tjte hek: omana, TiiunsnAY, kkukuaky 2.). ziw HOUSE TORUS DOWN THE TAYLOR PLAN Decides It Doei Not Want to Force : Itemiied Accounts from Uni- ' - - Tenity Regents- lOETY-ONE TO FIFTY-OITE (From Flaff Correspondent.) UNCOIJ. Neb.. Fro. W.-tPperial Tele gram.) Ky a nt ' l to M. the house this morning refus.-d " support Repre sentative Taylor In his request that the university committor be liven Instruc tion mi to Homliing appropriation 'or the university's activities. Barrett end lluward wcr the only Douglas county members supporting Taylor- The vote on the proposition Isat Week was 25 for to 58 saalnst. Taylor then tendered his resignation a hair man ana rrmhfr of the committee. No action was tsken on the resignntlon. The vote on the matter of reronshlera tlon of the Nlchola motion wss s fol lows: For reooneldcretlun: Anderson of Boyd, Neff. Parker. Orr. Parrett, Osterman. I'hamlwn, Thurston, Patterson. dayburn. fonley, f'rlnklaw, Kafoe, Iau, tMmrlund, Fox. Fries. Kulta. Oormely. Ureenwatt, Hornby Howard, Hynek. Undsay, Myeenburg Nay lor. Against reconsideration: Patea. Matteemn. 'rant. Brmrnn, ' Meredith. itnru Miner. Chamber. Douglas, Mockett Jtcliner Renter. Hrvnnlds, lied Wlllo Rti'riesll, fuss. Plevers. Hlnrtelar. Horensen. Rtcarnes. Stelnmeyer, Htevenaon. Taylor. Trumble. VanPeUwn. Ward, Woodhurat 41. fox. Cronln. Talbey, 3roeeedoW, K.borman, Foster, Fuller. Karris. Hoffmelster, Hostettler. Hunter, Htitton Jean-. Kotiffman. lUoonty, T.annlBan. 1 .arson, l.lgsMt. LAindgren, Moaeler, Negley. Keleon. Nlchola, Norton. K'utsman, Palmer, Parkinson, Parrlntt. ' Peterson, RaKiuv Relfenrath. HeynoM of, Lincoln, lllrhmond, lieichick. Bcudder, sinvfler, HtrbtwnS, Tlbbrta. Mr. Speaker M. r.i Xiida Pat. When the house convened this after noon a resolution waa sent up to the clerk s desk signed by Hoffmelster. Tries. Anderson of Boyd. Mockett and N'lchols, calling upon Taylor to recall his resigna tion from the committee to Investigate the expenditure of funds of the university and normal schools. Three of the com mittee, Hoffmelster. Mockett and Nichols, had opposed Taylor In bis request to the house. Mr. Taylor briefly, stated after the res olution was read that he would like the Introducer, evidently meaning those who had opaosed , him, to ' harmonise them selves with their votes In the morning. The resolution wee adopted unan imously, but, while saying nothing pub licly, It is said that Mr. Taylor says he will stand- on his action taken this mom Ing when he. handed ta his resignation. It Is though he 4s!res to be In a position to flgh,tthe matter asfclnVwha It comes up for consideration and that he can bet. ter dq' so off the, committee. TAYLOR CALLS CAUCUS r FOR PLATFORM PLEDGES x (From ft Staff Correspondent) MNCOI.N, Feb. U 8pclal.A caucus of democratic house members has bean called by 'Chairman ,W. J. . Taylor for Thursday evening at the I.tndell notel, to take action on bills for the election of supremo Judges by districts, and other measures Involving platform pledges. Quinby's Ire Much Aroused By Resolution '(From s Ftaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 24 Pperlal.)-The mo tlon of rVnator Qulnhy of Douglas, yes terday afternoon, for a commute to In vestigate the action of certain gentlemen who were lobbying around the senate In the Interest of 8. F. . the Omaha Water Board bill for elrctrlo lighting, brought from Senator Hobcrtson of Holt a reao lutinn this morning which ho Kent up and had read, which srouaed the Ire of Mr (Julnby, who pronounced the resolu tion an "Insult" to the acnete The resolution was as follows: Whereas. rrat far has been expressed by a icitaln memler of this senate that Its members may he contaminated, cor rupted, (llsgraceii. dishonored, ilebased, debauched, defiled, bewitched and be. damned by a pernicious and Insidious lobby going about through the dark cor ridors of this state house seeking whom It may devour, and naming certain In dividual