8 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY UEK: FEBRUARY 21, 1915. 0 ?.i 1 -im . i i ''"yf :''Y'' I ; After this great show Lee Huff, manager of the Ne braska Buick Co., says: "When better auto mobiles are made Buick will make them" ajb Him .luasar . H. Replogle, General Manager, Akron-Marathon Rubber Co., Says: "The business obtained during Show week exceeded our expectations and demonstrated rnoro than ever that the Motoring Public and the Dealers in Nebraska and Iowa are rapidly becoming users of high grade equip ment and they fully appreciate a quality tire backed by a definite guarantee of 5,000 miles service." "Our positive assurance that the quality of Mara thon Tires will not be reduced or affected by the present price situation is bringing us business from dealers who aim to give their customers real value and service. Mara thon Tires are built to meet a demand not competition." -i Geo. G. McVicker of the Jeffry Omaha Company Says: Every visitor said to the Jeffry man "It's a great car you have there." Empire durability, modern equip ment and' beauty more than ever pronounced itself. "The aristocrat of the less than a thousand dollar car." Both of them sold by tho Jeffry Omaha Co., 2056-58 Farnam St. C. J. Corhhill of the Haynes "Omaha's great show, surprised even us old veterans, and Mr. R E. Butler and I have sold cars hero in Omaha since 1900. Naturally we expected biff crowds and big sales. But now we are amazed. More Haynes cars sold the first four days than any other previous four months. This is the buyer's method of telling us what ho thinks of tho Haynes." OMAHA'S BEST AUTO SHOWJS CLOSED Great Succen in Every Particular and the Feople Remain Around Until Lights Go Oat DEALERS ARE ALL SATISFIED I Everybody agreed- Embodied In the lines displayed at the LINING EH BOOTH were found the prac tical, efficient, dependable things, with finish, class and quality, necessary to the finished product, and the up-to-date car. ' - -King-Eight' .The Car of No Regrets ..... ..... $1,350 Four Cylinder Clover Leaf Roadster ............$785 Four Cylinder Touring $785 Easily the monarch of the light Fours. One typo of car that's here to stay built with the "trouble left out" v '&aL&lJlaS Six-49. Queen of tho Sixes 1,G85 Four-37. I5est Four Built for the Money ..." $1,200 Savons Four Cylinder IiunalKMit $395 Six Cylinder Touring $785 Iitfht, easy going, deiendable and eco nomi 1. LININGER IMPLEMENT COMPANY Distributers. Omaha, Neb. "The tiliircst and bent of all the auto shows ever held In Omaha," That is the universal vonUct regarding the auto show that cloned yesterday. Not one dliwrntlna; word waa heard from the dealera and factory representatives. All were enthusiastic The crowds at the Bhow yesterday aft ernoon and evening were large. They were crowda that had a larre percentage of buyers In them and a atlll larger per centage of "proepeeta," There waa not one exhibitor In the whole ahow who failed to mnke at least one aale. The majority made more than one aale. "We don't look to make any Bales at the Auto show." Ha Id a salesman. "We rarely make aalea quickly. I don't thlr automobiles are sold that way. But It la especially true of the higher priced car. Anil we are particularly anxious In getting promising people Interested In our car. That Is what we look to the auto ahow to accomplish for us. And that it does accomplish." Closing night Is always an attractive nlirht- There' a something about It no one seems to know Just what It Is that makes people linger around. float n the "how. Perhaps It Is the grand transformation that takes place late In the evening when those who are about can see the lights of the great building begin to flicker. The Initiated at the show last night knew what this meant. Simultaneously there waa a babel of horns. It waa the noisy announcement that the auto ahow or 1915 waa officially at an end.v Workmen quickly went through, the building, removing the partitions between the booths.. And then the machines be gan to roll out of the building and be towed away to their respective store rooms along automobile row. Thla morn ing there la scarcely a machine remain Ingtn the building. But the memory of the show will not quickly depart from those who partici pated. They are already talking about the ttl show. Blar Baalnesa Increase. "We did more business at this year's show than we did at all the former Omaha shows combined," said W. B. Koshler. handling the Bnger, MeU and Cartercar. "We had to have several ad ditional men and were simply covered up with business. "It waa an event that filled the city with people and the kind of people that bring business to Omaha, not only whll they're her but after they go, for many of them went home with contracts In their pockets to sell cars In their respect ive cities. Why, the hotels couldn't hold them. A man waa In here yesterday and told ma ha went to six hotels before h waa able to get accommodations." J. A. Molntyre, who distributes Btearas Knlght cars In Nebraska and western Iowa from Omaha, said: Flaeat Show Bver. 