10 TITi: HEK: OMAHA, n:r,m;Anv 1M5. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper classification must be pre. iwH bet- re 11 o'clock noon for evening edition and J:.U n. m. for morning end Punday edltic-a. Want a'a recetve.1 "or ik-b hours will be under "To Lt to Clns-lfy" th heading. CAPH RATF" . Pe-aw ec-secutiv time. 1 ""t "Cr eech Insertion. . ,,, Three time within nnt week, 1H cent word each Ineerllon. On time. 1 cent a word. rWAROS RATES. , ven consecutive times, cent a n S'h Insertion. . , . Three time within on week. line each Insertion. Om time, 1 rent a tin. Count ls average word to "n. Minimum chnrge, 30 cent. An ad-ertlaement Inaerted to t " "," Ifl discontinued rouat be loiped by wru tea order. All elalma for rro rs rnust b m within fifteen da- fter th lat weer Doo of th 4-ortlscmcnt. Too ran plac your want ad In Th Be 7 telephone. inm Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hun-! of other anawera have ''JJ railed for and delivered durln the -in week. It la reaaonabl to aitppoae thai alt of th peotie below have made the deatred iwiiii, therefor do I tho balance of their ana-""- ada aure tet reanlu. H7. C. "G. r w ii H mm m iru tl 0 ll TS1 rt m 4is i.i" r , m i r K 417 l:4. tl ij 4l 13M Kt P?5 4W . nr 171 SM 4.,3 11! n 4?7 1W HI 4: HT4 rm m 4M i' Ml ",J M 4T s;4 1X 51 IKJ MO J l:l ' K4 tm V 14 f4 r i:W M' tl 73 1t 14" IX 1111 VT7 c. 1411 1412 1414 1414 141!4 14; i4.n 14,1 14 1441 14 I44 I4:.4 u:4 IliSO 1.J mo 47t !4S1 f4.C. 14X2 1C4 1M1 IMJ 1M1 K.2S If,- 1510 1M5 VM IWft 1W7 ir-79 1572 li'.4 1 iS.I 1il 9 1WJ I.VJ8 Il:ATim AJSIl Fl'SKRAl J4TirKII HRKW-John Brew of Florence, ascd i yeara. , . Funeral from C. C. llayncs. undertaker, at 4.1 North Taenty-lourth street to at 2 p. m. Interment at forest Lan cemetery. All friend Invited. Gl IXANE-4'lara H . wife ot I. Oiilnano, Tuesday, Fohruaiy -"3; aged 31 ''Funeral services at realdenca, 3521 Norlh 1 wenty-eUhlh street, Thursday, l-ebru-trrv i ut 2 o'clock. Inlcinient horeat I.awn cemetery. Friends are wtdcome. KKI.TNKR The funeral services for Kd gar 11. Keltner will lie held from th .xwanaon undertaking chaixd, Heven teenth and Cuming- streets, at 5 p. ni, WrdbcMlay. ttoHINSON Klliahrth. aned 72 years. died at 2:) p. m., Kehruary 22, 1MI6. Funeral will take place at 1 o'clock on '"ednesday, Kebruarv 24, from realdetuMj, "CT Corby street. Inicrmont at 1'ros ect Hill. No flowers. (ARD OF THANKS. WIS desire to' thank our many friends for their sympathy and kindness shown tie dining tlin late berenvement of our beloved mother; alao tor the many beau tiful floral offerluga. MR. AND MRS. R CAUTKR. RALPH M. CAIITKR. DOROTHY M. CARTUR. HKLKN N. CART UK, BinTIIB AMD D RATH I. Blrtha-Alvin nnd Rosa Blendln 72 ,ortli Twenty-eighth avenue, boy: Frank .. aim neeeie rwmaii, rear no Burt, furl; Kvcretl E. and Myrtle fclby, lu Burt, iwy. I'eatlis-rMward II. Keltner, 33. 1MI Spruce; F,llsalelh Jane Dennis, 7a, 010 l'oppleton aveaue; Mrs. Mary llerren, Til. Voitit-th and Pnppieton avenue; Mrs. tAnna M. Moolberry, 4i, 2i63 Wohler. ' marriage: LIt'-NIES. Permits to wed hav been granted to the following; Name and Residence, Age, I'.rmat A. Read, Los Vegas, N. M 30 Katliciino L. O'Connor, Omaha 80 Harry Rawson, Lkalaka, Mont 2H Mary Phrlan, Bunaon, Neb , ly F.arl Iealle Frants. Benson, Nob SB Blanche K. Mellon, Manilla, la 18 LouU Btetter, Valentine, Neb as b'thelyn Mudge, Coly, Neb 21 Frank R. Murry, Omaha !,1 Mabel Rapp, lxxtngton, Ky 23 Clarence H. Heed. Lyons, Neb,.,.,...,.. S3 Let tie Hhafer, Lyons, Neb,... 33 ' -harlee H. Wllaon, Omaha 47 Itenn, J. Jewell, Omaha , 40 Oeorge Pllklnton, Parker, B. D 28 t'unlo I'rliue. Parker, b. D 20 I'.dwArd Francis Mullen, Omaha 23 Fiuncea C. McArdle, Omaha 22 Micliele Tndlaco, Omaha 33 .Maria BoMtucIa, Omaha 30 Carl Christian Kasmussen, Cordova, Neb , 21 Carrie Jensen. Omaha 22 Fdgar A. Lewis, Rockport, Mo... 97 F.lhal R. lircese, Delphos, O Morris Raamuaaen, Omaha, over........ !l Mary Johnaen, Reneon, Neb., over.. IS Cliarlea Lontry. Blair. Neb 44 Martha V. Warner, Co. Bluffs, la.... 45 Frank A. Hautsch. Jr., Muscatine, la.. 31 Margaret Meier. Minneapolis, Minn... 31 Bl ILDINM P-RMITH. C. F.. Muagrave, 3673 Crown Point avc line, frame dwelling, tl.oOO; V. M. White, :.-i F.lliaon avenue, frame dwelling, L'.W) TODAY'S tJOMPLKTH MOV1K I'lUMiltAMS K.cluhlvrly In Tho IVe. ! lew . . CAMKRAPHONK, 1 14(10 DOI OLAS, The Craven ! rttl Reliance drama, lirr Hero. Roy com. The Home ot PI-b-nee. Knnawav June No. 2 F.LITK NO. 2. 131 FARNAM. )leatKt-Sdlg No. 13. l'ere Oorlot. 2-r. lilograph drama The New Teacher, r-eeanay comedy. fuisa m'tiiT-Tatkr 1 4 'iT fa1 I ; nX'mITF! - itunaw'iv June will be aliown here everv Tueeday in connection wlin our regular I'loiHiii alio a Pieymwne soinedy. lUtP THATlt, liTil AND HAHNKY Horn of Paramount Picture LlUli liiATa.lC. Feature program dallf iKevaione 1'nntedtva. fele N. UTH. PARLOR THKATKH. ImjCUI-AM. Toe Attorney fur the Detenu, il-reel i.utun iiranm. The Oreen at.' Vltagtaph cinniy. PlilNCKriS. i;ii;-l iHli UU8 1 ln Ma.ier Key, Uth and laieat alorv Ni ille ut the Fire House. Nestor ioniedy, 'i'M'"i wH-ny. iciest vr !Newa, rlh. I-AMO. xifll AND FORT. i.iiMroiiinerils. Majestic drama, 1 i.e ilnst,r. I re- K-B. aratua. A a Van "bniketli. Beaiily comedy. l-li '! iN. MlLlTUlY Air. 4k llurdetu. lie Mills ot llie tiiMla, cel. Domino. Mian. An InKlde Tip. lira. -lci.t N mill Cl.ildliood. Coin. Dl . M N D 7! " ' S10TAK ribf '. S niniMteii W eekly. 'i h. ir l.ixel Haul. L -Ko. comedy. 