Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1915, Page 7, Image 8

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    Bringing Up
f JK4- I WirH VOO j PLEASE -HUf ) f I sorrv SlR-THI-b 1 TM tORft( Myti I f TeiU i- lr SAVf-CUCI HE
KNOW WHOM WE ARF- J NEvou SONMf tqrf ' ' V r- 7 H AM ' HE OTT A LOTTOS -
IT'S THE WELLEST V , . CAbH THI'b .rS.L. . L Y ) , J DA Nom 1 ( JS
1 HOTEL in TOVvrV T V CHECK FOR MT.FED: p. J NEVER NifiO 1 J f J j-l N
l'ARGAIN 240-ttcic dairy farm, nejir Sa
Una, Ksn.; write for full description and
list of 100 Kamum fnrms for salo In central
Kansas. V, E. Niuette, Saline, Kan.
OOon i.n-l. close to It. It. town, lo ac.ra,
J4f.:, $;. inontlily; 40 acres. $700, $19
monthly; fO acres, $1,200; no Interest, no
!s.'-e, no forfeiture; beat bargain In
fcowth Mlt-Fouri; hteratura free. 1). Mer
riam, Fills . Ronton, Kansas City, Kan.
GOOD homes In south Mo. cheap and. on
eay terms. Write mo few prices. J. C.
W' nkoop. Mountain View, Mo.
Good quarter section of tablo land, 8
miles southwest of here: 3-room house,
barn and granary; fenced and cross
fenced; good neighborhood; $30 per acre
If taken now. Immediate possession given.
E. J. Tortel, Owner, Ptapleton, Neb.
to be. held nt Keystone, Keith Co., Neb.,
Saturday, Fob. 27. at 2 p. m. sharp. SQ
acres, mile east of Keystone, on the
main lino U. P. railroad and Lincoln
highway. All under cultivation except 6
acres fenced hog tight. 1 acres In alfalfa.
htl shares of stock in Keystone Irrigation
Co. full paid up and abundance of water.
mall house. Well Improved farms all
around. Main traveled road on 3 sides of
farm. Soil adapted to grain, alfalfa, beets,
potatoes, etc. Every foot irrigated. There
is an eastern loan of 3,600 at per cent In
terest. Terms: $j00 cash on day of sale,
balance above loan to be paid when ab
stract of title approved. This farm must
be sold to settle partnership and will go
to the highest bidder regardless of prjee.
Any further Information on request.
1113-1 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. Red 32S5.
FOR SALE SO acres, 6 miles north of
Central City, Neb. Mrs. Amy Stavely,
MW) Lincoln Ave., Council Bluff.
bECTIO.N Klinbail Co. oruss. 2101 Paul,
SO ACREtf, fine ipland'farm. In Douglas
county, 11 miles from Omaha, 2 Mi of
good town, 2V4 n-llcs from Dodge street
paved road, $5,000 zrorth Improvements, 12
acres alfalfa, extra fine; price $14,000:
terms, $3,800 cash, or might take bankable
note for $1,S00, $10,300 ten years' time, S per
cent. Deed and possession March 1.
Owner, Lock Box , Springfield, Neb.
RANCH for sale, 640 acres, 50 acres
under cultivation, 200 valley, cuts
7" ton hay, all fenced, 40 enttle. 1 horses.
Pi-Ice Including stock $7,000. Cash. No
trades. Lowe Young, Mullen, Neb.
Upper Wisconsin
Best dairy and general crop state In the
union; settlers wanted. Lands for sale at
low prices on easy terms. Ask fer book
'et No. 4 on Wisconsin CUitral Land
Lirant. Excellent land for stock raising.
If Interested In fruit lands ask for book
let on Apple Orchards. Address Land and
Industrial Department, boo Lin Hallway,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Mortal Dakota
IMPROVED larm, B0 acres, Cavalier
county, North Dakota, 7 miles from
Langdon, co. seat, on Q. N. R. R., miles
from station on "Boo Line"! well settled
country; good soil; half under cultivation;
well, barn; grows alfalfa and small
grains. Price, $40 per acre. Write to H.
E. FTyberger. 1060 8ecurtty Bank Bldg.,
Mlneapolts. Minn.
UUOD ranch of 480 acres, well Improved,
nood barns and sheds, also, a good silo,
ienced and cross-fenced; an Ideal place
for a stockman; 15 miles south of Long
Pine. For further information, call and
see or write F. J. Fitzgerald, 83$ Bee
3.'C acres. miles from Audubon, Iowa;
well Improved; cash rent. See F. J.
