TIIK 1EK: OMAHA. Till I. 'SUA Y, KKHHTAIIV 1 YMTk 11 FOR UK XT tore a ad Off lees. ...Mi i i f " r t . f e "l I gf J. 1 V I J pi t! 1 J i i-- rnr- -- - - , n Allen Brothers Company Building fe. Jii. Lorner 10th and Farnam Sts. The East oi the above building Is now offered for rent together with 22 feet ot vncant ground adjoining on the East. Oood trackage. Large electric elevator, sprinkler system, steam heat and 60,000 sq. feet of floor space. The Oliver Chilled Plow Works will occupy the West ft of the build ing. Seo us for terms. George & Company Pout-la 76. 02 Cltv National Rank Rullriln. SWAPPER'S COLUMX VIOLIN I have a good violin worth 176 nd Ensign camera (postal card size), , worth $36; both In rood condition. Camera la nearly new. Will trade for anything WATCH A 15-lewel, 16 size, 30-year J. Hoaa 20 gold-filled cu to trade for shot gun. Address 8. C. 1621. care Bee. WADEK8, ETC.-One pair good No. canvass waders. What have you tl swap. One 16-Inch Gen, Electric fan for wall or desk. Used 3 months. Will sell or swap. City only. Address S. C. 646. Bee. WILL exchange section good land one mile from Sidney, Neb., 550 acres under cultivation. 300 acres In winter wheat, for good eastern Nebraska farm. Write J. A Bentley, Sidney. Neb. WOULD like to swap roller top desk. In first-class condition, for small safe or strong bax. What have you got? Ad' dress, S. C. 658, Bee. FOK RENT Apa.rtmr.nta aad. Plata. Fidelity Storage Co Storage, moving, packing auii shipping, tilth A Jackson Sts. Phone Douglas 28. SIX-ROOM steam heated modern flat, will decorate to suit tenant. $26 in win ter, $16 In summer. Fell A Plnkerton Co., .' State Bank Bldg. OOOBN ANN alX, Council Bluffs, com with kitchenette, wteam heat. Phone -r., modern tlat. o S. 24th. $2;. H. 4711. FOR KENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date S, 4 and S-room apartments in city. Building just fin ished. Flora Apartments. ito61 Jones hi. MOST up-to-date brick flat In city; hot water heat, large lawn. D. iWl. H. 1803. ONLY $30 per month; very fine all mod ern brick flat; walking distance; $6 to $7 cheaper than anything In the vicinity. CALKINS & CO. Doug. 131S. -Q klGHT-ROOM brick. $32.i0. . ." 120 N. Thirtieth. 113 Bouth Thirtieth. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101 Omaha National. Douglas 2716. GEORGIA APARTMENTS. Five large, light rooms, tiled bath, gas stove. Ice box; only $40. 1040 S. 2Sth, Georgia Ave., first floor. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. W22 Farnam St. Phone Dougias iW8. .111 unshinv I W wa s . 81 s Ave. , NICE room In Uintah Apts. Harney 2963. MADISON 21st and Chicago; steam heat; $10 mo. and up; cafe In connoctlun. P,69tM, OGDEN HOTiiL. CouncM Blufts. steatn heated rooms, fa per week. Phone i4x La Verna. 1812 Cap., front mis. Btein. ht. THE COLXJN3 Steam heated, nicely furnished rooms. Good location. 24uti V Harney. LARGE front room in private family for 2 gentlemen, with breakfast; on car line in Dundee. Address. E 470,care Oifraha Bee. Varnished Houses. 7-ROOM furnished house, all modern; walking distance: flue location; terms reasonable. 418 S. aith Et.. or Tel. P. 323. tinrnarea. BUILPINO. 1400-11 Hsrney St., 44x133 ft.; best downtown location, in the city for garage. O. C. REDICK. Attorney, 224 Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1S12, Hotels sad Apartments. CALIFORNIA Hotel. I8tt anl . alUornlai Weekly rtes $2 and up. Douglas T083. IXjDGK HOTEL-4KWrn Raasouabla, Hoasekeeplns Rooms. BLIEPINO and housekeeping rooms, fur nace beat B. lhth. Tyier Iu21-V. TRONT room and housikeeplng rooms. warm, well heated and every conveni ence. 17 N. 2uth. Famished lloasekesplng Hooms. Fur. housekeeping rmi., 2222 Farnam 6t. Houses and Cottaarrs. 6-ROOM cottage. Walnut lntiO 2813 Woolworth Ave., 8 rooms, mod., f.U Kit Seward. 6 rooms, barn, $15. 116 S. 2b th, b rooms. $10 166s N. auth, 4 roois. $12.60 27o Farnam, I rooms, mod., brick, W"- 410 N. 22d. 10 rooms, mod., 2 baths, $13. 2406 Capitol Ave., 7 rooms, mod., $J0. 271S Howard, 6 rooms, mod., $20. 1217 B. 18th, s-room flat for colored. $li. RING WALT, Brandets Theater Bldg. aw ALL saes. $3 per month up. M7 Paxtoa. . . ma a 7, b. U. 7-r iniil.rn gl 4 Leav. Bt. good 'ocatlon. Vch. 2..W. S-ROOM cottage. lls B. nth St.; $.. Fell & Plnkerton :o., s ftate uam. 12-ROOM modern bouse, with barn, hot water beat 2il8 Harney St. vacant March L Inquire T. j. O Brian, It. li p. Illl " Gordon VanCo. S llN. Uth Bt Phone l W or Wsb. tlttl Globe Van&Storage Btorea, moves, pacUa. ahiijs: 1-hcrae van and 2 men. $1.U ptr br.; storage 12 pr mo. Satisfaction guar. P. 4S38 A Ty. 230. J.CReedf Cip. no., moving, parking 4k storage. lvi rarnara. u. ciis. Hm-isaa1" P"-'1 th city. Maggard's Van and Stor age Co., Largs van, 2 man.- $l.is $1.36 per br. Mi per nr., y. 2 mn, Webster. Doug. 149. FOR KENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This Uat can be seen troe ot charge at Omaha Van btoraga Co.. S04 Bq. :6ih Bt. P-KOOU mudern house, 70s N. iuth.. $j0 per month. Call Hd X. AM leaving city and Un to rent my borne at 414 N. 2oth 8t.; T rooina and bath, all modern, vacant about March 10. lei. Harney Z2.7. WANTED TO BUT Yale buy eAcrytbing Id band. Tyler HL1. FOK RKN'T Horf nad Office. A"; Tt ' - t , J I towntown stores. I H. I Illl, wo Bran. Th. WANTED TO BUY OFF1CK furniture bought and sold. J, O. Reed, 12U7 Farnam. Doug. 6140. WF, BUY 2d-hand clothes. 