0-B Th Wrrn of Vlririntn." wHttrn hy Wllllum C. ! Mill and orlKinlljr pri 4)uom1 by tMaaco with trvmrndnu nuc c. The Lanky tir, Rlnnchc Pwot, ppenra In thia roallntlo produrtlon, which teems with comrelllnit hrurt Intrroet n4 ftupondoua war nornod. The natural and eppfnlln corned r. "The Country Roy," an Immrnne hit when plnyd on Hnnd way and hy ton rned companion, In of fer! In I.Rky font u ro films for Friday and Ptiirdnv. wllh a eplondld rant eup. portln Mnrnhall Nellan In the title role. THB- il Woman Asks License to Drive Jitney Bus Mrs. O. II. White la the flrat woman In Omaha to apply for a licence to operate a Jitney btia. Mra. White hB received permlselon and will Immediately atart Jit ney eorvloe from Thlrty-alxth and Har ney atreota to the depota. She will oper ato the car hertelf at flrat, but will prob ably anon employ a driver. AMIHEMBT(I, THEATER Douglas B069 18th and Harney Its, fiPKCTAIj -TODAY ONLY Panlel TYohman presents rani MoAUlater and Jane reamley In- : HTheScalesofJustice" Famous Dayer Films of a Great Dramatic Success. AMI F.MF.XT. AMI e.KMF.TS. RRANDEIS THEATRE CRAWFORD. PlllLLEY V ZEHRUNG. Mjrs. MONDAY and TLKSDAY Another Frohman Star . THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: FEBRUARY 21. 1915. "H BATER8 Jane Grey lug Tollook's Qr f i ) "- XS-v w x ' :Tl Z ' V " : v , 7 a f : t , fM' -4 . ' ; -- - 1 IsaUJ , Wih "Under Cover HAT, )0O a mlr.ute for a vaude w ville performer?" This question about Sylves ter Sehaffer, who heads the bill next week at the Orpheum, tits been repeatedly asked Manager Byrne. And this la now the In quiry is answered: 'To people outside the enow buslnene I know how Incredible It Bounds that an entertainer should draw a salary of 5,00 a week. It amounts to the same as say ing that Sehaffer cams enough, In a year to pay the salary of President Wilson (rs.OOOt; the salary of the ten cabinet officers ($120,000); the ambaesador to Kngland (flT.COO), and also the salary of the ambassador to Germany (117,000). "Hon much It that? Makes a total of laii.COO, doesn't It? Well, Sehaffer could pay that, and then have $.,000 left over, out of his annual stipend. "How can the Orpheum circuit afford to pay such a salary? I'll tell you. Ifs for prestige. It s a publicity event, and not a money-making proposition. "Theatrical papers say that the tour of Bernhardt in vaudeville at $7,000 a week was a money-losing piece of enter prlec. If that were true, It would still have bec worth while on the .ground of prestige. . "It Is by these big events that ad vanced vaudeville establishes Us Stan- clarda. The merchant you know, some times sell goods for leas than the good aro worth. Why? In order to get his store talke'd about. "The same thing holds good In the show game. So, on these terms, the Orpheum ran afford to present the high est salaried, star in the amusement field the man who actually receives $00 a minute." ' Tnder Cover." Roi Cooper Megrue't exciting nea melodrama, comes to tha lirandeis theator for three nights begin ning tonight with a matinee tomorrow. xWashlntgon"a birthday, with the endorse ment of New Yoik City, Chicago and Boston. In each of these big centers it has registered a distinct hlt, having to Its credit engagements of forty weeks In Boston and six months in Chicago, while It It still one of the big winners In New Tork City despite the fart of Its having been there since the early part of last August Omaha will get the Chicago company Intact, which means In the principal role the noted actor and star. H. B. Warner, whose splendid acting In the stellar role of "Alias Jimmy Valen tine won for him a host of friends and admirers. In his present part in ' Tnder Cover" Mr. Warner Is said to even sur pass al f his former work. Supporting Mr. Warner are Isabel Irving, Rita Stan wood, Frank Klngdon, William Court lelKh, Jr.; Thomas McGrane, rtyth Don nelly, Jy Wilson, Frances Stamford, K. M. Dresser and Evelyn May. 