'.rift HIM',: O.M.MIA, W hi . I .M . , ( MitU. .H 'It, l!U3 1 KEW YORK jiTOCK MARKET Jtrefeiiicnal Stllinj lYo-oke, Freak Selling: of Securities on Re v itunption of Operations. ACCUMULATION OF OPERATIONS NEW YORK, Feb. n.rrnfi sslonal sell ing prompted malnlv hv further unfav. ttraM foreign development, rrovoked J Ilftl I I 1 1 PI T .1, 1. t, I'll . tton of operation todsy. There w a compartlveljr large anumulatlon of orders over the double holiday. Koropr-an offer Inga were niont noticeable In the bond department, where numerous lea for future delivery at concessions were ef fected. The overhanging fcer of internallor.sl complication was plainly reflected In the overal markets for em hange, most of whk-h were again demoralised rind in favor of thU country. Kxchango on rarla, Berlin. Home and Ocneva were quoted at unprecedented figure. The selling in thin market began si the outset and waa maintained except -for Irregular periods of extreme dullnc. for the greater part of the session. Many of tha principal shore made their lowest Irtees for the current movement and a tiumber of new minimum were made. Baltimore Ohio common and preferred, Keaboard Air Mm preferred. Houtnern (Hallway preferred. New Haven, ami Chesapeake Ohio were among the tocke to fell to latest estsbllshed ouota- lHost of the specialties. I.v ludlng the Petroleums, Mntora. and a more of dor mant laatiea fell from one to over fie points. United states Steel wan sgaln the steadiest of the speculative favorltea despite the large overturn. Almost the only encoursslng news of the day came from the went, where gen eral condition pointed to ti rense of business. This wi offset Jn'2C by another sharp drop In r",n"; -or Tie.. In the cotton market "w"nrd fr the heaviness cf aouthern transportation 'ToTs'es it) .om. of the investment band, ranged from one t two point., with a larger volume of trading;. Total galea. Lnlled Plate government bonds were Unchanged on rail. ..... 4inti Number of eelee and .'adlng quotation en stocks were aa toJ:H,t,. c- A laeka flol Amalgamate Copper ,,. Anrt-a "eat gugar.... Anerlraa R R........ Arrrlra B. R- An. "ufar (Wliiin;.". Aaarlraa Tel. Tal.... Atr.arl.-sS Tfil" Ataroatla Mining Atrtilaoa Kaltlirora Oslo KrrKikl Rapid Trasilt.. allfnrnla Patrotaura .... OBMltaa Parlfle ("ntral leather apeaa a PMo (ttlraao Oreal Weatara.. ItMraao. M. Ht. P tlPKrt A N. W Ohio Oopper folnrailtt l-el Iraa... ("otaraile Pautharn tnw Rle ilrajiila.... Iteiirar R. O. P' Diailllai Hacarltlaa .... Wl ft 1T ' I Sinn n I t !'a 1' .tM 'i!in Y lfS 1T 1.200 111 Ml i'" 2 VIVk 5'4 9f4 a 41 la" l.nie ih IS!)' i t.4 me a. "ini n 200 4 II 'ii" 14 4 it U u 1H M M 10 14 l.aon SI. inn 141 l.ino 114 M 10 1 iriM4rta 14 . u.i u.n h.m nfd 1U14 4ieat Karlharti Ora Hfa.. i.unnhtm Ciploratloa.. IlllnnU Central Intertvirnusn alat. gtg.... Inspiration ppar Imarnallenal liarvwatar.. "Kan-aa fity gouthani... Ihlh Vall7 1utirrllla Naahalllo.. Mrlt-an Petroleum Miami Copper 1!aMurl, K. T...... 1i1.u.iir4 Partfln . 2 7 1.2O0 411 4'4j nn jnf.u. imv, ll'i hfwi tv44 a a 1S ' 11 lot 0 fl'4 'lii'ie 1W i4j )m 4t 1144a I.0O1 4 2'a l !V4 14 4K1 too 1H tot 1H li'i 11114 l,ln in". 10 t Nallnnal Blroull Na.lnnal I' "11 41V, NaraDa Coppar I."" liH Nr Vark 4,'enlral . J 1H14 ill 44 47 111 11'a 13 N Y . K. H . II X.aon 4t 4.S 45 Norfolk . Weatera. .. Northern facllle .... rirlflo Mall I'arlllr Tel. A Tal.... fnrtaylvnma Paltman Palaoo Car.. Ua "on. Copper.... 1.nlo ix innv. ion J ... l,4ov lol loo', Ma , l s. l.iOO 14 104 n4 in ... 1.400 1, II t ... t!,3M 141 14", 14A IlapuMlo Iron gtoel itfx-a iMiatia i a V9 100 1 la 14 ! 1 14 1 12 14 ei. a e. r. sa pia t-cullirrn raritla I.bia 11 Horlharn Hllaf li . iVimh.ii. MA fl'.l. 1 "I . 