THE OMAHA SUNDAY IJKH: FEBRUARY 21, 1915. WANT BUILDING REPAIRED! Tenants of Board of Trade Build ing Divide on What They Want Bone. LEASES RUN UNTIL YEAR 1919 When E. M. Morsman Rets back In the city after being gone a few days ha win ba facing a little difficulty In regard to what to do with the Board of Trade building alnca the fire a difficulty that involves the tenants and the leases. The lease run until 1919. The tenants are di vided on the matter as to whether they want to force the stockholders to put up a building, and let their Icaees run their normal course on that corner, whether they want to force them to repair tha old building in the shortest possible time, or whether than want to move out and forget the leases. A certain clique of the tenants Is being banded together to demand the Immediate repairing of the building and the putting of their offices back Into shape ao that the tenants may occupy them until tha termination of the lease. Others of the tenants are not In sympathy with this movement, as they hold the fire which de stroyed the office rooms and made them uninhabitable necessarly terminated the lease automatically. In the meantime the wreckers are at work taking down salvage, removing at least the 'upper two floors In mmnlim- with the orders of City Commissioner wunneu. At the same time they are dragging out the wrecked parts and charred material of other floors that must be removed at any rate, whether the building is repaired or robullt eventually. Greek Reservists Ordered to Meet in This City Soon George Cosmas, secretary of the Royal Greek consulate of Omaha, Issues the following proclamation by order of the iGovernment Hellrniqiie all the reserve officers of all arms (excepting the re turned and dismissed) residing In the consular territory, comprising the states of Nebraska and North and South Da kota, are obliged to appear In person at the office of the Cbnsultate at Omaha, Nebraska," between the dates of March 2 and April 11, 1S15, to furnish Informa tion as Will there be indicated. NEW PRESIDENT OF NEBRASKA HARDWARE DEALERS. w i ' Manley is Back from Navigation Meeting A permanent organization on river navigation was effected ,in Pt. Louis during the two days' conference, which was attended" by J. W. Gamble and Robert H. Manley as representatives from Omaha. Mr," Manley -has returned and Mr. Gamble Is expected back In a day or so. This was a conference to consider the kind of terminals to be decided upon for the various cities that are planning for river navigation. There were representa tives present from towns along the Mis souri, Mississippi and Illinois rivers, from Minnesota and New Orleans. Ex-Governor , Eberhart of Minnesota presided at the meeting. He appointed a committee' consisting of two men from each of the several states interested, to constitute an official body, whose func tion will be to keep Irt direct touch with the cities' planning on river navigation, and co-operate with them. J. W Gamble and Robert Money were appointed as the members of the committee from Omaha. t "It was the general feeling," said Manley, on returning, "that whatever develops along the Una of river navi gation, it will be of necessity along fines that are not antagonistic to the rail roads, but that it will be conducted in inch a way that each type of transporta tion will be a benefit to the other." Matters Trial Will Be Resumed Monday The trial of Thomas II. Matters In fed ' cral court, which was halted Friday morning by the illness of one of the jurors and was postponed by Judge Youmans to Saturday morning, was further post poned to Monday morning, when it be came apparent that the sick juror was not well enough to go on . The. other eleven purors put In their time as best they could In the jury rooms of the postoffice building and at their hotel and taking walks in a body. They are in charge of a bailiff and have been In his charge since the trial started twelve days ago. They cannot go to their homes or go anywhere away from the Jury party. Monday Is a holiday, Washington's birthday, but it will not halt the Matters trial if Juror Kohlmelor is well enough to take his place in the jury box. Wheat Makes Drop Account War News Germany blockading the English ports had the effect of driving the wheat prices down fully & cents again. On the Omaha Grain exchange the cereal sold at to $153, with a weak market during the entire session. Corn was not hit as hard as wtutat. but It was oft a cent, or more, selling at 65 to TWt cents per bushel. OaU lost about a cent, MV4 cents be ing the highest price paid during the day. Omaha grain receipts continued light, there being but fifteen cars of wheat, forty-one of corn and seventeen of oats on the market. 3. 