'A TIIE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY. MAKCII 1, 1915. YouVe Got to Hand it to Eustace Drawn for The Bee by Swinnerton 'LHTLE ONE. 1 SEEl(rr.TVifol LONGINGLY AT THE bbCOX-T TOU IN AND yvt ioj tea, ' a;EL- ANYHOW Wouv. Got to HAND TASKSO CU iD EUSTACE' i i i - is i i l 4 1 1 1 i w i t"-t t i r a f s a i n .Mi r i i i m i i rtiou U"" I Mta owcei it (iM wnT wjtorti I uc nnrcu'r ie Ti.it. l ,oA I --T . -7 I i d thr fiAivEK-Y v T.P-AP? r r r.r- , no?. i "-"- iwv not a assssssssBBai f i I a' w i i it i v i 1 i iijwrv a. t t i . .a 1 . . -. .. - - ' if I I H cr vac s.Vfvj I j a if sw ' V I t .. I itir- nc. . l I I sva C FT T.O aO I Vajuv I . v KJ t 1 I - .. . I - . , i-'li-il FOR RENT PLKASANTLY furnished room in pri vate home. H, 4131. " NICK room In llnteli Apta. Harney 2953, MADISON 21st and Chicago; steam heat; S10 mo. and up; cafe In connection. D. W9J, OODEN HOTEL, council Bluffs, etea-n heated roomi, ji per week, Phone bl,. I.a Verna, U12 Cap., front rnia. Stem, ht LARUE front room In private family fur 2 gentlemen, with breakfast; on car lino in Dundee. Addrms, K 470 care Omaha Bee. TUB COLLINS One double and ringle room, steam-heated, nicely furnished, gcod location. -W Harney. DOIkjE, 3fWT Steam heated room, with board; sultabln for two. ROOM with breakfast for lady; S15 mo.; on car line. Hanscom park district; modern. Phone Webster 80tL Hotels and Apartments. CALlKi utMA Hocel. IBth Bii'l allVirnls, Weekly rates $2 and up. Douglas 70M- DODGl'. mTKI- Mmlern tteasonabla. Hoasrkerplnii llooml. (SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms, fur nace heat. 726 8. 18th. Tyier 1U-1-W. L.ljht Hoasekeejilnsr Huoms. OGDEN ANNEX, Council llluffs. ooml with kitchenette, oteam heat. Phone 4 Furnished Ilousekeeplnar Itooms. Fur, housekeeping rms., 22-".' Farnani St. lloaaee and t'ottnr. HOUSES FOK KENT Hundreds of Them in All Parts of the City. You will save yourself much Inconveni ence and a great many steps by taking advantage of our BIG FREK RENTAL DEPARTMENT. We have listed hun dreds of cottages, houses and apartments, many of them are within walking dis tance, while others arc nicely located farther out. This big list is free to you for the asking. ' Central Furniture Store. Free Rental Department. Kth and Howard HI. WALKING DISTANCE. 8-room modern house In good condition, 2644 Dodge, f2. Vacant March 1. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Webster 473. 7-ROOM. all modern, 243fi Parker Et. B-ROOM dwelling. lttO Park Ave., 1R.OO. Modern except heat. Call J. I. Kemp, Douglas !7. NEW 7-room modern house, 2204 Burdette ft. Harney 1149.' 3m MASON St., -r., all mod., $40. 10n-OR s. 22d St., -r., all mod., $.10. 3404 Military Ave., 6-r.. part mod., $lo. 177. 8. 9th St.. 5-r.. all mod.. ZX ra.'U Fowler Ave.. 5-r., part mod.. 113.50. 817 8. 25th St. 3-r., part mod.. 19. BIRKETT ft COMPANY? 423 Pee Bldg. 1 Doug. fiT3. ALL, siaes. t3 per month up. 807 Paxton. i-r.. modern. 719 9. S7th 8t. 7-r.. modern. Ki4 Leav. St.. good 'ocatlon. Web, foM. " 8-room mod, house. 2nl2 Chicago. D. 814R. Gordon VanCo. SI lit N. Ilth 6t Phone D 294 or Wab. 13M. 12-ROOM modern bouse, with barn, hot water heat. 2618 Harney St. vacant larch L Inquire T. J. O Brien, H. 1014. T. 11H , Iift1is.ia in e.l paru of the city. UOUSeS CreUn Bona A Co.. Bee Bldg. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, pack, shirs: 2-hcrse van and 3 men. Sl.li pw nr.; storage 12 per mo. Satisfaction guar. P. 4338 A Ty. 830. Tf j j Bxp. rjo.. moving. I , Kppn packing it atoragA f-W Karnato. D. Cl4 Maggard's per br., uiay. 2 men. ILZi per : hster. Doug. 1ML and Btor Lara mar. 11 &S 81.23 per br. 17U FOR RENT We have a complete liat of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent. This list can be seen tree ci charge at Omaha Van e Storage Co.. So. Itiih St. store noil ffte-s. T'owntown stores. L. H. Hill. KO Bran. Th. OFFICES FOR RENT In Continental Block, l.'