Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    TTTT' PVr1. mr Ut I lrtMWTV'TMV 1M mhi i m ...
i "ulj. u,u,ui,, )u.i).ii.i v . r cam i , u .4, li'U. -
Ouch! Backache!
Rub Lumbago or
Stiffness Away
"hen your back Is gore and lame or
tumbaso, sciatica or rheumatism ha you
( stiffened up, don't miffer! Get a small
trial bottle of old. honest St. Jacobs
OU" at any drug atore. pour a little In
your hand and rub it right on your ach
Inj bark, and by the time you count
fifty, the soreness and lameness It gone.
ron't stay crippled! This aoothln, pen
1 etrattns; oil need to be uaed only once.
It takei the pain right out and ende the
misery. It Is magical, yt absolutely
harmless and doesn't burn the ikln.
Nothing else atopa lumbago, sciatica,
backache or rheumatism so promptly. It
never dlsappolnts.-Advertlsement,
Yi wi th rtry bit a)u for your
Wi? whw you buv a diamond, watch
ar othor Jewelry at IjOFTIH HUOff. CO.
Com In today and open a cbargt account.
$40 $40
Diamond Rinsr
A wonderful atone of gen-
"" proportions and full
ot fiery brilliancy, set In
jvk ni in mm a
nanosome velvet ring box.
Only ft Week
W nT vrnnflerrul bargalna In Wlrti
en Credit. Term u low u It i month.
Open Dellj Till P. M.. Saturdays Till :M.
Call or writ for ItloatratM caUlof No.
SOI. Phoae D. 1444 and aalma will call.
Credit Jewflers
BROS & Ca Uai rw ... O..L.
I Cured li Quickly So It Rever Returned
Even After Beauty Doctors, Elec- .
tricity and Depilatories failed.
"From dMP plr
Ho Joyful sattsiautlou
w tha change In my
fooiinca when I fouatf
' aa y method to euro
la dlstraaslnilr baa
?lTwlh of Uuporfluoiu
- Hlr. Altor many iii
Vim an rapol aw-
' I will ad (absolute-
It fiM aad without ob-
llgitloal to soy etnr
urrorer full and com-
cleU dMortptlon of sow
I aura tlx hair m
that It Mi nevor ro-
turoea. If you h a
I hair arowth you with
to 'daotrojr, quit vast
tna your monay oa
worthVata aowdora. tutu and liquid, or to
danforoua doctrtc nclf; tesra from m th '
and palalas mat hod I found. Simply aend your
nam and addr (atatlng wlwtlm Mr, or Mini
and a I ont tmp for reply, 4droet to Mr.
Ksthnnt Jeaklna. utflc HI, B. D.. ror. bum
mar St, and Atlantic At., Boalon. Mas.
1 -
thla vicinity to Mrs. Jcnkln fro colid.
tll Itutruottun for th banlahment of riu
orfluoua Hair, If arnt wttb 2c stamp for
poauc. Cut out and via La yoar Lttr.
Good for imraMiat um only. Address Mrs.
Kathrya Jonklns, Ofllr Ml, B. D. Tor.
8ummr Pt. and Atlantic Ave.t Boston, afaas.
If you know aumeoitu who Is troubled
'With catarrhal deatneas or head noiaea,
cut this formula and hand it to them
and you will have been the means of
saving some poor sufferer perhaps from
total dealnea. Experiments conducted
In Kngland some time ago seem to prove
conclusively that catarrhal deafness,
head noises, etc., were directly caused by
constitutional trouble. It was further
brought out that salves, sprays, Inhalers,
etc. merely temporize with the com
plaint, aad seldom, if ever, effect a per
manent cure. This being so, much time
and money were spent In perfecting a
pure, gentle, yet effective tonlo that
would quickly dispel all traces ot the
catarrhal poison from the system. The
prescription which was eventually for
mulated and which has aroused the be
lief that catarrhal deafness and head
noises will soon be extinct Is given below
in understandable form so that anyone
can treat themselves in their own home
at little expense.
Secure from your druggist 1 01. Par.
mint (Double Strength I. about Too worth.
