10 nrn m:i;: omatia, FKRUUAHY . HMu. ! WANT ADS Want aria received at any tlm. but to ensure proper riatiKiton mut be pre- onted before IS o'clock noon for evening edition and 7T p. m. for morning nd Sunday editions. Want ale ri I, inch hour wilt be under th heading. "Toe Late to Classify." . - i CAK RATF.S. . rrn c-neecutlv t.m-s. I cent word eh Insertion. . ,,, - Three time triIMn on weak. iH wotrt each Insertion. On time, t cent word. rRAHOB RATE. Heven consecutive time. cent a Ue Three tlm within cm week. " "e each Insertion. On tinvs II cent Count six words te Minimum charge. cent. An ailrertlaement Inserted toj '"; ttl discontinued must be topped by writ tea order. ATI claims for error" rrm J within fifteen days after the 1 ",er" Hon of the advertisement Ton (in place your want a In The Be y tetophone. . kwl laMSi'nUnn .' r -- Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" elled for and delivered during :the ii wceg. It l reasonable to r"-- II of th peor''" h-i"w 5"v Jnfi for desired swan, therefore do not the balance of their newura. Be warn i aure aat reeulta. lit -tM I SSI i jn m M l-'l ! n u 112 i ii rt 4i w 1 n m 4i r m 4iT i ti ra 4it i'. :ti 4M mi i m 4o m r? icw 4rr 11 'KM 42 JS74 ' r r r.u is" T J.'4 1 , w r.i iom " , 4 l I M m 130 1nj r-4 n ivi7 14tc . r mil M ret 1S14 !MTT G. 140 1411 51I 1414 141 14114 jA 1411 14TS 14? 1441 144K 144 14-4 14 4 112 n;o J471 14H1 c. 1 ir lf,il 1..U 1S17 if m 1i25 lf.: ir.tn lr.ir. I'M i: n;o H7I 1574 )'! irst ir.i7 1091 rARD OK THANKS. We wlah to .-xpieae our ''"'?";',?; ,i,,M-ltlon of the eympathy ..id beHiitlful lorM offerlnKK ofj ?"f .fL 'n,u- II ANI4 M A I KKN ANI KAMUA . ilKATHS A?.b"Fl!KMAt. NOTKK- K KI.TNKR The fimerftl en'lre" for K1 iar H. Keltner will be held mm th .swanaon undei-taklng chapel. v" teenth and Cumlnf alreela. at p. ra. Wedr.taday. BIRTH s AM 1KATM. Hirth.-llarry A. iH lrl A. B llby ! Usui Bedford venue, jetrt. 'J"!? lieatnee Kag-ri, .T7W North Klghteenth ilrl; Fred nd Floren. "'",,-M.1'i'1 Hon h Sixteenth: U. F. nd Mabel Klnprath. hoapltal, irlrl; Frank nd Nellie Miirdoek, I.V4 William, boy; Herman and Annie i Paklaer. 24H foiith Twenty-foiirth. U, Otto Tni Clara BohulU. S-M North Thirtieth, girl. i. M.rrv: Edwin J. Roeecrana. ;7 1240 Houth Tenth; Jennie Hchnelder wlnd. M. ill Ponpleton; Hrry Tayh.r. 34. ?M Reward; Mary Dwyer. 1. Ninth .treet nd Foreet avenue; hllbetn Itohlnaon, 72. it-'27 Corby. MARRIAtiB ltyM-a. rermlt to wed hv bea granted to the following: Name and Residence. I, Meyer Clarke, Omaha..; '! P. Krueger. Htanton Jen C. Horenaon. Boelua. Neb.'.... Minnie M. Wakenlght, Omah..... John Enrt. Jr., Omaha ) llmaa Marull.. Omaha Han Andrew Hnaen. Otnaha. Anna Mrto Jurgenaen. Omaha.... Harry Qllleaple. Murdork. Neb.;.... , lx-ata B. McDonald. Murdock. Neb Art-hie K. Rrown. Valley 1-ta MeDuffle. Valley Ag. .... a .... 1 Sfl .... 31 .... !1 .... II .... M .... 11 .... it .... a .... .... li Blll.Ul.NU PKHJHTI. Belle 11. Punham. Parker, fram dweliln. I2.000; Mm. Kate Hynek, 1441 Hon Hi Fifteenth, frame flat. IVXW- Oeoiar Dally, 41(4 North Twenty-fourth, addi tion. I.). TODAY'S tJOMPLETB MOVIi: PIMXIHAM8 KxcluMvely In TU Be. CAMF.RAPHONK. 1401 DOUG-AS. The Crucifixion. American drama IVanuta and Hillleta. Ixive Pirate, l-reel Hellano drama i'VJfK NO. I. 1511 KARNAM. now Cltv Made Gotl. (All Blar Caal.) J-rcel Vitagraph comedy. Uromho Hlily'a Hentetwe. I'M. W. dr. C4.RNAM THEATER. 1416 FARNAM ST. Runaway June will b shown hsr every Tuesday In connection with our regular program and a Keyaton comedy. TuTpITthuater. li'fii and harney Horn of Paramount Picturea 1 lAha iHliATa.it. Fcatur program dally. Kevaton Coie4le. 616 N. UTH, PARLOR, 14 DOUGLAS. Cabman Kate. Vitagraph comedy. PRINCES.'', 1117-19 IHJUGIAS. The Hard Road. (Harry Myers and Rose mary Theoy.l -Myatcry of tne Man W ho Sleot. Ken Wilson 1 Fatty'a Infatuation. I Morlk. AUMO. JMTH AND FORT. LiiniMiiintiiU. Majestic drama. 'ii-.e alaslrr. S-revl K-il. drama As a. iisu Tlilnkcih. Beamy i-omedy. iLll-TOX. Military Ave. and Burdetta. lii.Ui y'a Medal. Rcl. dra. and Key. coin, cloi iiiana Wager. American comedy. MiUlnii Poller Alystiry No. 17. It-reel. DIAMOND. " 1M1U LAKbi BT. Every Girl. J-reel Victor. ihih of liis Father. Imp. Fox Trot Crase. Sterling comedy. DAVENPORT, 230U DA V EN PO RT. The Submarine Spy. 2-reel Imp. A Mixed I p Honeymoon. Joker comedy, ' iTi A N KU x! 2 ITii A NDF R AN k I J N The ra.t Mall's Imngnr. Kalent drauia. 1 rar Old Girl. 1-teel Eaaanay drarua. Mncikum Out of Bella Hulls Vita com GRAND (Theater Beautiful) ! Bluney A Man of lcm. l-reel drama, 'it, Lieaot Within. Salnta and Sinner. Ring Around Roate Coined v. HIPPODROME 7K1 CCMINOT Runaway June. 2d and Id eilsodes. And too good comedies, six big reels. IT THEATER. 14T11 AND LOCUoT. Two Women, l-reel Vitagraph drama- Put Me off at Wsyvlile. Raletn comedy. LOTH ROB, it'll North 2lh Mroet ( l.. d all this aeek. while making al l Kiiuiu and liuiiaUiiLg an upLu-da.i s-'ievn. i at u per for opening, I A j Y A U. 2toiC A LD W ELL. ;. nilviiien of Art $-ret l Imp. hen tlie Mummy Cried for Help. Nestor com. Roiname In 1 r Creek. F.1. P. LACh " .:fUAVrKNl'UKT. Amldlion. l-rel Rex. Falsi Haiiaom. i-terlln comedy. SI 'BURBA X. 24TI 1 A N D AI1 RS Tne Seindier. !-reel Kalem drama. Deredril tlaxiy. Mum comedy. iiiKie lio ll.lly ami tlie llaby. ls. W. dr. aBiau ARBOR. iy and Arbor St re la No show Monday and Tuesday. Regular piogrmn balance f the week. Ai'i.u.o Li;A t;RTir li. Mi.i h.lis No. 12. The TraKcdy of Bear .W i.niiain. 