TTIF, BKK: OMAITA, WEDNESDAY. FKRRUAUT 24. 1015. WW By I.IELLIFICIA. Tuesday, February 23, 1915. HE society editress has novel experiences In her March for elusive T Items. Missives of various aorta come to her desk. Sometimes it is candy and sometimes other things even poetry has been written to her. The candy was awfully good and enjoyed by the whole editorial staff. "Whoever sent it was at any rate artistic, for it was a gay box, decorated with a candlestick, that greeted me. The Identity of the giver Is still concealed, hat mysteries are pleasant things. The following effusion came to m Saturday, bat, really, strange as it may seem, this Is not the usual manner in which 1 get the news. lost a I 4m finishing, here comes a pretty little corsage of roses, tt is pretty stood to be a society editor ess after all: "THE CROSSED WIRE." "Number, please." "Hello, Central! Give me Crescent 203. Catharine, Is this really you? I've something Interesting for you to hear; Ton Ye sure there is nobody else near. And are you on a private line? , I want you only to hear this secret of mine.. Wen, Jack was up lsst night, you see, And aaid something awfully dear to me. ': Took out of his pocket a box with a spring I know you will guess right off yes, a ring. Now we're engaged, and we plan Yon for bridesmaid and your 'Tom' for best man. .We'll be married in June the rose montn you know; And, for a wedding trip abroad we willgo. ' Now, out of the bag, don't let the cat; Bat keep this quiet under your hat. Kaw! Haw! Mercy! There must be crossed wire This is enough to arouse anyone's ire." -"I hope for this eavesdropping you'll pardon me; I'm the society editor of The Bee. Such a 'bit of interesting news To print; we surely can't refuse. The wires may be crossed and you may be cross, But what is our gain, may, perhaps, be your loss." "Now, he's hung up the secret Is out Just because Central did not know what she's about." J. M. J. Qranden.and Mr. William Milder. His Helen Nssh save a number of vocal solos during the evening. The guests present were: , ,-L At the Srandeii.. The following have made reservations for "Potash end I'erlmutter," which opens an engagement at the Brandels tomorrow evening:! Mayof end Mm. Zehnins of Lincoln. Mr. nn jure neorso iutvoriir. Mrs. Off.itf. Mr. J. J. Rrown, Mr. Van Lady. , , A. M. TMnto. K. M. Hrowtiins, X. Vlnaonhaler, A, M. Jeffreys. Jl Hopalrt. Wx-.ti Allen, A. 14. t'llman, O. ft. Thutnniel. J. A. Ruall, . f-sjn Wertlieimer, p. J3. Powell. j. S7iU". A. Johnson, A. F1cr, F. JUchanJoon, J. R. Fergaaon, Rtsumaxa. r. Irmoflf, It. Pollard, W. UiTkrr1. -r. A. P. fwm, rmuel Burns. Jof rh fntoajf, r. J. Ntii. Tr. Er!lr. F.. T. iwm, Arthur OutoU. l'hrl- Mots. V T. HtH. W. R. V. orta, TranS Hfyd. La. rei, A. C. MlH, A- ArJJiur iwws. i. A. Joh00. K. A. Moore, T. J. Nolan, Al O. Mitchell, II. Ilosenatock, H. O. Klard, r. 8. H. lavls, , John Madden, Kopsl'1. W. J. I . iitlrnr Kounts. H. Oonant, Lew Lorlnsf, V W. Juriaon, AlhertKrug, E. P feck. A. M. Warren, Meyer, a. E. Bernstein, Drelftia. A. O. Meeann. F. 8. Pollard, Maxes, . T. Flynn, ; M. Kubensteln. , F. U Hyn. B. Hoffman. . J. nauwtn, C. Mets. M. a. Colnelaer, Jack FaMwin, rinrct i:ier, F. M, Smith. . W. Johnson, H, F. Wyman. W. M. MiPord, Ir. mndlay. TV