Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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Colder Weather Ha Stopped -the
Breaking- Up of the Stream!
".of the State.
TVIth high water In tlie Klkhorn at
Arlington ami In tlie vicinity of Waterloo
Fundav, hnt now rapidly receding, rail
road mV arc confident that the change
In weather condition from warm to cold
will lend to do away with the possibilities
of flood damages.
According to weather report! to the
railroads, out In the state, the rain con
tinued all bin! week, Sunday night
changed to mow, and generally the fall
from one to two Inchea. Yesterday
there we clearing weather and much
colder, temperatuiea rang ng from 20 to
S4 above aero.
It la osperted hy the railroad men that
the change to colder will check the melt
ing of the enow and tend to hold back
the water and prevent It running of with
a rush.
Out In the male It Is averted that the
Ice In most of the at res ma la aolld, though
covered with from one foot to two feet
of water. Farther eaat In Nebraaka the
at ream have broken up and the Ice la
running out, leaving them clear when the
Ice from above cornea down.
It reported at Rurlingtnn, Rock
Inland and Missouri Taiiric headquarters
that the Dalle wad clear of Ice below
the Burlington' Aahland bridge. From
that point the lee ran but and Into the
Allvsourl Bunoay and Sunday night.
Ice Rama Oat.
It la aaaerted that during the night the
tee in the Klkhorn In the vicinity of
Waterloo broke up nnd ran out. thug pre
venting any possible Ice, gorge In the
luwer waters of the stream.
Above Columbus, the Ice In the I-oup
river i aa solid ss a month ago. but the
Platte, from the mouth of the Ioup, j
hnwa signs of breaking tip. ,
Alone the Burlington, the Ice began to '
move out of the lllue river at Ncward '
and Beatrice yesterday and without doing i
anv damvge other than to flood a, abort
atr'iU h of track Just below the first
named town.
Alone the Union Pacific, from Columbu
all the way through to North Platte, with
the exception of a few localities, the Ice
holds In the Plalte river.
All through Nebraaka at point where j
bridges .re over streams the railroads
have- gang nf men- at work dynamiting
the he and breaking It up. Theae gangs
do their work couple of hundred feet
below and above eajh bridge.
Dr. Connell Says
He Will Vaccinate
Man Who Stole Auto
Somebody stole Health Commissioner
R. W. Connell a automobile and some
body Is In Imminent danger of having
The machine was taken from the doc
tor's home at 1 South Thirty-eighth
atreet Sunday evening. The doctor had
just - returned from the peat bouse,
whither he had journeyed to take a
smallpox patient. lie left the car outside
of hja home, expecting to have it fumi
gated within a short while.
A few minute after The Ilea noon edi
tion came out with the atory, a man tele
phoned the doctor from the Ilenshaw
hotel, etntlng the machine waa In front
of hta home on Thirty-sixth street. The
informant aald he had looked Into the
car. had even placed hla hands on It.
The health commissioner advised the
weird ttisvn to call at hla office, have
his clothes fumigated and be vaccinated.
It Is expected that the culprit who took
the car win he an applicant for admis
sion to the' pest house before long, but
I'r. Council say If he .will come to his
oifice he wilt vaccinate hlin. ,
Itcyond being apattered with mud, the
iar was not damaged.
Victim Gets $600 .
Verdict Against
Exhibit Doctors
A verdict of wa returned by a Jury
In Jndi; Day' district court in BemucI
It. Mosier'a damage suit against ' the
Oinnha Health Kxlilblt lHctor. 631 North
Klvtecnth street.
Mosler aued for 10.. alleging that as
tiie result of "treatment" administered to
him by tlie "doctora" he suffered from
bud poisoning. A chemical analysis ot
two nostrums taken by M outer showed,
according to the evidence, that one was
enmiMwd lerpety of !lc,rie and other
dermics Ingredient and that the oilier
x-.lncil a large amount of acetate of
According to the testimony each ten
spoonful of the contents ot one uottlo
contained four-tenths of a grain of lead
Hceluie. Jloeier testified he waa directed
to take sixteen dunes a day.
Ilia Joints began to swell, he said, and
I is gums to recede from hla teeth and
be nuffi-red from other symptoms of ira.l
I'uinnning, Including intense pais In the
stoin.u U.
