Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    TITfi r.KKi OMAHA. THUKSPAY. FK!:l?rAi:V 2 irt.a
Vice President oV State Federation
Sayi Farmer and Government
Arrayed Against Them.
(From a StHff Oorrpopondrnt.
LINCOLN. Fob. 24.-(S(cIh1.)-T1i
United Kates anil t'ii? farmer arc work
ing togethrr to fut the small merchant
out Of - bu.Minr, Cioorce W. Purnor of
Bethany, toM 0 dealers today, apeaklng
before the Keduiatton of Nebraska Re
tailer at their annual convention.
He said tho government was faring
a deficit of t.V),XXi,0n0 annually In pro
moting the "prodm-er and coneumer"
movement through parcel post, and that
the merchant wa making up to the
government the loss Incurred In an at
tempt at his own decapitation.
Mr. Darner, who la vice president of
the federation, and was for many years
a smell merchant In Overton, urged co
operation among the retailers In buying
and shipping to save freight charts.
The trading stamp plan received the
stigma of hla disapproval. He berated
those manufacturers who had different
prices for different buyers.
A. V. Pease and Cliff . Crooke. both
of Fairbury, urged upon the dealers a
consistent campaign of advertising, to
keep their wares before v the people all
the tima.
C. H. Qustafeon of Mead, president of
the Stat Fanners' union, aroused a
storm of protest when he told the re
tailers that poor methods of business
from the manufacturer down to the re
tailer were responsible for the hundreds
of far me re who were banding together
and buying on the co-operative plan (o
the elimination of the local merchant,
w'pwi.armynssicmfgf akwd kwd kwdwd
Church Federation
Endorses Allyn for
Mayor of Hastings
HASTINGS, Neb.. Feb. S4.-(Spcial
Telegram.) The Church Federation of
Hasting entered the municipal campaign
with a pronouncement endorsing A- E.
Allyn for mayor and opposing the pro
posed mass convention for the nomina
tion of a candidate. There are two other
candidates in the race besides Mayor C.
Or In graham, who. la seeking election for
a second term,
A mass convention for the Bastings
school district has been called for Maroh
16. Four candidates for the Board of
Education are to be nominated.
Oswald Huck has received word from
Kusslav that bis brother, Nicholas Huck,
formerly of this city, was captured by
von Hlnden berg's army three weeks ago.
j returned to Russia to fight for the
The Hastings Odontography society was
organised by the entists last night. C.
A. Phillips la president
Two hundred delegates are expected
here for the state student conference,
which will begin Friday and end Sunday.
Bishop McDowell will be among the dls
UngBjehed -speakers. "
; The Cause of Rbeanatlim.
Use Sloan's. Liniment and you won't
care what causes it. The first applica
tion helps. Good for sciatica, neuralgia.
25c. For sale by all druggists.-Advertlse-ment
Commanlty Club at Coleridge.
COLERIDGE, Neb., Feb. 14. (Special.)
A community club with about 200 mem
bers was organized at a banquet held
here last Thursday night. Three-fourths
of the members are f aimers. Guy V,
briggs, manager of the local Farmers'
elevator, was olected
as president and-t
nan Rasdal, one of the mr.
chants in this vicinity, is secretary. Dr.
F. G. Dewey, It. B. Stafford and A. If!
Burgel were chosen a committee on con
stitution and by-laws and will it-port at
mo nexi meeting, which will be held on
March 4.
It's Foolish to Suffer
You may be brave enough to stand
backache, or headache, or dizziness. But
if. In addition, urination la disordered,
look out! If you don't wake up, and
try to fix up your sick kidneys, you
may fall Into the clutchea of Brlght's
disease, or some other uric acid malady,
or kidney trouble Wore you know It
But, if you live more carefully, and help
your kidneys by toning them up with
Doan'a Kidney Pills, you can stop the
palna you have and avoid future danger,
as well.
Omaha Testimony:
Mrw. W. D. Wool
worth, 3633
Franklin street.