Fitsgerald. 338 Bee Bldg.
CITY iwl faim Iohiis. cfc, t per cent.
J. H. Duniont A Co..lC3 Farnam. Omaha
WANTED City loans and warrants. VV.
Farfiain Smith & Co..
$! to $10.0to made promptly. F. D. Weed.
Wead Bide. 18th and rarnam Bts.
WANTED City loana Peters Trust Co.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farina.
101 Omaha NatL Douglas S7H.
100 to 00,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead,
Wead Itldg., Ui.ii and ''imam Bts.
6KK ua first for farm loans in eastern
tiv' CITY I-OANS. C. O. Carlberg.
u mO-312 Brundels Theater Bldg.
cITY property. Lhik loana a specialty,
VT . n II '! I tM . AM olAlT , .u 9.
MoNXY on nana lor city and farm loans.
H. W. Bintlcr. CUr Natl Bank Bldg.
LAND 'ONTkAi 'T 4)1, u0, nay $". Pe'
, mo. Want well located lots or run
down home. Web. 4WI.
SMALL acreage wanted; will turn In good
city lot, balance in cash. Shepard, 30O4
Wirt St.
California for Eastern
We have good, rich California farm
lands, orange grovea. alfalfa ranches and
Ixis Angeles city property to exchanse
for good eastern farm and city property.
Write full information first letter.
306 Union tMI Bldg., I Mm Angeles. Cal.
WANT good home In Omaha; will pav In
good Canada land, close to rlevstor,
American neighbors. Shepard, 2O0t Wirt
I HAVE ltal acres chok-e western land; I
need lata model auto; will make It an
object. 8. H.. 4i4 Grand Ave. Phone
Webster t32.
EXCHANGE-bilaa ROBLilNS. D. 2&43.
TtKFl) Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of
fice in Nebraska. Hrandaia Theater.
KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.,
a modern abstract office. Sub U. 17th St.
I'bous LouUs 4s7.
Bowlers Are Well Tuned Up ' for
A. B. C, for Which Entries
Close Soon.
Last week marked the close of Omaha's
seventh annual city tournament, the most
successful one held by the local associa
tion of bowlers. The entry was the larg
est of any previous scratch tournament
ever held and the scores were higher than
those of past tournaments. Competition
was keen from start to finish and no high
scores were sure of their place In the
standing until the last ball was thrown.
The prize fupd was a good one and
when Secretary Cain sent out the checks
Tuesday night several bowlers were due
to receive a neat sum for their showing;
In the matches.
Krug's Luxus team made the best show
ing In money winnings, while the Storx
team took all honors by being1 declared
city champions. Learn was the Individual
star of the meet, winning the most money
and also the city championship In the
singles and all-events, and shared with
Goff the two-man championship. Both
Learn's and Goffs rolling was of the sen
sational variety.
Hardly had the noise of the city tourna-
6 AND 10-acre tracts close In for sub
dividing. Phone uoug. aw.
MODKRN 6-room cottage on Florence
Blvd , facing eaet. Just north of Grand
Ave. Terms $;"i00 cash, balance $30 month.
Phono Webster 2009.
Jnt listed, a rood S-room house In nice
neighborhood In Kountse Place at a very
low figure, and if you will phone us Mon
day we will call and take you out.
Doug. 17S1 Ware Block.
7-room modern house. 15-mlnute walk to
lth and Farnam. $3.E00 If taken this week.
Harney 1441. 2715 Capitol Ave.
Tract that will mak alx fine residence
lots, surrounded by splendid trees, pav
ina, sewer and water to this tract. A
fplend'd proposition for one who wishes
to build six or eight houses, and a profit
able deal for subdividing. Price $6,000, on
reasonable terms.
Field Club
Eight rooms,' beautifully finished, with
heated garage and sleeping porch;
nearly new. Any reasonable offer will
be accepted.
K. H. BENNER. DOUG. 7406.
A Dundee Home
Six rooms and sleeping porch. Large,
living room, convenient kitchen. Cistern,
large closets. Built 111 1812. $6,600.
E. H. BENNER. DOUG. 7406.
Sealed proposals for furnishing the
labor and material necessary for the con
struction of curbs, gutters, curb ap
proaches, ai,d paving in Paving District
No. 1, in the city of Columbus, Nebraska,
will be received by the city clerk of said
city up to 8 o'clock p. m. of the 2d day
of March, 1915, at which hour the bids
will be publicly opened and announced by
the mayor and city council of said cltv.