1 :l"tl of t'atrie. DA LM'OHT, DAVKM'OKf. T! e eubioarlne Spy. 2-reel Imp. A I pili.r.) iiiiMin Jikir comedy. j N KlTlX. iitTH A Nl r KA N K LI V H he Mi.lrn Ruby, 2-m-I Kal. Dia. 1 I,"- Hirricr of Fsuh Vila. lira. I n i !i-,1 i,'ri. Mma a !. li tfl "I'M-aullful Theater," 1( A liinucy Liln.uy June, l.i e i,. No (. I i' frfll V. Ijo I 'led, ;. ieel .lrMiu l'.'niia and Huil.ia. Kelonc itonedy in : 1 ui,m ,sk. l ct MIX lil kim Tiaflic A : -. ..I I r-,-1 feature. O' kod itimtdy tiiia f r. TIHUV'H COMPLETE M() IK PHOf ;KAM8 Fxrliiivrlv in The Ilec. ftorth. FOR RALE-A ronl business nicely In rated In a growing nnrlhwc-tcrn Iowa cnuntv seat town nf )V(i". Address Woart . . . . ' i. i o ' "'!""J' '"J FOR SA I.K-IHrnrf eiocs. one " towns In state; good dm.blc brick rooms with basement; long-time Iraae. Addrca V Hoc. if THKATKH. I'iTM AM) U K 1 H I . A 1,eap from lli Water Tower. KhI. Dra. The Mcutoniint llnvfnmr, 2-r. Kk. Dra. Wanted, a Nurse, It. Com JA'THROP. :r:l2 North 24th Mreet. Closed all 'this week, while making l leratlona and Inalslling an up-to-date screen. Watch TihT fur opening t.dVAl. 24 CAI.OWKMi ST. (.ttl or the Secret Sen Ice. 2-r. Hold Seal I 'HO. IilH i . Two rf a kind. Joker comedy. I 'A LACK, " 2Mi"tA VKX PORT ST '. t mo 1 dsaulecd Joker comedy. T'ie Trail Hreakera. 2-reel Hlson, bl III JUIAX f IICATKIi, -ith and Anna A Ita-e for Life. Vita fom. The Hhantfbnlei! Unby. -r. I.uh I ra iniik. JJd and Arbor Ktieeta. ARBOn, No ahow Monday ami Ttiei1:iy HeBjMar program balanre rf Jhe week. XRiTIiT. 2W i.i:a v knwokth. The Hroken -li'iilt. Hal. Kra. For Another'a Crime. 2-rei-l. Vita. lra. Sonhle'a ltotne-'omlng. K Com. ( 1 1 .1 M HI A. Ill" S it ill i" I H- The Kaat MhII a Dunwer. Kal-m drnmu. War. 2-re. VltaRraph comedy. The ( la ni,Newli'niher;JJor rimyiTiiT. ".4t'iPani vinton. The Metier Mail. 2-ree Mateatlr. The Hliopllfter. Thanhouaer. The Htar Hon pier. Koyal. f'TvTtMTfl';. i;i vinton. UfVa tJime. 2-r. Vltairraiih ilraniii. (Icltlnit Into a S rap-. Hlonrni h roni. Ily a Slrnnae Hoa-1. Karnnny dranin. UKSC 1 i'.8 .S ' 1 1 f 1 1 1 .'!T I T7 Mailer Key No. IX 2 reel Siieelal. Treaaure Heekera. HlerlliiK comrdjr. Heven and Seventy. HiK I'. LYRIC. 1H7 VINTON. LIesv' Dlr.zv Career. Nestor comedy. Heart of Lincoln. .1 reel Hold Henl. I'A BT I M"K2.1 1 AND I.KAVKN WORTH. PI l eg Leg's Will, '.'-reel I'.laon. l eioU and Piijitmaa. Joker comeiiy. -reela of plclurea, fie. VKN-Z1A. Ull bO. 12Tli T. Four reels of Mutual pictures. Weal. MONROE. tW. FARNAM. File No. 11.1. 2-r. lllograph drama. 'A Z IZMt affect.' V.naZ ilensna. BKNHO.V. MX'. MAIN HT. I old' Peg' Jeg's Will. (Ford-Cun-ird.) 2-r. The t iirnasKIhg. Itlg pramii. The Butcher' a Bride. L. Ko comedy. I uiat'll Hloff FLIT 17 NO 1, M5 BROADWAY. Tho Little Knglneer. Kalem drama. The Thlid Act. 2-r. Blograph drama. Hweedle'a Hulclde. Ksaunay comedy. MClToLAH, 647 H ROADWAY. The Ambition of the Baron, 2-r. Kss. Dra. Tim Chief's tleat. Yltn. Com. Mllinly'a Boi dolr. Bin. Dra. RiiFkrI M7 BROADWAY,. Tbicada of Fle. 2-reel Rex. The Fibber and the lrl. Imp. Dnnco Crentlone. Big I'. snalk Ottiaha, RKSKK THKATKH, 24TH AND N. The F.si'ttue on tho Fast FrelKht. Kal. dr. Th tilory of Cli-menllna. 2-r. FV1I. dr. The Combination. Vltagraph comedy. MAU1C, 2IT11 AND O. Perils of the Wild. J-reel Hiaon. How Marv Fixed It. Imp. aaileville. ORP11F.UM, 24th and N Streets. Zudora every Wednesday Keystone plays, featuring Charles Chap lin daily. ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTICE. . Ladles polnr to const should place their orders early to avoiu aajr oeiay in mer plana. snnA nio l r.iv, adles' Tailoring and Dressmaking-, 201 20 City National Bank Ulug, IjKNTIKTR V All klnrta of dental work done under careful supervlaton at the Crelghton L'nlverslty Collego of Den- tisiry, aiu r. mui i., iomu. ,v. moderate. Kxtractlon free. IOMKMADH aauaage, only one In Oma ha. Bam Fiwher, lil!i Iavenw'h, D. aiJO. Wedding anii,iuncemetita. Doug. Ptg. Co. IIAZI'l. Iaf I'll Cones. Best remedy for itclilnir. bleeding or proiruuing pues; SOo poatpsld: samples free, fcheiinao at McCunneii Drug Co.. omana. ENROLL now. Y. M. C A. night school. LUCKY wording ihit4jal BtuUvgaardi AUTOMQMLKR $l(s RKW A KD for any nianncto we can't repair. Cnlla repd. Bavadorfer.'.'Ui N.18. o ONK Cadlllao, in good comlitkut. K. it. I'l'.l.lON l litltilUU, Farnam M. AUTO PAINTINU. Fords, uthcrs, IM up, BrlgBS, 144- N. lth. Phone Webster 17;t0. 19i3 4-PAHS. Hupmoblle for sale; In first clnaa condUlon; car can oe veen at a-i Farnam tL tjplendld bargain tor caah buyer. JXNT1NEL AUTO CO.. dealerg in used cars that quarantea Service. Cltt Bo. mh Bt Creenough Omaha Bad. Rep. Co.. 3H30 Far. AUTO Clearing House, t2u Farnam, buys and sells used cars. I'liona uuugias ii, c7"EtJSA6SrR, expert radiator and laaip repairs, Ty. iUI. il Leavenworth. liuii.-lrial Oarage Co.. 2uih Harney Hts. Motwreyclea. v HARLKY-DAV1DSON MOTORCYCLES. llHraaina III uaed machines. Vl lol Kooa, Tlie Motorcyile Man." 2703 Uavtnwoi tn. l'Jli INDIAN MOIOKCVCLI- now ready; Oargaina lu uieci iiiacniaea, uiiaim Hl'JYCLK CO.. iidll and Clilcago. D. 3723. lU'SINKHS CHANCES I'l HLIO SAl.K of tho leal talo, ma chinery and stock of United Hrcfrlger- ator and ! e -iacblno Co., bankrupt, of Kenosha. Wis., will occur March In. V.Hi. on the premiers. Property will be offered IkuIi In separate parcels and as a whole. This nlant la acknow icti?eti to Pe ona of the beat and moat completely equipped factorlea producing rclrtgeiatliig lixtuivs and email Ice machine Will aril lumber and manufacturing goo-ls now at private ale. Send for Hats and full partlculaia. J. D. Rowland, Trust--. Kenonba. Wla. o AI'To repair shop, garage and blaca amltn eliop for rent or for sal. Charles Smasal. i'aplllton. Neb. C. J. Canan can sell your firTnlng land. FOR SA LK r-boo lepairlug