2-re Kalcm lrj.ia ' Jun'e fciiop UirL belig comedy . lieli-Hrrv Taylor. S4. 2Jffl Keward; ClaTr iriluln Jie. 31. M21 North Twenty ; elshTh: W. H. lwton. v.. ?Ptnr"; UKby Foereon. hoepllal; HophlR M. ". KT, Houth Thirty-eighth; Klfle Uin- TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PHOfiltAMS Exclusively In The Bo. loath. j rnLCMniA. 17)0 sol'TJI 1"TH. ; , ,r, flp1, "-reel Vlts-rar.;i drama, The Grlisly Gulch. Chariot Hm. Scl. com. , Mr Paly Wedding Day. Edlsnn dr. ' . - l!, .';V,L".,iT.v. T. Ll'A-Mi x l iinnirn in ipp t nm .'mirm- n . - lerv No. 12 The Terror of (lie Mountain. A Heart r Mold. Mahel. FaMyjaml I,w i- voriteT vixtox! I'earat-Sellg Xo. 11. The Lieutenant Unvcrnor 2 r Ess. dr. Harold's Pad Man. Scllg comedy. GEM. " : SOUTH 13TH. Changed Lives. Ixve and low. 3-rccl Gold Seal. .Inker comedy. I LYRIC, K.I7 VINTON. Unexpected Honeymoon. t-T. V'lrlor C. dr. Terror. 2-rcel Eel. PA ST I M K. 23 r A nT1 ,K A V K X V ( ) ItT I f. Five vnliiehle prlxra rlvrn Bv tonlKlit lii. lndlnu 12.:A In (told Carnival Pnerlal lelnni of Hnpplnrwx VENEZlX. till SJ. IJT1I T Four reals of Mutual picture. WfM. MONROE. av.: K.xnxAM. War. (Flora Finch ) Jr. VIIm. coin. The Horryted Xerklare. HloKtaph mm. Braaoa. BKXSON. 5sr. MAIN PT. The House of Krar, great atlrrlng di Niiin In llirro a i t a. When the liearon fwnre. Neetor rom. loaarll Blafla rr.iTR no i. r.w, proadwat. The l.lttle Knglnerr. Kulem drama. Tin- Third Act. l-r. Pl"traih drama. Hweenie a Htilelde. Kaaanay comedy. MClKfT.AB. ftfi HROAinVAT. The Ambition of the Mnron. 2-r. L.M. Dra. The Clilef' Heat. Vita. Coin. Mllady'a Hoidolr. I'lo. Dra. ROPER, -!7 HUi4j.yVAY. Haunted Heart. 2-reel Oold Peal. Ni llle the I'rlde of the Fire Hmiee. Ne- tor com. The New Dress. Kcl drama. at Ouaalaa. i:r..-si; theater. 24TH and m. Mother' Rosea. 3-r 'lta. drama. The Hlekvllle Tragedy Troupe. Kal. coin. MAU1C, JITH AND O. Perl! of the Wild. 2-rerl Biaon. How Mury Fixed It. Imp. aatlet III.. OHl'llKL'M. 2ITII AND N. .miora Wednesday night and regular rogram. Relglun war pictures coming. A X NOL'.NCJEM ENT8 NOTIOK. Indies trolnr to coaat ahnuid nlaee their orders early to avoid any delay In their plan. ANNA filSTKK, Ladle' Tailoring and Dressmaking. SOU " iiyxMational Hank Mldg. DKN'i'lMTRY All klnda of dental wnrk done under careful aupervldon at the f'relghlon University College of Den tl:ry. 210 S. lih hi., Omaha. Fees very modfrate Extraction free. IIOMEMADK HUnge, only one In Onia ha. Ram I'laher, 1KW Iavenw'h. D. Sria). Weddlnw ann.iummenl. Doug. Ptg. Co. HAZEL Iaf I'll Cone. Beit remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding pile; Mo postpaid; cample fre. bhermaa 4i McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. ENROLL now. Y. M. C- A. Plglit, a hool. LUCKY wetfulng rlna at Urodeuaurd AL'TOMQUILEH HA VK a 4-cyl., 60 h.-p. White car that I will trade for a modern home of iwiii&t or greater value. H. Peiton, 2206 Farnam II rent . FOR MALE CHEAP Five fine tourlnv car for Jitney buaea, from IIW up to l0. Cadillac Co. of Omaha, HM Far. 1100 KKW'ARD for any magneto wa can't repair. Colla repd. Payadorfer.illO N.18. o Ua Overton' for leaky radiator, dealers; JITNEY RCH-Cadlllao and Steven- iurye summer and winter bodies. 7 Paaaenuer; tnat k (t...u- n 4, Bee. 7 AUTO PAINTINO. F?'l oth""'"' UP Brigg. 144. N. lth. I'hon Webster r:M rONTKNKLLK AUTS CO., dealer In usd vara that quarant ervU. 114 Bo. mh HC Gi-eenough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co.. i20 Far. A I' TO Clearing House, 22i Farnam, buy "i eeua uaeu care, rnone ixniglaa Itlitt, C. ULKA&8KK expert radiator and lauaa iua, wn ieaven w o n a . lniluatrial Oarage Cc. iuth Harney bn Motorcycle. HARLET-DA VlDrtoN MOTOR CTCLK3. Hargilns In uaed nuichtnea. Victor Roos, Vi..- I v r .. II 1 . . .. iiuiiyvi,i eian, j.uj ifitvenwortn. i.u.'i.4 MUlUBUlLLli nuw ready; bargaina In uaed niacnlues. OMAHA Biv.vcLri CO, Jult, and CP:. Hgo. li. 37ii. Ill SINEH.S CHANCES ESTABLISHED manufacturer want iie manager; liUh- clas aitl le; shoi.ld pay yiti.upj annually; $, to 1,0W capital: wl't ray expenaea to Chicago If you ars man we want; referent cs. Leary. 4i M-her Bldg.. Chicago. FOR SALE-lUrdware stock, on of best town In atat; good doi.ble brick rooms with bnaement; loug-Uine leas. AddreM Y SK.1. Bee. ALIO itpalr ahup, garage and blacK snutn SllOD for rent nr f.ir l, fl. -rl... P'liexal, Paplllion, Neb. J. Canan can s.dl oue farming land. EXTRAORDINARY CHANCE. To buy on of th beat navina restau rant In Omaha. Th past week' busi ness v-m snow belter than IJJ0 net profit above all expenses Wo have personally Invratigated this place and can recom mend It as one of the best places In the city. Owner going to California Is reason for aehlng W 1.1 allow a .k', i .i .Wired Thl. ! A"ceTt worth .".oTbul can ue iiimuiit Tor at om ...h iiitfi.i i vestlgatlnn Invited, gl U'K SALES CO.. 411 Bo Bldg FOR SALF- Shoe repairing shop; money making place for the right man; am leaving town. Address l.KH Itaidge St. LIST buidncaa chain vs. property fur rent sale or sxcl'.ange with ma. I will wilta .ill manner of Insurance. W. G. Tern- pleicn, tien. BROKER. fiS Be. Ty. iiuJO. LIST YOUR BUSINESS, with us or Quick actios and aausea treatment QUICK SALE COMPANY, 418 Bee Bldg. Phone Red $264. MERCHANTS' stw k reducing and cloe lug out sale successful! promoted; ad-vb-a free. Harry Bell, 3J West 9th bt., Kansas City. Mo. ONE of the beet retail bakeries In th city: no competition. Call Web. 7t4, or adilreaa K ;. lu CIONK, aoow cards Ci'H tk fon. D. UTt, SA1.O0NS verywhrr In atale. Realty Co.. Norfolk, Neb. Harm TO GET In or out of business. Csll on OA NGESTAD, 44 Be Bldg. D. $477. THEATER.