TIIE OMAHA" SUNDAY r.KK: FKBUUAUV -Jl. l!H5. 7 A Auto Enthusiasts Who Attended the Mitchell School Last Week $ .. I ! i J r -.I..M B li r i ' u it i I- lit i-' nil t H 8 ' ' r 1 V, . 1Y."Ii-V''l"i I !fJr '"I 'KI'lii iimlli Milii wnirwi mil n 1 ""i i' n in I 'i iiiiiii 'fi-r-BiniimnMiMiiiiwn iiiin i npjrj1" T1"" JhMHftftASAVMna' V ' - "Uvmmwko - . . - mmh if It i'ihl 4 1 : Li . 'a,A-iU,,iTv No utimobil how of iinjr rromlnonop norm romplrt without th ediufctlng talks on automobile construction Riven by Jamrs TatrtrK McAnnuHy. ! n rlnpfr for the Mltchrll-Lewla Motor com pany of Kaetne. Wla. Mac. aa CTrybodr. connoftfd with the automobile trade knows htm. Is a man that knows the bustnras from the Rrras Imt part of the work up. has enough coltpire drmvs healdra to pomplotely orerbalanoe a imod-stsrd surname, but tils proodest boast Is that he is atao a rraduate of the school of artuaJ eprt nee. Many of the scientific Inventions BFfxl In rns:lnrlna department of autrv. mobile factories and a as engine works are the results of hta experience and brain. While Mao is thoroughly prao- tlral and sclrnllfie he. has a faculty of splainlnii th most latrlcate machinery la suih piwnwn wrl that even the ntwira m fullf vindars(anl. Alnnar with the tH that show week makes such irentiatts domands upon his time and ensrtT he ha4 te necessarily decline nu merous Invitations t spesk In publli'. otofsrrlnc to attend slrietly to his busi ness of exploiting the construction sort J workmanship et the Mitchell. 1 Miring Ma stay In Omaha the last week Mso has' had a double dose of It, a In connection with his talks from It a. m. until M:ft at i night at the Auditorium he has been j talking to the crowd which have oome j each morning to the store of the Mitchell j Motor company to listen to th free leo tures on Ignition and the rare of storage batteries. STUDEBAKER MEN AT DINNER Vice President Benson Talks to Rep resentatives, Calling Them Mer chants Instead of Dealers. SEES A GOOD SEASON AHEAD Acting as host to the scores of Studc baker representatives here for the Auto mobile show, K R. Benson, vice presi dent. In charge of the sales of the Stude baker corporation, yesterday presided at a luncheon at the Paxton hotel. The gathering was entirely Informal, the only talk of any length being by Mr. Benson, in which he outlined. In optimistic vein, the 1915 prospects In the automobile field. Several other officers of the company were present as a reminder that the men who represent the company throughout America are1 an Integral part of the Or ganizatlon The Studebakcr men who gathered here to see the show and get in touch with the executive officers were bubbling over with enthusiasm, both for the shovy Itself and for the showing made by the Studcbakcr " corporation. The ere was about the fkudebaker space , gave them opportunities to learn :at TlrsT band "of the cordial reception accorded Studebaker 1915 models .by the buying public , in Omaha and surrounding territory. Refer ences were made at the luncheon to this Interest aa Indicative of the Interest In Studcbakcr cars . everywhere. r. Not Dealers, but Merchants. In the course of his talk, Mr. Benson brought out one point which met with such hearty approval that It will not only Influence the business future pf too men who handle Studebaker machines, but In time the entire retail branch of the auto, mobile business. The point was that the time had come for the men who sell cars call themselves merchants. "It seems to me that the time has come to make a dignified stand." said Mr. 'Benson. "Her before roe are ..men who have Investments of thousands of dol lars In cars. Tour credit Is above r& proach, both with, the Htudebakor cor poration end the banks in your own communities. "Why should you continue to call yourselves dealers, when In real ity you are as much merchants as any owner of a drygoodrf store or clothing store In your city? Certainly the unit of sale la a more dignified sum. A man who sells a machine for 1.000 or $1,500, is certainly as much a merchant as a man who sell cotton goods at 13 to 13 cents a yard. Hnslnesa Well Established. "The automobile business has passed through necessary stages of develpment and now Is so well