.th and Douglas. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. AGENT. DouKlas 722. 200 First Nat. Bank Bldg. ATTORNEY would like pHrtv to share office suite. Addrens, F 73, Bee. Farms a ad AvrrSRC FOR RENT 7 acres; 8-room house, barn, etc.. Just outside of 8o. Omaha, close to paved street: fine for dairy. Charles Volx, Q St., South Omaha. WANTED TO KENT WANTED to rent an unfurnished bouse of 10 rooms; must be first class, with all modern Improvements; In a district bounded on the east by 28th St., on the north by Dodge St. and on the south by I'oppleton Ave. Give rent, number of street and where key- can be had to see house. Address J 39, Bee. WANTED TO BUY CRT Kaplan's prices for li hand turn., shoes, rlothea. before ellng. Web 7503. Yale buys everything id hand. Tyler 141. OKFICJC furniture bought and sold. J. C Reed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. C14C WF. BUY 2d-hand clothe. N. 84th. REAL ESTATE FARM AV RAKC11 I.AKDS FOB SALS Celontev TO SETTLERS ONLY 330-acrea for 8XXV. rich corn, alfalfa and wheat land, c and. J. A. Tracy. Ft Morgan. Colo. HMmrl. GOOD Una. rlo to R- R. town. 29 acres, 1400. $6 monthly; 40 acres. 8700. 10 monthly; 80 acre. 81,200; no Interest, no taxes, no forfeiture; best bargain in South Miksouri; literature free. D. Msr riam, EUla . Benton, Kansas City. Kan. POOR man's chance; 13 down: 85 monthly; . buys acres good land and limber; rrar town; healthy location; price only I tH Boa 427-Q. Cartriage, Mo. ijuOO homes In south Mo. cheap and on eaxy terms. Write me fof priccA J. C Vi ok oop. Mountain View, Mo. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH I. AMI FOR SAI.K Kasisi. tARGAlN 240-acre dairy farm, near Ba li na, Kan.; write for full description and list of 100 Kansas farms for sale in central Kansas. V. E. Niquette. Sallna, Kan. Nebraska. FOR 8ALF-0 narcs, mllei north of Central City, Neb. Mrs. Amy Stavely, Lincoln Ave., Council Bhiffa. SECTION Kimball c-o. tiivsa. 1101 Paul Wisconsin. Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop state In th union: settlers wanted. Lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for book let No. 34 on Wisconsin CVntral Land Urant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lands ask for book let on Apple Orchards. Address Land and Industrial Department, boo Line Railway. Minneapolis. Minn to ACRES, fairly level, to cultivated; brick house, six rooms; frame barn; outbuildings; 1'4 miles Harronett; price t.1.600, 1,1 cash. Tom O. Mason, Cum berland, Wis. FAMOUS INFIELD SHATTERED Loss of Collins and Baker Will Break Up Most Famous Base Ball Machine. SMALL HOPE TO REPLACE STARS W yomlns;. HOMESTEAD Homestead, 828.000 acres, just opened; 320-acre to each applica tion. Particulars, write at once. F. Lavalleur, Burns, Wyo. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and fa'in lopns. 5 5V-. per cent J. H. Dumont & Co., 416 State Bank. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam. Iioo to J10.000 made promptly. F. D. Weed, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sta. WANTED City loana Peters Trust Co. NEW YORK. Feb. 2S. -If J. Franklin Baker of toe Philadelphia Athletics ad- I hcrea to his determination to drop base ball in favor of farming, Connie Mack'a famous 8100,000 Infield will pass Into that portion of history reserved for the na tional sport. Following closely upon the. sale of Eddie Collins to the Chicago White Sox It appears as If this remarkable com bination of players was broken beyond reassembling or rebuilding. Mclnnls and Barry remain, but the probability of find ing among the Athletic recrulta two play ers capable of filling the places of Baker and Collins and bringing the infield ma- WEST POINT SPEED ASSOCIATION ELECTS WEST POINT, Neb., Feb. 2S.