A. Hum, if. HO!'". C. H. Wright, Wlokham, . W. U ftiastOTJrlan. Misses- Mlases--Nora Orandatl. Helen Naah, Julia 14rnea, Jora McDonald, Agnfe Hymen, Meeara. William Milder, Paul Auxler. Ilarvey J. bet. Mies Helen Laronn entertained at her home Saturday evening In Jionor of her sixteenth birthday anniversary. Those preecnt were; Mlaea Marnaret Pates, Minnie Llckeit, llascl niKKlne, Violet flyera, Helen Jreon. Oraca 1'oriahey, Measra. Louie' Hers. Albert Wiixtavson, Alvln tlelm, Rudolph Ijureon, ("barlea I'urkman. (Ralph Byera. A birthday surfirlaa party tt alvan their son, Richard, Saturday. ' The erren by Mr.' and Mra L. Rubeck In honor of lag eras spent la games and musks. Those preeent were! Meaarm P.owrt niackbtirn, Everett Marx, Mieaes Panay Miller. Marie Kuhe, rn Ford. Kittle Rouch, Tlllls Lnon, Meaars. ' Walter Helnts. Charles Jenaen. -Arthur Durkman, Hotlle Ford, Owen MiUcr. Wilfrid Tard Here, Mr. wnfrad Ward will deliver a lecture oa "Newman and the Great Contem poraries of that Period" at the Sacred rt eonvant. Thlrty-atxth and Burt afreets, Thursday aftornoon at o'oiook. Tickets may ba procured" at the oor. 1 Mr. Ward Is the 5tor of the FuMlo Pvtew and baa emme to America at the lnvlt,tun f Tale and Harvard unlver aitlec whers ba has delivered th same lecture. On & CJcndax. Mrs. J. M. MetcaVf will give a bridge rty Wedaiasday for Miss Lurlle Bacon, ep of ths wtatafs debutantes. Miaa Katherlna Thummel will entertain ttv Wedaeaday Bridge club tomorrow at her home. itrs. L. T. Crofeot will give a luncheon at her home In honor of Mr. Wilfrid Ward, who lectures at the Sacred Heart convent Thursday afternoon. rsneir!? Parties Tonight Tits Twinkle club wilt give a dancing U.U evkiig at tl.e UeticpoMlan til. The Acaxia club will enUrtVln this evening at the trottUh Kits cathedral. JDtbutaate Bridge Club. ' llm lUanche Ieuel was hostess today .t the meeting of the Det.uUnte Brtdse fr??sb. Sissa Oreta Lane of New York, who is vtaiUng Mtaa Kugenla Patterson, h lh auet of the club. Those present Mtaeea Mlfwe- Cocia l4iiT Marion Kuhn, 4 h York. Thumtnel, T tMrniia fltiriwn. jMnct Hnil, ' r rn;'i i'rrieUer, AnntJif'ord, 1 ii rirn, Helen Clark, i .. .ir Mat key. CLaeje of Eesidence. Mr. Lr.d Mr. likhard Webaier leave Turay evening for Waahitigton, D. C, i.rr t)x-y will reitlde tn the future. I :Urtain at Eridge. i'.r. and iSrs. Hoy iialph will entertain at au.-iloo bridge thle evening In honor pf Mr. and Mra. Rl-hard Webeter. The rwnne lll be decorated throughout with 1 ,;:.rr.?y roace and four tables of play era alii be preeent.- Mlaaes Telta Jtubeck, . . Roue Rubatk, Harart Huoack, silvi Ruback. lena Httrwlch, i:tr Ottrowlch, Fannie Harris, Roee Harrla, Lena Kontorovltl Meaars. Richard Ruback, l'avlti Mlli.T. Maurice Mitchell, lasle t'ohxn. Louis Cohen, Mlases Ltsaln Harris. . tarah Walk. . Ida Osreltck, , . . Nettie tltreltck. taiah Mlnkln, Mullie Hii. k, Unttv Kapian, Ucrtrude icekovlts, Mollis 1AOVllS. Harry Cohen, Inula Walk, hum Rainlck, Him Jacoboff, Carl HUkea. Mr. and Mrs. Ruback. .A dancing party was given Saturday evening at tbs MengedoM apaHmeDts. About thirty couples were present. Thimble Club. Mrs. BubicII Harris was hostess this afternoon at the meeting of the Thimble club. The members Included: Mcodumes Meadantea J. il. Bailey. I. w. Carpenter, Ueome Harlier, K. M. Wtikthe. A C. fiucltanan, ' ' Koyai Mtller, 1 Alexander Ruchanaa,W. C. Rarnecy, L. K. Carrier. A.