TllE IlEE: OMATTA, RATXTtDAY, FKBHUAUY 27, 1915. TO HEAVEN FOR GREENWALD Cnitfr County Member Might Have Been Lawyer, but He Shied Away. AGREES WITH TAYLOR ONCE (Tmra Ft aft CotTrpndit) UXCOUT. FrK Jk PprrtJ Tor U fin ttran tor many rrars, aormrdlaa; to KpifwnUUT Oennc flumnll of Cos- tr. h nred Mm rmlleairwa from th saiia county. Ri pirsi'nlaUva W. J. Taylor, have dmm tnrtbr In lalslatton of Im portance This haPTMHird Wdnraly hra th former supporUd ths Ulln by HMrii and rot la tha Taylor pUn for Itrmlntlmi of appropriations for tha slat unlvarelty. In snrahlnff of ths matter thla momlne Mr. Urcanwalt Iwrinw rsmlnlscant and rrlatd soma Incidents of the rarly days of Custer county. "Mr. Taylor and I both, taught school In early 1y after I forsook the life of a cowboy," said Mr. Oreenwalt. "Mr. Taylor la a well educated man and on considerable land In Coster county, the fruit of hie earnest efforta. He la nlo a Rood lawyer and has been admitted to the bar, or wa many years ago. "I had the aame opportunity to enter tha taw rank In those daya and In fact took the examination and passed, but did not prartlr-e a I had a right to do. I can remember very well when I took the examination. It didn't tak much preliminary preparation In the early daye In order lo be admitted to the bar. I rememler very well about the questions that were aaked. In my'caae It waa something like thla: "The Judge aaked me If I had ever studied the atatutea of Nehraaka and I to'd him no. Ha ar.ked my why and I aald that It waa no use to atudy the atatutea for maybe I ho next fool legislature would i hanne them and then I would loan out n everything I knew. "He then aaked me If I waa admitted to tho tmr If I exported to practloe and I told him that I did not for I waa afraid It might hurt my mlnlatertal du ttea. "I told him that my Idea of a lawyer waa that a man did not need to know ao much about law ax he did a general knowledge of good common aenae and ho told me that I had pasaed ino per cent In the examination, but I never qualified, preferring to lead the life of an honeat tiller of ths roll "and go to heaven when I die." " DRUESEDOW LIGHT RATE BILL PASSED BY HOUSE (from a "taff Correapondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. K (Special Tele gram H. R. MR. the Drueaedow hill to compel alectrlo light companlea to fllo achedulea of ratea, paaaed the houee thla morning. Legislative Proceedings Hla Paaaed by Beae. I . V. S, Dodgellegulatea political ad vert lain and makes circulator respond alhle. i'aaaed. A yea, SS; naya, 7. H. F. 12&. Judiciary Committee rrovldea for number of houae and senate Journal and aeaaloa lawa to be printed. Houae and aenate Journal. l.ouO each, and aea aloa lawa, t.flno.' Passed. Ayea, 13; naya, 1. H. F. 1M, Hushes No candidate defeated at primary can be a candlttote at the following election. Paaaed. Ayea, U,i naya, none. H. r. m. Marthall-To prevent deroga tory atatementa agalnat banka and their atandlng. I'aaaed. Ayea. 26; naya, . F. 143, Pplik Joint raaolullon pro viding for a four-year term of membera of lealHature. one-half each two yeara, Itequlrea thrre-flftha vote. Ayea, 17; naya. 16. Defeated. H. F. 144, Huden Gives county, city or vlllagea power to acquire additional ea tate for Improvement to atreeta or alleya. I'aaaed. Ayea, Ji; naya, none. H. F. 1W. Dodge Kolatea to foreign mill. Paaaed. Ayea, SI:, naya, none. . F. IN, Marahall-Makea Lincoln's birthday a legal holiday. I'aaerd. Ayea. Jl: naya, 11. 8. F. 109, Ncal-rrohlblta aale of liquor to atudenta under II yeara of age. Paaaed. Ayea. 17: naya, 15, . f. F. xa Joint resolution by Kohl and Fptrk to congreaa to equallxe t'nlon l'a-k-lflc right-of-way. I'aaaed. Ayea, U, naya, 13. 