Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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    4 A
Few reslixe how many eorlfty Women
now wssh tholr own liair. This home
hampoolns Is not fd but Is due to the
fart that people who wish to be aura
bout the preparations they use and who
wish to Insure the rrratest possible hair
breuty hsve found they net far tha beat
results by use of a simple canthrox ma
ture. In washing the hair It la not vts-
M to um a makeshift, but alwaya ise
a preparation made for shampooing only.
You can enjoy the beat that la Known for
about throe renU a, ahampoo by getting
a pnrkage of canthro from your drug
lilut; dissolve a teaspoonful In a cup of
liot water and your ahampoo la ready.
After Ita use the hair drlea rapidly, with
uniform color. Dandruff, excesa oil and
dirt are cU solved and entirely disappear.
Your hair will be so fluffy that It will
look much heavier than It is. It luster
and Softness will also lellght you, 'While
the stimulated scalp gains the healttr
whllrh Insures hair growth. Advertisement.
Timely notes in
Regard to THIS
Sort of IVcaihcr
Muddy, sloppy streets; drizzly,
.damp weather, such a we are
having now, WILL play havoc
with one't clothes. YOU know
It. WE know It. BUT, to pre
serve your clothes properly you
should NOT let them REMAIN
In r molHtened, mud-bespattered
condition any longer than
ABSOLUTELY necessary. In
other words, clothes will serve
all the longer If you have them
cleaned and preyed right AF
TER they've become damp,
mnd-stained, etc.
Better make the most of OUR
service. Phone Tyler 3 45
FIRST THING Monday morn-
Dry Cleaners
and Dyers
- 2211-221 FABNAM ST.
England in Note to United State
Sayi Load to Be Held for Prize
Tribunal Decision.
other son has been added to the family of Archduke
Charles Francis, heir apparent to the Austrian throne. His
wife is Princess Zita of Parma. They have two other chil
dren, a boy and a girl.
1 I of civil population, not. Indeed, of neu-
trsl stntcs, but of their ene-nles.
"They refrained from doing so. When
suhsfriiicntly KnKllsh towr.s and defense
less Hrltleh subjects Including wemen and
children were deliberately and systemstl
nlly fired upon and killed by ships fly
ing the flag of the Imperial (ierman
5 Days Treatment
by the method tised exclusively by
the doctors of The Sureka Drag
Treatment is guaranteed to re
move permanently all craving and
desire for Opium, Morphine, Co
caine or other habit-forming drug.
Treatneat Absolutely Harmless
aad rainless. Terms Reasonable.
Pay When Satisfied
. Hint all desire haa been removed,
lull or write
Eureka Drug Treatment
30 Vark Ave. ( South ana Are.)
. Address U. a. OOBEHAK.
. , " rnoa Ksntf asst.
northeast Ccr. liitk ant Orant.
Fheae Webster 394S.
4minu- fin is lil i it
j The Farm Wife's Blessing j
Qm mmm eTsTsse e e
.i.tidu ut homo easily by any woman or
Uld. flmply lake a tint of granu attd
tutir; pour over It a half pint of b( lllng
water; stir and root. Then ohtaln at
2ruK store St ota. of Kasence lien h
laicne, a toncentrated, laxative, cura
tive f.uld. and empty it Into a pint bottle.
Then (111 up tha bottle with syrup, shake
well und take a teuepoonful ever hour or
' two. This Immediately checks a couth
or cold and soon cures it. Even mental
healers have to admit tbe (mat value of
tlds simi le remedy for every day home
use for children and adulta. Advertise,
LONDON, Feb. 20. The British
government announced yesterday It
had decided that the cargo of
the American steamer, Wilhelmlna,
should he held for tbe decision of tha
prize court.
This announcement was made by
Sir Edward Orey, the British foreign
secretary. It seems to make clear
the purpose of Great Britain to de
clare all foodstuffs for Germany con
traband, as well as to foreshadow
other reprisals.
Denounce Ke's Methods.