-(Sfpeclnl.) The annual meeting of the West Tolnt Speed association was held at the city hall Friday evening and the following board of managers was chosen: II. II Howarth, Chris Schinatock, Herman Koch, E. F. Krause, H. W. Baiimann,NF. D. Scharrsr, F. D. Hunker. 3. C. Elliatt and W. T. S. Nellgh. This board then elected the following officers for the race meet of 1915: W. T. 8. Nellgh. president ; F. D. Hunker, vice president; J. C. Han sen, secretary; Herman Koch, treasurer. SUIT HOLDS UP FED SCHEDULE JACK CURLEY STRANDED ON SHIP IN A STORM EL PASO, Tex., Feb. 2R. The elements contrived today to deUy further definite arrangements for tbe Johnson-Wlllard boxing 'tout. Jack Curley, promoter Of chino tip to its previous standard appears the bout, sent an aeronram to agents here extremely remote. today faying that ho was stranded aboard A quartet of players of the caliber of the Chalmette. wlch had been anchored Mclnnls. Collins. Barry and Baker play- I In a storm. He said he did not expwt to GARVIN BROS fc0v' l"00 n1 ut- uau mw Omaha Nat. Banit! SEE us first for farm loans In eastern Neb. United States Trust Co., Omaha. CITY LOANS. 6 310-812 Brandnia Theater B'dg. erg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H Thomas, on State Bank Bidg. MONEY on nana tor city and farm loana H. W. Binder. CUr Natl Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farmA O'KEEFB REAL, F.STATE CO.. 1010 Omaha Natl. Douglas 271J. 1100 to 810,000 made promptly. wead Bldg., lith ana Farnam bts. F. D. Wead. Ing for several years In succession In tho same positions upon the same team Is a combination not duplicated In a base ball generation. Manager Mack was some years in assembling this hard hitting, accurate fielding and throwing machine and It was not until the season of 1911 that the Atnletlcs' Inner line of defenso began to work In its most effective man ner. Collins Joined the team In 1907 and was followed by Barry a year later. In 1909 Molnnls and Baker also donned Ath letic uniforms and the 8100,000 Infield wfas In the making. Mill Hblftlna In lOOft. Mcinnls was still shifting about the In ner defense and Harry Davis was playing the Initial base. In 1910 Mclnnls succeeded Davis and from that tlmo until the closo of the world's series of last season the arrive before Tuesday ' at Havana, where ho will confer with Jack Johnson regarding whether the negro shall at tempt to reach Juares or meet Wlllard In the Cuban capital. HARVARD WALKS AWAY WITH SUTTON QUINTET League Adjourns Session and Will Meet in Pittsburgh on March Thirteen. UMPIREv LIST IS GIVEN OUT ABSTRACTS OF TITLES RKED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of flce In Nebraska, 206 Brandels Theater. KFRR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 303 9. 17tn St Phone Douglas 6407. - REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE FOR exchange for Los Angeles or vicin ity, SO acres Irrigated land North Platte vallcv, excellent soil, near town and R. R.; will give good trade for desirable property. Address Roy A. Bush, Ingle wood. Cal. WANTEDTo trade, hotel In country town with thirty-two acres adjoining; no encumbrance; for Omaha resilience or bungalow property. Address, F. L. Flan nlgan, Burton, Neb. TWO email Improved Nebraska ranches; small payment down and terms on bal ance. Why pay rentT Investigate and get price and description. Have good ex changes to offer. J. A. Olson, 506 Bee Bldg., Omaha. EXCHANOES-Sllas ROBBIN3. D. 2842. REAL ESTATF ACREAGE HARVARD, Neb., Feb. 2S.