established, .that the men who are the channels of distribu tion throughout the country are entitled to that standing in the business world to which their Integrity, acumen, and volume of business entitle them. I. for one feel that you gentlemen are met chants, and as such you deserve to be recognized." ' Mr. Benson referred briefly to both the New York and Chicago shows, held during January. In both cities the in terest in 1915 models was evidenced by the substantial sales of Studebaker cars during the shows and the days immed iately following. Being in touch with i,the entire situation. Mr. Benson con gratulated the Studebaker . merchants who were his guests upon the promis ing outlook for sales. FORMER SALES MANAGER VIS ITS OMAHA AUTO SHOW. ,1 Sheriff Plays Part In Y. MJ3. A. Circus A picture of Sheriff Felix McShane feeding prisoners sent him from police court, with a squirt gun, and then de manding (40,000 from the county and re ceiving $30,000 as a compromise, was one of the features of the Young Men's Chris tian association burlesque circus last night, and one that made many laugh. Burlesque characters representing Judge Poster, Sheriff McShane, the county commissioners and others Interested In the big Jail feeding episode that was re cently settled were shown by the per formers. The sketch was made uproar iously funny by distorting the fundamen tal facta. The "jitney bus" came In for a ragging, and so did th sensational movie films. The big auditorium was filled almost to capacity, and a host of youngsters took art turning a multitude of trlcka. Investors wlUx nicney read the Real Katate ads In The Bee. Advertise your property Xur quick sale. ERNEST R. BENSON Salsa Manager The Studebaker Cerporados) Hastings Continues String of Victories i HASTINGS. Neb., Feb. 20. (Special Tel egramsHastings High school continued its string of victories here tonight, de feating the State Aggies, 41 to 31, In a hard-fought game. The largest crowd of the season made playing space small, and team-work was Impossible. Schtssler's pupils secured an early lead and had it to the-final whistle. Klein. Flynn and Parks starred for the locals, while Hchmetiel eoored the majority of the visitors' counters. The lineup: HASTINQS. Parks R.F. whltehouse . . . . Li F. Flynn C. Kernan L.Q. Klein R.U. AGGIES. U.F.,' Osbourn LP SchmeUel C Aker UG Ohlhelser K G Cole HAWKEYE BASKET BALL FIVE TRIMS GRINNELL GR1NNEM la.. Feb. . (Special Tel egram.) In an extremely fine game on the Grlnncll floor last night Iowa uni versity defeated Ormnell, J8 to 20. The game was fairly rough but leas so than usual between these two teams. Tharpe starred for Qr1nne.lt with eight free throws and tn baskets on fouls. Loper made one basket. At the end of the first half the record was 9 to 12 in favor of Iowa. Burch and Hadges were referees. Trainer Jack Watson came with the Iowa team cut a telegram that his boy had been hurt by a fall recalled him to his home before the game. SOUTH OMAHA QUINTET OUTPLAYSJLUFFS TEAM The South Omaha High school five won from Council Bluffs High school last night, 39 to IS. Lineup: BLUFFS. SO. OMAHA. Ma honey R.F.I R.F McHrlde I.owrey LP.IUF Foley Puryear ClC Nixon p.ejurek R.U.R.1 Beat Clark UJ.L Lescrt Referee: Burkenroad. IMPLEMENT JEN FOR WAR Concentrate Forces and Will Fight Railroads' Flan to Abolish in Transit Privilege. M'VANN . TO LEAD IN BATTLE The National Implement and Vehicle association has appointed B. J. McVann of Omaha as Its attorney to fight the railroads on their proposed plan to aban don the stoppage In transit privilege on loads of Implements. The case Is one in which implement men all over the United States have been greatly interested eve since the railroads canceled the long standing rule of allowing oars ' to be stopped to unload part of their freight along the line beforo reaching final des tination. The old custom always mado It possi ble for the small Implement dealer to get part of a carload of Implements, and have them come on a full car destined to deal erg farther on. . Implement Dealers Protest. The ' railroads formerly charged $5 a car for granting this privilege of stop page. Some time ago they canceled the privilege altogether and decided to