Taka this home and add to It hi pint of
hot water and 4 o. of granulated sugar;
stir until dUulved. Tske one table
spoonful four tlmea a day.
Parmlnt is uard In this way not only
to reduce by tonic action, the Inflamma
tion and tvIMn in . t. -
m . . --... ... 1 1 1 t i . 'ii i v 1 1 in ii
rubee, and thua to equalise the air pres.
smre on the drum, but to correct any
or secretions In the middle ear.
y iTBon w no naa catarrh in anv
form should ittva thla rorii,a. -i.i
free themaelves from this destructive
vickotj. Auvei iiseinent.
TldeUty Bterars Taa Ca. Boar. WX
W. t. Bslbw ft Beas, general Insuranoa.
Ft 1st ttNaw Beacon Press
Bnrgaas-eraaaaa Ce. Lighting flxturea
T aa teg Choi ca real estate loans. W.
a Thomas, III State Bank Bldg.
7dst Back at Work City Commis
sioner J. J. Ryder is back at work after
several weeks at home with a sprained
Today's Complete Xorte Program
lasslfied swetten today, and appears In
The new EXCLUSIVELY, rind out what
th various moving picture theaters after.
Quickly Located and saslly accaaalbU
are two prime requlaltes ot a deslrabu
office location. Tenants In The Bet
Building, "tha building that is always
new," find these two conditions ot great
strvlce In building up their business.
Hold rim Baaauet The first ban
quet of the Omaha Knife and Kork club
will be given at tha Rome hotel Wednes
day evening. Mr. Henry J. Allen ot the
Wichita Beacon. Father Klftge of C Brigh
ton university and Fred M. Tufta of the
Kansas City Knife and Fork club will be
the speakers of the evening.
Croeg to Chloago X laser A. R. Mal
colm, assistant general freight agent of
the Missouri Psclflc. goes' to Chicago,
where Thursday night he will be a guest
at the annual dinner of the Chicago
Freight Trafflo club, when covers will be
laid for 600 or TOO persons. Thla dinner
will be attended by freight traffic men
from all over the United States.
Wedi Three Dayi After Reaching
Omah and Hai Many Worth-
Ales, Check. Cashed.,
1502 S. 10th St
Phone D. 71Z6 ,
Social Settlement
Workers Before the
Omaha Woman's Club
The meeting of the social science de
partment of the Omaha Woman's club
was given over to the social settlement,
Monday afternoon. Miss Jessie Arnold,
the new head resident, spoke on the "So
cial Settlement," and a sketch. "A Colo
nial Dream," was given by tha dramatic
club of the social settlement, under the
direction of Miss Mary I. Wallace.
"Tha settlement Is not a reformatory,
school, charity nor a church, but It par
takes of the nature of each," declared
Miss Arnold. "It Is a community cen
ter and serves to focus the social and
civic characteristics of the neighborhood.
Its greatest mission 's to pass on to im
migrants the untarnished Ideals ot Amer
ican citizenship."
Those who took part In tha "Colonial
Dream, were Misses Mamie sioup. Marie
Oatromlc, Blanche Wavrln, May Canlcl
wlcz, Emma Merts, Helen Hutton, Mrs.
R. H. Barta and Messrs. Ray Corley,
Craig and W. F. Sadll. Tha sketch was
enthusiastically received and Mrs. Draper
Smith, who presided nt the meeting in
place of Mrs. J. If. Dumont, on the mo
ment invited the entire dramatic club to
be her guests at a box party at the
American theater Thursday evening to
sea tha auffrage movie, "Your Girl and
Mrs. Myrtle K411y asked the depart
ment' endorsement of House Roll No. 1,
prohibiting saloonkeepers from selling
lunches. Sna said that young boys wore
attracted to saloons because good lunches
were served at small cost although "sa
loon etiquette" required- that they buy a
drink. . ,
Recalls Old Days . i
Before Footlights
Jay Wilson, who plays the part of
Harry Olbbs, a customs Inspector in
"Under Corer," extended a hand In
friendly greeting across the desk at the
Henshaw hotel to Chief Clerk John W.
Kennedy. ,. . .