1421 N. 44th. GET Kaplan's prices for td hand turn., shoes, clothes, before selling. Web. 7500. REAL ESTATE FARM Jt RANCH LANDS FOR SALB California. FOR health, pleasure, profit; 64 acres young citrus grove, oranges, lemons, grapefruit close to the foothills of high Sierras; In favored Llndsay-Hortervll.a district; California bungalow. Booklet on request. Pr. J. W. Coolldge, Portervllle, Cal. The Dream of owing a home In California' came true to the buyers who went on our excursion of the th Inst, over 1,200 acres has been sold this month. Our Live Oak colonies bear investigation and prove all of our statements on inspection. We wish wa could Impress the doubting ones with the goodness of our land, beauty of surroundings and conveniences. ACT NOW If you want to get some of this splendid land, at Its present low prices. Go on our excursion Alarch 16, and make Inspection. Round trip for only $ri0 with good stop over privileges. Remember we produce on this land all the crops that grow In California, go and see thern growing. We have several nicely Improved places right prices and terms, that are ready for you to move right on. - Full particulars and literature cn ap plication. Write today and let us tell you about our land. W. T. Smith Co., City National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Colorado TO SETTLERS ON LY 320-acrea for 2200; rich corn, alfalfa .and wheat land, DO sand. J. A. Tracy. $'t Morgan, Colo. ItssiM, BARGAIN 240-acre dairy farm, near Sa una, Kan.; write for full description and list of 100 Kansas farms for sale In central Kanaas. V. E. Nlquette. Sallna, Kan. M l,,nn wt GOOD Und, close to R. R. town, 20 acres. w, u luunmiy; vi acres, s.uu. $1V monthly; SO acres, $1,200; no Interest, no South Missouri; literature free, D. Mer- . imw Dcnwii, ivansaa jiiy. ivan GOOD homes In south Mo. cheap and on eiu- terms, vv rue me lof prices. J. c Wynkoop. Mountain View. Mo. CATTLEMEN'S EDITION. The Panhandle Cattlemen's association meets in El Paso, Tex., March 2, 3 and 4. This and other attractions means possibly 20,0i) to 30,000 visitors to El Paso. THE EL PASO MORNING TIMES will Issue at that time a CATTLEMEN'S EDITION that will equal any newspaper ever pro duced In El Paso. This edition will not only be of Interest to stockmen, but to all those who have land to sell or ex change. YOUR AD SHOULD BE IN THH LAND SECTION OF FEBRUARY 2s TO MARCH 4 If you wish to reach the people of west lexas. ,New Mexico. Arlcona. and states of Chihuahua and Honors, Mexico. El Paso is the commercial center of the southwest. EL PASO MORNING TIMES' CIRCULATION DAILY OVER 18,009, SUNDAY OVER 23,000. Advertising rates 85c per inch dally; $3.00 per Inch for the 6 Issues; by the word lc; minimum 25c dally; 4c per word for the 6 Issues. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE PRESENT DEMAND FOR FARM LANDS; ADVERTISE NOW. THERE IS NO BUSINESS DEPRES SION IN SOUTHWESTERN TEXAS ADDRESS WANT AT) DEPARTMENT! EL PASO .MORNING TIMES. EL PASO. TEX. Nebraska. FOR SALE 0 acres, 6 miles north of rentral City. Neb. Mrs. Amy Stavely. 3ft) Lincoln Ave.. Council Bluffs. Public Auction We will sell . at public auction In Key stone, Neb., Saturday, Feb. 27th, AT J P. M. SHARP. The west half of tho northwest quarter of wction 4, township 14. range 27, Keith county, Nebraska, containing SO acres of as fine a land as ever laid out doors Thto farm practically joins the town of Keystone. -Is level, rich black soil, all In cultivation. Is acres alfalfa; all best of aurn. wheat and alfalfa land. This farm la all under cultivation. Plenty of water' W shares of stock of Keystone Irrigation company go with land, fully paid up Small house and other buildings. AU fenced. Rents for one-half of crop de livered. This Is one of Nebraska's best farms and a farm that never has a crop failure Must be sold to divide partnership. TERMS: $3.U0 eastern loan will be car ried back on farm at 6 If purchaser de sires; $5U) cash deposit on day of sale; balance to be paid when -abstract and title has been passed upon and warranty deed delivered. There will be no by-blddlng. This farm must sell on above date. For further Information write Dowd Auction A.. Omaha. Neb., or W. B. Wat klna tc Co., Wayne, Neb., owners. W.E.Watkins&Co. OWNERS. James L: Dowd AUCTIONEER. FCR SALE Best Urge body blgta-grade medium-priced land In Nebraska; vary llttie money required. C. Brad la. Wol bach. Neb. i . I REAL ESTATE FARM ItN H LA Ml FOR SALB Nebraska. RANCH for sale. 640 acres. Wt ai-res under cultivation. f valley, cuts n ton hay. all fem-ed, 40 rsttlo. i hore". Pi-Ice Inducing stuck $7.v Cash. No trades. I.owe - Young. Mullen. NoK SKCTIO.N Klmbnll Co oi-.a, TToi Paul W A NTEI Small loan on uiiarler section land Dawson comm. 5 vc.ir. or will sell easy terms. Address K W, Pee. I tab. STOCK and grain ranch. Juan county, I tan, J.5.D acroa, :ll fenced; 600 acres now in wheat. 2'0 acres In rre. both up and doing well. The average vie Id of wheat per acre on tills plsce Is 30 bushel. ripe improvements. worth I7,s: 24 Percheron horses. Including one stallion worth $2. 0ft), tools and machinery on place worth $3,00i; good well and pump furnish all water needed on ranch: onlv 8 milee from station. Trice, Including ail stoca. implements, etc., only $m per acre; win make terms. This Is something that Is seldom offered at such a low price. It Is good In every way. Particulars, V . 1. SMITH CO., City National Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neh. o WlwOMlS, Upper Wisconsin Pest dairv and general crop state In th 1 union; acttlers wanted. Lands for sale at I low prices on easy terms. Ask for book- I let No. 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Urant. Lxcellent lands for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lands ask for book let on Apple Orchards. Addresa Land and Industrial Department, boo Line Hallway, Minneapolis. Minn. REAL fcSTATK LOANS CITY and faira loans. 