'Tnler Cover" Is "modern" melodrama, which means that it has been refined and the Improbable element eliminated. Also it is free from objectionable underworld charraters and nauseating white slavery. The story of "Under Cover" deals with tlm efforts of the United States customs authorities to run to earth a powerful smuggler. Stepher Denby Is suspected of smuggling into this country a pearl necklace valued at $2uO.0OO. .Inspector Taylor of the service learns of It and gets on the scent He allows Denby to enter unchallenged, as he Is traveling In the party of powerful political and sola! persons, but tracks him to a weekend party. Here he forces a young society woman, through his knowledge of her younger sister defrauding a burglary In surance company to aid him. She dis covers that Denby to the man she loves. How she saves both him and her slater furnishes one of the biggest surprise finishes aver offered on the stage. Most of the big popular suocesses ea the America stage came unexpectedly. Bom of them have gone begging tor managerial recognition, while others were thought of so poorly in advanca that It was hard to find who wrote them. Among the latter Is "Potash and Perlmutter." the comedy founded on the Montague Class stories, which A. II. Woods will pre sent at the Brandeis theater for four eights and a Saturday matinee, begin- - - I f Mm, mf r Wf u. "-At-Ac Srazzdeu mt&,&Ufc-.v"f ",,M JZtes Emily Clrre At- the Soy cf - TuetJ '( nlng Wednesday evening, February U. with the same Identical cast that played the George M. Cohan theater. New Yorlc," for filty-slx weeks, and the Olympic theater, Chicago, for close to thirty weeks. The compsny Includes Alexander Carr and Barney Bernard, wh created the famous parts of Abe and Mawrues. Charles Klein, the well known author, was Invited to make the dramatisation of "Potash and Perlmutter." He drew the ground plan, so to speak, and then begged to be excused. . He said that the material of the Glass stories was so disjointed that it did not promise well for the stage. Jules Bckcrt Goodman and a number of others were asked to take up the work, but declined. Hugh Ford, who had been engaged to stage the piece, finally took it in hand, and. it Is sala, wnlpped It into its present shape during the re hearsals. It admitted, however, that the dramatic features which have made the play so pronounced a success were included in the draft supplied by Mr. Klein. Everybody who reads current litera ture at all knows the two partners, Abe Potash and Mswruss Perlmutter, the two warring friends who make up-to-date garments. They occupy the greater part of the play's action and are productive of an almost incessant flood of laughter. Their noble qualities are brought promi nently to the fore In their effort to pro tect the young Russian fugitive who has found a place in their establishment But the necessary sulvatlon cornea after all the characters concerned In the drama show their best side, so that everybody breathes a sigh of relief when the start for the coiruniasioner's office la made to save the $.0.UJ0 ball. That In brief, teUs the action of the piece. Around it many amusing Incidents are gathered, and the love story of Potash's daughter for the refugee and the romance of Perlmuttter for the million-dollar designer are nicely woven in. Henry Miller, who has Just concluded a rccord-breaJklng engagement in Call- - , fi t) t if f'i r Sylvester Schalfier Orheu.m rr.n, ... ..... . i a - . M . - - A fornla in "Dmldy Lrfng-Iega." will come to the lirandeis theater for three nights beginning March 4, with matinee Satur day. Mr. Miller's play la the biggest suc cess now running In New York, and It has proved Just as great a sensation In California, where It was offered for the first time, with Henry Miller In the title ' role. At the time