They were old friends back In the "old
home town," LaCrosse, Wis. And then
Mr. Kennedy became 'reminiscent of the
days when he, too, trod tha boards and
sang and quibbed and Jested behind the
"Fifteen years ago I was In a sketch
on the Orpheum circuit," ha said. "It
was called 'Aunt Jerusha's Visit,' and
we appeared at the Orpheum here In
Omaha during' Christmas week. I re
member. Tha Bostoniana was at the
Boyd that same week and George Froth-
Ingham, their famous comedian, was with
them. The Elks gave a big Christmas
party up there that year and I'll never
forget It. It was 'some' doings.
'Do you know the man who first put
make-up on my face was tha father ot
Oscar Lleben. lie was a costumer then
in LaCrosse, Just aa his son Is now a
costumer here in Omaha.
"We have several. other LaCroeae boys
In Omaha now, Including James Stanrum
et Burgess-Nash company and E. Berg
of Beaton & Later."
Mr. Kennedy sang for three years In
the Dixie Four quartette and never once
came north of Mason and Dxon'sllne.
Mother and Daughter
Have Narrow Escape
Mrs. Anna Wemlmont of Chicago and
her 12-year-old daughter, Mildred, nar
rowly escaped asphyxiation when the gas.
which had been turned low, was blown
out by the wind while they were asleep.
Mrs. , Wemlmont . and her daughter
are visiting their mother, Mrs. Elisabeth
Krause, at 2666 St. Mary'a avenue, and
this morning Miss Genevieve Krause de
tected the odor of escaping gas and upon
Investigation found Mrs. Wemlmont and
her daughter unconscious, pr. R. B,
Ensor and Dr. T. J. Dwyrr answered
the call with a pulmotor and revived
both persons.
Elmer A. Read, aged 30 years, of
Las Vegas, N. M., Is held at the city
Jail" lor passing worthless checks.
Read, who came here from Chicago
last Tuesday, has during his short
sojourn in the city met and married
Miss Katherlne O'Connor, 2 40 4 Cass
Btreet, passed worthless checks on
two department stores to the amount
of $155, beat a board bill at the Pax
ton hotel and broken the heart of the
wife who innocently secured endorse
ments for his worthless bits ot paper.
The only part of the whole affnir that
the fellow appears to regret Is the fact
that Detective L T. Finn wss shrewed
enough to effect hl apprehcns'on before
he could get out of town.
Married la Threw Xlaa.
On arriving In the city Read started
Immediately to lay plans to cash the
checks. Going to the Brandeis Stores he
struck up an acquaintance with Miss
O'Connor, and after a courtship of three
days .secured her promise to wed him.
He appeared at the store late Friday
afternoon with a check for 173, made
payable to himself, and drawn on the
First National bank of Plattamouth to
the account of G. M. Buhl. Through hla
prospective bride he secured the endorse
ment of II. F. rillsbury, floor manager,
and cashed It at the Brandeis bank.
Married "aftirdar.
Saturday evening Miss O'Connor and
Rend took a taxi to the home of Rev.
Hugh B. Ppeer, J019 Cass street, and were
married. The coupla plunned to start on
their honeymoon Monday evening, leav
Ing Omaha on the Missouri Pacific at
11:15 for Kansas City. From Kansas
City they were to visit relatives at Las
Vegas, and from there Journey to San
Francisco, for the fair. At Las Vegas
Read was to receive the remaining
thousands ot a I9.S09 legscy which his
mother left him six months ago. To
make his story good the fellow asked
Rev. Speer to forward the marriage cer
tificate to the, Manhattan club of San
lias Another Cheek.
Late Monday afternoon Read appeared
at the' Brandeis Stores and by the same
methods ho employed with the $75 check,
had one for 126 drawn on the People's
Trust and Savings bank of Carroll. Ia.,
to the account of K. W. Clemmons, en
dorsed by Sam Cohen, assistant superin
tendent of the store. This he cashed at
4 o'clock. In the meantime nothing had
been heard from the $76 check and look
ing the matter up, the department found
it bogus. At 4:13 Special Officer Finn had
his ropes set to arrest Read.
Officer George Emery and Special Of
ficer L. T. Finn entered the Henshaw
hotel late Monday evening and at a table
to the back of the cafe arrested Read,
who, with his wife and her chum were
ordering dinner.