3. Jennings of Gothenburg, newly elected president of the Nebraska Hard ware Dealers' association. Is raising up a family of hardware men, having himself been In the business since he was 18, back in Iowa, and exactly a quarter of a century In the business at Gothen burg. He also has a son and son-in-law In the business. One son, G. K. Jennings, has been with the Wright & Wilhelmy company for eleven years, and Is now on the road traveling out of Lincoln. He has a son-in-law, H. A. Iainsnn, with the same firm, who travels out of Has tings. Mr. Jennings was born In Iowa In 1862 and began clerking in a hardware store when 18. The next year he began learn ing the tinner's trade In the same store. He worked at the tinner's trado for a number of years at various places, until he came to Nebraska and Jointly with E. J. Spaulding established the hardware firm of Jennings & Spauldlng at Gothen burg. He has always taken an active Interest in association work. He was director of the state association In 1912, 1913 and 114. He was a delegate to the national con vention held at Indianapolis in 1914. Widow of Brigadier General Passes Away Mrs. Ellzalteth J. Dennis, widow of the lato Brigadier General John D. Dennis, died about 5 o'clock yesterday morning at the home of her grandson, Franklin English, 2010 Poppleton avenue. Mrs. Dennis was 76 years old and has spent the last twenty-five years of her life In Omaha. Her husband. Brigadier GenerX John D. Dennis, died fifteen years ago. He is buried In Forest Lawn cemetery here and Mrs. Dennis will be laid at rest in the same lot. Surviving Mrs. Dennis are two daugh ters, Mrs. E. C." English and Mrs. A. L. McGIll, both of Omaha. Faces As Fair As An Orchid Are Possible When Stuart's Calcium Wafer Are Used After Meals to Clean Up 8k In Kruptlons And Discoloration. When a face is covered with blotches, liver spots, pimplee, blackheads, etc., Stuart's Calcium Wafers will act like same magical charm. However, there is nothing magical about them. They are nature's own way of ceasing the human blood and preventing it from filling the surface of the body the skin with pimples unci little skin eruptions. Lad Sprains Ankle Hooking on Wagon Harold Ledwlch, aged II yearn, living st 1517 Georgia avenue, sustained a sprained ankle when his foot became caught in a rear wheel of an Alamlto wagon upon which he bad been hooking a ride. He was attended by Dr. C. B. Foils and removed to his home in the police emergency car. PIONEERS' REUNION. IS . PUT OVER TO ARBOR DAY T reunion of the Douglas County As sociation of Nebraska Pioneers, which was to have been held, at the Masonic Temple February 22, has been abandoned In honor of Martin Dunham, a past presi dent of the association, whose funeral is to be held at that time and place. The reunion will be held Arbor day, April 22. "2,th y STUM. Ihe abiuistiing ot all skin disorders must begin with the blood. Lotions, sales, cosmeth's. etc.. will do no ma teilal good. The trouble comes from within and there tne remedy must be applied. If you really desire quick action and at the same time a common et-nae, nat ural, harmless blood purifier, then btuart's calcium Wufers is this remedy. The correct and best blood purifier Known 10 science is (Jaicium tiulphlde. This great cleanser Is contained in nrouer quantities In Stuart's Calcium Wafers and that is why all blood troubles and kin blemUhes rapidly disappear after lueir use. An unMghtly and rimnly face due to impure blood Is one of the most disgust ing sights one ran see. and vet all about us. upon the streets. In the the ater, when traveling, etc., we see these horrible results. There is no need for this condition if you will take Stuart's Calcium Waters datlv and keep all salves, lotions, cos metics and other harmful preparations from cloKKing the pores. Every first-class drugxlnt In this coun try carries Stuart's Calcium Wafers, which sre pleaMant to take, harmless, and mav be obtained for 60 cents a box. A small sample packago will be mallei free bv aidrt'HMing F. A. Stuart Co.. 175 Stuart Bid.. Marshall. Mich. Safe Pillo are purely vegetable, sugar coated and absolutely free from injurious substances. A Perfect Laxatire. For in digestion, biliousness, torpid liver and constipation, they do not gripe or leave any bad af ter effects. 25c a box If yoor drug gist cannot supply you, we wili Writ far I iVararr'i Sh Brto C, (. 