I Vf Omaha, Bays: "I
I '$4 -v haT weak kld
J neya and my
. r- tenaelv I alwava
felt tired and
languid and my
kidneys d I A n't
act as t Ji e y
should. After I
had finished one
box of Doan'a
Kidney Pills. I
waa no longer
bothered. Tho
fist m."
cure has lasted.'
50 at all Drugstores
Foater-MUburn Co. BuffaKxN.Y
Rail Body Warned
State Won't Pay for
Counsel in Rate War
LTXt'OLN, Neb.. Feb. 2.-The Nelrafia
Hallway commission was today warned
by Attorney General Reed that the state
will not jhj- the salary of any private
counsel the rommlftslon rtisy employ in
any rale litigation. Particular attention
was railed to the hearing to be held In
Chicago shortly. The warning was made
in nn open letter.
The railway commission Is accused by
Sir. Reed In his letter with lobbying In
favor of a hill now pending before the
state legislature, ylvlng It the tight, to
employ private counsel.
Mr. Reed jwys the commission has alo
failed to consult the attorney general
then its reient general rate order was
assailed by out-oMhe-state cities.
Notes from Beatrice
And Gage County
BEATRICK. Neb.. Feb. S4. (Sperlal.)
Tlie off Iters have thus far secured im
clue to the whereabouts of Harry Tender
graft, who Is charged with robbing the
safe In Roy Brew's saloon of $306 In cash
some time Monday night. Pcndorgraft
was employed as porter at the saloon
and carried a key to the place. He
formerly played ball at Kearney and
other towns In this vicinity.
The state debate to have been held at
this place Thursday evening between
Auburn and Beatrice has been postponed
until a later date because one of the
Beatrice debaters is sick.
Announcement has been received in this
city of the death of Miss Lulu Mead, a
former resident, which occurred at her
home at Spokane, Wash.
Sheriff F. W. Acton has learned
through -the sheriff at Twin Falls, Mont..
that David Kidd. who is being held here
in connection with the robbery of the enry trained in mlltary tactics at a ban
store of Bonebrlght Bunte at Cortland ."et tendered by Lieutenants Abbott
on the night of January 20, Is wanted In
Idaho for horse stealing. If the au
thorities here fail to convict him on the
charge of burglary he will be turned over
to the sheriff at Twin Falls.
Robert Hughes, a pioneer of southern
Gage county, died at his home at Wymorc
Monday, aged TO years. He leaves a
widow and a large family of children.
Nebraska Second in
Swine Production
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 24. (Special.) Per tap
Ita of rural population, Nebraska la
second of all the states In the union In
production of swine, according to figures
received by Secretary Mellor of the State
Board of Agriculture from the United
States Board f Agrieulture.
The federal government estimates the
number of swine In Nebraska at 3,809,000,
with a rural population in the state of
S81.36J. Iowsr hogs are estimated at
8,720,000, but the Hawkeye state has a
rural population of 1,644,717. Iowa's per
capita Is 5. per cent, Nebraska'a 4.3 per
The government's estimate Is made as
of data January 7 last. The leading agri
cultural 'states rang as follows:
Rural Total No. Per
- Population. Swine. Cap.
-State. -
South Dakota
Kansas ..'
..... m.3st
.... .l.fM.fMSt
8.72O.0O0 6.8
3.809,X 4
1.19."),O0O 2.8
4.2!SO,Onn 2.2
2. .) 2.2
4.X&.0O0 2.0
3,640,000 1.7
2,265.000 l.g
2,S90,OnO .9
Instruction for
The Deaf and Dumb
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. . 24. (Special.) The
board of control is listening to the argu
ments on the two sides to .the question
of the best way In which to teach the
deaf and dumb, by the oral or by the
manual method. The law now provides
for the teaching of the manual method
to the exclusion of the other. .
The board has recommended a combina
tion of the two for the school at Omaha.
Richmond of Douglas haa a bill before
the house proposing to let In both meth
ods. Both sides appeared before the
committee and the raoard of control yea-
teraay and today.
LTONS, Neb., Feb. 24. (Special.) W.