He unik eeerxl bottles of tlie "inedt
i i 'e'' he aeeerteil
twi.t r-H iu mi K with a U Want Ad.
.MMy Hell, jge,) j yrm. died i
.viijiiitiy i-i.irn.uj at 'be borne of her
t'augbtcr. Slra l".d. A. Nelson. Stnj North
'1 .'iity-evenili street, of pneumonia.
Mis. liell uas a nat'ive of Lanrasblre,
l.niilun.l. and came to Omaha with her
lii.i.and thirty )eara ago. Her hueband
ui-4 liere l:i 11. The enly surviving rela
tive Is her daughter, Mrs. NnUon. Fun
eral services will be held Wcdnelay
tfici iiihiii at J .30 o'clock troin the Church
t.f Die llMd lupberd. Twentieth and I
Ob.o ati-ecu. by liev. T. J. Colar. Burial j
111 take place In Forest Uwa cntei y. I
.5 i t Inu46 AMMf
' VU I f ,Jt CK 0 JAKe,
(t r "!'
A" I , -i.iu.i3 M.1T itU AAA"
SON, wife of the mayor of
Chicago, will take the
stnmp and speak for her
husband in the campaign
he will wage for re-election.
! '
i - - 1
i .v:.V
) .,
VWv ' II
V-ti i 11
High Price of Flour
Causes Bankruptcy
of an Omaha Baker
The high price of flour and thereanlt.
lug ! k of profit in the bakery business
are assigned a leading cauaes for the
filing of a voluntary bankruptcy petition
by Otto C. Wagner, sole owner of Otto
Wagner e Co., batters. In Omaha for
many years, now located at SAW Leaven
worth street. '
He filed hi bankruptcy petition In fed
erl court. . under the congressional act
and Hated hla debts at f9.7K8.3n, mostly
unsecured, with a "eta of only 11.711
Malt 1 Wagrter. eon of the owner, said
that the prevailing high prices of flour
anil, other bakery materials waa the im
mediate cause of hla father' petition to
be adjudged a bankrupt.'- A contributing
couae. he aald, wag a' breakdown which
occurred some time ago. at the bakery,
that caused suiipenslon nnd lorn of bus.
nee. However, he declared that the
lack of profit in the business under the
present war prices of baking material
waa the only condition that caused the
eldler Wagner to aeek relief from hi
financier difficulties in bankruptcy pro
ceeding Holdups Bob Eothke
of Gold Ring and . $14
Returning home Sunday evening, Otto
Rothke of 334 Ruggle atreet wa stopped
at Thirty-third and ttpaldlng atreet by
two men, who knocked him down.
While one of the strangers held him
the oth-r took SI 4 and a gold rlt.g.
Rothke gave a good description of hi
assailants to the police.
' and t'olda Oaaaereaa.
Don't wait, take Pr. King' New Dis
covery now. It will help your cough and
soothe your lung. Wc. . For sale by all
druggists. Advertisement. .
Dilvlng Chief Salter a machine on a
fire call. Edward Iodo attempted to op in
up Douglas street wot of Twenty-fourth
atifet rather prematurely 8aturilav night
by heading the' ma 'blue atialg'it ahead,
j The car hurdled the curb and plowed Into
a man da hk wnicn rciusea to ino and
which the car refused to hurdle, with the
result lhat Pougle street la 4tl'l closed
and the auto ' la in tho oa ital. Dodo
merely forgot that tb street wa closed
and driving at a high rate of speed In
the dark failed to see where he wa
going br fore too late to tag the turn-
Knill WabUtrom. superintendent of the
city hall raied Old Ulory to the top of
the flag staff at t u. in., today In honor
of the (list president of the United ftates.
i andEoftater
Filibuster Over Item in Appropria
tion! Bill Mark La it Seuion
of the Senate.
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Feb. .-Hperll.)
Ten-ll lrl o'clock of the, Sunday morning
following the Saturday midnight which
terminated the constitutional forty day
of its session waa the hour at which the
thirteenth Wyoming legislature . ad
journed aine die, to not meet again unless
summoned in extra session.
lb In legislature wee the first In the
history of the state which was In a postr
tkn to have adjourned at the hour fixed
hy iaw for the end of Ita session, but a
deadlock :n the senate, which began at
11:30 o'clock, when hut ten minutes of
the official session remained, caused a
delay of nearly eleven hour. It wit
ca;sri l.y Insertion In the general ap
propriations hill of an Item of fc!4i0 to
py the expenses of the state Immigra
tion commission during the ensuing two
yeara. The deadlock continued until 4:1$
Kundoy morning, when the Item we ad
vanced. Th per KM between the hour
nnd the adjournment v.aa consumed In
:.entliil formalities proceeding the ad
journment nine die.