ahop; money malting I lace for the right man; am leaong I in, Adilress l:H 1 lodge St. Ll.ST builnraa iliain-i s, proeriy fur rent sale or cxchaimr with me. I will wilie all manlier of Insurance. W, U. Tern ,,UUcu, Pen. BKoKKIt. S-lS lie. Ty, S'.'O. YlST YOU R Bl SIN KSS with ua lor guick action and square treatment QUICK PALK COMPANY, 4l Be B da. l'1" Uf4 M54- Moi'KKN jewelry an re in town of 3,'aiG at h IwrKaln if sold al once lor ceh. Address Y 375. Bee. o ilKHt'HANTS' stotk reducing and cloa- i out salea aucci.siully piumoied; ad . free Hiwry Uvll. Hi Weal lh St., K,in- City. M. CM. of til beet rvtull bakrl'ias In til lt; no competition. Call Web. 11 or adili'cas K llt-e. FIM.VS t,i., arK H ..m l lITl tAIKiNS eieiywhrre in stale Harms Realty o, Norfolk. Neb. To t!KT In or ten of bui)i-aa. Call on C A NO EST A 1 1 II Hee 1:1,1a d art. the- Till ATKK-l.uy. leas or .ell vour sum . inii'htiw and aiiic x ihrouah liieacer r. 11 hangs Co ) iioj-'i-a 1 a7 mi- r or nam Vol It bu-lora.. 01 ixal estate iul.WI soid. W1.1 Jim Wray, bluu City. 1U SINKSS C HANf '-'S W'A NT Kl A K'tod partner In established luialnea In n rwd town of B.ono . Muat he n whU aaake o :nif man of stood tmhlt.4 and a aood tullor. Writ" or c-ome and In vetlate. Hlriila, The TaLnr. Atlanlle, la. Villi rAI,K Aeeldent Inauram e Aaenc jr, arowm and Tirofltahle. Ksi-lualve rlht to profitable hnMnea A fine thin lor an ait who will work. Can he made a bin bualneaa. Addreaa f-f1. rnre liee IlKSTAI KANT, llk'ht down town, mak lnr money-iufl. Alao a good lunih place, limi. (JAN(Ji:STAD Iloom 414. Hee Hldu. Donu. S4T7. KDtTATIOXAI- WINTER TERM MOSIIER-t. A VPMAN COLLEX.E, NOW OPKS. tTnatirpaaaed rlaaaea In bualneaa. short hand and KnKllah nranchea. Oraduatea Biiatanteed Rood poitlo"- Placea pro vided f jr youna; people to work for board. For free catwlomie add"1 Mosher-Lampman College 1th anl Farnam Stree. Omaha. Neb. FOR eale the following actinia raliips In a first clnas Omaha Bualneaa College: One unlimited combination business end shorthand course. One unlimited bualneaa course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three mcntha' business or steao- graphic. roure. Will be sold t a discount at th office of the Omaha Ree. UOYLEiS COLLEGE May School. Night Bchool; complet husinesa course; complete shorthand or tenotye course: complete telegraphy course; civil service tranches and K,ng 'ish. Muden's ndniltted at any time. Write, phone or call for 1915 catalotfu. UUYLKM COL(.i:OK, II. li. BOVLK8. lYealdent. Boylcs BlUg. Omaha. Neb. Tel. Dnllglaa lofin. LXl'KRT lady atatingraptiar will tk rnplis. HHOHTIIAND touch typewrit ing, sj'elilng, punctuation, eta., taught and complete training given for bualneaa ca reer. Private Instruction if desired. Douiil.is 8t. Tel. Walnut UT.. The Van Sant School Stenography Dsy school, :tW to 4:04). Night school, U:l to :li. u . lih and Karnam Bt rous!ia MO. Kill RALE Farnllare. FOR PA LK New Remington typewriter, di-slt nnrt clmlr. olienn: also nak flat tup deak nnd several office chairs. Phone I Ollg. L'MS. . Fkol,- i f'i. I , ( i riiiiHUL ,wtu, " 1,1 4. New It "d-hand furniture, cash or terms; reasonable. Amor. Fure. Co.. 606 N. isth Maaleal Inatmnaenla. 1UOH ORADK PIANO, CHKAP FOR f'AHH. WF.RHTFAl Bllghtly used high grade piano. D. 2017. Type Titers. RyNT Remingtons, MonnrVtis and Smith Prrmlera of their maker. Th Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas I2M. Rental credited If you purchase and omy very newest and lugheat iale iju4 chlnes aunt out. Rates, three months for 16 for unilVrMroke machines or 33 per month for lateat model visible writer. TV I'K Will i i.tiH so.d. rented, repaired. Central Typuwiiter exchange, XfJ &. 17th RkNT An Oliver typewriter. I months for $4. The Oliver Typewriter Co.. D. 2319 Miacellaneona. I-hand melt. Gross Wreck Co., 31 Paul. FOR BALI',-New and aecond-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixture of all klnda( easy payments. Th Brunswick- lialke-Collndar Co., 40T-40S 8. luth lit. li NEW automat to weigh Ins scale. II and 110, Match machine and lifting m.ichines, electric fixtures and supplies, buggy harness, tools, lumber and other miscellaneous articles for sa!e or trad. J. C. 1SU, EXECUTOR 703 So. 3lt Ave. Phoa Harney Ml. tjlOWINO MACHINES for sale Tel. Mouth 2ST cheap. ONH second hand band saw aod planing machine, circular rip. Address L 29, Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. - BOOKKEKPFlt and steno., V0. Clei-K and tyi'tat, K. Otltco Kill, dental experience, 6. i Bookkeeper and steno., with cashier Kork, nice place, meals and f-ft. CO-OPLRATIVM RKFKRKNChJ CO., lidS-lH City National. no i ki'AI, ku.inu his. STKNOC, IIA I'll KR, wholesale I h i k inoi J i vA I I i I'.tv HTl'JNCMI KA PI I Kit 4t BOOKKKKPKK. retail ! OFKICK CLKRK Hl'HINKKS MKN'rt RKFKRKNOK ASS'N i:illk-a Woodman of World. No Fl I J NO FK11 8 KPT COM MKIW'lAl. I'OSITIONS. ROI1K.HS IIKFKKKNCB CO., r.JH-2'S STATU BANK HUXJ. STKNOORAPHER and bookkeeper. 