TIIK BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1015. WANT ADS Want d rtcHvffl at any time, but to Insure proper eiaeatit' auon must be pis nted benro It o'clock noon for evening 1tln arnl ! J8 p. m. for mo-ling and Sunday edition. Want ' rwlv1 after h h hours will be under th beading. Too Lata to Clarify." CASH RATES . Keren onnsecutlv time. I Cent a worn ae InwrtlKB. Three time within on weak. P cent word rch Insertion. On time, i rmti a word. : " CM A ROE HATES. ren consecutive time. cnti a. una ch Insertion. ... Thre time within on week, 10 cent line each Insertion, On tlnw IX rent Una. Coont six average word to lln- Minimum, charge, in cent. An adrertlvement Inserted to b.ru i?' t" discontinued mutt be topped or wru ten order. ATI claims fop error m"t be within fifteen day rfter the last Wiser Won of the advertisement Tau can place your want ad In Th Dee If telephone. TELEPHONE TTLER , Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundred of other answer have been railed for and delivered during the last week. It h reasonable to suppose that II of th reopl below have made the desired swap, therefore do not call for the balance of their answer. Bee want c. 14"S 1411 1412 1414 14l 1424 14 J 14:1 143 14 1441 14-tK 144 14:4 14f4 14W 1W2 1470 1471 1.4K1 B.C. 1482 IMS 1M1 1511 1517 IS?" 15? i 15 1M0 1545 1554 15". 1W7 lf.70 1571 117 r ir. 15'j7 ions TODAY'S COMPLETE , MOVIE I'lMHJRAMS Exclusively In Tho IW- , Flow a) Toes. -- CAMERA PHONE. ' 1 DOUGLAS. CmiKht in the Park. Keyotone com. i h irld I'psialra. HeManco di e. Hhorty s . . ... i .l.. -Ma -w UiAnfnn rim lUVTiT''rri in inrr ij , . Thlruen Down. Kaa. dra . 2 r.. feat. F. X. Huahman. The Maanuerade Hero, Mlnu. ,mlle'tri,t" 1'ctl Vtt"- c"'n'r fffiNAM TI1KATIJU. Ill KAIINAM HT, Hunawiy June mill l shown here evrry Tue..lar In conneitlon with our regular jiroi?raih andjs Keystone cimedy. "Hlfp TliJCATtK. iiTU AND UAKNKY ifoin of Paramount Pictures. PAKK I'HlkAHili. il N. lTIi Feature program dalif- Kevatone C'omedlea. FaTTLoR, hTkj la.H-OI.AS Tiie Affair of the Deserted Mouse. 2-re:l Kal dra. The Chiefs Una!. Vita. com. Forked Trslia, Helm V. dra. . j'lllNCKHS. 1117-IH DDl'llbAH israce Cunard and Francis Ford. Curse of tne IVrei t. f'nved by a Hliower, Joker com. A Hit of Heaven, heart Interest dra. Nortk. ALAMO. "TH AND FORT. Four reela of th beat Mutual pictures. 7 CLIFTON. Military Ave. and' Burdette. ""h Joke on Jollstown, Rellanre drama. 1r. Hadley'a t'nclo, Komlc comedy. y.unora. ISO, it. one eir uihqi J.IAMOND. l-orlla of th Wild, i-r. Bison. Klsht of the Hllnd. r I. Almost a Rcandal. I-Ko comedy. FRANKLIN. UTH AND FRANKLIN. Tracked Hy the Hounds. :-r. Kdlson dr. Jlronc ho Billy and the KUtcra. Ki. V. dr "Wanted, a Nurse. Vltugraph comedy, XiRAND "Theater Beautiful,1' 16-Tllnney. rhortv s Adventures In tho City, i-t. dra. In the Twlllaht, -reol drama. T.aa. Chaplin. H-reel Keystone. HirTODKOME, . 14 CL'MINO. f.udora, Mth episode, tn (wo parts, liond of I-ove, two-reel Feature. i:ie. trio feature. 3T TI1KATKR. WTH AND LUCltT. llearst-Sellk-, No. 10. The r-trange Case of Princess Klimr, J-r. .sell dra. Pare-Ievll Hsrry, Mlna. com. 1.0T11ROP. "TH AND LOTHHUf. Episode No. 4 of the Kxplolts of F.lalno In addition to oir regular program. 1 OYAlT ' CALDWELL. Waster Key. No. 14. H-reel hpeclal. Xeth of Klmon I Oree, L.-KO comedy. Kill I and the fpy. Rex drama. I-A LACK. " "H5DAVKNPORT. blaster Key. No. 10. J-reel Hpeclal: S'sught With the .oods, L-Kn comedy. frBURBAN. SIVU AND AMES. The Little Engineer, Kalem drama. Vndarneath the faint, t-r. Vita, drama. - ' ftwtstte. ARBOR THEATKR. S3D AND ARBOR. The Question of Courage. MaJ. drama. They Never Knew, Reliance drama. Jler Winning Punch, Keyatune comedy. A I'Ol.l xTr HEATK R. i I-eaven worth Oh. Where Is My Wandering Hoy To night, Kdl. Black and White. Mlna. At me Knd or a rnm 4 ULUMBIA THKATKR. 17W BO. WTU. - Hi v and the Heirloom. Edison drain. In the Hand of the Jury, -r. Kalem dr. The HIlKlMty Worn flown. Vltagraph row V)MKfSitT THKATICR. U4TII VINTON The Xlllliun Lkllar Mystery has been solved, episode S3. The dun Fighter, -r. nlxtnrno, i.inun nnn rvoiiria, rtryi VAVORITK THKATF.R. 17W VINTON. The Fast Mail's Ianger. Kalem drsma. Ttie Kvll Men Do, 1-r. VltaKraph dram. Iltllled Hplrlts. Mlna comedy. flLM TllKATER. 11" t0. 13TU. J low TVx t.ir Cupid Won, Nestor comedy. The New Dress. Kcl. l.VHIf THKATEIV W17 VINTON. Peggy's Sweetheart. I-Ko comedy. The I hnntoni Warning. Re, drama. A Voice In the Night, 2-reel Kcl. PAST1MK THEATER. 3 Leavenworth Mystery Woman. Thief and the Chief. Our Hundsy entertainments are always of the best. Five prises given wsy. v&nlzia. m so. ufuTixT J our reel of Matual plctur. West. VONROE. iX& FARNAM. Triasure Temple of Bhoah. Vita. coin. The Attorney for the Defcne, S-r. Lub. dra- Winning the Old Man Over, Bio. Itsisa, BENSON. MAIS BT. The Terror. F' lair dram in 2 ctc Father Was a I -outer, L-Ko, B. Ritchie. Heart Pum h, Imp, olth Jess W illard. C-obbcII Blaffa ELITE No. 1. CIS BROADWAT. 1'iia. 1-r. Edison eomtdy. Ilrarst-Selig No. lu. The Understudy, or behind the Scene, Vltugraph drama. NICHOLAS. BROADWAY. Ilia New Job, 1-r.Kntmv om. Chaplin, m- the Altar of love. Vltagraph drama. The Borrowed Necklace. Hl .gisph drama. ROPER. MI BROADWAY Tr.e Answer. S-rrel h'.rl. The Laugh That Dld, Victor. 'Jaklng ller Measure. Nestor comedy. oaia Otuaha. PKSSE THEATER, 34TI1 ASD N. Third Hand High, 2-reel Eaaiiav diama. lr tf e Palmy La)S. Mlna. cumedy. Holing the HrMe, Sellg C. ilrama. .V!.VuiC. :mi AND O. Ivrilii or the Wild t-rel Bison, i-j ilttiy I'itJ It laip. ad sure get results. HC "C. C. 11? K 1MI M 404 1.2 tin r 411 1837 $i r us i. 711 416 1R4I t (t?l 417 144 r m 4't ii tn rw 40 i V 4 1P T . m 477 13 a VI 42 1174 f $4 4SJ 1378 t-i H N8 1 H7 $54) 1 I3W5 i lost ii . 