6 per osnt J. H. Duruoi.t Cc..l6u8 Farnam, Omaha WANTED City loans and warrants. W. V arnam Smith & Co.. 1330 Farnam. -- $l'iu to $10,uuw made promptly. F. D. Weed, Weed Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts. WANTED City loans Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha Natl. Douglas 2713. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., lttth and ''arnam Sts. GARVIN BROS " "i up. umli)l J3A.VWO 0mh Nat. Bank. SEE us first for farm loans In eastern Neb. United States Trust Co., Omaha. fj CITY IXJANS. C. C--!!;erg. 810-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H Thomas. State Bank Bidg. MONET on nana ior city and farm loana IL W. Binder. Cliv Natl Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE! WANTS CLEAR LAND or clear lota for equity In $1S,500 home; mortgage only $0,.ri00. Write for description. O'Keefe Real Estate Co. 1016 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2715. W ANTED To trade, mv farm consisting of 115 acres, only 4 mile from Burton, Neb.; haa grove of several thousand trees; running water: three springs; cuts 40 tons of Imy; K0 acres ot farm land; all fenced; encumbrance of $1,800; will trade for Omaha residence or bungalow prop erty. Address U. B. Flannlgan, Burton, Neb. I HAVE 100 acres choice western land; I need late model auto; will make It an object. S. H.. 4624 Urand Ave. Phone Webster 2332. 5-ROOM cottage, modern except heat; paved street; rented $16 per mo. Price, $1,800. Will take building lots down to $600. Address C 35, Bee. o KXCHANOES-Sllas ROBBIN8, D. 2842. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 305 S. 17th St Phone Douglas 6487. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE i AND 10-acre tracta close in for sub ' dividing. Phone Doug. 2M7. ACREAGE. We have a number of clients who want to exchange small tracts of laud, both Improved and unimproved, for city prop erty. THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY, 1015-1 W. O. W. Bldg. -o REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE FIVE-ROOM cottage, 4517 N. 3Sith St., everything modern. Hot water heat, newly painted and decorated. Key first door south. Price $2,800; will take vacant lots, balance like rent or very small cash payment C. M. EATON, 1106 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas 1984.-0 $250-CASH -$250 $25 PER MONTH. 2215 South 24th St.. 7 rooms, all mod. em, house nine years old, in good repair. run wmeni uaaemeni, cement walks, 4 blocks to school, right on the car line. Hee this today and make us an offer. Must be sold before March 1. THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY 1016-18 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas 3tl or South 281(1. North Side Bargain Lothrop School District Trice $3.7DO $Mo cash, balance monthly, for a full 2-story, -room strictly modern home; newly decorated and refinlshed in the Interior. Built less than 4 years, lo cated on south front lot on paved street. This is an exceptional bargain and can be bought for a good deal leas than it would be posslhlo to duplicate same. For further Information see Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 'tOl .. l ..... ... wmana tvationai I'.finK Bldg. 1). v.. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE It is Time you bought a house and get away from the rent habit Your $100 will make the first payment on the house at yjia Du pont St, a house with 6 rooms, gas W.!tr toilet nn.4 nnlw .... .. 1. 1- - ' school, stores and car. It 1 worth the Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas JiQ. 58 Bee Bldg. NEAR REM IS PARK 5 rooms, all modern, oak finish In liv ing rooms, elegantly furnished bath room south front lot. with paved street; paving all paid. Price but $J,On0. Here is you" chauce to get something nice. C. G. CARLBERO, 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. INVESTIGATE THIS Nice home, Vtanscom Park district Owner leaving city; sacrifice for uulck ale. Wright A Lasbury. 54 Ho. itith Doug. lfig. FJELD CLUB DISTRICT""" 7 rooms, all modern. Mn h finish, hot water heat, elegant east front lot, paved street close to car line, first class neigh borhood, located Just a block north of Field club on 38th Ave. Price $3,800 C. O. CARLBERO. 213 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATF WEST SIDE $750 Cash Balance Monthly Will buy a brand new bungalow ( large living rooina, oak finish, strictly mod ern and up-to-date In every way; choice roxner lot, 5uxl33; both streets paved. Iiratlon. weal side Uanscom Park value. $4,250; price. $3,750. Terms, or lot taken as first payment. See us at once about tills and other special bargains. Rasp Bros. 10 McCsgua Bldg. Douglas 1X1 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET With General Sentiment Bearish, AU Graini Remain at About the Same Prices. OPTIONS ARE A LITTLE HIGHER OMAHA, Feb. 24, 1916. tJenernl sentiment la besrlsh on all grains and provisions, but many of the big shorts have taken their profits and say that a break of 10c In corn and tic In rsts, front Iho recent high price, puts the market on a better level. Today tho options are higher, and this I' probably dun to the large demand for wheat, corn and oats by exporting firms. May wheat opened at $1.MV and $1 65 and wrnt as high as $1.57 before the close. Bed weather still prevails over the grain belts and, as a result, there was no grain Inspected. In some ot the mar kets. The receipts at Omaha are still very light, today's receipts being 40 cars. There was a fairly good demand for all grnins today and almost ail the of ferings were taken up On Omaha spot market: Wheat was unchanged; corn was o lower to So higher; oats were unchanged to Ho lower. These sales were reported todav: Wheat: No. 2 hard winter: 1 car. $l.lft't; S ears, $1.51; car, $1.50. No. 7 hard winter: 2 cars, $1..0'; 2 ears, 21. SO. No. 4 hard winter: 2 cars. $1.4). No. 3 spring. 