In bis note Sir Edward Grey, after
reviewing the German methods of
warfare and denouncing them as ab
solute violation of all International
usages, says:
"If. therefore, his majesty's government
should hereafter feel constrained to de
clare foodstuffs absolute contraband or
to take other measures for Interfering
with German trade by way of reprisals
they expect that such action will not ha
challenged on the pert of neutral slates,
by appeals to laws and usages of war
whose validity rests on their forming an
Integral part of that system of Interna
tional doctrine, which, as a whole, their
enemy frankly boasts the intention to dis
regard, so. lung as such neutral states
cannot compel the German government
to abandon methods of warfare which
have not in recent history been regarded
as having the sanction of either law or
The British Reply,
Oreat Britain's reply to the American
note on the Wllhemlna case, which was
handed today to Walter Mines Page, the
American ambassador, follows:
"Tha communication made by the
I'nlted fits tee ambatrador In his note to
Bir Kdward Orey of the Irtth Instant has
been carefully considered, and tha follow
ing observations are offered In reply!
"At the time when his majesty's gov
ernment gave directions for the selcure
of the cargo of the steamship, Wilhelm
lna, as contraband. It had before It
tha test of a decree made by the Ger
man federal council on January 35,
under article 45 of which all grain and
flour Imported Into Germany after Jan
uary At was declared deliverable only
to certain organisations under , direct
government control or to municipal
authorities. The vessel was bound for
Hamburg, one of the free cities of the
German empire, the government of' which
is vested in the municipality. This was
one of the reasons aotuatlng his ma
jesty's government in deciding to hrin
the cargo of the Wilhelmlna before a
prise court.
Provision Repealed.
"Information haa only now reached them
that by a subsequent decree, dated Feb
ruary , the above provision In ar
ticle to ( tne previous decree was
repealed, , it, would . appear, for the ex.
press purpose of rendering difficult the
anticipated proceedings against the Wil
helmlna. The repeal was not known t
his majesty's government at the time of
tha detention of the cargo, or Indeed, until
now. How far the ostensible exception
of Imported supplies from the general
government monopoly cf all grain and
flour set up by the German government
may affect the question of the contra,
band nature of tha shipments seised, is a
matter which will most suitably be In
vectigated by tha prise court.
"It Is. however, necessary to state that
the German decree la not tha only ground
on which the submission of the cargo of
tlf?edWUh"lmln t0 th Pr' C0Urt Ju""
Sbelltna; of Towns.
The German government has in pub
lic announcement rtalmed ta treat prac
tically every town or port on the English
enst roast . s a fortified place and base
of oratlons. On the strength of this
contention they have aubjected to bom
bardment tho open towns of Yarmouth,
Scarborough and Whitby among others.
On the same ground a number of neutral
veeele .ailing f0P Rngn.K, porti on th
at coast with cargoes of goods on the
German list of conditional contraband,
have been aelsed by German cruisers and
brought before a German prlae eourt. "
...ur" v Maria, having
sailed from California with a cargo of
grain conslgne.1 to Dublin and Belfast,
was sunk In September last by the Oer
ntun cruiser Karlsruhe. This could only
hava ha.H v ..... .
i i-.. .7 JU"mP. among other
li Ings, tho cargo could v. v,.
to be destined for the Brltl.h .
to this effect should be e.t.bll.hed owing
to Dublin or llelft con.ZZ
The Uerman government ..... . v
U,., . ''ikmi nave
both ways, if thaw ..i,. .......
sdvea ..... ' .: -:r vwnr
,, - ,, - oy oomoard
ment t o live, and property of the peace-
ul civilian Inhabitant, of English open
1. . ?.d W,r", f' "d In setting
" f'P- " cargoea of con.
tonal contraband on their way thither
lurutua Place or blue. . v,.
majosty a government must be at llbertv
trat Hamburg, which .. ."
protetrby fortlflca.lon. ..
of t h. irn . " iwmin
or the Ell. . a fortified town and bae
of owatlon. .nd ,upp)v f ,h
of article 34 of tha de..i....." V. V
.-m m m itual tVJ. aVsVll,
't f, l, l T '
4 y
, , , t i t '' . J
, . '"'). x .' i, -riH Jk .
navy; when o,ulct country towns and rll
Inpes. void of defenses and possessing no
mllltiiry or naval Importance were bom
barded by German air ships, his majesty's
government still nhetalncd from drawing
the logical consequences from this form
of attark on dofenselees towns.