The work will consist of 1J.000 Linl
feet, more or less, of curbs and gutters,
and curb approaches, and 60.1S4 square
yards, more or less, of paying. Tha Union
Pacific Railroad company reserves the
right to curb, gutter and pave between
their tracks, where tracks are less than
25 feet apart from center to center.
The engineer's estimate for labor and
material for the proposed improvements
Is as follows:
50.134 square yards of paving- with
brick $112,801.50
The same with Fiber brick lu0.2hH.00
ii bbhiv wun Dttuiunic
The same with Asphalt Concrete
The same with concrete
7.300 I-lneal feet of combination
curbing and guttering
S.tiOO Lineal feet of gutters
1.000 Lineal feet curbing
25 curb approaches
1J.I40 00
. h"JO.0
All proposals on curbs, cutters and cuVh
approaches, must be accompanied by a
certified check of $1,000. All proposale
on paving must be accompanied by a
crnuieu inecR oi a,ju. All proposals
for the entire proposed work must be
accompanied by a certified check of $', 000
These checks must be payable, uncon
ditionally to the treasurer of the city of
Columbus, Nebraska, or order, as a guar
antee of good faith to be collected and
held by the city as liquidated damages
i'l case the bid Is accepted and tha bidder
neglects or refuses to enter Into a con
tract and bond in accordance therewith.
Pla ns and sieeificattons together with
renerul stipulations and Instructions to
bidden, to be made a part of the contract
or contracts with successful bidders, may
be seen and examined at tha ofdee of
said city clerk.
Columbus. Nebraska, February 17. 1915
Plans and specifications mail be ob
tained from the special engineer. "L. F
Gottechalk" for $5.
, r.jodst
Notice Is hereby given that the regular
annual meeting of the stockholders of tha
south Platte Land company will fee haid
at tha olfice of said company at Lincoln.
NebmsWa at eleven o'clock a m. on tha
third day of March. A D. 1K15.
C- H. MORRILL. President
A. B. MINOR, Uecrelary.
Lincoln. Nebraska, February 1, 1915
Copyright. International
News Service
ment quieted before the pins of the big
International tournament at Minneapolis
were falling. Omnlm's cntiy In this big
event Is light lhln year, but with the
Burxcss-Nash team talcing part the local
rollers arq pinning their faith In this fast
aggregation and are postitive that they
will uphold Omaha's name of having a
classy bunch of tournament shooters.
With the entries In the American Rowl
ing cone re at Feorlt cloning soon, Oma
ha's entry has simmered down to si
teams. The Bton. Ucrgosa-Nash. Krug's
Luxus, Jetter s Old Age of Omaha, Wil
low Springs Brewing company nnd Jet
ters Old Age of Bouth Omaha, will nil
make the trip.
These teams are the best in tho city,
and, with the large prize fund usually
put out by the American Bowling con
gress, they nre sure to cop a big slice
This season's entry will pass the ooo
mark, which will outnumber all previous
tournaments, excepting the one held In
Chicago in 1912, when 696 teams were en
tered. Week's Bowline; Schedule.
Mesco Leaeue-Monduy, Independent
mMerca8ntlle League-Tuesday, regular
teSt"rey",Chriag.-e-Wedncday. Interde-
p"J,!LnTt0Bros. league-Thursday.
Intel-department matches. H,
Paxton A Gallagher League Friday.
Penbys against Pagomas; Ktrooi against
Mercedes. ..,, a n
Hv"lHiZSZZA.Z: welch
Groclry . . . '
Moose; Ail fnrs uwn.' j""::: j
channe. Thursday. Jotter a Old Ago
against Willow Springs Bnwlng Uo.
White Box againei iiruoiM ..-
ir.i-n.nn I .en sue Monday,
Delloln. against Diadem; Fairmont
against Li'iuld Gold; Better , Butter
against Puritan Broilers. r,mnur.
Gate ijlty wiuo-uii Ji " 1..
Old Tavernu against Fairmont Creamery
Co.; Lewis Buffet against Ragan a Fal
staffs. Thursday. Diexel Shoe Co. aaalnst
American express; tjiaca a '
Florshelm Shoes. .
Omaha Gas League Wednesday, lntef
departmont matches.
