TIIK BEE: OMAHA, TTESDAV. FEBRUARY 23, 1915. iJ K! 1.1 J THE . OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD KOSKWATKR. VICTOR ROSEWATKR. EDITOR. The 'Be Publishing Company. Proprietor. PKB BUILD! XO. TARNAM AND SEVENTEENTH. Entered at Omaha pottefflee at second-class mstter. SUBSCRIPTION. Bv earner per month. ny ssfl Mnflav w T'ully without Pinr1jr....' e Waning an.l Sunday "' F.Tenlng without Sunday...... fx.. ....... Sunday R" only TERMS OV My man per yar. . 4 no i 4.00 Iff) Smu! notice of change ef afldrres or complaints of lrrgtilrttT In delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation Impertinent. REMITTANCE. Remit by draft eprs or postal order. Only two rent fttampa received . In payment of small ac counts. I'erennal chwha, axrept on Omaha and eaatara exchange, not accepted. orricES. Omaha The Be RulMlng. South Omaha 3ti, N street. Council Bluff 14 North Main street. Lincoln M Little Building. rhlcaa-o 11 leart Building New. York Room 11. Klfth avenu. 8t. Itils New Bank of Commerce. WasMnaton " Fourteenth Bt.. N. W. '.;! CORRESPOMDKNCB. Address, communications relating to newa and edi torial matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department l - JAXUA11Y-anCCLATlOX. 53,714 State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, aa. n'lriit Williams, circulation mammcr of The Be f 'ohllshlng oomnany, being duly eworn, says that the tvmtM circulation for tha month of January. 191. wax &l 741. DWIOMT WILLIAM", Circulation Manager, fiuhecritn-d In my presence and aworn to before tna. thla 2d day of Fchruary. Il&. . . ROBE.HT HUXTKR, Notary rublla. Subscribers leaving Uie city temporarily - should hare The Itee mailed to them. Ad drees will be changed aa often requested. ft Takraary 13 Thought for thm Day ' StUc f 4 hy Martin W. Buth TUt halloicw) riiilody ot magic tony Voet K citation at a link btUtng; l JHendimj il tnutto with GcxVt Karmony, A rirer mtlt into the nighty fa. 4 SchilUr. ... mi, r Wonder If Edgar Howard really knows some thing bis hasn't told about the election In Douglas county last fall? A submarine will have little trouble In bid ing in water that is no clearer than that running from the taps In Ornsha these days. - ; The evil that we do comes back to smite us. Tbe British accuse the United States of flying the British, flag during the civil war. Tbe vigorous neutral ship notes of tbe State department would be more impressive bad they achieved a reputation for effectiveness In Mexico. The glories and heroics of naval warfare reach Ignoble limits when' unarmed ships are sent to tbe bottom without challenge dr Inquiry. With a spending schedule ot $90,000,000 a day before H, congress will make tbe treasury balance look like bargain counter after a rush. Judged ' by practical results, the' perform ances of aeroplanes and airships, as vehicles of attack, do not approach the promises of the ad vance agents. , . Make the Law a Good One. Senate File No. 6, the Saunders-Howell Water District electric lighting bill, bus been ordered rngrossed for third reading, with very little change In the form of amendment. It is un fortunate for the best interests of the cltliens and property owners of the towns comprised In the Metropolitan Water District that the efforts to promote the passage of this measure have been tinctured with such appeal to prejudice as has prevented a fair discussion of the bill on Its merits. It is not too late, though, to secure changes in the wording of the law that will remedy Itg most apparent weaknesses, and make it stronger and more serviceable. The bill should be amended so as ( 1 ) To give power to condemn or buy, as well as to construct, whichever is for the beat interest of the taxpayers. (2) To put the plant 6n a civil service basis, snd make sure that it will not be part of a political machine. (3) To fix a maximum schedule that will in sure users a real rate reduction, and make the charges correspond to the meter reading. (4) To insure full publicity and compel im mediate dividends on surplus earnings in the form of rate reduction or debt extinction. These amendments will In no way Interfere with the main purpose of the bill, but they will further safeguard the Interests of the public, and will strengthen the measure In at least four points where it Is now essentislly weak. If the legislators really want to help the resi dents In the .present Metropolitan Water Dis trict to tbe ownership and control ot a lighting plant, they can do no better than amend Sen ate File No. 6 In tbe particulars herein Indicated. What Do You Mean, Edgar?, Under the caption of "The Ghost of Fear," our good friend Edgar Howard, in his Columbus Telegram, suggests that