ECHOES OF THE AN1MOOM Virions, Lodges Have Kumeroui rrograms for Coming Week of Activity. PLAISS FOR, MONDAY HOLIDAY Oovert lodrs No. 11, Ancient, Free ud Aocptl Masons, will lv an tntertstn tnsnt at th Scottish Rite cathedral Fri day vcninit. Ths ppoirram conalsta of maslcsJ entertainment, dancing anJ cards. . Fraternal X nloa. Mondamln lodje No. 1U of the Fraternal Aid Union held a masquerade tall at Bay right's hall last Tuerday evening at which atx prises were given. Ming Ida Johnson received first prise for the women. Mtaa Lot Us Samuelaon aacond prlsa and Mrs. Catrla Carman third, in tha men'e prima Frank Koster received first, J. Heln see ond and George W. Carmen third. Claa Gorman. Can Gordon Now . Order of Scottish flans, held a regular meeting February ML Thers was a large numbe j of mem kera present A special program will be given March 8. " ' Trlb mi Be Hap., Mecca court No, IS, Tribe of Pen Hur, will give a card party nest Thursday avanlng, February 25, for the membera and their friends. Prises and refresh ment!. . ' . BMW S . Loyal council. No. 234$, haa arranged for a dance to be given at their hall in the Swedish Auditorium building next Friday evenlnK, with the usual orchestra music. Last Friday evening the degree start amplified tha floor work In Initiating sev eral new membera. Beaaoa Elastics. Benson Eagles, aerie No. 1302, gava an other popular ball last ' night at their hall. It waa largely attended. Tho pro ceeds were given to the drill team of the order. Refreshments ' were a pleasing feature. t Benson Danish Sisterhood. About 145 was cleared by the Danish Sisterhood masque ball given Valentine's night, and nearly 200 attended. - Hall and banquet room were decorated In the Pan- THE OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: FEBUUAKY 21, 1915. 0 At "Nobby Tread" Tires Enable ibis Fire Wagon to Make 50 Miles an Hour i r l; L i: i ! ii I .... , . ... ' : . , iv, , ' s .' ' i l , - ' ! i .'"J; i The Conncrsville, Indiana, Fire Department' ninety horse power motor wafon is shown in the picture above. In construction it ii practically identical with the pleasure car which is made by the McFarlan Motor Company, ha builders. Upon the- recommendation of the McFarlan Motor Company a engineers, this car was equipped with "Nobby Tread," Tires. It is capable, pf 50. miles an hour under its full load, i This enable the fire department to reach the farthest limit of fire protection in less than three minutes from the Kre house. The manufacturers say they do not consider solid tires suited for thai type of apparatus. They hare decided that "Nobby Treads" are the correct tire for speed, safety, and low cost Ish colors, attractive awarded. The eoatumea were especially and handsome , prises were ' Bsia Refeekahs. ' . ' Next j Wednesday. venlng;) Benson Re. bckahs will give a publlo Hard Times party at tha Odd Fellows' hall. Refresh ments and prises will acid to the evenjt. Fir In the Wlemam. ' Tha council tire of Fontenelle tribe No. TS, Improved Order of Red Men, still burns at tha wigwam ia . the Continental block. ' "We are growing slowly but surely, and all brothers express their de light at our progress," says tha chief. "The warriors bring In a scalp most every moon, enough to keep the hunting knives and warclubs In place and ready for us.' Next Monday steep tha tribe will oele hrate Washington's birthday. All tha brothers are urged to ba present and bring with them their paleface male friends. Tha great chiefs of the reserva tion of Nebraska are expected to ba proe- ent to greet their subordinate chiefs and warriors on that night WooJars of tha World. U pa camp No. 183, . entertained Its members at . a social on last Tuesday evening. A literary and mimical program waa given by the children of members of this camp, and was enjoyed by all. ZtskUv Dab camp No. 115 waa pleas antly entertained last Thursday at Its hall on Seventeenth street. South Otnafia, Pert Paragraphs )6h the Greatest Auto Show the West Has Ever Produced by Ite officers. Frank Benak, clerk, and O. Hummul, oonaul eommandnr. Refresh ments were served. Faj.plo camp No. will hold a card social at Its hall In Benson. Tuesday evening. Its officer. F. A. McArdle, clerk, and J. C. McArdle, consul com mander, promise several swd entertain ments In the hopes that It will Instill soma activity among tha membera of this once prosperous camp. Tha banquet given by Commercial camp No. 4TS at the Rome hotel, Thurs day evening, was a decided success. Over SOO Omaha representative business men were present, and pledged loyalty to tha fraternal organisation. All the supreme officers of the ordor were pres ent, as well aa the board of managers. hlch added greatly to tha success of the gathering. The entertainment con- slated of speeches by W. A. Fraeer, sovereign commander: J. T. Tstes, sov ereign clerk; J. K. Fltsgorald, chairman of the board of 'managers, and John R. Cain, jr., vice president of tha state bank of Omaha and banker trt Commercial camp. Tbla waa followed by a cabaret performance and