981 iKiMM, . I. " ifTTlYr r S Sunday, Feb. 21, 1915 Burgcss-Nash Company- STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY Eurgess-Nash Company - Phone D. 137 Ami Innipiptir,9g Sampl Sate Mini I Hanii Bm ndlay at 1, George Washington Was Famous for His Honesty and Integrity THIS STOKE is hewing to the sanv? principles in quality of its mer chandise, the fairness of its pricings and its high standard of service. The same standards and ideals that immortalized floor go "Washington have caused this store to assume the foremost place in the ranks of the mercantile institutions of the middle West in just a little over twelve short months. But this is only the beginning; there are greater things to happen at Sixteenth and Har ney for this is a store that has builded its foundation on truthfulness in advertising and presentation of merchan dise as well as on quality and superior service. You will find infinite satisfaction in deajing with such a store. BURGESS-NASH (X)M PAN V. Bags Intended to Retail at $3.50 to $10.00 H EKE is without doubt the biggest leal her goods special we have ever offered. snnipie line oi ono oi xiio largest leather goods import ers in New York. The bags are nil the very latest ideas in ;i great variety of styles, practic ally only one of n kind, in real and Russian Morocco, Vnchet te. Tnnir. Calf. Errnsp. otr ' 17 . 1 - . . . Every bag is equipped with the very newest fit tings and were intended to retail at $3.50 to $10.00. Your choice, Monday, at The $195 Better Set Your Alarm Clock for an Early Breakfast So you can be here when the door open, for nuoh values as these will certainly be snapped up quickly. ' Barg-iss-sTash Co. Xaln rioor. ' These Beautiful New Spring DRESS GOODS Monday at 75c the Yard THE collection includes storm and French serge, batiste and pop lins, 42 to 44 Inches wide, in a splendid range o new spring colorings. Covert Cloths $1.50 and $1.95 a Yard 54-ineh covert cloths In the wanted shades of sand, putty, tan and battleship gray. Unusual values at $1.60 and $1.95 a yard. Burffsss-XTssh Co. Main Tloor, New Percales in Basement, at 12ic Our new yard-wide percales are converted on high grade cloth, styles carefully selected from productions of the best designs. All the fancy dress and novelty shirt- i ing designs, at yard "2 Irea Prints, SHc Standard dress prints, QJLf light and dark styles, yd. U2 Bleached Sheota, 50c Heavy, good wearing, seamless bleached sheets, size Ef UJl 81x90, at 8c Crctonnen at 5c 27-ln. fancy cretonne for com forts, draperies, etc., 8c C quality OC Itlearhetl Muslin, 4Wc Yard wide soft finished bleached muslin and cambric, yard . 4ic Barg-sss-STasli Co. Eoonomy Bsssmsnt. 35c Kitchen Brooms Monday at 19c KITCHEN brooms, 4-sewed, good heavy quality broom corn. Regular 35c quality for 19c. . , 50c Parlor Brooms Monday, 30c Five-sewed, extra heavy parlor brooms, first quality. Long heavy brush. Regular 60c quality, Monday, at, 39c. Featuring Japanned Ware We carry a complete line of white, black and oak Jap anned ware. Specials for Monday: Uih. i U' Japanned foot bath tub, $1.00 value, fo.' OOo Bread boxes, black japanned, small size, 39c; medium, D9c. and large 75o Bread boxes, white japanned, small size, 79c; medium, 98c, and large . . . .$1.75 Bread boxes, oak jap anned, . small size, 76c: medium, 89c, large for ... Cake closets, black japanned $1.25 Flour bins, black japanned, 26-lb. size 69c; 60-lb. size. .MM Flour bins, white japanned, 26-lb. size 98c. 60-lb. size $1.50 Flour bins, oak Jap anned, 26-lb. size 98c, 60-lb. size $1.50 Black Japanned Dust Pans, covered top, 26c kind 15o BBrg-MS-sTasb. Co. BMtmnt. Bond boxes, black lafge size c Japanned lunch box es, 26c size 10c Spice sets, Japanned, 7 pieces, tray and 6 spice boxes . . . .25o Japanned candle sticks 5c Japanned cuspidors, different colors, .loc Infants' bath tubs $1.76 size ...$1.30 Infants" bath tubs $1.50 size $1.10 A Charming Display of New Spring Silks Will Greet You at Burgess-Nash Monday A DISPLAY embracing some of the very latest weaves and fancies in silk making beautiful, rich new shimmering silks that are attracting greatest favor everywhere for spring. Among them are : i NEW SILK FAILLE For dresses and suitings in an extensive range of new shades. 36 Inches wide. Fancy Silks, Were 85c to $1.00, at 59c Including foulards In pretty new designs, brocaded taffetas in pret ty shades, kimono silks In pretty new styles, 24-lnch all-silk pon gee, natural color and plain stripe and fancy messallnes. ORO DEJ LONDRE A new weave In a wide range of plain shades; also pretty assortment of fancy and two-tone effects. Silks Were to $1.50, Monday, 98c Including 4 2-Inch silk poplins ia all shades, 42-inch all-silk crep de chine, new shades; also a large assortment of satin stripe wash silks. 