8. F. St. Henry rrovldea for trial of cases according to their priority. I'aaaed. Ayea, 90; naya. none. 8. F. S&3. yulnby-r.lmlU all publlo franrhiaea to twenty-five year. to feated. Ayea, M; naya, 15. Not a con stitutional majority. Commute of Whole, H. R. M. lias County Dalegetlon Appropriatea eVsuo for the purchaa of eighty acrea ol additional land fur the feeble-mlniled Inatltut at liealrlue. - 11. K. . Nichola of Madlaun Appre p'tatea ftiuw for vurvhaa ot hunt at Norfolk aaylum. it. ii. iiu, einance Committee Appro priates I77.U4 aa a defloleni y fur atate In atltullona. An etiual amount lapaca) back Into the atate treaaury by reaauii of In ability to uee acparatu fuuda intarchanga ably. H. F. lav, Sandal! of York-Futa dutlea of reglater uf daeda with ouunty vlerk In all counllca, effective four year from . 8. F. I4. Plllor of Butler Rail.... noiuioo endoraed by more than one po lltlLal party from the neoeaaity of awear- ing inn ne axriiiatea with more than one, 8. F. Ml, Mallery uf Iiox Butte Amend law for county llbrarU aa a to make levy mandatory upon county board when carrlvd at elevtloo. Aimed at Lrfmtaeter county board. Bill raumeal by lleaa. H. R. 17, orenaon Dlaquallfytng op tional coiiimlaelooera aa appraJaera. H. 1C Urueaedow Kmiulrtng eltctrlo Hunt and power uoitipaiilea te ftl their i heduWa with tlut tty clerk and to make unilorm vhergea for aorvlcea according to auch achedulea It. K. 4.A Fuller-Requiring 8taU RalU wav conimlaalon to furntah the Btata Hoard of Kiiuallaatlon each with Ita vlu. atlona of all telegraph, telephone aud -ajU road companlea J. F. iK7, Krumback Provldea for ap polntmntit of atate parole officer a ltd de finee hla dutlea. 11. M or,, Negley Olvea Omaha city fmnn.slim aulUvriLy to build aldewalk along bou'evardai - ' II. It 74. Finance Committee Appro priate IxouO for uae of Ktate Railway coinniUalon In lnteratate rate H. H. lanraatrr Delegation a!m- noaera Lincoln city ounimlaalon to requlro piopertr owner to cut weed on trta and alleya aa well aeon their premlaea. H. K. 23. Iancaair Delegattpn Ulvea rltv commiaalon power to cumuel property oanera to coqnout up with aaultary aeaera. H. R T3 Terrene ayatem of land Utlee. Ayea. 64; naya, 2L Hoatettler-liarHa bill to prohibit baee bull gamea on Memorial' iitmdaj- paaaed without entergeney clauae. neeommeadrd ' ta raw by Ilea 'maltte ( Whole. H. R. 21 The And rata bin providing for the ea ef atate a bool lands. H. K. ItA tat wt AutoiBobU refrlatra tlun bllia. Bllla laa4 hr Uaveraor. 8 P. kS-RepwUlaaj h dead- letter law O'at at oue tltu reuJlred lagtstatlv cap iliilau e tu ia statnnieiit U abide by tin lople'e choice for aenator. H V. -- iiabling Knox county to pay certain waxranla whose legality was auee tlvntd by roaaoa of a technicality, tmer geacy clauae. MacCarlhy-Vilson-Tiiloring Company are in their new location at 315 South 15th Street with an entire new stock of spring goods and ready for business. REED MAKES WARM REPLY Attorney General Declare! He Will Take Charge of Hearing? in Interstate Casei. GIVES ROAST TO RAIL BOARD (From a Htaff Correapondent.) I.INCOlN, Ken. ZR (Spei'lal)-Tho ron troveray between Attorney General Kced and the Mate Hallway commission, which opened up Wednesday with a red-hot let ter from the former warning the rom miaalnn agalnat the employment of pri vate counael, atlll continue, growing even warmer with each exchange of vlewa. . . . The nltorncy gcnernl today In a letter In reply to the 'ommlsslnn's nnawer of yeaterday. asserts that In the future, whether the commleMon willa ao or not, he will take charge of the legal end of hearlnga before the lnteratate Commerce commission. He lo mnkea repeated reference lo the. ' uaeleaamwa" of the rail way commission, lloaae faun Keaolallon. The bouae Just before adjournment thla afternoon waa Involved In a free-for-all, and It looked aa If the provlalona of the boxing bill would have to be put In effect with a apeclal emergency clauae attached. Ianlgan waa eklng to puah hla reiv lutlon of yeaterday for the pur pone of placing the attorney general In charge of lnteratate commerce litigation. Floor Leader Mockett of the republican minority la hard of hearing and did not know the nature of the thing- tho