3 cars, 1. SO. No: 3 mixed: 1 car, $1.49S,. No. 4 mixed durum, 1 car, $1 41. No. 2 durum, car, $l.4i. Corn' No. 3 white: 1 car. Sc; 1 car. t7c. No. 4 white: 1 car. 67o. No. 3 yellow: 2 cars. t'Te; 9 ars, 7c. No. 4 yellow: 8 cars, Hc. No. 5 yellow, 1 car, H0c: S cars. 6Hc; 1 ear, . No. 2 mixed: 1 car tnear white), t"V No. 3 mixed: 3 cars tnear white , ac; 4 cars, w.c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car (near white. Wc; 1 car, tnear white , Wc. 1 car, 4: 1 car. Me, No. 5 mixed: 1 car (near whlte, WTic: 1 car, &Wo. Sample: 1 car (white), ff7c. Oats; Stand ard: 1 car, Wc. No. 2 white: 2 cars, M'tc. No. 4 white: t cars, 63c; 1 car. 53c. Sample: 2 cars, 52c; 1 car, Rlc; 1 car. 50o. Rye: No. 2: I car. $1 17. Wheat No. 2 hard, $l.HV(rl.52; No. 2 hard, $1.4rVu 1.51 : No. 4 hard, Jl.4u-.fl. 40; No. 3 spring. $1.4vnl 60; No. 2 Durum, ll.44Vrfl.46; No. 8 ' Durum. 143VcfL44. Corn No. 1 white, ffMWKWc : No. 2 white. SC(W'4c: No. S white, 67ijSo; No. 4 white, Wgfit7r; No- 6 white, (WVffiw;o; No. 6 white, fiffV6lMHo; No. 1 yellow, B7'yfm7c: No. 2 vellow, 67Vfi"Hc; No. 3 yellow, BTfrWac: No. 4 yellow, (Wiflc; No. 5 yelloa, taW-o; No. yellow, 66i iftJVc; No. 1 mixed. 7i74c; No. 2 mixed. KViTSTe: No. 3 mixed, l44i; No. 4 mixed, fiOfWHo: No. 6 rrilxed. S5 rCV; No. S mixed. 66W4c: sample mixed, B34i7c. Oats-No. 3 white, 64 64Hc; standard, 64i41ac; No. 2 white. MVi53V; No. 4 white, MiffM'aC. Barley -Malting, TWrTRe: No. 1 feed. Mj8o. Rye-No. 2, $1.16H(gl,17; No. 2, $1.WM6. CHICAGO GRAIN AXD PROVISIONS Features of the Tradlnsr and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Feb. 24 Wheat reedlly ad vsnced today In response to foreign buy ing that was associated with much re duced estimates of the Argentine export able surplus. Although some of the gain was not held, the market closed firm, 2fw2o to 3c shove last night. Other net improvements were: Corn, V' to Vdlc: oats, I'iC and packing house products, 10ra224c Seaboard advices put the total wheat salea to Europe today In the United States at 1,500,OK) bushels. In this con nection leading authorities here were quoted as attaching decided significance to dispatches from Buenos Aires, figuring the Argentine surplus at 20,000,000 bushels less than had been given In the recent preliminary official announcement. What reaction there was from top prices In wheat seemed due chiefly to selling that followed reports of the sinking of more vessels by German submarines. Oats, instead ot corn, mainly governed the situation as to feed. Cash sales of oats In Chlcoro today aggregated 1,600,000 nusneis, almost wholly for export. There were also said to have been liberal sales of cash oats at other western markets. Advances In the price of corn came about REAL ESTATE DUNDEE -Dundee 6 Rooms $3,600 On Webster St.. between 60th and 61st. This is one of the finest locations In this beautiful suburb. Adjoining vacant lots t:eld at 11,600. The house is full two story and Is practically new, completely modern and couldn't be duplicated for less than $1,100 South front lot 60x136. One block to car line. Terms. Armstrong- Walsh Co. Tyler 158. State Bank Bldg. Dundee Residence Owner Leaving City Practically new "-room strictly mod ern house, l-arge living room with brick fireplace and built-in bookcases. Well lighted, attractive dining room; conveni ent pantry and kitchen. Oak finish first floor, 3 good sired bed rooms and enclosed sleeping porch. 2d floor. Tile bath room. Extra lavatory In one of the bed rooms. Oak floors throughout. Stairway to floored att'e. Full cemented basement. Investigate at once. George & Company Phone D. 7b6. 903 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Gallagher & Nelson Real Estate and Insurance G44 Brandeis Bldg. D. 3382-0 It Will Pay You To let us show you several re-U bar gains we have in five and six-room bun galows. If you are in the market for a home and want something right and at a bargain, aee us at once. We have .a bungalow In Kountxe Place, one in Norwood, two In Collier Place, one at S2d and Poppk-ton A ve., and sev eral others. Can maks terms to suit. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Hldg. Phone Douglas 4270. STUCCO HOME New and very at tractive stucco house, built for my home; change of plans necessitates sell ing; fine location, overlooking boulevard; has all modern fixtures, fireplace, sleep ing room. Will sell at a bargain. Call Owner, D. k07. o REAL ESTATE WANTED YOU CAN USE Our Services This Way: Simply give us a complete detailed de scription of your property. We then in spect your place and If we make the sale wc get the commission. If you or any body else make the sale our efforts cost you nothing. Make this use of us. SAUNDERS CO., Phone Doug. 3622. Call at 1216 W. O. W. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING. Notice Is hereby given that tba regular annual meeting of tne stockholders of the South Plane Land company will be held at Uie U Ice of said company at Lincoln, Nebraska at eleven o'clock a m. ou lbs third day of Mann, A. D. li15. C. 11. MORRILL. President - A. B. MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln. Nebraska. February 1, 1915 F-2-d-t A going business ran be sold quickly through The Bee's "Business Chances." for the 'most part from the strength of osts and wheat letter lrli-es for boss helned to lift nr.i. vlxlons. 