0 . ts i:o 1394 v. 1306 1403 ' f. 171 I.W u fi r llt M ax iai TODAV'S COMPLETE MOVIE FKOGKAM8 Exclusively in Tbe lie. ORPIinVM. "ITII AND N. Regular rrogrsm ami five reel of P.el gisn kit 'i turcs 4f the Tribune. AXXOl Xt EM EXTH s s s IIOKH made like nen with our rapid shoe trpair methoils. one-flfh thn cost. OLKH and lieele.l expert workman ship, quickly vdnne while you wait. Prices reasonable. E1VKD. Netnes Is our motto: all work gusrHnteed nulckly donn while you wall. bOI-D unralled for slioeo We liave a selection: sll stii'-n, all prices. Men's I Is If Holes 7.'.i Ladles' Half holes SO: Friedman Bros. Shoe Repair Method 211 South 14th 8t., Omaha. No. 9 Houlh Main Ht.. Council Bluffs. NOTICE. Ladles C"lnf to const should place their order early to avoid any delay In their plans. ANNA MBTKK. Ladles' Tailoring and Dressmaking, Ml i liy Nstl uml Bsnk HI'lS DEM 1TI: Y All kinds of ileiital woik dune tinder careful s'lrx-rvlslon at the Crelehtnn University College of Den tistry, 210 . I'-ili Ht.. Oinnlia. Fee very nioili-mle Extraction free. I IIOMKMA l)K aansnre, only one In Oma- ' ha. Bam Hwher, liKI Iavenw'h. D. MM. ' Wedding nn.juncemeiita. Ooug. ltg. Co. HAZEL laf Pile Cones. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding plies: tOc poplpalri, eampie free. Sherman A McConneil Drug (Jo.. Omaha. ENROLL now. r. M. C A. night school. Ll'C'KY wee'ding tinea) at Rrudegaard s. AVTOMOUILEM I HAVE a s-cji.1., 0 h.-p. While car tiuit 1 will trndn for n nndern heme of eiual or greater value. II. Telton, JK Fainam. FOR-SALE C il HA P rl ve'Tine t o nr. n 1 i a is for Jitney buses, from .h 'ip to l.'ioii. Cadillac Co. of Onuiha, ItM Far- ram St. Use Overton' for leaky rsdlator. dealer JITNEY. BPS CRdlllse and Slevena Duryea summer and winter bodies, 7 passengeri Just th c. r for Jitneys. U ?4. Hee. AUTO PAINTINU. FORIS, $1.'; OTHERS, $2". lin. Brlggs, 14 N. IWh. Phdne Wei,. 17.10 FONTENELLE ACTOMOBH-E CO.. deni er In used cars that guarantee service. 21 So. IDtli St. ILL tuke a good late model car and :ITi0 CHsh for equity In good, sightly lot lean than one nilio from court house am; on 24th street. Balance, t.'UO. payalilo 110 a month. Call Harney UMI touay or afti r p. in. Monday. ELECTRIC COUPE Best hargaln In Oiniua. four passenger, first class comlltlon, new tires, cheap for cash. Address E-7i, I'ee. Oreennugh Omalia Rail. Rep Co . 2"2) Far. Al'TO Clearing House. Fainam. buvs and sells used cars.- Phone Douglas 3DK)J C. ELRA8HER, expert radiator and lamp repairs. Ty. 703. Ilul Leavenworth. Influetrlal Oiiragn o.. Sot 1 1 it Harney &ts. lUotirr9 cle. H A RLKT-DA V IDSON MOTOR CTCLE3. Bargain in uacd machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." i7'i8 Uaviinwortn, 181& INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready " bargulna In used machine. OMAHA B1CYCLU CO.. win and Chicago. P. 3724, U181NK8S CHANCES AUTO repair shop, garage and Uok smlth shop for rent or for alo. Churlus Su.sial, Papllllon, Neb. C. M. Eaton. Ill W. O. W. Bldg., haa a bi'iinesa to suit you. Will sell yours. D. lfM C. J. Cansn can sell your farming land. DRUU HTOWM FtHl BALE IN WESTERN NEB. TOWN OK 160. BALES SUI.OMI. For pm tlculur address Y 400, Bee Omaha. DUNELHON doea more than list your business, ho eel Is IL Ml Omaha Natl Bank. On SALE-Hardware stock, on of hrst town In state; goodouble brick rooms with basement; long-tlino banc. Address V 8-:l, Bee. FOR SALE S3. 0 0 practice, oflice furni ture, fixture and cIiuks. evervthln-4 In an u-lo-dat oflice; isavoiabli. pitre: good community; no cion full urea; must etlre, a have lojit health. Invratigutu. AddresV :".. R.. FOR eALlC-Slo.-k of clothing 7id Renla' fuinlslilnii goods In good live Nehrsska town; have ottier business to take caro of; a uond proiosltlon lor some- one. Address Hog 47i, Seward, Neb. LIST b i if In osa chance, properir for rent sale or xchnge with me. 1 will wilt all manner of Insurance. W. u Teni. pletu. Pen. BROKER. tfi9 Re. 'fv. ii.jo LIST YOUR HiiKivk-u wRh us lor quick action and square treatment QlCK SALIC COMPANT. 41 P Bldg. Phone Red S254. ONE) of the best retail bakeries in tn city; no competition Call Web. 768L or address K tn. Be. tlQNS. snow cams. fltrX s.m. D. J7 SALOONS everywhere In state. Harm .ttu i jr o., corroiK, -in en. TO GET In or out of business. Call on OANOESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. t. 3IH THEATERS Buy, leaks or sell your the ater, machine and aupplie through Theater Exchang Co.. 144l Faioani St. Douglas rNU7. W' A NT ED A good partner in established buslnes In a good town of d.OnO. Must be wlde-ke young man of good habit and a good tailor. Write or come and In tJlBlrul, Th Tailor, Atlintlc, la YOI'R biiHlnrss or real estate qulcklt sold. Write Jim Wray. Sioux City. EDUCATIONAL E.XP1.RT lady stenographer will uk puplla BHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, ildn. punctiiHtion, etc., taught and complete training given for business c. reer. private Instruction If desired. u:4 Pougl is Bu Tel. Walnut fcr. Tho Van 8a nt School Stenography Day school. 