M. Scott of Tekamah was stricken with
heart trouble at the home of Mrs. I. B.
Smith here last evening and died Im
mediately. He was 63 yeara old and
leaves a widow and one adopted son.
York News Kates.
TORK, Neb., Feb. 24. (Special.) A
marriage license was issued Monday af
ternoon to Walter Carlson and Irma
Gray, both of Bradshaw
York College haa purchased a complete
printing plant formerly operated by Mr.
William Stllaon. President McLaughlin
says: "The plant was not' purchased to
do local Job work. It will be used for
college students. They will be given
credit for applied English. Some stu
dents can in this way work their way
through college and obtain credit 'for
work done in the plant.
The funeral of William Purcel will be
held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at
the Presbyterian church.
John W. Cranston and Katharine
Traudt. both of Slockham, Neb., were
married yesterday afternoon, Judge II.
G. Hopkins officiating.
Faaera of Sqalre Uoaldaral.
McCOOK, Neb., Feb., 24 (Special.)
Squlro W. Goddard of Brush, Col., who
died in Lincoln Saturday, was buried
here yesterday, with Masonic services.
Mr. Goddard waa formerly a resident of
Frontier county, this stute, living near
Centcrpolnt. He has two brothers In
Lincoln, who attended the burial here.
A Ptiraaaai Statement.
There are so-called "honey and tar"
preparations thai coat the dealer bait as
much but sell at tbe same price as the
original and genlilne Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound. We never offer these
Imitations and substitutes. We know you
wll) buy Foley's whenever you ncd a
cough syrup if you once use it. People
come long distances for the true Foley's
over thirty years the leading remedy for
coughs, colds, croup, . whooping eougn,
bronchial and lagrlppe coughs. Sold by
all "dealers everywhere. Advertisement.
Gorernor Announces He Has Reap
pointed Fifth District Worker
to Place.
(From a Staff Correspondent.
L1NCOI.X. Feb. 21. I Special Telegram.)
The reappointment by Governor More
head of C. R. llarman as deputy food,
drug, dairy, oil and weights and meas
ures commissioner has been announced.
Mr. llarman has served in the rfflce for
the last two years, having been appointed
by Governor Morchead In his firl admliv
latration. Oust Rutenbeck has also been re-appointed
as deputy game commissioner.
Other reappointments made by the gov-
ernor Include: Sam llinkle as chlcr j
clerk In the executive orflce and J. H. '
Presson as record clerk. I
So far there have been no changes at !
ths state house in anv case where the
governor has had opportunity to reap
point any of his original appointees. In
but one Instance Is any such change
thought to be at all likely. In the case
of Secretary Roysa of the state hanking
board It Is hinted that pressure Is be
ing brought upon the governor from cer
tain quarters to name another for the
Adjutant General
Hall Pleads for
Citizen Soldiery j
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 2i .-(Special.)
Asserting that the most Important ones
tlon before the nation today Is that of
the national defense. Adjutant General
Hall of the Nebraska National Guard
presented arguments n favor of a cttl-
and Freemsn to the members of Company
O In the armory Tuesday evening.
General Hall classified the citizens of
the t'nlted States as agitators who be
lieved In mlltarlsm and another class
as peace makers. Tho latter, he ssld.
were In the habit of treating lightly the
question of national defense.
Oeneral Hall congratulated Company
C upon its excellent ahowlng and tho
energetic spirit manifested by the com
pany under the new officers. He told
the members If they would keep the
standard of efficiency up to the pace
they are now setting he would aid them
In securing a new armory.
Captain Otho Sears presided as toast-
master and responses were made as fol
lows: "When Dreams Come True," &cr
ieant Austin: "Married Life vs. Army
1ife," Corporal Traubcl; "What Is a
Soldier?" Lieutenant Freeman; "Our
Flag." Col. A. H. Holllngworth; "Pleas
ures of a Private." Private Jones! "The
Recruit," Major Walden; "On the Firing
Line," Private Hall; "Our National
Guard," Adjutant General Hall; "Re
ports, Good and Bad," Private Babeock;
"What of Company C's Future," Lieut
enant Abbott. ' Other speakers were Col.