-(Ppoclal.V-Harvard took the Sutton team to a trim ming lat night 81 to 18. The first half ended 13 to 12 In Harvard's favor. The excellent team work and phenomenal goal shooting of the Harvard lads soon loft the visitors somewhat In the rear. For Sut'on, Zlmmerly, at forward, and Anlhus at guard, were exceptionally strong. For Harvard each man played hla place in almost professional style. quartet worked regularly, except when i although the work of "Tiny" Smith at BI FALO, N. Y., Feb. 2.-The Fedrral Bsse Ball league adjourned Its two days' session yesterday and will meet In Plts burgh. March 13. By that time It la ex pected that the ceurt obstacle preventing the transfer for the Kansas City fran chise to Newark would be removed and the season's playing schedule could be adopted. No official announcement ss to the schedule was forthcoming. William Brennan, chief of umpires, an nounced the following umpires for ths season: Jamea Johnstone. Newark; Fred Wes lervelt. Richmond; William Flnneran, Erie; Harry Howell, Brooklyn; Lewis Fyfe. Chicago; Barry McCormlck, Chi cago; W. p. Shannon, Minneapolis. The ninth umpire will be cither Hank O'Day or Jack Egan. The umpires will meet for spring training at West Baden, Ind., March 31. President Ward of the Brooklyn club today released Morderal Brown to the league and he will he added to the pitch ing staff of either the Buffalo or Chicago clubs. League officials and managers were the gtirsts of the Buffalo club at a banquet tonight. S AND 10-acre tracts close lit for sub dividing. Phoee Doug. 294T. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE 40th and Lafayette 8 Room House Right on the car line. Paved street, Ixt 60x120. Owner is very anxious to dispose of this place. Owner, Harney 2643. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benaos. Are You in Doubt About Benson? Have you very often nearly come out to Benson but hesi tated! Have you frequently wondered whether it is as nice ns we say it is but never found out? Have you thought sometimes you would like to see Benson for yourself but didn't! If so you are the man I want to meet today. Take Benson car, get off at 61st st. and come south one-half block to No. 205. , Tel. Ben. 122. F. S. - Trullinger. LEGAL NOTICES. NEW YORK, January 26, ltf. ELECTION NOTICE. The Missouri Pacific Railway Company. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of The Mis souri Pacific Railway Company will bs held at the general office of the Company In the City of St. Ixiuia. Missouri, .n Tuesday, March 9, lt16, at o'clock A M., for the election of thirteen directors for the ensuing year, and for the transac tion uf any other business that may come before aaid meeting. The annual meeting of ths directors will be held Ft the sajne office on the same Hay at twelve o'clock noon. The transfer books will be closed on Saturday, February 6 1W5. at twelve o'clock noon, and will be reopened on Wednesday. Mai , h 10, ji.16, at t'-n o'clock A. M. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, By B. F. BI SII. President. 