36 inches wide. SOFT CHIFFON TAFFETAS The silk In' greatest demand. In plaint ahadea and many pretty changeable effects. Silks Were $1.75 to $2.50, Monday for $1.29 42-tnch heavy cascandnes for silk suitings in street shades, 41 inch canton crepe In plain shade. Also some with neat designs la two-toned color printed flfects. Bnrrs-Kh Co. Mlu Floor Here's a Great Sale of MATTRESSES Scheduled in Economy Basement Monday A ND it is certain to interest every housewife. The mattresses nre the highest class -Ta. workmanship and the best material obtainable enter into the making. The extremely low prices are duo to the over-production of the raw cotton in the southern states and exporting cut off by the European war. The mattresses are all full size. southland Mattresses, usually $iz.du, for $8.95 The Southland mattress has never beforw been offered at such a low price made from long staple cotton felt, weight full 60 pounds handsome heavy art tick covering, extra well made for full size beds. Will HQ QC last for years. A $12.60 value, ntpOVD Vicksburg Mattresses, Usually $10.03, for $6.45 Full size, four-row stitched Imperial edge, heavy art tick covering. All new staple cotton felt full 60 pounds. Splendid value at $10.00. On sale, Monday, at $4.50 Combination Mattresses, $3.50 The Standard full size cotton com bination mattress. Sold regularly at $4.60. Monday, Jo Cfi at, each VwOv i mm i'isjsk?wy.,s . .v .rr-t Weighs $6.45 $2.50 Mattress Protectors, $1.69 Size 60x76, excelsior quilted mat tress protector, usually sold at $2.60; special, Mon- fV ds.v. at J J7 Sorg-sss-Vash Co Bconomy BasstMB. Carolina Mattresses, Usually $6.75, for $4.75 Full size Carolina mattress, weighs 45 pounds. All layer felt-rolled edge, covered with heavy ticking Equal to the high coBt mattress. A . Q?A'7tZ splendid value at $6.76. Monday, at.. ,PTTs O $2.75 Mattress Protectors, $1.75 Size 64x76 Inches, excelsior Quilt ed mattress protector, usually sold at $2.76; Monday, ytj ' - m 9 - .n ' llh. j ThOJ lit. H" ---- This Great "New-era" Club Plan, the Surest, Safest and Most Profitable Saving Agreement Ever Devised for Securing a "Standard" Rotary Sewing Machine. TDHTnO TTTrMTC BRINGS TO YOU THE BEST 5EWINU lit This Club gives you never before thought advantages of. There MACHINE IN THE WORLD, THE STANDARD ROTARY FIRST INT Tomorrow, club enrollment begins at our store at 8:30 a. m. The greatest Sewing Machine Club offer ever made. Nothing like this ever conceived before. orA rm tntjirAat. rhnrtre 4f nAvmAnts are met instead THE CLUB PAYS CASH DIVI DENDS in advance to those who will help themselves to the dividend. (Pull explanation at our Sewing Machine Department.) It is easily possible for a Club Member to secure a machine, and by its use to earn enough to pay for it and a good living besides, without actuully investing more than .5c THE NEWEvST HYGIENIC N1T-KTKA1GIIT STANDARD ROTAHY MODEL. Each is fitted with the new Chain Stitch Attachment it makes two machines in one both lock and chain stitch. These machines are "the last word" in sewing machine construction nothing so good nothing as good at any price. Only a Limited Number of Machines Will Be Delivered f ' A - This Is your opportunity to secure one of the best Sewing Ma chines on the market today. Unlimited Choice of Styles and Types on same easy terms at less than usual cash prices. Cash Buyer This Club is for you. It secures for you the best, at less than usual cash prices and pays you a good 'Dividend (Cash Refund) besides. Part Cash payments yield a dividend in advance. Every Advantage Known Choice of the world's best Sewing Machines is yours. Every Machine New Latest Styles with all Im provements known, specially selected for this great Club. Stop and consider this unusual offer no need now for you to be without or be using unsatis factory Sewing Machines make up your mind now! Copyright, Hit A $65.00 (LIST PRICE) Six-drawer style the world's best ma chine, lock and chain stitch central needle stle STANDARD ROTARY 85 ! -First !' J ment lm DC m e d l a te delivery then every week you pay S cents more than the pre vious week's pay ment. A limited number of Duchess and Princess 8 I t Straigt Models at comparatively low prices. Don't Wait Join the club at once only a limited number ot machines to be delivered. Join this Club at onoe pay Five Cents and you may select the fin est style of the finest ma chine ever made, regularly listed at 185.00 to 80.00 and paying Ac more each week than the pnevtoua week's payment, soon makes It yours for life. Join at once let us send to your home a real and genuine guaranteed Rotary Machine. This is the most unique and at the same time the most scientifio payment method ever devised the New-Era method is a graduating scale of pay ments that is fundamentally correct and permits every one to own a Standard Rotary, delivery made at once, simply pay five cents the first week ten cents the second week and increase pay ments five cents each week until paid for in full. Every Machine has a Lifetime Guarantee. Free Lessons In knitting and crocheting In Art Embroidery Section "eve ryd od ys stor e Rapid Cleaner Bring In a soiled pair of gloves and let us demonstrate the merits of Rapid Cleaner,