Tin: m;i:: omaha. FKHKUARY I'li.T WANT ADS Want ads received lit sny time, but to Insure proper ciarem'Stion mint he pre. rented be' ire 1J o'clock noon for evening edition and 1 1 p. m. frr morning and Funday editions. Want .' received after wty To oo Lets to ciatfy." CASH TtATF . Seven foufcutln tirr. 1 cent a word insertion. . Three timet witMn on wk, 14 cent word each Insertion. Ono time, S, r-nt a word. CHARGE RATES. Heven consecutive times. rents a lins each Insertion. . , . Three times within one week. 10 cent a line each Insertion. One rlnw It cent a Una. Count six at-reare wnrdi to a una. Minimum charge, 30 cert. An advertisement Inserted to be run "Jj tfl discontinued mutt bs atoppeU by writ, tea order. All claim for error met he Ithtn fifteen days after the last lnr tlon of tb advertisement. Too can plaes your want ad In The Be t'y telephone. ,M TELETHONE TTI.ER 100. I Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of otlier answer have hesn rilled for and delivered during the laat weak. It la reasonable to aiippoee that aU of 1r people below hiive fiiada the (Uelred wM, therefore do not rail 'or the balanr of their anewera. Bet want mam sure mm renuiia. BC. c. un 1X44 I SSI 1W1 c. n. 14H 14W 1411 14)1 15" M,4 I51J )?U 1424 1S 14 It 14(1 1610 I1T 1f4 7"i m ti no til Sie tli Kl tit m m tn I2 Kt tn wa nt xi tJm m HI Sf-4 4 Ml - kit 11 41B 414 417 41t 4W n 4?7 4?9 W X wt inxj 1U 1H ' H J?- uil 1"M T7 141R 'J-1 1!M 144 1 10 144 T1 14T . 1W4 14M '? 1401 I.! 'i li" 1470 JIW 41 1471 W 140T 14 kit l M 171 IW1 . ri urn m m mi LODliK TOTIt K. ALL Maater Mon are requested to ' meet with Capitol lodge No. it. A. F. and A. M . to attend the funeral of Moat Worshipful Brother Past (Irand Master John .1. Mercer at Masonic hall on Kundav, Kebruary al 2 p. m. By order. WILLIAM WHERRY. Worahlpful Master. BIRTHH AM) DRITII". Blrtha Jeorge W. and Hlady Camp hell. 4"Ti Charlea, hoy; Wllllnm K. and Elva Hoch. Florence, girl; Charle and Anna Hart. 13 North Nineteenth, Ix.y; Lloyd and Mildred Iveraon. hospital, hoy; Oacar and Mario Knudaon, 2714 Taylor, hoy; Ouslav and Ramhll.l Wrei-il, ?( Burclette. hoy; Arthur and France Redlnger, 210 North Twenty-aecon I; girl; Ralph and Lulu Hci,,lp. Capitol venue, girl; Earl and Jennie Hchnelder, 1K1I lithrop. boy. Death Mr. Anna Lloyd, 22. HM South Nineteenth; Charlea Massey, M), Jll' Maple; Jacob (Irant, W). lf20 North Twenty-sixth; Charles Barrett. 28, 41 JO Nicholas; John J. Mercer, K2, 2SII Hick, ory; Ludmile Boutin. 1, 14 South Thir teenth. MARRIAGE l.l(lK, Permit to wed have been granted to the following: Name and Residence. Age. August von Engcl, Omaha 62 Charlotte Honig, Omaha 47 Charlea A. Oahn, Polk 21 Lydle C. Anderson. Hpringfleld Mm... 22 Walter W. Padget. South Omaha .... 21 tadle Brrgantmel. Sioux City, la 21 Lawrence Jacob, Newman Orove.... 24 Kmmi Olson, Newman Orove 21 Karl Larrlmore, Omaha ?j Nellie Uaatone, Council Bluff .., is Bl'lI.DING PERMIT". tui Hchlller, California. Iirlck tore, 14.000. TODAY'S XjMPLKTE MOVIK rmKiltAMH EnclukUely In TI10 Iioni Twa. CAM ERA PHONE, 140S DOl'OLAH. After Taentv Year. Reliance drama. The Dog Catcher Bride. Komlc com. A Man of Iryii. 2-r. Thanhouser dr. ELITE NO. 2. laid KARNAM. The Escape on the Fait Freight. (Helen Holme ) KaL dr. The Trapper Be venge. Winning the Old Man Over. Bio. VARNAM THEATER, HiTfaHNAM HT. Runaway June will lie shown here every Tuesday In connection with our regular program and a Keyatone comedy. HII-P THBATKB, UTIi AND HAHNKT Horn of Paramount Pictures. J'Aiie. liifcATtCK. Feature program dally. Keystone Coined laa. l N. 14TH, PARLOR. 140K DO LIU LAS. The Little Engineer. Ktlem drama. JnJim-rnrtlnu lve. l-r. lAihln dr. PRINCESS UV,-l f7U(iLA8. Treaaon of Anatole. (Violet Mersereau ) Prayer of a Horse. (Murdoch Movjuarrte The Huns way Closet, ttwan Lite. Nerlk. TH AND FORT. ALAMO, Four reel of the best Mutual pictures ILlrTON. Military Ave. and Burden,? Phadows and Sunshine. Prinzes drama, lioa.a. Wild Uata, Keystone comedy Jtanaway June No. t, I reels. IHAMOND, JtlO LAKT-St How iHjttor Cupid Won. Netor com. F1LAX KLIN, J4TII AND FRAXK1 ix" I .e Shanghaied Baby -r. Lrt,,rt drama! The Uiusly Uulih Chariot lta-. 8u, comedy. (irand "Theater Beautiful." loth-Blnnev Mary Plckford in 8unnv Hpaln mnnry Heart Beata. I-reel drama. TheIxt lxrd of Ixvell. j-ree diania JIIPpTfDROMk 14Cl MINU'sf! 'J he Monater and the Uirl. 4-reel Hawyer leature. Une good comedy extra. fT. " 1TH AND IAA.1 ST T8 The Swindler. -reel Kalem drama, ' Cactus Jim s 8hop Girl Hellg cn,-dy ''1'",', ei".T "g cieiera. r;a. . dr. UTIJKlP 11 North Mil, MNtt Cloved all this week, while making al terations and Installing an up-to-date ..H. mun iHiiir lor opening. IiYAU :4J CALDWELL ST? Island of Happiness Sred Big I'. I ii de Raff lea sterling comedy How Mary Fixed 14. Imp. PALACE. SkO DAVENPORT. Call af the Waves. i-ree riold Seal Vivian s Beauiy Test. Crystal comedy. fcBlRBAN. S4TII AnITaMEsT Hearst -rH(, No. 11 Pi re Ooiiot t-reel Biograph drama. The Rltjht filrl. Vltagraph comedy. . ARBOR, t'D AND ARBOR. Kpiaode No. t of Zudora. The Tin Can Shack. American drama. J-Q'e inq nuaineaa, Komlo comedy. APOLIiO. A LEXvENWOitTIl. A Million Bid, I-reel Vltagraph. ol.l'M HI A, Ti BOLT H ldTH Affair of the Deserted House, i-r. Kal dra. Dare levll Harry, Mlna com. At Hie Knd of a Perfect Day, Kaa. dra. COMFORT. ilTll-A NDvTn TiTn! Tluough the Murk. I-reel Domino. Mutual Weekly No. 4. The H s ppter Man, Beauty. FAVORITE. i;i4 VINT0V I'atay in Bualneaa. 