- Buy, lease or tell your Ul ster, machine and aupWiee through Theater Exchange to.. le Farnam St. Douglas lviV, YO''H bualoess or real estate quickly sold. Write Jim Wruy. Sioux Cliy. WANTED A good Partner In eatahilahed bualneaa lu a giKxl town of Alust f be a wido-aake young man of good haMt anu a good mi or. w rite or rome and in- veKtlgate. Struts, The Tailor, Atlantic, la DvralBieali, faaaa Our Nebraska farm mort- T7 ytf sre not affected be vA, European wars or panics. Cl Amounts ll v to $20.0iUi W m collect all interest and piiiu'liNnl free of charge, M ear In th Nebraska farm loan field aahout Ii.mi la our record. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 01 Omaha Nat. bank Rids. Oiualuv EDUCATIONAL The Van Saul School Stenography Day arbool. J IM u 4 u. Nuht a, boul. 616 U S.li. Uia aad Faruaut U rui'sa 6441. Knrt:.THINAI. WINTER TERM MOPIircn-l .AMPMAN C'OM.RtB, NOW OI'KM !'niirreee rlaeaea In biwlnea, ahort hand and Kmllah nramhea. Graduate guaranteed good poeltions. Place pro- Med for young people to work for board. For free cat.Vngue add'" Moshrr-Lampman College 1th enl Far'atn Str.-. Omah. Neb. FOR lie the following holaralilp IB a flrat cl:i Oniblia H:;inega College: One unlimited continuation buaines nd al.ortliHiid couree. One unllmlied buelneaa rourae. One unlimited tenogrphlc roure. One three month' bvaineat or ateno gr'thlc course. Will be fdd nt a d.acouat at lh otflc of the Omaha Re. UOVUOS COLLEGE Dy School; NlKht Hchool: complet hupinee courve; complet ehorthand or utenotyj) courae; complete telegraphy courie; rlvll eervlc tranche and Eng lish. Fttnlcnta admitted at any tlma. Write, phono or call for 111! catalogue. Itovi.F.M I'uLl.bUE, H. B. BOYLKS, iTeeldent, Boylea HUg . Onuiba. Neb Tel. Dnugla I ."45. KXPKRT ldy atanoKraplier will tak pupil. PHORTH A N D touch tyiiwrll Ing, ei aldnn, punctuation, etc., taught and complet trafiilng given for buslnea ca reer. Private tnatru-tlon If desired. 4W4 Dougliis Bt. TL Walnut VT. Hill HAIifi Karaltarr. FOR PAI.R New Remington typewriter. deak and chfttr, ptienp. also oak flat top deak and aeveral office chair. Phone Dong. PHI. T"X 1 J. C. Heed, 17 Farnam LCoKS ,,o,iht nd ld- o"1" HI4. New fd-hand fifrniture, rah or term; reasnnnhle. Amer. Furr.. Co.. 06 N. lth Maalral lailrameati, hk;h grade piano, cheap AHII WKHRTHK 6f4g. FOR PIlKhtly uaed high grade piano. D. 2017. Typewriters. RT1NT Renilngtons, Monarctis and Pmtth I'remler of their ma kern. Th Reming ton Typewriter ?o. Telephone Douglas 3M. Rental credited if you purchase aad only very uewest and liigheat giada ma chines sent out. Ratea, three month for a for undvrstrok machlno or H par month for Inteet model visible writers. TYPEWRITEUH Must be sold at oneo. Monnrch. I'nderwnod. Oliver. Hmlth Premier. 4.KI Ree Hldg. TYPEWRITE KM so.d. rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 3U7 a. 17th RENT An Oliver typewrltur. month for U. The Oliver Typewriter Co.. D. 291 M lace Hi J-hand meh. Orosa Wreck Co.. 11 4 Paul. ELECT1UC MOTORS Ml. P., 220 volts, S phaae, new $ ST 2-H. P., 230 volt, a plmse. new 44 1-1 1. P., 2L-0 volts, I phase, new SO 6-11. P., 2 volta. 3 phase, new (7 DYNAMOS, t-K. W 110 volts, D. C, nWr...,...7l fi-K. W., 110 volts, D. C new 100 2VK. W.. IW-tiu volt, new N 1-H. P. Gasoline Engine W 6-H. P. Uasolln Engine, throttling governor 100 LE BRON KLECTRICAL WORKS, SI8 K. 12th Ht. o FOR hAl.K-New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard table and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all klnda; easy payment. Th Brunswick balke-Collendor Co-., 407-409 B. 10th Bt 15 NEW automatic weighing scale. It nd 110. Match mscldnra and lifting machines, electrlo fixtures and supplies, buggy hurness, toola, lumber and other miscellaneous article for ! or trad. J. 0. 1S1L EXECUTOR 70.1 So. 31at Av. Phone Harney 143. SEWING MACHINES for sal cheap. Tel. South ?Sfi7 ONE second hand band saw and planing machine, circular rip. Address L 9, Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. BTENOG, and telephone girl; prefer Council Bluff r-sident; atat Jary expected. M. 30. Ree. iB)K)K KEEPER and stenographer 00 HTEAO., out of town, temporary SO STENOGRAPHER and book keeper. .. . 60 Wstl Ref. Co., K-4M2 Brandel Theater. BTENOG. and clerk; must reside In South umana: salary to start I40. f 31, Bee. NO USUAL FILING FEE. Stenographers, It will pay you to call at our offices If you want a good posi tion. We also have some clerical posi tions open paying 130 to $40 per month. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N. Iuw-2P Woodmen of World. BOOKKEEPER AND STENO.. WITH CASHIER WORK. FINE PLACE. PAY $1H. HUT STARTING AT $11 BOOKKEEPER AND HTKNO., $'. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 1013 CITY NATIONAL. HeMJKKKKPEH AND STENO $ THE CANO AGENCY. ftlO BEE BIJ1G. N O F I LI NOV EE. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. Rogers Ref. Co.. 0.H- State Hank Ylldg. BOOKKEEPER AND STENO 164 to 75 .BOOKKEEPER, WHOLESALE 60 STENO., CO I NCIL BLUFFS 4S STENO.. SOUTH OMAHA 40 STENO.. INSURANCE vO W ESTERN REF. ANIJ BOND ASS'N, 7 Si Omaha Nat. Bank-Bldg. Factory aad Trades. LEARN ha'rdresalng. Oppenhelra Parlors WANTED-Hut ton hole maker and hand flnjlaher. Apply Albert Cnbn, 1322 Far nam St. Iloaaekeeaers aad Ooanestlea. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. Th Be will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get th desired result Thla applies to resldenta of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffa Brine ad to The Be office or telephone Tyler lbuO. WANTED A young girl to help with housework. In nice, pleaaant home with i every numnrn convenience. ant a girl I 14 Addrag. " -' - A GIRL warned who attends school half day for car of child In a small family for board and room. Excellent place. Should be over 18 yeara Call Harney 76M. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. OOOD WAGES. APPLY WITH REFER ENCE. MRS. LEONARD A. SPALD ING. SrH) HARNEY STREET. WANTED A girl for housewvrk; 1302 Park Ave. Harney $.. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; I In family; good wage; while girl only. Phone Webater Sung IvKLlAltLE, colored, want general housework or cooking. D. 8.r00. WANTEl A girl for general housework. l' . l th St. WANTEIV-Neat general housemaid who can rook; small family; good wagea 407 S. 3Mh St. WANTEls Gill or woman for general housework ; email family and good wagea. Call Mr. D. 11. Farr, J614 Lin coln Blvd. WANTED A rook In private family of $ 'adulu, out of iily; wages, a month and R. R. fare: no laundry work: must be good cook and able to give references. Addie P. 1 1. Smith, St. Edward. Neb WANTED Nurse for 1-year-old Mi. Joseph ilsrker. D. &.'. child. A NT Eli A Danish houavkeeper. jWANTElv-A neat, competent colored girl ir general iiousewoi x, no waahlng. i Harney Wi. WANTED A good girl for general bouse work; keep a second girl. Mra J. A. Sunderland, 1029 So. Kith St. WANTED-A white to we vtrl for general no cooking. housework: no washing; Web. 41. ?1 N. 1Mb St. WANTED An experlcn.-ed: no lug. I0 Dewey Ave. H. ISO. wash- I X PERI ENCED chambermaid. seam stress; also resident laundress, not by day; references required. Mra Arthur C. Smith. 13d Park avenue. COMPETENT 1rl for general housa work: uo washing, good wage. &i!6 Rurt St. tllRl. lor genernl hous.-work; three n family- no laundry. Webster f.K'i. JStn and Sua'diug. V'ANTI:i .V girl or woman to aoikTn luil.i.g l.oe. Douglus. HELP WAMKll FEMALE Mlarellaaeoaa. WAVTKD Immediately, an experienced Blrl for feeding a' ruling machine. Ht.ady portion. I Febure Ledger Com pany, CVdar Rapid", la 1M'I(-:H 4- mlaaea' cohI". aulta, dreaaea t aklrt aamplea at wholesale price. Hon of f New York Sample Store. r N. 16th WOMEN get government Joba. 170 month. List free. Franklin InBtltuU, DepL 4 R. JRoc h es ter. N. Y. YOl'NfJ women citning to (ima)ia a tranrer are Invited to vlalt the Young Women' Christian aneof latlon building at Pt. Mary' Ave. and 17th 8t.. where they be directed to . auitaMn bnardlr.g rlnce or oih-rwa4 aaslated. Look for our rave!er' gude : Cnlon etatlon HELP WANTE11---MAEK Clerlral a4 Office. HIOH-flRADK rnmmerrlal poaltlnn. WF.HT. RKF. Ar BOND AWN., 7ft? Omaha Nat'l HunkBldg WANTED fine live wire aalesman to work In Omaha. Apply F. L. McNall. R'Him 272, I'axton hotel. Iwfore 10 a. in. Monday. YOI'NIJ man with electrical experience, THE! MIDWEST RONDINU CO. 3I2 Hen llda. .'SALESMAN, good piMpos.tlon, Investment SALESMAN, specialty Commission SALESMAN, drapery Salary depends STENOGRAPHER ..4 7!t PTEXOORAPHER'and bookkeeper HTENi MJRA P1IKK A ROY TO LEARN TRADE Hnlary WATT4 REF. CO.. KtfMO-42 Bran. Thea. BOOKKEEPER t0f) STENO. AND H K PR 7fi TWO TRAVELING SALESMEN 76 STEMS AND CLERK 4(1 WESTERN REF. AND ROND ASS'N, 7M Omaha Nat. Bank Rldg. Boy. BRrailT. active boy for offlrework; must be neat and clean: good future. CO-OPERATIVE REFER KNCE CO., 1015 City National. Aa-enta, galea .ea aad llcltar. OIL SALESMAN WANTED To, handle an eastern Nebraska terri tory. We sell directly from reflnerv to conaumers, also dealer, llave competl trv prices, eel I on open account nd pav 3K per cent commission or salary. We are one of the oldeat Independent companies operating In the middle west. Address Y-IXO. Bee. WANTED Experienced Shoe Salesmen. Apply Super intendent, Brandeis Stores. SALEPMAN wnled to sell, our line of calendars, fan and booklet for adver tising C. S. Hammond A Co . .13 Church St.. New York. WANTED SEVERAL GOOD MEN OF GOOD ADDRESS TO TRAVEL: 3 TO IS PER DAY; STEADY POSITION FOR PRODUCERS. APPLY 883 BRANDEIS THEATER BJDO.. BEFORE NOON. SALESMAN wanted for side line of wool flannel and auto robes to retail trad In Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota. Address Y 179, Bee. Drug store eaaps: lobs. Knelst. Be Bldg. THE first payment now cover Insurance till July 1. 