Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1915, Page 7, Image 5

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in Bluff District
Twenty-Five SupecU Arretted in
Connection with Murder of
Mist Emm Peterson.
AfnOHA. III.. Feb. M-An old woolen
glove and a heavy piece of gas pipe mere
the dues upon which the police todajr
l'lnnrd their greatest hope of (diving tho
mystery of the murder cf Mi. Emma
l'etcron, whose body was found lying
on a sidewalk In a faahlnnahla action v.f
this city last night. These articles were
found today within a half . blo-k of the
spot where Miss Tcterson was strtuk
down. The young woman's handti.ip.
open and rifled, was found a Hock and
a half away. The police believe the Ipe
mas used to crush the girl's skull. My
means of the glove thejr hope to give
blcodhounds a scent.
Miss Elisa Calkins, who lives pear the
scene of the murder, told the police she
lcard Mlse Peterson scream, saw a man
stoop over her a moment, then pick up
something and run.
Before noon forty-two persons. twenty
Jive of vhem negroes, had beon picked up
for investigation. The police cmtlpued
t hold John Mason, an old man, lut
said they had about reached !ho conclu
sion that he knew nothing of the crime
This le the third mysterious murder of
a woman In Aurora In twelve months.
In each case the victim has been slugged
to death. In no case has the murderer
been caught. The three unsolved mur
ders are:
Theresa Hollander, who waa clubbed to
death In a cemetery on the night of Feb
ruary 1, r.m. Tony Petras, a former
suitor, whs twice tried on a charge of
having flaln her and acquitted.
Jennie Miller was clubbed to death In a
church yard on the night of November
1!', inn. Several arrests were made, but
the crime was never solved.
Kmiria Peterson was found clubbed to
death near the residence of former United
States Senator Albert J. Hopkins.
The man under arrest, John Mason,
does odd Jobs at St. Joseph hospital for
his board. He had bocn under arrest
early last night after he had seized the
arm of a young woman a block from the
spot where Miss Peterson's body was
The girl complained that she had been
seized by a man in the vicinity the night
before. Her father followed her last
night and trapped Mason. The rollce,
after questioning hini, released him. Two
hours later the body of Miss Peterson
waa found.
Mason, according to the police, admitted
that ho sometimes had carried a strip of
rubber hose filled with shot, but the sis
ter at the hospital asked for his release,
declaring he waa a harmless eccentric.
Near Starvation
Opportunities for Keenest Economics Without the Least Sacrifice in Qualities
Are Offered Buyers in February Month-Ending Sales Here Saturday
Friendly Iniilnn encamped northeast of
ISIuff are suffering greatly through lack
of fond and are living In terror of the
hostile, according to a di'Pab h received
by the lvsert News from Muff today .
Indian Agents Creel and Jenkins located j
the band, numbering 115. mostly women J
and children. They were found to be in I
a despeiatc tondltion through lark of j
tooa ami me recent deep snow naa So
reduced their horses that the Indians
w-ere unable to move from their camps.
None of these Indians ever lived on a
reservatif n. but they now express them
selves as anxious to be taken to the I'te
reservation In Colorado, where they may
obtain food. Their want has been re
lieved temporarily and they will be moved
to the reservation as soon as their hor.
are able to travel. The Indians appear )
tn l.o II. ..A I .. , rna. t .),. 1 i l . . ..
... .-v in Kitm iti in tn- ,i'.- i iv.--
under Polk and Posey and are anxious
to b? away from the scene of hostilities
The body of Chicken Jack, the Piute
Indian killed "by the posse Sunday, which
was supposed to bavc been borne away
by the Indians, was found ' in Cotton
wood Wash by John F. Tavrly today.
The body was almost completely sub
merged. An Inquest was held, finding
that he was killed by a bullet fired from
the posse, and arrangements have been
made to bury the body.
Mancos Jim, the friendly I'te scout, re
ports that he believes the joint force of
hostile under Polk and Posey numbers
only about fourteen warriors, the rest of
the band bring made tip of squaws and
Winter touitKi and f'olda Oangerona
Don't run the risk get a 50c bottle of
IT. King's New Discovery now. The
first dose helps you. Advertisement.