1-ubia comedy. The Tis-gedv of betkr Mountain. J r KaL ' 4Uw Ine Barrier ef r sjlb, ViU. dra. TOIMV'S (YMIPLETK Mot IK I'JKM.KAMN Fxrlulvrlr In The 1W. oath. (.KM. IJ. SMI TH 13TII. The Awaited Hour, 2-rcc Imp. Animated Weekly. i Zip and II" Gang. L-Ko comedy ' LVIII 1'.IT VINTON . Threads nf Fsle, 2-tec Rex. i Hn r.f lll Father. Imp ( Nellie. Pride of the rr 1loi'S- Nrs i n.n. , PASTIME. 2:.D A X I i.EAVEN WORTH, "nr Carnival Special il l. roc reel scriecher 1 1 in. "After Her Mil I linns" Five prnrcp tnriirht. "Xnf eed " VENEZlA. Lll So. I. TU ST Four reel cf Mu'ual p. turr. IVrll. MilXUOK. J.V.. FAUNA M. Ileaml-Sflla Xn. II. The I'rh-e if Slhnr.-, A Hi e Joy, r I 2-r. Knl. ilr Tl" Sllnhtly V orn Una n il.eiih Imlnl. I.fo I'Hiiney.l HKXHDX. :V, MA IX T. An I'liexpei'tnl I lonrymn'.n. 2 r. Vtrior. A Mflrlyr .r tl" I'unl. I'nwrre IraniH. He I'nuil 1 1 in !oiii .Inker imiey. (nurll Hlafte I l.i.ITi: Xn 1, Ult'lAliWAY. Her Suprrme Hn' i ifii r . H-r. Knlem dr. "live n ml He llelilonm Kdlnon I.iiiii,i. Set t inn into n S'-ihik.. HluiHih nun. .T 'in i. s. riYTiiii 1 1 wav". I nflernemh ll.e I'nli'l. 3-r. Vim ilrmi.H. ! Illm k MM. I While. MlnH ei,ney. IMI'KII. Hl;i i A I iWA V Tiie IIhmI Ui.ml .T reel Vhinr. The I nknown llrother l'ner. Knnm limaba. l.KSHK TIIKATKIl. ;4TII A.NIi N. I'eerlaa photo pliiyn. Perfectly prnlecfid, Pertetiilly packed. Packing town a I'H'e orean Parlor. Poke in TonlKht yon nee "Haita of Oidil." .1 i art". Norma Phllllpn. our MufiiHl ilrl. (illhert lllye. The Man with the Frlne. MAOIC, Peril of the Wild How Mary Fixed It. .Mill AND o. reel Bison. Imp. audrville. OR PI I El "M. 21TII AND M. Xudora and last spisode of the Milllon- I'oitar Mystery. axoi:nckme.ts NOTICE Ladle going to coast should i.laeo their orders early to avoid any delay In their plans. ANNA XISTEK. ladies' Tailoring and I rcssmaklng. 201 an city National Bank Kldg. DENTISTRY All kinds of ilenlul work done under careful aicr iidon at the Crelghton l'nlerslty College of Den tistry, 210 K. lsth Ht.. Omaha. Fpes vry miKlerste Extiacttoii free. HOMEMADE sausage, only one In Oum- na. sum i'iaiRr, laoa i,eavenw ti. 1 1. aC.D. Wedding snnouniemeiils Doug. J'tg. Co. HAZEL laf Pile Cones. Best remedy flip 1 1 . Vl I II . V. illn. r rm......i.. .. . . 1 1 . Wo postpaid; ramplea free. SUcrrnun & Biconneii inug Co., Omaha. ENROLL now. Y. mT C- A. night s. h.wl.' LUCKY wedding lines al Mrodegaaid's. AUTOMOBILES 1 HAVE a -cyl., (10 h.-p. White car that! 1 will trado for a modern homo or eiiuul : or greater vejue. II, Pelton, 220t Farnam. 1 FOR MALE CHEAP-Flve fine" touring i car for illnev buaea. from Iimi on i $."). Cadillac Co. of Omaha. 304 Far nam ttt. I 100 HEW A HO for any magneto we can't repair. Colls repd. Bavsdoi fer.i'10 X.18. o Use Overton's for leaky radiator, dealer JITNEY BUS Cadillac and Mtevena- Duryea summer and winter hod lea, 7 paenger; Just the c.r for lltnava. H M. Bee. TWO good cara for aalo for Jitneys, .u0 and I'WI; both are In good condition. Phono Weh. 4045, after tl p. m. Al'TO PAIXTIXU. FURDiS, $16; OTHKIH f2". up. BHgg. 14444 N. IHth. Phone Web. 17S0. KONTENELLE AUTOMOBILE CO., deal er 111 umjii car that guarantee service. 21H(v jut h HU Oreenough Omaha Bad. Hep. Co., 2o2o Far. Al'TO Clearing House, 2i Fa mum, buvs and sella used cars. Phone Douglu XH0. C. KLSASSKK, expert' radiator aod lainp repalra Ty. 7o. 2W1 Leavenworth. Inrtiieirial tlaragw 1 'o.. Until Harney Bta. Molorr yeles, IIARLEY-DA VIDKON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In uaed machine. Victor Boos, .wi.nynii jian, a.is, i.QBvenwortn. lUli INDIAN MOLOltCYCLt now reauT 1 ,. 1,1 usvu niacnines. UMAHA BlCYLLK CO., will and t;iut.aaO. ii. 472S. HI KIN ESN CHANCES Al To npulr shop, garage and black smith shop for lent or lor sale. Churles Sine sal. Papllllon, Neh. C. J. Canan can aJJ oi.r fHrmlna land. DRUU BTuRK FOR SALE IN WESTERN NEH. TOWN of ;ao. bales $10.0.4). Klir bartieulnra , !! m,, v 1 1-. Omaha. FOR HALE- Hardware sto-k, one of best towns In state; good double brick rooms with basement; long-liuio lease. Address Y SM, Bee. FOR SALE-13.00 practice, office lurnl ture, fixtures and uruaa. everything In an UKto-dute oftlce; reasonable pi Ice; goMl community; no crop failures; must letlre. as have lost health, investigate. Aaurca Y ;.. Bee. FOR HA LE Mock of ckitblng und genla' ruinlaiiiiig goods In good live Nebraska town; have other bualneaa to luka care of: a koo.I pro, oaition for some one. Address Boa 47V, Hesnt, Neb. FOR SALh-Machine Shoe Shop, in Ne braaka town with good population, do ing g 1 xn! hualneas. Address V SH7, Hee. LIST buflness chances, property for rent ssle or exchange with ine. I will wilt Mil manner of insurance. W. U. Tetn. i pletcn, lien BROKER. HW p.ee. Ty. nu L18T YOUR BUSINESS with us lor quick action and square treatment. QUICK SALE COMPANY, 4JIBeBld g. Phone Red 3354. ONh. of lha beat rutali bakeries in the city; no competition. Call Web. 760 L or address K Si;. Hee. PUBLIC. SALE of the real ealate. ma chinery and stock of United Rrefriger- tor and Ice Machine Co., bankrupt, of Kenosha. Wis., will occur March IS, 1917. on the premises. Proerty will In offered both In separate parcels and as a whole This plant la acknowledged to he i no of the beat and moat completely equipped factories producing r. rrigeiallna lixtiirea and small Ice machines Will aell lumhcr and manufacturing guoda now at private sale. Send for lists and full ati.'ulars J. D- Rowland. Trustee, Kennaba. Wis o ClONS. snowf cards ''lark at H..n. IV U7 SALOONS everywhere In state. Harm veiiy I. O.. JNOrrolK, .f D. TO GET in or o M of buainrsa. Cai I oil OAJSOE.STAD 404 Bee Bldg. D. S4T7 THEATERS Buy, Uase or sell your the aur. machine and supplies throuah Theater Exchange Co . IM Farnam St. Itouglaa 17. W ANT ED A good partner In established business In a good town of .uu0. Must be a wide-awake young man of good hablu and a good tailor. W rile or come and in- -,:"'?r.'r"'- ' be Tabor. AtUntlc, la YOUR business or real eatsleWoh-Uy sold. rite Jim Wrav. SI. tux city. 