'Jrain prli-es furnished by lgsn A Bryan office, 316 South Sixteenth street Artb ie, opon. High 1ow. Close Ves y vTheati I I May. I 66 1 67 1 64l 1 56SI 1 624 164V, I i July. lKVirt 1 2SS 1Y12XST 1 2S 1 t 1 V Corn May. 744rTV4 TM, 74 744yTfN 73tr July. ;.i';S,77Ml'V 75-4. 7ti,7trVir Oats May. MiVr Kl 6t 57 6', July. ftSVO MV 6SS 64, Na l'ork May. 17 60 17 90 17 W 17 7 17 U July. 17 W Is 27 17 M 18 10 IS 00 18 Ort Ird May. 10 20 10 60 10 30 10 46 10 30 July. 10 63 10 70 10 62 10 62 10 62 Iilha I May. 90 9W 9M 9 90 9 76flC? July. 10 KKif 10 26 10 00 10 20 10 02 10 00 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, $I.64VH 67; No- hrl, II.66MJ1.M. Rr- ley. t orn. no. 4 yellow, 70jHf71c; No. 4 white. 7ir72 Oats: No. 3 white. 66Mi7r: N. 4 white. K.V.if)eV. Rye: No. 2, U.S.,. Seeds: Ttmothv. $S.5VW60: clover. $lS.5h 14.00. Provisions: Pork, nominal; Isrd. $.tJVi; ribs. $. (fi vi 37V. HI TTFill-Steady; creamerv, 24tKWo. I"OTAT(KS-Reoelpts. IS cars; market unchanged It'l l.TRY-Allve. steady; springs, 16c; fowls 14W. KGCMt Higher: receipts. 9.444 tanes; at mark, rases Included, 20ti'23c; ordinary lirsis. 22c: firsts. 23c. I OMAHA GtCMKRAL MARKET. PUTTER No. 1. 1-Tb. cartons, tie; No. t, MMh tubs. 290. CHEESE Imported Swisa, $4c; Amer ican Swiss, 2tic; block Swiss, 22c; twins, 16c; daisies, lie; triplets. 17c: Young Americas, isu; piue laoet Dricg. uc; um burger. 2-lb.. 20c; V-lh. 20c; New York white, 19u; imported French Roquefort 40c. POTATOES-Colorado Rursls. 76o bu.1 Red River Ohlos, Wo bu.; Minnesota, whites, 65o bu. FISH Trout, 20c; large crapples, 16c ! halibut 14c; channel catfish, 14c. bWltirTT POTATOES Kansas, 22.75 bbl. B K E V ClITS-Rlbs: No. 1. Ic: No. 2, 14c; No. 8, 10Vc loins: No. 1, 17V4c; No. 2. 16'4c; No. 3. IIV. Chucks: No 1, 9c; No. 2. gfco; No. , ic. Hounds: No. 1. 11V; No. 2. 11c; No. S, 10tc. Plates: No. 1, Ho: No. 2. 74e; No. 8, 7v. POULTRY-Brollera, 14V4jc; spring ehlem. ens. 11c; hens. 9,gUo; cocks, c; ducks, lou; geese, M:; turkeys, lt-; pigeons, per des., toe; ducks, full feather!, Iull feathered. 4a; squabs. No. L $1.W; No. , 6c Market quotations furnished by ailloskl Fruit company: FRUITS Oranges, extra fancy Alpha betical, all sixes, $2."i 5 per box; extra fancy Glendora Homes, all rises, $2.65 per box; extra fancy trunk 1st. all sixes, $2 60 per box. Lemons, fancy Sunklst, 300s, 300, $6.00 per box; choice Red Ball, $3.60 per box. Grape fruit, 80s and 4tia, $2.00 per box; 64s, wis. $2.50 per box; 64s, $2.25 per box. Apples, extra fancy Whit Winter Pearmalnea, $2.w per box: fancy White Winter Pearmalnes, $1.75 per box; extra fancy Washington Spltxenburga, $1.60 per box; Washington fancy and ex tra fancy Hoovers, $1.35 per box; fancy Washington Jonathans, 176s. ISHh end 200s $1.25 per box; extra fancy black Ben Davis, $1.26 per box; extra fancy Black Twigs, $1.60 per box; fancy Black Twigs, $1.36 per box; extra fancy Ganns, $1.25 per box; fancy Rome Bioutles, $160 per box, 5 box lots or more, $1.40 per box; Ben Davis, highly colored. $8.26 per bbl.; Wlnesaps, $3 50 per bbl. Orapes. Cali fornia Emperors, $3.60 per bbl.; Malagas, 10.00 per hhl. Pears, Anjous, $2.26 per box; Jerseys, $2.25 per box; Sheldon, $2.36 per box; Lawrence, $2.50 per box; Bosco, J2.25 per box; Easter, $2.25 per box. Ba nanas, per bunch, $1.7iviji3.60. Strawber ries. 60c a Qt. VEGETABLES Oauliflower. $3.50 per crate; cucumbers, $2.25 per box: celery, Jumbo, NOo'dos.: leaf lettuce. 40c dos.; head lettuce, $1.00 dos.; onions, yellow, 2c lb., red, 2c lb., white, 2"c lb., Span ish, $1.60 per crate; endive, 35c lb.; arti chokes, 21.60 dos.; Brussel sprouts, 20o lb.; California new cabbage, 2o lb.; peppers, 50c bssket; onions (shallots), 60o dos.; to matoes, $4.00 per crate; garlln, Italian, 26a lb.; radishes, 60c dos.; turnips, 60o dos.: spinach, 50c dos.; parsley, 60c dos.; beans, $4.60 per hamper. Potatoes, Colorado rurals, 75c per bu.. Red River Ohlos, MOo per bu., Minnesota whites. dOc per bu. Sweet potatoes, i 2fi per hamper. MISCELLANEOUS Shelled popcorn, 4o per lb.; limes, $1.75 per box; cracker lack, $3.50 case, H case, $1.75; checkers, $3 60 case. H case. $1.76. Honey, $4.00 per rase. Cider, New York, $3.60, per keg. Cocoanuts, $3.60 per sack, 75o per dos. Cranberries, Late Hoses, 27.00 per bbl. $2.50 per box. Peanuts, raw, To per lb., raw, sack lots. Jumbo. 8c per lb., roasted, 8V4c per lb., sailed. $1.50 per ran. Mush rooms. 60c per box. NUTS No. 1 California Walnuts, lo per lb.; black walnuts, 814: per lb.; fil berts. 16c per lb.; pecans, 12Hc per lb.; Braslls, 12Wc per lb.; almonds, 20c per lb.; 12-13 os. figs. 86e per box; 60-8 oa. figs, $2.00 per box; sugar walnut dates, $1.40 per box; hallo wl dates. So per lb. New York General Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 24.-BUOAR Raw. firm; molasses, 4c; centrifugal, 4.77c; re Mned atesdv. BUTTER Weaker: receipts. 16,774 tubs: creamery extras (.92 score), HOG-Tlc,; creamery (higher scoring). 81S'aJ2o; creamery firsts. 28B30c; seconds, iflu'27c: EGGS Firm; receipts, 1.758 rases; fresh gathered extras, 26t27c; extra firsts, 2le; firsts, 2Ct',4c; seconds, 24ft24Sc; nearby henneries, whites, S0tg31r. CHEESE teady; receipts, 2.5SO boxes; state whole milk, held specials. tfCHVic; average fancv. la'iffjltWse. POULTRY Stesdy: western chickens, 1.V4e: fowls. 154154e; turkeys, KfulRc; Dressed nulet; western roasting chickens, 17r21c; fresh fowls,, 14Vi$lVfec; turkeys, 14 B2:l4c. Minneapolis Cirala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 24. WHEAT No. 1 hard. $1.61'4: No. 2 white. 