the comedy was pro duced In Chicago more than a year ago Mr. Miller was unable to make his ap pearance In the role written for him. Even without the advantage of his own acting, "Doddy Long-Legs" proved a tre mendous success. It ran all last -spring and summer at Powers' theater, Chicago, and, when the Chicago company waa transferred to New York last August the fascinating fetage story achieved a new triumph and settled down for a run that Is certain to continue throughout this sesson and next. Because of this fact Henry Miller agreed a few months ago to assemble a special company and make a special midwinter tour of the Paclflo coast . y As the stellar event or the Orpheum this week comes Sylvester Sehaffer, the highest sulurled performer In vaudeville and acknowledged as the most versatile performer in the world. Ha Is known as "the man who does everything." Ten headline acta are combined In the work of this single performer, who Is so unique a figure In the world of amusement that he draws tt.OOO a week. Card and coin manipulation, feats of horsemanship and Juggling, marksmanship, music, painting, pantomime and athletics are features of his act. For somewhat over an hour he holds the stage, and there la never an In stant when he does not grip the attention of his audience. Thia will be his first visit to Omaha. "Surgeon Louder, U. S. A.." as pre sented by the trio jof funmakers, Imhoff, Conn and Coreene. is a clever bit of farce. The sketch Is a sequel to a for mer sketch known aa 'The Doings of Dr. Leader." - Roger Imhoff, as Private Casey, carries the principal burden of tha comedy. Described as "America's foremost harp virtuoso," Genevieve Warner, assisted by Charlotte Frances, violinist, will offer one of the most pleas ing concert numbers ever presented on the Orpheum stage. Miss Warner' sing ing Is a special featur of the act Whirl wind dancers ana Sascha Platov and Kitty Glaser, and their act Is said to be as graceful aa It is novel. Lucille and Jimmy Lucas are to contrlbuta on of the most diverting features of tha bill, and Alfred Bergen, baritone, will prove his ability as an unusual singer. Once again the Orpheum Travel Weekly will exhibit elaborate motion picture views of strange places over the entire world. . At the Boyd this week "ek-ven Days" wlllbe played, with Mr. Bliss In th lead ing role, that of James Wilson, the fat and good-natured husband who has be come estranged from his wife, and is as siduously seeking No. 2. It Is this fas cinating pursuit on the part of Wilson that makes possible the situation on which the story turns, that of the hus band, the wife, the girl, the man she really loves, a burglar, a policeman, and a number of other Interesting people being shut up In a house In New York for seven days by reason of a suddenly le vied quarantine, which Is maintained air tight by the police. The fun Is spon taneous and of a kind that define analysis, with the denouement on lop of the house at the end of the seventh day, under suoh circumstances as make, the last act fun nier than any of the others. Mr. Bliss has already established himself as a comedian, but this role will give him the first real chance he hus had. Mis Mo Henry will have the part of Mrs. Wilson, and Miss Delia Mae Byers, a newcomer, will have the role of Kit McNalr, the girl in the case. Mr. Watson will play the burglar, and the others of the com pany will be well situated In the cast. Mr. Bliss has provided well for the pro duction. The flrat performance will ha at the matinee thlfl afternoon, and the play wtll be repeated each evening dur ing the week, with other matinees on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons. Manager Burgess will present Miss Emily Clove, one of Omaha's most ac complished young violinists, for the spe cial musical feature on Tuesday night At each performance during the week Doretta