of more or less prominence, aald to he working for or against Senate File , and Whereas. It Is not the belief of thla body that such danger exists and that the senator Is In no danger, ail he ap pear to fee, but In order that the co stor may be relieved of all anxiety and perhaps sleepless nights and weary vigil, therefor be It Resolved, That a committee be ap pointed to Investigate nnd report to thla body not later than the last day of the 117 se salon as to the truo facta In the case, so that the dignity and honor of thla body may be protected and the good name, of its members be preserved." MAY REMOVE BUILDINGS . FROM MORTGAGED LAND (From a fllaff Co-respondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 24.-8peclal.)-The senate cam to the rescue of "the. poor farmer," this morning snd killed Dodge's bill, B. F. 1K3, which makes It a mis demeanor to remove buildings from mortgaged land. The senator from Douglaa said the bill had been given him by a loan company. Kleche.l, 'Crane and others Immediately were against It. . Grace argued that the loan companle'e had been successful for thirty years and that they should not be given any fur ther edge on borrowers. He thought the bill might be used as an Instrumentality for oppression. Friends of the bill pointed out that It only made Illegal an act that under moat circumstances was dishonest. An amendment was proposed making the bills effective only as to cities. The bill lost by a vote of fourteen against to thirteen for. Legislative Proceedings Heeoaamendrd , f or Pasaaar by Ira ate C'asaaatrtee of TV bole. 8. P. UsX Dodge of touglas Does away with the necessity of probating foreign wills., Reported lor Phi saeaaat by Bea st raaslte f Wash, 8. F. 17, Dodge of Douglaa Provides for redisricting of Douglaa county by the election commissioner, so as to give rural districts representation in the legis lature. 8. F. W, Dodge of Douglaa Makea it a mlademeanor to remove) buildings front mortgaged land. . r". lit, feamdall of York-Abolishes of f!c of county coroner. . P. Us. 8andall at Terk-ovlda for performances of coroner's duties ' by sheriff. Companion bill to & F. lii. Bills PaiMl y Beaate. J. K. 46, Lahners of Thayer Penalises deiaoament . ot roail signs. . Ayes, 13, nays, nun. S. F. n. Howell of Douglas Makes salary of chief of Omaha fie Depart ment, K.00O; first awustant. M.'KW; sec ond assistant. HSU). Ayes, SI, nays. none. . K. 110, Roden of Knox Maks writ, ten notice necessary In order t hold saloonkeeper for damages for sale ot liquor. Ayr, is; nays, 14. , 8. F. T4, t-pem-er of Oaite Ralsea salary of stenographers and clerks of the su prema court from 11,000 to tl.300. Ayes, 31; nays, 1, P. F. 66, Brookley of Clay Ralsea the fee for nosv-resldent pupils In high schools from 7S cents to tl a woek. Ayes, 23; nas, t. e. F. 1. Gates of Barpy PVrmlti net ting of .rtia acavengur flab. Ayes, U. ia. nooe. . F. IH. Dodge of Doua-lasProvidea for a city planning rommisalon for Oriiaha, ttie luit to serve without pay. Ayes. Zil; nay. 4. 8. F. randall of Tork-Rxtenda forgery alatute to rover false aignatures tu tarloos dorumenta. Including letters written ltn Intent to defraud or with In tent to aiegra". any person. Ayes, , bays, none. - It. R. 1" Oormley of Kearney County all to fairs shall be applied first to pay meat of premiums. Ayes, 9); nays, 1. , Bills fsurs by b lleaae. R. 11. 