Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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. i
Inslrudion in
Moral Hygiene
What Every Woman Wants
Copyright, 1915, International News Service.
Marrying a Poor Man
(Hou "Own" Home)
Copyright 115, Star Company.
A hill haa been Introduced In the legis
lature of N"rw York to amend the educa
tion law and make compulsory the teach
in and atuily of nioial hygiene In tho
1-uhllc schools.
Karah Wulratli
Lyons had. advo
cated the bill. Mr".
Lyons la widely
known aa a food
specialist and dlet
lctan of note, and
he la also well
l.nown and actively
engaged In child
welfare work. In
HMO he visited some
I sixty cities ami
. towns in the Inter
est of the chlldr.-n
j of New Vork City's
trrments. -"hc
I spoke from the
I pulpits of many prominent rhurrhe ,'ln
i tfrvlewlnd the pastors of three rluirchra,
' soilsl and charity workers.
She visited children In their homea, anil
ittiua familiarized herself with conditions
J surrounding child lite In rural commun
ities aa contrasted with Ilka in a biic
city's tenementa. She also vlalted the
industries, to further Inform herself on
conditions relating to child labor, studied
-and observed children on the strret. In
the school and at play.
I-otcr, not content with thin stuly and
I ohacrvatlon, ahe Malted homea Knd re
formatories where children are kept a
public charao (in effort to reform, to
t ioirect the evil of their minds). Inter
: 'Hewing thoae In chant) of these homea
lid Institution, also officials of child
1 ten's protective societies and Juvenile
io.rt. to definitely 1tirnilnc qiieatlona
for herself aa to cuinlltioiix nffectlng
hltd life detrimental, In effect, to the
child physically, mentally and morally.
Mrs. Lyons believes that ninny phases
of man's Injustice to man, of the law,
less methods employed In the hurincss
v.-orld. of tho apirlt of greed In th.- land,
can be traced to delect.. In the tduca
t'onal system. In a private letter Mrs.
Lyons says: "Voutli is going to waste
Tor the saving hand. We talk of economy,
yet we permit this waste of childhood,
this waste of counllnsa millions, in vari
ous ways known to us oil, and we cry
hard limes. Is It not time for our fed
eral government to consider its people,
Its children, as an aset of such value
that nothing els should take the place
In Important consideration f The charities
dent instructors around to instruct
mothers In thoae things they should have
knowledge of If rightly Instructed In the
schools. Why not Inculcate rightYubtte of
thought with early childhood? The achoola
fcave lost sight of this object, and the
results are painfully evident."
Mrs. Lyon's slogan la "Save the child.
Veld the children In early life." 8he
goes to Albany shortly to help her bill
and later ahe goos to the Panama e it po
sition to speak of the child as a national
asset. As a teacher of several years' ex.
perlenre ln both public and private
achoola, Mrs. Lyons holds firmly to the
thought that a smattering of book
knowledge does not qualify a child for
citizenship or for life.
She declares a great truth which seems
to be utterly lost sight of In our school
srstems today, namely that character is
of greater Importance than book knowl
edge; that It should go hand in hand
with education.
No one who studies our school system
In America can for one moment question
the truth of Mrs. Lyon's statements.
Children are crowded with .various kinds
of knowledge obtained from text books,
and the result Is a loss of concentration
and a weakening of the memory when
they emerge from high school.
Added to this not one child in 100 who
graduate from tho high school course
uses choice language in conversation or
even grammatical language, and not one
in J.00 is Imbued with high Ideals of life
and conduct. Take any school In this
. land of svhools, at the noon hour, or at
the recess hour, and let an eccentric
peddler pass, or .an old man or woman
. badly dressed, and an exhibition of un
kiitdllness, bad manners and cruelty will
he given by the majority of the children
which would sicken the heart of Christ
they are taught to reverence were He to
return to earth and hear them.