bill cars through, allowing no unloading until final destination Is reached. Implement associations all over the country, In cluding the Mid-AVest Implement Dealers' association, which met In Omaha this Winter, made vigorous protests against this new rule. They got the Interstate Commerce commission to auttpend the new rule of the railroads. The suspension holds until June 1. In the meantime, the Interstate Com merce commission Is preparing to hear the case In Chicago April 30. At that time Mr. MoVann will appear before the special examiner to argue the cane In be half of the Implement men, representing directly the National Implement and Ve hicle association. This association Is com posed of the leading implement firms of the country, besides many of the leading manufacturing concerns furnishing tip piles for the manufacture of implements. The latter ere such as the steel and Iron mills and the hardwood lumber concerns. What the Itole Means. Mr. McVann will go to Chicago the first of next week to confer with the officers of the national association with regard to arranging for the testimony and other de tails preparatory to the hearing. Under the old rule the railroads not only charged $5 per car for stopping and unloading part of a car, but they charged the regular rate on the full carload to the destination. This, the defenders of the old rule maintain, was sufficient to compensate them for their trouble. If the arbitrary rule of the roads Is not permanently suspended. It la asserted It will mean that it will coat the small dealers a great deal more for freight, as they would very 'often be compelled to pay local freight on small shipments not large enough for carload lota As It was In the past they were able to get the benefit of a carload rate, though their particular consignment was not a carload In Itself. Young Man Fails In Pit Before Car Randolph Hllbert, ?1H North Twenty- seventh street, nearly lost Ms life under the wheels of a street car last night at Thirtieth and Spauldlrur. when he fell In an epileptic fit In front of an approach ing car. Pedestrians, who believed that he was trying to kill himself, snatched him to safety In the nick of time. He was later able to go borne, alter' Police Surgeon Tamlslca had attended him. If Kidneys and Bladder Bother Take a glas of Salts to flush cut your Kidneys smd neutralize-, itrltutlng acids. , Kidney and Bladder weakness result from urlo acid, says a noted authority. The kidneys filter this acid from the blood and pass it on to the bladder, where it often remains to Irritate and Inflame, causing a burning, scalding sensation, or sotting up an Irritation at the nook of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The sufferer is in constant dread, the water passes sometimes with a scalding sensation and Is very profuse; again, there Is difficulty In avoiding It. Bladder weakness, most folks call It, because they can't control urination. While It Is extremely annoying and some times very painful, this Is really one of the most simple ailments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Baits from your pharmacist and take a table spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, continue this for two or three days. This will neutralize the acids In the urine so It no longer is a source of Irritation to the bladder and urinary or gans which then act normally again. Jad Baits Is inexpensive, harmless, und Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithla, and Is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caused by urlo acid Irritation. Jad Balls la splen did for kidneys and causes no bad effects whatever. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent lithla-water drink, which quickly relieves bladder trouble. Advertisement. Washington Affairs Although United States mall is con stantly going directly or nullrectlv to every country In the world, so for nut ono bag has been lost through the activ ities of the war fleets of the Kuropean belligerents. Fire In the national forests of the west In 1914 cauncd a Ions to the government of nearly SW.WW.OOO board fort of mer chantable lumbvr, valued at tm.m, and of reproduction, or young growth of trees, valued at l!.'