240, Helaner OiveM counties the right to purchaite as much as forty acres In a school laud section for the purposo ui noiauig iirs. Aee, is; nsys. none, H. K. It. tYtes Makes It a felony, with penalty of tiuO u 1.000 fine or aix mouths to live, years m the penitentiary, to soil moat from the carvasaea ol lieassd animals. Ayes 77; nays. 1. H. K. l!.t, Htems Permits Irrigation dmtrtcts to contract with the federal government lor use or watrr, sal or nurchaa of reservoirs and caaala, Ayes, U. nsys. S. H. it. 23, by Van Deusen-Oives cltU-e and vlllasrs the ristit to levy spoclal aain:ta tor piling roads. Ayes, si; , 1 11. R. 2T. by I toe y Km powers rjtiea of i.ouu to ZHf Population to levy aaaosa ment fur curbing snd guttering In con He. i to a with rertirnt. Ayes, W. nays, S. 11. K. VI. by Truiuhlfr Provides thit tax for Iree liiith -iil tuition aiiall be collected by th county treasurer and CkM over by him to ins dlatrv-t. Ayes. W; nsya. 21. H. K. :U by Hoffmelster end Btearns Puts xiei.M of paving watrr rotunds thMutrs for trrlsatua territory upon the uti. ani reiievs tounues of It. t WRITTEN NOTICE TO PRECEDE CERTAIN DAMAGE SUITS (From a Stall Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Fob. J4.-(Bpeclal.) Any ru ination suit ait Inst a saloon keeper must In the future be preceded by a wrltf.l notice to him warning him not to sell liquor to the subject of the suit, according to 8. F. No. 110, by Ruden of Knox, which passed the senate on third reading this morning. The lineup on the wet and dry Issue was about the same as that on previous bills In which that Issue was Involved. The vote was 'wet" 'by II to 14. The vote was as follows: Arts Bedford. Brookley. Buhrmsn. Gates, (trace, Henry, liowell. . Kohl, lvrumbu"h, . IJihnors. Mattes, Ruden, baunriere. 8pencer, fplrk, Weesner.i Wil son of Iodge and Wink. Nays Ileal Huehee, Bygland,- tkodge, Ponthett. Hoacland. KlecheL Marshall. Qulnhy, IHIer, Hobertson, Randall, Shum- way ana w neon or uodge. HOUSE COMMTrfEE' ' , FAVORS ELECTION BILL i (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 21-Special Tel egram.) H.t R. 4Ml introduced by the Douglas county delegation In the house. wss reported out for passage by the house committee on privileges. The bill makes the sending of money for election purposes more - difficult aad provides stringent methods for the accounting of the same. It exempts from expense ac counts ot candidates postage, stationery and circulars to be placed In letters and Ir many ways changes to some extent the corrupt practices act and makes it more stringent. Harloy O.! Moorhssd, election commis sioner of Douglas county, appeared be fore the committee and explained the main features ot the bill. t HOWARD ISJURNED DOWN Labor Committee Votci Against Two Bills the Chairman In troduces. ONE FOR CASH ON PAY DAT (From a Ktaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. 24 (Special )-Three more hllla went to Mic discard In the house to lay on reports from stnndlng committees recommend!ng that they be Indefinitely postponed. These bills were: H. R. 4fi2-Reo.iilrlng i-mployes lo psy wages In cash. II. R. iVTT-Prohlbltlng the use of srmed goards for private poroerty. H. R. R7J-Provldln for a state county bounty ng 10 rents per head on rrows. The first two of three were laid on the shelf by the committee on labor. Poth of them were introduced by the rhslrmsn of that committee, Jerry How ard of South Omaha. Howard made an unavailing effort to rescue his wage bill and put It on the general ffle. The finance clmmlttee brought In a favorable report on H. R. 7W, the bill Introduced at Oovernor Moreheal'a re quest, appropriating 12.000 for the railway commission to us in collecting and presenting evidence to oppose the Increase of rates aaked for by Interstate railroads. Lahner Celebrates Silver Centennial (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. S4.-(apeclal.)-8enator Lahners ot Thayer rose from his seat in the senate th's morning and movsil a recess of two minutes that he might pass the cigars around, the same being to celebrate the annlverssry of his wrn-ty-flfth year In Nebraska. Called upon for remarks, the member from Thayer told of the manner of his coming; how his prospective father-in-law objected greatly to his daughter leaving for the wild west, and how he dared not breathe "Nebraska" until after th marriage. At the .time be came, ha remarked, little did he think that ho would finally find himself In the senate. Senator Hoagland of Lancaster took occasion to remark, that under the cir cumstances the gentleman of Thayer should Instead have gone to the peni tentiary for obtaining a wife under false pretenses. Doubt Commander Of Evelyn Rescued When His Ship Lost WASHINGTON. Feb. M.