Steamer Mongolian
Disabled at Sea
N K W YORK, Feb. Si.-The steamer
Mongolian of the Allen line, bound from
Philadelphia for Glasgow, Scotland, Is In
distress miles from Tape Kace, ac
cording to a message received here today
by Bowring Co., steamship agents. The
Mongolian was said to be calling for help
and leaking badly. The Cross liner
itephano is about 416 miles from Halifax
and Is rushing to the assistance of the
Cut Thin oat Man,
If you don't want It today, you may
next week. Fend this advertisement and
S cents to Foley & Co., Chicago, III., writ
ing your name and address clearly. Yen
receive In return three trial packages
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for
coughs, colda, croup and grippe;, Foley
Kidney Pills, for weak or disordered kid
neys or bladder: Foley Cathartic Tablets,
a pleasant, wholesome and cleansing pur
gative, Just the thing for winter's slug
gish bowels and torpid liver. These well
known standard remedies for sale by all
druggists Advertisement.
!' J
e jr.
! H
A Notable Sale of
f$$Hosiery and Gloves
' V Jl Vf unlav sale
A lots of $1
You can save largely without tin lcat
aerifice of quality in those special Sat
Pure Thread Silk Hose, broken
00 aul $1.."0 value, soni"
slightly soiled, to close, jair ....(9
Wayne Knit Silk Hose, the most satisfac
tory in all ways; all colors; complete
new stock, pair $1.50, 98S 75
Ladies' Hose, ."() and 7.V qualities,
samples and odd lots, all colors, on sale,
at, the pair o5
Ladies' 25c Lisle and Cotton Hose, all
q Mack or split sole, at, pair V2
I he nest in school hose tor children -
;? You spell it, 'Policy Hose."
Children's Fay Hose, full line in Mack or
white, at, pair 125 and 35c
IjiiiIU'n Oii Jloves I I'liitnuilsotte ;ive ' Children's KM (;ov'h
That sold tip to White with black ( To $1.00 vhIuc,
lined or unlmert -
$1.50; tan only; ! stitching; Rauntlet
great bar- f ! effect: $1 " O
pain. Sat.. Vi7C value
on sale
Jf'i Ji g cLJP s tor e
New Ribbons
Three special lots of plain and
fancy Kihhons, regular 1.V to
.'! values, on sale, Saturday,
at, yard
7'vC 10 15
Pretty houdoir caps, tm sale
1250, 50 75, 91.00
Extra Specials
Kiihlier cushion hair brushes,
Tl.'Mi values for 59
0e tooth brushes 10
Xtivelty neck cords 15f
Silk crochet cotton 3l
Carpet Warp, per lb 150
Many other specials equally
as attractive.
All Trimmed Fabric Hats
MM 0
Men's All Wool Blue If O Cfi
Serge Suits for. ... . pO.OV
A genuine all-wool, fadeless blue serge, nicely
tailored and mohair lined; fine soft ineane
serge. Every suit guaranteed never to fade.
Saturday, choice, all sizes '.U to 44, at. .$8.50
Men's $1.50 and $1.95 Trousers, $1
Marx anil Haas made, all good patterns, sizes
128 to 4-1 waist, all lengths. These are excep
tional values; while thev last, $1.50 and $1.!5
trousers for ". $1.00
Five Song Hits
At Special Prices Saturday
'Perfect l)ay," by Cary .lacob Bond 190
"I'm a Long Way From Tip)Mrary" 100
"Tip Top Tipperary Mary" 100
" live i-y bod 's Singing Tipperary" i 100
Add 1c per copy if ordered by mail. .
From Our Near Neighbors J j j
Wrrplnir Water.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Klietsch were at
Avora Monday night.
Hert Oolllster of Casper, Wyo., is visit
ing relatives In town.
Miss Henrietta Butler was home from
the Peru Normal over Sunday.
Mrs. Helena Meyers of Manlev was a
Wednesday night visitor with Mrs. Houts,
Mrs. Fred I-eavitt of Kchawka visited
her cousin. William Coatman, the first
of the week.
Mrs. Joseph Mills of Webster county
was a visitor thia week at the D. li.
Milla home.
Oeorge Carey has gone to Tecumsch,
where he has accepted a position In a
meat market.
Mrs. B. R Thompson of Malcolm. Ia.,
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Nancy Heed,
and other relatives.