- W. Carpenter, Ut'tl Cai ieulr, J. It. Uumanl, O. W. Clabaugh, Frank Carpenter, 5. C, Eilxeiley. tleorge tiltriiore, Arthur Lock wood, Mlmee i Mary Phllllppl. Nell Carpenter. ' llulen Carrinr, Manon Carpenter, Arthur Hnilth. H. T. KtreUlit, Koy fiundorland. JKaiph fiinileriund, W. il. Templeton. L D. White. Kuescll It trie, J. A. Sunderland, A. U Patrick. Arthur Lock wood. : M laaa Bcaa Llurootit. I. 1 1 more, bertha Whits, SUPREME COURT JUDGE'S DAUGHTER MARRIES SECRETLY Miss Eugenie A. Philbin, daughter of Su preme Justice Eugene A. Philbin of New York, and Louis II. Wetmore were married secretly and then telephoned the news to the bride's' father, who is ill in bed. V - - - " I. : " ' ' ' ' , V - V t-tJ . - ... t II a. ) ' ' . i ... ' J - 1 n pVw -'u' f ' ' ' .'" t ' Y ' " ' ': k :f ft j , " - ''' rasW'.'sV HO WOMEN OH WELFARE BOARD Mayor Dahlman Sayi H Intend to Appoint Only Men at Start of Welfare Campaijrn. NO APPOINTMENTS FOR A WHILE Mayor J. C. Dahlman announces that In all probability he will not appoint a woman on the new public welfars board, which will be Compos A of five members. He .explains that the, first work will be of an Investigative nature and will re quire much evening work. ' He will no announce the personnel of the board until the . annexation matter has bewn dis posed of. J. A. Fry. president f the Cntral Park Koclal Center, and C. E. Rtchter, J. R. Beard and R. H. Morton of the aame or ganisation; Mrs. J. W. Miller, president of the Monmouth Park Mothers' elub: Mrs. C. W. Plotts. president of the Mon mouth Park Mothers' club, and Mrs. R. H. Morton. Mrs. M. Latham. Mrs. C. O. Schmidt and Mies Helen Vermeil of the organizations mentioned, called, on the mayor and urged the appointment of E. V. acps'n, prlnclpsl of the Fort school for boys ss a member of the public wel fare board. The msyor promised to give this recommendation proper consideration. I'rge Mrs. Haiyea. Mrs. S. T.i Miller and Mrs. C. J. le barth, representing the. North Bide Mothers' club, also called to recommend the appointment of Mm. C. W. Hayes aa a member of the welfare board. The mayor told thee women of his belief that a woman would not be appointed. He ex plained that he thought that after th3 board had formulated a plan and was ready to engage paid assistants to carry on the real work, then women should be given coneideratlon. Besides Mrs. Hayce, the names of Mrs. F. H. Cole.' Mra. IL E. Newbeanch and Mra Paul 0ttschmann have been men tioned In this connection. ' , Borne of the women still "contend that a woman .should be appointed on the welfare board and .they do not Intend to give up at this stage of the game. MOTHER ANXIOUS TO HEAR FROM WALTER M. BODINE Walter M. Bodlne Is breaking his mother's heart He left his home In St. Louts over two years sgo .and has not - communicated wffh his sorrowing mother since then. Ills mother, Mrs. N. Bodlne, 6060 Mapls 1 i ; the luncheon the members 'bowled at the Farnam alleys. The high score, 974, was made by Mra. W. J. Csttin's team. Those present were:'' Meadnme Meedames . J. A. Frveland, ! F. P.' Loverlng, K. tt. t'nderwood, Charles Meyera, Alex Jetea, . .. . A. S. Ftereon, R. O. Ulerman. . 