22 to 25 years old. high school graduate, In surance experience, $13 to $16 week. I HtKl K.IIH HKF. Cti &-b-8 State Bk. Bldg. STKNCMl, and telephone girl; profJr Council Bluffs resident; state salary expected. M, J, tev BTKNIKI, and clerk; muat reside In South Omaha; salary to start 340. p 31. Bee. Kaclory and Iradra LEARN ha'rdreaalng. Oppenhelra Parlor WANTF.D Button hole maker and hand finisher. Apply Albert Cabn. 1323 Far nam St. lluaarkeeitera and Oasneatlea. TIIK borvatit Ulrl Problem ttolved. Th Be will lun a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad PHKK until you get th desired result This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluff. Bring ad to Th Be office or telephone Tyler loot). W ANTFD COMPKTKNT GIRL TO DO OK N KRAI, HOUSKWORK. OOOI WAOKh. APPLY WITH RKFF.K F.M.K. MRS. LKONARD A. til'ALD INU. 3--D HARNKY BTKHi-.T, WANTED- A girl (or houaework; ljua COMPKTKNT and neat-appearing girl for general houaework; small, new apis. ; 2 In faintly; pleasant room. 109 8, 42d St., Phone liar. 4:'&9. COMPKTKNT girl lur general house work; no washing; good wages. Klit Burt St. WANTKD A girl who attends school half day to take car of small child for beard and room. Must be on IS years of age. H. 7iftS. til Hi, for general housework; no wash ing: Wlllte lrferrfl: 4 nultna eleanl,,- W2 No Sith Av. VVANTKI A girl to aaalat with house- wor; g.Mia Home. N. lllth. Web. 1JU. toMPLTKNT girl for general house work, 3 in family, good wages, lira. A. O. Beeson. 3HIH Harney 81. NKAT. coiopetent girl for general houae work In family of two: pretty home, conveniently ai ranged; good cook uecea. eary; references required, permanent yiiace to icnaoie girl, rnone Harney ttOI. WANTKI-tlirl for general houaework; uerman preivrrea. Mrs. J. A. Hugg, Apt. No. ,4. The Normandy. W ANTED t'omiH'tent girl for general housework; 3 In family: good wanes: y; gooa wag Webster "'. wniir a,rl only. I nun UKLI A hl.K, cvlured, waula genaral housework or cooking. D. sortO. WANT El A girl for general houaework. l; a. luth St. WANTFD Neat general housemaid who can cook; small family; good wage. 407 S. th St. . WA.NTKIl Girl or woman for general houaework; amall family and good aanea all Mra D. H. Farr, 3-14 Lin coln Blvd. iWANTKD A cook in ptlvate family of k euiius. ipui or cny; wagea, 34 a month iand It. R. fare; no laundry work: muat 1 1" XkI cook and able to giv referencea. Aduiem I. I . M1111I1. et. Ildwanl. Neh. l. AN fM-Nuisr for ycar-ol4 hld. Mm josepn tjarner, 1 1. :cj V si't-D .iT'anUh liouackctl r. WTb! 1 - " IlKLP WA.VTKI) rlHIK llaaaelieearra anal Domeallea. WANTK.K A neat, competent colored alrl for general housework; no washing. Harney !v,2. H ANTKIi-A anod Kirl for seneral houae work ; keep a aeeond ulrl. Mra. J. A. fundrrland, 1029 Ho. Zb Bt. WAXTKIi-A white airl for ireneral houaework: no waaiilng; no oooklnn. Web. 4's;l, 2i3S N. 1!th ft. WANTKK An experienced ; no ln(r. 3?I0 Iewey Ave, . 2fW. waah- MIseeliaaraM. LA f"1 RS ft mlaaea' roatn. aulta. dreaaea al.lrt aomplea al vholeaale prices. Bon off a New Vork Sample Store. 2"fi N. lBth. YOt'NO women cmiinn to Omaha, aa atrangera are Invited to visit the Young Women's Chilstlan association bulldlna at Kt. Mary s Ave. and Uth St.. where they wit! be directed to aultatlo boardinf places or otherwise asslnted. Ixvok for our irr' RU'fle tilnrt station WOMEN set government Jobs. $70 month' l.lct free. Franklin InKtltule, iitpt. R. Rochester. N. T. WANTF.D immediately, an experienced girl fcr feeding a ruling machine. Hieady position. 1 Febure ledger Com pany, ( V.lar Rapids, la HELP WANTED MALE (lerleal nm Office. JALFSM.N. FLOIR tW KAI.F.fi.MA.N. f)RITC,s I If K CA NO AOi:.VCY, X BF.F. BI.Dii. I YOI NU MAN WITH RAILROAD OF- J r-TCK EAR. APPLY MIDW KHT BOND IXO O).. 312 BKK BLfKl. VoltNO man with railroad office exp Apply Midwest Bonding Co., 312 Be I Idg. BOOKKKKPKK One thoroughly expert enced, rnpahle of handling purchase ledger for large concern. Apply at once. 131 Wroodman of World Bldg. OfOD bookkeeper, good penman, $"-100. liOOFRH HKK. CO.. n2W- Htste Bk. Bldg. 8ALKMMAN, draper, salary depend". Buy to learn trade. WATTS RF.F. CO., K40-4J Bran Theater. Hiait-aHADK commercial positions. WEST. REF. A BOND ASS'N.. Tfta Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTF.D ne live wire salesman to work in Omaha. Apply F. L. McNeil. Room 272, 1'axton hotel, before 10 a. m. Monday. Aajenta, gatesaa-w and kolleltors. OIL SALESMAN WANTED To handle an eastern Nebraska terri tory. We sell directly irom refinery to consumers, alao dealera. Have competi tive prices, sell on open account and pay 25 per cent rommlaalon or salary. We are one of the oldeat Independent companies operating In the middle west Address Y-, Bee. WANTED Experienced Shoe Salesmen. Apply Super intendent, Brandeis Stores. BALKHMAN wanted for aide line of wool flannela and auto robea to retail trade In Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota. Address Y 37(t, Bee. Drug store snaps; jobs. Knelst, Be Bldg. TH B first payment now covers Insurance till July 1. IDll. This makes our rolic- eaay to sell. Call or write. Mutual Ben efit, Health and Accident Ass'n. 423-13 City Nat. Bank Bldg., Omnhs. Neb PORTRAIT MEN 24-hour service on prints and finished work. Write for cata ogue. Roberts Artists, 1420 McQee. Kan sas City, Mo. BILLY SUNDAY'S MFSSAQF Author ised. Great opportunity for timn or woman to make li.00 to 315.00 a dav. Un usually liberal terms. Sparo time may be used. Particulars and samples free. TInlversal Bible House, 402 Winston Bldg., Philadelphia. a Factory and 'trade. AUTOMOBILE l!B OR OTHERWISB B wise a 1 Independent In business for yourself or earn big money. Our large and well equipped school and shop will produce this result for you. Get our unusual Interesting offc? with Catalogue "C." Day and night classes. Phone D. 204J. 141S-U-1T Dodce St.. Omaha. Nnh NKBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. FIRST-CIAfi coat maker and an all around man wanted to work by th week. Pav from IIS tin. Tailor. Tin m Analey, Neb. LKARN BARBfXl TRAW. B Independent; wages and tools given. Electrio massage. Strictly modern. Big demand for barbers. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEOE, 1124 Iwuglas Pt.. Om. 1032 N St . Lincoln. WANTKD Kxperlonced gardener, who Is willing to help out with other work In suburban home. Address fl 17, care Ben. Miscellaneous. GOOD YOUNG MKN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Biggest demand for our Magneto, dee. Starter Auto Graduates. Too many un trained tinker repair men; good men ro--lively needed. Big spring rush. Ffc catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COL LKUK, 2063 Farnam St.. Omaha. Be an Anto Mechanic and draw a larg salary, or go Into th auto business for yourself.- Our com pletely equipped school and shops will bring this result for you. Writ for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 1U N. 20th St.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and eggs, lie. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol. WANTED All round automobile patnter; no booxer. Ryan Motor Car Shops, Lin coln. Neb. WANTED First-class machinist for auto garage; steady work; good wages to right man; no booxe; reference. Anthon Auto Ass'n, Anthon, Iowa. HELP WANTED MALE) AND VKHALB. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women; H6 to 1150 month. Writ for list. Franklin In-Ulul. Dept. XUB, Rochester, N. Y. OMAHA government clerk examinations Apru st. i(Q monin. common education sufficient, bamplo questiona free. Apply Immediately. Address Y XI, Be. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man wanta piau to work for board while attending Boyle college. Telephone Dougla UdX WANTKD Kmpioyment by middle-aged man, aaverai years, railroad and office experience; prefer poalilon a traveling salaautaa or otlic work; can ua ;pe writer; not a steoo. K fcd. Km MAN and wife want work ot any kind. Harney 4HO WANTKD POSITION BY YOUNG MAN. HIGH tfCHOOL STUDENT, AFTER SCHOOL AND SATURDAYS. FA IK KD LCATION, AND CAN FURNISH Al RKFKKMNCK. FOR INTERVIEW All DH ESS G-2.. BKK. EXPKRIF.NCKD girl for general house work; no washing. S9lo liewey Ave. Tel. Harney 2ws. YoUNG man. 23. experienced as caahier, bill and office clerk, desire position lit Omaha; am college graduate, good calcu lator and excellent penman; best of ref- !rrn''r; J"" at a moderate salary I LADY desires place aa housekeeper: fam ily not preferred; city only; caa furnish good references. Address P 696. Bee. EXPERIENCED colored" inaa w lanes po anion as housekeer. Call H. fcMt, WASHING and Ironing Klla. Wb-3M. KXPKK1ENCKD bouaekeeper wlaiiea po sition In small family or apartment hotel: excellent reference. Address C 6h. Bee. REFINED lady wishes to act a coriT panion In private home to lady or chil dren for board; reference. Address B 22. Bee. W ANTF.D A position doing houaework. Douglaa 3.1OO. W ANTED Position by young American man; am willing to work a little for my money; have never held a Job over six mom ha and am naturally Uay. If you bae anything to offer address K W, Bee oltii e. WANTED Chambermaid Ida Green. ork. D. ioil. xvAyrtt KITIATION8 EXPKRIKXi'KI younir man wanta work In a hotel or restaurant; ran do any work. F 2.".. Bee. CLKRICAI, poailion deeired by yoiinar woman with 6 yeara' experience. 3 yeara with electrical concern and .1 yeara gen eral office work. Phone So. Sail. WA.NTKIl rltion bv all around coun try printer. Temperate and ateady. F. Onlman. Of n, Iiel.. Omaha. OI,l and youna want place aa house keeper. No oblections country. 274 Oram St . Web. 31.T.. YOI'NO man. attending American Auto college, wants work evenings to help defray expense of board; am used to hard work. Address ( ", Bee, W A XT KD Position by comietcnt ac countant and collection man: No. 1 ref erences. Call Webster 4V?!. or address F M. Bee, W ANT Kl i Place drivirnt private car; i.'sn fu-nleh Kood references; well ex peiioived. Address. .1 21. Bee YOI NO r.van wanta any kind of work. Can give references. Address 8-32. Bee. LIVE 8TOCK I OH SILK lleraea and Vehicles. FOR PALK 2 teams of well-matched, chunky mares; weight 1,100 to LfrW lbs. esch; ages a to 7 yeara: all good marea, right out nf hard work: alao 12V)' takes chunky team of mares, heavy In foal. J. Ryan. Mgr.. 2.vq Fa mam. ML'BT sell team bay brewery horses; 7 years old. 3.i lha. ; 4 teams black mares. In foal, all young; 1 team brown mares, 2.700 lbs., heavy in foal. Call at Bottle Beer Dept., 1J14 P. 13th St. ATTENTION! Muat sell this week four husky marea In fonl; 1,200 to L40 pounds each: have been taktn on a debt. This la a bargain. Call and Investigate. i04 B. 2"th St.. near Howard residence. 8F.VF.N head good marea, weight 1.100 to 1.400 pounds; must sell. 1;9 8. 32d St. Take West Manscom Park car. SHIP live stock to South Omaha. 8av mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. FARM wagons, javi nnd tip; harness, 140. .lohnson-l 'anforth Co.. ifilh Hark 8ts. FOR HALF, 1 team of nice, large marM, heavy In foal; weight 1.4ii0 lbs. each; age 8 and 7 years old; inconvenient for party to care for stock; private residence. 2i'll Dodge Pt. l.adv owner. FOR rAI.K A nice, large team, weight 1.5C0 lbs. each: one In foal; 20 hales of hay, prlx bags of cracked corn and bran; blankets, curry combs and brushes; must be sold within next 3 days: party leav ing city; cheap for ready cash. James Henry, 2223 Dodge. FOR SALE 20 head of nurses and mares, age from 4 years Jlo 8 years, all well broke to work. Call telephone South 3029. 33?2 Harrison St., South Omaha. A4L KINDS of horses cheap, once. 1SS1 N. 1th. Call at 60 horses tnd mules; all kinds, off Missouri ranch. O. L. Llghtfoot. 2102 Cuming. MARK. 3 geldings: weight, 1100-1400. Coal office. 