houae waa voting on until after the matter had been adopted. He aaked the privilege of having ot come up again, but waa not llatened to, and he aald he would endeavor to have a reconsideration of the reajlu tlon Monday. Under the rule the reaolutlon waa not due until that day. but In order to put Alookett out of the rtunnlng TrumUa brought It up just before adjournment, with the Intent of killing It, a the rule provide that there can be but one recon sideration of a" matter. Mockett objected strenuously and Trum ble Inflated more strenuoualy, and the membtrs gathered around the two bel ligerent while the speaker rapped strenu ously for order. Reliner backed up Mockett, while Barrett came to the as slatanoe of Trumble In the wordy con flict While the principal were getting their breath for another confab Relaner moved to adjourn, and, with the crowd howling their objection, the speaker, In the Interests of peace, declared the motion to adjourn carried. COL PRESSON CELEBRATES SEVENTY-FIFTH BIRTHDAY fFrom a Staff Correspondent. LINCOLN. Feb. S8. (Special.) Colonel J: H. Preaaon. record clerk In the gov ernor's office. Is receiving today the con gratulatlona of hla frlenda on hla aeventy flfth birthday. He Is an ordained min uter and the eecond oldeat member of the Nebraska Methodiat conference. Peaplte hla more than three-ecore-and-ten years he Is one of the most active men In the atate houae. He la at his desk every morning at I o'rlock, bettering In that regard many others of the state house attaches. . . Llacela Wis from Wither. W1LHKR, Neb.. Feb. 2. (Special Tele, gram ) At the lnterhlgh school debate between Lincoln High and Wllber High held hers last night Lincoln won from Wllber. The question was; "Resolved, That Government Ownership and Opera tion of Railroads Should be Adopted," of which Wllber had the affirmative and Lincoln the negative.. Wllber' team wa William Storkan. Millie Zwonechek and Mllo Beck; Lincoln's, Forreat Eatea, Leon ard Treater and Aaron Spier. The Judges were Superintendent Simons of Friend, Prof, lieyhoe of Doane college and Rev. Mr. Calvert of Crete. The result wa two to one In favor of the visitors. JL 3DC "IXTHETHER to be "fair and warmer" or "cloudy and shiftin' winds1' depends mo on yo self than on the weather man u V-ir- NO CUT IN MEMBERSHIP Senator! Are Oppoied to More that Will Reduce the Number Who Shall Be Elected. DEFENDER BILL RECOMMITTED I From a Waff Correapondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. W. (Fpcclal.) Rerauae It needed a three-flftha vote o carry, a Joint reaolutlon for auhmllon to the people a change In the conatltutlon failed In the aenate today. The I III waa the Pplrk lolnt re-ITin providing for the election of membera of the Icglalature for a four-year term In stead of two ycara and ralllni? for the election of one-half of the membership every two yeara. Thla would give the atate the benefit of having at leaat one hnlf of It membernhlp In the legislature men who had had experience In legis lative work. In the vote taken the following demo crat voted agalnat the measure: Rrookley. lluhrman, Mygland, Oates, Orace, Henry, Howell. Kmmbach. Mattes. Plller, Wceaner. both Wilsons, and Wink, while one republican, Ijthners, voted with them, making fifteen votes agalnat the meaaiire. On the other hand nesl. Redford, Kohl, yillnby and Robertson, democrats, voted with Hushes. Dodge. Douthett, Hoaglsnd, Kelchel, Mallery. Huden, Handel), Maund ers, Shumwsy, Ppencer and Kplrk. repub- llcsns for the passage of the bill. Mar shall was sbaent. It red Votes l.acklne. With one vote necessary practically lo mnke It certain that the hill would go through If Marshall could be found and one of the no votes could be changed to yes, a i nil of the house waa made to bring Marshall In. hut thla was shown to be uaeleaa when Howell, Krumliach and one or two others who hsd at first voted for the bill changed to no. Pome of the senators. It Is said, op posed the bill