Mrs. It. G. Glover waa called to Louis
ville Tuesday by the death of a cousin,
Mrs. I. me iJoedeker.
W. P. Hayea has returned to his home
at I'lalnville, Kan., after several days'
visit with relatives here and at Manley.
William I'hilpot has gone to Gandy to
attend the annual meeting of the Phllpot
Kanch company. He is secretary o the
Mrs. Ixso Agan returned to her home
In Kawls county. Kansas, the first of the
week, having been here to attend th
funeral of her husband's mother.
John Bogard was a Lincoln business
visitor the lirst of the week.
Miss MhMp Hanger was visiting at
Lincoln several days last week.
Miss .Mir.!,::' IliihKe spent a few days
this week 'ing Berlin relatives.
Mrs. ,)e-. .I'.nlklns of Valparaiso Is
spending tho ,)k with her parents here.
Andrew Jensen has returned from a
visit wltii his parents at Uodge City, Kun
Hans Johnson and wife of Wcepln
Water were visiting relative here this
week. ,
Andreas Hehmeier of Omaha spent sev
eral days here this week visiting hia
Miss Kda Xtitzman was at Blair the
first of the week visiting her sister, Mrs.
J. M. Kokjcr.
County Superintendent Kda Msrquardt
was over from Plattsmouth Sunday vis
iting 'relatives.
C. F. Hartman and wife of Lincoln
were over Sunday guests at the U. W.
Breazealc home.
Misa Stella Opp. who is teaching school
at Columbus, was visiting her parents
here the first of the week.
turned to her home In Valley on Wednes
day. Mrs. J.' C. Agie entertained the Birth
day club Thursday afternoon at her
The' monthly meeting of the Woman's
Missionary society, was held Wednesday
afternoon. at the-home of Mrs. William
Nightingale. Miss Ferree had charge of
the lesson studyt '
The Tailed Wernan's elttb gave an en
joyable farewell party Flidav evening at
the Held hotol, In honor ot Mr. and Mrs.
B. F. Smith. About seventy-five mem
ber and guests were in .attendance.
Mrs. Frank Whitmore went to Omaha
Wednesday to spend a few days with
her daughter, Mrs. B'thard Webster,
who will leave with her husband for
their new home at Washington, D. C,
very soon.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Woman's chriatlan Temperance union
was held Friday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. John Do Vore. Miss Pawl le
Vore was leader of the study, "Red Let
ter Days."
Miss Irene Brown tuolt her advance
class in domestic si lence to Fremont Fri
day. They went through a flouring mill
and bakery and visited the domestic
science department of the Fremont High
New Sample Shirts
High class garments, in best
colorings and styles. Up to
$3X0 values at
490, 690, 980, $1-45
Compare the quality; that's
what tells the tale.
A Splendid Showing ot New Neckwear
Attractively Priced
Boys' Blue Serge frj Q C I
Suits for .... . Ii? S
P.lue serge and fancy colors, ages G to 16 years.
They are the best suits we have ever offered; in
our Domestic Koom, at ..$1.95
Boys' Knickerbockers, 39c !
Kxtra trousers for boys, all sizes f to 16 years; I
light or dark colors; Saturday, boys' school
knickers for 390 I
Ladies' New Hand Bags, 98c 2
$1.75, $2.00 and $2.25 values, B
77iaf sold regularly to $6.50 not a single
one reserved. Your choice for $2.50
There's a splendid assortment of
shapes for your selection, black,
white and colors, all artistically
trimmed. Don't miss them.
Exceptionally Nobby Styles at a Big Saving
AT 250
Choice of a boautiful linn of
.Valine Huffs, Plauen Collars.
Organdie Veslees and Collar anil
Cuff Sets, made to sell at B0c.
AT 500
A new line of Oriental I.ace
Ventres, Orsundie Vestees with
Cuffs and fine Venice Lace Yokes
and collars; 1.00 values.
AT $1.00
A splendid new line of Fine
1acn Novelties, made to sell up
to 2.00; one of the best assort
ments ever shown.
at yac .Ml leather, silk or
leather lined, with two and five
piece fittings; gilt, nickel or ftun
metal trimmings; best value tm
shown la Omaha.
Another splendid line, new
hand bag bargains. ...490
Henry Mockelman la HI at his home.