Lithographers league Tuesday, Lyon
Engravers against Omaha Printing Co.,
Leary Printers against Hpber s Inks;
H. & K Prem anslnst Klopp-Bartlett.
RtnnriurH ilil Imzuc Monday, Polarlnn
Aut' Oil a-ralnst Perfection Oil; Crown
Gasoline against Mica Axle Greasa. Game
postponed until Wednesday.
':mnmerclul league Monday. Beselln s
Oil Mixers against Brodepaerd Crowns;
Omaha Bicycle Co. againsi rxann
Candy Kids Wednesday, Eagles agalnxt
Stais and Sirlpes.
Browning-King League Tuesday, Inter
department malchcii.
Omaha E. L. and f. league luesaay,
Interdepartment matches. ,
nn Gordon IjeaKue Thursday. Daniel
Poona aealnst St. Andrews; Bobble Burns
against Thistles; Tarn o' Shai tera agalnat
Carter Take Federal League Thursday,
regular team matches.
Carter Lake Women's League Monday,
regular team matches.
Knlnhts of Columbus league Monday,
Columbi:s against "2;"Of against Coun
cil: Knlfcht against umnna.
Booster League Tuesday, El Paxoa
against Pllcos. Clara Bellea against
M imMn Pluh! Beacon Press aaatnst
Muurer's Cafe; Powell Supply Co. against
i-orey-u Henzie.
Nebraska Telephone league Wednes
dev. Interdet-artment matches.
Moose Club League Thursday,, regular
1'nlon Outfitting League Thursday,
inverdepartment matches.
Dempstor Photo League Thursday,
Interdenartment matches
Omaha iuue FTlday. Old Style
Lagers aralnHt Mickey Gibsons; Krug's
Luxus saslnst Burgess-Nash; Storx
against Jetter s Old Age.
Mrlkea and H pa res.
Ralph Sclple has Joined the Storx ranks
and will roll with them at Peoria. -
Most of the Omaha teams going to
Peoria will shoot their series on March
36 and 27.
The next meeting of tho Greater Omaha
Bowling association will be Sunday, Feb
ruary 2X, at Ortman's bakeshop.
Carl Johnson has Jumped again. This
time he left the El Paxos. Carl has the
record for the number of jumps in one
The reorganised Krug's Luxus lineup
presents a formidable array. With Con
rad added to a lineup already containing
Learn. Goff, Wartchow and McCarthy, a
stronger combination could not be orga
nized. They will be expected to go good
at Peoria.
Over 600 five-men teams are entered
In Peoria. One hundred and fifty of
these are entered from Chicago. St. Louis
also has large entry.
The Lincoln bowlers were more erratic
In the city tournament than they should
be. The capital city contains some good
bowlers, but Robertson, with a 639 single
game, was the only one to get in the
prize money.
In the recent handicap tournament the
teams from smaller towns throughout this
state and Iowa demonstrated that they
were equal to Omaha's teams in the ten
pin game. This will have a tendency to In
crease the entry of the big midwest
tournament to be held here next fall. The
bowling game is flourishing In the
smaller (owns and they are anxious to
attend these big meets, especially when
they know they are equal to teams from
larger cities.
A few we;ks ago the Grand Island
bowlers Issued an open challenge to
Omaha bowlers for a match game and
stated a preference for the Clara Belles or
Burgesa-Nash. Both of these teama wrote
an accaptance of this challenge, offering
to play three games In Grand Island and
three games In Omaha for any amount,
total pins of the six games to decide.
Tho Grand Island bowlers have not even
answered the acceptance as yet.
If arrangements can be made at Min
neapolis, a strong Chicago team will be
eeen here during the eomtng week. A
Windy Citv team composed of Nick
Hruck. Phil Wolfe, Bob Roval. Fred
Thoma and Jimmy Blouln will start a
barnstorming trip Immediately after the
close of the Internstlonsl tournament at
Minneapolis, and Is anxious to play in
Oinsha. Th Burgesa-Nanh tesm Is now
nlavlng in Mlnma4l's and efforts will
be made by the memhere of this team
to bring tha all-star Cbicagoans here.
Basket Ball Season Nears the End
Without Many Changes in the
Standing of the Teams.
Maadlnw of I.esane Teams.
Won. Lost. Pet.