"Further steps in tho same direction
are now announced and. In fact, have
already !een taken by Germany. Brit
ish merchant vessels have been tor
pedoed at sight without any attempt
being made to give warning to the crew
cr any opportunity being- given to save
their lives. A torpedo has been fired
against a British hospital ship in day
light and aimllnr treatment Is threat
ened to all British merchant vessels In
the future as well as to nny neutral
ships that may happen to be found ' In j
I the neighborhood of the British isles.
"Faced with this situation his ma
jesty's government considers it would be
( filtosrether unreasonable that Great Brl-
Itain and Its .allies should be expected
to remain Indefinitely bound, to their
grave detriment, by ruloj and principles
of which they recogniite the Justice if
lmpsrtlally observed as between bellig
erents, but. which are at the present mo
ment openly set at defiance by their
"If. ttu-refore, his mujesty's govern
ment should hereafter feel constrained
to deciare foodstuffs abaclute contraband
it t:ike other measures for Interfering
with German trade by way of reprisals,
they confidently expect that such action
will not be challenged on the part of neu
tral states by appeals to lawa and vsages
of war whose validity rests on their
forming an Integral part of that system
of international doctrine, which, their
enemy frankly boasts the liberty and In
tention to disregard, so long as such
neutral states can not compel the Ger
man government to abandon methods of
warfare, which have not In reoent his
tory been regarded aa having the sanc
tion of either law or humanity."
Investors with money read the Real
Estate ads In Tho Bee. Advertise your
property for a quick sale.
'Scrap of Paper" Gown, Atrocity
Skirt and Official Bulletin
Kid tUoTes.
mental In so acting they hava been
hwluetl by the general principle of law
universally upheld by civilised nations
and observed In practice, that the civil
populations of countries at war are not
to be exposed to treatment rightly re
served for combatants. This distinction
haa ta all Intents and purpose been swept
away by tha novel doctrines proclaimed
and acted upon by tha German govern
ment. "It Is unnecessary here to dwell upon
tho treatment . that has been meted out
to the civil population of Belgium and
to those parts of France which are In
German occupation.
"When Germany, long before any mines
had been laid by the British authorities,
proceeded to sow mines upon the high
seas and by this means sunk a consider
able number not only of British, but also
neutral merchant men with their un
offending crews, It was, so his majesty's
government hold, open to them to take
retaliatory measures even if such meas
ures were of a kind to involve pressure
The unpleasantness (meaning the wart
is having a strong effect upon our fash
lone. The Atrocity skirts will attain
popularity without doubt. Gloves o1
official Bulletin Kid are in vogue. The
"crap of Paper" gown is a creation to
be worn In the evening by lovers of the
radical. Milliners are showing transport
hats. Smart shop windows exhibit a new
! shirtwaist for refined young women's
street wear, known as the "Censor's
A maker of lip rouge now has It trade
marked "The Thin Red line." The new
dance te called the "Dumdum." Those
whose sympathies lie with the .Russian
army are naming their newly bom female
children "Vodka;" Interpreted, this Is said
to mean, "Bweet ' Dreajn of Conquest."
Owing to the distractions of reading war
news, rYench waiters will use Parisian
Ivory more than ever this season. Rtattetl
clans estimate that tho phrase "isn't the
war terrible?" la being written at the
rate of 32,000 times an hour on women's
stationary. Oolller's Weekly.
Some Good Women Oppose Peruna
For Grip, Influenza.
Coughs, Sore Throat
It goes direct to the sick spot,
without disturbing, the rest of the
ttem, is one of the reasons why
people likes Dr. Humphreys' "Seven-ty-aeven.'
It breaks up bard, stubborn. Colds
(often Grip) that hang on and do
not yield to other treatment.
It consists of little pellets, pleas
sot to take, handy to carry, fits the
Test pocket, tor sale everywhere,
ijc and II CO, at all druggists or mailed.