00 to 4:04). Night school, f it to II 1Kb aod Karnani KU WINTER TERM . MOSHER-f AMPMAN COLLEGE, NOW OPEN. hsnd and English oranchea. Graduate guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. Mosher-Lampmaa College llh and Farnam Street, Omaba. Neb. V'OH sale the following scholarships in a first class Omaha Business College: On unllmltd comUiuaiion businet and short lis nd coura. On unlimited buamaa course. On unlimited teiiogn.phlo course. On Hire months' busiuea or tao (raphlo rours. Will be sold at a 4!cout at th etflo of the Omaha lie. BOYUCS COIXEGE Dsy School; Night School; compleU business course: complete shorthand or tenotyp course: complete leleuTHphy course; civil servh tranche and En,s i'h Students admitted at any tuns. Writs, phone or cad lor lli ratalogu. BOVLKs COU.Uit. H. k. BOYLE3. J-resldeut. Buyles Bldg . Oinuua. Neb Tel. Douglas lUii. KOH SALE I erallsre. 1 J Reed. 1!07 y esKs uht and Em main Douglas Kill HI,K New "d.hnd furniture, rash or lerma; reasonable. Aner. Furr- Co.. 6 N 1lh Maatral Inlrsmrs4i, IMAXO WANTED Save slornffA anil ime vour nlnno irlth J W. It will have the bet of care. Address J-filS, Jlee. Pl'ghHy usej hl'ih grade pino D, I17. Typewriter. Rl?NT P.emlngione. Moiwr'tis and Smith I'remlers of their mnkers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephon loul 14. Rmtal credited If you purchase and lorily 'ery newest Hnd liiijriel riui ma- chines sent cut. Rates, three months for $ for undurrtioke marhlnes or t-l per month for latest model visilile writers. i TYPHW RITKR.x-Must be sold at once. Monsirh, underwood, Oliver, enilti I'remler. 4.:1 lire Hldg. I I V 'l, WRITUKfi eo.d. rented, repaired. Central Typewriter f.chsnne. 307 tf. 17th : RENT An Oll.-er tytwri;er. 1 months J for U. 1 he Oiler Typewriter Co.. D. M IsrrliMba-nns. 1-hsnd mch t;ioss Wreck Co ., II it Paul. Poll hALK New and aecomi hand carom and pocket billiard tunics and bos ling d I leys and accessories; bsr fixturos of all Irimla; easy, payments. T)ie Brunswick Uslke-Col lender Co., 47-4(9 S. 10th St. V NEW automatic weUyiiltis scales, it and tlO. Mnt.h innchlm and lifting in.uhlbes. eln-fflc flxturea and supplies. hugK harna, tools, lumber and oilier mmcellanenUH articles for sa or trade. j. u. Jan, EXEuuTon I I 7u.t 8. 31t Ap. Phone Msrney 24.1 ON Hi second IihiuI bund suw nnd planing machine. In n. ar rip. Ailoress h e. CHJAR c,ie, show cane, sideboard, ranue, hentinc move, pnrior S'lite, Sew llie machine, gasoline rnnlne, shaftlntr ami belts. Complete cleanlnK outfit. Pioneer Loan Co . VT No. Clth St., South Omaha. Tel. honlli 131 S. FOR SALE A nice flouhle-hsrrel ham mer shotgun, 1J nuc, genuine twist barrels, used only two months, with leather shell belt and W knack, for $12. Address C-71, cmtc llee. ! HELP WA X TE1) FEMALE ' 4ierlcHia)riliYl:e. NO 1 SI 'A L FILING FEE. 1 Pookkeeper (retfill) I1 i:nkkee4r (hefrlnner will do) !M) i office clerk (I pliiccs open) til tr nogrnphi r $fia HtenoKrnnher tit LcuKcr (. irrk vi BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N. I Woodmen of the W'orld. i I CA N use four or five Klrls to do circular i work, HddrcsliiK envelopes; good pen- ii'ansliip reqiiireil. Permanent work. Ap ply at once. l:;lst-?9 Woodmen of World. " "NO K I UNO-FEE. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. Rogers Ref. fo., Pil'i- State Bank Bldg. STENl lURA I'll KR for small office, capa ble of handling large volume of dicta tion, good speller and accurate; must be of good appearance and have good educa tion. Will start at S..0 per month. Ad dress V K, Hee. V STENOGRAPHER and reception room girl for lawyer's office; hlsh schoul edu. cation, of neat nnpearnnce and some ex P rlence prcferied (ilve full particulars In first lettpr. Address K 84, Bee. Airenla nnd Hnlnsnmrs, KlloE SALESWOMAN. Wanted Thoroughly experienced alio raleswomnn. Address F 4t. care Bea. Pnetury an I Trade. LEARN ha'rdresslng. Oppenheim Parlor WANTED Scrub fc-lrl. Apply timekeeper, Hotel F'ontenelle. DRESSMAKERS wauled U4 H. Zlth Bt. llonsrkerpera Domestics. THE Servant Olrl Problem tfolved. Th Bee will run a Servant Uirl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired result. This applies to reuidents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffa Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tylor 1000. CURL or mlddle-sged woman to dn light housework. 27tt4 (Irani St. Weh. 3136. til Hill girl for general housework. Mr vy. n ivyie, iih rars Ave. NEAT appealing girl for general house work; ne'.v, small apartment; 3 In fam ily; lleaaant room. Apply lc9 8. 4-'d St., or phone II. 4"M. WAXTKll-COMPETENT OIRL TO DO tlEN'ERAL HOUSEWORK. GOOD VVAOES. APPLY WITH REFER ENCE. MRS. LEONARD A. SPALD INO. 3'jTD IMl'AKY STREJiT. WANTED AT ONCE-A YOCNCJ OIRL TO HELP WITH HOUSEWORK. IN SUBURB HOME; JOVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE ANV PLEASANT HOME. ADDRESS, M 21, CARE REE. WANTKl Competent girl for general huuseuork; 3 in family; good wage; wliiie girl onlv. Phone Webster 30no. REFINED young girl, to assist with housework and care of a buby, Phone Harney ,17. W A N T K I A girl for housework. 13i) Park Ave. Harney 3363. r Anii.ii-A klou giii ior geuorai nouae I work; must nave references. 1315 S. 32d i St. Mis 1 1. A. Farnion. COMPETENT nnd neat appearing girl for gencrnl housework. Small new apart ment. Three In family. Pleasant room. Kit) S. 4iid St., Phone H, 4.w. WANTED A young glii at once to asatat with hoiirework; good home; small fa mlly. 11. 6ii.t5. GIRL for general housework. Must go home nltilits. Harney -is?. W ANTE 1 Scandinavian girl for general hoUr.cn ink. small fumily. 4JJ7 Farnam. Walnut MO. WANTED A competent girl for general housework: munt be a good cook. 137 B. STtli SI. WANTED A girl for general houaawork. 