A little humpbacked girl in New Tork
City, on Fifty-ninth street, committed
suicide less than a dozen years ago. She
left a not saying that ahe was driven
to this act because of the ridicule she
received from her schoolmates. . .
. In his wonderful talk about the causes
wluYh send boys) in the wrong path Jack
IUse tella how he became a truant from
school through this same cause, and how
tinff a truant drove him into the house
e.f correction, and from the house of cor
rection the path to . the underworld is
easy. The conduct of the majority of
school children outsldv, of school hours on
the streets cf every city .In .America
speaks .badly for their home Instruction
and for the influence of our . system of
education. Surely It la time that a refor-r--'-w
took place and It la to be hoped
that Mrs. Lyons' bill will pssa both
houses la Albany.
over a smutty kitchen
range. 3-in-One keeps
nickeled parts shiny.
Makes top and lids clean
easier. Splendid, too. for
' fl gas stoves. Makes keys
C 1 hold tight work right
V 1 A Dictionary of a hun-
Ofwa uiuci u ... w i v u
every bottle, 10c,
25c, 50c ail Stores.
Three-in-One Oil Co.
42 N.Broadway. N.Y.
t ; e?f-
!Li in m
A nllm, old-fashioned Htle girl person whose
mother and father had builded the early palacea of
their dreams In a tiny brown house on Its very own
plot of ground miles away from the "old folks," mar
ried a debonair young chap with none of the money
from tho sale of his own brains in his pockets, but
with an inexhaustible spring of it In the home-nest.
And after the golden circle of the honeymoon whs
completed and twirled away to join all the rare mo
ments that have gone into the Umbo of vanished
things, the slim little person with her tall and terribly-ln-love
young husband flew back to the horae-neBt.
And Ihcy ruffled and fluffed about a bit and then set
tled down to eating real things again Instead of the
love-land fare of strawberries and whipped dreams.
And, of course, her new mother was a regular mother.
' Read it Here See
By speelal arrangement for this purer a
photo-drama eorrsondiiig to the Install
ments pi "Runaway June" may now be
seen at the leading moving picture the
aters. Uy arrangi'mcnt muds with the
Mutual Film corporation It la not only
pcastble to read "Kinaway 'June" eacli
day, hut also afterward to ae moving
pictures Illustrating our, story.
(Copyright. 115. by eria! Pulblcatlon
Corporation,) ,
Her IlUNbatid's Kiirmirs.
The beautiful runaway bride opened her
ejes In da sod bewilderment, to find her
self gaslng up Into the dark, handsome
(ace of the black Vandyked man. She
was In his arms! She Telt another clasp
about her the man with the white mus
tache. Gilbert Blye gently released his
hold on .her, and the white mustached
man turned to carry her up the hlll.'ller
eyea closed aga'n.
Gilbert Blye, freed of his beautiful bur
den, hurried up tho embankment to where
hla luxurious limousine stood by the aide
Of the broken rail. Aa he Jumped Into
the drivers seat and put hla foot en the
clutch and , his hand on the brake he
glanced down at the scene of the acci
dent. The taxi leaned against a sturdy
tree, wT.tth had alopped It from a fatal
tumble, lilye'a chauffeur, the wide-featured
Statu, .was bringing up the un
conscious driverNof the tsxl. The vl
vacloua brunette and the heavy man with
the thick-lidded eyes were helping Mrs.
Villard. Thst gentle fared woman had
Insisted upon walking, but ahe came with
a painful limp, and her face waa drawn
and white. Blye started the .car forward
with a Jerk, turned It dexterously In the
narrow road and .jumping" " down, ar
ranged the cushions with a swiftly cer
tain band. .. .