certain Interests are afraid to have tho ballots cast for the constitu tional amendments last fall recounted, and In the course of his comment says: "Quite generally the belief gains headway that tbe suffrage amendment did not get any the best of tha counting In certain election districts In Omaha." What do you mean, Edgar? Are you not aware that Omaha elections under the law as presently administered are chemically pure? It you are' not, then be Informed that the pres ent election commissioner, his election boards, bis methods and results, have the stamp ot ap proval of the highest authority In the state on pure elections. At the same time, If you know anything, or have any reason to think that anythtng unfair, or unjust, or dishonest, was practiced In con nection with the last election In Omaha, you owe It to the voters of the city to make public the facts. Or, were you Just talking generally, as democrats are In tbe habit of doing these days? While tbe. democrats at Washington are spending $90,000,000 a day, a lot of needed laws are dying because the senate has no time to at tend to them. Such a triumph for popular government! The Indictment of a millionaire promoter of Mexican revolutions by a federal grand Jury at Los. Angeles Is a belated check ta a common border Industry., It is to be hoped the govern ment will follow tbe hot trail to the finish. New York Cityalas, will not be straightened cut and saved by Rev. Billy Sunday for at least two years. He saya the city "did not approach him; In the right spirit." Sinful hesitancy waa shown In digging up the guaranty ot $50,000. The Pottoffice Shakenp. Sweeping changes recommended la the per sonnel ot the force of the Omaha postofftce by a board ot Inspectors lit the Interest of ef ficiency, brings to mind again the condition ot the civil service employes ot the United States, These men are thus reminded that, no matter what may be Implied In their contract ot employ ment with the government, based on a rigid ex amination as to fitness and qualifications when entering the service, and confirmed by long years of faithful and competent performance of duty In that employment, advancing from grade to grade aa deserved promotion Is attained, they are still subject to a supervision as strict as any that a private employer might adopt. Moreover, they are restricted In the matter ot certain ot rights that are left to employes ot private concerns, dbanges must be made In the manner of administering laws that govern civil service employes before Uncle Sam will be listed among the preferred employers. Missouri senators who wasted valuable time discussing the humane qualities or ftahbalt might profitably emulate thejr. Nebraska brethren. With the latter tbe quality of the catch Is what counts, especially if it has the markings of a pure flshbake. me situation or Russia. In the war is not takutated to give ( far Nicholas unbroken slum ber. With Its "steam roller" sinking deeper la the Mamrfan swamps and Bukowina forsaken as an undesirable winter resort, the bear chose the wise course of backing up for Its third wind. An orator at a I-Incg:u celebration in Brook lyn remarked tbat there was "no Ananias club" ia the time of tbe great emancipator. Probably there was not sufficient business to justify tbe enterprise. The country has grown soma in halt a century and responds quickly to a hunch on the special needs of advancing civilisation. mmmim rt at . . -A . . ms Tha telephone company ia fUibllng a bill doa Lincoln to limit t.ha rent of a telephone to not to ex td U a uioiilh, explaining that the preacnt chargra are a month la titles U eta of Omaha, and fJ for entailer towoe. Omaha people were In treated In tha marriage of iv I'. Urn 8. Cannon, tba drugglat at Elkhora, and Mrs. Elizabeth Rtevea. widow of . tha lata Jaaao Reevea, -ne of tha pionecia of Dougla county, known aa ''-andma Reve." 8)i came her In ISii. lUrry Koorea. aoa ot Frank Mooraa of tha Wa i) oh. frll from a horizontal ladder at tha high school. a diataoc of twenty fe-t, and broke hla arm. ' Tt a Omaha Medical and Surgical Inetttut has re ii.o-1 J fiom a kujidlng at tha corner of Twentieth and llowatd atreeta to wbat'U Known a the Crelghtoa houe, corner Thirteenth and Capitol aven. It. Oeurge L. Ml!l-r ha son eaat. It la bow aald to t.i- a aur thlt.g that It. Miller will be la Prealdent I'lDtUnd t cabinet. '. A. )rlcga of r:iyru. U . ha lakes a poaltloa In the m. of the Onuiha Ua company. Mi. and Mi. V 11 r-lilllipe mill atiaod the Inaugj tioi ceremniiiea tf Prelrnt Cleveland, and go fion ;.ii fcli..n. to Ncsr York and other caetera points. Aimed at Omaha llamltir Trihiin.