because It carried a pro vision for cutting down the senate from twenty-five to eighteen members, and they were afraid If that carried some of them might not he ahl'j to come bark In the redisricting of the state which would follow. The ssme provision cut down the house from WO to fifty mem bers, and while the house Is supposed to be Intensely progressive, the progressive part might not look good If It made It posslbts that half of 'he members were not to return. The bill wss kilted In Its Infancy. Pnlillc Defender Bill. Howell's bill for a public defender for Douglas county had to be sent back to the committee, mostly because the little Insignificant comma had been left out, thus making the salary which the public defender was supposed to get, payable to the prisoner Instead of to his lawyer. There were other little things discovered that needed fixing up, and the bill was sent to the committee. Qulnby wanted to amend the Marshall bill making Lincoln's birthday a legal holiday by adding the name of Thomas Jefferson, but as Marshall was not pres ent the bill was allowed to go through, Qulnby saying that he would try and get the house to Insert the amendment Hoagtand moved that the senate flag be placed at half-mast cut of respect to iDean Bessey of the University of Ne braska, who died fast night, and the motion carried. MONOPOLY BANK BILL RECEIVES AMENDMENT (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. K. -(Special) With an amendment agreed to by C. II. Oustatson. president ot the Nebraska Farmers' union, which practically pulls the teeth of Its monopoly feature, the Nutsman bill, house roll No. 481, authorising the State Banking board to refuse a charter for a new bank In any town where It deems the existing banking facilities to be adequste. was reported out by Chair man Elmelund of the house banking com mittee Thursday afternoon with a recom mendation for Its paage. The amend ment reads as follows: "Provided, That when application Is made for a bank charter and the same Is refused by the state banking board, then the person or persons making ap plication for such charter shall, upon tho presentation to the ftate Banking board of a petition signed by at least firty free holders of the village, town or city and the locillty contiguous thereto, be granted a charter by the State Banking board." AUTOMOBILE MEASURES RECOMMENDED TO PASS (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. W.-(8peelat.) In re vised form, the two automobile registra tion bills, H. R. Nos. 161 and 21. were approved In committee of the whole and sent to third reading by the house today. The hills have been amended so aa to keep the registration In the secretary of stste's hands. Instead of putting It In charge of the State Board of Irrigation. Highways and Drainage. The fees will be tl for motorcycles and $3 to i for automobiles. In each rase 64 cents will be forwarded to the secretary of state and the balance retained by the county. A going business ran be sold quickly through The Bee's "Business Chances." It 21 if the day's coin' And It depends lot oa your pipe), too. Fill It with th sunny comfort ol Ken tucky's Bmrltty dm Laura, aga-meilowad Into VELVET, Tha Smooth Smok ing Tobacco. Then "It's always fair weather with you." Ite tbu mi 5c goatai-llsad bag. " COMMITTEE CUTS SALARIES DOWN (Continued from Page One. I offloe the chief clerk will have to go. saving the state ll.ftsJ a year, and the bookkeeper suffers a cut of e'W. In the state superintendent a office a couple of clerks are added to the regular salary roll which formerly were paid from the Incidental fund, while In the supreme court clerk'a office a lalllff la cut out and his duties coupled with a book keeper, and the deputy librarian gets a cut In his salary from $1,500 to U,U)0. Rlsi ( at for l.isnl. The National Ouard offices get the big cut, the maintenance list being cut ITT.onp. Two bank examiners are deprived of their pay check In the banking depart