minstrel show. Tha de taila of the entertainment were In charge of tha officers Of tha camp, and great credit should ba given them for Its great success. Tha danoa given by W. A. Fraser camp No, 4 at Armbrust hall. Twenty fourth and Vinton streets, Friday evening. was largely attended, and waa a decided success. Bob Wlnkleman, eonsul com mander, haa promised tha camp another (entertainment of tha same kind,' and all membera ara looking forward to an en joyable tline. Alpha camp No. 1 will give a progres siva high five party at Barlght's hall. Nineteenth and Farnant atreeta, Tuesday evening for Its membera, their families and friends. A cordial and fraternal In vitation la extended to the members of Omaha-Seymour camp No. 14 to attend. DamtasL Brotherhood. Next Saturday evening Benson Danish Brotherhood lodga No. 804 will hare an oyster supper and social at tha Benson Auditorium. An auction sale will feature tha program. Knights of tho Maccabees. Omaha tent No. 75 will have a special entertainment for members only on next Monday evening. A good program haa kun nrenared. Refreshments . will be served. j Garfield Circle. Garfield - circle, Ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic, will meet with Mrs. Vroman, 2927 Seward street, Tuesday aft ernoon at S o'clock. Monday evening Garfield circle gava a memorial service to commemorate tha birthdays of Washington and Lincoln at SATISFIED! KhnLhaK even though it was away up in the cor ner of the balcony, was packed every hour of the week, Our orders have been big, . our admirers, many,: and the show a big success from every angle. The way the Allen car took convinces me that the Allen car is going to enjoy a great year. I have never visited an automobile show that has given me ;more satisfaction both from an attendance and from a business standpoint. Standard Motor Car Company SSSa jgSSSBEBB&Bi Nothing was proven r-jj more eminently idurinfithe' past week than the fact that the age of light cars is here. The buyers at the show have in their purchases clearly demon-, strated that the light 'car is where the big volume of business is going to ba done. The Bphinx being one of the few -that make one chassis only have made many sales possible to dealers who have agencies for high priced, large cars, but who do not niklce anything tinder $900 or $1,000. , From the first day our demonstrators arrived we have made sales to people who have thought it impossible to. buy a car, with a real car look, at so low a price, $695, fully equipped,, electrio . lighted, . electric , V. -E. M. REYNOLDS, m$?SS&' J. R. Jameson of the Overland 'J "Seventy Overlands into this territory this, month, what more could I say regarding this great show and this year's great business." Momorlal hall, many member being dressed In costumes of that period. The hall was appropriately decorated and tha program was both varied and pleasing. Vnlform hive No. SR. Indies ot the Maccabees, announces a masquerade ball FYlday evening, February W, at Myrtle hall, Fifteenth and Iuglaa strcelA Prises will be given. Pyne Tells of Insult ' to Gerard's Party in Berlin Theater NEW TOrtK. Feb. Details of the In cident In a Berlin theater when the Amer ican ambassador. Jasnea M. Gerard, and a party of Americana were criticised be cause they were conversing In English, were described today by 11, LJvtngton Fyne, private secretary to Ambassador Gerard, who reached hero on the IaisI tanla. The theater party. My Fyha said, was composed of the embassador. Grant Smith, secretary of tha American lecar tlon at Vienna, Mr. Fyne and another American. "We were sitting In a bo," Mr. Pyne said, "talking In a low tone. An occupant of aa adjoining box In a loud volca said That Inasmuch as Germany waa at war with Fngland, the Rngllsh lauguage was out of, place In a German theater.' lie waa expressing his objections loudly when a German sttting near by 'rose to his feet and stopped hint, saying "Bit down; don't you see those gentlemen ara Americans? "At the same time several men from other parts of tha audlnnoa approached and tha disturber was escorted from tha theater. Immediate apologies wera of fered by tha theater attendants and Gar man residents In tha audience; and after wards an official apology came from tha Berlin city authorltlea.' Asked about reported shortage of food supplies In Germany, Mr. Pyne aald: "So far aa I could sea, when I left Berlin no serious shortaga waa apparent. Prices for foodstuffs had not materially advanced, although thera waa little white bread to ba had. Theaters were running, restaurants wera well patronised and tha Germans were confident that their armies would ha successful." Mr. Pj-rs expects to return to Berlin In a tew week. . Negroes Leaving New Madrid, Mo. NEW MADRID, Mo., Feb. S0.