-Offlclal ad vices today seemed to throw some doubt on whether Captain Smith of the Ameri can steamer Evelyn, sunk In the North Hea, by a mine, was among the saved. Ambassador Page at London- forwarded thla report from the American consul at Bremerhaven: "American steamer Evelyn ran on two mines February 19. n?ar Bsle Borkum. flsnk seven hours later. Captain Smith, thirteen man and Dutch pilot in one beat; First Officer Hwanson and thir teen men In another. First boat said to havs been rescued at 10 a. m., Sun day, but present whereabouts unknown. Ijitter boat picked up by German scout ship March 4, Saturday afternoon and taken to Helgoland- Thirty men brought to Bremerhaven and 'put Into sailors' home. Sanplah Htoker, Hans Ilado,' f rosen and burled at sea, appears to be only dead. Other survivors expected tomor row. Those In Bremerhaven out of danger." The government war risk bureau, which Insured the hulls and cc.rgo of the Evelyn and.Caiib, plans to reduoe some of Its losses by salvaging their cotton if possible. i Confesses Murder; Gets Life Sentence Rl'f HVILLK. Neb., Feb. 24.-Earl Hut ton, arrested upon suspicion of having murdered Mrs. Heuben Sanderson. Feb ruary 14, yesterday made a full confes sion of his crime to the county attorney and sheriff. Today he was brought Into court and pleaded gullay to murder, In the second degree and was given a life sen tcnea In the penitentiary by Judge West over. The evidence against Sutton wss purely circumstantial and had he not confessed his guilt It is questionable whether he could have been convicted. Madame Schwimmer Talks to Lawmakers (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. U 8peclal.)-Bcfore a Joint session of the legislature thai aft ernoon, Madame Schwimmer, Hungarian advocate of world peace, spoke for an hour on the propoaltlon ot the European war and Its solution. A large audlenoe greeted the speaker. many women being present and at Its close Senator Qulnby aaked that the members of the legislature Join In a peti tion to President Wilson asking him to call the nation of Europe together for an armistice. Madame Schwimmer spoke also In favor of woman suffrage as one ot the th'lngs needed to bring about a better condition all aver the world and closed. with a de mand that America take steps to force tha European countries to form a Feder ated States of Europe. ; . . Three British Fliers Reported Missing LONDON, Feb. 24. -Three aviators who participated in a raid against German positions In Belgium are missing. This statement was Issued tonight by the of ficial Information bureau. The secretary of the Admiralty regrets to announce that in the recent naval air attacks on the Ostend, Zeebrugge and Bruges districts, four flying officers were reported missing. One of these, Flight Lieutenant Dt Murray, since has reported himself from Flushing. Lieutenant Mur ray was compelled to alight on the open sea, and eventually was picked up by a Dutch torpedo boat, "The three other officers reported miss ing are: Flight Lieutenant F. G. Kigali, flight Lieutenant Theon D. O'Brien and flight substitute. Lieutenant T. Spencer. It Is regretted that no fin-tber news of them has been obtained. Head-On Collision During Snow Storm ALBF.RT LEA. Minn., Feb. 24. In a blinding snow storm, a Chicago, Mil waukee A" St Paul passenger train crash ed head-on Into a freight train thre milea weet of here last night, injuries seven passengers. One of the injured Kngtneer Jones of Austin. Minn., the onl one of the crew who did not Jump t safety, probably will die. A going buslnee en re swrd qulckl) through The Beo'e "Business Chances. " Crew of Steamer Carib ReporM Safe BERLIN, Feb. 24.