mert. It la pretty hard to make an estimate of Just what the committee has done, as transfers have been made from salaries to maintenance and back again, until not much can be gathered except when the whole total Is figured up. This Is shown In the following consolidation Hat a shown by the salaries bill. House Roll NO. 7M, and the maintenance bill. House Roll No. T51: Denarlment inn 1 41.30 lDK, 19.:n) 24,4t ss.r,o 1,0441 1R.0W) 10.?M Sfi.akO I'Kl.fn 2!0.0)0 Governor t Secretary of slate Auditor or moiic ac- counta , Htate treasurer . Commlaaloner of Public Iinda and RullrilnKS... State Superintendent of I'ub Ic instruction 241..WI Attomev (iencral.. 41. Wo Supremo Court 1l:i,fiW) Dlitrlct t'oirt s,tsw State Hallway Cominla- sion 104.S40 Hoard of Commissioners ot Htate Institutions I Hoard of Control) 2,1115. m ,m.".o 47,1 4S.0M) B4.320 S0,(0 National Ouard 77.WK) 41. MO 74.KO 24.0HT) Hoard of I. durational Iind and Funds State Hanking Hoard.... Mule Insurance Hoard.. Hoard of llriisatlon, lllghwaya and Drain age 41. MO 48.000 b.VO 12.2M) 18,(kS0 Hoard of Kuunllzatlon... Hoard of Pardons Htate Board of Health... 19,20 Live Stok Hanltary Hoard (Includes stal lion registration; Fish and Uume Com mission l.ahor Hureuu Htat Prlntliut nureau... 3T,2ofl 3(1. 1 in.cso M.nnn lfl.noii 41.4H0 lO.fiwi Sl.TOfl 10, WO lH.xnO Htate library iiorary Commission Htnte Historical So ciety Miscellaneous 1!t,2M 1H7.2JD 19.240 2fi.520 Tnlat tl rJt U?1 ai a ,v. fu.T.j.pu f),jn,wd Approprlntlona dealing with 1 nlvernltv activi ties in 113 bills, but omitted here 4n2,60ft Grand total.. ....$4,153,370 Winter Doable Work. In summer ine work of eliminating poisons and acids from, the blood 1 helped by perspiration. In cold weather. with little out door work or exercise to cause sweating, the kidneys have to do double work. Folev Ktrinev rm. overworked, weak and diseased kidney to filter and cast out of the blood the waste matter that cauaea rilna In alit or back, rheumatism, lumbago, stiffness of joints, sore muscles and other Ills resulting from Improper elimination. For sale by all dealers Advertisement. Movement of Oceaa Steamers. "". ArrlTXt. NAVl,F.g Napoll HAVHK NlMr... r.HKHAl.TAR. ....... .V, NEW YORK Varoaa.... PII ..Chlraao. ...Carpsthlu. AS (0 Style in Young Men's Hats AS YOU KNOW EVERY CRITICAL DRESSER KNOWS THERE IS NO HALF WAY IN STYLE. A Hat is either all wrong or all right. It 1b just that faculty for being RIGHT that puts our HAT Department where it stands today. Spring styles here soft and stiff. Come and see them. Browning. King & Co., H CJEO. T. WILSON, Mgr. Omahs LIQUOR ond- D RUG Treatment 1603 S. 10th St. Pbtra D. 7866 , OMAHA TWENTIETH CEKTUTnr FARMER Tho Mlssoart Valley's Greatest Farm Paper. OMAHA 110,000 Cpitt Wttlly 7S.M ndkm 151 mitt Ostala ifcxC i -i THOMPSON, BEIDEN S CO. Tomorrow, Saturday In addition to the Large Showing of Suits and Dresses for $19.50 and $24.50 Thompson, Belden Co. have prepared a Special Exhibit of Ex clusive Hand-Tailored Suits and Afternoon Dresses in dainty, authen tic Styles for $35.00 The suits are of ga bardine, serge, whipcord and silk poplin. The col ors, Belgian blue, navy blue, sand, putty, battle ship gray, black, black and white, and tan. Art Needlework Books A complete line just re ceived. Books on Embroidery Crocheting Knitting Filet Work Cross Stitch and many others. ' Lessons Free Every Day from 2 to 5 p. m. Children's Class Every Saturday morning, 9 a.m. to 12 m. Silk Hosiery Is no longer a luxury but a necessity Silk is laiown to the world as a soft, fine, lus trous thread of remark able tensile strength. Silk unites the most brilliant properties with the most solid qualities. It's ten acity is equal to that of good iron. Special for Saturday Wayne Knit Silk Hose, with lisle garter tops and soles . ,75c a-pair EH I 4. Our treatment la known the world orer and has proved Ita merits In over 464,000 caaea. I. Wa rlva value received, and that Is tha reason w are at