'wveeisaeata. 6 and a Cash Bonus For Sale A tJOuu t-year -r .nt pur chase money mortgage; secured on land worth ...(!. ln.idre of J. H. Dumont & Co. HVv-li State Bk Bldg. I'hone Douglas uu. EDIT ATIONAI. The Van .Saut School Stenography I'SV a hool, :'.4 to Xiihl school. I -S to I U 1Mb en.) Farr.ani St -iti?'a SM7. WINTER TERM MOSH KH-I. AMPMAN COLLFX3E, .NOW OPEN. t'nnurpniFed eHie-M In fiiielries, ehort html at.rl Knalleh rrnnehee. JrHdunteq B ifliHiil. el rol nnnltlon. IMneei pro- t lued f.ir ounn people to ork for board. For Hep CHt.-tlnttue. tddr-aj MoKiier-Lampman College ! t'lh n) F'nrriem Strvt. Omiiha. Neh. FOX -le the foliowliiK e liolareiilpe in a flrt iln Omul a Ifjelneea College: ' One unlimited romhiniitlon bunl'ii ml el.ni tl.Htiil coure. Oi. unliinlied Inielneen course. One iinl'.niited ene,railiic course One three inoiilhn bueuieei cr tteno siMphli. rourne. Will he mo hi -it a d'eio'int at the office i of the Omnl.k Hee f)n -houl. XI Klit Srhool: complete llmeinieii cotiree; -om.lete ehorthantl or eienotie loure": complete. telenraphy louree, civil aervh e I ranches and Kn Nh. St.iilent Bilhilt-nJ nt any time. Wilte, phone or call for 1915 catalogue. HOYI.KH CliLl.l'.IJIi. H. U. HOVLK.f, f'reelflent. t'.oyleg lilili: . Oinnha. Neb Tel PoukIkh I.Vi. l:Xf'KRT ln'lv ataimurmpher will tika pu;. a. FiiniiTMANK ton. h lyiwrlt Inn, apalilne, punctiiHtlon, etc , tniiKhi and roinii te tialnlim Klven for bualneaa ca ret r. P:tate. Instruction If Ucalred. 4tL4 Iouk1. 8t. Tel. Walnut I'OK H.Xt.K Firaltire. Desks I teed. 1n anil 'old. Karnam Uoutflas I. New i .d-hanil furniture, cash or term; reasonable, Amer. Furr.. Co.. rnf N. 16th I Musical Instruments. 1 1'IAXO WAXTHD I Save storage and ieave your piano with ; me. It will have the bent of care. Address .J-BIS. Hee. Fill ill tiHAHE PIANO, CHEAP Foil CASH. WEMSTEIt M. Slightly used hivth grndii piano. D. ti'17. Typewriters. nXT Remingtons, Monnntis and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Dougiaj l-M, Rental credited If you purchase and limy very newest and Inghen eiade ma chine sent cut. Hates, three months tor lo for unduratroko inachlnes or -t per month for la ton model visible writers. t Y P I ; W H Tl TKIl S-M list"" ! sol d iTnni Monarch, I'nderwood, Oliver, Hmlt'n Pi einler. 4:tt Hee Hl.lu. I Vi'l'.Hlll U.KH so.u, icnled. repaired. Cential TypewilU r Exi hinme, 3U7 tt. lilli KENT An Ollor iy.wiiter, 4 months for 44. 'I be Oliver Typewriter Co.. D. 21 Mlnerlluiirnos, J-hnnd mch. Oiosa Wrick Co., 21 & Paul. Fi-'lt oAL., New and aecuuu- liand caroin und pocket billiard tuble and bowling alley and ncceaaoi lea; bar flxturoa of all kinua; easy payments. The Brunswick llBike-Coli-Miuer Co., 4o7-4H B. KJth St. Li NEW automatic weighing scales, tt and 110. Mutch machln.a and lilting ni.ii hlnea. elei trie fixtures and supilles, I'OgKy harness, tools, lumber and otlier miscellaneous articles for sa'a or trade. J. U. EXECUTOil 7iU 60. Ulsl Ave. Phone Harney 213. S E I X 1 ! M A riTl NES f o r Tmo c he a p7 Tel. South 2S7 ONE second hand band auw and planing machine, circular rip. Address L .11, Hee. II E LI W A NT El 1 'EM A LE Clerical aad Office. BTENodHrtiiir.ll AND Sf.CHETARY. MlWf BE 2S TO aft YEA KM OF AOE, WITH CONSIDERABLE EXPERIENCE. PREFERENCE WILL BE (11VEN TO APPLICANT WITH l.EOAL OK NE"WH I'APER EXPERIENCE. MAKE AP POINTMENT BY PHONE BEFORE CALLINd PERSONALLY. D. 14.41. WEHTERN REE. HONDINll ASSN., 77.2 OMAHA NAT L BANK BLDO. NO USUAL FILING FEE. Stenographer and clerk Stenographer, wmo bookkeeping. JliO Office clerk 56 File clerk 46 Stenographer So Saleslady, expenses and 4.1 BUSINESS M EN'S REFERENCE ASS N., l.im Woodmen of the World Bldg. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, t7sl. WATTS RFF. CO, "e'll Hmmlela Then. NO FlLlNll FEE. BEST COMMERCIAL IDSITIO.NS. Rogers Ref. Co., 6,'H-s State Hank Bldg. Factory a ad Trades. LEARN ha'rdrelng. Oppenheim Parlor WANTF.1 Scrub girls. Apply timekeeper. Hotel Fontenelle. II use keepers aatt Uiimritlo. THE Servant uirl Problem itolveU. Th4 Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad PKKR until you got the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Blutfa Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler KWO. HooD girl for general housework. Mrs. W. C. Lyle. 631 park Ave. UIKL for general housework; ref. re quired. W40 Cass. II. 66S4. WANTED A young girl to help with housework, in nice, pleasant home with every modern convenience. Want a girl between the ages of 16 and 20. Address M-tk.'l, care Omaha Bee. V A NTF1 COM PET K NT til RL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. GX)D WAGES. APPLY WITH REFER ENCE. MRS. LEONARD A. SPALD. 1XG, 3MK) HARNEY STREET. WANTED Competent girl for general housework: a In family; good wages; white girl only. Phone Webster 30nu. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing, g,od Wages. 