Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 13

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Women Aro
Doing in the World
Clab Calendar.
8VNDAY Youn Women's Christian
socistlon vnpr sarvlr, 4:) p. m.
Rewarih club. tft. Brrvhman's icidfray,
J p. m.
CdONtAY-Social adnr department.
Omaha Wnmitn' club. 2:30 p. rn., pre
ceded by rneetln of membership com
mittor. Major Isaac Hadlir chapter.
Daughter or ths American Revolution,
bene! It hrlrtne. party, 8anfori hotel.
French department. 10 a. m. Omaha
chapter, Daughter of the American
Revolution. Washington program, Ma
farah Hnnhorne and Miss Jennie Hrd
fleld, hoetenaes.
TfEPOAV Prof. F. M. Flinc, lecture,
city hall. ft p. m. Mothers' culture de
partment, Fouth Omaha Woman's club,
Mrs. William Rerry hostem. Donation
day. Old People's Home. Oratory, cur
rent topics and philosophy and elthlca
dcpurtnients, Woman's club. Hnnroom
T'ark circle. Child Conservation Ipnauc,
Mrs. T. K. Panders, hostess, Permo
club, Mrs. .1. P. Rarnhart. hcsts. An
nual meeting. Women's Missionary
federation, Yotins; Women's Christian
association, t:30 p. m.
WKDNKSDAY Pundoo Woman's club,
Mrs. Royal Miller, hostess. Music de
partment, Woman's club. BroWnlna;
club. Mrs. R. . E. Iimoreaui, hostess.
Frances Willard Women's Christian
Temperance union, Mrs. J. K. Tsfftart,
hostess. Omaha Woman's Christian
Temperance union. Mm. Peecher Hlftbee,
hostess. Miller Park Mothers' club,
evening party, school auditorium.
T1HHFUAV-Social settlement section.
Association of Cnilealttte Alumna",
Settlement Hoiif. Wyche Ktory Tellers'
laifue, public library. Art department.
Women's cluh, followed by Woman's
club kenslnKton and program by art de
partment. j K. O. Sisterhood, Mrs.
lorgi? W". Trlbbln. hostess. Rcnson
Woman's 'club, Mrs. H. S. Knudsen.
hostess. Emm Hoarlnnd Flower mis
sion. Woman's Relief Corps. Memory
lay association. Memorial hall. Tenny
son circle, Mrs. Frank Ilaller, husless.
Suffrage film at American theater.
FRIDAY Mil Slma club, birthday party,
Mrs. OerrRO Platner, hostess. West
Omaha Mothers' culture club. Mrs. J.
A. Hamilton, hostess. Woman's Auxi
liary. Kpiscopal churches. All Saints'
church. Mrs. N. 1I Nelson, president
of Woman's cluh. at rome to club mem
bers. Miller Park , Junior muslcale,
school auditorium.
SATl'RPAY -Dramatic section. Associ
ation of Collegiate Alumnae, Mrs. K. M.
H. Konderlnnd, hosti-ss.
I Notices lor this column should be
nA.tlcd or te'ephoned to the club reporter
before Friday nopn). .
L'FFR AGISTS . pre making a
final dash to sell .enough
tickets for the suffrage movie
"Your Girl and Mine," which
will be shown at the Amer
ican theater Thursday. Frl-
day and h'Murday. td Insure their winning
the $100 prlre offered for tr- sale of a
certain amount of tickets.' The prize. If
won, will swell the coffers of tha local
suffrage organisation.
Christabel Pankhurst. eldest daughter
of Mrs. Emmellne Pankhurst, tho TJnglish
militant leader. and Frau Rosika
S'chwlmmer, the Austrian peace advocate,
were negotiated with to give speeches on
the opening evening of the performance.
Sinc! then it has been ascertained that
'Frau i-'chwlmmer has a previous ei
KHgement, but will spend Wednesday in
OmHha. at which time a dinner will be
Riven In her honor. No deflnlti word
has as yet been received from Mlsa Pank
hurst, announcing her ccmlng.