-: What's the matter with Omaha? Can it he that It la aa wlcktd aa It would have the people believe, or la It juet trying to crowd Into the lime-llght by the aaelatance of Billy Sunday? Nebraska City Tress: Hilly Ounday will not com to Omaha until Reptomlwr. Philadelphia, he aayn, needs him. Ahd prohahly. In a manner of apeaklng. Hilly needs Philadelphia, aa It ia rather expensive to live the life that requires fur coats, limousines ard marhl palaces. And Omaha can wait. When Omaha seta that million-dollar hotel paid for It won t have any money loft for Sunday. Plattamouth Journal: Thouaands will visit ths automobile show In Omaha thla week who never ex pect to have money enough to purchase one. But the excuse to go to Omaha waa all that waa necessary. David City Banner: If Billy Sunday succeeds in really converting Preacher Bavldge of Omaha It will b worth while to have him come and ought to be worth IJO.O0O to thst city. Joup City Northwestern: The Omaha preachers have tackled about the toughest Job in their existence. They have made up a prayer list of 10,000 whom they will select for converalon, and headed the list with Jim Dahlman. We once heard an evangelist figur atlvely hold ainners over hell-fire by the hairs of their had aa he proclaimed. - Had Omaha's mayor been there he could have called his bluff. Kearney Hub: The Omaha Bee conclude that so long aa the state normal board haa It existence under the preaent law It Is not likely to be freed from "the pernicious activity of Interested politicians." That might be called both an expert and an unbiased opinion. Tork Republican: A Hastings man atole a copy of The Omaha Bee and waa fined and costs. The total coat of the paper to him was 110.25. While The Bee la often worth that much or more, and the copy In queatlon more than likely was worth all the man paid for It, yet he felt that he would have done better to have puchaaed a copy at the news stand for a nickal. Plattamouth Journal: The coming of Blllr Sun day wlU prove a great trade fetter for Omaha merchants. Ohlowa Spotlight: It seems that all of the hay. seeds do not live In the rural districts. The metropolis Omaha haa been supporting a Belgian actress the last week or two. She was soma actress, she made good In Omaha. Grand Island Independent: Public Service, a Chi cago Journal devoted to combating the municipal own ership idea. In speaking, of the campaign for a municipal lighting plant in Omaha, and especially with reference to the defeat of a resolution introduced at an Improvement club meeting favoring uch action, aays: "It Is pointed out by members preaent that Omaha till haa much undeveloped territory within the city limits. One member told of scaring up a coyote at Forty-fourth and California atrevta re cently." The reading public not familiar with Omaha will certainly conclude that If Omaha haa become ao dead as to Invite coyotes to make their domiciles In Forty-fourth street, It certainly ought not to under take to own and operate Ita own lighting plant., There are cheaper methods of driving away coyotes than by light. State Press Comment 'LUTES TO A LAUGH. W kit the Aatoaaoblle Skew Ds. OMAHA. Feb. 2J.-To the Editor of The Bee: 1 did not realise how many people the annual Automobile show brings to Omaha until I tried t get hotel accom modations for a Chicago gentleman. On Wednesday afternoon 1 spent three quarters of an hour by telephone try ing to find a hotel thst could take rare ot him and waa unable to locate one la this town thst had a, vacant room they all had watting Hats. ' ' If the new Fontenelle hotel had been open every room In tt would have been occupied. This gentleman had gone to Lincoln the night before because he could not get a room at any hotel In Omaha, and went home to Chicago Wednesday night because he could not gt a room here. Tha clasa of out-of-town people who attend automobile shows have money. Many of them bring their families and invariably spend more than one day here. I find upon inquiring of the hotel proprietors and uptown retail stores that the Automobllo show brings more business to Omaha than any other gath ering, with the possible exception ot the teachera' convention. There Is considerable complaint that the Ak-ar-Ben festivities bring out-of- town people for one day only and even then a large proportion leave town after tha parade. The experience of Chicago Is that the Fat ritock show is the best drawing; card they have. For a good deal leas money than we spend Ak-Sar-Ben week we could have a first class fat stock show here In Omaha. It would attract farmers and stockmen ' from the surrounding statea and would have a decided influ ence In raising the breeding standard of live stock. If an Omaha fst stock show could