Whea June again orvned her eyes Blye
waa brushing back her aoft -brown hair
from her pale forehead, but he waa mat
holding her. She was In the luxurious
limousine, with her head pillowed on the
shoulder of the whlle-mustached maul
4iOrin Cunningham, and his arm about her.
j Fhe straightened ss she beomne aware of
that clasp, and Blye, his Muck eyes glow
! Ing down upon her. amiled reassuringly
The car started, and she turned to look
St sirs. Villard, who sat beside her with
mpreased lips. The Injured taxi dfiver
waa up In front, supported by the heady
lidded man. The iuuikiv tirirf ..i.w.,
j(hr 'o nJ n" batk into the
iii support hkh she so tnucb detested.
it at the Movies.
Wye! How much he her
life since she had run away from Nedl
And little did June know that Ned.
through hla detective, had obtained the
number of the auto In which ahe had
driven that day. The number waa
Honoris Bly received a telephone mas
sage from Bill Wolf a few hours after
the time of the auto accident.
"You husbsnd hex gone to his club,"
he said huskily.
The -wife drove hastily to the. club
entranae. Bhe : met Wolf, who pointed
to the chauffeur,' Scatll, saying. -
"There's your husband's driver."
Honoris saw 8catti standing beside her
husband's llmouelne.
"I d like to make you a little present."
said Honoris In sugared accents, and.
fumbling In her pocketbook, - she- pro-
dined a bill. '
Scattl turned to her With alacrity, ana
every line In his broad, low face widened.
Now you'll tell me where Mr. Blye
was this evening, won't you?" she
The smile faded from Scattl s lines.
Arent you going to tell meT" And the
voice rose another notch.
No answer.
Tjive mi back that money!" she
mere were thlrty-aeen lights to be
i-uumea oeiore tne perspective merger
in a blur. Scattl calmly Instated them
all In deep absorption, but ifurlng the
entire time that one narrow slit of an eye
naa a dancing gleam In it.
Honorta scowled back at the Imposing
entrance to the club. The doors stood
wide open. Inside the tessellated vesti
bule were stiffly uniformed attendsnta.
Beyond waa a marble columned hall, and
at the end of that, through an arched
opening, waa a paneled screen.
Suddenly Honoris dashed up the steps
which no woman had ever trod and be-J
ior any one could stop her had rounded
the paneled screen and stood in the grill
room, amis a wilderness of oaken tsbles,
at nearly all of which sat men busy
sending curling wreaths of Incense to
ward the high gilded celling.
There were glasses before moat of the
men. and a dense and painful alienee
"perverted the place, although as Honorta
had nisheil through the hall she had
heard the loud babble of animated con
versation. The men in that cljb were
turned to speechless clay at the siaht of
this fuming apparition. f
(To be Continued Tamoirvw.)
you must understand, who gave her a share of the
warmest spot of her heart and loved her mightily, and
the girl's transplanted little person thrilled and saug
with the knowedge of this. But, by and by, her wings
drooped and she had flashes of moods and tempers
and a little fretful line that grew between her smooth
brows a mar in the harmony of her happy little face.
And the puzzled other bird took her chin in his fingers
and demanded the why! "That's an 'insanity frown
you're getting. Peaches. And"
"It isn't any such thing," blurted out the Lady
bird. ' "I want a hquse of my very own a lUlr
house any house even a funny house! Every
body is dear and good to me, so good to me:
but It's just like I was a visitor dropped In to tea
and after a while I'm afraid I'll be a fighting visitor!
. BT . WILLIAM . r.l" RtOGB.
March is the first' of the spring months,
because on the art at 10:52 a. m. the sun
passes through the - vernal equinox. It
then crosses the equator, and the days
are thereafter longer than the nights for
six months to come. ' "':' .'
Astronomers have at the very beginning
of the science platted the sun's position
In the sky with ' reference to the stars.
They celled the sun a wandering star, a
planet, according " to the old, now re
jected, but st til reasonable definition.
They fouqd that it always moved along
the same path, the ecliptic, that this
ecliptic was a great circle of the celes
tial sphere like the equator, but Inclined
to It at-an angle of 23s degrees.