C'll fhrliillnns U O
Hansoom Park Methodists... J
Kountse Memorials
First Methodists J
South Omaha Baptists 3
r-iiiirch of the f'ovensnt 1 10
Won. Lost. Pet.
rimah. Mnlinnul Rank 7 l.W"
Council Bluffs Cubs J
Y. M. C. A. Secretaries J
Crelghton Uwi J
Omaha High School Seconds. S
Clearing House :v..-:vv.V?
Won. Lost. Pet.
Townsends J . J
Omaha High School J J
Clarks I
Pirates ;
Bellevue College J
Council Bluffs Y. M. C. A.... i
Swift Company 1
M.kntaba Rchnnl for I ICS I.... V V
When They Piny This Wek.
Church League Hanscom Park Metho
dists against Church oi mo V,"'"?'";
Tuesday at 7:30 at Young Men Christian
association. First Christians Mn"J
Kountse Memorials Tuesday at
South Omaha Baptists against First
Methodists at 8:S0at University of Omaha.
Kountze Memorials against. Church of
the Covenant Thursday at 8 at the oung
Men's Christian association.
Commercial League Crelghton Laws
against Council Bluffs Cubs Tuesday at
7:30 at Council Bluffs Y. Young Men s
Christian Association minw
Crelghton Laws Thursday at 7:30 at ioung
Men's Christian association. Omaha Na
tional Bank against Council Bluffs Cubs
Saturday at 7:30 at Council Bluffa Y.
Tri-Clty League TownBends M""1"
Omaha High School Tuesday at 8: JO at
v... xiun'. c-hiiilnn association, nwtit
Ar Company agHinst Pirates Thursday at
8:30 at Young Men s unrisrian imn-i.;
Clarks against Council Bluffs Young
Men's Christian association Saturday at
8 30 at Council Bluffs Young Men Chris
tian association. ... .i..-
With tho nearlng of tha end or the
local basket ball season, a number of the
league quintets have become lax In their
appearance for scheduled games. Last
week th Swifts failed to show up for
two contests and as a result lost both by
the forfeit route.
In a number of games last week many
of tha players that belonged to the dif
ferent aggregations failed to appear and
resulted In teams being filled with men
who did not belong to the organization.
The switching around of playera In this
manner resulted disastrously for the
Olarkg last Tuesday, when only threa ot
their regulars showed up. The Clarks
were completely vanquished by the
Omaha High school quintet, and are now
tied by the Pirates for second placa in
the Trl-Clty circuit.
Considerable interest marked tha week's
play in the Church league. What brought
forth the greatest surprise was the closa
manner in which the South Omaha Bap
tists held the First Christians at the local
"T." The Baptist not only held the
leaders of the Church league during tha
contest, but forced tha game to an extra
three minutes to play off a tie. How-
ever, the Increased strength manifested
by the Baptl'ta will count for little mora
than naught as the season Is too far ad
vanced for them to Jump Into tha first
Another surprise In the Church league
Is the steady climb ot th Kountze Mo
morlala. Threa straight victories have
put them In third place.
Hard Lock for swifts.
It 1 doubtful whether tha Swift and
Company five of tha Trl-Clty league will
play tha remaining scheduled contests.
Hard luck has so devastated the five that
a number ot the star playera have given
up the game for the season. Aerhart,
guard, was recently operated on because
of a bad arm; Shalnholts, a forward, was
forced to retire because of a weak heart,
while Philips ha been out for some time
because of sickness.
There still remains a large number of
postponed game to be played off. Home
of the quintets are so far behind that
they have taken part In only half of the
regular games. However, the playing off
of these games will make but little dif
ference, a the present leader of each
group have amply demonstrated that they
are supreme. This Is one of the reasons
for the delay of th finishing of these
Nothing more has been done by Man
ager Drummond to bring the Toledo, O.,
team here Thursday, so that th only big
game between now and the close of th
season comes on March I, when Wcsleyan
university drop oft her to meet th
Townsends. Though some time away,
preparation ar already under way for
tha big clash, a monster turnout being
Basket Ball Notes.
As yet no one has been able to stop th
Druid camp of th Woodmen ot the
Noland has given up basket ball for th
season. Ha played right forward for th
Manager Aaron Davidson of tha Thor
pelans muy be reached by calling Web
ster 5103 evenings.
Dutch PlaU hsa broken Into th offici
ating ranks. He officiated th Wayne
t'nlveralty of Omaha game.
The South Omaha Baptists went to Sil
ver City Friday evening to try their hand
gainst th villas-era of that point.