1 Frank Carpenter, wiiuam it. uouia. ir.J. A. Koirera- W. J. Cattln. I. M, IMmhk, Henry Keating, n and Out of the Bee Hiwr Mr. Tom McShane returned Sunday from two weeks In New York City. En route home he vlulted Mr. and Mrs. Colling In Baltimore. ' ommittee Refers Light Bill Scrap to the Directors The executive committee of the . Com mercial club refused to put the - matter of endorsement of the Baundera electric light bill before the entire membership of. the club, but referred the petition which was presented to jthem to the board of directors, who will hold a meeting Monday to make a decision. . Botn the executive committee and the board of rectors ' refused ', ta endorse the bill, whereupon militant members of the club circulated a petition that It be put up to the entire membership. The petition. which contained . about DuO names, was presented to the executive committee, by L. tihants, Ed Blater, Robert Trimble. K. O. Hamilton, C. B. Penney and J.P. Cook, Tuesday Bridge Clab. - The Turaday Bridge elub was enter tained thle etternoea at the home of Mra John Redlok. Owing is the abaenoe cf many of the members from the city there were only two tables of players preeent With the Bridre Players. The Pan-American Bridge club was en tertained this afternoon by Mrs. R. I Rows. The members are: Meidamea Mesdamee . DavM T;t own, Janmi boon, H. I. Howe. . I C. F. RRtekin, L. J. Piatll. nhrt bhelcliley. Miaaea Frances PlattL Mlviea- Krll Uamura. To Jloftor Ilo'j-e Gueit Mr. and Mrs. O. I. Ktpllngcr will tn t.rtaln Infi.rrnally this exentng la honor it htc guvat Mite Marguerite Moore i r hiL tiimi iiia, al. Miaa Moore has been ' gueat of Mr. and Mrs, JOpllnger for -'i days .t1 many aftalra have 1 bo vn fur ht-r. Hie will leave thle enerv l :-t fur ber home. 1 ' .its list . At'-'- Iif!r eiitrrtalned the . u of tie t r- n Iimg ccmpany 1 l'i i! at' '.ome. The rooms v di-..rated throughout wtth forge Kistj'.gma t,, f i.M. t and the prlw tr t so. tn rrw awarded to Mm Nora Lenten Sewings. Mrs. II. B. Lemere was hoateaa this afternoon for the Lentta Sewing circle of All KeinU' church. The regular meeting of the Lenlei Hew ing elub tor Trinity cathedral was held this morning at the home of Mra F. H I'avta. , - . Give Birthday Party. Mr. ana Mrs. J. W. Bkoglund enter tained at a birthday party Monday eve ning in honor of the birthday of their slater. Mlas Katherlne VI mix. Those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rchroeder. Wr. end Mra J, W. tWihind. Miitftpe Joari.hlne Rhodcn, , Myrtle lndr. Aatnmne Minix. Mavtne Mima. lor. atcaara. A H. krlltiy, ' Jainee nthony, t heator Mount. KotwUd burscaa. Informal Luncheon. Mr Hal Brady gave a luncheon toda St her home, for MUs Buth Donnelly me ef the members of the "1'nder Cover1 company playing at ths Brar.dcl, Carter Lake GobT" ine i-artir Iike awtmmtng1 and Bowl- Ing club was entertained St lumbeon iunaay at the Commercial 1-lub. After H. Doldetrom. Aj Cermody, Jf. H. M.' M. H. J. C. M, Whltehouse, BaitHett. Hackett, Johnson. " to take charge of the new hotel came up There he laid the problem before Edgar A. Wuls of the International. Hotel Brokerage company, 606 Fifth avenue. Mr. Wats has the record of every hotel man in the