1 I 11 on P,. Hlr IS 7iO IUH l" H7 I nlon Va. Klr 0M II Ul II t'nlled tilalae Hll..... M.DOI 41 itl 41 V M. tttert ptel I I 104 I0IH 1IV1 I Ilk Copper lf aft 4H, M . Wateuvh r'.1 4MI 1 1 Wr.ir'B I a Ion 1 ,l t 11 finiih'jaiaa Electric ., 2,0m) ttt U 14 1 U Bill Total ealaa for tha dar. t.tWI ahtrea. New York Mor Market. NKW YORK, Feb. 23.-M KKCA NTIl.K I'A f'KR as rier rent. fTKHI.lNtl KXl'IIANOK Weak: glxtv my Illl0. fl.TabO, for calilea, It.WJi; for il'-mnnd. 14 Ml. " HlUVKli Bar. .; Mexlign dollgn, in1,"'. HONDS Oovernmeat. ftewdy; rellroad, wenk. TIMR IX)ANS-flxly daya, STtM per rMit; ninety dayg, 1 'vet cent; tlx monllia, JV'ilVi per cent. 'ALI. MO.M.-V-Sleadyr high. per cont; low. ia per cent; ruling rate, t per "in. i" n. per cent; cioaing old, 1" Ter cent: offered at i per cent. Cloning quotations on bonda today were as follow: t. g. rf. U, rag.,.. MS Mo. Pan. rr. it 44 do oaupoa N. T. 4.. (. ... 0 t'. a. la. rag. IMHN t. Cltr 4a 1U..14 o eooeoa 11HN. Y. Htaia 4Vti...i! V. rag 1N. T.. N. II. A H. tn aaupoa ui av. la io; Panama to eaapoa. .1X1 Na. Paclflo 4a. I Am. pmaltara aa....Ui4'a da la a-' A. T. T. c. 4ai,o. 8. L raf. 4a... "V Armour (V 4a . 1i-aa. T. T. la... .', Atrhtaita sen. 4a tl Tana, pun, 4n... Hal. ft Ulna 4a So ran. 4a I"S . - ') -i ii.iia( nan. aa.,... ri C. M. ft y. J. 4av.. m. u ft a. V. r. ia as su, Mil Pi 4tl..ll"Slo. Par. cr. 4... ami Off e. In lii4 4a ret. 4a , C. R. t. ft. r. a. aa w to rt. ia I". ft H. ref. 4 tis'a Hallway aa... IV ft H. O. raf. aa. 4vttniaa ParKUs aa. . :rla fa. a tn ct 4a tira. Klsrtrlc la.. ..Walt tl. H. Huh bar la.. H No, lat 4W ... M tl. g. rite) to.... 111. I'M. raf. 4a... M aWaJaah lat ... K. C. . rat. aa.... 10 Wtwi. Vnloa 411. 1- ft K. iU 4a.... 3 Want Klna. ct. la it K ft T. lat 4a.. Bii. 4 . -1 . . . .10144 .ll . 90 t.al Stacka Beads. Quataftatia famlakad s? Tlunin, Bri akar Ca.. ae oaka Kaiu.ul bank Bululns; gtawaa ianh of Flranra. . Fali'ttwat Creamatir T ear .aant n4..t lJntwln Tractioa c Omaha ft V. H Ml. R., ooai... M '. Patara Mill pit e-Klnner alaiai-onl rnata Italia. 0M 'P'ka GrnJa von t 4lka Oram rU Inioa muck Taroa. Omnia, na-Sla... Uaoda T lareuoa. Nab. . Mi., . Waak U. ItA kuui Cltr. So., hoo 4a. 1M1.... l.t..'-.ia. Nk . 4Wa. l HaaM14t. Mat)., rcrt. aa. 13 la.a.a L. II. P. la. 1U3 La-ia (. . Waak.. Het. aa. HSJ !' E. U ft r. aa IHS (mm ft . H. HI. )(. aa. 11 .1 (uaii ft . B si. H r. ! ... ba Walar 4v. 141 C'niana he bout 4a. 11 ... r:iiifl Hraar ft ljat a ,. trraaclaos. Cat . an, IMl-lM.... cn ft (,'ii. la, 1M4 Ikirarall? fiasa 4'a. Ill 1114. ftakao. re ! lol i lua li II a M la lnt iui Hi M tut t ne U na III 104 I 14 llS v. - U lui IT M l'HI 1U4.141 14.i Mi a II 11 II M4j TI 11S4 I lui H a COfiMITTEES APPOINTED TO ACT MEMORIAL DAY Major K. F. Wilcox. Dr. 8. K. Siialdlng, Kraok Whipperman and C. U. Ilarpstcr will serve as the committee In iharise of the annual Uomurul day enercistut. This was deA-lded at a combined meeting of the Grand Army of the Republic and Veterans of tl.e pniii-Amerlcan War Monday nlKht. Clisrlen Allen. Fred Fero and U. 11. luihburn were appointed to so iect fietKrrs tur tbe occasion for both this year and l:1 143. EEwMMARDT'S CCNDITIO?J 12 REPORTED SATISFACTORY !'