As the 'axis "round which the earth
really seems to. turn is only the pro
longation of the. one round which the
earth reany . turns,' hour angles or. time
are or Is. measured at the pole or on the
equator, as any student of spherical
geometry will explain.
Now let us Imagine, the sun to be In
line with .a certain star at noon today.
When the heavens have made one com
plete turn and brought back the star to
the meridian, one sidereal day has
passed.. At that moment, on account of
the continual eaatward movement' of the
earth., which carries It 'round the whole
sphere' once a year, the sun will be some
what east of the meridian, and It - will
take about four mlnutea more before It
la exactly on It when It Is noon, snd one
solar day haa passed. If ws set our
clock to keep pace with the sun, we have
solar time, which wilt lose about four
minutes a day on slcdrcsl time.
I aald "about four mlnutea," and here
is all the difficulty for a young astron
omer. . While this difference Is regular,
that la, law-abiding. It la not uniform,
that Is, the same, every dsy. It cannot
be so for two reasons, it - will be an
enormous help towards the understand
ing of the first of these two reasons.
If we could take any terrestrial
glebe, - which In every case has the
equator and ecliptic drawn on It. We
can then compare the sun on the celes
tial sphere by a ship on the terrestrial
First, when the ship In Its course along
the ecltptlo la crossing the equator, for
every degree it runa on Its course it Is
not going a whole degree east. The ahlp
ia aot then making longitude as fast kg
it Is distance. It ia leas than four min
utes later on sidereal timea.. (I aay four
minutes for the sake of brevity and com
parison.) When after three months the
There isn't anything I own except you and my own
hair and nothing of my own to do save smile and
stand around! It isn't my kitchen! And if we stay,
boy-dear, I'll pass by the visitor stage and show my
interest in things by trying to run them and then
you will feel like Pandora, with all your hopes flown
from your treasure-box! And that we cannot get
along will never mean that we are not good people.
So let's don't stay. . For every woman the satin-clad
one who lives among lovely colors and sounds and has
grown quite used to the glitter of many gems, and the
. plainer One-who works for the things that she eats and
wears, all dream the same dream their own home
any home, rather than somebody else's, where she
drifts about like a shadow or ' materializes Into a
war!" And so it is! NELL BRINKLEY.
Heavens in March
ship hag reached Us highest northern
latitude, . It ' Is making longitude much
faster than distance. The solar day Is
then longer than . the sidereal by more
than the usual four minutes.
These conditions recur in the next
quadrant, or three months, and so on.
Hence at the equinox the sun must run
fast, and slow at the solstices. Averag
ing up all this for the year, it Is evident
that owing to the oblique path of the sun
In the ecliptic, the sun and the stars, or
the sun and a good clock, cannot possibly
keep time together. Is this a defect?
By no means, for the sun's oblique path
gives us our seaaons.
We must not forget the second reason,
that as the sun's apparent motion along
the eclipse is due to the actual motion of
the earth round it, in an ecupso the na
ture of thia latter motion adds another
complexity to the problems.
Taking both causes Into consideration,
we can compute the difference between
what ia called apparent solar time and
menu solar time for every day of the
year. This is called the equation cf
time. It shows that the sun is exactly
on time with a clock four times yea,
April 15, June 15. September 1 &l De
cember J6, thst It reaches tho extreme
values cf being slow fourteen minutes
Organised charity Is all right . but some
persons take pleaaure in distributing a
little on their own account
, If you desire to worry your enemlea. be
come a success st something.
The hammer of the knocker is the real
boomerang in most cases.
The ordinary cuaa gives a guess, while
the expert prepares estimates.
Ws look upon some relatives aa objects
of pride, and others as object lessons.
Knowledge may not always be power,
but Is usually ensbls one to put on the
Right never seems to triumph when we
are the losers.
The guess that hits the bull's ye al
ways passes for good judgment.
The habitual invalid ran stick to the
Job longer than any other person.