Adler and Jack Farber will give demonstrations of the fox trot the ca ter and other new society dances. There Is more than the ordinary amount of merriment in the "Star and Garter" show, headed by Jack Conway and Miss i "Blllle" Hill, which will be the attraction i at tha Oayeter theater weeic beginning j this afternoon. The musical extravaganza U entitled "The Mystlo Jewel." Much i is made out of the plot by Jack Conway as Tim Riley in his adventures on the i vsy to Manless Isle, and Miss "Blllle" ! Hill "puts over" her songs with ai! the ; snap and abandon that makes musical , burlesque prima donnas famous. Mr. Conway and Miss Hill are supported by a ' cast whloh Includes Murk Thompson, ' Thomas Welch. John Eckhardt, Henry I Srelntnan, Edward Griffon, Harriet He- j bert, Mabel Clark and others, including j an American beauty chorus. The ex. travaganta is In two acts and eight scenes, with plenty of dance numbers i snd melodies scattered throughout There will be a dally matinee, to which bar gain prices are offered the ladles. Vi Headlining the bill at the Empress this week Is "The Majestic Musical Four" the I fftll, nunu n n r. t -v. . . 1 . . A a I ...... ....a. u. Hii-iuu. IWUNUirj - jii . . . . iL . nuuue aiircti-uon .is me i nree lm- J perlal Japs," royal entertainers from the orient who closo their art with a sensa tional slide for life. Rose and Williams offer a comedy singing and talking bit Interspersed with laugh-provoking paro dies. Holden and Harron, the messenger and tha lady, will complete the vaude ville bill The photo-play attraction for th week Is that uproarious melodramatic farce, "Officer ." This play held the beards as tha biggest comedy success of three seasons, and from all reports the picture promises to exceed the popuiurity of th play. Famous plsys are offered as Hint fea tures at the litpp theater this week, with such master producers as Panlel Kroh. man, Iavd Helasco and Jesse I Lasky presenting their stars and stage successes in perfect motion pictures. Aa a special attraction for today only, . Manager Bchlank will show the Famous Player films of the Frohman stars, Paul McAl lister snd Jane Feartiley, la John Rein hart's great success, "The Ucalea of Jus tice." Jane Grey, another well estab lished Frohman favorite, will be seen Monday and Tuesday In films of Chan nlng Pollock's famous play. "The Utile Grey Lady." For Wednesday and Thurs day, Jeeae C Leaky, in, association with David llelaaeo, olfera a paramount p'c turlaatlon of the great ciil war classic. TONIGHT Mon., Tues. Matinee Monday Xol Cooper Kerrne'a Exolttng Play of Love, Laughter, Mystery and Thrills. 2 H. B. WARNER (Iuit (tar of "sUlaa Jimmy Yaleotlne") aad th guaranteed original Chicago Co. PBIOEB Evenings, 8 So to tfl.OO. ropular Matinee Washington's I ft ft Birthday (Monday), Bart Beats O I lUU . . . . "The Bun Shines for Everybody, AlfifrhteanflCSt Flat '.' "v h " T llljtLlll IIU Willi lllBIs Starting Wednesday, February 24 A. H. Woods Presents the World's Big gest Comedy Hit Alexander Carr Barney Bernard And the Original Company That Played New York nd Chicago 82 week. Evenings 8:15 Matinee 2:15 a 11 ' ' '', ADTAHCB TATTDEYIXX.il Week starting Sunday Matin ae, rah. tl. Sylvester Bohaf fey "The Man Who Does Everything.1 Presenting Ten Headline Acts in His Own Person, t. A Merry War of Laughs ROGER IMHOFF, HUGH L. COHN and MARCELLE COREENE In "Surgeon Louder, U. S. A." A Military Comedy SASCHA PIATOV Assisted" by Mlgnon McOlbeny Late Dream Olrl in . "When Dreams Come True." In the most sensational of Modern and whirlwind dances. ALFRED BERGEN The Eminent Baritone. Prices: Matinee, gallery, loc. Nights, 10c, 25c, 60o and 75c Best Wednesday Evening at 8:15 February 24 mum s. good of the Htnff of the BATl'ItDAY KVENIXG POST Wtll Give An Illustrated Talk (And Mr. Cobb Talk Kven Wet ter Than He Write) on WHAT UK SAW AT THE FItONT