K. J. Shlnn and Captln Quartermaster
H. J. Gllhaar on Geneml Hall's staff.
Baslaesw Chasge at North Platte.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., Feb. 34. (Spe
cial.) The' North Platte Hardware and
Furniture company has sold Its stock to
Dcrryberry & Forbes. The purchasers
have for a number of years been operat
ing a hardware, furniture and implement
store on Front street. Harry Tork and
Robert Dean, who have been employes
of Derry berry & Forbes for several years,
have now purchased Interests In the firm
and will help carry on the work.
Investors with money read the Real
ETstate ads In The Bee. Advertise your
Postofflce Employes Bantivet.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb., Feb. 24. (Sue-
clal.) The postofflce employes of this
city held their second annual Washing
ton banquet here last evening. The en
tire force was present and a three-course
supper was served, which was followed
by toasts presided over by Postmaster
E. S. Davis. The force expects to make
this banquet an annual affair.
Made of whole wheat and malted barley, Grape-Nuts is nourishing, appetizing
and easily digestible. It contains all of the nutriment of the grain, including those
vital salts found under the outer coat that are discarded in making white flour.
Grape-Juts comes ready to serve direct from package no expense or bother of
There's a
Japanese Section !
of Panama Show is
Formally Opened
SAX FRANCISCO. Feb. J4.-Thls is
Japan's day at the Panama-Pacific ex
position. Impressive and unusual cere
mord. which began this morning
marked the dedication of the Japanese
pavilions and gardens.
Hundreds of Japanese residents of the
city were present when Mlsa Josephine
Moore, daughter of C. O. Moore, president
of the exposition, pressed an electric but
ton which sent the waters flowing over
the miniature falls and picturesque lakes
ol' Japan's section of the foreign conces
sions. Assisting In the dedication was Admiral
Baron 5otoklchl rrlua, a hero of the Rus-sian-Japanevt
war and special representa
tive of his Imperial Japanese majesty,
ond Baroness Uriu.
At the official dedication eeremonles in
Festival hall, presided over by General
tlarukl Yamawakl of tje Japanese ex-
I ... - . . . .
wiimnwiLn, unrrrnwn were maae
'' Admiral Baron I'rlu, President Moore.
Governor Hiram W. Johnson. Mayor
J"1" Holph. jr; Acting Consul Yasun-
" u"n " "wrs. Japanese school
clilldren strewed blossoms at tlio portals
of Festival hall as the officials entered.
SHENANDOAH. Ta.. Feb. M.-fSpeelal.)
David Fountain, who formerly lived In
Khenanrlnn h and whit hmA inrrwl riv.
year term at Fort Madison for MMUlt.
lug Mrs. Floyd Reed, was found guilty
of murder In the first degree at Sacra-
pmento. Cel.. for the killing of Marguerite
llllgen, a 10-year-old girl, whose body
as found In the church building where
he waa Janitor. Fountain's attorneys at
tempted to show In the cross-examination
that he was Insane. The date for the
hanging has not been sot yet. The Judge
commended the Jury for their action In
bringing a first degree verdict. Fountain
hsd served a number of terms in the
state penitentiary and had also bean In
the asylum. '
THE 1IAGVK (via London). Feb. 14.'
There Is good reaaon to believe the po
litical situation in Holland Is such that
most Interesting developments may be ex
pected at any moment There have been
recently numerous meetings between the
representatives of various countries at
The Hague, mit the subjects discussed
have been kept secret.
The Holland-American line steamer
Ryndam when It left Rotterdam for New
York last night was brilliantly lighted.
The name "Ryndam" In large letters had
been painted on both aides of the steamer.
Miss Minnie Swanson, daughter of
Charles P. Swanson of Oakland, and
Henry Pederson of Ruskln, Neb., were
married by Rev. Charles W. Bavidge. at
his residence Wednesday at 3:30 o'clock.