11. Lt. LTTLR. becretary. FeUJs Illness or Injuries temporarily broke up the combination. It was between 1910 and 1914 tliat the Athletics traveled their fast est, as their record of winning four out of five pennants shows. The caliber of the quartet Is proved by the average of the players in both batting and fielding for the period between 1900 and 1914. The regular season record was: Baiting, .311; fielding. .953; and the world's series fig urea: Batting, .271; floldlng, .958. Mclnnls showed an average for five years of .318 and .977; Collins for six years averaged .345 at bat and .063 In the field; Barry in a similar period hit .V and fielded .936, while Baker's average from 1909 to 1914 was .321 and .934. With Collins nd Baker missing. Mclnnls and Barry are left as a nucleus about which' Mack must rebuild his Infield.. As batters Col lins and Baker outshine Mclnnls and Barry, for their combination average Is 333 to .2H8. In fielding, however, Barry and Mclnnls average .9566 to .9185 for Baker and Collins. Individual Records. The Individual and infield averages for both the regular season and world's series during the existence of this famous com bination are shown in the followln.- tablea: M'INNIS. 1ST. B. V.. F. COLLINS, 2D B. i 1!9 imo 1911 V12 1913 1!14 Average. 1910. .?tl .321 .327 .32 .314 31 ,2 .15 .MM 992 .995 B. .346 .3J2 .365 ,34N .345 .344 .346 WORLD'S SERIES. .429 F. .967 .9T0 .956 .949 .r.o .972 im ." ;n lH:l"" ... .11 1"00 .421 .971 liH .143 .l .214 WW Grand Av.. .Ts2 .U90 . 338 .957 BP.RY. S. S. BAKER, 3D. .B B. F. B. F. IMA 2ir. .927 .95 .920 l'i0 ... .2r. 916 "Ki .927 l'lll" .2Hi". .943 .14 .42 l12 2M .92" .347 .941 27". .:: .! 1114 242 .947 .319 .955 Average 2f .936 . 321 .934 WORLD'S SERIES. ir10 2.15 liK) .409 .S9 101! ?hH .M0 .375 .9ii9 llil.'l 300 .12 .450 .r.M 1914 071 HW .250 1X Grand Av.. .244 . 961 .371 .923 Shortstop. Infield averare: Batting, .311; field ing. Infield average: Batting, XI; field ing. .9CS. Pierce W I ns from -Norfolk. PIERCE. Neb., Feb. 28 (Special.) The Young Men's Christian association basket ball team. of Norfolk waa defeated on the local floor Friday night by the Pierre. High school team, 60 to Z3. The game was faster than the score would Indicate, both squads showing remarkable team work and science In basket shooting. The game was the "rubber," as each team had won one game before. Chamberlain's 4'ah Remedy. From a small beginning the sale and use of this remedy has extended tp all parts of the United States and tb many foreign countries. When you have need of such a medicine give Chamberlain'' Cough Remedy a trial and you will un derstand why It has become so popular for coughs, colds and croup. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET- si I Notice Is hereby given that the regulsr 'annual meeting of tli stockholders of the ! bouih Platte Land company will be held at tie ottlce of said company at Lincoln. iNsl-rtska at eleven o clock a in. on ths third oay 01 Winn, n lj. if lb. C. H. MO BR ILL, President A. U. MINOR. sVecnHary. LdsKoln, Nebraska. February 1, lau r-S-d-st center and goal shoot, outshone the rest. WAYNE GETS BETTER .. OF BELLEVUE QUINTET Wayne defeated Bellevue In a el and uninteresting, but rough game, at Wayne Friday night, 17 to 14. Neither team sue. ceeded In locating the basket to any great extent. The score at the end of the first half was 13 to 12 In favor of Bellcvuo. Becker and Vakoo starred for Wayne, with Ohman and Allen doing the heavy for Bellevue. Bellevue led, 14 to 12, un til the last few minutes, when several throws from foul line put Wayne ahead. SEWARD HIGH SCHOOL WINNER OVER SYRACUSE SEWARD. Neb.. Feb. 2S.-(Speclal.)- Seward High school basket ball team de feated Syracuse last night, 32 to 26. The first half ended In favor of Syracuse, 14 to 13. In the second half Seward dis played superior toam work, which, coupled with accurate basket shooting, won for them handily. Andrews starred for Syra cuse, while Wry and Weller were the main point gainers for Seward. ' AD WOLGAST MUST NOT FIGHT. FOR SIX MONTHS CADILLAC, Mich., Feb.' 2S.