' Coafeaaea All.
At the station Read ronfeaait
thing stating Las Vegas was his home.
ana mil ne was a traveling man for the
National Advertising company -of Indian
apolis lip till two weeks ago.
Captain Dempsey save the man a thor
ough piece of his mind Wednesday morn
ing and as a result Read said he would
make the checks good. On his person at
the time ot his arrest he had $92 in
cash. A number of other checks which
he cashed while in the city, according
to his own story, have not come to the
notice of the police, although one for $"6,
made out Identically like the $75 check,
was brought to police headquarters from
the Burgess-Nash Stores.
Read had left Ma rHn, t -
Sixteenth and Leavenworth streets, and
naa ordered an expressman to call for
them there. To the
the name of A. E. Cling. 1821 Leavenworth.
street ana tils telephone number as T.
1368. The latter was found lv th
to be the number of a phone in a vacant
apartment in the Hamilton.
Second Serum Plant
Builds in Ralston
A second Plant for the
scrum for the vaccination of hogs against
cnoicra is to be established at Raiston,
This Is to be known as the Ralston Se
rum company. South Omaha capital is
said to be Interested In the new company.
urouna lor tne new plant already has
been arranged for with the officials of
Ralston. The company contemplates the
ouuaing or a plant.
The Omaha Serum comnanv -
few weeks ago decided to establish its
plant at Ralston, has already hunt
building 30x40 feet
The city councn adopted a reso'utlon
thanktna- the railway companies, tele
phone companies, officers of the Isw and
c-tlzns wbo assisted In the capture of
Gi males, alleged slayer of PetecMve Tom
Ring. '
' Mlaht lah Relieved.
Dr. Jiell's Pine-Tar-Honey eases your
cough, soothes the lunga and Invites
sleep; only 23 cents. All druk-lnts. Advertisement.
University Club to
Move to Fontenelle
The University club will likely estab
lish at least temporary quarters In the
new Fontenelle hotel, since their old
quarters in the Board of Trade building
were destroyed by fire. The board of di
rectors of the club has been holding nu
merous meetings trying to decide Just
what to do for quarters, and while no
contract has as yet been made It la the
present tentative plan to get a suite of
rooms at the Fontenelle.
The Honorable Mrs. O. H. Wallop Is In
the city with her husband, who has un
dergone a slight operstlon at the Clark
son hospital.
"Honorable" is added to Mrs. Wallop's
title because her husband Is an "honor
able'' In his native land, England, where
his father was the earl ot Portsmouth.
Mrs. Wallop speaks with a decldod Eng
lish accent, although she Is an Amerln.
"I think It Is because I have been mar
ried to an Englishman for 'such a long
time that I have something of that ac
cent," she said.
The Honorable Mr. Wallop and Mrs.
Wallop live on their ranch ot 4,000 acres
on the Big Horn, near Sheridan, Wyo.
No More Gurgly Brash, "lAunp of
Lead," Dad ingestion. Heartburn
or Stomach Trouble.
Quick Belief. Costs Vothiag-
Tha man who can t help making faces
at his storosch. the man or woman wlt
a grouchy digestion, or with downright
dyspepaia need fret no mors over stomach
The heaviest, richest dinners, th most
unspeakable quick lunchea, all can be
taken care of without Imposing on the
atorhach. A scientific digestive ean de
the dlgaetlng, where the atomach either
did not do it before, or did it very Unpwr-tactly.
George Washington gave the first big
American demonstration of the value
of co-operation, according to a speech
made at Fremont Monday night by J. W.
Metcalfe of Omaha, Metcalfe spoke before
100 business men of Fremont st a Wash
ington birthday banquet at that plac.
Ha spoke on co-operation In business
and. incidentally, referred to Washing-
ton as the great co-operator. In that he '
showed the American people that though
they were few in numbers and Inalg-1
nlficant among nations at that time,
they could by a close co-operation gn
their independence from even so great '
a power as England.
He also tslked on the credit syatem as 1
It is wprked out by Associated lietailers' ;
of Omaha, of which he Is aei r.n-
mont business men are seriously thinking
of installing a credit system similar to
that in operation In Omaha.
