mi: omaha. satiwiuy, fkbuuary -j:, 1915. TALKS HEALING BY PRAYER Rev. Frank L Loveland, Former Omaha Faitor, Arouiei Interest by Sermon at Portland QUESTION WELL WORTH WHILE Dr. Bessey of Nebraska Dies; One of World's Noted Scientists "Her If question worth while. If the human Ndjr ran be henlril of disease ty simple trayer and faith. e ought to know It. If prayer I to hrlng healing, I declare to you that the Church of Jisus Christ hss been criminal In lt nrgllgrnre I In the rt anl fhrlstinnlly stamta In dicted at the bar of Justice." This was the theme of a, sermon re jent'y by P.e. Frank I.. I-ovelanrJ. for mer pastor of the First Methodist ch'itrh here and now pastor of the Klrst Metho dt church at Portland. Or., according to the report of the rortland Orcgnnlsn. (karri, la ew Orbit." In part ha aald: "Are you conscious of the fart that within the last fifty yesrs all th many movements fnr rellrf and betterment of humanity have, com up? Things hav happened that we never dreamed of Wore. The church of Jesus Chrtt haa swung Into a new orbit and many things aprlng up that are sltnost bewildering. It la only by the grace of Ciod that thin haa not resulted In another wave of Intolerance. Anionic the nuoy etrange new things are the ao-called mod tn waya of healing. "Otirtstlsn Science haa come and crown by leapa and hounda. There la one thin, by the way. that I'd like to know about, and that I how do they raise so much money with o little noise? What doea It all mean? What la thla faithT taolna Mela Worth While. "It la woith your while and mine to study and find out; not for the purpose of antagonism, hut fnr the purpose of understanding. Don't let ua be like the people who tra so narrow and whoa . eyes ' are s.i lose together that they never ran tee hut one thing. "We may dlacover there Is something In thla belief that dnmarda mora than a aneer and tasting glance. "We know that sick people are easily hoodwinked. People ar wandering everywhere in search of health. Tha fear In the mind of the sick person makes him a mark for the faker and the fanatic, and hocauso of this Christian people ' must study this finest Ion. legislation ' haa takon up as Important the matter of health, and we have our pure food lawa. Publlo health, public mum Is and public , safety ate subjects that must be consid ered In the pulpit. It Is worth while for jour religion to be big enough to get hold f tlods truth, no matter whence It come. All trait) Is fjod a truth. Hope Held far Men Who Think. " '1 am the Lord thai hcaleth thee," 1 would ' could all waken to the truth of thla Statement. I would we could all use uur Intelligence to the advancement of tha publlo weal. When a man's faith Is rooted in reason, he will have a good reason for hta faith. I'd rather have thinking Infidelity than blind credulity. There'g hope for for the man who thlnka. "I say unto you. It la Ood who hsala. "Don't go off on a. tangent, doctors; 'u may apply allopathy, homeopathy or any other opathy you like, or yois nay use the ' surgeon's knife, but re member that these are only instrumen talities that claar the way for Uod to heal. All healing, whether of th body or the soul, la divine. "It Isn't th. method of baptism or ritual that save; it Is God. The great inlstak of the Vast haa ; been In th church aa. wall as .elsewhere. We have had exsltatlon of method above the high moral attitude of principle. I remember th day whan men of various denomina tions hated each other. Kven now ther ar some Methodists, llaptlsts, Presby terians and others, I have no doubt, that think th Christian Scientists will go to hell. "Th Christian ciurch Is beginning to feel that something has been lost out of Christianity. Did Jesus heal th alckT II did. . "In th beginning Christianity was meant for all humanity as a whole, but a time went on unfortur.stely something was dropped out. W have been so busy putting up partitions between th various denominations and hav loat sight of Important things. "The Christian church haa got to pay less, attention tu mode of baptism and lams and all get on a plana whr w can deal with humanity aa a mighty whole. i. aosaetnlaa- at Vala Offered. The Christian Science church has been growing ami taking our members be cause It offers something of value that i sa be cashed now, in freedom from di sease. Th church of Jesus Christ should have been doing that all these years.' I.INi'ol.N. I V b . 