-Ad Wol- gast, former lightweight champion, was ordered today by his physician not to engage in a boxing match during the next tlx months. Wolgast's weak right arm was examined through an X-ray. The physician said the bones were Intact, but the arm was weak because Wolgast had not allowed an old fracture to thoroughly heal. NICKERSON, WITH THREE BRAVES. GOES SOUTH BOSTON," Feb. 2R. Secretary HormsVi Nlckerson and three members of the world champion Boston Braves team of the National league left for the spring training camp at Macon, Os , tonight. Several other players will Join the party at New York. ncrer I.eaarue to Meet. . A peneral meetlnsr of the Omaha Soccer fot ball league will be held st the coun cil chamber Wednesday evenina, March 8, at 8 o'clock. The oblect of tho meet ing Is to select representatives from the four soccer teams from the cllv to com pete In the track meet to he held In the Auditorium next month urwlT the aus pices of the Young Men's Christian association. Realbarh Would Mannae. Ed Reulbach, recently released bv Brooklyn, has announced that he would like to bud forth as a manarer. If he cannot purchase the Newark Interna tional league club from Charles Ebbets be will try to purchase a franchise in the American association. ftbeftaadiMik Girls Wla. SHENANDOAH. la.. Feb. SS.-fBneclal.) The Shenandoah Hitch school girls' bas ket ball team cave Isrtnda Its first n feat of the season Friday night at Cla- rinda bv the score of lu to 8. A return gams will be played this week. Pirates Bell Battery. PITTSBURGH. Feb. . The services of Robert Coleman, catcher, and O. A. Mc Arthur, pitcher, were today sold by the Pittsburgh National league base ball club to tiie Columbus club of the Ameri can association. Ilos'l liars' a Wlater Cousrb. Take Dr. King's New Discovery and you won't catch cold. It kills the cold germs, keeps you well. wc Advertisement. Mose Justus Chosen To Pilot Pawnees COLUMBUS. Neb.. Feb. 2S.-(6perlal.)- Mose Justus, formerly pitcher for the Co lumbus base ball team, will pilot the Pawnees during the 1915 season. This was decided at a meeting of the directors 01 me local association when they ac cepted him as manager. A report of the financial condition of the association will be made and during the month of April a fair will be held to help to defray the expenses of the team. BARRISTERS WIN BY NOSE . FROM SILVER CITY FIVE Crelghton Law defeated the Silver City (la.) Boosters Saturday night at Silver City, 34 to 2. The Omaha team was greatly handicapped by the small floor, but managed to pull out ahead. Klepser nd Phelps played the best rams for the embryo barristers, while Reeve was the Silver City star. The lineup: CREIOIITON. I SILVER CITY. . Robinson .... Hlckox Reeve ... Stogdlll ... Burgnln pnelps (3) Klepser Kamanskl Linn Phelps .. Flood .... Field goals: .R.F.IR.F. ..L.F.IL.F C.IC ..R.O.IR.O ..LO.L.O Klepser (6), Farrell Gives Out Release Notices as To Minor Leagues Al'Bl'RN, N. Y Feb. W.-Serrctary, John F. Kerrell of the National Associa tion of rrofeeslonel Base Ball Lcngues gave out last night the following notices relating to minor league players and clubs: The territory nf Sherman, Tex., has been added to the Western association. The following players have been re leased, by purchase: Topeka. Kan. Phil Koerner in Oak land. Denver Dave Schrelber to Lincoln, tjotils Barbour and Edward Fays to Salt Lake City. Frank Edlngton to Grand Rapids. Lincoln, Neb. R. Jordan to Denver. Portland IP. P V ItilHitv ltvun tr. Halt Lake City. Salt Lake City Roy Moran to Portland (P. C). Oakland F. II. Zacher n Halt I.nka City. 1 Spokane Winn Noyrs to Omaha, Harry Hughes to Aberdeen. Omaha Earl f'haa to Spokane. Ia Angeles Paul Murder to Des Moines. Des Moines Patrick Hnlrv to Provi dence, R. I. Tacoma Fred McMullen to Los Antics. Plttnliurgh Frank Kafera to Omaha. St. Iritis (A. L.)