Th. w-r. ,J k r
They were accompanied by Lara Ped
erson and Miss Laura Pwanson, brother
and sister of .the bride and groom.
. Thoraa-Bredekeft.
AVOCA, Neb., Feb. 24. (Special Tola
gram.) Henry L. Thomas of near flyra
cuse,' and Mlsa Sophia M. Bredehoft of
Berlin, were united In Marriage at the
home oC the bride's paret.ta, Mr. and Mrs.
John Bredehoft, todav. They will reside
on a .farm near Syracuse.
AVOCA, Neb., Feb. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) Edward Stelnhoff and Mlsa Alma
Wendals, were united In marriage at the
home of the bride's ' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Wendals at Syracuse, to
day. The will make their home on a
farm two miles north of Syracuse.
McCOOK, Neb.. Feb. 24. (Special.)
Mr. Harry Clements of Dorchester, Neb.,
and Miss Maude Htout of Edison, Neb.,
were ' married here yesterday by the
county Judge.
John Engl, Jr., and Miss Kldmae Mar
shall, were married by Rev. Charles W.
Savldge at his of(ic, Rrandel theater
building, Wednesday afternoon at 3
Andrew Carnegie
Once Said:
"Economy is not the saving
of momey, but the judicious .
expenditure thereof."
A recent Government report shows
that 42Va f tne expenditure of th
American family is for food.
You can economize by spending money
judiciously by using food, that gives the
most nourishment for least money.
has delicious flavour, and contains more
food-strength, penny for penny expended,
than either meat or bread.
Reason" for
Warm Fight is On
for Receivership
RAPID CITY, 8. D.. Feb. :'4 -tSpecial.)
According to advices received here, the
nam of V. W. Snule of thin city has
been sent to the general land offke at
Washington for receiver of the local
United States land office to succeed
Harry L. Gandy, who become congress
man March 4. This Is another step In a
spirited fight for the office, as Gandy
had endorsed Tom L. Johnston of White
Owl. Meade county newspaper man and
United Slates commissioner there, whllo
the state administration and Senator-elect
K. S. Johnson are behind Soule. Friends
of Soule maintain that sending his name
ends the tight, but Johnston's backers al
lege that It is only beginning.
PITTSBURGH. Pa., Feb. t4.-Ino.ulnr
has been received here by the Pittsburgh
Foreign Trade cominlsMon from the
Russian government for t2,W,0X worth
of material, mostly axels, wheels and
Frank II. Klna.
S1DNHY, Neb.. Feb. J4. Special Tele
gram.) The funeral of former Sheriff
Frank H. King, who died here suddenly
last Monday, took place today and was
held under-the auspices of, Frank Welsh
lodge. No. Ti. Ancient Kre and Ac
cepted Masons. It waa largely attcnlM
-U siHrtlona of ystrrn Nebraska rr
represented. The drceiifod wsa S3 years
old and waa one of the early ranchmen.
He leaves a large estate. Ills family con
sists of a wife and six children.
. W. Itelnhnrt.
MeOOOL Jl'NVTlON, Neb., Feb, 24.
(Special.) A. W. Helnhart died ot tho
family home In this lllage at 3 o'clock
yesterday morning, lie hb an early
settler on a farm fotir miles southwest
of town. Light years ago he moved to
the village. He was Ui years old.
titves Indeterminate Mentenvr,
MoCOOK. Neb., Felt, 24.-ISpeial.)-Albert
Meade of Lucas, Kim., was given
an indeterminate sentence in district
court here, yesterday, lot assaulting ami
resisting an officer, using a ihx ii- with
some effoct in his effort. Sheriff Flti It
took tho prisoner to Lincoln Weditesdny
morning lo enter upon his term of Im
prisonment. Department Orders.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 24.-lSpeclal Tel
egram.) Nebraska iiesnionH granted:
Mary 13. Olian, Geneva, $12; l'licuo Mc
Laughlin, Iluckford, 112.