4 'harles K lliseev, denn cf the in li.-trl:i! cullrgc of the I verltv at Nchrsskn mul for more then thirtv yrsi s identified with tlx- unlw i slty, twiif an lis mtlng i hiincrlinr, il".l bfic last night nf hr.irt trouble, lie served for one term a pr s'dent nf the Amerli nn Society for the Ativan' ement of H h m e, snd wiis regaided s one of Ihn bailing suth rlties on uueetlnns cjf hntanv and liortl. ullure. llo whs .t) yiiir of see. Dr. Itessey hnd Im n professor of but. my at tie university since ll. lie nnn born on a farm near Milton. In Wayne lounty, Ohio, May 21, IM.1. lie whs graduated from the Mb hltian Agricultural college with the degree of Ii. Sc. In W. Three years later ho secured his funster's lo gree at the I'nherelty of Iowa. The de gree of !. I.. I. ws conferred on him In l'!s by Iowa college. He studied with lr. Asa 'irav st Harvard, 17J-3. 1 st.-J. lie married Mtfs l.ury A ther rn of West Tleb'iry, Murthn's Vineyard, Mcr., In lTJ. From JS70 to 1K.V4 he w ss nrfe.sor of botnny nt Iowa Agrb ulturst college. For a time lie wns arting president. lie was acting chancellor at the I'rilverslly of Nebraska. l'v-!"l and ivio m. Dr. Itessey ws a member of the PoUnlcal Hoc ley of America, fellow of the American Society for the AUwitnc mrnt of Science, member of Torrcy llotanical club, InternHilonHlo des liot srilts. National Geographical suclcty, So ciety for the Promotion of Agricultural Silence. Wild Flower Preservntlon so ciety, American Forestry assoi Intlon. Ne. btaska Teachers' assiH-lstlon. Nel.rat-ka Art association. Nebraska Horticultural society, Nebraska Park and Forest asso ciation. Phi Iletn Knppn Rnd Slirmi '.! Dr. Itessey wss botanl.nl editor of I k 1 a ...-i. , i..., THE LAST ALL positively art? rloslng out th stock of the old and well-known Mint, ,riMi-r (o,, nnd the last time lo appear under this name. We are moving nxt week across the street In the new, large, modern, tip-to-date building; with up-to-date, sanitary fixtures. Will open up with a new fancy and staple stock of groceries and meats and will be known as Th IVnple Market. Welch for our opening ad. 1 oo-lb. sack pure Cane Sugar lor $.05 100-lb. sack Meet Sugar for . Pure Honey, 2ur combe, for I'c cairn sweet potntoes for Be 4 10r cans inusturd sardines for 85o KVHpnratcd apricots, per lb loo Kvaporste.t peaches, per lb. ,...?4e 10c Sour relh, per quart 10 Sour mixed pickles, per quart ..10o t'hlckens, fresh dressed, h. . ,1J14 lbs. fresli neck bones for cIimmI coffee. ier lb. 4 large rum milk for urmll runs milk for 10c iHiis cHtsun for IOr pkir. corn flakes . '. 10c cans snple butter, 3 for Sweet pickles, per quart . . . . SO .850 . So .' 5 . lOo .100 Fresh pork rosst, lb. Porterhouse steak, lb. Sirloin steiik, per lb. Kound steak, per lb. , liolce pot rosst . . .a.. ,.1M .... IB ISO law to two Choice lamb chops or bunb steak :t pounds Fresli liver, per lb. .8Bo Bo THE LANGE GROCERY CO. 2 It H and Cuming Streets. DH. CIIAItLKS E. UKSSKT. Anieilcan Nnturalist, of Silence, John sor's l-:ni clopcillii. He wl nutliot of a tieoKrn.liy of Io;i, llolany for High Si hoots ami Colleges. Knur n t lu Is of Jlut nny. Plant Miuralion StiulliH, Klernentary Hol.iiiy. IJeiiieiitiiry liotanlcHl Kxerces nnd other text books of botanical aclence. Dr. Ilessey was one of the r arllest ad-I vocat.s. If not the firsl. of removal of the university cumpus t.j the state farm. J Hiirvlvlna. besldrx Mrs Itessey, are twu I s ins, Dr. ''url ami Dr. Krnest liessey. New Books A WOMAN'S CAItKK.n. Ily Myrtle Heed. 75 cents. . P. Putnam's Sons. A insnuvrlpt of the late Myrtle Iteed, Who writes with her accustomed humor In regnrd to the position of the work'nu woman (ahe wilnts out that practically all women are to be so classed) anil as to certain hampering burdens (from which men ere free), which have been placed upon woman's activities and which have, of necessity, served a barrier to her nntural and proper development. tiik norsi: wt: mvk i. iw wu- llam Flllot (IrirflK. 