The venerat appropriation bill aa fin
ally passed earrlce about Il.lOO.nflo and la
the laigeet In the history of the state. A
number of rider Were attached to tho
bill In the senate,. Including an appropria
tion for the purchase of uniform for
hlirh -hc,o cadets.' A- bill providing euch
an appropriation previously ha been
killed by the senate after passing the
One of the last few measures passed by
the aennte 1 house hill 257. which au
thorize" Incorporated club to hold box
ing bouts of twenty round or leae, under
supervision of the sheriff. Thla bill. It
is salJ, rvill be vetoed by Governor Kend
rlaJt. But nineteen of the 3fl meaaures
Introduced dining the seanlon remained
on the flies when the adjournment waa
taken. Among them Is the bill providing
for a Mate department of labor, house
bill 2; the inheritance tax bill, house
bill 12, and the bill providing for adop
tion of a stnte flag, house bill 294.
Despondent from
Worry Paulson
Kills Himself
Carl A. Paulson, Crt. proprietor of a
rooming house at h33 South Twenty
second atreet, died Sunday night from gas
asphyxiation. Indication beipg that he
committed aulolde.
Paul Jones, a roomer, went to call Paul
son at 7 a. m., and discovered escaping
gaa. A blanket wa found ' hanging over
the Inside door, covering the keyhole. The
police surgeons responded with a pul
tnoter, but Ufa had been extinct for
Paulson retired. about 10:30 Sunday even
ing. Investigation by the coroner dla.
closed Information that Paulson had
legal and financial worries, and he also
worried over the death of hla wife last
December. He 1 survived by several
children. . .
lie attempted suicide last October by
taking gas.
Completely recovery from tightening of
the Jaw, the result of an attack of blood
poisoning, Billy Maran, 10-year-old son of
Mr. and MrsWIJtlam Marsh, 4157 Dav
enport street, returned home Bunday with
hi mother. The lilltle chap waa operated
upon by Dr. J. B. Murphy in Chicago
with astonishing results, as when he
went to Chicago he wa unable to open
hi mouth more than a quarter of ft Inch
and could take no solid food.
Guy &ttrr, with tiormtn groct,
Stfti tt thtjf in ttvtrtd fan!
Fir, all ttt wttt, h Ittitwt it't thtrt
Brn tf M trtet htyind ampdrtt
to details.
Is the
Mis Annie C. McQueen or New York,
will give a free lecture at Theoaophical
ball, aulte 71)1 Iiee building, thla
evening at o'clock on the subject of
"The Christ of the Near Future." Miss
McQueen I a teacher, writer and lin
guist of aome note, having spent ten
yeara In foreign countliea. She will be
entertained while In Omaha by Mr. and !
Mr. M. Ivaraon,
eighth street.
HW North Thirty.
James A. Davis, member of the last
legislature, I out with a city commis
sion petition, which he expecla to file
with the election commlasloner. He waa
Identified with a alx-for-a-quarter street
car proposition. '
Frank Ktha, prominent In Bohemian
circle,' la another prospective candidate
for the city commission. He is an ath
lete of considerable prowess, was a mem
ber of the last state' legislature and last
fall he tried tor the nomination ot register
of deed. '
C'oaatlpatlon tan Be fare.
Start a two weeks' treatment of Dr.
King's New Life 'Pills today. Good for
atomach and liver. 25c. For sale by all
druggist. Ad verftiement.