20th- and Lake. Live Stock Com ilaaton Merchants. MARTIN BP.OS. CO.. Excnang Bldg. - . , , -a LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having loat some article would to well to call up the office of the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore tl em to the risht-'-l ovasr. Call Doug. 48. LOST Nose glasses, in Columbia Optical raae, gold chain and hairpin. Red f774. LOST Sunday night, ladles' gold watch, fob attached, monogrammcd "E. P.." between 0th and Arbor and 30th and Ontario. Reward If returned to 1918 On tario HL MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. K. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and ether rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R TARRY. 840 Bee Bldg. Riinlnro Cured in a few day without uPlue pain. Cull or write Dr. Wray. IM Bee Bid.. Omaha. Established lxn - Piles and Fistula Cured without SUROICAI OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUSI NESS. PAY when CURED. A written GUARANTOR given In every case treated. Patients must come to the of fice, 4OA-9-10 Omaha National bank, 17th and Farnam Pta. DR. WILLIAM CREIGHTON MAXWELL, Twenty-eight years In Omaha. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City. N. Y. PERSON AIi B. THOMPSON of 94 Crescent Place, Chicago, 111., wishes to communicate with stockholders of th Collecum com pany of Chicago. 111. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as stranger are invited to visit tho Young Women's Christian association building at 17th 8L and St. Mary's Ave., where Uiey will b directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aaslsted. Lock for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. $7,000 to Pension Invalids If w receive 500 subscription to Th Ladle Horn Journal 31.50 The Saturday Kvenlng Poet 1.00 Th Country Gentleman.... 1.50 Each month till April to equal last year' business, th original 3I.000 become the property of tho Invalids' Pension asan., making 87,000 to pension Invalids. W mum have 67 subscriptions In February. Tour order or renewal adds SO ct. Phone, Doug. 71 S3 or address Gordon, the Magazine Man, OMAHA, NEB VERA or Christ Jensen phase write Mra Marlon Ryan. St. Regis Hotel. Tulsa, Okl. Viola Butler write Air. Lulu Mo ll utt saino address. THE Salvation Army Industrial horn so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phon Douglas 413. and our wagoo will call. Call and Inspect our nw home,. U10-U12-1114 Doda be POULTRY Attn SUPPLIES DON'T forget that three time more chicken have been hatched In Oil Truaty lnoubator than in any other in cubator. Catalogue free on request. Ad dreaa, M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Centar, Neb. BTEREOT YPfai matrices make th beat and cheapest lining for poultry house They air 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75c a hundred at Th Be office. LET chicken Par your rent; aend for fre book. ., rur rnlng Egg Into Chiok- ens Into Liollars." and fre aami le world a oniy nau-mng cnart; dook aeacrltie Kayo incubators; give most chirks: l-.atcb on one gallon oil. Rayo Incubator Co., 1013 n. 1-in civ. umana. .-Neo. rnon Bed stii. Mixed grahr luOlhs.. 81.75. Wagner Wl'N.lf BARRED ROCK chickens, poultry houaes. ticuuamra mr aaie. eoaier iv. Lenlioru hatching eggs. Tel. Florence 21a. LIVE WXRK BUSINESS MEN OF OJLxUA A B C of Omaha NEW and Id hand motors, dynamos. KUUMietoa, ale, and mech. repairs. I Broa Elvrt. Work, I1H-20 8. 13th. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 1M Curoiog. Douglas 2447. Raaovala feathers aud mattreasea of ail kinds, make feather mltre-a and down covers. VACUUM cleaners for sle.' Vacuum clesuilng don In th horn. Sanitary bervlce Co., Bo Bid. WE rant, repair, aell needles and parts for all sewing uiaciunea N W BRAbtCA CYCLK CO, "Mlckal'a.' 15th and liaiaay. Doualaa ImL LIVE WIUE 1U HIXEKM MUX OF OMAHA turoisiisi. K. A. DW.iRAK. C. T A., Adores 433 Ram-e Bldg.. Phone Douglas 7H. Addlasj Marhlaes. DaltonjdlngMachlnes. 411 8. IS. D. 144. Adder Mch. Co. (Walesf. W. O. W. D. 633. Archlteets. Everett S. Dodds. 12 Paxtoa Blk. D. tSM. Asia I -Inline. FORDS. Slf; OTHERS, 120 IT, Bripg-. I'M N. l'ith. Phone Webster 1.10. Aalo and Maaaeto Repairing;. Magneto repair worlc a specialty. D. Wig. Auctioneers. Dowd Auction Co.. IIIWII W. O. W. R. 3?Sa. Attrartlona. OMAHA Film F... 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and tdm bargain. nine Prlntliivr. HORNBY BLUK PRINT CO. 802 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Harbers. 11 Chairs. 10c shave, neck have. IfflT Far. Braaa Foundries.' Paxton-Mltchell Co.. tTth and Martha Pts. Carpenters and Conlractors. STEVENSON. 83 P. 22d. Douglas BI520. California Lands. W. T. Smith Co.. 1111 City Nat'l Bk. D ZSls China Painting. Ruth Letchford. deerratlnj. flrtnB. P.. 4i2. I ream Separator. The Sharpies Separator Co.. Kth&Farn. Cistern and Well Dlggln. NEKD wil or cistern cleaned or dug? ScHAFFKIt does It. Phone Web. 6631. J. E. RICKERTT Well Conetructlon Co.; nothing too Mg or impossible: estimates furnished. 610 N. 21t St.. Omaha. Clvli Knartacera. M. J. LACY. 61S BEE BLDG.- DOUG. 471S. W. J. McKathron. Tel D. 6i01. 1"18 Om. Nat. Coal Healer. dii r.i I Johnson' special, also Victor nut. TJ.ou tt 00 Phone Dougla 1702. Decorators nnd Patter Hangers. BILGER does it Phone Walnut 1522. Dancing Acndeanlea. DOL'O. AUDI. Spnc'l rte for clubs and pri. nances, can or tel. Mgr. u. Z4i. Turpln s Dancing Academy. 28th & Farn. Try Mack le a, first. 1816 Harney. Doug. 5448, CHAMBERS' Academy, clasalc. D. 1871. Dentlsta. Dr. Bradbury. No riln. ISM Farnam, Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 403 Brandeis Bailey, the Dentlat. 70S City Nat'l Bank. Tuft Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 2186. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea. 724 City Nat. Bank. Delect i vea. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States, Canada or Mexico. m Pxton Blk. Doug. 1373 Walnut 1630. JAMES ALLAN, tit Neville Blk. Evi dence secured ln jioeesTTleT 1138. urv vuaaaias, Terry Presgrmik'g collage, 80th St Farnam. EXPEIKUCNCKIj dressmaker wants work by day. Phone Florence 308. WATSON & LUND, 2007 Cass St. Electric Sappllea. LEBRON Eleo. Wks., 818 8. 12th. D. 2178. Drag:. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 810 order; catalogues free. Sherman & Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. E-erythlna- tar Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleatlng; covered buttons, all sixes and style; hemstitching, picot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. D. 1936. SWITCHES frotn combings, 31.50. Psych free. Mra H. M. Eck. S009 Marcy. H. 6646. HAIRDRES8INO at your home. R. 6931. Feather Cleaned. BRING In your old straw hats; cleaned and dyed 60c. Dora Elsele, 1138 City Nat. Douglas 2832. Farter. , BEN FENSTER, 1410 N. I4th 8L W. T7TT. Florist. A. DONAGHtTE, 1623 Harnay. Doug. 100- BATH'B florists, 1804 Farnam St. HESS & SW'OBODA, 1415 Farnam Pt. L. HENDERSON, 1518 Farnam. D. , Member Florist Telegraph DeL Assn. nntlerlngr and Spontlngf. FIRE PREVENTION CO.. Dougla 4584. Hair Dreealnar. Harper method. R. , Balrd Bldg. D. 811. Llgrfctlna- Klxtnres and Wlrlnai. THOMAS DUEiaN Electflo fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2418 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2519. LIT Stock; Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co., 07 8. Uth. Red 4251 Meaaenger and Teamster, W HITE LINE. 808 . 11th. Douglas 8313. Maak, C'oatnmes and Ld snppllea. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes. The largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Tlieo. Ltebcn & Son. 1514 Howard. D. 4118. Maaaenae. C011A J3ELLINGY ."auJSS: tory tren tmenta; 1 a. m. to 11 p. m. VAPOR B TlISMeatcatd nr P,aln: Dotigla. Notice Entrance downstairs, basement, cor. of Dodgej MISS SCHMIDT, mass., eloc. bath. D. 713. Open eve.; 9 p. m. ; Sundays, 12 to 6. MAS.SAOK, 1721 Dodge. Mra. Steele. Mibs Fisher, mass.,- elec. treat. Red 5030. MASS A OK &'M BEK BUILDING. JMV00-VJ Pj DOUGLAS 6372. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson, W2 Faruum, R. 2. Dougla 87ol. uivn eniiina ana ounaay MISS WALTON, hath, massage. Tel. D. ouitii 10 i1, c.iinoixy ji 10 li Clara Lro, bath and masaqge. Doug. 87il. Kathleen Mack, iiiiieaage bath. D. 7682. BATHS. .iBalrdld"g.. 17th and DougT tlevtair, terag and t leaning. W. C. FKRU1N. 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Ocwilats. Eye examined, glaaacs fitted, pay as you ran. Drs. McCarthy, nil W. O. W. Bldg. Ostvopntnio Physicians. - i Dr. Rerncha. 208-4 McCague Bldg. D. Dr. Pett rauii. 60.1 Brandeis Bldg.. D. 2144. Prinllnic. VATI7RS-B ARNHART Ptg. Co.. qunllty prlntliiK. Tel. Doug. 2190. 524 S. 13th St. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. CORKY aV M'KFXWE PTG. CO. D. 2614 P.IKS-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1620 Capitol. D 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. 1XJUG. 3751. Paten Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 8. Ulh PL Patents. H. A. Pturres. 836 Biitndels Theater Bldg. D. O. Pamell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Roach fclilarailaatet. B. H. B. Roach powder at "Frenger's" Palatlna nnd Paperlau. HUGH M'MANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. B728. Plntnen Henarated. PLUMES & flower made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kruger, 4 Paxton D. 8394. at and Tlat Lack KxtMrrta. O A Opened, repaired, com. - P 11-73 changed. . E. Daven- ho Hrpalrlaf, Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1S0T Pt. Mary Af. FII t-'liMAN BROS., ahoe repair. 211 a. 14. DESKS, safea, scales, showcases, shelv ing, ate. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-1-14 8. mh. D 27"4 ljaa and Ikanearaa. E M CLARK SON. 113 8. 18TH 8T. Heel 1'rtllBK, CARTER Sheet Metal Company. g, js, Tsw gapnllea. OMAHA Towel Supply. 80? 8. 11th. D. 838, Vrnnk. aad Sna.eas. FRKL1NQ STEINLE. 1808 Farnam St. Tallaca. CHA8. C. I-ANPERTOU. 108 N. 15th St OLSl.N KOL tAJHrJ. lii Harney. D. tv.' Get competent help through Th Be. LIVE WIKE IU 8INEHS MEN OE OMAHA Veterinarians. DR. O. R. YOUNO. I--"? Center. Wal. JO'S Minn nnd I.lqnora. ALEX JETKS. 201-8 S. i.1th Pt. Wlnea, llguors. clears. Plate dinners, ll to 3. 10c. Glebe" llquor house. 424 N. HitrT; California wine, 11.26 per gal. Write for price Hat. HENRY FOLI.OCK LIQUOR HOUSE, lMh and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at Klein's Liquor House. 22 N. jtiih. Dnudai 1809 SWAPPEK'S COLUMN AITOMOB.'LES Foi other automobile bargain see th ''Automobile" classifi cation. . ATTENTION, AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Auto tire, nearly new casing, sixe xl. demountable rim and Inner tube: will sell very cheap for cash, or what rave you to wwap? Address 8. C. Bee. BKST bargain in city. Oakland roadster, cost 81.6(10 new. in beat of condition; has new tirea Will sell tor t-'tir,, or tnko late model twin motorcycle (Indian pre ferredi as part pay. As I have no us for this car, can gtr somebody a very good bargain. Address 8. C. S44. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE Downtown res taurant for sale cheap, or will trade for what hav you? Business good. Address S. C. 40, Bee. CAKPKNTKR W( IKK Will exchange services as carpenter for two lot grad- ' ing. 'Address H.