A postponed gam wiii be played Tues
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
day evening at Council Bluffs by the
Crelghton Laws and the Council Bluffs
The Crelghton Iws broke even en
their two days' Journey to Iowa last
week, losing at Dunbar, but defeating
The Renson Tigers are still lh th .run
ning and would like to hear from som
Omaha teams. Call Harvey Howard, at
Benson 123.
When Montgomery and Howard failed
to show up In their match against th
Omaha High school, Coach Mtlla' men
made short work of th Clarks.
Wlllard find staying away from th
Hanscom Parka so costly that he has
made up his mind to show- up for alt th
rest of the Hanscom Park games.
Kerns, who Is to take charge of the
pnysical department of the Young Men s
Christian association in th near future,
was a spectator at tho basket ball games
last Thursday. .
D. Nnrdstrum of the Walnut HIM
Methodists Is proving the stellar operator
for that five. Of the twelve point se
cured against the 1'nlverslty ot Omaha
ueservea n made seven Inst Saturday.
Although a little late m tha aeaaon. tha
Walnut Hill Methodist have organised
wnn tne rouowtng lineup: v. Nordntrum
and Maloney, forwards; Carlsen, center,
and Fehra and R. Nordstrum, guard.
ror games, call walnut bn3.
When the Swift & Co. five failed to nut
In an appearance Thursday evening,
Wclgle's Pirates took on the Council
Bluffs "Y." and although they had won
a game already that evening, they took
the Bluffs quintet to a trimming, also.
Omaha Lads to Ride
in Big 'Frisco Races
Two Omaha boy are going to be pais,
tlclpants In the big Vanderbtlt cup and
Grand Prix race which will be held at
the San Francisco exposition Monday and
Saturday of thl week. Harry Murphy,
2860 Manderson street, and Frank Po
luskl, 1706 South Ninth street, ar the
lads. Both are mechanician and will
ride with two of the most famous driver
In the world In th two big events.
Murphy will txt with Eddie Pullen. and
advices to Omaha Indicate that Poloskl
will' assist Jack Gait In hi race for th
honors. Loth Poloskl and Murphy ar
product of Omaha garages, they having
learned their trade in Omaha.
Th Jeffery Omaha company tendered
a banquet to a number of Its dealers
from Nebraska and Iowa at the Henshaw,
Talks were made by E. G. Soward, as
sistant sales manager for the Thoma B,
Jeffery company of Kenosha; by G. B.
Mtima, western representative for th
Jeffery factory, and by J. C. Fleming,
manager of the Jeffery Distributing com
pany, Sioux City, la.
All of those present agreed that th
prospects for 1915 far surpass all previous
years and all assured George G. Mc
Vlcker, manager of the Jeffery Omaha
company, that their demand for Jeffery
car would be large.
A. .Charllevill defeated Charles
Harlln, X to 20, In the three-cushion
tournament last Friday night. R. 8.
Gallup and C. Vaughn play tomorrow
night at 8:30 o'clock. High run, Charlle
vllle, 3; Harlln, 2. Inning, seventy-four.
Referee, Brayton.
Standing of th player:
Won. Lost
"Jineon i
Eddy !
Charllavllle a
Harlln ,, f
Gillespie o
Vaughn o
Gallup o
SILVER CITY. la.. Feb. 21.-(8perlal.)-Fllver
City wa defeated her today by
th South Omaha Baptists. 23 to 13. Th
game wss excedlngly rough, marked by
clos guarding on both sides. Lineup:
Joos L.F.I L.F Ooos
Johnson Il.F.iR.F Robinson
"rk ;";! T' Hickors
Oroves L.G. L.O Stogdlll
Bratton RG.iR.G Bu'gan
Field goals: Burke (6i. Joos, Johnson
(21, Grovea. Ooos 4. Robinson (it. Fouls
thrown: Joos 13), Ooos. Scorer, Straley.
Referee, Shalnhols. Timekeeper, Cona
way. i
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Feb. n.-(Spo-cial
Telegram.) Th Burgess-Naah bowl
ing team did not get an opportunity to
bowl until nearly t o'clock thl morning,
and at that hour th match had not
been completed.
Dilloa Beats Biaatell.
NEW YORK. Feb. Jl.-Jack Dillon of
Indianapolis easily defeated Frank Man
tell of Pawtucket, R. I., In a ten-round
bout here tonight. They ar Ught-besvy-welghts.