1916. This makes our policy easy to sell. Call or write. Mutual Ben efit, Health and Accident Assn. 423-13 City Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha. Nab PORTRAIT MEN 24-hour service on print and finished work. Write for cata logue. Robert Artists, 1420 McGee, Kan sas City, Mo. Factory aad Trades. AUTOMOBILE WISE OR OTHER WISH B wise a I Independent In business for yourself or earn big money. Our Isrg and well equipped school and shop will produce this result for you. Get our unusual Interesting offer with Catalogue "C." Day aid night claaaea. Phone D. Oil. 141S-U-1T Dedg St.. Omaha, Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. LEARN BARBER TRAi)B. B Independent; wagea and toola given. Electrlo massage. Strictly modern. Big demand for barber. Call or write. TRI-C1TT BARBER COLLEGE, 1114 Douglas St., Dm. 1031 N St.. Lincoln. WANTED Experienced gardener, who 1 willing- to hejp out with other work In suburban home. Address O 617, care Bee. Miecellaneows. GOOD YOUNO MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Biggest demand for our Maaneto. Elaa. Starter Auto Graduate. Too many un trained tinker repair men; good men posi tively neeaea. mg spring rusn. v catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COL LEGE. 106$ Farnam St.. Omaha. Be an Auto Mechanic nd draw a large salary, or go Into th auto business for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shop will bring thl result for you. Writ for fre booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, H14 K 10th St.. Omgha, Nh. WANTED 1,000 men to eat bam and eggs, 16c. Coffee John. 14tli and Capitol. WANTED All round automobile painter; no booser. Ryan Motor Car Shops, Lin coln, Neb. HELP W ACTED MALH AND FEMALE. THOUSANDS government job open to men and women; t to $160 month. Writ for UsL Franklin lasUlut. Dept. I21B, Rochester, N. Y. OMAHA government clerk examination April 28. 70 month. Common education sufficient. Sample question free. Apply Immediately. Address Y 3bl, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNO man wants place to w.rk lor board whll atteudlng Boyle college. Telephone Dougla linio. WANTED Krapluyment by middle-aged snao. aeVeral yeara, raTllroad and office experience; preler pualtion as traveling aalesinan or eft Ice work; can ua j pewriler; not a atsno. K sVJ. Be. MAN and wife want work of any kind. liarney ri. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG M AN, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, AFTER SCHOOL AND SATURDAYS. FAIR ED UCATION. AND CAN FURNISH Al REFERENCE. FOR INTERVIEW AD- DKESS G-2, BEE. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work: no washing. 31)10 Dewey Av. Tel. Harney 2Ki. WASHING and Ironing Ella. Web-33. WANTED A position doing housework. Douglas STiOO. WANTED Position by young America man; am willing to work a little for my money; have never held a Job over six months and am naturally lasy. If you have anything to offer address K $8, Bee office. EXPERIENCED young man wants work in a hotel or restaurant; cau do ny work. F 25, Bee. elTl ATloN wanted by a widow lady aa housekeeper, in o- out of city; refer ences exchanged. A 1. Bee. YOUNG man, X), experienced as cashier, bill and office clerk, desire position In Omaha; am college graduate, good calcu lator and excellent penman: best of ref erences; will atart at a mode rat salary. Address M , Be. W ANTED-Chsmbennald work. Ida Greene. D. im3. CLERICAL p.. si I ion Uoiired by young woman witn yeara experience, s year with electrical concern and I year gen eral office work. Phone So. 11. WANTED Position by all around coun try printer. Temperate and aleady. F. Caiman. Gen. iHd., Omaha. OLD and young want place a house keeper. No objection country. ?74 Srant S4 . Web. Sli.. Y'OUNtl man. attending American Auto college, want work evening to help defray expense of board; am used to hard work. Address O Be. WANTED Position by romit-teiit ao eountant and collection maa; No. 1 ref erences. Call Webster Ctf-T,. or addrea F IVe ANTFl Place drlvina nrlvat r,r: cn ioMiin Kooa releren. es, well ex perieiiccd. Addiess, J 27. Be. MEDICAL Why WheiK and Fiitula Can Piles Be Cured? I cure without surgery. My pHtlents are not confined to bed nd they do not lose a moment's lime from their business. . . . ,, My inethod Is not a "home cure" or a "correspondence treatment, but it Is an application of skilled treatment, administered undrr the most rlKld sntl scptlc rondltluns In mv offh. . A WRITTEN GI.ARANTI.E GIVEN IN EVERY CASE TREATKD. Pay When Cured. Dr. Maxwell hss resided In Omaha for twenty-eight years, and during this entire period has been engaged In treating Diseases of the Rectum, I Hes, Fistula, etc. ' Hundreds of the most prominent people In Omaha and all psrts of the 1'nlted State have lieen cured hv Ir. Maxwell, whose names may be obtained by request, and who would gladly c-rtify that Dr. Maxwell accomplishes all he claims In his advertising and at reasonable expense. Persons sre cautioned against Imitators, substitutes or Inferior methods of treatment. Patients must come to the office for treatment. HOURS; I TO 12, 2 TO 6; SL'NDAY, 10 TO 12. Dr. William Creighton Maxwell 44-9-10 Omaha. Nntlonal Hank Building, PJeventeenth and Farnam Streets, Omaha. Graduate Of Bellevue Hospital Medl.-al College, New York Citv. New York. NO PRINTED LITERATI RE SENT OCT. RUPTURE , jiupture treated Burceagfully by all lafe. scientific methods. Th ma jority are cured without a. surgical operation. We bare treated many hundreds of men. women and chil dren. The cost Is determined after ex amination, and time required to cure two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Quite 806, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. DHL TO habits successfully treated, 6-day arantee, harmless ' and painless guai method, full. stock; you cad be treated at home. Address Dr. C. C. Altken, 828 Park Ave. Phone Harney 3398. WANTED SITUATION'S YOUNG man wants any kind of work. Can give references. Address v-Si, nee. RELIABLE colored girl wants position as chambermaid. So. 2793. YOUNG man from the engineering de partment of Notre Dame university de sires a position of any sort immediately. Phone Douglas 7418. LIVE STOCK FOB SALE Horse aad Vehicle. FOR SALE 2 teams of well-matched. chunky snares; weight l.aw to l.ww ids. each; age 6 to 7 years; all good mares, right out of hard work; also $250 takes chunky team of mares, heavy In foaL J. Ryan, Mgr., zmjh rarnam. MUST sell team bay brewery horse; T year old, I.OnO lbs.; 4 team black marea. In foal, all young; 1 team brown marea, 2.70O lb., heavy In foal. Call at Bottle Beer Dept. 1214 S. 13th St. ATTENTION I Must sell thl week four . husky mares In foal; 1,200 to 1.400 pound each; have been taktn on a debt This Is a bargain. Call and Investigate. 