Jlr. and Mrs. Joachem Bull have the
Harry Johnson visited friends in Omaha
Mrs. A J. Deerson of Ewlng, Neb.,
arrived Tuesday.
J. A. Cilbbims and William Rohblns were
In Omaha Thursday.
Mrs. John Fedde Is confined to her bed
with stomach trouble.
A small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Bryant of near F.Ik City Is III with
Miss Hilda Meyer entertained the
l adies' keusington Wednesday. A nice
lunch was served.
Ryron Qulnn. the young son of Mr. and
Mis. James Uulnn. la still confined to
his bed with mcaples and bronchitis.
Ula the 12-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Chris Bull, died Sunday from
a complication of ailments, commencing
with measles. The funeral was held
Tuesday, with burial at Allen cemetery.
William Anderson and Mini Agnes Brug
niati we.e married Wednewiay. A recep
tion was helii In the evenlns at tho hnm.
of the bride s parents. Mr. and Mrs Peter
lirugman. They will live on a farm four
miles northeast of here.
John Raugh waa In' Omaha on business
Mrs. Oeorge Ingwersen is very low w Ith
cancer at her home.
Chris Stefflns and -wife Hundayed with
Dick Steffina and family.
The Auditorium Is being wired tnis
week by an expert from Omaha.
Joseph Katon of Omaha spent a day
this week with his sister, Mrs. Thomas.
Guy Roml returned Wedneaday from a
few days' visit with relatives at Kurr.
Miss Ryan of Omaha was the guest of
Mrs. F. P. Sheldon at dinner Thursday.
J. M. Calmer waa a business visitor in
Omaha and Plattsmouth the first of the
Mrs. K. M. Pollsrd and children ar.i
visiting with her parents In Omaha this
A. F. Boedeeker' went to Toulsvllle.
Wednesday, to attend the funeral of a
Ralph Opp, Missouri Pacific agent at
Julian, visited with the home folks one
day this week.
Mrs. Gohery of Murdock. who has been
visiting her sister. Mrs. Garber, returned
home Tuesday. x,
Miss Lydla Opp gave a birthday party
to about twenty of her young fi lends
Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ktoll visited with
the Utters parents at Auburn the early
pan. oi me-weea.
Mrs. Lawson Conrad of Routh RonH I.
visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
tsuraicK, this week.
Charlea Chrlsnisser and familv wr
visiting Mr. t'hrlsnisser'a parents In
Plattsmouth, Tuesday.
Mrs. Virgin of Murray, who haa been
visiting her brother. William Tucker, re
turned home Tuesday.
The Xchawka Boosters' . club gave a
banquet Friday night to thejr women
friends at the Masonic hall.
John Fuster cut an artery in his
thumb Saturday night.
Mr. and Mr. Martin Mortensen spent
a week visiting In Omaha.
Miss Wauneta Cork entertained Uva
Kensington club Monday evening.
Mrs. F. M. Butts spent Wednesdsy In
Fremont with her sifter, Mrs. Gaines.
Mlss Greenwood of Craig, Neb., will
supply the grammar room until Mrs.
Moore ia able to take up her school
work again.
Mrs. Moore, who has been in the Fre
mont hospital almost four weeks, re-
Don't Neglect
kMa the swollen viand
and inflamed membranes often
affect other tissue and impair
tWr noattfcr action.
(Teat relief becaaM K coa
liver oil U speedily con
verted fart got m-reiotX
tiasao tn glycerin U
caratWo and healing,
wttilo tho combined emaU
aion atrencthena t We laag-a
to avert lane trouble,
ismwi m II
The New Spring Garment Styles Are Here
New Suits, New Coats, New Dresses, New Skirts, New Waists in broader assortments than
ever before at this season, and their exceptional beauty and the surprisingly low pricings are
attracting crowds of eager buyers.
stand supreme as the best in
style and quality produced
to sell at $25.00
100 new ones shown first
time Saturday.
New Afternoon and Shreet Dresses Assort
ments broad enough to insure pleasurable se
lection to the most particular
at $15.00, $19.50, $2500 and $.15.00
( At $9.90 Pretty Silk Dresses in taffetas, j
eolienes, crepe ue chines, etc.; plain colors
and fancies; remarkable bargains.