.!.. !'X (vla-re;i. Feb. 3 -Thi c-t.ii'u .n of rati Bernhardt, whoae right It- wua amputated yccicrday, was said liitt Uat ir.glit to be satisfactory, although ahe m suffering cvnni Ji-rt!i pain. C..t con.pvtvi:t iitip ti'iougn The Eee. McVann to Chicago on Implement Case R. J. McVann. manager of the '.raffle l.trrgij of the Commercial club, la to go ti Chicago for 4 conference In regard to the cane he l to handle for the Na tional Implement and Vehicle annoelatlon Thin U the cane which ! to come tip be. fere a npecinl examiner of the Inte-atate Commerce eommlnelon at Chicago April y when the Implement men Intend to geek the prevention of permanent cancellation of ntoppagn In trandt privilege on care or implement. NEW HOTEL OPENS FRIDAY Small Army it Preparing for the First Breakfast to Be Served on That Day. MANY APPLICATIONS ARE IN Kreakfant will be nerved to guet in the new Fontenclle Friday morning, being; lie flrnt regular meal to be nerved in tho new hotel. Of course, there will be the ntockhold era' banquet on Thurnrtay evening, when the hnuno will be turned over to them and their rlendg for Innpection. But Frldy morning atarta "regular bunincaa.': Then the 250 employe will be each at hie or her gpiointed tank. The telephone will be working. The pneumatic tube will be biiiexlng. The kitchen will be running;. Everything, In fact, will be in operation gnd guest wilt be enjoying the hotel g comfort. These are busy days while tho employes ere getting their vgrlou departments In running order. M. Jen Mario Kara lie. chef, ah, what a number of delightful meal he Is preparing to make, what cull nery masterpieces Is he concocting, what iplcurean delights I he planning! And Monaieur Charles Mayard, dlrectcur de restaurant, he is surpassing himself In planning grand functions. People who wlh to aerve great dinners can leave the plan entirely In the capable hands of Mr. Mayard, -whose experience extend to the great hotel and restaurant of all the rhlef eltte of civilisation and who ha catered to king and duke and em peror. And M. Travlse, head waiter. I drilling hi band of veteran in the aervlce of the edlblea. That, too, la an art which shall not be neglected In the Fohtenelle. Mr. Cartlege, housekeeper. I organ ising her feminine army who shall keep the bedroom epic and span. - Wagons with produce, groceries, meats, etc., have for several day been crowding wagon of furniture and carpets.' Al ready the cooking and serving machinery It In motion to serve the 200 employes who are already gathered there. A goodly number of the rooms and apartments In the hotej are already rented and will be occupied by tenant a soon aa the hotel Is officially open. There ha been considerable call for room from Omaha people who wfll make It their permanent home. And out-of-town folk who expect to be In Omaha for a day or two or a week soon have mad reservations at the new hostelry. Women Engage Boxes for Suffrage Movie The Omaha Woman club has engaged two boxes for the openlpg production of the suffrage firm. "Your Olrl ami Mine at the Amor lean theater Thursday even ing. The Anthony league of Benson has taken a box and the Florence clubwomen. Oho box. Additional box holders an nounced for the four day production are Mr. Leonard Everett of Council Muff, Mr. Kdgur II. Bcolt, Mrs. T. I.. Kim ball and Mr. Itarley 0. Moofh'sd. Not only are the mothers- iutcrestcd In the suffrage movie, which I expected to bring a tiumber of silver dollars pouring Into the suffrage fund, but the small daughter, a well a their older sisters, are going to make candy, which will be sold between reels of the movie. Among the young folks who are preparing tooth some dainties are Hetty and Wynne Fairfield, daughters or Mrs. K. M. Fair field; Mary Clifford. Helen Rogers. Kath- crlne rknilrea, Knilly Hurke, Hallie Crary, Mary Fuller, Hetty Rlngwalt, Josephine Plainer, Camilla Kdhulm and Virginia Tuggart. Mis Ann Clifford and Misa Alice Carter are superintending the work of the budding suffragists. Investors wlti money read the Kntala ads In The Uee. Advertise property for a iulK sale. Ileal your BOHEMIANS TALK POLITICS AT AJOGIAL AFFAIR Bohemian old settlers foregathered on Monday evening In Tel Jed Bokol hall on fouth Thirteenth street, where a general good time was bad