.4i8. Itedlwiitint dates for the Minneapolis federal reserve bank of 4 per cent on ma turities up to thirty days, 44 per cent ) to till tiny. 6 per cent rtO to BO dava and 6H per cent on lormer maturities were approved today by the Federwl Reserve board. The board also approved rates of 1 and 4 per cent on acceptances for tho same bank. $295.00 Argo Demonstrator SEE IT AT THE DOWN TOWN GARAGE Opposite Auditorium AT YOUR SERVICE Go See It Now--Ride In It-You Will Like It DOWN TOWN GARAGE "CHICK" EDMUNDS and OLIVER LIGHT Representing the Nebraska Argo Motor Oo. Will gladly give you a ride in this wonderful light car. Phone Douglas 4430. YEAR ROUND SERVICE 1 Ho Cloro Pilos Simple Homo EemedyEaiily Applied Give Quick Belief-end CoeU v Nothing to Try. OTTO Befsreaai Afts the First Trial. Pyramid Pile Remedy (rives quick re lief, stops itchlnir, bleeding; or prottidliig pllea, hemorrhoids arid ail rectal trou bles. In the privacy of your own home. 6: a box at all druKHt. A single box often cures. Tree sample for trial witu booklet, mailed free. In plain wrapper, on requeue to Pyramid lrus Co.. 61C PyraoUd Bid.. Marshall, Mich. When a Business Man Buys a Motor Truck, impe rially if Jip intends to use it for making deliveries to customers, lie wants to be sure that it will make those deliveries regularly and promptly. Therefore, no business man can afford to buy any truck without first looking up the record of the Inter national Motor Truck. Kor eight years this truck has given year-round nervlce. continuously, day by day. to thousands of merchants In hundreds of widely differing lines of business. It meets faithfully all lighter hauling and quick delivery conditions. There are two models of the International. In two different sizes. Model M of 1,000-pounds capacity and Model K of 1,500 pounds. They are alike in the quality of the service they give. It will cost you nothing to find out definitely what an Inter national Motor Truck will do for your business. Drop a card to the address nearest you and you will receive full information. International Harvester Company of America ' (Incorporated) The Fortified Tire Spans the Way from Trouble. Trust It Once Let It Tell Its Story Let the Goodyear tire tell you what it means to travel on Fortified Tires. Fortified is more than a name. It means a tire with five protections offered by no one else. They have cost us years of effort and millions of dollars. They have won for this tire the top place in Tiredom the highest prestige and the largest sales. In the best way known they combat Rim-Cuts Loose Treads Puncture Blowouts Insecurity Skidding Let them prove this to you. Not Trouble-Proof We don't claim the impossible a trouble proof tire. But Goodyears average best. They could never hold the lead and hold it for years unless that were true, as you know. These are super-quolity tires. Not in materials alone, but in features. We protect you in five ex clusive ways. And one (jOOIXpYEAR Fortified Tires Rias-Cala by our No-Klm-Cat fsstars. r i : T i -- . - iv man nihhr rivt Afssut 1 1 by 12S brstdad piano wtr. I Pnt 4 SUddats by our doubis l thick Ail-WsstbsrTrssd. of them alone adds to our cost $450,000 per year. Tests which can't be disputed prove that these features save tire users millions yearly. Yet Prices Come Down Despite these improvements Goodyear prices have constantly come down. , We have made three big reductions in two years. Our last made February 1st makes the two year total 45 per cent Our mammoth production the largest in the world lets us give you in Goodyears the most for your money. And we always shalL One for Every Car Last year we sold 1,479,883 about one for every car in use. Think what a tire this must be to dominate like that. Fortified Tires mean less tax and less trouble. They mean more safety, more enjoyment. Those things are waiting you at any Goodyear Service Station. Any laaUr can supply you Goodyaar tiras. If U wanted is is not In stock, ha will taUphooo our local branch. AKftOMOHIO HBt (2223) I Omaha Lincoln Det Miine$ Council Bluffs Crawford Concordia ft. Dodge St. Joseph Sioux City We carry a complete stock of GOODYEAR TERES Omaha Tire Repair Co. HENRY NYGAABD. Prop. 2201 Farnam Street Tyler 1552 BB i