Beauty and Oood Blgestloa Kaad la
aad. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
Insure Both.
When you take one of Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets after a meal, the food
la dlgeated by the tablet even better the
your own atomach can do it.
Thla is why the use of Htuart's Dys
DeDala Tablets haa become ao universal
among thoae who suffer from any kind of
stomach troubles.
Take on of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
after your next meal and if you are given;
to belrhlns. sour rlslnas. fermeatatlon.
heavy, lumpy feeling In the stomach. In-;
aigestion. dyspepsia, loss oi sppeute or
any other atomach derangement, you will
find at once a remarkable Improvement
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the most
wonderful tablet oa earth for any kind
of stomsch trouble.
They enrich the gastrlo Juices, and give
the stomach the rest it needs before It
can aaaln be healthy and strong.
Try one after your next meal, no mat
ter what you cat. iou n una your appe
tite return for the meal after and yoa
will feel fine after eating.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are for sale
at all druaalata at 60c a box.
Send coupon below today and we will,
at once send you by mall a sample free..
Alio Talki with a Strong- Southern
Accent ai He Tells of His South
ern Plantation.
"Well, now, you know, yon-nil can't
make a rampa'aon between polltfc s and
fahmlng." said ex-Oovernor Sheldon of
Nebraska, who Is stopping at the Hen
shaw during a two weeks' business trip
to the "no'th."
That's Just th way tha big ex-goveinnr
and native son of Nebraska talks now.
It seems as If Ihe southern accent must
be "catching."
Ills big blsck fell hat Is also of the
true Dixie model. Just like the senator
wears In "The Gentlemen from Missis
sippi." The ex-Nebraskan has truly become of
south with a southnras that fairly
iut-southH the smith
f course, there was tncklna- somethlna
jnf the surroundings that could enhance
the picture down In -Dixie land. There
should have been a trowd of draallng
gentlemen In long tlled coats, boots
and Mg black felt hat, who woulj have
approached and greeted him with a
"Howdy, ma.tah. How nh you-all holdln'
youah liquor today?"
They (all llim Major.
Though Mr. Sheldon did not say so, It
ia known that the title of "ma lor" haa
been bestowed on him down there In the
sunny south.
Hut to return to Major fheldon's re
mark about politics and lirVinlns. be said
that the latter la awiy ahead of the
former as a enreer. It is the only life.
lie la a farmer that Ik a planter on
the hanks of the Mississippi, at a place
called Wayside, and Is enthusiastic about
the Mississippi and the south.
He declared that vountry will be a
dreamland when It la settled up as much
as eastern Nebraska. It tin a not been
fully reconstructed yet. The land Is
trespoiidlngiy i hea.i. because of the
sant population. Hut the land la very
Malah Sheldon will remain In euahj
midst fo' a week or so.
Captain H. IT. Ktlne of the Salvation
Army Industrial department declares he
unhesltatlnKly gives Omaha a Urge credit
mark for the manner In which the unem
ployed were cared fi.r this winter. Be
tween the city snow cleaning, Ice cutting
and tbc railroads, he ssys 4 he situation
has been handled In a splendid manner.
He was In Kansas City, Mo., not long
spo and observed five' soup houses In
that rltv. with two morn In Kansas City,
Kan. - He says conditions have been
very bad in St I.ouls, Chicago. Sail Ik
City and Drnver.
Freo Trial Coupon
T. A. Btnart Co- Ml Stuart Blag
Marshall, stioa., send me at once br
return mail, a free trial package of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
Street '.
Kama ,
rtty Stat
ITS A UMt.uMt; wr to Tirrotncw,
vjrOtjiv ctiwrns wevrroi fair,
Scrofula and All
Humors Give Way
There are many things learned from
experience and observation that the older
generation should Impress upon th
younger. Among them Is the fact that
scrofula and other humors arc must
successfully treated with Hoods Brs
P rill a. Thla great medicine la a pecul
iar combination ot remarkably effective
blood-purifying and health-giving roots,
barks and herbs, and has been tested for
forty years. Get It today.
aasaww . "tr
I u tiding ltn
Mt XaVuss I
Lmifc Of IsBcliBiti
krvWUiatai . Ik
las&ri sr Lilt. tUalklls.
laAim. 1 1 ' at BBAsltaifai
VuUf Bbtkat Lat srunlnir
a uasrt Lax enl-al auiurartaa.