-Vla London.) A dispatch received In Berlin from the American vice consul at Bremerhaven declares that all ot the members of the crew of the American steamer Carlb, reported yesterday as having sunk in the North Sea, have been saved. It Is! understood, the vice consul said, that the Carlb struck a mine in the bight of Helgoland the afternoon of February 22. Bee Want Ada Produce Results. KUfctlnsrale Shaft (ravelled. IJNDON, Feb. J4.-A statue of Flor ence Nightingale was unveiled here to day. It Is the first instance a statue of a woman aside from royalty has been erected publicly in Iondon. On account of the war there were no ceremonies. DOUGLAS REDISRICTING BILL KLLE0 IN SENATE . . - ? (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Feb. K.-Speclal.)-The sen ate committee of the whole this morning killed Dodge's bill, 8. F. IT, providing for redtstiicttng Douglaa county into repre sentative and senatorial districts so as to give the rural portion representation. Dodge himself suggested that tha bill be killed, saying that he had been In formed It waa unconstitutional. The con stitution provides that only the legisla ture may reotstrlrt. and then only at cer tain times. The Dodge bill railed for tha redlstrtet- ing to be done by the Douglas county election commlaaloaer. Rome argued that the bill might be recommitted and the re- dlstrlctlng done by tha senate. Tby were in tno minority, however IRRIGATION COMMITTEE ' TO DISCUSS WATER POWER asBBsaaasasjsav (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. M.(Rpeclal.) Chair man Tlbbets of tbo house committee bn Irrigation, water power and drainage, has called a public hearing to be held In tha capital at 4 SO Thursday afternoon on tha general subject of water power legislation. The committee extends an open Invitation to anyone, who may be Interested on the subject, to be present and give his Views. Two different plans have been In con templation by the committee. One Is to appropriate 115,000 for a complete sur vey ot uve principal water power re sources of Nebraska during the next two years, and In tha meantime to de clare . a cloaed season on all tilings by private Interests until tha next legisla ture meets. Tha other plan Is to throw open the fkeld to development by public agencies. according to the dlstriot Idea, and also permitting; private projeote to be car ried out under certain restrictions, sub Ject to state control and ultimate rever sion to the state. ' RAILROAD HAS NO DEBTS, IS SEVENTY MILES LONG CHICAGO. Feb. 24.-A railrad which is Independent of the stock market and which had any debts figured In a discus sion of railway economics at today's ses sion of the board of arbitration In the western railway wage case. It was the Missouri Southern, seventy miles long, between Bunker and Leeper, oM. Treasurer Bays Boada. LINCOLN. Fb. 24.- (Special.) -State Treasurer Hall has purchased $19,862. g worth of the bonde of drainage district No. 1 of Johnson county: also 15.500 worth of the water bonds of the village of Sprlngvlew, Oet competent tielD thrmnh Th n Estate ads in The Bee. Advertise your property for a quick sale. There is a Great Advantage in apixnnting the Peters Trust Company as your Executor, for then you have the most positive assurance of safety aii1 the proper administra tion of your estate. We act according to law as Executor, Trus tee, Administrator or Guardian. y Capital and Surplus $475,000.00 S I iet FAR NAM STRCCT I J. LIVE STOCK PRODUCERS SEEK NEW LEGISLATION (From a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN, Feb, M. - ( Special. V-Na-braska senators and Representatives In congress were asked by the lower house ot the legislature Wednesday afternoon to support remedial legislation for pro ducers of live stock. This was done by adopting a resolution which Vkf. Mstteson offered. A number or petitions have been re ceived calling attention ta the high price of packing house products, as against a recent decline In. prices paid at markets for cattle and huge. A federal commis sion to regulate the packers la tha means of relief proposed- MAJORITY RECONSIDERS ANTI-DISCRIMINATION BILL (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOI-N, Feb. K-Seclal.)