by a Urge crowd. Although the occasion was a social one. politics wss Injected to the extent of making it known that Louis Berka. John Yirak and Charlra Shatata will t le for tie city commission. Mr. Yink ratted the t etlil in aroinl. There la talk that Frank Rlha may (lie. It I believed the Bohemian cltlienshlp of tbe city will be well reinenented at the commission primary on April I. The Rest Mee)l,lM for l4aW. The first dose of lr. King New PIs- eoveiy helps your cough, soothe throat. get a bottle today, SO cents. All druggists, Advertlnemcnt. CLEVELAND BUSINESS MEN TO VISIT IN OMAHA Traveling on a special train member of the Manufacturer and Wholesalers' association of Cleveland. O., will te In Omaha March S. si ending most of the day here. It U understood that there will bo to exceed 10 In the party. The rievo land people will arrive in the city n the morning, coming from Kansas City and the same evening will leave for St. Taul, and Minneapolis earout to their homea. Dyspepsia Gone! No Indigestion, Gas, Sourness Pape's Diapepsin When jour meala don't fit comfortably, or 'what you eat lies Ilk a lump of lead In your stomach, or If you have heartburn, that I a algn cf imligeetton. Gtt from your pharmacist a fifty-cent case of Pape's PUpepsIn and take a dose Just aa aoon aa yuu urn. There will be no sour risings, no bekhlng of uudlgeiud food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness ur heavy fcllng tn the stomach, Baueea. debilitating headachea. duxineas or Intestinal griping. This wt'l all go, eod. besides, there will be no sour CITY CONDEMNS BOARDOF TRADE Building: Department Declares the Burned Structure is Unsafe and a Public Nuisance. HAVE HEARING ON MARCH TWO The Hoard of Trade building, neon, of a recent fire, haa been condemned bjr the city building department. City Commtngioner C. H. Wtthnell de clares, the building unnafe and unsan itary. He explains that the Joists are water-soaked and are subject to dry rot. The city louncll has set 10 a. m., March 2, aa the time for a hearing, when own erg, occupants and others Interested will be given nn opportunity to show why the building should not be condemned. The structure Is thirty year old. The resolution offered by Mr. Wltlinctl de clares the building Is now a public nuis ance. Italian Robbed of Ten Years' Savings on Way to Bank Jiaccmo IMnifrtono, 1145 North Moven teenth street, a laborer employed at the I'nlon Pacific shops, was robbed Tuetday morning of t'00, which constituted Uie savings of ten years. IHmartono was on his way to the postal savings bank to deposit rart of the money and send the rent by draft to his wlfo and three' children In Ancona, Itu'y, whom he has not seen for the lat twc'.ve years. The fellow wept bitterly at po'.lce headquarters as he related the atory of how bo met two Italians In a saloon, to whom he showed the roll of bills, ond who took the money and after wrapping It In a handkerchief, handed, hlin the package with tho caution to put It In his Inside pocket, so no one would get It. Upon hla arrival at the postofflce he took out the package and found It con tained a roll of newspaper. Dlmartono fear he will never see his family if the money la not recovered. Wheat Makes Big vDrop on Receipt of Late War News Report from New York to the effect that the Dardanelles might be opened, giving an outlet for Russian' grain and tho further report of the tightening of the blockade of European porta had a disastrous effect upon the hopes of the traders who were on the bull side of the market Instead of grain opening strong, it was weak from the start, wheat being the heavy loner. Ojnaha wheat receipts were hut twen ty-one cars. Buyers were few and wheat went to the low level of the