214 Pp. tin ' cents. Funk & Wngnnlls company. How "The House We Dive In" rtbe body) has been built; how to be a wort by tenant of It; how to take care of It an l I. ri serve it; how to keep It a happy habitation. which Imllnns still lurked, to his position today in the foremost rank of active American surgeons, lie hus l.ren fanner, woodsman, Confederate soldier, cotton planter, cuttle buyer, medical (-tudent, ther pilot, biillilin contractor, land speculator, telegraph rpemtor, doctor, twice piesldent of the New York Academy of Medicine ar:d founiW of the New York Polyclinic. l r. Wyeth'a pic tures of the south bernre the civil war, of the life on the plantation, arc valuable conn llititlons to history. LORD LISTER HOSPITAL BUILDING CHANGES HANDS Translated bv Harrett I! .50. Stewart & Kldd Font ri.ATH. clsrk. H6T Pp Company. These plays have been produced at the Free theater In Paris by Antolne. The Free theater waa to tha French dratim of th last quarter century what the reformation waa to Christianity; Andre Antolne was its Martin Luther. To An tolne It appeared that the drama of i.'.k day waa fettered with conventions of elyle. technic and subject matter, to such an extent that the young dramatlsta wl'h new tdeaa and new ways of expressing them, had little or no opportunity to pro duce their works. THK HCDTRRTIANKAM nmiTti i.-u. HOOD. Hy Julian I In t borne. s.D pp. ll.Gu. Mc bride, Nust Co. Th author of this picture of prln-i Ufa la a veteran journalist who brought to the present task human sympathy and understanding that simply cannot I de nied. Its claim to attention la Its force ful plea for decency In prison adminis tration. MTTI.K MR OA LAI IAD. Hy Phoebe Oray. II 3u. Small, Maynurd & Co. An Interesting story with its message of help and loving sympathy, which will appeal to the heart of every reader. It Is an influence for good, tnd the faith of th little hero of what It meuiit to be a ! Galahad Kulght la most convincing and j loucning. The Oinuba Maternity and Oeneral hospital, formerly known as the Dellnnc hotel, fourteen street and Curltol avenue, has now been sold, the transfer being made to Mrs. Margaret A. Henry. It Is now known as the lxrd 1. liter hospital. The price paid Is i,QuO. The puiclinseis have ii i 1 :i lens" mm 'he buiU'lntt for sinio time. diu hne brn n;eiatlng It as c hospltj! In the m;in t'nin, since t ie first of th- year Ihry have been spending n :r,.H i'.on f money In rrmo-icllng the 'nteilor. Now thai the purchase has Ikv i made ihe ef.'oMs at riunplo .ng tno remojm'ng' w III lie redoubled, and ultM 'i ;i fev ncuiihs all the remodeling I n b complete J. ' he remodeling Is to cost n mt Jl'.r-oj. Pig Pork Loins. Fresh. Hot Frozen. 1914 Spring rorequartsr 114 Hladqnarter Lamb . Lamb .a4 asc Fresh Dressed Chickens 11 c Ster pot roat . . . Pig pork roast . . . I'iK pin k butts . . Young veal roast . i ountr eal chops ,13e and 11,0 8,0 84e .131,0 and 11 Wc . iso ana 183 Ctidahy C and Swift Premium hams for IBS Hugar cured hams 10 Fxira lean breakfast bacon ...184 Suasr r ured bacon 1B40 fyters, per quart 40 holce mutton chops 12c rOLtOW THE CROWD Com. to th new Zmprtii Sanitary atarket wh.r yon ret high qnaJlty, low prices and sixteen enaoea to the ponaa. 18 LBS, BEST OKABTULATED IVOAk Largeat Orap. Trait on the market, special for Saturday, only ..ai n cans Carnation or Pet milk Suttar Corn snd Tomatoes, can ,7'c aiioe l peaches I :, Fresh MiiHliroonis In I th boxes . .35c Strictly fresh run, per dozen . . . .2."ic l-'lne Cream t'hei-se. lb 20c Iill quart Jur of larae (jueen olives per quart Ildc THE l.arire .lonatban Annies. Der neck Large celery, per stalk Fancy If. Lettuce, per head Fancy cauliflower, per lb. .... l.arKe potatoes, per bu., 70c, or pk. iirge sweet oranges, per doxen tloo.t Cooking Apples, per pk. liest Lranherrles, per quart MARKET .00 .5 4:o . 