11.61; No. 2 northern. $1.43'I4H. FLOUR Unchanged. BUAN-$23CO. COHN-No. S yellow, (SMOe. OATH No. $ white, &3tf4c. SEED Flax, ll.slWl.MV i Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Mo Feb. 24 -WHEAT -No. 3 hard, $1.6041 1.52V,; No. 3 rad. $1.61 CORN-No. t mixed, 70700; No. 1 OAft!No. 1 white, 654Tc; No. 2 mixed. 62ftac. t. I.oals Grain Market. ST IiOl'lS. Feb. 24. WHEAT No. red '$1 62Vrl W:. No. 2 hard. $1.6ijH.68. CORN No. 2. 71Vc; No. 2 white, 73V4o. OATS-No. 2. 6i',rc; No. 2 white. 6W 68V.C. Code Market. ' NEW YORK, Feb. 24 COFFEE The circulation of March notices estimated at about 2"i,O0O bags, caused some scattered liquidation of coffee futures here today, opening was cjulet at unchanged prices, but prices eased off during the sfternoon and the market closed at a net decline of 8 to 7 Milnta. Sales. 23.70 bags; Feb ruary. 6 48c: March. 5 48c; , April. 6 6ic; May. 6 64c; July, 6.6Hc; August, 76c: Sep tember, 8 2lc; Oi'tolr. lc; November, .. , nn.Kv i imw. Arwt. uulet: No. 7 Rio. 7". No. 4 Santos. 9c , No, 7. 7x futures, easy; Msy, 6.641; July, .'ic Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 24.-METALS-I.nd, steady, $3 Hmhd ; London i:2o; , arbiter, irong $ 07 'ri 10.30: IxmCon 42 2s d. electnrolytlo.'$14.75ijil4.r:'4;: csstlng. $'l4.2rt .. i u w m n A imrniTirM At Iyndon: Spot copper. 4 los; fo tures. 6 2s 6d. Spot tin. 4U77; futures. PSTr"lV,S. Feb 24-METAI-Iad. strong; 1177'. Spelter, strong; $9.0at.25. wool narntri. IONDON. Feb. 24 -WOOI-The auc tion sales were strong and advancing to day". Prices closed from 6 to 7W per cent . . .' . , . . k..iiul.t m.illilm .aa.1 iiigner. ai'wo''1 n . ..,... Merinos of good length freely, hut the offered. High price wers psld for the small supply of Merinos brought forward. Ilrv Goods Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 24 PRY GOODS Cotton goods markets were quiet today. Yarns were quiet. Burlaps were stronger. Kmbrtlder.es from domestic manufac turers were In bette- demand. Cutlss Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 24. COTTON-Spot, quiet; middling uplands, 1.35c; no sales. OMAHA L1YEJT0CK MARKET Choice Ctttle Ten to Fifteen Centi Higher, Others Steady Fat Sheep and Lambi Higher. HOGS COMMAND STEADY PRICES SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 24, 1916. Receipts were: rattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Mnndsv $.631 Rid 9.457 Official Tuesday $.059 17.940 1.'3 Fatlmate Wednesday.. 8.900 M.uuO It. Three days this week.. 18.3W 42.1M 34 90) Hume days last week., ti. 14 WS SO" Same days 2 weeks ago 13.3C9 67.S11 47,879 Same days 3 weeks sgo 12.d 19. ".99 3J.3T9 Same days 4 weeks ago 1S.&KS 42.446 39.1H4 Same days last year. ..12.054 25,7n 4.4 The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at the f4outh Omaha live slock market for the year to date as compared wllh last year: ISMS. 114 Inc. Cattle 114.518 11,41 4.7! Hogs 6.H 46n,2M 73 661 Sheep 423,463 406.U&2 l,3il The following table shows the average price for bogs at the South Omaha live stock market for th last few days, with com pari sons : Date. 1916. 1 1914. lll. ,1911. 191 1. 1310.19W. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. t.. TTit I 621 00 6 TO 8.. 8 . 19. 11. 18 13 14. 16. 71 68 I 41 8 47 a in 401 I 46 8 41 8 S3 081 47 8 16 7 891 12 1 1 48 24 89 9 12 16 s 21 19 4 87 0$ 6 At 9 4ic, 67H 90S 91 T 82 T95 T 81 $ 811 v1! I 77 8 7 7 08 $ 9sl 291 1 l 99 I 28 s 1 W tOnl 90i 01 I 95 7 01 7 11 18 4 f 84 1T. I 6841 I I 6 941 7 04 8 45 8 8U 8 42 8 88 8 83 I 141 $ Oil T 9k 7 0l ( 94 8 92 t 90 6 9 4S 7 08 1 t 01 697 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. $ 83 I 9 (Ul 8 Ml 64 ,V.' 8 M 12, 6 "! 7 09 9 2 5 99 201 04 9 19 " I 26 6 i 7 04 $ W 9 19 6 R9 8 9l 'Sunday. Receipts snd draposttton or live stock t the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at I o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Catt ) Hogs. Sheep. H'sea C . M A St. P 4 10 Wsbash 16.. Missouri Pacific .... 5 1 1 i Union Pacific 27 49 27 C. N. W east... 9 10 C. A N. W., west... 62 75 17 C St. P., M. O.. II 23 ('., II. A U . esst... 7 6 C, B. Q., west... 31 41 C. R. 1. A P.. east. 2 3 St. P.. M. A o.. in n II 1 19 t'., R. 1. A P.. west. 1 1 Illinois Central .... 4 4 Chicago GW I 4 Total receipts ...105 228 D1SIOSIT10N HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris A Co Swlfe A Co .. 978 3.2 1.74 ...1.184 ... 9)14 2.359 8,178 6.941 767 4 428 2.69 4,118 Cudahy Packing Co, Armour Co ti Sihwarta A Co Morrell 9 Lincoln Packing Co 26 St. Clair Packing Co... 13 Cudahy, from country 1,749 W. B. Vansant Co 61 Benton. Vansant A L.. 88 F. B. Lewis 89 Huston A Co 15 J. B. Root A Co 98 J. O. Bulla 4 Kosenstock Bros 8 Kellogg "2 Wertnelmer A IVgen... 98 Sullivan Bros 33 Rothschild 1 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... 40 Christie 21 Higglns s Hitffpian Roth 21 Meyers Baker, Jones A Bmlth.. 14 Tanner Bros H John Harvey 26$ tu2 Totals 1.417 16.201 16.54 CATTLE Receipts wars liberal toaay, 169 cars being reported in. This carries the total for the three days to 13,390, ki. ,u ..int. Iap th same dava UUUVIV UIV . .v. ..... , last week but still on about a normal three days run. , , Packers-all seemed to want a few good killers this morning and they were out looking for that kind early In the morn ing. The result was that the best beef steers sold st 10o higher, tho lop at- ... - I. i.nin xw Ait Othjie kinds of beef steers were only about steady witn yesieraay. . The best cows wers strong to as much ui-l. , Itu .it,,, o-radea f Illl V as iw insiiwi - - , steady. Feeders and stackers remained ""'might be well for the country to .nr.w tlis fact that the UIUIWUBIUJ t - - . , advance in prices hss been due to mod erate receipts ior several - market points. In consequence of this It Is only reasonabls to presume that large receipts might cause the market to decline again. . Quotations on Cattle: Oood to cholca tornfed beeves, V 904rt SO. fair to good cornfed beeves. $7.0lf0.86; common to fair cornfed beeves, $5.8&B'7.0O; good to , i f . 