3316 Burt St, GIRL for general housework; three in family: no laundry. Webster i707 JDtn and Spalding. WANTED A girl or woman lo work Id i.'II I'll i.iiur.1', ...in I'OUglU A GIRL wanted who attends school half dav for cue of ihlld In a small family for board aim room Excellent place. SI oiil.l be oer IS years. Call Hartley 7ivVl. COMPETENT and neat apearliig girl for general housework. Small new apart ment. Three in family, lieaaant room. Ida S. 42d St.. Phone H. 47.sH. WANTED A young girl at once to aaalat with bourework; good home; amall family. II. WA.VTEI A itmpetent girl for general housework; must be n good cook, 137 8. 6i h St. Mlaccllaaraaa. YOUNO women coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young V omen's Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. and liih St.. where thay w-il! be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our uaveier'a gu'de : Union station TEt'-liniiiedlately, an exterlencrd girl Hi leedlng a ruling machine. Steady pns'tlon. I.,, l-'ehure ledger Com I4ii. IVdnr Rapids, la LADIES A: lnlea' coats, suits, urease aklit samples at wholesale prices. Bon. off New Vorki-ainple Sture. w N, uth. WOMEN get guverniiient jobT70 month" LUt free. Franklin Instliut. Dept. ei B. Rocbealrr. X. V. v HELP WANTED-MALK Clerical aad Off Ice. SALESMAN'. coffee. JIO0 und ' snlcaiiiHii, insurance, salary and I teuog. $141 Exn ; Coin. ; W A l l S REF. CO. M"-42. Biandeis The. orrH E manager, lobbing line, some In Vrtlra.nl; advertising soliiitor. .'. or gai.U.r lor suit club, good commission; link with ticket experience. tii. l o-op-eratlve Helen i.. c Co., 1 .&-l Cty Nat. STEXi lilt WilEK 5 ST EN OG H A Ii I El t .to 1I1I-, c.(Mi siit.M'Y, l H Blda . . OUNii man w ith electrical ripei Iriue. THE MIDWEST BUNDING CO.. ii ree ill ci g 1UUH-GRADE commercial poaitious. WEST. REF. sc BOND ASS N.. 'iU Omaha Nai l Bank Bldg. help wanted m.r ( ML SaVksM AX WAXTKI) To handle an rnnhrn Nel)i-aka terrl- i lory. rell directly from refinery lo ' ' enneumrre, alo dealer. Have com pet I- I I live prlcen, pell on open account und pio' i : i per cent . ommlwlun or enlnr) . We ere i lone nf the -ildint in'icivndent rompnnle . loperatlnK In the Inld.l'e went. Addrojs T 4, Hee. j I W A NT EI MKV E R A I . (Tool Mk X-! iT i I (loon AI'1'HKS TO 1I1AVEI,: $1 TO I'Klt HAY; CTKA I'Y I'OHITIoN Foil I I'H(iiCTHi. AI'I'I-Y Hill HKAXOEISi illlKA IKIl nilKI, IIF.FORE NoOX. 'flA LEHMAN wanted for nj'le line of wool flannel and auto mbe t retail trade tn lowa, .ci.raK ana soum I'aKoin. Addre Y 7!l. Ilee Dru atoro enar : joba. Knelat. Boa Blda. THE flrat pavment now cover Insurance till July 1. 1?15 Thl make our policy eaav to aell. Call or write. Mutual Len ient, Health and Accident Am n, A2i ii I rity Nat. Hank Bid;. Oman. Neb I Factory a ad I radea. I AI'TOMOBILE TTI5E OR OTHF.RWt.H Be wlae a Independent In buelnea I for yourself or earn ll money. Otir I lame and well equipped echcol and fhop I n ill produce thl result for yu. Oi-t our unuaual Intereatlna off' with Laiaiogua iV" Day aid niKht cle. Phone U. ?CI3. 141. lfi-17 l)ode St.. Omaha. Neb. NEimASKA AI'TOMOBILE SCHOOL Tearn" ba nr.rt! TrtA.iB. Be Independent; wanea and tool given. Electric mnnoace. strictly modern. UIJ . demand for harhera. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLl.FtiE. ''.11 Houglna St.. urn mt' N' t Lincoln. I Nlnerllaaroai, GOOD YorXO MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. BiRReat demand for our Magneto. Elec Starter Auto Graduate Too many un trained tinker repa'r nwB; good men poel tlvely needed. Ilia spring rush. rc latnlogue. AMERICAN AUTO COL LEiiE. 2df,J Farnam At. Omaha. Ho an Auto Mechanic and draw a largo salary, or go Into the auto business for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shops will I ring' this result for you. Write for free booklet. Xat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 2M4 N. 2nth St., Omaha. Neh. SANTEI All round automobile painter; no boozer. Jtyan Motor Car Shops, Lin coln, Neb. WANTED l.Otiii men to CHt ham and eggs, l.'ic. coffee John, 14th and Cai itol. HELP WANTED ef.ALH AND I'DMALE. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women; ti5 to 1150 month. Write for list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 221 U, j Hoclp Hter. N. Y. (OMAHA government clerk examinations j April 2H. $70 month. Common education ; sufficient. Humpln questions free. Apply Iminedlutely. Address Y 361, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS DAY work or any kind D. J7:i4. YOl.'NO mun wants place to work for board wlilla attending licylcs college. j iciepnonc oouirias i POSITION wanted by first class cook, as chef In hotel or restaurant; steady work, il 38. Bee. WANTED Ernplcyment by middle-uged mn, several years, railroad and office experience; prefer pojltlon as traveling salesman or oftlce work; can use 'pewriter; not a steno. K gaa. Bee. W ASHINO and Ironing Ella. Web-SMi. EXPERIENCED young man wants work In a hotel or restaurant; can do any work. F 25. Bee. REFINED young girl, to aasiBt with housework and care of a baby. Phone I larney 2117. DAY work wanted. Webster 6Hi. SITUATION wanted by a widow lady as housekeeper, in o- out of city; refer ences exchsnged. A 33. Bee. LINOTYPE operator desires change; speed 1.KO0 lines; good habits. C. A. Hoyt, Broken Bow, Neh. COLORED girl want place to cook; exp. D. 761 H, YOUNG maii. 23. experienced aa csshier. bill and office clerk, desires position in Omaha; am college graduate, good calcu lator and excellent penman: best of ref erences; will start at a moderate salary. Address M tWl, Bee. WANTED Situation caring for children, day or night. Call Walnut 322. RELIABLE colored girl wants position aa chambermaid. So. 27H3. YOUNG man from the engineering de partment of Notre Dame university .! elrea a position of any sort immediately. Phone Douglas 741!!. EXPERIENCED clerk, dry goods or gro cery, IK year old, desires position. Hud experience as collector also. Address L-41, Bee. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles, FOR SALE 2 teams of well-matched, chunky mares; weight 1.200 to 1.600 ih rucli; ages 5 to 7 years: all good mares, right out of hard work; also JiV) takes chunky team of mares, heavy In foal. J ityan. mgr., z.h f arnam. MUST sell team bay brewery horses; 7 years old. 3.i0 iba; 4 teams black mare. If! f lM I ull tiAilnv 1 taam Kaea-a 2.700 lbs., heavy lii foal. Call at Bottle iieer iiept.. lzn p. lain r.t. ATTENTION I Must sell thla week four husky mares In foal; 1,200 to 1,400 pounds each; have been tuktn on a debt. This la a bargain. Call and Investigate. &UN S. 20th St.. near Howard residence SHIP liv stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments lecelve prompt and careful atten tion. FOR BALE Standard bred stallion, reg Islered, Volume 20,' No. 671V). weight l.:7i; age 4; guaranteed sound; premium winner at slate fair. E. C. Barker, 1234 8. :3d St . Lincoln, Neb. FARM wauoiia, ft and up; harness. 140. Johnson-L'unforth Co.. Kth A Clark Sts. SEVEN head good mares, weight 1.1) to 1.4(4) pounds; must sell. 13111 S. 32d St. Take W est llanscom park car. WOLD my Canada land, so will aell niv four big young farm mares and driv ing JioraeAxJICarlll ai.se n. 224 N. pith. 60 farm mares, horsea mules. Missouri ranch, G. L. Light foot, mug Cuming St. FOR SALE 1 team of nice, large marea, heavy In foal: weight l.0 Iba. each; uge and 7 year old: Inconvenient for partv to care for tock; private residence. 2421 Podao St. Tjidv owner. FtR SALE A ni e. large teuin, weight 1.5(0 lbs. each: one in foal; 20 hnlea of hay, six baga of cracked corn and bran; blankets, curry combs and brushes, must be sold within next 3 days; party leav ing city: cheap for ready cash. James Henry, 2223 Dodge. FOR SALE-20 head of horses and marea, age from 4 year to yenra, all well broke to work. Call telephone South 3u29 3322 Harrison St.. South Omaha. Live Stock rasnsalssloa Merckaata. MARTIN BP.OS. CO.. Exchange Bldg. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost oni article would co well to call up the office of the Omaha V Council Bluff Street Railway com- fany to ascertaia whether they left It in he street cars. Many article each day are turned In and the company la anxioua to rep to re tl em to the rUhtf.l owr. Call Doug. 43. t'7 reward for Information leading to the aate return to owner of Roston bull ter rier, igl I brindle and widte; lis, whit') fsce breast and front legs, oae nine eye., (rooked tail, long ears, une white tipped: favors right rear leg which has Ihoi bruk.n: mime and address on collar. F. H. Karrtngton. 3X76 Wool wort i Ave. Harney S!ej2. LOST -Cameo brooch In Burgem- Nash or between llunscoin Park and City Na tional Bank. Liberal reward. No ques tions asked. Tyler &37. LOST A pair of woman's black rbn nose glaaaea at the Orpheuin fliatinee Thurs day. Call Walnut J027. LOST White juale Freiuit poodle dog; hair cut around eyea; no collar or tag; suitable reward. J. W. Battln, JoOo Wool worth. Harney XtX. MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured wliliout 8;itQi'AI. OI'KMATION or I TAIN. NO I iKTIvVTIHS irom I '. I H I . i XK.-H PAY h'n (TKKI). A rlll"n oi'Alt XTKK given In cveiy mm tieatid I'litlei.tn mimt eiime to the nt- rc, iflR-M.i o.nnha Nation." bank, 17th and I'n mam ,"t. IHf. WJLMAM C'RHKJIL'iON MAXW VAAj, Tnenty-elght years in Omaha. (Jradihite ! - nf Bcllevi" Host It.. I .Medical Coll. ua. i 7L.ljyy-..y Piles, Fistula Cured I I'r. E. H. Tarry ciiicn plies, listul.i and other rectal discs-es without suiKh al d- . I... uiiiin I'll ii'iihi dlaeneea with testimonials. UK. E. K. TA KltY, HH Kee Itldu'. IiUI'O habits s'lcceosf ully treated. .V-ilay Vlliirnntee linrmlnaa a tiH ,.u,,lnaa . method, full stock; oii can b treHte t home. Address Dr. f. Aitken. S28 Park Ave Phone Harney 3.115. T?tintnr Cured In a few dare without Jiui-iuit, I())n t Rll or wrlte Vr -wruy. 106 Bee Bids . Omaha. Established IIBI.-o XniSKHV AXI NKKDS FOR HOOD Feterlla seed write J. E. Warrick. Haptiiiiis. Neb. o PERSOBiAL TOUNO women coming to Omaha a strancer are invited to visit the Young Women Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary' Ave., where they will l: dire, ten to suitable boarding place or otherwise ansl-ucd. Look for our trav elers' aid at tiie Union station. $7,09) to Pension Invalids If w- receive 5W subscriptions to The Ladles Home Journal tl BO The Saturday Evening Post 1 50 The, Country Gentleman 1.50 Each month till April to equal last year's butdnes.M, the original t-VJoO hccoim tho proierty of the Invalids' Pension an in., making 7,fKX) to pension Invalids. We inuat tvive i;, suhHciiptions In Fehrtmry. Your order or renewnl adds 60 ct. Phone Doui?. Tm or address Gordon, the Magazine Man, OMAHA. NEB THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, inaga nines. We o!lect. We distribute. Phona L'ouglas 4136 and our waKon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-lllt I odga M OPIUM, morphine, cocaine, etc. can be rmlnle-a harmless. AH.Ir,,'. i.e . .' Altkcn S2S Park Ave. Phono Mar. 339i.- POI LTHV AND Hl'PPLIES DON'T forget that three times nmre chickens have been hutched In Oil Trusty incubators than In any other In cubntor. Calalogue freo on request. Ad dress, M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center. Neb. STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining tor poultry hounes. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. J5c a hundred nt The Bee office. LET chickens pay your rent; send for free book, "Turning Eggs Into Chick ens Into Doiars." and fiee annul.' world s only hatching chart; book descrii.es Itayo Incubators; give most chicks; hatch on one gallon oil. Kayo Incubator Co., 1016 8. 12th St.. Omaha. Neb. Phone Red iSnti. Mixed grain, MO lbs., 11.75, Wagner Mil N.18. CHICKENS for sale. ti73 So. 41st St. TOM BARRON strain Lighorn egirs and cockerels, also white Indian Runner duck eggs and drakes for sale. Address W. J. Welch. Cherry Croft, Omaha; phone Benson 403. LTVK WIRE BUSINESS .MEN OF OMAHA A B C of Omaha N EW and 2d-hand motors, dynamos, magnetos, etc, and mech. repairs. Le Hron ElePt. Worko, 318-20 B. 12th. 0 M AHA PILLOW CO., 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2467. Renovutes feathers and matt I esse of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down covir. V ACUU.M cleaners for sulc. Vacuum cleaning dons In the home. Sanitary Service Co., 306 Bee Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell novdies and parts for all sewing machines. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO., MlckelV' 16th and Harney. Douglas 1061 Accountant. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A., Address 433 Ramgn Bldg., Phone Douglas 740t. Adding- Machines. Dalton Adding Machines. 411 8. 16. D. 1449. Adder Mch. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. DTo33s. Architects. Everett S. Dodds. 612 Paxton Blk. D. 29SL Aato and Mnvaeto lirpnlrl oar- Magneto repair work a epoclalty. D. 2411. Aactloaecra. Dowd Auction Co., 1115-16 W. O. W. R. S2S5. Attractions. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine ana mm bargains. Blue Prlatlna. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 303 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Barbers. 13 Chairs. 10c shave, neck shave. 1617 Far. Bras Fouadrlea. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. Carpenters aad Contracture. bTliVKiNBUN, 83 a. 23d. Douglas 6620. (II turn I n I .Mill. W. T. 8mlth Co.. UUCIty Nafl Bk. D.I813. China Palatini. Ruth Letchford. decorating, firing. R. 443. t hlropraclora. DR. EDWARDS. 241 h & Farnam. D. 3413. I 'ream Ssaaralurs. The Sharpies Separator Oo l?th A Fam. lt Eaalurera. M JILAt Y. 51aBEg BtJKi. DOUO. 4718. W. J. McEathron. Tel D. 6601. llifgbm. Nat. Cistern and Well Dlsglas. NEED well or cistern cleuned or dug? SCHAFFER does It. Phone Web. 5631. J. 131. RICKERTT Well Construction r1 nothing too hlir or imtVlHlhU- fumiahed. 610 N. list St.. Omaha. Coal Ucalera. $.) .r)(l Joho,- peclal, also Victor nut. BILGER does it. Phone Walnut la21 UaaclnaT Acadeaates. Turpln's Dancing Academy, 2Sth A Farn. Try Ma. kie a first. IHla' Harney. Doug. R4eii CH A MHEItS' Academy, classic. D. 1S7L Ueallaia. Dr. Bradbury, No pafln 1806 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 4o3 Brsndels Bailey, the Itenttat. 706 City Nat l Bank. Tart Dei tal Rooms. 1617 Douglas. D. 21M. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea. 724 OUy Nat- Bank. Detect 1 Tea. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part ot United Ststes. Canada or Mexico. " Paxton Blk. loug. 1371 Walnut 1520. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1136. Dreaauaaktaa. Terry Dreaamtk'g eollege JOth Farnam. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants work by day. Phone Florenco 3. WATsON A Ll'NL), 3uui Cans St. sOlectrle Vappl.es. LEBRON Elec. Wks.. Sid R. 12th. D. 2174. Drss. DRUGS at rut prices: freight paid on tU ordeia; catalogues free. Sherman at ilc. Council Drug Co.. Omaha. NU. Everrthlaa- for Weaken. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, ptcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 2u) Douglas Block. D. 1&K. MVK W1RK IU NIXKSS IKN OF OMAHA liifrilhlni lor Wnmrm. iswiTfllKH from combines, tl.OO. Pyi he ; f ie. Mi II. M. Kck. .Tunn Varcy. II. .v.46. i - HAIHIilMJSSIXO at your home. K. t::i.ll. "" I lnBeil. .I'.l.'IN'i in yoiir old etiaw hHts; i Iraned and ve i '"i-. lora Kleele, li:! City .Nat. . I "uii I1 nrtere. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N :4th Pt. W. 7777. I Florists. A. noNACIHi'E, 1a Harnay. Ioug. inpl. BATH S f.orli-t.. Isoi Farnf TnmTr;zr,A. w-, f arnam St. irnam St. OX. l.Mst Famam. I. l-'o. rlst Telegraph Uel. Assn. lintterlna; and annatlaa;. FIRE PREVENTION CO. Douglas 4"S4. Hnrper method. R,- , Ralrd Bldg. D. Jfill. THOMAS DUKKIN Electric, fixtures and supplies, contract' nig Hno repair w oik none renonanie. 2418 CI MIN'CJ. IOL'JLAS 281. l.lve atork Hemcdlre. OMAHA Remedy Co.. W1 S. 13th. Red 4Ioi. IHeasenaer and Teamster. WHITE LINE, 309 s. n t h . Douglas 331 i. Mask, Costames and Lodtre Sappllea. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes. The largeet stoi k of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Llel.cn & Son. 1614 Howard. D. 4116. Mavaaeaaea. ('OR UFA T JVflY MeTietc. itcn CUiLlliliLLLNUI pral. (.Btisfac tory treatments; 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. V Wi )ll Ii TimM,,dicated or plain; Douglas Notice Entrance downstairs, basement, cor. of Dodge. Call today. MISS SCHMIDT, "mass., elec. bath. D. 13. Open eve.. p. m. ; Sundays. 12 to 6. MASSAOE. 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. Miss Fisher, mass., elec. treat. Red 503l. MANS (IK b'M "KK build in a J'UH-O.lJli DOUHLAH 72. BA.TH n1 massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wlleon, MH Fartiam. R. 2. Douglas 876L Openeverdnga and Sunday. Jl ISS WALTONTbath. maasaRe. Tel. D. 4L1i7. Hours 0 to H; Sunday 11 to B. Clara Ie, bath and massage. Doug. 875L Ksthleen Mack, massage fehathD.'7BS2i BATHS. 