For Its annual George Washington
meeting, the Omaha chapter of the
I.iiiughters of the American "Revolution
will enjoy a unique piogram, arranged
by Miss Jennie Redfleld and Miss Parah
4-anhorne. Kltrhteen of the Elghtii erade
))uplla of Castellar school, of which Mlsa
Kodfleld la, principal, will give. a ocama
tizctlon of the of the signing of tly
Xeclaratlon cf Independcrce, en costume,
'at tlie home of these women, 815 Boutu
Thirty-fourth street. Thti chiudrcn will
nil be brought to the meeting In Jitners,
their first Jitney ride. The costumes,
with , three exceptions, were all made by
tho families of the children at a cost
of only 2 cents each. The ehildkood of
(Jeorfco Washington was dramatized at
the school Friday cve.jlns.
The dramatic section of the Association
of Collegiate Alumnae will be entertained
at the homo of Mrs. K. M. R. Sunder
land Saturday artcrnoon. Interpretive
work will be takon np.
Mrs. Agnr Harrison, primipal of the
Faniaiu school, will lead an Interesting
diKcuslon at the West Omaha Mothers'
Culture club meeting Friday afternoon
at the home of the president, Mrs. J. A.
Hamilton, 3X WcbBter street. "What
Are tho Ideal of Womanhood to Place
ltrfora Our Girls?"'. "la Home Life or
Public Life to Be Looked Forward To?"
"Should Marriage Be Accepted to Shun
a Career or Declined to Give a Chance
for a Career?" These are some of tha
phases of tbe subject which will be dis
cussed. A number of papers on "Noted
Women" will be rend. Mis. P. T. Barber
wi'l have "Mary Washington" as nor eub
Je'.; Mrs. T. W. Cox. "Julia Word
Howe:" Mis. W. W. Carmichael, "Lydia
M. Child." and Mrs. T. J. White. "Maiy
'A. Mvei-morc.' Mine Fannie Meyers will
the a vocal solo and Miss Penelope Ham
ilton e llano solo. Miss Helen Wlnkel
mc.n will ghe a reading.
A valentine for a vote was tho method
used by Miss Jane Thomson of Chicago
to win not the hearts but the support
of the MuEourt lawmakers. The latter
refuse even to ba shown when It comes
to lobbyists who are young, pretty or un
married. Miss Thomson, who spoks be
fo:n the Jefferson City lawmakers last
week sent each one a Kowple calendar
gay with St. Valentine's red and carrying
not a sentimental verse but the query,
"Do I get your vote?" Miss Thomson
spent a number of weeks in Omaha dur
ing the recnt sifffrage campaign, having
directed the housa-to-housa canvass with
Mi Kleio Vandcrgrlft. now Mrs. Ralph
The tudy of England will be continued
at the meoting of Chapter E of the P. E.
O. sisterhood Thursday afternon at the
homo of Mrs. George W. Trlbble, 4101
Dodge street. Mrs. J. P. Freeland will
be the assisting hostess. Mrs. Wilcox
w'M read a paper on the literature; Mrs.
Cameron, on the opera, and Mrs. F. M.
Penny on the stage.
Miss Agnes McElroy will ba leader of
tbe program for the Wyche Story Tellers'
league Thursday afternoon at tbs public
library. Egyptian, hero, kindergarten and
primary stories will ba told by Misses
May Glbbs and Marls Berry and Mrs.
Anns Bratton.
Tbe membership commutes of the
Omaha Womii'l dub will meet Monday
afternoon st t o'clock, directly preceding
the meeting of the social sdencs depart
ment. . .