country and he found that the record of William R. Burbank, man ager of the Onondaga hotel, Syracuse, N. T., was remarkably good. Negotiations were closed and on March 11, 1913. Mr. Wattles mailed his check for $12,000 to Mr. Wals, with his thanka and the statement, "I believe we have re ceived through you ths very best tenant possible."' .1 W. -a 3V CRIATI9T FASHION EVtNT OPTrieyBAH A BTYIF-SE9W) tzoivmiE wooixva LOHll.MA.N The BeUabs Ziadtee Tailor 433-e reason mioe. TTfTT L Lis T avenire, f?t. Iuia, has written ths fol lowing letter to The Bee In the effort to find her son, so that she may at least know he is sltve and well: , "Editor Omaha Pee Dear Sir: Will you please help me to find my son? He has been miming for two years. I have Just heard that he was seen in Omsha two years sgo by s school friend. His name Is Wslter M. Bodlne. If he only would write to me It would take such a load off my heart. I want him to know that everything Is sll rlKht. I would be so grateful to you for anything you could do to find my son." . lvTe444WfeTT4Wa How To Get Rid of a . Dad Cough A Rente-Made lUssedy taa Will De It dulrkly. Ckea aa . Bully Made . If yon have a bad cough or chest cold Which refuses to vield ta nrdinarv rem. Idjea-Rct mra any druintist 2 hi ounces of Pinex (60 cents wortu), pour into a pint Dome auu uu the buttle with plain granulated sugar syrup. Start taking a teaBpoonful every hour or two. In 4 hours your cough wilt be conquered or very nearly so. Even whoopuur coukb is greatly relieved in this wsy. The above mixture makes a 'full pint a family aupply of the finest cough Srup that money could buy at a coat only 64 cents. Ksiilv rircuared in & rull directions with Pinex. . Hotel Managers Come as High as Good Ball Players Oood, hotel managers and leesees com high.' . i Ths Douglas Hotel company psld Ht.OOO In cold caah to get William It. Burbank. leasee and manager of ths new Fonts aells hotel. O. W, Wattles went to New York wtien ths problem of getting a good hotel man Sugar Hvrun prepa (h and 'nn wr First Ka!f OUG Mile, 48o for each additional mile there after for the eisUnes you ride. Re charge for call ing or returning. Waitine- Time at Kate of 31.S0 er Sons. "That's Ou Bervioe" Telephone Doug. 90. OmaftrTaxi Ssrvlsa Go. 2104 Farnam St. OMAHA HOTKI.S. minutes. Iliis Pines and reuun lakes rigut lioia OI a eougl filvvs almost immediate. relief. It lima. ens ths dry, hoarse or tight cough in a way that is really remarkable. Also quickly heals the Inflamed membranes which accompany a painful cough, and stops the forniation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending the persistent loose cough. Excellent for bronchitis, spasmodic croup and winter coucha. Keeps perfectly and tastes good children like it. Pinex is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, rich in guaiacol, which is so healing to the membranes. To avoid (liMi,!xiintiiienf ask vonr druggist for ounces of Pinex," do i cot sccept snvthing else. A guarantee i oi aheoiute satislart ion, or money prompt- j jy refunded goes with this preparation, j f aoe I'll AOT COASTS FKOM WiVtKK rR(MTS TO KVHMIK rLOTVEKa la S Uewra i'inex Co., I U VSayue. iad. What Thia Folks Should Do To Gain Weight Phyairian'a. Advice blur Thin, l ndv velojied