$25.00 Tailored Suits, $14.90
Nobby new suits iu the new
Hel-riaii blue, pretty sands, etc.
.launty short coat, full skirt
styles, in choice fabrics; re
markable bargains Saturday.
The Large Women will want
to see our splendid stock of
extra size suits; two big
shipments just received; the
price are $15.00, $19.50,
$25.00 a n d $35.00.
More New Spring Coats Tlie nobbiest line of
the season's new styles one would wish to find.
At $10.00, $12.75, $19.50 and $25.00
At $7.95 Spring Coats; jaunty styles in
gabardines, serges, etc. All sizes; values
you'll scarcely find equaled.
MORE NEW WAISTS Newest designs in (jeorgettc crepes, laces, crepe de chines, etc.; in
all wanted colors $5.00
A Complete New Showing of the Well Known
"Dix" brand House Dresses and Nurses' Uni
forms and Maids' Dresses; the best in every
Our Children's Department offers most com
plete assortments at lowest prices.
Dresses priced from Coats priced from
95 up to $4.95 $1.95 up to $15
Hardware Department
$1.7" size cast aluminum cake griddles,
for 98?
Miscellaneous Housewares at Bargain
Prices for Saturday's Special Sale:
25c extra heavy Dust Pans 19
10c Dust Pans, at 5
5c DufetPaus, at 3p
No. 8 cast iron Skillets, at 33
No. 0 cast iron Skillets, at 39
No. 8 cast iron Cake (Jnddles, at.
No. 0 cast iron Cake (5 riddles, at
25c, any brand, Cedar Oil Polish
;?5c Coal Huckets, at 19
Full size wan-anted Axes 89
Sanitary Savory broad boxes, 41c, Klc and HS
Good kindling wood Hatchets, at lt)
Big Shoe Sale Saturday
Saturday we place on ai hundreds of pairs of Men's and Wonipn'B
kIiopr from Home of the host factorleH In New Kngland, bought, at CO cents
on the dollar. Some of the Men's Shoes have been on display In our
lKth street window for a few days.
Men's 4.00 and J4.&0 Shoes, "Illack Ragle" brand $3.00
Men's $".00 and $4.00 button Shoes, blucher or Kngllsh lare, black or tan.
on sale, at 82.50
Men's $3.00 Shoes, black or tan blucher, button or English lace, mostly welt
Koles, at, the pair 91. OS
Women's gray or black cloth top, military lace Shoes, $5.00 and $4.f0
values, on nale, at, pair $3.!0
Women's gray top, military lace Shoes, f o .50 values SHiJ.50
Misses' and Child's $1.75 and $1.50 Kuiimetal button Shoes, all Hizesjgl.OO
Infants' $1.2.". Shoes, two lots TTtC "d rOc
Closing out tho Hoys' tan $2.50. high cut Shoes $ 1 ,50
rover "! Queen Quality Klne for Women. NtelHon and t'roett Shoes
for Men.
Drugs and Toilet Goods
35c bar Shah of I'ersta Soap for 10
1 box, !) bars, assorted Soaps, Jergen'a 115
10c Jhp Hose Soap (i
15c bar 4 711 White Rose Soap for io
4 1 Oo rolls of Crepe Toilet Paper "for. ...... .25
25c package of Borax Chips for 10
oc package Ammonia, z ror
$1.0o Sal liepatica, for rheumatism GO
50c Sal liepatica, for rheumatism ........
50c bottle I'henolax Wafers Laxative. .... .25
$1.00 bottle Dloxygen (i9
75c red rubber house cleaning Gloves. . . . . ,3f)
26c Orris Hoot Tooth Powder
76c Ideal Hair Brushes for .
DJer Kiss Kace Powder . .
htir I''K l"acr I'owiler . . .
fiOc Jhiiiup Kiimp Kace l'owder.
7.ri' I'pprlFHM Kace I'uwder
1 1 fiO l.fitll (Irli.iiful f'
2'ic jiottl White I'lnt- CoiikIi (UTt
Mic bottle l-ltcli'a ilalr Tonic...
2."i' Auto Biiik-
tl.:r Watf-r Monies, white
$: OH WolllriKton t'oiiiljinatiun Syringe. cuarantee1 :t
ypHru sa.oo
No piione orders taken. For Saturday.