214 Baird Bldg.. 17th and Doug. MotIbbt, Storage aad (leaalsg. W. C. FERP.1N. 16th and Capitol. Ty. 12C0. Ocullats. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay aa you ran. Lrs. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathic physlclnns, I TT. Bci 'icha. 203-1 McCague Bldg. D. S(3. Dr. Peterson. 60J Hrundeis Bldg . D. 2144. Prlntlnic. " WATITHS-RARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th St. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY M KEN2JE PTG. OO. D. 2014. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1S20 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3764. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. 11th St. Patents. H. A. Sturges, 636 Brandelw Theater Bldg. D. O. L'.qrnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 71177 Roach Exterminator. B. B. H. Roach powder at "Fregger's ' """Il inn r.pcria,i HUGH M'MAM'S, 417 N. 40th. If. B728. I. I I a . . , Plames Renovated PLUMES & flowers made over, cleaned dyed. Bertha Krtiger, 429 Paxton. 13. 8394. nfe and Time Lock Ezperts. SAFES Opened, repaired, comb changed. F. E. Daven- port, H"6 Dodge. D. 1.S21. Shoe Repairing;. Electric Shoe Rep. Co., 1S07 St. Mary's Av. FRIEDMAN BROS . shoe repair. 211 8. 14. Miia and shvweards. E. M CLARK & SON. 113 8. 16TH ST. Steel Ceilings. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 g. 10, Store and 4(flce Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2724 Tnrrei Sappllea. ! OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. nth. D. 628. 1 . I " sau suitcases. FREEING & STEINLE. 1S06 Farnam St Tnllors. CIIAS. C. LANPERYOIT. 10S N. 16th St. OLSEN & HOl'ECHE, I0O6 Ham. y. U. 6X'S. Veterinarians. Pn. G. R. YOITNG, 4602 Contsr. Wal. 302S Wlnea nnd Liquors. ALEX JETES. 201-S 8. i3th St. Wlnea liquors, cigars. Plate dinner. 11 to 3. 10c. Globe liquor house. 424 N. 16th; California wine. $1.26 per gal. Write for price list. HENRY TOLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at Klein's Liquor House. Hil ti. loth. Doucias liioS. SWAPPER'S COLCJ1N A SINGLE horse cultivator, seeder and amort me nt ot iarm tools. What have you to offer. Address S. C. 64, Bee. AUTO I have a Buick, 1312 model, thor oughly overhauled and In good condi tion, that I will swap for plumbing and heating vork. 8. C. 78, care Bee. AUTO One new and cne second-hand touring car, for good first-class mort gage paper. Ans. quick. S. C. 671, Bee. AUTO 1! 13 a puss. Buick,' fine condition Will trado for lot valued 31,000 on paved street. Will pay difference it lot is worth more. Call Webster 4S16. AUTOMOBILES Foi other automobile bargain see the "Automobile'' classifi cation. ATTENTION. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Auto tire, nearly new casing, size 3exl, demountable rim and Inner tulie; will sell very cheap for cash, or what have you to swap? Address 8. C. 163, Bee. BOOK of foreign stamps; want to swap for Victor records, or what have you. Addresa S. C. ', Bee. CAKI'ENTKK vOKK Will exchange services as carpenter for two lot grad ing. Address 8. C. iS6. Bee. CHICK KNS Rhode Island Red cockerel, will exchange for pullets, same variety. Address S. C. 666. Bee. DESK Roll top desk, good condition. 'refer typewriter. What have you? Address, S. C. 661 Bee. iiRE?a SUIT and Tuxedo, gaa stove, or namental clock, or a mandolin for any thing I can use on a farm. What have ou? Address S. C. 65. Bee. EIGIIT-KOOM modern house In Hast ings, Neb. Will trade for Omaha home or vacant lots. Address, K 619, Hee. UUlTAR Washburn guitar end canvaa case: cost t.'2 60; to trade for pictures i a rd projector or kodak. Address S. c. 1 1-7.7. Hee. INCUBATOR Old Reliable Incubator. good condition. What have you to offer? I want Buff Orpington hens. Address 8. C. 662, Bee. MOTORCYCLB-2 cylinder, chaiu drive. Harley-Lavieon, 2 passenger, fully equlpied, run 1.100 miles, tires good. Presto lamp; cost 3276. Want diamond ring, clear lot or what have you; also have nearly new 312a typewriter; would trade together or separately. Address S. C. Oho. Bee.. MOTORCYCLE Will trade one twin cylinder motorcycle with aide car, all same aa new, for anything of equal value. Acidivsa S. I". 61. care Bee. 13 OAK commodes to trade. What have you? Addresa S. C. 667. Bee. PIANO First class upright piano; want chickens and cow or horse or make offer. Addreas S. (. 661. Bee. I.11M.I tmal. on H H Ino. I.J I. ... I 1 '...'. " v.. . i, uuuuillK I lot, bal. cash. Glee full description and (inr v. i j .iirimwii i'.iu. xeuureas o, e 664. Be. PIANo. in good siiHie to saap. on well located, close-in old style bouse and lot: will pay balance. Want something that can be made an excellent place; pri. ed around 3-'.0i) or leas. Give . nation and rice, or no attention paid. Addreas S. C. I SWAPFKlfS t)IAIV ! I I A No to e a . for an auto to make eer -. e l..ii out ol. I "on t rare for paint. I hut want a pood 4-c Under running near; i no Junk j lte wanted. Address d. C. nil, i Vl? . hi PI I.I.KTS an! 2 co.kere.ls, thorouuli I I. red Hirrcd Hoi ks Make me an offer: . WMi.i ehctrlc fan. Address S C. ia. Bee.. i l;i -aTiSTFR 1HI2 Ford road"ter. In exceli I lent condition, new 1H14 rc.ii.ter body, Nar looka and runs like new: have bought ,h new car and will trade Ford for good . ..-nr iimann. lot. s. i . I.ee. HL'HHKK HOOTS Have good pair o? luourr boots almost new will sell or trade for something I can use; In good) CoiuliH n; sl;-,e ii. S. C. 47.1. Bee. SA I j il ,E side saddle, good us new; will sell or trade, ,.r what have jou? Ad dresa c. ;-(, Hee. fclLi.NS. showardsjjiark A Son. D. 137. T PF.WHITER-Hammnnd, used onlv I months, cost. $12.