9AAAA7S- mtnA tn choice cows, $S.Ha.e0; fair to good cnm,V,M (flfi.75; common to iair vow, rv;"v good to choloo stockere snd feeders. $7.00 ib7.60; fair to good Blockers and feeders. $ft.5ora'7 00; common to fslr Blockers snd feeders, 16.7650; stock heifers, $. 4.00; stock cows, $4.756.75- stock calves. $6 00fr.: veal ralvea, $7.00'10.00; bulls, stags, eta.,' $4.754 25. Representative salea. ' BKEF STEERS. Ma . rr, No. A. rr. 4..- M IH 18 1224 TOO lO.O 4 U 19 UM 1 90 4 ITU 4 7 1 "9 7 M .. 1M 9 tJ 88 UJ J U U ......... AM 9 U 17 1118 t M iS 10M IN 74 ll 7 9 STrJKRS AND HElFEutS. so '...,, us 1 1 19 lioo 7 f T Mi tM 17 7 10 I .. .. 941 4 90 21 901 t U HEIFERS. i (m in i 7; I M I 90 9 714 9 10 1 "I 1 M IN ! 4 S::;!!.;.... 9 h no t U 9 10 1 1 CALVES. 1 414 I M 1 914 7 t l. 474 1 OS 1 114 8 00 4 !.. 4bi 7 li 4 1H 14 00 b'lOl'Kh.llM AN U FEEDKR8. 1 (U 111 . 14 10H 4 74 1 SJi 4 14 8 464 4 16 I..... 174 4 . 11 r 1 S 7 TM 4 40 U MS T W , 74 4 44 90 1144 7 16 ii. :::::::::; 44 4 4 m 724 HOGS Another liberal run showed up this morning, about 235 cars or 16.0itt head, being received. The total for tha three days U 42.131 head, being mora thsn H.W8) larger than last week, and 14 600 more than were here during tha corresponding period last year. With a generous supply on band, pack ers followed up yesterday's slow close by making their early bids at figures that were easily b10c lower. Sellers wers asking strong to to higher prices and as they refused to take any less. . 1 Hl,. Until KlflM to 11 o'clock. By this lime, packers' offers, wnicn nsa iwh iuinHinim w " had reached a fully stesdy basis, and It was at these figures that tha first bogs sold. . . In the end most of ths hogs moved In just about the same notches as on Tues day but towards the close, sharp compe tition gave the trade a little added strength, and some of the later sales were a shads better than yesterday's average, or fully as good as yesterday's good time. On the whole trade can bo quoted as steady to strong. Ths weak ness shown In shipping grades Is easily overbalanced by the fact that at no time was the market as low as at yes terday's close, and the average cost la fully as good If not a little better than Tuesday's. Once trade was under way. It did not take long to effect a clearance, and In spits of ths early dullness, prac tically everything had been sold by shortly after 11 o'clock. As was tho case on Monday and Tues day, the long string sold at $8.66. There was quits a showing ss high as $4.67H. with a number of loads at taM, while only a sprinkling landed under $6.65. Representative sales. Ks. A. Sh. Pr Ns. A. 4 s. Pr. t MS 49 9 44 304 ... 4 14 M 917 ... 4 K IS 23S ... 4 IT Tl ITS ... 4 44 T4 9 49 4 41 U Hi ... 4MH 4 128 ... 4 44 M ill ... 4 H"i 47 W ... 9 44 M - "wag. 14 94 ... 6 14 . HORSES Receipts of horses this week have been the largest for some little lime back a reasonable proportion of tha offerings being Intended for Its Man war horse trade. Anything thst failed to pass inspection being on the com noa to medium order waa slow sale. There were some buyers from ths esst looking for A better class rf horses thsn hss been arriving of late snd anything that suited them sold at good prices. The Italian orders are now filled but Frenth officers are expected about March 3 with a freeh order for horses sullahls for the French army. It will bo rsmem lered that French buyers require a mnoh better horse than the Italians, that Is a horse 15 to 18 hands high, weighing from l.ioo to t40u pounds and from five to nine years old. All light colors are bar red snd the horses must be sound. SHEEP A very good run of sheep and lamha showed up for a Wednesday, as 13.000 head were reported In. as against 13.824 a week ago, 10.761 two weeks ago snd 17,344 on the ssme dava a year ago. The receipts for the week thus far, however, have been rather moderate, and for that reason trade hss been In good shape every day. In most respects (he msrkct wss a re petition of yesterday's trade, ns the buy ers were out In good season and bought up everything readily. Both the heavy and hand v weights were soon disposed of this morning and prices generally were lOtflfio higher on both sheep and lambs. While Mexican offerings were not at all numerous, there were more on band than was the case yesterday, there being enine Mexican lamhs good enough to make a new top of $9.00, the highest price of tho month to date. A bunch of Mexican year lings sold up to $9 28 and some wethers reached $7.26. Most of tho lamb sales were made around 8.s.sjv8.9n. according to weight and qual'ty. The bulk of the ewes moved at tft.2.vti.9f). there being few If any on the Mexican order on sale. Not many offerings were unsold hv to no o'clock. Quotations on sheen and Iambs: lamhi Mexicans, $S6."4r9.10; lambs, fed westerns. $8 2f.''n8.; lambs, shearing. r.75ffi8.i: yearllnga, light $7.7iff3.25; yearlings. tieavy. ,.iwri 76: wethers, good to choice. $t.757.24: wethers, fair to sood. 98 Sow 6.76; ewes, good to choice, 2i.80ti6.90: ewes. rstr to good. xt.anitiw.n. Representative sales: No. Av Pr 230 fed lambs W) 9 40 115 Mexican lambs , 89 8 9) !.V) fed lambs 91 8 85 11 ! fed lambs n 8 8) ion fed ewes 91 9 ) 167 Mexican wethers 104 7 25 73 Mexican wethers V 7 25 77 fed ewes M f ' 213 fed lamha 90 8 85 1C1 fed lamha 99 8 90 9Jt. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Feb. 24 CATTLE Receipts. 1.000 bead: market strong to higher. Steers, eH.76fiS.66: cows and heif ers. $4 25r7.77: calves. $6.0Ofr9.60. HOGS Receipts. 9.000 head; market steady to lower. Top. $fi.80; bulk, $6.6W 4.65 SHEET ANT LAMRS Receipts. 4.200 head; market strong. Lambs, $S.0tS9.09. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARK tCT Cattle Strong Hoars Strong; to II laker. CHICAGO. Feb. 24.-CATTLB-Recelpts. 8.000 head,; market, strong- native steers, 15.00718.10; western steers, I8.10iy7.80: cows and heifers, $3.OiJ7.76; reives. $7.00(ff10 Oi. HOGS Receipts, IS.OnO head: market, strong to higher; bulk. 9S.5Mi8.S6; light. $4 50416.75; mixed, td.404is.70; heavy, $S.15ft 4.66; rough, $0 164.ft.30. nigs. l6.75-ifH.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 12.0 0 head; market strong; sheep, IS.K.W7.75; yearlings, $7. 65. 50; iambs. 88.00tf9.4o. - I Kansas City Live Stack Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Feb. 24. CATTLE Receipts, 8.500 head; market strong to higher: prime fed steers. $8.0Off8.50; dressed beef Steers, $6.90iFf7.90: southern steers, $6.0iKtf7.I."; rows. $4 253.75; heifers. $.00fi9 25; storkers, $0.257.75. HOiU-Kecelpts, 8.000 head; market steady; bulk, $4.52Vini.eO; heavy. l-i.60d' 8.82H; packers and butchers. $8.607j.(i0: light. $8 56tjf.A0; pigs, $9.26$r9.0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. B.500 head; market higher; lambs, $8.5519.10; j yearlings. $7.258.25; wethers. 1. 2607. 25; wes, $6.25417.00; stockers, $4.7W$.25. m t. Loals LIt Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo., Feb. J4.-CATTLE Receipts, 1,600 head; market steady; na tive beef steers, $7.00t.76; cows and heif ers, $6.6or&8.26; Texas and Indian steers. 5.754i7.75,oows and heifers. f4.OOti4.00; na tive calves, $6.0O$11.60. HOGS Receipts, 6,600 head; market steady; Digs and lights. $5.50tf6.M: mixed and butchers, $6.76rh.90; good heavy, $4.75 j.85. SHEEP AND IAMBS Receipts. .40O head; market higher: native muttons. $75.2&; lambs, $!.759.40; yearlings. $7.00 Sloaa City Hvo stock Market. SIOUX CITY, Feb. 24. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,0(41 head; market steady; native leers, $t). 251-7. 26; butchers, 15.2&&M.40; cows and hellers, $5,2646.76; canners. $4.00 fi-4.76; stockers snd feeders, $3.75f.50; bulls, stsgs, etc., $5.2fW8.00. HOGS Receipts, 9,uoi head; market, to lowtr; heavy, $it47V0.56; mixed: ti.46 4.47",; light, t4.40tj4.45; bulk of sales, 24.45 tjU.60- ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 600 head; market; lambs, $170. New York Moacy Market. NFTW YORK, Feb. 24. MERCANTILE) PAPER 3H&4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady; sixty-day bills, $4.78; for cables. $4.8010; for demand, $4.7976. SILVER Bar, 48 Vic; Mexican dollars. 47c. . . BONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. TIME I-OANS Firmer; sixty dsys. 2V 'i per cent; ninety days, i per cent; six months, 2H Per cent. CALL - MONEY Stesdy; high, S per rent; low, 1 Per cent; aullng rate, t per cent; last loan. 2 per cent; closing bid. 1 per cent: offered at 2 per cent . Closing quotations on bonds today wers as follows: ' V. g. r(. Is. rag.... 9sMo. Pse. ev. la 41 40 coupos MSN. Y. C. 8- IS ... 7i V. g. U. rf WHN.T Clir 4Ha 141.. lets 4a sousao leiHtN. Y. 8isU 4Hs....l04 V. 8. 4 rag lmvtN. Y . N. H. A H. 4o sauiwa 11 ev. 4 141 Panama oupoD.-Wl1 No. Psclfts 4 It- Am. limeltsrs .... 4o is 1 A. T. A T. e. 447140. g. L. rf. 4.... tl Armnsr Co. .. II Pec. T. A T. 6s.... 17 Af-hlmn (an. 4a.... l,faan. oon. 4s 7 Hal. A Ohio 4s SI do eon. 4s 102 Cbea A Ohio 4s.. "7 Reading sn. 4s.... 11 r. R. Q J. 4a.. . U 4 1. r. r. 444 C 8 I I T 4.. too Bo. Par. rv. 4s 10 4a ev. la 10V 4a ref. I 14 C. R. I. P. e. 4s 21 4a ev. Is C. g. rf. 4.... 83 So. Rsllwsv 6s M D A R. (). rat. 4a. 4& Union Paririe 4a.... IM, Irla son 4a do cv. 4a M (Vas. glaetrle a....l'tP. H. Rsboar 9s.. ..1U Ot. No. 11 4a I'. S. HimI is ion III. C'ae. rat. 4a.... U Wataaali 1st 6a K. C. Ho. ref. Is.., MWest. t'nloo 4s. ... 84 LAN. unt. 4s.... II Wast, gfcao. sv. 6s. I si. K. A T. 1st 4s.. TT ,B,d' . " Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Feb. 24. Rank clearings for Omaha today were $3,575,482.72, and for the corresponding day last year $3,623, 119.26. London Manor Market. LONDON. Fab, 24.-81LVER Bar. !27d per ounce. MONEY t per cent; discount rates, short and three months, 1H per cent. . Investors with money read tbs Real property for a quick sals. Bryan Wears Little Enamel Dove on Lapel WASHINGTON. Feb. ' 24.-Secretsry Bryan appeared at ths cablnot meeting today wearing on his ooat lapel an enamel white dova f t peace with an olive branch In Its mouth. Tho secretary said it was a gift of a friend and pointed to it when questioned concerning possible complica tions for th United States in tba for eign situation. PIUTE PRISONER KILLED IN ATTEMPTING ESCAPE DENVER. Cold.. Feb. 24 A report that Bluff. Utah, tonight says that Havana, a Flute Indian, one ot tha six prisoners of United States Marshal Neberksr's posse, was shot dead tonight when ha slipped his shackles and mads a break for liberty. Way Sous lucosi-Ylel1tn rttuck sad Honda Oftar Invoalmaal Opportunities. KxplstneS 1 the eurrest Issue ec THS ODD U) T KKVII-.W. 91 a rear. Hand tee samel coulee. 14 llieeA ersT. Nrw York CUy.