Men aud Wunvn - Thousands of people suffer from ex- ceaeive tiiinnma. wbmJc iiprves ani feeble etHi!ai-ha wtio. haviua- tried aiert:t rieh-niakei, foud-fada, piiyttt, aJt culture alunta and rub-on crwiun. rnaivn thviu- Sclvea to lire-long ektiuilnraa and think i nothing will make them fat. Vet their 1 caae la not hopelem. A recently tllacov- 1 ered resMiiTMtive rrce luakea fat grow I e-fter r&ra of thlnneaa. and ia alao uu- ; uualled fur retxlrtiiK trie waate of elrk- 1 ria or faulty dcoatlon ami for! etrcna-thenin the nervea. This remsk- able nlacovery la railed SanrivL rl ; atrensih-siving. fat-prixtuclna' vUmenta of aciinotk leilMfd merit have been nun. hln-d In tiila pwrlcaa preaiatka, i wnicn ia eia,ireI l,y rmlDenl nhvsl ciana and uml by people t-v-erywhore. it la atiNirfuiuly armleaa, Inexpeimlve and effuint. A month's syateniattc uae of Parcel ahuuid pruduce fleoli and atmnvtU bv roi'i-eetina; faulta of dixesllon and bv aupplylna hlhly con- entrated futa tn the blooi. JnreaJiHt uouriahiueft ta t tulne frmn the food nateu. and Vie Jiiuonal fala that tliln i-en'i-U are H-rovl.1d. 6hermajt A Mei'onnoll T'iu ( a, C uiaha. nntl other lvJli. aruKKUis supply hrvol and Hy (iiate 1 a Iujkb U.'ML.nd foe It. Willi tide ii w preparation hsa given splerulid rraulia aa a nerva-tulo ami vitaiiarr. It aho.ilit not be unt il bv tin v. oua pmipI unirsa li v ih to auiu at Itast ten pouiula of flcaU. E - - , iifiiiiiiHsiliiiii iililiisiil till 1 1. 1' V. J eomfcrtabiy aaatad ta s roxy Pulhaaa ea the Ovr M M. R. lh tovrnay k a pleaaura and the soal Is aelisnuuL GOLri TKNMISI RIDIIfGI ' lUkr BitmiNoi sailinoi Kt WHERB TO STAY Mi. AasaKtlnei Panes de Leon and Alcasar. Oraittnd-oa-tbe-HaJUaai Hotsl Ormsnd. Palm ttntrhi Breakers and Royal Pntnciana. Miami i KoyaJ Psim. Massan, Hahamasi Ths Colonial. Lhi Key i An I1mI Fuhing as. Havana, t'ibai Via Key Wsst and P. A O. 8. 8. Oa. FLORIDA. EAST COAHT rtaslsr Syatssa 141 rtfth An. New York lua W. Adams St.. Chkase si. jkuausuna. ria. 4 t -v's--, . -.t ,H' in r' 1 t.M I. ,. DroadwtMj tvt 29 St. "Am Hatal Wker Guests are Made ' ta Feel at tioan Not too large, yet large enough to afford the maximum of value at, minimum expense. Exceptionally Acceac&la $3$ Aumsu iWarreit JUtfasmsif Cassfss Sisxle Kooats Hik Raanlss Wsear ss wsm St.0tsj.6SasrasV SIM'S Iseass lih Tab sr Shwsr f i.50 ts.ta rw say Devbai esss viik Rssslst Vsisr $2.U9 Is ti.Cd er as DaaVls Reeaia viik Tab ar Sbfr f itlO IS tf-.UO esr Say EDWARD C FOGC aVaaswtnsr Mrsse ROV U UKOW.t. JtsataWt Mmtsr Mothers of Girls Will Be Delighted With the Appearance and Practicalness of These WASHABLE SCHOOL DRESSES Prices, too, add to their interest, for to' introduce them we have ar ranged special markings on each $1.50 to $3.98 i These particular lots .are colored wash garments of the prettiest of spring colors and combinations and in ginghams, percales, dimities, reps, linens and kindred fabrics. Belted, . collared and cuffed, ' embroidered pique, Empire, Russian and girdled models featured.. 