Man seldom becomes a political insur
gent until his term of offios baa expired.
about February 11, and six- minutes about
July 25, and of being fast four minutes
about May 15, and sixteen minutes about
November 1. Of ' course, 'astronomers
have all this computed to the hundredth
part , of a second.
The apparent solar time is shown by a
sun dial constructed for the place. This
must be connected by applying' the equa
tion of time which can be found In any
elementary astronomical text book. We
then get Omaha time. But aa our city
keeps central time, and has set ita clocka
twenty-tour minutes ahead in order to
agree with the rest of the Mississippi
valley, we must ftna'ly add this correc
tion, which is not the same except for
places due north and south of Omaha
On the 21st the sun rises at 8 o'clock
exactly, - snd sets also at-6 o'clock ex
actly according to a sun dial, because the
day . and night are ' equal then, all ovor
the world. If. we wish to take refraction
Into account, which lifts the sun Its own
length .when in. the horizon, sunrise oc
curs at 5:57 o' cKck and sunset at 6:03
o'clock. But on the 21st the sun 'is seven
minutes slow, - hence the Omaha local
time of aunrise is 6:04 o'clock and of aun
aet :10 o'cleck. Adding twenty-four min
utes, we get the central time our own
clocks show, 6-28 o'clock and t:U o'clock.
On the 1st. 15th and 31st the times of
sunrise are 7:01, : snd 6:13 oiock, and
of sunset 6 2, :tS and 6:44 o'clock, thua
making the day'a length eleven hours,
eleven minutes; eleven hours, fifty min
utes, and. twelve hours, thirty-one min
utes an increase of one hour and twenty
mlnutea during the month', the greatest
of the year. -
Saturn Is the only planet In the evening
sky. It is still . in excellent position,
crossing the meridian at 6:H6 o'clock on
the lf'th at a high altitude. .
Venus Is the same brilliant star in the
j southeast In the morning twilight. Jupflcr
and Mara are there also, but scarcely
visible this month.
The moon is full on the 1st at 12:33 p. m.,
In last quarter on the 8th at 8:28 a. m.,
new on the 15th at 1:42 p. m., in first
quarter on the 23d at 4 4S'p. m.. and full
again on the 13th at 11:38 p. m. There
are thus two full moons this month ss
the, re were two in January', and this Is
why Fcbrusry haa none. As trie Interval
between corresponding phases of the
moon ia about twenty-nine and a half
days, and February has only twenty
eight, this contingency of missing one of
the phases must occasionally happen to
February, Juat as that of five phases
may happen in any other month, espe
cially If It has thirty-one days. The
moon ig in conjunction with Venus on
ths 11 Lh, and Saturn on the 23d.
Ought ynu to marry a poor man. By
all means if you love him. But It may
be a llttlA hard on the poor man.
If you hae all your life had "every
thing money can buy" you must by now
have proved the emptiness of riches and
so be fitted to eo without.' If you have
never had ans thing you are about to be
come rich in your endowment of love.
Now if the poor man is really in love
with you he may fret at seeing you go
without the diamonds and pearls snd
Bagdad silks and Siberian furs In which
he would like td deck you. And his suf
fering st the price of possible luxury
you pny for his love will be In direct
proportion to his refinement and hla un-
selflshnf F3.
So It will foe distinctly "up -to you" to
hide It If you miss what you have always
had or long for what you have always
dreamed of having.
We will assume that the poor man is
well educated, refined and honeat, and a
salary of 11,800 a year. to. which he has
risen at the age of ,10 entirely by his own
honest etforts. As a matter of fact he li
not poor at all. but simply a hard-working,
fairly well-paid man, who Is hardly
likely to become a millionaire.
Out of this $1,500 t.T a week must
come house rent, living expenses, clothes,
possible doctor's bills, pay for pleasures
and even a little, money laid up for t'.io
future in insurance or savings bank.