Oct a S6-cmt bottle of Dandertne at
any drug store, pour a little Into your
hand and rub it we!'. Into the scalp with
the finger tips. By morning, moat, it not
all, of thla awful' sourf will have disap
peared. , Two or three applications will
destroy, every bit of dandruff; stop
scalp itching and falling hair. Adver
Cold in Head
Relieved la one minute. Money back
II ft tails. Get a 2Jo or 50c tube o(
Catarrhal Jelly
Use It Quick. For chronle nasal ca
tarrh, dry catarrh, sore nose, coughs,
sneeslng, nose bleed, etc. Write for
tree sample. The first drop ased will
do good. Ask, druggists.
ateadoa Mia. Ca, Mtnaeap!!, Ml
i j - .- V ' v J
' A
. 1 v, ' , -7
r - - - ' ... - -.-
k v XK u I CzJZr : s O a J
m v- is Vv iw m m i w .7 j a.
4- V
finds no better expression than in attention
Serve those you admire with the delicacies
you know, they like the best.
.All Ice
Frozen Confection that appeals to alL
Trof. George R. Chathurn. profesfor of
applied mechanic of the University of
Nebraska, Is to talk on good road at
the Commercial club Haturday noon. Di
rectors of the Auto club, members of the
Commercial club good roads committee
and any other Interested In good roads
are to be present.
Selvator Nanflto. WO Pacific street, ar
rested as a suspect for the murder of Joe
t'olnmno, 1107 South Ninth atreet. was
arraigned In police court on a charge of
vagrancy and dls'linrged. Colombo wa
found dead the morning of February 11
it Ninth nnd Pacific streets with a bullet
he le between the cyea.
Greatest of A!!
. Human Blessing
The most wonderful thing Jn that world
is love expressed in the helpless Infant.
And among those aids and comforts for
expecUnt mothers is tho well known
"Mother's Friend." f
This la an external application to
enable the abdominal musclea to become
more pliant, to expand naturally without
undue pain from the strain upon cords
and ligaments.
In almost every settled community are
women who have enjoyed the blessing of
thla famous remedial and helpful embro
cation. Their daughters have grown up
to learn of its splendid assistance.
Applied as directed upon tbosa muscles
Involved It soothes tho fine network of
nerves with which all the muscles ara
supplied. Thus a great share of the pains
so much dreaded may be avoided and the
period of expectancy passed through In
ease and comfort.
Anything that adds so much comfort
must be counted as a blessing indeed.
In a little book sent by mill much use
ful Information Is given to Inexperienced
mothers. It tells how to use "Mother's
Friend" and how to avoid caking breasts.
ft a bottle to-day and write for book to
Bradfleld Kegulator Co., 409 Lamar Bldg.,
8oap should be used very sparingly,
if at all. It you want to keep your hair
looking Its best. Most soaps and pro
pared shampoos contain too much
alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the
hair brittle, and ruins It. .
The best thing for steady use Is Just
ordinary mulstfted cocoanut oil (which
Is . pure and greaeeless). Is cheaper
and better than soap or anything else
you can use.
One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse
the hair and scalp thoroughly. Simply
moisten the hair with water and rub
It In. It makes an abundance of rich,
creamy lather, which rinses out easily,
removing every particle of dust, dirt,
dandruff and excessive oil. The hair
dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves
the scalp soft, and the hair fine and
ellky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and
easy to manage.
Tou can get mulslfied cocoanut oil
at any pharmacy, and a few ounces
will Sttpply every member of the fam
ily tor months. Advertisement.
Go am
You'll Find a Pleasing Combination
of High Quality and Low Prices at
Values in
All Week.
f 18 and $20 values P
12. Nobby Spring Suits
short coat style with full
flare skirts, come in most
desirable fabrics and col
ors, all sizes, the choicest
values of the Cfl$
iisuu, .l uea- 9 A
,lo. o AW"
W(T tctv
In the Ladies' Underwear Section Tuesday
Ladies' Gingham Aprons, values up to $1.00, yf Q
several different styles .
Ladies' Union Suits, to $2.50
values, in Silks and; Wool,
and All Wool, on sale, 98
Children's 50c Black Sateen
A Special Assortment of
New Tub Silks
.We've Just received 100 pieces
of those beautiful new Candy
Stripe Bilks, the latest New
York fad, also the more con
servative styles, In two and
three-tone combinations, beau
waists, yd. . 68c and 98c
New Silk Suitings
Faille Francalse and the pop
ular Grog de Londres, two of
fashion's favorites for spring;,
In all the new spring colorings,
on sale at,
yard ....