. Hanphreye' Homeo, Medicine Co., lit
.HIU tlUtcL hW Ytrtk.
helming A V t"r ' th
helmlne de.lre to queetton the valldltv
In International law of the action taken
they will have every opportunity of es
abllshing their c... m due courae
the prise court, and hU majesty's govern
ment would In this connection recall the
attention of the fnlted State, govern
ment to the considerations put forward
In fir Kdward Grey', note to M, r..
of th. 10th Instant, as to the propriety of
"'"" of prlae court proceed
ings before diplomatic action la Initiated.
Ansrsas mt Intern. K..
"It will be remembered that they have
from the outset given definite aaauranoa
that the owners of the Wilhelmlna. as
welt as the owners of Its cargo. If found
to be contraband, would be equitably In-
iner is one rurtHer observation to
which hia majesty's government think
It right and appropriate la the present
connection to give expression. They have
not go far declareef foodeturfs te he abso
lute contraband; tbey have net Interfered
with any neutral vessels on account of
their carrying foodstuffs, except on basis
of uih foodatutfs being liable to capture
if deatlnrd, for enemy lorcea or govern-
I had Catarrh
of the Head
and Throat
" r jn ry
' . t-
. ". - . .,
."V ,
sire. William 11. lllnchltrrc, 20 .Myit.e
Pt., Beverly, Mass., writes: "1 have taken
four bottles of Peruna, and I can say
that It has done me a great deal of
good for catarrh of the head and throat.
"I recommend Peruna to all sufferers
with catarrh. I do not tlink I over felt
much better. I am really .surprised at
the work 1 can do. I do not think too
much praise ran he said for Peruna."
I Was Tery sTerrous.
Mrs. Jsschob, 1W1 Palm wood Ave., To
ledo, Ohio, wrltos: "When 1 wrote you for
udvlce I had been sick for three years,
and had been treated by three doctors,
but did not get well. I was very nervous,
and had trouble with my throat. Often I
could not breathe through my nose, and
had pains on both aldea of It. I also had
palna In the chest and a short cough, I
had palpitation of the heart and Internal
catarrh. My appetite was poor. I was
always cold, and had gurgling In the
I Vow Be AU My Work.
"I took Peruna according to dlrectljns,
and now feel that I ant cused. . Peruna
has cured me. I have never been as
fleshy as 1 am now, and I da all my
work.. The. pain In the shoulder and
chest Is all gone. The medicine haa done
me much good. I shall always keep It In
the house."
Catarrh ef the VkjeeA.
Mrs. August Kmde. Box IS, Addy,
Wash., writes: "Peruna cured me of ca
tarrh of the throat, lth which I had
suffered for thirty years. My head, rum
and throat feel perfectly free of catarrh,
a ltd 1 teal quite young. 1 have received
my health through your IhIp and med
icine, and would gladly do something for
yei .tn return for your klndneaa to me."
Pj--jeeagieeeaei 1W O siMla iaisii sfttr 1 ii i Aw,waiMu JeWesi
I had Catarrh
of Throat
and Nose
Mrs. Klin Malnigrcn. 133 Frederick est..
West Manchester, N. H., writes: "Every
spring and fall for eleven years, I have
been troubled with latarrh In my throat
and nose and hoarseness, and I am very
pleased to state that at last I found a
medicine, Iieruna, from which I received
great benefit, and I will hereafter use
and recommend It. I always keep It In
my house In case of sickness.
A Semedy for Colds.
"I recommend your medicine te all my
friends and every sufferer, as an excel
lent medicine for colds and for building
up strength."
Some good women oppose Peruna. This
Is because they know nothing about Pe
runa. They have never used It them
aelves. They have never used It In their
families. They have only heard about
Peruna. Perhaps heard only what un
kind rritlca aay about Peruna. Naturally
enough, such women might oppoao Pe
runa. lomi Woman Vralae Vernna.