be held immediately after the Chicago show we would have no difficulty in getting a larsw nrooortton of the exhibitors to show here. If each industry will do what the auto mobile people are doing to bring trad to Omaha, we can have at least four shows a year that will not only bring trade to Omaha, but will advertise us more extenslvety than anything else w could do. F. U HAL.LER. "There seems to be a great change In that man 1 took for one ot tha bt suns of the establishment." "No wonder: he aolnr to be fired. Baltimore American. Attorney How old are you, madam? Wltnesn Hlr! Attnrnev IWr vnur nardon! HoW much younaer are you than tbe lady next doorf Philadelphia Ledger. Mv wife la a nervous wreck." com plained the young husband. "Herves vou right," commented the un svmpathetic friend, "for keeping the girl on the anxious bench four years before coming to the point." Louisville Courier-Journal. Little Robert Ma. was Robinson Cruso an acrobat? Mother I don't know. Why? Little Robert Well, here it reads that alter ho had finished his day's work he sat down on his cheat. Judge. "Do you know." said the cannibal chief. "you're the first missionary we have seen In a long time?" "Yes." added ine mewara. nraw ren t what they were. The high cost of living hss gotten to be something ter rible." Washington SUr. The young prince chuckled. "I mav be the heir awarent." he said. poking the prime minister In the portfolio, "but that s because my uncie is xne neir consumptive." Whereupon the courtiers signed mourn fully, knowln full well the difficulty Of laughing at what royalty considers Jokes. -Philadelphia Ledger. i "That kid of mine Is practically auto matic' 'What do you mean?' "First he aete his face dirty. Then he cries and washes it." Louisville Courler- "HEY, THERE!" the Journal. He Whv are vou women alwaya going to bargain salea In the hope of getting something for nothing? rihe t or the same reason you men are always going to your poker clubs. Bal timore American. The lalted Statea Amy "NaTT. LITCHFEILD, Neb., Feb. !. To the Flltor of The Bee: Tbe present compii- hlm (0 h.ep hl, Dow1b regular, for which what constitutes 1 nothing is better than Aetoltlt", and when Various Forms Of Headache 'It Is necessary In order to treat head aches properly to understand the causes which prodnoe the affection'' aaya Dr. J. W. Ray ot Blooktoo, Ala. Continuing, he says: "Physicians cannot even begin the treat ment ol a disease without knowing what causes give rise to It, and w must remem ber that headache Is to be treated according to toe same ruie. vy e mast not only oe par. ueniar to give a remeay intenaea to coon teraot the eause which nroduoea the bead. aotae, bat we mast also give a remedy to relieve the patn until the eanae of the trouble ba been removed. To answer this purpose Antl-kamnla Tableta will be found a moat convenient and satisfactory remedy. One caoietevery one to tnree aours giTeaeemrort and rest In th e most severe eases ot headache, neuralgia and particularly the headaches oi women." Whan we have a patient subject to regular attacks ot stok headache, we should caution John D. Walls, In Buffalo News. Of all the forms of greeting ( weathy or the poor. The gutterala ot the German and ths Frenchman's soft "hon Jour" The Oriental kowtow and th Kagllah- man a "My Word!" The Chinaman's palaver Snd the ' other form I've hekrd. There's one among tha others that I like above the rest, Becsuse It's good and wholesome and be cause It a friendliness Because It rings as honest ss th gospel on the air It's the good old Tankee mellow Salutation to a fellow: "Hey there!" it 1srtt proper English as the proper kind Is writ. If Brander Matthews heard It he would doubtless throw a fit: The lexicons discredit tt ss "dialect" or "drawl" And consequently highbrows never uss the term at all: We're apt to never hear It save when hurriedly we roam The city streets and see a face a grii- s'ed race rrom nome; A qulxzlng look, and then a smile snd then, so rich snd rare. Cornea that good old Yankee mellow Salutation to a fellow: "Hey there!" I like my many frlendahlps and the spirit each impuea, even like their handshakes and their formal "howdy-dos." They smooth out lots of runes in uie rocky patn wove iron And bring a fellow closer to his fellow man and Ood; And yet th way seems snorter and the happiness ia more To meet some man or other wnom we used to know nerore. And watch hla amlle grow broader, the like music ricn ano rare, Hear the good eld Yankee mellow Salutation from the fellow: Hey there!" OCEAN TRAVEL. CUNAKB Total Church Membership. The. ratio of church membership to the to- al population of the United Statea Is difficult to