Retail
niatio IJatl.
floor; East End
Take the elevator. Come right in.
We were ready for "Business as.UsuaP
early Monday morning,' March 1.
No change in telephone, same num
ber. Please call Douglas 429 for de
partment or party wanted.
Our popular Delivery Service is, at
your disposal. Everything in the fuel
and building line ready for prompt
delivery, no delays, no excuses.
for "Torrid" Franklin County
SG.50 Per "Hull" Ten, 2001 Pounds
, ra. mil
(Continued from Page One.)
Hindeburg. won when ha threw them back
stubborn struggle continues on th line
from the Bobr to the Nsrew, where Grand
Luke Nicholas has yet to establish his
Vlenns reports a violent engagement
In Bukowlna .without saying anything
about . the outcome, . while PetrogTad
claims to have checked the Austro-Ger-man
advance In this region.
In' the west. Interest centering on the
fighting ln the' Champagne region, where
fierce attacks and counter ' attack have
marked "the operation of the last week.
Berlin claim! to have repulsed the con
tinued French advances In this region,
while Paris asserta the French troops
have been auccesaful In making progress
and repulsing the German counter at
tacks. Paris claims also the' capture of
2.000 yards of trenches to the northwest
or north of Beausejour.
Aifsltk ( Make Statement.'
Practically all discussion of the diplo
matic situation has .been suspended In
the expectation of tho 'statement ' that
Premier Asqulth is to make In Parliament
this afternoon on the steps which the
allies probably wlU take to meet the
menace of the German submarine block
ade. In the meantime, no progress has
been, made In the case of the American
steamer Wilhelmlna, which may become
a mere formality If a general blockade of
Germany la proclaimed;
President May '
Abandon Trip West
WASHINGTON, March 1. President
Wilson told callers today tho European
situation was demanding so much of his
attention that he wa'' doubtful If he
would be able to leave Washington this
spring,' even possibly to. make his pro
posed visit to the 6a a Francisco exposi
tion, .
"I am 'tied here by the legs," was tht
way his callers said, the ..president ex
pressed the situation.
Republicans Block
Shipping Measure
WASHINGTON, March 1. House repub
licans filibustered the administration ship
bill off the program for today , at least.
and probably for tha remaining three days
of the session. When the bill appeared
in the form of a conference report the
republicans blocked It , ao successfully
that administration leaders . abandoned
their plans of pitting It through' today.
Rent room quick with a Bee Want Ad.
and Viholesalo
ianEi ll
Urn Oorridor
They Came This Morning
More than 50 neiv styles of
Spring Suits, direct from
New York City.
Our buyer Mr. Nicoll, vrho is spending tho season
;n Kew York, keeps a constant '-tv-ntt-h on Fifth
" Avenue "the Fashion Street of America", and
oniy.lwojdnys after "appearing 'in the most ex
clusive shops of the metropolis, Omaha is privi
leged'to see these styles on display in the apparel
section of this store.
Smts from $19.50 to $85,
very attractive values at
$24.50, $28.75 and $35.00
Dresses and Coats
for Spring Wear
The March Sale of Dress
Goods at Half Price Less
Half price or less lias never before meant so much
as it does right now, because this sale brings dress goods
of the finest quality ever made to sell at full prices, but
when you consider half price and less than half price,
the offer is truly exceptional.
See the goods displayed in our Sixteenth street win
dow. Come in and get samples.
an nnsT
Per Ton wa h.
All sises
Tbe Coal for Brery Purpose
Domestic .
McCaffrey Bros. Co.
iT.nirm Mony.
'Par Ton
se Tsars In Omaha. "
In His Ksw x,ooation, sal-88 Wooa
man. of tn World Bids;. J
A suit of eight rooms.tne lines t end
, most complete dental offices In the
Bvery up-to-dste . an painless
method known. Consider oup reputa
tion, experience, prices and our new
equipment and you will agree that we
have reached the highest point In
modern dental efficiency.
We Invite Inspection of our new
quarters. '
For Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble
50 Cent Bottlo (32 Doses)
Just because yoti start the day worried 1
and tired, stilt legs ana arms ana -mua-.
cles, an aching head, burning and bearing
down i-aln In the back worn out befoio
the day begins, do not think you have
to stay In tuat condition.
Thoae ufferer who are In and out 01
bed half a dozen times at night will ap
preciate th rest, comfort and strength
.hi. iruimtnt nives. For any form of
! bladder trouble or weakness, its action is
oiiv wAtidsrful.
Be strong, well and vlgorou. with no
more j.alns from stiff joints, sore mus
cles, rheumatic auffertng, aching back,
or kldnev or bladder trouble.
To prove Tbe Wllitama Treatment con
uuera kidney and bladder diseases, rheu
matism and all urio acid troubles, no
.n has chronic or stubborn, if you
have never used The William Treatment, 1
11, ... nnM EIU, hiktrlA 'I 1 Hnlital t
fre 1' roil will cut out this notice and
send It with your name and address, wlih
l,o to help pay dlsirinutlon expenses, to
The Ir. l. A. WUUatua Company, Dept.'
1750 New P. O. BulldinK. Kast Hampton.
Conn. Bend at once and you will receive
by parcel post a regular Me bottle ;
doses), without charge and without in
curring any obligations. One bottle only
to A family or addres. .
Each Bottle of
ikV feu. s
the beer you like
which leaves our plant
after March , 1915, will
have a valuable coupon
Phone Doug. 1889 and
a fine premium catalog
will be mailed to you.
Start now and save the
Fred Krug Brewing
gf gejlMMM
DIOGENES Mead lantern but
the up-to-date business matt in
Oiuaha usee the adverilslng col
umns of Ttto Bee.
The Store for
Thoror i
Bora, ning-
Tyler 40
Sampson . Nut
" Pr Ton
lSa Js.llsVt
i .......
I All Under One Roof Ij
thbater- March 4-5-6
Matinefi Friday and Saturday
Trice (AH . Terf ormnrioe ) MJc to $2
c r 717.1 jlv
ij a m h i'ini'i mvbi
mmtm s mmmw sAvnr.ia nMmmm
TOHIOHT, Boclsty HI gut, '
Wm. Hodge's Btg gaccsss
The Man From Home
Also kmi Kim KJ.TII, lyrle
oprano, between acts. Zztral
Oladya Bishop in Bong's aad Sane as.
Mats, i Wad.. Thurs Bat., Sfe.
' Wights, 8 So and 600.
Daily Mat. 1&-85-5O0.
BvagSn lS.aS-SO-760.
Porr.stsr's Uot-Hon Bunch of
American Beauties "liu,
Lw Hi It. mi 11 "Stilnukr" la "Tha Tanfo Ki -ti
rjr." Mau0i lititt. Carnvs HU(ra nJ Burns,
Billy Btaru. Ooraoa A KIkId, rVrry Jul.h. 1n-
... Uji UmIh , t,.r,,v ti,i.l .Ium fmt mnA laurha
J.kU. Dim Matin. Bvsry Wask Day.
Donrias noes
15th aud Haiasy
Daai.1 Prohman Presaata
: la a Drama of Vulque Hlvalry
By Cyras Townssad Brady.
Phone Don-. 494
Adva. Vaud.TiJls
BailT Mala. gils
Big b t ,
Otlmr Acta Alan
Ttiooks, Barnes &
Crawford. Finrotliy
Te. The SrniiMft
Vuinietie. KulbaV llai laixl, 1 wo Parllon.
I'rlirn Matinee, gullei'V. 1-: Ix-st tca't
(exil lulllay and Sunday), iic.
Niauia luc, iJt, iOv and 7c,
ir Iff x 1,