'People are looking for higher priced cara and we have never done bualness in any previous show equal to that we have dona at thla one. It waa absolutely the finest show we ever participated in. Both from the standpoint of aalea and dealer contracts, this beats ttvem all." George O. McVicker. aecretary-man-agar of the Jeffrey Omaha company, aald: "W made numerous sales and closed several contracts. One of. the largest con tracts written during the show. I think, was that Including Lincoln and the sur rounding territory for tire Jeffery and Empire Una made with Heaston Bros., formerly of Ilomeavllle, Neb. I feel greatly elated aver this contract, aa both of the Heaatona are old Jeffery dealers and have been successful with the line for the laat seven years in the southern part of the a tale." Mast Have Shaw. "We surely wouldn't be able to get along without the auto ahow." said Sales Manager Craig of tho Oldamoblle. "It does a world of good and this la the beat yet." H. P. Orr of the Orr Motor Salea com pany, called It the "finest show we have ever had. It haa been a most wonderful uocss,M he said. "No previous show haa duplicated It for real aalea and pros pects. We have the finest list of names aa prospective buyers for our line that we have ever received at the aHo ahow. Bales of a 14,000 or 16,000 car are not made as quickly aa salea of some cheaper cara Oas at Beat BeylaaT Shews. "We have here the Packard 38 road ster, the Identical car that waa exhibited at the New York show this year. Omaha Is the only city outside of the grand circuit of auto shows where thla car has been exhibited." H. C. Bllsa, representing the Paige car. called the ahow the "biggest yet," and reported a number of actual sales during the week. - W. B. Hawley of the Mttohell-Lewia Motor company, makers of the Mitchell car, said the Omaha show this year waa one of the very best buying shows he ever attended. Manager Clark Powell Bummed up the apparently unanimous opinion In the statement that in crowds attending and in aalea made and contracts closed the show far exceeded any previous show held In Omaha. Many more dealera from out In the state and from neighboring statea were here than ever before," he said. - Sara Meaaa Let te Oaaefca. "last year we had about l.att dealers In attendance. Thla year I estimate there ' were 1.800. Bemember, too, that each of these dealera brings In a num ber of hla townsmen with him. There are a number of men In every town who have been atudying the merits of vari ous cara for some time. Borne of them haven't been able to make up their mind. Bo the dealer gets Utem to go down to the ahow, where the merits of the car can be explained to better advan tage. "A number of weeks ago we sent out about &000 posters, and these havo been hanj lng In the dealers' window every where, advertising the show. One dealer this year brought In twenty of hla fel low townamen with hlra to the ahow. I think there were at least ls.OOS outr-of -town folks present. Many of the dealera remained all week. They came Monday and they went home last night. "I. tell you, it meana a lot to Omaha te have the auto ahow. One man, a big druggist, said to me that this show means more to him tn Increased bualness than any other event with the execution of 540 ft "StudebakeY" Wilson "The tenth annual automobile show has, indeed, been a success from our stand point. The Studebaker exhibit has at tracted more attention this year than ever before, although we considered the previous shows exceptional business pullers. We feel that this is another indication of the good will and confi dence the Studebaker line enjoys with the general public." The Omaha Automobile Show has brought out with startling positiveness the un deniable superiority of the CADILLAC EIGHT. The purchasing public of Automobiles quickly recognize the principles of contin uous power, unequalled flexibility, rapid acceleration, obtained almost entirely with throttle control Picture in your mind a ride in the city or country, up hill, or through sand or mud, at almost any desired speed, without the shift of a gear, with practically no vibration, with rough roads literally smoothed out as you pass swiftly over them. Add to that a dependable mechanism that requires the least attention and you parti ally know the Cadillac Eight. 1 To fully realize, you must own and operate one yourself. Place your order now, with the CADLLTJVn COMPAWV I hesitate to attempt to give any esti mate of the Reo and Chevrolet business during this greatest of all shows. CffMy two cars were certainly well received, their features marveled at by the thousands of visitors Their decisions were proved by tHe large number of orders. That "Omaha is the big auto town of the west" was estab lished by last week's great demonstration. L. E. DOTY, L. E. DOTY, Incorporated 2027-29 Farnam Street OUR SHOW has been a wonderful success, and we feel certain that every visitor left the show with a renewed confidence in Chalmers cars. .The interest shown has strengthened our belief that we are oegmmng a most profitable year. If you did not receive one of our catalogues we will gladly mail you one upon receiving your address. Stewart-Toozer Motor Co. 2048-52 Farnam Street Omaha Mr. Buyer During the past week you have had an opportunity at the 10th Annual Automobile Show of In specting practically every American made automobile and your opportunity of giving Intelligent con sideration to the purchase of a car haa been greater than ever before. You have teen the stripped chassis of many of the cars and have listened to expert lecturers telling of the various good features of their cars and while the profusion of cars and the different statements made by the various car salesmen may have confused you somewhat you have undoubt edly come away from the Bhow with the choice of your car simmered down to two or three cars. The object of this little advertisement Is to call your attention to the many excellent features to be found in th 115 MITCHF.IX cars and to ask you to allow us to give you a good practical road demonstration such as was not possible during the past week owing to unfavorable weather conditlous. The MITCHELL, factory with Us twelve successive and successful years of automobile manu facturing Is turning out for 1916 better cars than it ever built before and we think that you owe it to yourself to look over the MITCHELL, models before placing your order. A call at our salesroom at 2054 Farnam St. or a word over the telephone, Douglas 782, wUl enable us to arrange a demonstration at any time that It is satisfactory to you and upon the success of the demonstration ws will let the sale of the MITCHELL car to you stand or fall. . Yours rery truly, MITCHELL MOTOR CO., J. T. Stewart 2d Pre lijr ( the Ak-8r-Bea celebraUoa.'