determine. Dr. Carroll's statistics excludes from membership the very young children of church families, calculated on a basis of 15 per cent. Adding this deduction to the total mem bership and assuming the accuracy of tbe of ficial estimate of 100,000,000 population, at th present time, It appears that S3 per cent of the people are affiliated with church bodies and growing up under church influence. With 47 per cent of the people without church walls and inriuences, tae aggressive and progressive churchmen of today need not go far from home for fruitful ftelda for their energies and abili ties. Responsibility ot tha Jitney. Speeding swiftly behind the Jitneys la west ern cities comes the problem of responsibility for Injuries to passengers. Personal injury damages is a large factor in the operating cost of street car systems. To an equal degree lia bility should attach to competitors. Indeed liability to Injury is increased owing to the greater speed of the motor vehicle. In Kansas City, where the Jitney "business Is largely de veloped, the council ia considering a measure requiring liability bonds from Jitney owners aa a protection for passengers Injured by these con veyances. Similar protective measures will be a necessity la all cities should the Jitneys be come a permanent Institution. Falls City Journal: Governor Morehead wants $3,000 to give to lawyers to fight the railroads in their application to get higher freight rates. What Is the matter with the governor's attorney general, and his srmy of assistant? Once upon a time Norrls Brown was attorney general snd gave the matter his per sonal attention. Ther 1 no reason why th state should par cot a. lot of extra money to give somx Indigent lawyer ajenanc tq. pretend to earn some thing from the state. Let the attorney general attend to this part of the legal business of the state or get off the Job. Fremont Tribune: No man ever had finer news paper support than th World-Herald gives its owner. Senator Hitchcock, la his disagree, menta with the democratic administration. In considering that situa tion Intelligently it must always be remembered that Senator Hitchcock waa reared a republican and that. therefore, when ha get away from the democratic party he is on perfectly logical and defensible ground, and his able editor makes the moat of tt Hasting Tribune: What's ths use. of talking about getting Tom Major's goat? "There ain't no such animal." ria'uemouth Jounral: Colonel Tom Majors still 'holds ths fort" st Lincoln. He Is a veteran of the civil war and knows how to fight. Howell Journal: To read the recent article pub lished In th press of the state by th railroads, on would be led to believ that all of the woatern roads ar oa the verge of bankruptcy, but we - note that Union Paclflo stock sella oa the Mew Tork emhang for a premium In exeess of that offered for govern ment bonda; so also does the Oreat Northern and th Northwestern. Bridgeport New-Blade: Th argument made by that railroads that locomotive engineers ar drawing larger salaries than the governors of seven states is not a happy one. In the light f recent events. If the governors arc all Ilk ours there can be no doubt tbat the engineers should be given an Increase and the gov ernors cut down to two plunks a day. Nellgh Leader: Th two branchea of th Ne. braaka legislature got at loggerheads befor th or ganisation of either body was completed, and this spirit of contention appears to grow Instead of passing away aa ths seasion proceed. Such a spirit does not give preml of a useful seaaion. and It would appear to be time for th members ot th two bouses , to quit horseplay and get down to business. Nebraska City Press; Old Charley Pool, new sec rotary of atata, should live up to his newapaper train ing a llttl more aaaiduouely. Here we ar told that he is trying to put all th mutual Inauranc companies out of business, w will not go ao far a ta make The Insinuation that Tha Omaha Bee has, but we would suggest that Colonel Pool let the mutual companies alone, or he will have a lot of perfectly honeat and Industrious fsrmera on hla back. No death recently recorded hag brought sor row to more homes In Omaha than that of Miss Margaret O'Brien who is dead at Seattle. Miss O'Brien during her long yeara ot aervlce In the Omaha public library endeared herself to such a Urge number of Omaha folks as Is given to few to meet and each ot these will sincerely mourn her as a woman of admirable qualities sad per fect ways. Twice Told Tales The legislature Is respectfully reminded that tbe city of Omaha at present has the power to construct, buy or condemn aa electric light plant, end that the Metropolitan Water District should be given tbe