One big
values up
Special Flour Sale Tuesday We
4Mb. sacks best high grade Diamond
It flour, made from No. 1 selected
wheat, nothing better made for
bread, plea or cakea, equal to flour
sold for $2. CO sack, Tuesday, 48-
lb. sack Sl.tO
IT lbs. beet gTaaolated sugar . .tl.00
10 bars best brands laundry soap 8 So
8 lbs. best white or yellow corn meal
for 17o
7 lbs. beat rolled white breakfast
oatmeal ' .8So
4 lbs. fancy Japan rice ..t SBo
cans oil sardines .....SBo
7 lba. best bulk laundry starch ..95c
MacLaren's peanut butter, lb. II WO'
Tall cans Alaska salmon 10a
Parker House Catsup, bottle . .THo
Large bottles Worcester Sauce,
pickles, assorted kinds, prepared
mustard or horseradish, bottle SVaO
2- lb. cans fancy sweet sugar corn,
wax, string, green or lima beans
"at THo
t-lb. cans early June peas ...TWO
S-lb. iini Ooltien pumpkin, hominy,
aauer kraut or baked beans ..THo
3- lb. cans solid packed tomatoes)
at 81,0
The beet domeetlo macaroni, verml
cilll or spaghetti, pkg. ...... '.TWo
Oallon cane Golden table syrup 3So
29-os. jars pure strained honey 86e
bhelled, blanched and roasted pea
nuts, lb. 1S
Have you a pleasant room reached by the !;vp
sunlight which you would like to rent! f'"
Advertise it tomorrow in
5g The Bee's classification of -gl
I: psboi I
anil the chance are that you won't
b able to handle all the applicants.
lc per word
each Insertion it your ad runs a week and you
pay' cash.
. Telephone Tyltr 1000
"aryoy R,md
Buy Now
and Save
Largely on
$15 and $18 vol. pV.DU
Several clever designs for
spring in silk taffetas,
crepo do chine and silk
eolines, all colors and
sizes the greatest values
ever shown in
Ladies' Wool Undervests or
Tights," to $2 values, good
colors, on sale Tuesday 69
Bloomers at 25
All Most Desirable ,
Spring Suitings
The new Covert Suitings In
the sands and greys are In
greater demand than ever for
suits and separate skirls, two
excellent qual- (1 48.1 98
ities shown at. . .yl
We Make Dress Skirts to
Your Measure.
Black and White Checked.
Wool Suitings are very popu
lar. We have them in all sire
checks at prices rang
Ing up from, yard... OC
Many other splendid values.
A Great Clearance of Fine
Electric Portables
Oa JTonrth Floor Tdesday.
At a Saving of Half and More. Too many In
stock and we're going to sacrifice the whole
lot for quick clearance.
lot of Electric Portables,
to f 16.00, on sale
advise oar customers to bay now
32-os. Jars pur. fruit preserves ISO
cans L.u Lu scouring soap, It Beats
the Dutch as.
K. C. corn flakes, pkg. Bo
Q rape Nuts, pkg ...10J
Hersheys breakfast cocoa, lb. . .aoo
Golden Santos coffee, lb. 80o
The best tea Btftlngs. lb. . ... .18HO
sooa, DOKxir aso
The bent creamery butter, carton or
bulk, lb 33o
The best dairy table butter, lb. 88o
The best No. 1 country creamery
butter, lb. Hie
Good dairy butter, lb 8So
2 lba. good butterine 250
The best, equal to creamery t Jti. r,
lb 8So
Full cream white, colored or Youn-j
America cheese, lb 800
Imported Swiss or Roquefort cheewe,
, lb 400
Florida Grape Fruit Bpeclals
Each SHe, 4c 6o, 7Uo
Per dosen 850, 45e, DSo, 80o
This Is extra fancv fruit. 1st gra1n.
Highland sTavel Orange Bale The
Orange of Quality.
Per. dosen ...... 12Ve, ISo, 80c, BSo
Nothing finer grown in Calitoi:na
than Highland Navels.
The Vegetable Market for tho Feople
16 lbs. beat cooking potatoes to tha
peck for '. 17 Ho
Be Ad
Preceded by light touches of
Cuticura Ointment will hdp yoo.
Samples Free by Moll
( 'UUHink Ka (Xa t Hflt nt u4g Vfr)Iartt.
titMri gdnupi vf ftnk - It mm, with j 9 fcM4,
ft tflsM