608 B. 20th St, near Howard residence. SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Sav mi I sag and shrinkage. Your consign ment recerv prompt and careful atten tion. FARM wagons, fXi and up; haraeaa, $40. Johnson-Dan forth Co., ltith aV Clark Bts. FOR SALE 1 team of nice, large marea, heavy In foal: weight 1.400 lbs. each; age 6 gnd 7 year old; Inconvenient for party to care for stock; private residence. 2421 Dodge Ft. Lady owner. FOR SALE A nice, large team, weight l,6u0 lbs. each: one In foal; 30 bales of hay, six bag of cracked corn and bran; blanket, curry comb and brushes; must be sold within next I days; party leav ing city; cheap for ready cash. James Henry, $223 Dodge. FOR BALE 20 head of Horse and marea, ag from 4 year to I year, all well broke to work. Call telephone South 102. $322 Harrison St.. South Omaha. 60 horse tnd mule, all kind, off Missouri ranch. O. L. Llghtfoot. 2102 Cuming. Live Stock Caaasalasloa Merchamte. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exonang Bldg. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA V COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lost aome article would to well to call up the offlc of th Omaha V Council Bluff Street Railway com pany to ascertain, whether they left It In the street cars. Many artloles each day are turned in nd the company la anxtou to restore tl em to the rlghtfMl owaer. Call Doug. 4$. $6 REWARD for Information leading to the whereabout of a Boston bull ter rier, light brindle end white; hfijt whit face, breast and front leg, one blue eye. crooked tail, long ear, one whit tipped; favor right rear leg which ha been broken; name and addreji on collar. F. 11. Farrington, $35 Woolworth Av Harney 8922. LOST Sunday night, ladle' gold watch, fob attached, monogrammed "E. S.," between 10th and Arbor and 20th and Ontario. Reward If returned to 1918 On tario st. LOST Cameo titooch In Burgeas-Naah or between Hanscoiti Park and City Na tional Bank. Ltterl reward. No ques tions asked. Tyler 637. PERSONAL B. THOMPSON of 946 Crescent Place, Chicago, III., wlahe to communicate with atocKholdera of the Coliaeuin com pany of -,hlcago. HI. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a stranger are Invited to vlalt the Young Women' Christian association building at 17th St and St. Mary' Av., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise aaslated. Look for our trav elers' aid at th Union station. $7,000 to Pension Invalids If w rcelv. 600 -subscriptions to Th Lsullea Horn Journal 41 66 The Saturday Evening Post 160 Th Country Gentleman 1.60 Fach month till April to equal last year' buslnea. th original $5.0ii0 become the prot arty of th Invalid' Pension assn., making 17,000 to pension Invalids. We iHiiki have '.i sunscripiiona in reoruary. Your order or renewal add 10 eta Phone Doug. 7161 or address Uordon, the Magazine Man, OMAHA. NEB WANTED information about parent of Etfle Jdeil Smith: lelt destitute in Omaha. April 6. 18.6; daughter of Daisy Ids answer Erne Idell Smllh. 1XSS Olive St., St. Louts, Mo. THE Salvation Army Industrial bom so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga sines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Dougla 4136 aad our wagon will call. Call and luspect our new hum. U10-U1I-U14 Dodaa bt. OPIUM, morphine, cocaine, etc. can be aoccessfullly treated home; guaranteed Painless, harmless. Address Dr. C. C, Aitken 828 Park Ave. Phone Har. $396. o POULTRY A!TD SUPPLIES boN'T foiget tliat tbr i time mure chickens have been hatched In Oil Trusty incut ator than In any other In cubator. Catalogue free oa request. Ad dress, kl. 6L Johnson Co-. Clay Center, Neb. STEREOTYPE matrices make th best and cheapest lining lor poultry bouse. ITIiev are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more - I aurable man tarree (ell si.U practically I flreproot Tie a hundred at Tlie Be otftce. MEDICAL Do You Suffer POCLTKV AND SUPPLIES LET chlckensray your rent: send for free book. "Turning Eggs Into Chick ens Into Dollars," and free aamrle world only hatching chart; book deactibea Rayo incubators; give most chicks; hatch on one gitilon oil. Rayo Incubator Co., 1015 8. 12th St., Omaha. Neb. Phone Red 33Si. Mixed gmln. 100 lbs., $1.75. Wagner 801 N.18. BARRED ROCK chickens, poultry houses, Incubators for sale. Webster 6410. Leghorn hatching eggs. Tel. Florence 218. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA A B C of Omaha N EW and 2d -hand motors, dynamo, magneto, etc., and roach, repair. Le Bron EleTL Works, $18-20 S. 12th. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1907 Cuming. Douglas $467. Renovates feather and mattresses, of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down cover. fACUUM cleaner for sale. Vacuum cleaning don in th home. Sanitary Service Co., 306 Be Bldg. w E rent, repair, sell neudle and parts for all sewing machine. NB- i n I i - 1 mgr-x . ft i.ui.k.i.. 15th and Harney. Douglas 1061 Accoantanta. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A., Address 43$ Ram Be Bldg., Phone Douglas 7408. , Addlagr JM acnlne. Dalton Adding Machine. 411 8. 16. D. 144S. Adder Men. Co. (Wales), W. O. W. D. 6233. Architects. Everett a Dodds, 611 Paxton Blk. D. 1981. Anto Painting-. FORDS, $16: OTHERS. $20 UP. BrlggB. 1446 N. 18th. Phone Webster 17S8. Anto and Hagsct Repairing. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 141$. Anctloneers. Dowd Auction Co., 1115-18 W. O. W. R. $286. Attraction. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machlno and film bargains. Bine Printing. HORNBY BLUB PRINT CO.. $01 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Barber. II Chair. 10c share, aeek abave. 1817 Far. Brass Foundries- - Pton-Mltchel.Ct.. 17th and Martha Bt. Carpenter and Contractor.' STEVENSON. 82$ a 2M. Dougla 6630. California Lands. W. T. Smith Co.. 1111 City Nat'l Bk. D.2811. China Painting;. Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R. 441 Chiropractors. DR. EDWARDS, 84th A Tarn am. D. 9446. Cream tessratsn. Th Bharpleg Separator Co.. 12th & Fare. Cistern aad Well Dlaatma. NEED well or cistern cleaned or dugt SCHAFFER does it Phone Web. 66SL J. E. RirKEBTT U-.ll r...,...ni nothing too big or Impossible; estimate furnlhed. 610 N. 21t St. Omaha. t'lvli Eaarlaeers. M- J. LACY, Big BEE BLDO. DOUO. 4T1. W. J. McEathron, Tel D. 6601. 1018 Ora. Nat Coal Dealer. $5.50 L'&'ct' u. Decorators aad Paper Ha nature. BILGE R does It Pbone Walnut 1621 Da-emgr Aeadomle. DOUG. AUDL Spec'l rate for clubs and pri. oancce, wxii or tel. Mgr. D. 1424. Turpln' Dapclng Academy, 28th Fam. Try Mackle'J first. 1816 Harney. Doug. 6446. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1871 Dentist. Dr Bradbury. No paBn. 1506 Farnam. Dr. Todd' alveolar dentistry. 408 Brandeis Bailey, the Dentlal, 706 City Nat'l Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 21867 Pyorrhea, Dr. Flcke. 724' City Nat Bank." Detective. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States. Canart. r u..T 609 Paxton Blk. Doug. 137$. Walnut 1520 JAMES ALLAN. $11 Neville Blk. Ev uwivo .mw in an caaes. jyier 1186. Dreasataklasi- Terry Dreaamck'g college. 20th & Farnm. EXPERIENCED dressmaker watts work by day. Phone Florence 808. WATSON & LUND, Arfl Cab St Eleetrte Hnppllea. LEBRON Elec. Wka. $18 S. 12th. D. Itfi. Urw ara. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $11 order; catalogue free. Sherman eY Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Nab. Everything! for Weaken. ACCORDION, side, knife. (Unburst box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styies; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Heating Co., 'JM Dougia Block. D lt SWITCHES from combings, $1.60. Psych free. Mr H. M. Eck. 1km Many. H. bUn. ItAIRl'RESSING at your homo. R. MI. Fealkere ( leaned. BRING In your old straw hats; cleaned and tlyi f.Oc. Uora Elaeiv, 11M City .au Ikiuaias .".'. 6 arlers. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N Nth 8t W. T777. FlerUis. A. DON AG HUE. 1622 ITarnay. Doug. 100L BATH b flortots. 1MX Farnam St. HESS 4k 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St L. HENDERSON, 15i Farnam. D. li Member Florist Telegraph Del Assn. tiallrrlag nad Mpoallngr. FIRE PREVENTION CO.. Dougla 4584. Hair Dressing. Harper method. R- I. BalM Hldg. D. S1L Llahrtaar Klxtnree aad Wiring. THOMAS DUBIUN Electrlo fixture and supplies, contract ing and repsir work done reasonable. Ull CUM'NG. DOUGLAS 2619. Llv Stock Keaaedlee. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 601 B. Ulh. Red CSS. LIVE WIRE" III SIN ESS MEN OF OMAHA Meaaeaarer aad Teamster. WHITE LINE, 3f 8. 11th. Douglas 11 Mask, iMtinira aad Led sapalle. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes, Th largest slock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lieben AV Son. 1614 Howard. D. 4116. Masseaaea. CORA BELLING Y cr;nesat,.,f: lory treatment: 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. VAPOR BATHSj;-- 7t. Douglas Notice Entrance downstairs, basement, cor. of Dodxe. MTSS SCILMIDtT IIIHHS., elor. bath. D. 713. Open eve.. 9 p. m.; Sundays, 12 to ft MASSAGE. 1721 odge. Mra. Steele. M'sa Fisher, mass., eleo. treat. Red tf'JU. l'AsVi 4 J ir BEE I'.L ILDINU. AIA&OAJ.Ij poCGLAS KITS. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson, lirt2 Farnam, R. 2. Douglas 87oL Open evenings and Sundays. mTss " WAI.TON.-bgthT m.saqe. Tel. V. 4297. Hours 9 to 0: Sunday II to 6. Clara Lee, bath and massage. Doug. 8751. Kstbleen Mack, massage & hath. D. 7ESI. BATH 2H BaTrd Bldg.. 17th and DougT Moving, Storage aad llraalng. W. C. FERP.1N. Kth and Capitol. Ty. 12o. Oral lets. Eye examined, glasses fitted. ry you can. Drs. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Oateopntkic physlrlnns. Dr. Renichn. 2nJ-4 McCague Bldg. P. yg!4. Dr. Peterson. 61 Brandeig Birig.. D. 2144. Printing. WATFRS-BA RNT1ART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 21W. 524 S. 13th St. DOUGLAS TTlnting Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY & M KEN7JE PTG. CO. D. 2014. R IKS-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1S20 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 37S4. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. 11th St Patents. If. A. Sturges. 616 Brandeis Theater Rldg. D. O. Earnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7n7." Roach IS terns I IB. B. B. Roach powder at "Fregrger a " Painting; and Paperlagt. HUGH M'MANUS. 417 N. 40th. It. 6728. Plamea Renovated. PLUMES & flower made over, cleaned . dyed. Bertha Krugcr, C!9 Paxton. D. 8354. Bate and Time Lock Expert. C? A T?T70 Opened, repaired, com. Oir lirO changed. F. E. Daven W,A w port 1406 Dodge. D. 1M1. Shoe Repairing. Electric Shoe Rep. Co., 1807 8t Mary Av. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 211 S. 14. Signs and Show-cards. E. M CIARK tk SON. 118 S. 16TH ST. Steel CelllnsTS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 S. 10. Store and Office Flxtnre. DESKS, safe, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture nd Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2724. Towc Snppllee, OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 8. Ilth. D. 628. Tranka and Saucases. - FRELINQ ft 9TEINLE. 1806 Farnam St Tailors. CHA8. C. LANDERYOU, 108 N. 16th St OLSEM & ROUECHE, 1606 Harney. i-. 6W8. Get competent help .through The Beo. Veterinarians. DR. G. R. YOUNO.-4602 Center. Wal. 302.1 Wises aad Liquors. ALEX JETES, 206-$ B. I3th 8t. "Wines, . cigarai i-iate pinners, 11 to 9, 10c. Globe liquor house, 424 N. 16th; California wine. L25 per gal. Write for price list. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 16th and Cspltol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein' Liquor House. 622 N. 16th. Douxla 1809. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO 1913 6 pas. Buiok, fine condition.. Will trade for lot valued $1,000 on paved street Will pay difference if lot Im worth ! more. Call Webster 416. AUTOMOBILES Foi other automobile ' bargains so th "Automobile ' classifi cation. . ATTENTION, AUTOMOBILE OWNERS --Auto tire, nearly new casing, slxe M6xl, demountable rim and inner tube: will sell very cheap for cash, or what have you to swspT Add rex B. C. 153L Bee. BEST bargain In cityy Oakland roadster, cost $1,600 new. In best of condition; has new Urea. Will sell for $346, or take late model twin motorcycle (Indian pre-i f erred) a part pay. Aa I have no usa for this car, can give somebody a very good bargain. Address B. C. 644. Bee. CARPENTER WORK Will exchange aervlce aa carpenter for two lot grad Ing. Address 8, C. 655. Bee. CHICKENS Rhode Island Red cockerel. will exchange for pullets, same variety. Address S. C. 666. Bee. CLEAR HOT, Dix, Neb., $150. Want dni mond or any offer. P. O. box 602, Omaha. DRESS SUIT and Tuxedo, gas stove, or namental clock, or a mandolin for any thing I can use on a farm. What have you? Ad Ares B. C. 659. Bee. DESK Roll top desk good condition.' Prefer typewriter. What have youT Address, s. C. 661, Bee. GOOD, smooth ISO In NebrasKa; ylcldrd I $3,300 in grain and hay last season; 4 '4 ' miles to good railroad town; IVi miles to ' school; fenced, no buildings; price, ' terms right; no trades. Address Box St)l'. Grand Island, Neb. GUITAR Washburn guitar rnd canvas ; case; cost $2.60; to trade for plcturo i rard projector or kodak. Address S. c. 6i.7. Bee. HAMPTON, 17-Jewel watch, Duber c&eo, worth $ao. Want diamond ring. Address fi. C. 646, Bee. MOTORCYCLE 2 cylinder, chaiu drive. Harlcy-Davisoii, 2 paaseuger. fully Equipped, run 1,200 miles, tut. good. Presto lamp; cost 1275. Want diamond ring, clear lot or what have you; also have nearly new $125 typewriter; would trade together or separately. Address H. C. 600. Bee. MOTORCYCLE Will trade on twin' cylinder motorcycle with side car, all same ss new, for anything of equal value. Address S. C. 661, t are Bee. PIANO First class upright piano; want chickens and cow .r l.oraa or muka offer. Address S. C. G61. Bee. PIANO Swap on well located building lot; bal. cash. Giv full description and price or no attention paid. Address S. C. C54, Bee. PIANO to swap for an auto to make serv ice wagon out of. Ion t cure for paint, but want a good 4-cyllnder running- gear; no junk pile wanted. Address S. C. Bee. PIANO. In good shape to swap, on well located, close-In old style house and lot; will pay balance. Want something that can be made an excellent place: priced s round $2,000 or less. Give location and price, or no attention paid. Address S. U. ' Or!. Bee. - KOADSTER-1912 Ford roadster, in excel lent condition, new 11)14 roadster body, ' car looks snd runs like new; have bought1 a new car and will trade Ford for good clear Omaha lot. S. C. 275, Bee. RUBBER BOOTS Have good pair ol rubber boots almost new will suit or Irad for something I can use; la good condition: slxe S. C. 461. Bee. SADDLE Side saddle, good as new; will sell or trade, or what have you 7 Ad dress S. C. ifcu, Roe. elGX S. showcards. Clark & Bon. D. 1378. TYPEWRITER Hammond, uaed only I months, cost llio, also $15 Hampton watch: will trade one or both for dia mond ring, or what have you? Might con sider motorcycle if good, or offer. Ad dress S. C. tx.ti. Bee. , TOOL SHARPENER Never used; cost wholesale. $7. Will trade for anything, aa have no use lor It Address S. C. H Bee. VACUUM WASHING MACHINE'S Hae 3u0 well known vi-uuin waahlng ma. chine, all new and up-to-date. A guaran teed inac nine. Agents here Is your chance to make a cleanup thus spring. Will swsp for auto, or what have uu7 Addrea S. C 6Ju, Bee. s