Postmasters Appointed Nebraska :
Sparks, Cherry county, Ktta L. KtHr.
vice K. O. Utter; Mrasburger. Hhrrldun
county, Joseph K. VanWanmenen, vice
A. C. Henoch, reaitinfil. boulh Dakota:
Wemls. Deuel county, Mabel J. .lorn, vice
R. C. Green, resigned'. Carlyle, Faulk
county, Alhert M. Home, vice JC. O. Hrew
ster, resigned; Galena. Lawrence county,
Klva L. Warmsley, vice Hiram W'amHley;
Grand field. Stanley county, Thomas O.
Heiit.T5', removed; Hammer, Roberts
county, Alexander O. Johnson, new of lice:
Hoover. Butte county, Walter li. t'hlrn
man, vice, C. A. Cameron, removed;
lilacs a, Pennington countv, Addle 11.
Houle, vice Frances A. Wood, resigned:
James, Brown county, Samuel A. Hpratt,
1 vl A- J. Flnberg. resigned; Junius, Ike
r.oun.'. George A. Kdmunds. vice IS. I.
Snyder, Kenel, Corson county, George M.
romstocg, vice c. A, unowalter, resigned;
Manderaon, Shannon county, Duncan Mc
Millan, vice H. P. Simmons; Martin. Ben
nett county. Clara J. Oroget, vice M. A.
Johns, resigned: Slnal, rBooklngs county,
Theodore Haughulm, vice Anton Kors
vold; Sorum, Perkins county, Ida Moruin.
vice Christian Sorum; Sulphur, Meade
county, Esther Hlmon, vlre t Simons,
I-'nityvH'e, McCook county; Henry A.
Stark, vice J. A. Krlckson.
Postmasters Beanpolnled Nebraska:
'Jamesson, Keya Paha county, Fred Wise
miller. South Dakota: Ada, Perkln
county, Walter Mansbrlile: Amherst,
Marshall county. Kllsons Patterson; at'n
ntng, Hughes county. Mason L. Somco;
Dolton. Turner county, Joseph Elpert:
F.Vlr. Minnehaha -county, Thomas 11.
Phillips: Knglewood, Lawrence county,
Robert J Ness: Fairpolnt, Meade county,
Osmund T. Hevareld; Flrestool. Dewey
countv, William E. Coates; Forest City,
Potter county, Mrs. lewls Oliver; Hard
ing. Harding county, Florence K. 8t"kes;
Harrison, Doua-laa county, Leendert Mar
kus: Lantry, Dewev county, Fmncls M.
McDanlel: Ixwer Prole, Lyman county.
John- 8. t.nrkwood: llllltown. ll'itchinson
eounfy, Fred F. Koth: Miranda. Fnulk
countv. Atit'st C. Paul: Paxton, Greg
cry countv. ChaMes A. 0'Kne; Putnev,
Brown county. William G. Horey, llun
nlng Water. Bonhomme count"'. Anson
Younv: Stephen, Hyde countv. Thomas
H O'Connor: Vilas. Miner roiinty. Wil
liam F. Henner: Yale, Beudle county,
William M. Walsh.
The City Nstlonal bsnk of Lincoln has
been apoolnted as a reserve acent for the
rirat National bank of Albion, Neb.
Grape - Nuts
by Grocers everywhere.
Buy materials
t "", 11 " " 1 "" '.'";.ii - i'iiii - "'i - !"" - '."""
U guaranteed in writing S years for 1-ply,
10 yean for 2-ply. and IS yean for J-ply.
and the responsibility of our big mills
stands behind this guarantee. Its qual
ity is the highest and its price the most
General Roofici Mfg. Company
SFbrM's tmrvH MNMtwrMi Sf JfovSny
VW Twli Cay
turn Ckkas
A Huts Omkal
An Open Letter
' (About Bronchitis )
In March, 1814, I became afflicted with an attack of Bronchitla which
forced me to remain in bed for two montlia. The doctor In attenilsncn .