Flour apodal for Batorday 48-lh.
nark l.litti grade DiamntM II Flour
nothing liner for oread. pifM or
cakes, made from No. 1 nelected
wheat; rverv suck miHranteed. Sat
urday spoolal, per sack tl.aS
Make Your Own Bread It Vara
IT ibx. tient (iranulaied Huaar. . tl.00
8 lba. beat White or Yellow ComuieH!
for 170
7 lbs. bent rolled white Breakfux;.
Oatmeal for 95o
4 lha. fancy Japan litre 36o
i lba. best No. 1 Hand Ticked Navv
Heana for . .860
10 baja Meat 'Km All. Lenox or Laun
dry Queen White Laundry tSoap i0
t cans Oil Hardmea S60
Tail cans Alaaka Balmon lOo
The best doniextlr Mu aronl. Vermi
celli or HpuchctU. pka THo
M-os. cans Condnnsod Milk TO
Yeajit Foam. pk o
K '. Corn Klakea. pk 7l4o
2-Ih. can Wax, htrinf. Green or Llrn
Meana for TM
2-lb. ran fancy Kweet Kocar Corn
for T'o
I-lh. can Golden Pumpkin. Hominv.
Maked Bean or Hauer Kraut.. 70 I
Oallon rail iJolilcn Tal'le Syiui..38o
lifrrahev'u Mreakfaat t'ocua. lb. .300 1
Oolden KhiiIok Coffee. Hi. .... 30o
JVlHi I.aren'H IVanut Mutter. ll . 13'tO
dn .1 J t for ili'hHiit iiothiiia In''
It per pka- 7V0
Klt-hland Havel Orange Bale Friday.
The Orange of Quality.
KfMKPri liy the huh, moon and ntnri
for llxyden Mi ox Per dosea lSto,
15c 30o, 85o. Pride of California.
The Vegetable Market for the People.
16 Ion. hfKl Cookina I'otalo.-H to 1 h.
peck for 17'to
Batter and Cheese Prices.
The best l ream-r Mutter, carton or
bulk, lb 330
The best Hairy Table Mutter, lb. 380
The best No. 1 Country Creamery
Mutter, per lb 310
Oood liairv Mutter, lb 85o
I His. aood Hulterine 3So
The bent, eiual to creamery butter,
per lb 3 So
Full Cream White. Colored or Youo
America Cheese, lb 30c
Imported Kwlsa or Koriurfort Cheine
per lb 40l
Special Orapo Prnlt Sale Saturday
1 carload of the famous Chase brand
exlra fantv, 48 si.e. that retail
even a here f.r 7 Vic and lie ea-'li.
Saturday only, each, 4o.; dos. 4 So
Meat Department
The Best No. 1 Pork Loins,
Saturday, per pound . ,8VjC
The Best No. 1 Pork Should
ers, per pound . .
.8 Vic
No. 1 Hleer I'ot Monst. lb 100
First uualitv I.amb lliridiiuarters.
per lb 13C
First finality 1-umb Fureuuiirters.
per lb alio
h'ltst iuality Henr Mound Hteak,
per 11. 150
Home made bulk Sausasc, lb. . . lOo
lbs. best Leaf Lard So
Armour s titar Skinned Hums, per
lb 14o
No. 1 I'icnic llama, lb lOUo
No. 1 Lean Mai-on. Hi. lS'.Jo
No. 1 Mark Macon, lb 13',0
No. 1 Halt I'ork, per lb lOo
The best bulk Oysters, no water ad
ded. 3S ounces to the Quart 40o
We have a full line or fresh and
Ball flsli every day during the Leu
ten aeaaon.
For quality goods and 1 ounces to
tbe pound. Try Hayden's Klrat
1 1 1'avs.
Try Rayden'a First ( Fays.
Snaps in
For One Day,
Come Early.
Full Size Sanitary Couch for $2.50
Well suiort'(l w itli t-jn'ciul springs, oxidized finish; strong
and durable.
Best Kitchen Cabinet Made, $25.00
A remarkable bargain Saturday. Has drop front, glass
nupar jar, white enamel flour bin, sliding shelves, all white
enameled interior, coffee and ppiee jars, sliding nickel top,
bread and cake box, etc.
High Chairs or Nursery Chairs, with table or baby walkers,
special, at $1.00