1.50,1.98,2.50,2.98,3.98 6 al 4A . Jr Prices now are There's aNote of Spring I nEvery Line of These New fy Arrived Silk Frocks The Weaves Are the Very Newest. The Models Are Many and Varied- Price $19.00 Very charmin frocks, indeed, for the Easter season for street . and afternoon wear. - Truly exceptional values, too, for Wednesday selling an advance season offering which explains the lowness of the price. C IV. r A Sale of New Lingerie at $1.00 There are filmy gowns trimmed with dainty Uces and em broideries; there are the very popular envelope, combinations and there are many charming "corset covers. Wednesday $1.00 V Silks Will Cost Less Wednesday Special selections of certain kinds of desirable silks 1 that show notable redactions from original prices. Unusually good "quality in every-, instance 100 Pieces of "Spot Proof" and "Shed-Water" Dress Foulards In the newest designs two and three tone printings. These are the regu- lar 85c and $1.00 quail' ties. Wednesday, a yard Chrffotr Taffetas, much in vogue for dresses and suits. In all fashion able street shades. ' We are offer ins an exceptional lot. made to sell for $1.00. Wednes day, a yard. . 69c 40-Inch Pure Silk Crepe de Chine Street shades and evening tints. A superior quality In over 40 shades, Includ- (f Ing Ivory, Cream and Black. Sale price, yard ..spl.Uv Dress Goods-Two Special Groups Beltlasr Wesarttef th Mala Flssr. Black and White Checks In three slses of cheeks. Including barred effects. A quality that will give excellent ser erred effects. A quality that will give excellent 97 ervlce. Regular SOc value; Wednesday, yard ,...a)f C .Dress Goods A Basement Sale 1,350 Yards of 40 to 64-Inch Sultlng-i-From a special purchase, consists of Serges. Whipcords. Diagonals, Fancy Suitings. Mate lasso Spring Coatings. - Worth to .$1.60. Special, a yard This lot 47c Spring Curtains and Curtain Materials raattortca "rstrh Madras C'artalaa Special, a pair 7B Fivers f New BtanaiB V oils Wtth mercerised rib bon edge borders. Wednes day, a yard , Msmlia rartaias far BeSrseaa Over 25 new patterns. Special, a pair, Ma, S-3 and $1.25 i aaal 39c $1.50 S aaS 50-Iarh Creaaa Hadrai A beautiful assortment. Bpeclal Wednesday, a yard, SSe and Calarvd Border Ktamlae Ths most complete assortment w. have ever shown. Wednesday special, a yard, lSe, sac and.. 200 Hingis Portieres worth 7 96 to 5 a pair. Wednes day, each 45c i most 39c .$1.39 150 Dinner Sets Will Be on Sale Wednesday for Only a Set $4.89 v The decoration Is ths antique r Vjablue Copenhagen, handsomely mwuBi.u if. wiu wvruy anapa, with all the esssntials of the eld masters' Copenhagen one of the most popular decorations made on displsy In every high-grade enma snop tn thle country. Wednesday, to close these sets out quicKly, we offer them for , . . Bell shape. Beautiful Cut Star Tall Tumblen cial, each, 8c; a dozen $4.89 s7UC Wednesday's Wall Paper Specials . Continuing the sal of R. Campbell's, Dorchester Street, Chicago, Auction Stock at Greatly Reduced Prices. 3c R. Campbell's &e and 6c Papers SnRable for bedrooms and Kitch ens. With borders to match. Special, a roll. Parlor, Dining Room and Hall Pa. psre Beautiful assortment, with borders to match. All shades and patterns. Worth to 10c, r t a roll sJ2C R. Campbell's Pulp Oatmeal Pa pers Brosra, tan. green and red with cutout borders. Regular lSe grade. Special Wedneav r day, a roll 1UC New Gold Pspsra With or with out borders and In all leading eel- ors. Worth to ZZc; In this special sale, a roll this ja s er e a aaV AW V