year, sales being made at $l,4fi1.51, a drop of 4 to S cent from Saturday. Corn , wag a little stronger than wheat. the losses being 1 to cents. Prices were M to 68 cents per bushel, with nine ty-one carloads on sale. Oata went off 1 to 1' cents, selling at 52 to 63Vi cents, with flfty-tilne car on the market MEN HOLD BANQUET. BUT INVITE WOMEN TO DO WORK Borne seventy-five member of the Men's Urotherhood of the North Presbyterian church held their annual meeting and banquet at the church Monday night. The affair wa entirely In the hands of the men, yet the women of the church were Invited In to prepare the banquet, serve It and then wash the dishes. Prior to the banquet the annual meeting was held and A. A. Lamoreaux elected president, A. N. Eaton treasurer and A. J. Sinclair secretary. Following the dinner Rev. Mr. Ernst spoke on the life, character and work of Oeorge Washington and Dr. Marshall of the Omaha Theological seminary on "Per sonal Work." Severs) selections wre sung by the male quartet of tha choir of tho North church. "SKIPPER" M'CUNE GIVEN FIRST 1915 DOG LICENSE Major William M. Mccune, Buffalo MlU'a Indian expert, la the first man to receive a 1915 dog license. He was given No. 17 for a white Pomeranian dog named Skipper MoCune. The city clerk Is beginning to Issue' dog tags. Among the numbers reserved, but not yet issued, are 1 and 23 for Uould Diets. Haa I'eeal Ckaaaberlalai'a Coach It eased y fr Tweaty Tears. ' "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been used In my household for the last twenty years. I began giving it to my children when they were small. Aa a quick re lief for croup, whooping cough and or dinary colds, it has no equal. Being free from opium and other harmful drugs, I never felt afraid to give It to the children. I have recommended It to a large num ber of friends ar.d neighbors, who have used It and speak hlnhly of It." writes Mrs. Mary Minke. Shortaville, N. Y. Obtainable- every here. Advertisement ' FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR LATE MRSMARY DWYER Kuneral services for Mrs. Mary Dwyer, who died Hundav, were held Tuesday morning from Sacred Heart - tihurch. where r'titlier Judae aald reuuiem mass. Burial Waa In Holy rVpulcher cmetery. The pel I bearers were: , J. A. Reardnn. Thomaa Kennedy. W. J. Kellogg, r'rancla Casey, l J. While. Kdwaid Cunningham Eugene Byrne. Jerry gpellmau. food left over tn the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. - Fane's Dlapepsiu la a certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because It lakea bold of your food and digests It just the same aa If your stomach wasn't there. Relief tn five minute from all atom ach misery ia waiting for you at any drug store. Th:se large fifty-oent caaea contain enough "Fape'a Ilapepain" to keep the entire family free from stomach disor ders and Indigestion for many months. It belongs ia your kocue. AdvecUacntcat. ORGANIST IS HONOR GUEST AT SOCIAL FUNCTION. V i 1 MRS. EMILY SCHILLER. The Bohemian Brethren Presbyterian church entertained Monday evening In honor of Mrs. Emily Hchlller, who has been the church organist for twenty-five yesrs. The evening wss spent In game and music, and the decorations were red roaes and George Washington novelties. The Rev. V. t'cjnar, S. A. Beranck and Mathcw Votova wero in charge of the affair. About 100 guest were entertained. Juan Paral is Bound Over on One Charge Juan I'aral was bound over to the dis trict court with bond of 1730 on a charge of concealing stolen property. Paral 'and, Ranches are the two Mexlcana thought to have been connected with Ignacla Gonzales In the murder of Tom Ring. FARMERS ARE PLOWING IN THE BIG HORN BASIN Immigration Agent Howard of tha Bur lington I back