1-aumlicns kept. 17 a week. SUM Cass. NEAT, competent girl for general house work in family of two; good cook neces sary. Phone Harney Ml. Miscellaneous. YOUNO women coming to Omaha a st ranters are invited to visit the Young Women' Christian aasoclatlon building at St. Mary's 'Ave. and 17th St.. where they will bo directed to suitable boarding f laces or otherwise assisted. Look (or out lavcler guide t? Onion station LADIES' A- inlaaea' coats, suits, dreases A skirt samples at wholesale prices. Bon off s New York Sample Store, to N. lth. WOMEN get government Job. $70 monthT LI at froe. Franklin Institute, Dept. K4 B. Rochester. N. X. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Offle. STENOGRAPHER and aaslstant to manager; state experience a stenog rapher; tiiO to to start R 70, Hee. IF you are looking for a high grad ltlon see the CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. lnln-l CITY NAT. BANK BLDG. SALESMAN, col fee 100 and exp. Stemig ; m) WATTS REF. 4 O., 8 KM 5 Brandels JThe YOt'NG man lth electrbal experience, THE MIDWEST RoNDlXU CO.. Ill Be bid. A-NO. 1 salesman Mho ha called on sa loons, restaurants, hotels, etc. In south west low. Must be a hustler and abte to get the business. Give experience, refer ence, salary, etc. In first letter. Address C M. Bee. HIGH-ORADE commercial position. WEST. REF. & BOND ASS'N., it.! Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Aaeata, Bale aad Solleltar. dug stor snap: lob. KneUt. B Bldg, W ANTED SEVERAL GOOD MEN OK GOOD ADDRESS TO TRAVEL; t TO r- PER DAY: bTEADY POSITION FOR PRODUCERS. APPLY KM BRANDK1S THEATER B1IX1.. BEFORE NOON. VANTEI Experienced clothing x salesiiian. good aslury and per- inuiuiit iKisiiii.ii. Apply mi per in -tendcul. Biundcis Stoics. HELP WANTED MALE Aaeata, aalesmea and Solicitors. SALESMAN our general representa tive for the state of Nebraska: give ce. experience and references. Address flstrbt manager: Standard Auto Trailer Truck Co ,, W . hits. Kan WANTED Salesman In every county who lias had some experience selling farm machinery. Munt be sober, honest and reliable. To such a man we will pay a salary or a Jlbrral commission that will enable him to make from tl.VO to $2..V0 per year. -For further infurmalln ad dress, R. X. Mllktna'm, :W Bleak Hawk. Davenport, I. WANTKI Experienced salesman, for Nebraska state, to handle popular lino of f9 shirt waists, also a few good num bers at $4.."i0. Will nay good commission. Samuel Kresser. Bnltimore. Mil. WANTED Glove salesman for Nebraska; A-l factory line of gloves and mittens, both leather and cotton; a hustler can carry as side line: money mak'ng lino for the right man; references required; enmmlNlnn only. Addrers Adel .Mfg. Co., Des Moines, la. Factory and trade. MOLEIt HA If BE R COLLEGE Largest snd best in the west. Special summer rates. Mnke hack vour tuition while learning. Write for free catalogue. 1)0 S. Hth St. AUTOMOBILE WISE OROTHf7rWIoB Be wise a. ' Independent in business for yourself or earn hie; money. Our largo and well equipped school and shop will produce this result for you. Oct our unusual Interesting offr with Catalog uo "C." Day a id night classes. Phone D. 3043. 1413 15-17 Dodge St. Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL I WANTEI) A pood shoemaker f ir nench work; rereroncea. A. Lang, 5 W. Third St. Sioux city, la. LEARN RARUIXt TRAtB. Be Indenendent! wavn mA IooIm slven. Electrio massago. Strictly modern. Bit demand for barbers. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1124 Douglas M.. Om. In:.' N t . Lincoln. Mlxeel la neons. OOOD YOUNG MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Biggest demand for our Magneto, Elec. Starter Auto Graduates. Too many un trained tinker repair men: good men posi tively needed. Big spring rush. Jrrc catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COL LEU E. 2(163 Farnam St.. Omaha. WANTED At once, capable bUHtncs' man for each county seat town in Ne braska to assume charge of the manu facturing and clllng of the best rein forced concrete silo now on market. Ex cept'onally attractive propneliion open to capable business men. Nebraska the Men a for sl: a es for 1915. Silo sales in Nebraska Increased US per cent from April, 1913, to April 1914. over all previous year. We have no blue skv to offer lor sale; nothing but legitimate manufac turing proposition. If you want to get in touch with the best silo proposition, communicate with us at once. In making inquiry about our proposition, alwav ad vlaa tia in your first communication If there Is a local cement manufacturing Slant In your town. Minnesota Keystone llo company, Minneapolis, Mlmv WANTEI ) Reliable man for dairy farm; good reforencca required; feood place. Y. M. C. A. Employment. Tie an Auto Mechanic and draw a large salary, n S l"to the uto business for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shops will bring this result for you.' Writ for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, W14 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neh. WANTED l.ooo men to eat ham and eggs 15c. Coffee John. Mth and Caultol. WANTED Cleaner and pressor, all - around man; must furnish references. V it. . ai..,. 