Indigestion f C aa't Eatf Ko
Dr. King's Nsw Life Pills stir up your
Liver, aid Digestion, you feel fin th
next day, only Sou. All druggists. Ad
Dan Butler Trims
Charley Withnell
In Bowling Match
In a thrilling combat for high stakes.
City Commissioner Dan Butler, aided and
abetted by Ms squad of bowlers, took
Brother Commissioner Charley Withnell
and his team to a trtmhlng at the Farnam
alley Saturday. . After ereral hours of
expert manipulation of the scores and a
fw mors hours of argument Vltell ad
mitted defeat A a rasult o tie victory
Butter Is verr cocky and challenge any
body In the. world for money( marble or
The match' wn a hot one from start to
finish. It opened with an argument ai to
whether Harry Prlmeau should roll with
the Withnell. Prlmeau, they declared, I
deputy city clerk and therefor an em
ploy under Butler. Charges of ringer
wers flung about promiscuously, but
finally all was settled peacefully when
Dick Grotte, purchasing agent, offered to
roll anchor on th Butler and beat the
tar out of PrlmMU.
Grotte was ss good as hi word. He not
only trimmed Trimeau, but wa high man,
both In total and single game. He rolled
66T and single gam of 206. Prlmeau wa
second with SIR. Withnell wsnted his
score withhold, but the cruel Butler got
hold of th scor ht and ruthlessly
disclosed It. Score:
1st. Id. Sd. Total.
Butler 140 It 145 4M
McDonald JM 6 ir.3 J.J
03 1 145 816
Taylor 116 MB 205 423
Grotto 151 H 105 to7
Totals 764 3 833 S.420
1st. Sd. Sd. Total.
141 167 160
119 JW 179 487
148 1 68 , 173 479
95 TB 108 274
168 171 .178 518
673 761 784 1,217
Dodge Brothers
Attain High Speed
Car Production
Coupled with th attainment of high
speed production within th hort space
of thre month' time, official of Dodg
Brother ar receiving th additional
satisfaction that come from the perfect
performs nc of th car la th hand of
dealers and owner throughout tlte
Practically every dealer In the sale
organisation ha been supplied with car,
and tralnload shipment ar now th
daily order at th big Detroit factory.
Closely following th receipt of their
demonstration can, letter are received
from dealers commenting upon th re
markable performance of th machine
In dally service. Report on thl subject
frjtn all part of th country ar unani
mous, and favored purchasers who have
already taken delivery of car are even
more enthuslaitlo In their praise.
Ford sale up to noon yesterday eclipsed
all previous records ever made In any
one week b the local branch. More
than three times as many Model "T's"
were sold a during the show last year,
and mors than twice a many a were
ever sold In ons week, before. .
The new Ford runabout with th cowl
dash, electric lights, new windshield, etc.,
was responsible for some of the Increase
In sales; although a large number of
touring cars were also sold. The new
Ford coupelet sad sedan came In for a
large share of the attention of the auto
mobile show visitors, and It Is said that
a great many sales were ' consummated
on these enclosed models.
Among the Omaha purchasers of Ford
cars at ths show, up until noon yester
day, were:
Klrkendall Shn Co., J. W. Hutchins.
(4 c.trs). Crpenter Paper Co.,
r. V. Wallln, (1).
r. V.. Zimmerman, Censdinn Pacific
if...... r l'j .. i
McAllister Fuel Co.,
Wilson Kteam
B.nler Works.
t.. .1. Buimer,
E. 'Buffet,
W. ('. Donahey,
'. H. I,eonsrd.
A. D. V heeler,
F. H. r.oettger,
J. H. KumWg.
Hrinn ir Jensen,
ii. W. Onrloch,
L. M. Osboin.
George Brown.
S. T. Howe.
If. O. Trester.
Peter Hanson,
W W. Ysger
John Varecek,
L A. Harnvin.
Ir. T. A. MediWs
J. C. AM rich.
J. W. Medlln.
J. D. Cfctletl,
Dr. Morris.
John SIMM Ing,
Henry Brulm,
J. J. Sherlock.
J. F. Peltlgrew,
Boston Mest
Grocery Co..
O. If. Durand.
A. H. C'urrle Co.,
W. W. Shlnn,
B. P. Angel.
H. B. Riga.
W. D. Wens
Ina RehfeM.
Ellen A. Teets
Charles "jardlng.
Beat Thlas; for a Bllloas Attack.