tha head ta our specialty. (. Ths only Keeley Institute In ths stats of Nebraska la located In Oma ha. Correspondence confidential. Xtie Keeley Institute OMAHA. NEBRASKA Cor. aStk aad Oaaa ts- Omaha, Take Bar nay Street Oar from either Depot JMWS9W. Engravings Electrotypes Stereotypes Designers Retouchers Photographers All Under One Roof Dec Enavrnti Dq5t5 JO-3 Ikv CL' The dresses are of crepe de chine, satin and chiffon, in all the leading colors for the spring of 1015. Muslin and Crepe Gowns Exceptional Values at Tnese Prices WOMEN'S CREPE GOWNS, low neck, trimmed with lace and em broidery . . 85c, $1.00, $1.25 WOMEN'S CREPE GOWNS, high or V-neck, long sleeves, trimmed with lace . . . . $1.25 and $1.35 Women's Gowns of fine muslin, nain sook and cambric, high or low neck, long or short sleeves, full size, well made . . $1.05, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 Undermuslins Third Floor. A Special Sale Trimmed Hats $6.50, $7.50 and Values, Saturday $e!00 Beautiful new shades of Silk and Satin, with white Hemp Facings, in all the newest styles. The trimmings are of fruits, wreaths of tiny flowers and bands of imported ribbons. Values - - $6.50, Saturday MII.MXKRY DKPARTMKXT HECOM) FLOOR Basement Specials for Saturday Popular priced trim- Untrimmed Straw Hats med hats are even better value than formerly. New Sailors, Turbans and Narrow Brim Hats $1.95, $2.75 and $3.75 HA S FMEXT I. Drunkannaas, Opium, Morphias aad other dra aadiotioaa) ara alsaaasa conditions. J. Tharsfora, scientific medical treatment Is nec essary. S. In rasa of sickness, nons but ths beat should bs accepted. PXETTfiTS HAIR BALSAM A toil prepsarmtie ot nrtt Hrlp to raVdlCAl lulrv(r. For Risria Color twd Boauty to Gray or Fadod1 Hoir btw. and tl rru,m . THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER AMI IKHGMTI, 'RAHDEIS Today Mat, tilS Svaa-H .-oo intAiti XkAST TWO TIMXS Tha World's Birr Comedy But Potash &. Pcrlmu ter With ths orlrtnal eompaay that played 6 weeks la its Tork aad s ta Cluoaa-o. saaUBaa, aoe ta tlJO) Imf, KM t M. starch 4, S. a; Mats. Tri aad Sat. Henry Miller o-bV- ' Mess, AU rerformaaoea, SOe to 9M The Store for Shirtwaists Always has something new to show. If you de sire dainty waists for little money, you will be satisfied here. Lamp Shade Decorations New fringes in all silk and fiber silk, colors, gold and a soft shade of old rose; gold and silver laces, gold and silver edges and insertions, gold roses. TRIMMING SECTION Toilet Goods Specials Babcock's Talcum,' I2V2C Massatta Talcum . 12c Benzoin and Almond Lo tion, large bottle . 19c Powder de Riz, regular price, 50c; Special, Sat urday 19c of Smart for Present Wear $8.50 The small turbans and sailors and pokes are the most popular shapes. The colors are white, sand, Belgian blue and battle ship gray. $7.50 and $8.50 - $5.00 in Hemp, Milan Hemp and rough braids are shown in all the var ious good spring color, ings and many differ ent styles, at 95c, $1.25, $1.45 and J1T!) M LLLIXEKY AMUSEMENTS. tl T WaB)Tr a W sswa. Jfatlne Today, s:30; Last Perform anoe Toolfht of SEVEN DAYS Bsa-inntns; Mat. Tomorrow and Weak "TBS MA IT FROM SOKE" Mats., Sub., Wad., Thnr., gat a So. Tl-hts. SSo. 60c Bxtra all week. Gladys Blshoa la Jcnrs and Oaaoea. Tuesday ala-ht. Society Kisrht. Idas Basel BUvsr. I - "OkUIli rUB CEBTZB." Doll Hat. H.MJUU LAST TIMES TODAY $ rmt Time la Two Seasons .STAR&GARTERSHOWi rirst Time la Two Seasoaa ef Musical Brteesai X.adle' Tilma Matla w.w n... Tomcnow and artl : TS AUMrlcaa Hmuiiu." AMERICAN THEATRE Matinee, t:30 Bally. Bleat. a:M. Tour Says Only Thurs.. Trl.. Sat- ana. Tab. 85. 88. 87. IS. Ths Mas-nifleeat World TUm Corveratloa rhoto Hay. YOUR GIRL AND MINE A Wonderful Bramatlo Beetmre ta 7 Acts r rod need Under the Ausoiees sf Tbs BaUoaal Womsa's Sufiraere Ass's. Beats 10o aad (So. Fhoaa Boajrlas 44. Advanced Vaudeville CTJBTAXB TOBIOKT 8:10 Prices: O a l lery 10c; Bst Bfata l-l-Tlt DRANOEIS Suoday MtUnet gSJffigffi February 28