It is safe to say that every woman who
has given Peruna a aquaro deal believes
In Peruna. The above It a good sample
of thousands of women who believe In
Peruna and use It In their homea
Mathilda Koch. Box 80. Colgate. Md ,
rites: "I cannot speak too highly of
Peruna as a medicine. 1 was aubjact to
catarrh of the head and throat until I
tried Peruna. After taking eight butties
Peruna cured me. It also acta as a spe
cial preventive of throat difficultly. It
keeps me tn fine health, and I value ita
fine qualities very much."
Pneumonia Left
Me Very Low
No Hope
Iw Mir MnrfrrYii iiiiriiiin i i nefgTiTliW 1
Mrs. Carrie Bode. Lebanon, Oregon,
writes: "i am today the wonder of l.eb
anon. I was the most miaerable and sick
person on earth, and every one gave me
up to die, as my case was considered very
Pneumonia Left Me Weak.
"After a severe spell of pneumonia,
t wa bedfast for elghten months, and
sfter using seven bottles of Peruna I am
again sound and well. I am sure Peruna
saved my life."
Miss Annie Huclsman, K. R. J, Wright
City, Mo., writes: "For years 1 was
troubled with catarrh, which came on ao
gradually that I did not know what the
matter was until the palna In my hfad
and nose became ao severe that I con
sulted a doctor, but he failed, to do me
any good. A friend advised me to try
Peruna. and with the first bottle I found
some relief, and I kept on taking it until
fourten bottles were used, and I am en
tirely well."
Catarrh ef the Xead.
Mrs. Ella MUkell, K. V. D. 2. Box SO,
Hcottsburg, Ind., writes: "I suffered for
two years with catarrh In the head, hav
ing such pains tn the head and face that
I feared I would lose my reason. I tried
every known remedy, but gradually grew
worse. After taking twelve bottles of
Peruna. I am entirely well."
Mrs. I. J. Woodward, No. 4 Duke St.,
St. Johnsbury, Vermont, writes: "I find
Peruna a great medicine for my lungs.
When I wrote to you for medical aid
last March, my lungs were In a very bad
condition. Pain and continual hoarseness
fur winter months. I have recelvei great
benefit from Peruna,"
New for the
New Bahy
Notwithstanding the fact that thin
store has developed into a style center
for men and women, we hare never re
laxed our efforts to keep it ahead of all
others for little folks' wear.
assortment, ranging in price from. 1 tO f JiDU
XAIXSOOK SLIPS With fine tuck- , n Qt,
ing and feather stitching DUC TO ODC
NAINSOOK HMIti With fine lac . . - Qt,
and hand embroidery 1 vO l.trD
INFANTS' V I- A X X K I, OH n r 41 Q
ulankkts 50c to $1.25
ltOOTKKS 20c to 50c
Our Complete ,
deeerve the serious considera
tion, of every thoughtful moth
er. For unexcelled value ana
quality they have no equal.
No. 1 Consisting, of 30 pieces
and 10 yards of i f
diaper cloth lw
No, a Consisting at 49 pieces
and It yards cf i
diaper eioth 1D
Xo. 8 Co n sirtlng; of (0 piece,
Including- ne dosen. a 1 e
hemmed diapers
Arnold Knit Goods
The superior quality of theBe
goods haa oar unqualified In
dorsement. Bands, Gowns, Bath
Aprons, Towels, Wash
Cloths, Lap Pads,
Did iny one of these
thing's escape your
151&-1&-20 FABNAM STREET.
No greater compli
ment can be paid a manu
facturer or bis product, than to
criticise or "knock," or to copy it.
The Cadillac Eight is the recipient of
such flattering compliments. Only
that which excels or displaces is as
sailed. This is the Penalty of Lead
ership. You should see, N ride in and
own such a car.
Cadillac Company
of Omaha
Omaha, Neb.
To Loan on Farms tn Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa.
We also loan pn improved centrally located Omaha realty. We
give prompt, reliable and efficient service. Kaay terma. Usual
payment options.
First National Bank Bldg. OMAHA, NEB.
t-or Kent
any make yon want
T anrl I In Das MahIh T
yi Hliu w s ws rswssfcii T
Central Typewriter Exchange
S07-S09 South 17 th.
Phone Done. 4121.
Let The Bee get you a job.
"Situations Wanted" ads are free.