-C. hVi, Hee. CHICKENS Tlhodo Isliind Red cockerel," will exchange for pullets, same variety. Address S. C. foti. Bee. DESK Roll top desk, good condition. Prefer typewriter. What have you? Address, S. C. W1. Bee. GOOD, smooth 1W) In NebrasKa; yielded $3,200 in grain and hay hint scaaon; 4't miles to good railroad town; Hi miles to school; fenced, no buildings; price, 885; terms right; no trades. Address Box 697, Orand Island, Neli GUITAR Washburn guitar nnd canvas case: cost 3.2.60; to trade for picture card, projector or kodak. Address 8. C. 6.i7, Bee. HAMPTON, 17-Jewel watch, Duber case, worth 15. Want diamond ring. Address S. C. 645, Bee. LOTS 20 and -21, block 7. Military addi tion. Will trade for auto, or a part payment on cottage and lot for rental purpose. Or will sell on very small monthly payments. Have moved from Omaha, and are no good to me. Address, ox 194, Underwood, la. PIANO Swap on well located building lot; bal. cash. Give full description and price or no attention paid. Address 8. C. 064, Bee. PIANO to swap for an auto to make serv 1 wagoi out of. Don't caro for paint, but want a good 4-cyllnder running gear; no Junk pile wanted. Address S. C. C5-1, Bee. PIANO Going away; high grade player and 24 rolls of music; see this and make ine an offer or would trad for automobile, not too expensive, or dia mond. Address 8. C. 6IL Bee. PIANO, In good shape to swap, on well located, close-in old style house and lot; will pay balance. Want something that can be mad an excellent place: priced around $2,000 or less. Give location and price, or no attention paid. Address S. C. 662, Bee; . PIA"!56-Will trade a high-grade new Piano any case you want to select, for the keeping of two 1joy, 8 and 6 years respectively. Address B. C. 648. Be ROADSTER 1912 Ford roadster, in excel lent condition, new 1914 roadster body, car look and runs like new; have bought a new car and will trade Ford for good, clear Omaha lot. 8. C. 27B. Bee. RUBBER BOOTS Hav good pair ol rubber boot almost new will sell or trade for something I can use; in good condition; slse H. S. C. 461. Be. SADDLi 9 Side saddle, good aa new; will aell or trade, or what have you? Ad dress S. C. 850, Bee. s SIGNS. whowcardH. Clark Son. D. 1378. TOOL 8HARPENER Never used: cost wholesale. $7. Will trade for anything, a bave no use for it. Address 8. C. 648, Bee. VACUUM WASHING MACHINES Hav 200 well known vacuum washing ma chines, all new and up-to-date. A guaran teed machine. Agents her Is your chance to make a cleanup thus spring. Will swap Tor auto, or what nave your Address S. C. 620. Bee. VIOLIN I hav a good violin worth 875 and Enalgn camera (oostal card six). worth 325; both In good condition. Camera 1. nan.lv nw Will 4.. .. ...... ). - of equal value. Addres 8. C. 649, Bee. WADERS, ETC. One pair good No. canvass wader. What have you tl swap One 16-inch Gen. Electric fan for wall or desk. Uaed 3 months. Will sell or swap. City only. Address S. C. 646, Bee. WATCH What have you tT trad for 25- year case, open fac. 171ewol Illinois work watch: used but 6 years, and 37 gold chain? Have n watch and don't have use for this one. What hav youT Address 8. C. 643, Bee. WATCH A 15-jewel, 16 size. 20-year J. Boss 20 gold -rilled case to trade ror shot gun. Address 8. C. 1521, care Bee. WATCH Ladles' gold watch, worth $7.00; alao fine hand-crotchet dresser scarf. Just finished, worth $10.00. for good cut glass water act; also have all kinds of fine hand-crochet work which I wilt swap for hand-painted dishes or cut glasa, or what you have, or will sell for cash. Ad dreys S. C. 6TO. Bee. WILL, exchange section good land on mile from Sidney, Neb., 550 acres under cultivation. 300 acres in winter wheat, for good eastern Nebraska farm. Write J. A. Bentloy, Bldney, Neb. WOULD like to swap roller top desk, in flrst-clnss rendition, for small safe or Etrong box. What have you got? Ad dress, S. C. 658, Bee. . FOK RENT Apartmeuata and Flats. Fidelity Storage Co Storage, moving, packing and shipping. Uth fi Jackson Sts. Phone Douglas 24. SIX-ROOM steam heated modern flat. will decorate to suit tenant. 125 In win ter, $15 In summer. Fell & Tlnkerton Co., -Hi State Bank Bldtf. 11UUK.N ANNKX, Council Bluffs, com with kitchenette, nteem hat. Phone , 6-r modern tlat. ams S. J4ih, i22. 11. 4711. FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-io-dato 8. 4 and 5-roora apartments in city. Building Just (in- MOST up-to-date brick flat In city; hot water heat, large lawn. P. 6ttl. II. 1303.. 61- s7"27TH, 6-room modern flut. $3). 10 9 N. 2.4h, 7-tooin modern flat. $-0 263 Chicago, -6 rooms, moil. ex. heat, $20. C. G. CARLBKRG. 310-312 Brandeis llieaier ning. r-v- i' .... .. ....... ,li verv fine all innH crn brick flat: walking distance; 15 to $7 cheaper than anything In the vicinity. 1 1 l ivm jr. 1.0 iiaub- -I3i:i n FURNISHED ROOM, heated, 4614 North II s A. NICK room In 1 liH.ih Apts. Harney g.153. XI ADlsMN 21at and Chicago; steam heat; 110 mo. and up; cat In connection. D.aMtl OGOKN HOT KL. Council Bluffs, stea - 1 heated rooms, t". per week, phon 013. La Verna. lei 3 Cap., front rme. btera. ht. NEWLY turnUhed, heated rooms. iU B. 11th.. Apply Apt. 11. TIIK COLLlNii Slearn heated, nicely funiialKd rooms. Good location. ZtA Harney. Csaraicea. RtTIT.mvn i-nvi nu,na- ct n.m , - ... ' . I ..... tV . I A . ' . V . , beat downtown location in ttia cii v f,,e garage. O. C. RE DICK, Attorney. 224 Omaha Nut I Bank Bldg. Telephone IKiuglas 1611 lUairLcrplsa Haana. ELIEPING and housekacplng rooms, fur nac heat. 7J6 8. IHH. Tyiur luil-VV. FRONT room and housekeeping rooms, warm, well healed and every conveni ence. 617 N. 3nth. WANTED Congenial couple wlthaut chtl oren to share elegantly furniahed bunga Ivw In Dundee; ref. exchanged. Wal. 24 a Fnrnlabrd llnaaeker iaa; Honana. Fur. housekeeping "rm., tJ Farnam faL i