-The re port of the rules commit tea of the senate that 8. F. No. at was legally "reconsid ered" after It bad been voted down once on third reading waa adopted on motion of Senator Howell this morning. 8. F. No. at Is the antl -discrimination Insurance rate bill Before the report was adopted Uallery ot Box Butte withdrew his protest agamst the reconsideration of tha bUL He admitted that under the rules as they then were a majority could reconsider. CLUB SECRETARIES ARE WARNED AGAINST ACTION (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Feb. it. (Special) Com mercial club secretaries throughout tha state have been warned against taking any stand on the proposed western rate advances at tbe present time in a letter that A. W. Connors of Grand island, president of the Becretarls association. Is sending out Tbe warning follows tha one Issued ly the State Railway commission yesterday In which that body Informed the public that ona William Hlrth, who It supposed to be president of a Missouri organisation of commercial clubs, la seeking resolu tions from commercial clubs In this state, favoring tha proposed rata advances. Mr. Hirth Is at present said to be so liciting speaking dates before various commercial clubs. He speaks March 4 in Lincoln. He aaked tha Bcatiice club recently to adopt his resolution, but no action has yet been taken by the latUr organisation. iHojv-'About' Over - Draperies? This is the Final Clearance of All Short Pieces and Patterns left from oar January and February Sales Yd. 25c, 59c and 95c A surprisingly fine looking lot, too, at Buch prices. We hung them up after marking these quick-action prices ana tuey looked so good that we were tempted to be- ll'PllMnS murps silk poplins, imported madras, siik ana wool tapestry, Arris cloth and others of this character. Many of them are short lengths, in some cases suffi cient for pairs of portieres and over draperies. A few are in considerable) quantity. They represent goods of this character not sold out in our rewmt sales and ajl in our stocks that we think should make room for others. The Prices are Only Fraction of Their Value About 40 patterns, including goods that sold as. high as $4.60 and others that were) fl.SS, i ill i uai aji'sfosaaVIJl now A big assortment at this price, mostly goods that were $1.(0 to $1.75, some aa high as $2.(0 and a few no more than $1.15, all at. . Not a great many at this price, and all short lengths, but If you can use them, big bar gains from $1.65 to $2.65, now at 95c yd 59c yd 25c yd A number of hand-tooled leather table pads, $1.5o to 93.05 was the price; your choice now 50 One $T.80 silk tapestry table cover $3.50, vetour laoie cover mat waa. aid. uv tor; and one French $5.00 mm mi KlisratmtisiTi and If yoa suffer from Rheumatism or Lumbago, rub the aching part with Omega Oil, then soak a piece of flan nel with the Oil. lay h on the place that hurts and cover with dry flanneL This simple treatment has brought nights of peaceful rest to people who have suffered agonies. Trial bottle loc Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414-416-418 South 16th St For Rich, Light Cakes r , and Puddings Nothing so much insures ' , ' uniform! satisfactory results in all kinds of baking ';;,. Cofsinrfe ' IVkOk aT O Kill EatX. 8t41tsael UaswsstsnsJ It is always pur, sweet aad rich dowa to the last drop. It r farther, lasts longer aad. is more convenient than bottle milk. Once yoa leara Its superiority for all baking purposes you'll aever be without It. Uet a supply toaay. Thai Milk Without that tZooketd Taatsj ' Tmss SU 5 and lO Cents At AB Ceoef IWere AMERICAN MILK COMPANY CHICAGO W AND HOWARD ill JLUCT SIXTEENTH STREETS V The "New" in Millinery For Early Spring Women