In the European War Zone. Motion Mrturea of Authentic War Scenes. Direction of Kelwyn & Co., New York. Seat Sale Opens at Auditorium Monday Morning, Feb. 21 at. IYifea 25c to $1.00. I VfH i F-t" ArJlEBIGAQ FOUR DAYS ONLY Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Feb. 25, 26,27, 28 Matinee at 2:30 Dally. Night st 8:30. THE MAGNIFICENT World Film Corporation Photo Play vero mi me me A Wonderful Dramatic Feature in rieveti Acta. Iroduced I'nder the AuttpUes of the Nstioual Woman's Huff rage Association. Scats-lO Cents and 25 Cents Genevievt Hauflsirs School oi DANCING t'p-to-tha-mlnute Dances, class or private lessons. Aaaembly every frt day even hiit. Children's, Haturriaya. Indies', Monday t p. nt. Phone Web ster J3. SELWYN & COMPANY PRESENT Tlio Suritt niply Triumphant Drnmntlo (tenant in of IDIft. The Triple Triumph of Thro t'ltlea w York- tlilraRo HosCon. Mi" rtn cost nm.' noil Daily Mat. 2:15 Night 8:15. n Douglas . 'Tr'yf . awn The Highest Salaried Artist in The World SVLUESTER SCUAFFEEl America's Foremost Harp Virtuoso GENEVIEVE WARNER - Assisted by Charlotte Frances. Violinist. FRANCES LUCILLElnd JIMMY LUCAS ' Live Wire Frivolities. ORPHEUM TRAVEL WEEKLY. The World at Work and Play. Around the world with the Or pheum Circuit's motion picture photographers. seats (except Saturday and BunOay), I5o. Irvln S. Cobb Aa Jamas Mont, gomery riaga Saw Klin. TREAT nnnnnciosuNDAY MATINEE EVAN WILLIAMS Amerloa'a Ores test TENOR- Feb. 23 m( urn . i t 1! In t'hannlng Tollook'e Great Play, "The Little Gray Lady'1. A Ilomnnre of Official Llf In Washlnmnn Today. WKDNKSDAY and Till IISDAY I.akv and nelsen present B I. AM CSX SWEET In The Warrens of Virginia". Ie Mine's Supreme War Drama, Al Ftupemtnu production Veritable Armies Realistic Battles. t'lmn V .. . ciTruniv ' Jesse r Iaaky presents Broadway's Most Appealing Comedy, "The Country Boy" With Marshall Hellaa an4 ritrong Cast. Oyu Popular Thcalrt Ilefrin. Mat, Today All Week. Laughs. Fun Special Matinee Tomorrow, Washington's Birthday, 2 Sc. Joy, Laughs ay sSj The Comedy That Made New York and Chicago Laugh for Two Yearn Mats. Wed., Thurs HmU, 25c Nights, 2Ac, 50c. Extra, Kverjr I'erfonnauce, Jack Farber, Doretta Adler 4 In the Newest Dances. Tuesday, Hocletjr Night Miss Knilly C'leve, Viollniat, Between Acts. Next Weeks " THE MAN FROM HOME." l" W eek of Sunday, Feb. 21st. r.lajostic Musics! Four ThaKsJsfesfMeloy. Uolden Olirron Tha Messengarandthetfcdy. aodyOotnposeri Jk Singers. 3 - Imperial Japs-3 The Stanaing suds for US. a Officer 666" Xa rarts. TTproarloita raros Oomcdy. in -ADMISSION- 1f)e! lUUBasarred Seats 10a Zatrs lUbt PIANO TUNING ROBT. G. BRANDON Recommended by Mary Munchhoff, Millie Ryan, Martin Bush, Jean Duffield, Helle Ilobinn.on, Helen Sadi lek aJid Max Landow. Webster 4332. 4618 North 28th Avenue. Osla'S TUI OBVTZaV USrtl IffTT I aily Mat, 18-SSOe, ir Bvngs, lVaa-60.76, rirst Time la Two Seasoaa of hSTAR&6ARTERSH0W rnmle Jac-k C odw.t, Buhbllng "Blllle" Hill', J hour K khardl. Mtl t'lark u4 tha 8. i, U, Ljuartat. Mi.aniflrni aonlo prwftuctloa. Crystal Idklrta Haauiy rhuru. X.adles Dime afatlaea Week Bays. ' DANCING atackie's, 1816 Harney St., Fhone O. 6448. Thursday evening aorlety and social for liulles and gents ho really dance two-slvp and walls, lleglnners' rltas every Monday and Friday. Very cheap by tiie term. Wednesday and baturdav publio dancea, where it s walk, walk. All welcome. The Wellington Cafe ; 181T Tarnam Street. 9. T, MUler, Prop . DlimB Me. Oyster Cocktail " Cream of Chicken hup Assorted Nuts Kadishes Queen Ullves Celery Kuaat 1-Tinie Illbs of Beef, au Jua linked Chicken with DrMtxIng Loin of Pork Aid 5auc Hotted Tongue. Horaeradiah Maahed I'otatot s Baked Corn Onatard Cauliflower in Cream June Peas blirlmp 8alad Hot Rolls Pitted Cherry Pie i Green Apple Pie or Pieplant Pte Tuttl Fluid Ice Cream wllh Cake Coffee Tea MiU Cuco i