1 v . v L,auoiaii, diuua xiiihi1, . i HEIJP WANTED WALB AND FKMALM. THOUSANDS government Job open to men and women: $66 to $160 month. Writ for list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 221 B, Kocliester, M. r. OMAHA government clerk examinations April 28. $70 month. Common education sufficient. Sample question free. Apply Immediately. Address V 36L Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS NEAT, colored girl wanU position a waitress or chambermaid where she can't stay nights. H. "&. YOUNO man want piaoe to work for board while attending Boyle college. Telephone Dougla l&eo. WANTED Employment by inlddl-agd man. several year, railroad and office trxpurienc; prater position a traveling salesman or of flea work; can us ipewriteri not a steno. K tkl3. bee. DAY work wnted. Webster 694. COLORED girl want place to cook; exp. D. 7S1. EXPERIENCED carpenter, will work reasonable. Phone Red 6626. WANTED Situation caring for children, day or night. Call Walnut 322. EXPERIENCED clerk, dry good or gro cery. 18 year old. desire position. Had experience a collector also. Address L-4I, Bee. LADY with one child would like place a housekeeper. Web. 4119. WANTED Position doing chambermaid work. D. 6033. Ask for Irene. GIRL for general housework. Webster 1K79. 222l Seward St. WANTEI Position doing chamber work or laundry work. D. S622. LADY, refined, wisne board In well-to-do family, where companionship would bo accepted a cart payment. Reference exchanged. Addre B 21, Bee EXPERIENCED. reliable, practical nurse. Tyler 1378. LADY with small boy wtshe housework In cltv. No trlfler need apply. Ad dress, S, Bee Office. South Omaha. COI.ORED WOMAN want day work. Tyler 30M-W. ELDERLY lady looking for work, prefer alsh washing or taking care or cniiu- ren. Call IWiug. 1434. Address SS29 S. 2i:th. EXPERIENCED florl't wnts a posi tion In greenhouse work or for private gardener; good, eteaiiy man. no Looser. Write or call for Joe Oroaee Rhode, Union Hotel, Oman, opposite Burlington sta tion. WANTED By an experienced young man. 21 a Position as cashier, bill or office clerk In Omaha. Can do any kind of general office work. Am college graduate, good calculator ana excellent penman; beet of references; willing to tart work t a moderate salary. Ad dress K 7, Bee. Day work or bundle washing. Web. KX!. BO Yl.ES' bidy student wishes to trade service for experience tn a private of flee. Address P T. Bee. EXPERIENCED auto driver and repairer would like Job In city or out, after March 4. Address B 82. Bee. WASHING wanted by reliable colored woman; scrubbing and cleaning a spe cialty. Mr. Biley. Tler Itk. . PERFECT home washing. Lace curtain a sliecialty. Web. 421. COLORED woman wanta position as chambermaid In hotel, phone Web. 62o6. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hers aad Vehicle. FOR SALE $ tama of well-matched, cbunky mare; eight 1.300 to l.bou lbs. each; age 6 to 7 year; all good mare, right out of .hard murk; also $4 take chunky team of mares, heavy In foal. J. Ryan. Mgr.. iiiOJ Farnam. MUST '!! team bay brewery horses; 7 year old, J.i lb: 4 team black males, In foal, all yojng; 1 team brown marws. t.7ot) lbs., heaty in foal. Call at Bottle liecr lept.. 1214 S. I"tn St. ATTENTION ! Must sell this wee k four husky mare in foal; 1,209 to 1.400 pound each; have been takta cn a debt. This is a bargain. Call and Investigate. 609 t). rvlh tt. near ilumard residcip-e. LIVE STOCK FOR. SALE Horses and Vehicle. SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Pave mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments teceR prompt and careful atlen th n. BARGAIN' for a!h, 2-lb. young farm team, also 2l-lti. span. Iadv owner. 1721 Davennort St. FOR SALE Standard bred stnlllon, res lter d. Volume 2". No. 1 73'. wrUht t.'.'fi; asc 4; s oars r.t.eil sound; premium winner at stale fair E. C. B ilker, 12JB 8. 13d St , Lincoln, Neb. I'ARM waiton. fJi nml up; harness, $40. Johnson-I 'anforth Co., 1th Clark Sts. SEVEN head good mares, weight l.ino to J 1.4in pounds; must sell. I.M9 S. 32d St. T.nko Went HaiiMcom Park car. j OWING to sickness. mu! t sell 4 splendid hors s and ivmrrr cheap. Res. 314 N. 17th. j jh f.irm marcs, horses mules. Missouri rani h. G. L. Llglufxit. 2I2 Cuming St. FOR SALE I team of nice, larce mares, heavy In foal: weight I.eO lbs. each; agi S and 7 yea.. old; inconvenient fcr psrtv to car for stock ; private residence. 2121 fiodee Pi. Lady owner. i I OR SAL4'. A ni e, larg team, weight 1.50 lbs. each; one In foal: if) bales of i hay, nix bsgs of cracked corn and bran: ' Uankets. curry combs and brushes: must i be sold within next 3 days; party leav ing city: cheap for ready cash. James j Henry. 1223 Dodge. j FOR SAI.E--2D hend of horses nnd mares, j age from 4 years to years, all well , br.ke to work Cat! telephone South 3C23 I 3?22 Hnrrlaon St . South Omaha. i ' Live Stock Commission Merchants. : MARTIN BP.OS. & CO.. Excnane Bl'ig LOST AND FOUND i OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET ! RAILWAY COMPANY. I Persons having Io9t some article would ; to well to call up the office of the Omaha ! A Council Bluff Street Railway com i pany to ascertain whether they left II In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In an4 the comnunv 1 anxious to restore tl em Vo the rlKhtr-l ower. Call Dons, 41. Ili ir i mai n anil nn "inn i"a Her, very lat, reward. 2029 Capitol Ave. Phone Doutlns 4'S.V). LOST A pair of woman's black rim nose glasses at the Orplteuin matinee Thurs day. Call- Walnut 1"2. LOST Vanity esse, initials "H. A.," in Brand) i Tin atcr Bldg. ladles" room; re wwrd. Bvron Reed Co.. 212 S. 17th St. $jr reward for Information leading to the safe return to owner of Boston hull ter rier, dgrt brlndle snd white; ha whit'j face breast and front leas, one nine eye, crooked tail, long ear, one white tipped; favors rluht rear leg which has been hroki'n; name and, address on collar. F. H. Farrington. 3315 Woolworth Ave. Harney 3922. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. K. R. Tarl-y cures piles, fistula and other recfcil diseases without auiglcal op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. V'rl$e for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Hee Bldg. Piles and Fistula Cured without SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUSI NESS. PAY when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given tn every case treated Psticr.ts must come to the of fice, (OS-9-10 Omaha National bank, 17tb and Farnam Sta. DR. WILLIAM CKEIGU'J OK MAXWELL, Twenty-eight year in Omaha. Graduate of Believue Hospital Medical College, New York City. N. T. I PERSONAL NUR8E having own home in Portland, Ore., will give best care to limited num ber aged people. Can give good refer ences. Particulars, Mr. T. J. Loder, Or- cutt.'Cal. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so llcits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We ollect. We distribute. Phnn Dougla 4J35 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. YOUNO women coming1 to Omaha as stranger are invited to visit th Young Women' Christian assocl .tlon building at 17th St and Bt Mary' Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. $7,000 to Pension invalids It w receive 500 subscription to Tbe . Ladle Home Journal $1.C0 The Saturday Evening Post 1.60 The Country Gentleman 1.50 Each month till April to equal last year' business, the original $5,000 become the property of the Invalid' Pension assn., making $7,000 to pension Invalids. W must have HI subscriptions In February. Tour order or renewal add 60 ct. Phon Doug. 7163 or address Gordon, the Magazine Man, , OMAHA. NEB Pata Daddy Lee ran communicate with Dream girl, K. C, Mo. Brokenhearted. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES DON'T forget that three time mora chickens have been hatched In Oil Trusty incubator than In any other in cubator. Catalogue free on request Ad dress, M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center, Neb.- STEREOTYPE matrices make th best and cheapest lining for poultry house They ar 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76c a hundred at The Be office. LET chicken tar your rent; send for Ira book. "Turning Eggs Into Chick ens Into 1 loilars," and flee sanii le world only hatching chart; book describe Kayo incubators; give most chicks; hatch on one gallon oil. Rayo Incubator Co., 1016 B. 12th St.. Omaha. Neb. Phone Red 33t.U. Mixed grain. 1.10 lbs.. $1.75, Wagner 801 N IB. TOM BARRON strain Leghorn egi;a and cockerels, also white Indian Runner duck cgas and drakes for sale. Address W. J. Welch, Cherry Croft, Omaha; phone Benson 403. S. C. WHITE LEGHORN' cockerels, fine birds. $2. W. H. Bon herding, 2WS Ohio. Webster 2974. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OL1IIA A B C of Omaha N EW and 2d-hand motors, dynamo, magneto, etc., and mech. repairs. L Hi on Elect Works; 31S-24) S. 12th. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cuming. Dougla 2467. Renovate feather and mattresses of all kinds, make feathet mattresses snd down covers. V ACl'l'M clcsners for sale. Vacuum cleaning don In th home, banitary Servlc Co., 3uS Be Bldg. W E rent, repair, sell nevdle and parts lor all sewing macuinea r r. BRASKA CYCLE CO , Mick!'." 16th and Harney. Dougla IwJ. Aecoantaat. K. A. DWORAK, C. P. A . Addre 433 Ramge Bldg., Phone Douglas 7406. 144la Muklasa Dalton Adding Machine. 411 B. 18. D. 1443. Adder McU. Co. (Wale). W. O. W. P. 6338. Architects. Everett 8. Podd. $11 Ptxton Blk. E. 29S1. isl aad Maaaeto UepalriaaT. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 241$. Aactlaaeer. Dowd Auction Co.. 1U3-16 W. O. W. It. 32i5 Altraetioa. OMAHA Film Ex., 14U and Doug. MoUon picture mac bine and turn baraaixi. . HI a Prlntlna. HORNBY BLUS PRINT CO . tu$ Omaha Nat l Bnk Bldg. m gsrktn. U Cbair. 10c share. nck hav. i7 Far. LIVE WIRE III SIX ESS MEN OF OMAHA Rrnaa Koasdrlri, Paxtnn-MHehell Co.. 77th and Mrth Pta. inrpentera and Contrnetora. STEVENSON. gr$ S, 23d. Douglag 6gQ, talltornln l.nnda. W . T. Smith Co.. 1111 City Nat'l Bk. D 3M. China I'nlntlna". Roth Lelchford. decern tin, firing. R. 448. t hlninn.(n DR. EDWARDS, 21th A Farnam. D l5. ( renin Separator. The Sharpie Separator Co . 12th A Farn. 1 s 1 1 I'.nai neera, M. J. LACY. SIS BEE BLDG. DOUG. 4715. W. J. McEiithron. Tel D. Coi. lnlii um Nat. Clatern and Well DlaKlnK. , NEED weUTjr cistern cleaned or dug? BCIIAFEER does It. Phone Weh. c31. . E. RICKERTT Well ConstructlonCor; nothing too big or impossible: estimate furnished. 10 N. 21st St.. Omaha.. Coal Dealer. ri(l Johnson' special, also Victor nut. $5.00. Phcne Dougla 1702. Decora tore and Pner Itancexa. BILGER docs It 1'hone Walnut 1KJ. Diinctngr Academies. Turpln's Dancing Academy. 2?th & Far'n. Try Markii-'s flrst IsTfil larnev, Doug, R44. CHAMBERS" AcademV.clastuV-. D.-1S7L Dentists. Dr. Rrinihiiry. Nopain.921 ' V. O. W.BMg. DV. Todd's ul eolar dentistry. 41)3 Brandels Ballcy, ihe 1 ientitt. .jwi city Nat l Bank. Taft Dei tal Rooms. 1517 Douglas. D. 21Sfi Pyorrhea. Dr. Fiokea, 724 City Nat. Bank. Detective. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States, ( anada or Mexico. 0 9 1'axton Ulk. Doug. 1373. Walnut 1520. JAMES ALLAN. 312Nevllle Bk. Evl dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. DrrumaVlng. Terry Diessme.k'g colli ge. 20th A Farnam. EXl'HHI ENCED dressmaker went work by day. Fhone Florence 3?. f'RESS.MAKING and tailorTng work guaranteed. 24ft". Ci-.s St. Tel. Red 7235. MISS STURDY. 211H Cnas. Red 7320. WATSON ft LUND, 1VKI7 Cuss St. Kleetrle Snppllea. LEBRON Elec. Wks.. 31B R 12th. D. 217$. Dragcs, DRUG at Ait prices: freight paid on $10 orderp; catalogues free. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Xb. Kverylblnsr for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, picot edging;. Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas Block. D. 1936. SWITCHES from combings, $1.60. Psyche free. Mrs H. M. Eck, 3mi Slarcy. H. 6b46. HAIRDRKSSINO at your home. R. 931. KorJers. BEN FUNSTER. 1410 N !4th St. W. 777T. Feathers 4 leaned. , BRING In your old atraw hats; cleaned and dyed F0c. Dora Elselc, 1136 City Nat. Douglas C$32. Florist. A. DON AG HUE, 15?2 Harnay. Doug. 100L BATH'S florists, 1M)4 Farnam St. HESS A SWOBOD.A. HIS Farnam St L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 12a. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. I.iilti'rlns nnd Spontlnit. FIRE PREVENTION CO. Douglas 4584. Hair Dresslnir. j Harper method. R- , Balr4 Ride. D. 3T11. Lighting; Fixtures and Wlriaar. THOMAS DURION Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2418 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2619. Lire Stock Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 07 S. 13th. Red 425$. Messenger and Teamster. WHITE LINE. 309 8. 11th. Dougla $312. Mask, ( ontsairi and x.odgre Snppllea. MNFR. of lodgo regalia and costume. The lart'csf stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes in the country. Tbeo. Llebcn & Son, 1614 Howard. D. 4116. MaaxVosea. CORA BELLING Y SStuSiS: tory treutments; 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. VAPOR BAT1IS-M StftSf Douglas. Notice Entrance downstairs, basement, cor. of Dodge. Call today. Miss Jacobs, mass., manicuring. D. 4297. MISS SCHMIDT, mass., elec. bath. D. 713. Open eve., 9 p. m.: Sundays, 12 to 6. MASSAGE. 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. M as Fisher, mass., elec. treat. Red 6036. 1U ASSl AfJF. 620 BEE BUILDING. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson, 12 Farnam, R. 2. Douglas 1.751. Open evenings and Sunday. JIISvV'Al-Tb3:7"bath, massaite. Tel. D. 42i7. Hours to 9: Sunday 11 to 6. Clara Le. bath and massage. Doug. 876L Kathleen Mack, massage & bath. D. 7682. BATHS. 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and DougT W. C. FERP.iN. 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Oculists. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay a you can Dr. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathia physiolnn. Dr. Rerneha. 203-4 MeCague Bldg. P. f?S. Dr. Peterson. 603 Brandels Bldg.. D. 2141. Printing:. WATERS-B ARNTIART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 524 S. 13th St, DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel, Doug. 644. COREY M'KF.NfUE PTO. CO. D. 2614. RTES-HALL Ptg. Co.. HHP Capitol. D. 1101. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3754. Patent Development, AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 8. 11th St. Patent. H. A. Eturges. 636 Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O. Barnell. Poxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Hoach Exterminator. B. 11. B. Roach powder at 'Fregger's " Palntlna and Paperlagt. HUGH M'MANUS. 417 N. 40th IT. B72S. I'lsmei RrnoTStrd, PLUME" fc flowers made over, cleaned A dved. Iierha Kroner. 429 paxton. D. 8394. Safe and Time Lock tOxperta, O A T?t70 Opened, repuireJ, corrrb. M M P-J chunged. F. E. Daven--''4 port. Dodge. D. 1S21. Shoo Hepairlng;. Electric Shoe Rep. Co., 1S07 St. Mary s Av. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 211 S. 14. Maua nnd hkowcard. E. M CLARK A SON. 113 8. 16TH ST. Steel t ellings. CARTER Sheet MeUI Company, 110 S 10. toro and Office Flxtnre. DESKS, safes, scale, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, seal. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 4)4-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2724. Towe (applies, OMAHA Towel Supply. 20 S 11th. D. E28. Trsski and Suncaae. PR ELI NG & STP.INLE. 18ft Farnam St Tailor. CIIAS. C I.ANPKRYOTT. 108 N. lMh St ULSKN A ROUECHE. !; Harney. U. tm. Veterinarians. DR. f. R. YOUVG. 46t Center. Wal. $02S Wines and Htners. ALEX JETES. 201-8 S. iJth St. Wines, liquors, clyar. Plate dinners. U to 3. 10c tijebe lTTuc7r !ious. 424 N. 16th; California wine. $1 2j per gal. Write for price list HENRY I-OLLOCK LIvJUOR HOUSE. 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family Uquor at Klein' Liquor House. 522 N. ifcth- Doiicl Iau3 SWAPPER'S COLUMN A SINGLE hirse cultivator, seeder and assortment or farm tools, w hat hav i you to of lei. Addre S. C. 664, Bee. I SWAPPER'S COLUMN AITHV I hve a Buick, lyii. model, thor ouglijy overhauled a.nl in -nod condi tion, that I will swap for plumbing and hentinjt work. S. C. XTH. care Bee. AUTO One new inl cme second-hand touring car, for good first-c -class niort- gage pciper. Ans. quick. S. C. 71, Bee. AUTt Jt.iick 4-horsepowoi , 5-passenger, in best repair for house and lot or lot worth $s). Will assume. Address 8. U. 6M, Bee. AUTO 191.1 6 pass. Buick, fine condition. Will trade for lot valued l,t on pavd street. Will pay difference it lot I worth more. Call W ehstcr 415. A UTOMOB!LJs Fol other automobile bargain see th "Autoinobll" ctasatfi ration. BOOK of foreign stamps; want to swap for Victor records, or what hav you. Address S. C. n. Bee BUSINESS CHANCE Half Interest In an established real eajatc firm for used car; mu be In good condition. Address P. C. 65, JVe. R 1A DSTER Will traJe 11U4 Met road ster, used very iittle, for a good vacant lot or as first payment on cheap cottage. Address 8. C, i. Bee. BOOKCASE Muisloii oak, good shape; will trade for sewinor machine or ko dak. Address