-A the result of the warnings of "night riders' that they must leave tha district before Tuesday morning, nearly X) negroes left New Madrid county last night and this morning. Possibly as many more ara pre paring to depart before the time limit aspires. Thus far thera has been no ylo lence. Tha negroes, most of whom are employed on farms In this county, will be severely dealt with unless they obey, the order announces, and It la expected that much trouble will result. Tha sheriff, M. J. Kimes haa asked Governor Major t? send mllltla to help him restore order. The order for the negroes to leave was not based on any specific objectionable act. It la said, but on lll-frnllng n tha part of some whites who believed negroes wera doing work tha whites should have. The trouble between the whites and the negroes seems to hara Its orlgvn In the land rental system. Last December tha white renters de manded a reduction from M to tc en acre. The noames were content to continue paying $1, and when new rent contracts were drawn up In January mora negroes than ever were given places on tha farms. rlscontent among the poor whites then developed. The mora prosperous whites have condemned the raid. Investors with money read the Real Estate ads In The Bee. Advertise your property for a quick sale. Catholic Clergy in City of Mexico Held for Ransom WASHINGTON1. Feb. 20.-A11 the native Roman Catholic clergy In Mexico City ara being held for $A0j0 ransom, official advices from diplomatists In tha Mexican capital received here tor.ay aay, and tha only priests exempted are those of for PM.1JV10 nq sai ohm 'Xupiuouiia tii to leave tha country. Smails Named for Fremont Postmaster WASHINGTON. Feb. stX-Preeldeni Wilson, today nominated tha following postmasters: Nathaniel W. Smalls, Fremont, Neb, John O. Foster, Baker. Ore. E3. Xj. Campbell, Eugene, Ore. i MM iJie Grand Piano "An Artistic MarYe!" A fascinating new model small apartment alz and delightful Unas, that has a tone equal in w a t nesa and depth to any Grand of stand ard glse. T r r J K lis -1 '; . I y. . :-V $455 THE BRAMBACH GRAND PIANO DESIGNED FOR THE APARTMENT. MANY USED PIANOS ON SALE AT GIVE AWAY PRICES. lr,ji'r?ll? iflSlflSIMtVgi This Is the Six You Have Wanted at a Surprising New Price , vL'liiiniiAj IJJJjJJjM m m For the iNew Season NOWcomos tho only high grado six cylinder motor car of .standard sizo .for. less than $1,300. Tho Chandler! This identical car last summor ; broko , sales records nt $1,595 and sot a standard in tho light six market. . Two years ago, lacking many of its present refinements, it was a sensation at $1,785. And now, with raaxuntnn production, with an over . And yet here it. is today, the class and standard maker of the market, with the price for this season fixed at $1,295. : How can Chandler do it when similar cars still "Bell from two to five hundred dollars highert The Chandler Company has made money from the day that first of the light sixes took the road. The Chandler has pointed the way, every step of the way. head expense so small that it astounds other manu facturers, with no old loads to carry and no old scores to wipe out, and with our' working capital of real ; money, we have set this record-breaking price. t The Chandler for the new season is identicallr and positively the same model the whole country ad mired so much at $1,595. We will continue it through out ihe season at the new price. At this new Price the pioneer Chandler retains absolutely every feature of construction and quality that has made it a leader of light sixes. You will find all these features on the Chandler and NOT on any other six selling for less than $2000. Bosch magneto. Gray & Darix elactrio itarting motor. "Gray & Da via electrio generator. Enclosed lilent chain for driving motor ah&fts. ' Botch spark pltigs. Mayo genuine Mercedes type radiator. Bayfield carburetor. Imported annular ballbearing through- out Worm-bevel rear axle.' ' Cast aluminum motor base extending: sol idly from frame to frame, giving rigid-, ity to engine mounting; providing' pedestals cast integral for magneto, pump and generator; and obviating necessity for dirty, rattly sheet metal drip pan.' Oiling system completely contained with, in tho motor; no outside piping. ma. i Genuine hand-buffed leather (not chine-burred, split or imitation). Luxurious streamline body, with clean running boards. - t Golde patent one-man top, with Jiffy car J tains. . -',('' Large gasoline tank carried in rear. Firestone demountable tires. Motor-driven horn, speedometer and tH the usual Incidental equipment. w i ' And the Marvelous Chandler Motor Built in Our Own Factory . . . A w signs lp pounas omitr squip- pod. Ion inrut It niUas or mors pr soliiu of srasolins. 7tO miles Mr sallon of oil, t.POO mll sr sat ( llrs. Bpssd I to U mli par hour oa hUth ftstjr. stad T-pssMasTsr bodies. V, .i - - i..',.iroiu- ( , y-. See the Chandler Now We anticipate some ekfpticisra, but the Chandler routed skepticism last year and the year before that, and it will rout any akepticimn this year. See the ear at your dealer's, or write at once for eatalog and we will arrange a demonstration for you. . CHANDLER MOTOR 0AH CO., C02-632 East 131t Street, CLEVELAND OHIO JL Eo DAVIS, Exclusive Distributor for Nebraska and Western Iowa 2216-18 Faraam Street, Omahz. Vac