Now do you think the society of this
thirty-dollar-a-woek mas sufflcent recom
pense for all you must forego In HfJ?
You must consider not whether poverty
would be an Interesting experience for a
year or so, but whether you care to
chance living on a small Income for tho
rest of your mortal life.
Can you face this situation gladly and
proudly? Can you face the possibility or
being as poor as the Impecunious cricket
of the fable, while your ant-like friends
merry "good providers" and lord It over
you In this year's model limousines? Can
you meet your friends and relatives with
pity In your heart because they have not
each and all "as dear a boy" as your
own lad?
If not, you have no right- to think of
this marriage for another second!
If you marry a poor man It must be
because you love him, and love him
enough to bear poverty and to bear It
with such proud gladness of love that he
shall never In all your life together face
the pain of knowing that you regret not
having made a more "worldly marriage."
No woman haa a right to Involve the
man ahe loves In trouble that she might
have foreseen had ahe taken the trouble
to face facts honestly.
Look at your future cold-bloodedly and
hunt for its direst possibilities. If child
ren come to you can you joyfully train
them to be workers? Will you bring them
up to respect, adore and admire their
father? Will you never sneer at him f6r
the lack of great material success? Will
you never let the Idea that "the old malt
Is a failure" come Into the, Idea of the
children of the man for whom you once
were willing to forego all the luxuries
of life? Will you try to keep yourself
sweet and fine and neat and companion
able so that you may always be sweet
hearts as well as helpmate to your hus
band? i
Do not shirk tho Issue by imagining
all sorts of pleasant things that might
happen fortunes dropping from . the
clouds, marvellous investments, unex
pected legacies, miracles of furture. Face
squarely the situation of being poor
really poor all your life. Accustom your
self to the idea of going without things
that may be a matter of course to the
girls you know today.
Answer the questions honestly. It
measures your frankness as a woman.
If you are not willing to face It, I think
you scarcely deserve that any good man
should ever fall In love with you.
Advice to Lovelorn
Vow Mast Forgret Her.
Dear Miss Fairfax: Three years sgo I
fell In love with a young lady and she
seemed to care . for me until misunder
standings arose which grew from amall
into serious matters aa time paased. Shn
treated me shabbily,' breaking engage
menta repeatedly, all of which I forgave
About five weeks ago she made an en
gagement with me, snd at the appointed
time and place passed me in company
with another young man, a stranger to
me, and since that time I have made It a
point not to aee her.
Do you think that In time I will forget
her. and would you advise me to call on
another young lady who is very friendly
toward me. and whoI am informed,
would appreciate my company very
much? P. C.
Of course you will forget the girl who
treated you so slightingly. And to hasten
the day, set about cultivating the friend
ship of other girls. By all means call on
the girl who Is friendly to you.
The best evidence of what the Reainol
treatment will do for YOUR tortured
akin Is what it haa done for others.
Here is a man whose WHOLE BODY
was covered with tormenting eczema.
When HE says that Reainol stops Itch
ing immediately, he, knows what he is
talking about. Just read his simple,
straightforward letter:
"My entire body, even my eyelids, wss
completely covered with blisters, The
burning and Itching were something
terrible, and I COULD NOT SLEEP nor
rest I think I had one of the worst
cases of eczems a human being ever had.
"I used eight different kinds of rem
edies without success. I then tried
Hesinol Ointment and Kesinoi Koao and
it stopped the itching, I M M KDIATEI.Y.
I gradually noticed a change for tho
better. Now I am entin-ly cured."
(8lned Kit ward F. aJcL'ulIouna. 241
River t.. Boston. Mass., Aug. 11, 1H
Now ask yourself tills question: 'i;'
Reslnol could heal THIS mans) skin,
will It not siso heal mine?" You can
get Reainol Ointment and Reainol fioap
at ANY drug store, or for free trial,
write to Dtpt 10-K. Resiaol. $alu
more, Md.