5 c. He .5c 20c 80c 6c BIMEKIEl We hav three deUyerles a day. a and 11 t. su, aa a . aa. Frompt attention to mall orders. Make an order from th list la this ad. Opp. Uoolworth 5c and loc Ntore. H3 South lflth St. Tel. O. 2307. Your Grocer MACARONI PRODUCTS Largest Macaroni Factory in America C.et competent help through Tho Pee. Omaha Man Sells ' $5,000,000 Bond to Packing Firm Lyne I). Ft ham. agent In Omaha fnr ilia Fklrllty and Depoalt company of Maryland, extended his Held of solicita tion to Chicago Thursday, made a visit to that city and returned to Omaha with the record of having sold the Cudahy Pat king company a to.ooo.oco security bund. Mr. I'pham Invaded Chicago with th express purpose of winning that bond and despite keen competition from seven other companies and their New York and Chicago 'experts, he t roved that real s;eed Is a western virtue by landing the contract. The premium on tM as.ooi.ooo la SM.ono, covering the period of thrs years, during which time the bond will be in force. Mr. Upham Just took over th agency for th Fidelity and leposlt com pany of Maryland the first of the year ani.lt Is quite a credit to him to land su a a big contract so quickly. iik. Hy Pp. $i .. lertrnde Hhermnn, TET SPKAKKTII apn Whitney. ls French Co. Half essay, half atoty of a deeply re llgious flavor. COUNTY GETS BILL FOR BURIAL OF GONZALES The Arthur Furniture company of Kcilhner has aent a bill to louglsa count for IS. allesed expenses for th burial or one Igaacla flonsalea. who was klll'd at Hertbwsr during a fight with of-fl-T. several of whom wer from Omaha. Tha county expects to refuse to TRAINLOAD OF WESTERN HORSES FOR THE WAR ZONE Th t'nloa rselflc-Roek Island la hand ling a train of twenty-five cars, carrying 0 horses, that ar rooted to th wsr sons of Europe, Tss shipment comes from Walla Walla. Wash. The horses wer bought In Oregon and Washington. Hrg Bwl Ilea alar. Nothing better than lt. Klng'a New Ife PHIs for constipation. Indigestion and t-.ur atomcli. - Get bottle. Only Sic UverticuicnL HIZINO VP ITNCI.W HAM By George Kltch. IT Pp. II. Frederick A. Hloke. Company. With his characteristic dry humor Mr. Fitch haa summed up th charscterlatlc I of our states, cities, lesdlng citliens. political phenomena, fads, pastimes. ' bragging points, drawbacks and piob- j lema, etc. THE 8TOKY OF PART.MOI'Tll. Itv i Wilder IV Quint. Z7 J'p. U, l.lttl... i Brown A Co. Annala of Dartmouth from its plantation In the' wilderness as u school for Indiana down to Its prcaout lierlod of expansion and national popu larity. The ancient landmarks, the uniqun customs, the rich tiaditiona of the col lege, together with an analysis of i'a famous "spirit," are interestingly treated by ths author. The volume Is admirably iiiusiraieu ironi pencil akrtrhes by John Albert heaford, ho haa visited Hanover to make Jrawlnga of the moat picturesque buildings and scenes. tV-l-,V. iy ,t,rh'-l Wightn.an. 304 Pp. 11.2s,. Tha Century company. Thla la a book of heart and hope and wisdom. It meeta a world-craving for a simple workable philosophy of life which can be practiced everywhere by every body. POIJt-K PHACT1CK AM PltiM-KD-.l,,tK-..MSr..t-'.rn''ua F. Cahalane. iu p. 11.40. K. P. teuton roiupany. A clear, conrisn book for reference and review by those engaged In police work, Mr. Cahalane Is In charge of the tralp. Ing school of the X York police d partmrat. and has come up from the ranks to his present position, and his book is characterised by those txt in position to know, "as thorough, accurate, prat ticaL" THK CONtlO Ily ache! Mndney. l; Pp. 1136. The Macmlldan company. A collection of poems, Including many suitable for reading aloud, lyrical poems, child poems and poems on the war. PlIIMP THK KINO. Hy John Mass field. 