same power. If any. The leaderlees democratic cohorts at Llacola are giving a very good imitation of their too well led brethren at Washlngtou, and are doing noth ing la the way of useful work. If the weatherman will Just turn o the sun shine. for a few minute, much will be forgiven him. , Ha at. Mr. Caproa aa hla wife atruggled valiantly to teach their little daughter Edith to repeat the letter "a." Try aa taey might, the llttl girt refused to pronounce the first letter of th alphabet, and after several vain effort a Mr. Caproa retired from the atruggle discouraged. Mrs. Caproa called th child to her, a ad In aa af fectionate manner asked: "Edith dear, tell mother why you won't learn to say 'a' "Well, mother," explained Edith. "It's because Just aa aooa aa I aay 'a' you and father will want ma to say '-' "Harper's Magaslae. Al Pry. Oh. Percy, dear, your birthday gift waa ao beau tiful!" remarked the young lady, with her beat smile. And yu unintentionally left the price mart oa fifty Seller. " "Oh. hw careless of met" replied Percy. "And I ae you bought It at Payne New, I kuow you wouldn't mlad taking tt back and exchengiag It for one of Ihos lovely fifty-dollar sabl muffs they have ta the window, would you?" "Oh. aot at all; with pleasure!" he replied. An hour later that yeung man waa lamenting the foolish act of (toying an ornament for tie and atickins a t't label on !L Baltimore American. cations In Europe as to the war sone will speedily become a menacing matter If the United Statea "lists to the voice of the siren" snd ar Iowa England to dictate as to the right of the neutrsls upon the high sea When England declares the German coast In the war sone and prohibits the shipment of arms and foodstuffs to Germany, haa not Germanr the right to declar the English coast In the wsr sons and to warn neutral nations a to the fact? To all falrmlndsd person they have and It also goes to prove that Germany Is meet ing the neutrals upon the level and acting upon the square. But providing that tbe United States lists not. shall this, nation trust to the good will of oher nations of be ready to defend Itself. We hear the arguments that this country should have no dogs oi war for fear that we may turn them loose upon slme Innocent bystander. The time has come they say when thi nation should set an example by trusting to the good will of other nations. Haa human nature so changed within the .last few weeks that we can now leave everything to peace treaties. The peace hall at The Hague la covered with cobwebs and scarcely a shred of the two Hague treaties Is left. A nation built upon peace treaties can not long endure. What are you going to do when your more powerful neighbor disregards these treaties anrV trails your flag Into ths dust? Are we going to have Sunday school parade In lieu of sold. lers? Can we defend ouaaelvea by Chau tauqua lectures and drinking grape Juice? But they say that after this war there will be an international army and navy to enforce treaties and thus assure peace. So can I sit in sn easy chair in a warm office upon a cold winter's day and dream that I am under southern Cali fornia's sunny akles, hut doea that lea. aen the cold when I go outside? But they say that we can arbitrate. Can you arbitrate race hatred? Can you arbitrate the hatred of the German for tha French man? Can you arbitrate slavery? It was tried for fifty years and ended In war. Can you . arbitrate the Monroe Doctrine? No one is so foolish as to sug gest It "We hsve a doctrine for th ex clusion of the Asiatics and w are ready to fight for it. Do w want to be In the position of tn toothless old dog in th manger, saying. Tou can't come It here," but beinir unable to bite and keep him out If h does comes? The arbitration ot a policeman with a club Is more effective to two fighting men than for him to gay, "Please cut It out." Th asaiatant secretary of the navy re cently said that th navy was short IS.) men. According to Congreaaman uardner, tn navy lias twelve super- dreadnaughta. Ian pretty fair battleships. eight venerable relics and four floating mesaea of scrap Iron. There are three scout cruisers In the United States navy and with the greatest coast line of any nation it has the poorest equipment of submarines. But we have coast artillery, they aay. Our coast artillery are manned with guns with a range of a mile and one-half leas than the guns on the new Engliah and German warship ' A foreign fleet could remain one and one-half mllea outside the range of the guns in New York har bor and destroy It without the lose of a single man. After landing there Is noth ing to bar the path of the Invader, not even a strand of barbed wire. The army la