knowing that a hat Is from Thomp son, Belden & Co. are at once a&tisfied that the style is de regem. With this important matter settled, it is especially interesting to note the rare advantage introduced here by price: $8.75, $10.00, $12.50 and up to $35 Most effective styles in black and the fashionable col ors; some of the models very dres sy, others more con servative in tailored effects, suitable for general wear; large, medium and small, all at reasonable prices. MILLINERY Second Floor. New, These Dainty Spring Coats for the Babies CP CASHMERE, CREPE, BA TISTE, COATS Lined with sateen, trimmed with silk braid or hand em broidered, $3.75, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.25. SILK LINED COATS Hand embroidered cash mere and crepe, yoke or sacque styles, $7.50, $9.50 and $10.00. INFANTS' CASHMERE CAPES Lined with sateen or silk, either with or without hood, $4.25, $4.75, $5.50, $6.00. Infants9 Section Third Floor ' .!ia YHIisiss WW ! ! ! ! : I 111 VLS f& j l!;s lliiiNil'Mlilj.illitlhiliii mm i'1!' !'! COAL(, We eave yea 50 easts ea every toa yoa boy from us, aad la soaae grad.s as high as Sl.SO. Just a fsw of onr many kinds I WTOMTSTCI IOOXUSI White tSS.!?.ok.": .7.00 XX.UVOX8V The klad others sell for SS.ftO. Our e rf prieo, ye toa ,$O.UU TOTIsTMal -ramoy lump, hand jSf&.V. $5.50 wAx.snrr b&ocx re e nn geaolaa, par toa ,UU iriouiTi-iuu aad a fc ant, per toa CamaoxEX itttt The gsauins, pto"a,?r..rl: .54.75 Prompt DeHvory. ROSENBLATT laas STlcholas. TbL Dong. 630. AMUSEMENTS. STOPS FALLING HAIR This Home Made Mixture Stops Dan druff and Falling Hair aad Aids Its Growth. To a halt pint ot water add: Bay Rum o,. Barbo Compound a small box Glycerin. i 81, These are all simple Ingredients thst you can buy from any druggist at very little cost, and tali them yourself. Apply to the scalp one a day for two weeks, then one ovqry other weak until all the mixture la used. A half pint ahould bn enough to rid the head of dandruff and kill the dandruff germs. It stops tbe hair from falling out. relieves itching aad scalp diseases. Although it Is not a dye. It acta upon the hair roots and will darken streaked, faded, gray hair In ten or fifteen day It promotes the growth of ths hair and makes harsh hair soft and glossy. Advertisement. COMMERCIAL' ENGRAVERS PHOTOGRAPH ER5 ELECTROTYPERS Alt UNDER-ONE ROOP OMAHA -DEE ENG RAVING DEP'I OMAHA'NEBR. TV? nRANDEIS Toni-ht, :I5 THEATER J". Tha World's Stffrest Comedy Kit POTASH & ViRimUEH With ALEXANDER CARE BARNEY BERNARD And tbe original company that played ? 5?.k ta H,w To and 8S weeks ta Chicago. Ma-, 6Qo So $1.60; Mng., BOo to SS4)0. Soats Today HEflRY MILLER "Daddy Long Legs" Three Days MARCH 4, S, I MATIXEES FKI3AY AKO SATURDAY . BOYD OMASA'S) MOST Matlaes) Today, S:30. Tonight, Bal ance of Weak SEVEN DAYS TT m TOO LAVOg Mats. I Wsd. Thar a-, Bat.. SOe. Wights. SSo aad aoo. Xatrai Svery perform ance Jaok rarber, Ioretta AdUr, as po seats of Ball Boom Saaeas. Bast Week i "Ta. Maa from Some." Tim. atoolsty Bight, Miss Basal aUlver, Zyrio Bopraao. is two aeasoas '"STAR&GARTERSHOW Droll J-v r r ..n.., "OMAMA-S, TJXW CSBTZB." 2jCUJUJ BVtitlo6 sis f is two aeasoas of Maileal artcsaat Droll Crm. r ''. niiii.. ..... Jchnnr fcVkharat, SUbol Clark tat tbo B. a? a Quasi. Moiul'teant scobm aroduetloa. CrTatAl MsiA. " horw. - Moo. i,h." Krldai XdW SlmaJ(aUMoJs;.kJps Ta. AMERICAN THEATRE - Matiase, IM Bally. Bight, a, so. -roar Sara Only Thars, rrt at.. Sua. World fum Coraoratloa raote riay. YOUR CIRL AND MINE A Woaderfal Pramatlo Tea tare la T Acta rroaaud Under the AuaDtces of The Battoaal Women's Baffxace Ass'n. Beats too aad SSo. Vhoas Songlaa A9TAJTOB9 ATOBTtULB Daily Matin. Sil Jilakt aaS. TTtTFsTrSI Oow AcU: iMkatt, Csaa I c-'-i Laeilla A Luc. W.rnrr. ailro. Ulf: Orpksuai Traesl FKIO.I: KUUM, sollsrr - SoM Sl4 (cM Samrdor ut Bwdwt aVo. susku ISo. sm. tu. ORANDEIS Sunday Matinet IU WILLIAMS rnririIlril 00 AaaaTloa-. SmUrt ICUIUdlW ZQ a ' t X1ID!