S. C. 072. Itee. CA HiE.N J'.iiii auk Iv Will exchange services as carpenter for two lot grad ing, -rtnuress r. ti, nee. CHAIR Solid oak armchair, real leather, for book sections, library table, ninaie cabin-t or part on buffet. Phone H. 42S6. CHICKENS Rhode Island Red cockerel, will exchange tor pullets, am variety. Address S, C. 656. Beic. CHAIR Large library chair for trade for young fox terrier. Address S. C. 6S0 Bee. DRESS SUIT and Tuxdo, gas stove, or namental clock, or a mandolin for any thing 1 can use on a farm. What have lou? Address P. C. 669. Bee. EIGHT-ROOM modern house In Hast- inns. Neb. Will trade for Omaha home or vacant lots. Addrens, K 619, Bee. GUITAR Washburn griiltar rnd canva case; cost $22.60; to trade for picture card projector or kodak. Addre S. C. 57,Bee: ' I WILL" take a good late model car and $350 cjish for equity In good, sightly lot less than one mile from court house and on 24th street. Balance $.110, payable $10 a month. Call Harney 8934 today or after 6 p. m. Monday. INCUBATOR Old Reliable Incubator, good condition. What have you to offer? I want Buff Orpington hens. Address S. C. 6112, Dee. I MOTORCYCLE Will trade one twin cylinder motorcycle with aide car. all same a new, for anything of equal value. ' A d dreBB S. C. 661. care Bee. MOTORCYCLE 2 cylinder, chain drive. Harley-Davirton, 2 passenger, fully equipped, run 1.200 miles, tire good. Presto lamp; cost $275. Want diamond ring, clear lot or what have you; also . have nearly new $125 typewriter; would trade together or yteparately. Address S. ' C. 660. Bee. OAK roll top desk, a bargain. Can call Sunday. Phone Walnut 2624. OMAHA OR RALSTON LOTS FOR i late Ford touring car. Walnut 1539-6 o ; 13 OAK commode to trade. What have ! you? Address S. C. 667. Bee. PIANO First class uptight piano; want : chickens and cow or horse or make . offer. Address P. C. Oil, Bee. 10 PULLF;T8 and 2 cockerels, thorough bred Barred Rocks. Make me an offer; want electric fan. Addrena S. C. 663, Bee. PIANO to swap for an at;to to make serv ice wagon out of It Don't care for paint, ; but want a guod 4-cy Under running gear; no Junk nils wanted. Address S. C. 651, Bee. PlANf-Swap on well located building . lot; bal. cash. Give full description and price or no attention paid. Address S. C. 654. Bee. PIANO PLAYER Whitney Piano Player, fine condition, cost $500;, will trade for good 2 or 5-passenger auto. Address S. C. 6S4, Bee. PIANO, in good shape to swap, on well located, close-in old style house and lot; will pay balance. Want something that can be made an excellent place; priced around $2,0u0 or less. Give location and price, or no attention paid. Address S. C. 652. Bee. ROADSTER 1912 Ford roadster, in excel- . lent condition, new 1914 roadster body, car looks and runs like new; have bought a new car and will trade Ford for good clear Omaha lot. 8. C. 275, Bee. x RUBBER BOOTS Hava good pair of rubber boota almost new will U or trade for something I can us; In good condition; ! 9(4. S. C. 46L Bee. SHOTGUN Winchester repeating shot gun, 10-gauge, with cleanout rod and full box of shells; cost $30 and good as new; will trade for diamond, typewriter, or-what have you? Address 8. C. 6X3, Bee. 6IGNS. showcards. Clark A Son. D. 1378. TYPEWRITER Hammond, used onlv t , months, cost $125; also $35 Hampton natch; will trade one or both for dia mond ring, or what have you? Might con sider motorcycle if good, or otter. Ad dress S. C. 666, Bee. VACUUM WASHING MACHINES Have 25J well known vacuum washing ma chine, all new and up-to-date. A guar anteed machine. Agents, here Is your chance to make a clean-up this spring Will swao for auto or what have you? Add res 8. O, 630. Bee. WATCH A good. 17-Jewel gold watch, a- ' year case and good chain. What have you and can use to trade. Addre 8. C. 6 9. Bcc WILL trade electric or any kind of piano and pay difference for small car. Ad dress S. C. 668. Bee. WILL trado a 4-cyllnder runabout, in good running order, end fine diamond ring for a 5-passenger car. Address 8. C. 679, Bee. WATCH A 15-Jewel, 16 slxe. 30-year J. Buss 20 cold-filled rase to trade for shot gun. Address S. C. 1521. ear Bee. WOULD like to swap roller top desk. In first-cl.is condition, for small safe or strong box. What hava you gott Ad dress, S. C. 658,i Bee. FOR RENT Apartment and Flat. Fidelity Storage Co storage, moving, packing and shipping. 10th A Jackson Sta Phone Dougla Sm. NEW 4-rooni apt, all rood., team boated. i4 No. 2ni h 8t. 6-r.. modern llat. a. 24th. 83X H. 4711. FOR HUNT-Mot beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-dato 3. 4 and 6-room apartment in city. Building lust fin ished Flora Apartments. 2661 Jones St 5-ROOM flat, nearly new, all modern ex cept heat, ia. IV win nu SNAP Down town, 6-room, modern ex cept heat. See Janitor California Apt. D. y.237. ST. GEORGE Apartments, located In, select W est Farnam district; one 6-room suite to let. Phone Web. Iti4. Board aad Boom. 701 S. ISth, close In. Prices reaaonable. - tiii unshinvfc I W wa ii- FURNISHED ROOM. natd. 4A North 814 Av. ' TSimished and Unfurnished IX ALL PARTS OF TILE CITY Hundreds of very deslrsbl room for sleeping and for light housekeeping ara Hated in our BIG FREE RENTAL DE PARTMENT. You will aave yourself on. h time and a urent deal of inconveni ence by coming direct to our store and looking over our rree iveniai ivi. iiih list is absolutely free to you for "th asking. Central liirmture More. Free Rental Department. 17th and Howard Sts. THREE pleasant West Farnam rooms; buslneaa women preferred; reference required. Address O to, car Omaha Sc, I