-.; also H5 Hampton watch; will trade one or both for dia mond ring, or what have you? Might con-' sldcr motorcycle if good, or offer d dress S. C. OW, Hee. TOOiTs HAH PTINER-Never used cost wholesale, r7. Will trade for anything, as havcno tisejorjt. Address S. C. MS. Bee. V AC I ' I M W A si 1 1 X(i MAlrl I IX ; ES HaVS :i well known vacuum washing ma chines, all new and up-to-date. A guar antee I machine. Agents, here la v.wr chance tn make a clean-up this spring. i 111 pwho inr huto nr w iat hiva t-n..7 Address S. C. r0. Bee. W A XT auto for equity In 8-room modern house in Cathedral district. Add 612. rare Bee. ATCll-A good. 17-Jewet gold wstch. 16- year case and good chain. What have, you and can use to trade. Andreas S 11. 0 9. Bee. WILL trade electric nr anv Irind of nlnnn SnH n V riirr.FnnM f.. amall n-.. A .1 dress S. c 6. Hee. WATCH A 16-Jewel, 16 slue. 20-yesr J. Boss 20 cold-filled case to trade for shot gun. Address S. C. 1621, care Bee. WOULD like to swap roller ton desk. In ...r-.-.cin o'liuiiiuri, ior sman sare or strong box. What have u got Ad dress, 8. I. 66X, Bee. FOIl RENT Apartmcnta and Flats. Fidelity Storage Co Storage, moving, packing nnd shipping, li'.th A Jackson Sts. Phone Douglas 2H8. ONLY 3-10 per month: very fine all mod- cm brick flat; walking distance; 35 tn $7 cheaper than anything in the vicinity. CALKINS A CO. Doug. 1313. -o OGDEN ANNEX. Council Bluffs, -oornl with kitchenette, steam heat Phone 4V i-r.. modern Hat, 230 S. 24th, 322. H. 471L FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 8. 4 and 6-room. apartments in city. Building lust fin ished. Flora Apartments. 2661 Jones St. NICELY furnished semi-basement room In first class apartment houso on Sher man Ave.; lavatory and toilet; low rental.' SCOTT .fe HILL CO.. Douglas 1000, NEW &"-r. apt.. 207 So. 26th Ave., close Ins built-in buffet in dining room, Individ-J ual porch, good Janitor service. Send tot our weekly printed rental list. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St CHOICE flat of 4 rooms, strictly modern, 602 S. 30th St.; rent, 325 and water. Key at 6o4. R. II. LANDERYOU. Tel. D. 3600. 301 Neville Bldg. EIGHT-ROOM bricks. 333.50. . 120 N. Thirtieth. 113 South Thirtieth. i O'KEEFE REAL ESTATB CO.. i 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2711 FURNISHED ROOM, heated. 4614 North 31st Ave. NICE room In Uintah Apts. Harney 2953.' MADISON 21st and Chicago; steam heat iu mo. ana up; caie in connection, u.am. OGDEN HOTEL. Council Bluffs, steals jgaieu rooms. e per wees,, nione 04a, La Verna, 1812 Cap., front rnis. Stein, ht, LARGE frcnt room in rHvaie, family for 2 geutlcmen, with breakfast: on car Una In Dundee. Address, E 4.0 care Omaha Bee. THE COLLINS One double and ringlij room, steam-heated, nicely furnished, good location. 2406 Harney. JJOLiGE, 2037 Steam heated room, witli board; suitable for two. ROOM with breakfast tor lady; 15 mo.; on ear line, llanscom park district; modern. Phone Webster f. Garages. lo First class brick Rarage, cement floor, rear of Harlun Apts., 27101-3 Sherman SCOTT & HILL CO.. Douglas 1069. Hotels and A parliueuta. CAL1FOKNIA Hotel. 16tti and California. Weekly rate 2 and up. Douglas 70S7X DODGE HOTEL-Modern Reaouablaw Honarkcrplna Rooms. ELIF.PING and housekeeping rooms, fur nace heat. 726 S. 18th. Tyier M21-W. Furnished llousekerplna; lloonia. Fur, housekeeping rms.. 2222 l-'arnam St. Houses and Coilaitex. For Rent Walking Distance Never Occupied Nice yard. Sleeping porch. Clothes chute. Furnace. Kitchen cabinet. Gaa Btove. Built-in effects. Open Sunday. .American Security Ca Douglas 5013 or Walnut 3037, Harney 264... RENT FREE TO MARCH 1. SI6 S. 2Mh Ave., 6-r., modern, 326. 3401 Jackson, 6-r., modern, $.11. 2s-'i Dupont, 6-r., part modern. 310. 1 2.11.1 South 2th St.. 4-r., city water. 37. 2112 lvlm. 4-r., well, 3. 3M0 S. 16th St., 4-r., cistern, 3S. CRE1GH. SONS A COM PA N Y, Iouglas 200. m Bee Hid. 311 N. S3D St., a fine 6-room. completely.' inouern nouao in Desi ok repair, t on. venlent to Farnam and Harney car liua: good neighborhood. CRF.IGH, SONS A COMPANY. Douglas am. 60s Hee Bfd?. (i MASON" St., g-r.. all mod.. 340. iWHki. r. ...1 m., -r., a. I mod., 33') 8aa) Military Ave., 6-r., part mod.. 316. 1773 S. !th St.. 5-r all mod., $.0. 3331 Fowler Ave., 6-r., part mod.. 313 50 S17 S. 26th St.. 3-r., part mod. 3 B1RKETT A COMPANY. 422 Bee Bldg Doug. 631. L'ESl RA RLE 5-r. cottage, modern except heat. 62S S. IRth Ave. D. 4236. WALKING DISTANCE. S-room modern house In good condition, 2644 Dodge, tS Vacant March 1. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Wehcter 4K75. 2S13 Woolworth Ave., 8 rooms, mod., 32'J. 2616 Seward. 6 rooms, barn. l 1.6 S. 2th, 5 rooms. $10 1j7 N. 2uth, 4 roorns. 312 60. 2i Farnam, 8 rooms, mod., brick, 3ft). 410 N. 22d. 10 rooms, mod., 3 baths, 3477. 2405 Capitol Ave., 7 rooms, mod., S7a. 2716 Howard, 8 rooms, mod., 3-D. 1217 S. 16th. S-rooin flat for colored. l R1NGWALT, Brandels Theater Bldg. 7-ROOM. all modern. 2436 Parker St. A LL iMs. 81 per month up. 607 Paxton. 8-r.. modern. 71 8. 87th St. 7-r.. modern. 614 Leav. St.. good 'ocatlon. Weh. r.90 LTROOM modern house, with barn, hot water heut. 2618 Harney St., vacant March L Inquire T. J. O Brlen, H. 10M. D I21& Uniiea1" Pwrta of the cliy. OUSCa CrtiK h Sons A Co.. Hee Bldi;. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves. pa"ks. ships: -iw rmm van and 2 ruen. tl.U pvr lir.. -to:..e jj lw.f no. batlafactloo cuar. U. t:3 A Ty. 134. tx2. Bee. t