from the Big Horn baaln ectlon of Wyoming and assert that up In that part of the country sprins; haa arrived. When Mr. Howard left the baaln Saturday, farmer were plowing In tho fields, sowing spring grain and the grass had commcnoed to show considerable green. Put Stomach in Fine Condition Says Indigestion Results from an Excess of Hydro chloric Acid. Undigested food delayed In the stomach decays.' or rather, ferments the same as food left In the open air, aaya a noted authority. He also tells us that Indiges tion I caused by Hyper-acldlty, meaning, there Is an excess of hydrochloric acid In the stomach which prevents complete digestion and starts food fermentation. Thus everything eaten sours In tha stom as ti much like garbage sours In a can, forming acrid fluids and gases whlchln flate the stomach like a toy balloon. Then we fel a heavy, lumpy misery In the chest, we belch up gas, we eructate sour food or have heartburn, flatulence, water-brash or nausea. Ha tells us to lav aside all flltf estiva u!i1b and Instead, get from any pharmacy four ounces of Jad Salts and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast and drink while It la effer vescing and furthermore, to continue) this for a week. While relief follows tha first dose. It Is Important to neutralise the acidity, remove the gas-making mass. start the liver, stimulate tha kidneys and thus promote a free flow of pur diges tive Juices. Jad Halts I Inexpensive and la made from the add of grapea and lemon Juice, combined with llthla and sodium phos phate. This harmless salts is used by thousands of people for stqmach trouble with excellent result. Advertisement No matter how long you have been tortured and disfigured by itching, burning, raw or scaly skin humors, just put a little of that soothing, anti septic Resinol Ointment on tha aoreg and tha Buffering atops right there! Healing begins that very minute, and in almost every case your akin geta well ao quickly you feel ashamed of the money you threw away on useleaa treatments- Avoid Imitations. , Raatnol Oiatmaftt aad aUsiaol Soap eVaar away ptmpta. blackkmrfa. and deadrvC twa by all druggists l prescribed by dactars. ;. Raws; (.HOTTB BROS. CO. Ociaarat IMatrtbate) WaMa Nah. 1 mates sick skins' well , City Will Pay Scott $400 as a Compromise I'poa the recommendation of City At torney John A. Rlne. the city council has ' authorised the payment of 1100 to O. ,A. Scott, as a compromise settlement for personal Injuries suffered by Mr. Scott when a city automobile turned over three years ago on Park Wilde avenue. City Commissioner Dan Butler pro tested the settlement and urged that the legal department should fight the case, but he did not receive support for his contention. With Mr. Scott,, who was city sperln tendent of lighting at tha time cf the accident, were former Councllmen L. B. Johnson, Louis Berka and Louis Bur mester. Scott wss the only man Injured. ) OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH ITow To Get Relief When Head and isoee are Munea up. Count fifty! Tour cold in head or ca tarrh disappears. Your clogged nostril will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you 'can breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache; no strug gling for breath at night: ' Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist ami apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through evary air passage of the head, soothing and healing the swollen or Inflamed mucoua membrane, Vlvlng' you Instant relief. Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don't stay stuffed-up and miserable. Re lief is sure. ) Whether you have a bin full of coal or not take this tip Don't let this winter go by without trying a load of Vul can Coke, if only to satisfy yourself what it will do for your next season's fuel bills. Cut out the coal habit it's bad for your, pocketbook. Go to a theatre a few more times with the tnoney you save -you can sleep late the next morning there will be no ashes to sift. Just open up the draft a bit, shovel on a little more Vulcan and it's of! for the day. ir 'a Vulcan Coke is made at Joliet, 111. in the latest type of By-Product ovens. It is guaranteed fuel, hav ing' many distinct ad vantages over Anthracite Coal. , Order Today iVadwoetf bt . Cot rrorfoets tHf. Ca, Joliet, 111. Exclusive Domestic Bales Agent. ArwitUSakMMa Coal ft Coke Co. Ms4ralok mi4lg, Obteatrsw Nebraska Fuel Co. Cbtrftaiari fcrOaskt Sa.0aak UBlatti fiesta. lld M VWdrsrl-rr; Irifis--et'r--e I XT! ijtpnm CaWfea PuU Pf r kaee Beeet tiled Hayaee Whkdiey. try it aw. stall aa this ad with SO casts b aUaape e eota aad we will sand raw a full quart bottle of Haymtr riw Staca Mllid-hlm4 Whiakay b aaaWd rasa sxpreaa chargas Baud. luaaitaaV tm-BoH whiaka f 1M SiMat kla4 aalaal wn the U. 8. Gevaraaaamt'stiraM btansai eaar tbe eork fully e4. full luue araaf, f ull ansaaare turt lb pUaae M la ear? way. Ywi take ao chaanaa weareaaeett tbe laraaa DiatiUare La Aaarka-aM ta fcnalnaaS yasrs capital tU0.uuUU. 4aV Tifki . rear aaant tau ene luut if yoa lui goods WU1 gw fasrwatd by flrst OraWa fraaa N, Maa., Caaa.. Wra. Maat fm4 all ruia Wmm ihmmJ bm aali t.ar uas xm a TBE BATH 1 DLSTOllNCCO.Dest 105 fTa, O. Vaakaaaaaa, ft. C. t4.Ua4a.aaa. O. ft.a4aa.SUaa. Kaaaaa City. kU. aWwaAaU, Oaaa. Ia4i.a...l. UaV M.aai. . I.r4.i.la. Sim, - J Dy-Product JT ?aar4kMaaTVrv Our Great February Clearance Sale Men's Winter Suits and Overcoats Continues with Unabated Economical Interest Suits and Overcoats O 71 1 that sold to $25.00. .plU A Remark able Sale of MEN'S SHOES' MM A Wonderful Dinner Set Bargain Opportunity Over 20 Beautiful Patterns for Selection. " , M'liitas China Cups and Saucers- Pair IO Covered Dinnes, each 0 Platters, each 5Q Tea Tiles, in nickeled frames, A Few of Wednesday's Big Values DOMESTIC ROOM Ginnhains, Skirting Stripes, 10c values, yard GC Muslins, unbleachtnl, yard wide, mill lengths , ..4 HhirtingN, Madras Cloth, Light grounds, stripes and figures, yrd Towellnu, bleached, twilled, soft finish, yard 3c Kid Glove Special All Kid Gloves left from our recent special purchase and sale, them worth up to $1.50, to close Wed-; nesday, your choice at, pair. . . .39! Kayser's Chamoisette Gloves ues, 10 button length, pair. iVrrln's Real French Kid Gloves Read the Big Special Grocery Sale for Wednesday We make tbe prices for the people, sot the trusts or combinations. Tou save from aa to 60 per cent by trading at. Xaydea'a for Orooerles IT lbs. best granulated sugar . .01410 48-lb. sacks best high grade Diamond H flour, made from tlie bent select ed No. 1 wheat, nothing finer for bread, pies or cakes, sack ...-.$1.90 lbs. best white or yellow corn meal for 17o 4 lbs. fancy Japan rice SSe 10 bars best brands laundry soap 80s 2-s. Jars pure strained honey S5e The best domestic macaroni, vermi celli or spaghetti, pkg. 7Vio cana oil sardines 8 So Yeast Foam, package 3o Grape Nuts, pkg 10J K C corn flakes, pke Tall cans Alanka sulmon lOo llershey's breakfast cocoa, lb. . S0c MacL.aren's peanut butter, lb. 139 1-lb cans assorted soups 7 Ho Advo Jell for dassert. nothing like it package 7Vo 1 dns. boxes Hafety niatches . . . .40 Large bottles Worcester Kauce, pickles, assorted kinds, prepared mustard or horseradish, bottle 8 Ho Parker House Catsup, bottle ,.7Ve 16-ox. cans condcnsocl milk ,,.,THo l-o. "pkg. condensed mince meat. at THo Golden Santos ' coffee, lt 30c The best tea sittings, lb 13V0 Fancy shelled, blanched and roasted peanuts, lb ..16o Kor cakes or table UHe. - Orape Trait Special Wednesday Regular Bo hIxp. Wednenday . ..8Hc Keuular 7'4o slxe. Wednesday ...4o Hcgular 10c. also. Wednesday So This is Chase's fancy Florida Uraue Fruit, nothing finer grown. PAYS EXCELLO The popular furnace Coal of Omaha clean, Laxling, Hot, Economical Burns evenly through the day and nig'tt. Ask your neighbors about Kvccllo. OLYMPIC Lump, Egrg, Our Sparkling COAL HILL LUMP". COAL HILL NUT........ An ExceUeiit lUinoi Goal. COMET LUMP 1 , n . 05.00 COMET NUT rCmyCoab 'V 54.50 Coal Mill Coal Co. 211 South 19tb Street, rhone ltouglava 978. Wa fasasl ttksst tatas tfTM hU AatturMrinkT tuow UuU Ik pmmw havtisst tWaiiw ti4 atnoaait mi fur mvod sixl ItivaJjp (fi Bi You r,lust Act At Once 41 - B I Vaaa an.tararaaatoaw-r a Sna. trartWa-aoraroi prkt of gila tuaataf i.u. bai k a b-ralir p.tmi m yaui auoint a7. i.i. 2. " ur t ala Jiu w biiep mi.i with yaur rr"..,"VT ""taly Do aaattar hal 700 la arTlh tha I quart Utiiln. lt Juatnturs aoli'i at ur api.M . , d rua'U a t your aaaT kirk at talTa-lU, mtui va v.B lainna mi it aa aiiti ea t-' ana libanj taraM. l. IM""1 Sauoa-ajMa frae ttiatribatiaa agar Is Sue a Kairtad t'r.a aiT-wiaaaar aipraonataoaj ur 4im atrauaa m ua wa aill bava to arch arw aia aa. laaa aJ.utaf U waiia it laaui aaal saoa ia sous enaur l aata 4ua) aVafcw liaka nauuaaeu u rtLSi DIITIUISI SaSasMSaaaMaMMsJg .$5 r Splendid Special Val ues in Furn iture. End of the Month Sale of China. . (Fourth Floor.) Our entire line of China Dinner Sets ITavilaml, F renc h, Austrian, BaVarian and German hat sold at $05.00 up. . Just Half Price. Hread and nuMor . I'lates Karti, at ,..10r Dinner Tlates csoh ...... 12 Cuspidors, arh 10? at 25 Apron Clieiks fast color, blu and white staples, yard White hrtls acd Crous Har White Goods, good qualities, at, yard lOf Poplin, 29c mercerized Bacle, in all colors, yard -lStf Curtain Ktamlne, figured nov elty borders,' yard 15c many of. $1 val .. .49 $1.50 values, ,611 colors. vr; SI HlgHland Vavsl Oranrs Bale Hlfrliland Navels is the fruit of qual ity. 10 very orange is Bun KiHse.l, Moon Kissed, and Star Kissed, In fact, everything in the way of na ture is kind to It. Special Wednesday per dozen ....19HO, ISO, 00o, So Sold regular for 17 14c. SOc. 3io, Sjc. Butter and Cheese The best creamery bullet-, csrtna r bulk, lb 33o The best dairy table buttct. ll. 880 The best No. 1 country creamery butter, lb 3io Good dairy butter, lb. ..... .SCo i! lbs. good buttertne it' The best, equal to creamery lat,. v, lb 95o full cream white, colored r Yoim x America cheese, lb. ,. aoc Imported Bwisa or lioquefoit clioe'-, 11 400 The Vegetable Market for the People li lhH. best cooking pulatur to tha peck for 170 Demand yur weight; the law r- nuires it. Large bundle, fresh - is. carrois, turnips, shallot!! or radishea, int' hunch 4o l.Hiae headx fro.th heal lettuce 7Mo 'J heads fresh leaf lettuce fio Wisconsin ihIiIihrc, Hi " o rCutabaKUS, turnips, pumpkins. ca rots or beets, per Hi So Fancy Cape t'ort 'Cranberries, it. oo Fancy hothouse cucumber, each 20o Fancy hothouse mushroom 1-1 '. box for 4Po Fancy ripo toinatucs. per Hi, . ...20i Special I'ancy Virginia shelled, roasted and blanched lreannts. pei pound ....... 150 (..it COAL 6.50 $6.00 5S.50 Nut 80ft Coal. , CDasBS) to dm! 490gBInitia4- Wiu Mrtr wveuvmi tor lium nuv. tupcmkHiA 9sm of out iut to sul k ta f uosoqb 1-Stw Vs pu at Mrtrva l Mist ctejl itatras Oumt (ItTsaDla 1 Mum iw yottr 4 CKaia4tl (it akaa iaa aa W. . MttWifcivam in Urn hbtury of tif hmj v.. , aTHi iua inn quana. t U'K lkj.. aa - -- ' Wf U f . C4X. fala go, Ksam City. Ko. Suit an Overcoats that sold to $15.00. . Vrff KY ".f r 1 nri o 11 A s-flshMLBbdaggggggH I T, Fop Results Bcc Want Ads,.