-CJyde P. Wares to Wichita. Detroit-Jack Relslgl and Harry Ilcil mann to Sun Francisco, Cincinnati-Earl J. Ylngllng to Salt Lake City. Flippers from York Are Trounced by the Omaha High Quintet Omaha High school copped a slow and uninteresting basket ball battle from York Saturday. J2 t. 8. The York lad couldn't locste the basket and were never dangerous. Their guarding was loose and their defense weak. Omaha was lacking In team-play, but the luck broke with them. Patty. Lutea and Paynter flipped a trio of baskets each as did Trauger, the York right forward. Lineup: OMAHA. YORK. Pattv L.F. UF Cox Lutes R.F. R.F Traugor Pnynter C ' Conway Latinon L.tl.i U( Miller Knastmm Il.tl. K.U usnorne Robert Christie New Assistant at Happy Hollow Club Charley Johnson, professional st the Happy Hollow club, has selected his new club maker and assistant to take the place of Leslie Davlcs, new pro at the Lincoln Country club. The new man Is Robert Christie and he hails from the Northland Country club of Duluth, where he has been an assistant to Richard Clark son for the last year. Christie learned hla trade at Monlsleth, Scotland. ladlaaapolla Makes Hplhrsre. INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. 28 Manager Hendricks, twelve players and the trainer of the Indianapolis American association team departed late tonight for San Diego, Cel.. for their spring training. Tho trip Is said to be the most pretentious ever taken bv i minor league organlsatlop. The players also will vleit I.os Angeles, Fresno and f-an Francisco and will play a number of games on their way home. Other members of the club will Join Man ager Hendricks en route. Substitutes: Logan for Patty, Fullaway for KngHtrnm. Field noals: Pstty tat. Ixignn, Lutes (3), Pnynter (3). Trauger I3K Foul goals: Lutes (2), Trauger, Cox. Referee; Miller Juniors Cop Class Honors from Fresh The Juniors won tho class basket ball . championship of the high school by jest ing the Freshmen. 19 to 13. In the pre- llmlnury fray to tho Omahu-York game, t'rowlev. bv throwing seven foul goals. did the work.- Nicholson of the Freshmen was tho star of the combat with four goals. The lineup t JUNIORS Orove Welrlch Oelsler Reese Crowley Suhsllttites .L.F. .III'. ,...C. .1.(1. .R.O FRESHMEN. L.F Nicholson 11. F Logan C........ Underwood l.O ..... Newton R.O Longwrcll Riiasum for Reese. Field Pll 1,1" V, . .1 . ' , . . ... goals: tiroves 1S1, Welrlch (21, Oelsler, Nicholson (4), 1' ruler wood (2). Foul goals: Crowlev (7), Txittsn. ;? " : Linn (3), Ksmanakl (2), Reeve (Hi, Robin son (4), Burgoln. Fouls thrown: Linn (6), Reeve (2). Referee: Staplcton. Time keeper: Reel. Bank Clearings Bank clearings In the United States for the week ending February 25, as reported to Br.tdstreet's Journal, New York up. arcuate 82,509.406.000. aKslnst $2,977,251,000 lust week and $2,734,222,0uO In this week Inst vear. Canadian clearlnaa aRKregato $114,934,000. as against 8122.902,000 last week and 8142,0X1,000 In this week last year. Fol lowing are the returns for this week, with percentages of changes from this week lust year: Cities. Amount Inc. Dae. D. C New York Chicago Philadelphia . Boston St Louis Kansas City.. Pittsburgh .... San Franclsvo Baltimore ..... Minneapolis ,, Detroit Cincinnati .... Cleveland I .oa Angeles.. New Orleans. OMAHA Milwaukee ... Atlanta 1 -o 11 1 v U 1 Seattle Buffalo St. Paul Portland. Ore. Denver Houston Richmond .... Indianapolis .. Providence... Fort Worth Washington Memphis ... St. Joseph.. Columbus .. Nashville A I ban v Salt Lake City Toledo Des Moines I Hartford Duluth Rochester Savannah Norfolk Hpokane Wkhlta Macon Oakland Scranton Peoria New Haven Hloux City Grand Rapids Syracuse Jacksonville. Fla... Birmingham Austin Springfield. Mass.. Worcester Chattanooga Oklahoma Dayton Little Rock Lincoln Fremont ..81. 