eOOuS atrong. a body of the same staf as the combined police force or New York. Chicago. Philadelphia and Boston. Plxty per cent of the militia were unable to qualify aa third claaa rifle men and X per cent did not even try at the recent teat We hear a much about th effectiveness of th forty-two centi meter tslxteen and one-half-lm-h) Ger man siege gun. The largest siege gun In tha United Statea army la a alx-lnh gun. Some boast of our military aeroplanes. The navy has Just seven aeroplane that ran get out of each other'a way, and the srmy has elovea that can get off the ground. The srrny has no dirigibles or Ceppelins snd not one of the aeroplane Is even srmored. But the pacificists say that after thla war the warring nations wUl b wora out and ready for pe.te. So Franc thought when they Invaded Mexloo after th dvU war. But they aay these nallona are all ur friends. 8 they are now, but how long will It laat? There has been ware since the beginning ef mankind and there alwaya will be. Verily he waa a wlae ntan ho aaid. "la time of peace prepare for war." GEORGE COW1N. ba feels th least sign of aa oncoming attack, he should tak two A-K Tablet. Buck patients should always be Instructed to carry a few Antl-kamnla Tableta, so aa to have them ready lor instant nse. These tablets ar prompt la action, and Can ba depended oa to prodao relief In m very lew minutes. Ask for A-K Tablet. Antl-kamnla Tablet can ba obtained at all druggists. srea-j-sr'-T . EUROPE txa LIVERPOOL LUSITANIA Fastest and Largest Steamer now in Atlantic Service Sails SATURDAY, FEB. 27, 10 A.M. OAXBmOKXA. . .BAT.. MAS. , 10 A. BC OXSUSTA. . . . .BAT., SCAB. 13. 10 A. X. OeUa at Halifax Sastbooaa. ooaoPAinra omoa, ai-ae ctats sit, . Tn OB X.OGAX. AuXT. An Open Letter (About Bronchitis.) August S. 114. TO THE PUBLIC: In March. 1114. I became afflicted with an attack of Bronchitis which forced me to remain In bed for tw months. Th doctor ia attendance changed the medicine several times, and Instead ef improvement, I serael to grow worse. For a while I waa despondent, until my wife read a little pamphlet advertising the "Essence Mentho-Lexene." Discouraged with what I had been ualng without effect, I waa willing to try almoat anything that sounded like a oure. The Mentho-Lexene waa bought, the syrup pre pared aceording to direction, and before half of the quantity wa consumed . the cough had. abated and I waa at work four daya after, and have never felt any aymptoma of the dread dlaeae since. All who are aequalnted with Bronohltls will understand how hard it Is to aubdu th cough, but today I am willing to take oath, or make an affidavit to th effect, that my , ' caae of Bronchitis waa a sever a ever afflicted man. and that I waa positively cured of It in less the four days, ail due to the wonderful curative powers of the "Eeeence Mentho-Lexene." Since then I hav reoora.' mended It to all sufferers aa I waa, or to thos who wer subject to cold of any kind. In each case the medicine sustained the reputation I had given it, and ail wer loud In tbelr praiae of this truly vsiuabl pre scription. , All who may ba skeptical In Its use can write me, and I will cheerfully give them all the Information they desire above my personal signature. Very respectfully. A. CAMPBELL, 1447 Lafayette St, Denver, Cole. For th benefit of readers: Easenoe Mentho-Lexene can be obtained . of drugglat. A lk oa. bottle make a full pint of cold and cough syrup. Full directions are with each bottle. Advertisement Yourself Ask for ORIGINAL GENUINE Tbe Food Drink for all Aes O&ers are bmtatiou r Busy Bee Boys and Girls It's only a few day now until one of you will win this famous WORLD MOTOR BIKE It has a 20-inch Frame with Coaster Brake. Motor Bike Handle Bars, Eagle Diamond Saddle, Motor Bike Pedals, Motor Bike Grip, Luggage Carrier Holder, Folding Stand, Front and Rear Wheel Guards, Truss Frame and Front Fork. This picture of the bicycle will be In Tbe Bee every day. Cut thetn all out and ask your friends te save the pic ture in their paper for you, too. Se bow many pictures you can get and bring them . to Tbe lie office, Saturday, 1 March Cth. Tbe blcjcl will b give Free to the boy or girl tbat .send us the nioef pictures be fore 4 p. tu., Saturday, March 6th. Subscribers can help the children in the contest by asking for picture certifi cates when they pay their subscription. We give a cer tificate good for 100 pictures for every dollar paid. Payuients should be made to our authorized carrier or agent, or Rent direct to us by mail. Dear Editor: I am trying very hard to get the bicycle you are giv ing away and will thank my friends for helping me. Yours truly, Hsrold Christiansen. 5020 Webster St.