141 Pp. II. X The Macnilllan com pany. Thla volume takes 'Is, title from a one act drama In verse, which will be wel comed by those who held Mr. Maaefteld to be th foremoat dramatic poet, as well as narrative poet of the day. WITH 8AUKR ANI WAU'EU Hy John Allan Wyeth. Pp. X Harper X. l'roa. The well-known New York physician recounts the Interesting events of his stirring lit, from hts ii. fancy in rnnot sst Alabama 1146), among forests In The Drexel Kid Says: "Moth r snys that ilia never saw pair of shoes wear like this pair of Steel Shod Shoes." ilk) The Lively Boy XppHs gootl shoes. Kvory jmrfnt rpalizos tlint tlipro is nolliin TEEL ,H0D 'HOES Aftfr lio gpts thefirst pair. They outwear two pairs of onlinary Hoys' Shoos. Boys', 1 to OVj, 92.50-I.it- tlo (Jonts. 0 to 13 i;, q osr Parcel Post Paid. SJrexeL 1419 Farnara PIG PORK LOINS, Fresh, Not Frozen SVa FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS .10t Kteer pot roust Pig pork butts Pig pork i cunt Young veal roust . . . Young vesl chops . . I.nmh leirs Choice mutton chops Choice mutton roast 13Ho and imt Cudahy C and 8wlft Premium hams li.i0 ..for 18H aao I.xtra lean breakfast bacon ..1843 13lo and 11 H Sugar cured bacon 13V4o . .15o and laHo Small hams 1ft H la,0 BKBOIAXB 18H0 From g to p. nt. lamb chops ...Si Heef and noi k nrlces are down 2K ner cent in r.ni . 1 d,1kii.. Market. It Is to your advantage to buy now. Oet the highest quality at tho loweM prices and sixteen ounces to every pound guaranteed. We enlarged our delivery department so we can give vou quick service and more prompt attention to phone orders. Mail orders promptly filled PUBLIC MARKET VBSMflffJlk ft i ' ' I "mmmtmmmmmmmmmm i iii isaw I Only a Few Offices But Some Very Choice Ones "While we can only offer you a choice of four offices at the present time, recent changes, make it possible to offer you several par ticularly desirable offices ant! suites iu The Bee Building We would advise you to make your choice now and not wait until spring, aa It is very probable at that time we will have nothing to offer. The selection is: Sult6 222: - Thin Is a very choice office on the second floor, facing the corridor around the court. It la par titioned for a very comfortable waiting room and two private offices. It haa north light. Price, per inorfth S45.00 Room 420: This la one of the corner offices which Is con- sidered so verv desirable. It Is 20x20 feet, and has two windows facing north and two west. Th" large vault is particularly desirable for so. ne classes ot business. The door of this office Is directly at the end of the hall, so that the sUn moy b seen by everyone walking down the corridor. IVlce. Nr month 840.00 Suite 426: f f I t mm . . i ' 3 i Suite 432: Ground This suite offers exceptional space and desira bility fur the price. It is divided into a wait ing room and two private rooms. It has north light and Its occupants receive all the service and comforts of a well kept office building. lYlc, por inonih $27.50 This consists of waiting room and two private rooms. It faces 17th street. It is now occupied, but will be available about March 10. Trice, -r month $30.00 Kspecla'ily adapteu for printing office. Thla has been occupied by a printer for many years and on account of its location in an office building and In the heart of the office building district, the location Itself Is an asset in this business or any similar busineta. It has an entrance from the court on the ground floor and also from the alley. There is very satisfactory light and ventilation. It likewise baa the advantage, from the standpoint of insurance and safety, of being In a fireproof building. The floor space Is 1.232 feet. IVK. per month 8100.00 Apply to Building Superintendent. Room 103, THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY floor Room: OR. E. R. TARRY n PAY IVlIEn CODED n rn. Ul U SM fVrl etuett tie fcslle 17 a tsrr ' tVsrri7sas?g HOW POES YOUR WIFE GET MONEY? Does' 5Ka Does She - V OrDocs.She Use Her Che Accouotf! "RUNAWAY JUNE" Answers the Question. Read the Story See the Pictures Daily in The Bee at the Movies