"On sceount ef my confinement In th
printing office I have for years been a
chronic sufferer from Indigestion and
liver trouble. A few weeks sgo I had an
attack that was so severe that I era not
able to go to th case for two days. Fall
ing to get any relief from any other
treatment, I took three of Chamberlain's
Tablets and the next day I felt Ilk a
new man," wrltea H. C. Bailey, editor
Carolina News, Chapln, 8. C. Obtain
able everywhere. Advertisement.
Federal League Will Consider How
to Prevent Its Use at Buffalo'
. Meeting. .
CHICAGO. Feb. 21. Action to provont
the use of th "emery ball" In the Fed
eral league will be taken at the meeting
of th league In Buffalo February 28, ac
cording to President Gllmore, who re
turned to Chicago today. .
The "emery ball," so-cUed, Is produced
by roughening th surface of th ball on
a bit of emery paper. Tha resulting tra
jectory 1 said to bo baffling.
George Reim Says '
Show Just Closed ,
Best for All Time
George F. Reim et the Cadillac company
of Omaha, speaking of. the automobile
show Just ended, say:
"There can be no doubt, of the real
value of an automobile show. There are
several sides to consider. First, that of
the great good to th community. Dur-1
ing the week of the show. It Is safe to
ay that from 50,000 to 100,000 people eome
to Omaha, It each one of the 50,000 people,
pend but $10, It means a half million of
dollars are distributed among -the local
merchants and hotels. Then It Is safe
to say that as much mora Is speat - for
automobiles, a percentage of which re
mains in Omaha, among tho Interested
In automobiles.
"The educational side must not be over-
looked. Years ago tha Cadillac Motor
Car company saw the great Importance
of educating the publio In the meohanlcal
construction of an automobile."
Mr. Reim adds that the purchaser of
automobiles In Omaha and the unround
ing country ar exceptionally motor-wise.
They do not rush la and hastily aoaa
ovr the car on the outside and place,
an order, because a car has an eleotrlo
tarter or horn or a bumper or something
of that sort. But they look Into the
more vital parts ot the mechanisms, en
quire Into the quality of steels and the.
power and gasoline and oil consumption.
From the number ot orders placed for
Cadlilao car in the last few days of the
show there can be no doubt of the de
cision arrived at by th careful and well.
Informed purchasers. . ; ,
This show will go down In th annals
of th Cadillac company of Omaha a
the best ever held.
War on Federals;
Baker to Browns .
As Initial Move
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 21.-J. Franklin Baker,
third baseman for the Philadelphia
Americans, who a few days ago an
nounced he had decided to quit playing
base ball, will be a member of the St.
Louis Americans during the 115 season,
aocordlng to a story "based on authentlo
Information" published here today.
The story purported to oome from a
man who "has Inside Information of the
pending deal, but who cannot permit the
us of his name." According to this
story, the motive for the rumored trans
fer of Baker from Philadelphia to 6t.
Louis Is a "war on the Federal league,
with St. Louis s ths chief point of at
tack." Auburn Sales Exceed
All the Records
C. O. Wilson reports to The Bee that
the Auburn business during show week
exceeded all previous record.
While the Auburn has been a standard
car and one of the best sellers In this
territory for fourteen years, thl year will
be the biggest of all. Much praise wa
given th big peacock blue car exhibited
t th show.
As hundreds of horn1 and other signal
tooted farewell to the Automobile Show
Saturday night, the lust sale of a car at
the show waa made a fourteen-passenger
Jitney bus. It wa an International ma
chine, fitted up for regular Jitney use,
and was sold for $1,280 to Mrs. Marie
Hout of Omaha by General Manager II.
C. Dsnlels, Motor Truck Manager Charles .
Gillespie and Special Salesman Bradley of
the Omaha International distributing of
fice. Mrs. H outs' husband, L C. Houts.
will operate the bus In Omaha fer Jitney
fares, commencing Tuesday, .
Coyotes Boat Cotaer.
VERMILION. 8. D Feb. SO .-(Special
) The University of South Pakoia,
Ittasket Uull team defeated the team
representing Ontner university of Lin
coln. Neb., SS to 11. Both side played
good basket ball and no individual stars
Tlarero Eat Wolverloe.
ANN ARBOR, Mich.. Feb. 21. Prince
ton won over Michigan In a two-roil
relay nu-e here tonlKht with a time of
$ minutes and S seconds.