Ivii tah va am able ta
f. Asw . CaiJ aboua or rii.
Mraitxr AsMrteaa ltltuu
of fciertrtu! Iuis,ara
ISO W. O. W. Bldg.
Paoae Donarlae 604 7.
Store Hours 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. 1M Saturday till 9 P. M.i
urgess-Nash Gompamy.
Tuesday, February 23, 1D1.V
'everybody's store'
rhn ouRla 187.
Affords by far the Greatest Values in High
Grade Instruments that We've Ever Known
Ifa a sale you can not afford to overlook If you have the least thought of buying a piano now or
within the near future.
It'g doubtful If you will soon again have such an assortment from which to make your, selection.
More than a score of different makes, representing all styles and finishes. Every piano is guaranteed
to be in first-class condition and represents a great deal more than the price at which It will be eold.
Many o? these pianos are absolutely new, being either "ample Instruments or discontinued .styles,
thus making It possible to obtain a brand new piano for the same price you would expect to pay for a
used. one.
Your Choice of Six High Grade Instruments formerly
$250.00 to $300.00 for $125.00
The offering" includes
' 'Original Price.' Sale Price.
Gilbert & Co., mahogany............ $250.00 ,,$140.00
Steinman & Co., mahogany . ..... . $250.00. ............. ..$165.00
Kohler & Campbell, mahogany. ..... .$275.00. $175.00
Segerstrom, oak
Steniman & Son. mahogany.' $250.00 : $175.CO
Harvard, mahogany $275.00 .$170.00
It is nn opportunity you should not overlook if you have. a thought of buying a
o now or in the near future. Come in and let's talk it over.
New-Era Sewing Machine Club
Commencing with the first payment of Dc, which secures delivery at once of tho
Best Sewing Machine Made if you place your order in time, then a payment is made each
week as follows : 10c the second week ; 15c th' third week, increasing tho payment 5c moro
each week (according to table) until all payments are made in full, then the piachine is
yours for life. .
Only Limited Number of Machines to be Distributed. Many already gono
Six-drawer style the world's bent ma
chine, lock and chain stitch
central needle style
First Pay
inent -Immediate
then every week you
pay h cents more
than the previous
week's payment.
0.5 80.55 HJ1.05
1st Week 11th Veek 21at Week
. , t51(? co 1.10
2nd Te?k 12th Week ,!2ndVeek
. j .is xFrT 1.15
Ird Week 13th Week 23rd Week
.20 .70 1.20
th Week 14th Week 24th Week
.25 - .75 TarT
5th Week 15th Week 25th Week
.ao so TuTso
th Week 16th Week 2tli Week
.35 .85 T.T5
7th Week 17th Wrek 27th Week
.40 "J6 1.40"
th Week Hlh Week 28th Week
.15 Tos TT5
th Week 19th Week 29th Week
.so si.oo iTrwnT
lOthWeek 20th Week 30th Week
Slat Week
S 2nd Week
I3rd Week
34 th Week
35tu Weak
3th Week
37 th Week
3Sth Week
Final Psv
inent 11 Jit
S9th Week
SAVED on as many
payments as you
pay in advance
READ CAREFULLY Kach New Era Member may prepay tho final or last pay
ments to fall due, and for each such prepayment Khali receive a'cash discount of 10c.
TOR EXAMPLE, by prepaying 118 payments on your machine a dividend of $380
will be allowed, lOc, on each of the 38 payments, preiwiid. If the last payment only U
prepaid, a dividend of lfKi. will be allowed, etc.
No Restriction as to Selection You can ehoose from, nil Ktvh nf lt.Kirtiio-v,t
L . " --vi-w -' www m r ' v a. . 4qms
Mardarcl notary, including the famous " Duchess
comparatively low prices.
" and
"Prinecag" 1alf Cabinets at
Oopyrta at 1914. ,
.Burgess-Nash Co., Everybody 's Store 16th and Harneyi