changed the medicine several times, and instesd of Improvement, I seemed
to grow worse. For a while I wss despondent, until my wife read u llttln
pamphlet advertising the "Essence Mentho-I jixene," Discouraged witri
what 1 had been using without effect, I waa willing to try almost anything
that sounded like a cure. The Mentho-Laxene waa bought, the syrup pre
pared according to direction, and before half of the qtianttty was eotiminip.l
the rough had abated and 1 was at work four days after, and have never
felt any symptoms of the dread disease since. All who are acquaint eel with
Hronchltls will underatand how hnrd It is to subdue the cough, but today
1 am willing to take oath, or make an affidavit to the effect, that my
case of Hronrhltls waa as severe as ever afflicted man. and thai I ih
positively cured of it in less than four days, all due to the wondertul
curative powers of the "F.aaenre Mentho-Laxene." Since then 1 have recom
mended It to all sufferers as I waa, or to those who were subject to colds
of any kind. In each case the medicine sustained the reputation I hnd
given II, and all were loud In their praises of this truly valuable pre
scription. All who may he skeptical In Its use can write me. and T will cheerfully
give them all the Information they deatrs above my personal signature.
Very reapectfully. A. CAMPBELL,
3447 Lafayette St., Denver, Colo.
For the benefit of readers: Essence Mentho-Laxene can be
of druggists. A IK os. bottle makea a full pint of cold and cough syrup.
Full directions are with each bottle. Advertisement
Made la
For 79 years
has been distilled in the old-
fashioned way in small tube.
Jt's acknowledged to be the
only method by wnicn
highest quality can bo
Busy Bee Boys and Girls
It's only va few day now until
one of you will win this famous
Editor of Th Be: I al
' ways wanted a blcyrls and now
I have a chancs to try and set
one. I have gone around to
my relatives and friands to get
them to save tiie picture fur
' me. 1 would be triad If anyone
would lie ao kind a to Have
them and arlld thrill to me. I
would appreciate it very much.
Youm reHpil , Ire lie Tlmnie.
iiZi Maple fct., Omaha. Neb.
defects in roofing
.V- -:.!. f j: - j r .
iiMiil'aii jruu iuii mc i ism vi iinuiiig out lis uciccis
cfttr it is on the roof. It costs no more to get a writ
ten guarantee with the best responsibility behind h.
that last
- - s lM,.,......M.-
At each of our big milts we make the fol
lowing guaranteed products :
Aaptisk Roofifitv'an srajes and prisaa)
Slat Sarfacea SktelM
Aaphah rslts
bwuteniiia Fshs '
Tanrvd Falls
BalMins Papers
InaaUtiaa PatMTS
Plaatie Roofias Caaaaal
AaphaM Caaaaat
Roof Coating
Matal Paints
OntoW Paints
SMsale Stall
Whiskey of
lvffinttinai fliii It frr
if lUllliUillWU VUUlt J
the Heart of the Blue Craw Country
this famous Bottled in Bond whiskey
(Quality Tells
It's a hand made, sour mash
Kentucky whiskey. Men of
of jr
critical taste have always pre-
ierrea it tne quality nas been
supreme for three genera
is sold everywhere, because
demanded everywhere.
Diatilleryi Lawroncsburg, Kr.
W eat era Officei
40-4 17 Dataware Street.
at.... rii- M
It has a 20-inch Frame
with Coaster Brake. Motor,
Bike Handle Bars, Eagle
Diamond Saddle, Motor Bike
Pedals, Motor Bike Grip,
Luggage Carrier Holder,
Folding Stand, Front and
Rear "Wheel Guards, Trus
Frame and Front Fork. "
This picture of the bicycle
wiU be In Tbe Dee every da;.
Cut them all out and ask
your friends to save the pic
turea In their paper for you,
too. Bee howu many pictures
you can get and bring tbein
to The office, Saturday,
March 6th.
The bicycle will be given
Free to tne boy or girl that
end us tbe most picturrw be
fore 4 p. m., Saturday, March
Subscribers can help the
children in the contest by
asking for picture certifi
cates when they pay their
subscription. We give a cer
tificate good for 100 pictures
for every dollar paid.
Payments should be made
to our authorized canier or
agent, or 6ent direct to us
by mail.