841, 7X9,0001 ..I. 263.327 126.S79.00OI 119,11 JV.OuOl 3,oi ,in M, 120.000 1 3,6;3,000! .17.1OT.0OO 27.fttt4.nnOi., 23,9611,000 SO, 407,000 .. 20475,000'., l.6,Vl,0iO .i,290.MV.. I6.9i6.O10) 15,752,000 15,9:.3,llO 11 5W.I00 ., I2.:uo,oooi. V942.KJO . 8.994.01OI., s.n-tf.os)1.. .(. 7.239.000! 9.5,Oou 8,437.000- 7.3nO,cOO 6.932.0O0I. 7.217,0001 .0.i K 7.216,0001 Ml 3.00o! 4.71.000. 5.318,0001. 4.377.rti"l. 8.ino,oof 4,990,jO 3 .969.(011 5,754.000! I.S.0IK 4.44S,iOI 3.M4,0 2. .,! 3.4.3.i! 2.043.WIO 2.453,0-llH. 2.539.0HOI. ioio.OHOI. 2.6K5,Ooo! 2,740.0001. 2,7i0.O Mil. 2.197,OiO. 2.414,000 . 2,125,000 . 4.MI,Onol. 2.074.0UOI 2,01 3HO1 . , 1,',9.0IO 2.1X9.000 2.731.01 1.761.0'i l."ni,ftH 8M.(sH 47.0! 26.1 8.2 14.7', it. 10.8 6.4 22. 1.8 4.6 "k'i 1.7 .1 15.0 6.1 .1 24.1 6 .81. 17 35.21.. .81.... 2.2.... 17.21.... .21.... 9.0 .i 10 H 4.2 11. 10 3 8.6 12.0 8.7 24. 3 23.4 .6 10 49.71 21.4 10. & 27.8 10.7 183 1.4 22. i 9.J 48 26.0 .4 18.1 4.7 $ 17.6 41.0 7.9 1.6 2.1 12. 40.4 108 ....I 10 8. 61.. M.8.. Only a. Few Offices But Some Very Choice Ones While we can only offer you a choice of four offices at tho present time, recent changes make it possible to offer you several par ticularly desirable offices and suites in The Bee Building We would advise you to make your choice now and not wait until iprinr. as It Is very probable at that time we will have nothing to offer. The selection la: Suite 222: Thla Is a very choice office on the second floor, mm racing me lornuur mvunu iuo muo, fc t ym- tltloned for a very comfoi table waiting room and two private offices. It has north light, rrtce, per morfth $45.00 ftrtfim 420 This 1 one of the corner offices which is con ftu sldered no very desirable. It Is 20x20 feet, and , has two windows facing north and two west, Thu large vault Is particularly desirable for aonie classes of business. The door of this office Is directly at the end of the hall, so that the nln may ba seen by everyone walking down he corridor. Price, per month $40.00 Suite 426: This suite offers exceptional space and deslra bility for the price. It is divided Into a wait ing room and two private rooms. It has north light and Its occupants receive all the service and comforts of a well kept office building. Trice, pef month '$27.50 Suite 432: This consists of waiting room and two private rooms, it facos 17th street. It Is now occupied, but will be available about March 10. Price, ikt mouth $30.00 OrOUBd Especially adapted for printing office. This has been occupied by a printer for many years and on account of Its location In an office halldlng and In the heart of the office building district, the location Itself Is an asset In this business or any similar business. It has an entrance from - "" " the court on, the ground floor and "also from the alley. There is very satisfactory light and ventilation. It likewise has the advantage, from the standpoint of Insurance and safety, of being in a fireproof building. The floor space , Is 1,232 feet. Price, per month $100.00 Apply to Building Superintendent. Room 103, THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY Floor Room: -J