Mrs. George B. Bar will be leader of
he program at the meeting of tha art
Kpartracnt of tha Omaha Woman's flub
Thursday morning. Tbs works of Bar
tulonto Murillo. master of the Andulusian
srliool, will bo studied, his children's
iilctuxes being tbs special topic. In tbs
rw..i i 'rr
I ( L . , j 4 t-. j i-v-i i 1 , . ? " .r'i f
Left to Right. Front Row-O V. Hell, Mrs. W. IT. Warwick. William Klewltt. Mrs. Oeorge W. Hell. Dr. A. A. Itoltmnn. Mrs Martha Chrlstenev Y Rasmus
MuHean'HrK,lrSrth'Btrk.RowlC- R Nhols. Mis. M,ta Wolf. Harry Srhroedcr. Mi,, Under Sin. WHIIa. i II. WarwVclT: Mlsa Ruth
,ht. K?,r "T.1 J' d JJarton. - Among the numbers of a delightful Washington birthday program (riven by the Maple l"af chapter of the
- Order of the fcastern Star at the Masonic templo Saturday evening was the minuet danced by the above members of the order niapier 01 ine
Jtlr.Wiri. G.Ure,
afternoon the program arranged for an
open meeting of the club three weeks
ago, eJid which was postponed on ac
count of the storm, will bo given at the
club kenslnpton." It Includes an Illustrated
lecture on "Spanish ' Art" by Edward
Ftich and musical numbers as well.
Dr. Adda Wiley Ralston will talk on
"The Health and 'Welfare' ef th Child,"
Tti"S''ay afternoon, at the home of Mra.
William Retry. 1114 ; North - Twenty-sixth
street, 'fouth Omaha. "Tho program will
be given under .the auspices of the moth
ers' culture department of the South
Omaha Woman's club.
The Research ciub, will meet at 3 o'clock
Sunday afternoon at t. Derchman'a
academy. ,....
Rehearsals for tha open program of
the oratory department of the Omaha
Woman's club, which will present a play
Film for the 'Buffs to
' o . - .... 1 J
P ) 1 f s,
- , ' -tKr I
.. ..
"Tour Girl and Mine," a wonderful I f
dramatic teature plioto play in seven acts,
produced by tho World Film corporation
under the auspices of ths National
Women's. Suffrage association, will b
presented for lopr days this weel at the
American theater commencing with
Thursday matinee and a matinee daily.
Including next Sunday, on which night
the engagement closes. Much Interest hus
been aroused in this picture as a result
of the strong support if la receiving by
the local suffragettes, msny of whom
have devoted their time to selling tickets
and so enlisting the interest of the gen
eral public. The film la ths result of an
Inspiration by Mrs. Medtll McCormlck
and from a scenario bv Gllson Wll'ctts.
It U a play with a story, a "punch" and
a mission that the picture "Your Girl
and Mine" becomes one of the strongest
arguments Yor suffrage yet produced. Dr.
Anna Howard tshaw, ths noted suffrage
leader, appears personally In ' several
parts of the fllio. There sre other
notables, some of whom are Olive Wynd
ham. w ho 'forsook the legitimate to be
come the' leading lady; Katherine Kael
red, leading lady of "Joseph and His
Brethren," who' took thi part of a
woman lawysr battling fur the right;
v " :
if A v-"'-
T" ' ' -' J'
Danced the Minuet at
1 f'V !h
-rrv; v i m
selected by the leader. Mrs. Urant Wil
liams, and Prof. N. I. Rleed. tho In
structor, will begin at the next meeting
of the t'opartrrient Tuesday morning at
10 o'clock.
The meetings of the French department
of the Omaha Woman's club will be held
Monday mornings at 10 o'clock Instead
of Thursdays as In the past. The change
will go into effect Monday, meetings be
ing held at the resldence-studto of the
instructor. Miss May Mahoney.
. Members of the Miller Park Mothers
club ha.'e arranged an evening meeting
In honor of the husbands Wednesday
evening In the Miller school auditorium.
Problems ' of the Juvenile court and
methods of dealing with boys wilt be ths
subject of talks by Judge Pears, uus
Miller and II. O. Palmer. '
. Friday afternoon the fifth . Junior
mustcale 'will be given at tbs school.
Among those! taking part' are Alvera
Loftman, Kthcl Maddox, Edwin Moser,
Lorraine Moore, Ruth Madden, Elsie
Moore, Vesta' Melvln, Edith" McCurdy and
Fern McCoy. .
. A rehearsal of the junior orchestra will
be held Monday afternoon at ths school
bouse. . .
Solos from Puccini's ."Madam Butter
fly" will be, sung by Miss Hasel Silver for
the program of tho music department of
the Omaha Woman's club, Wednesday
afternoon. . Mrs.. W. G. Silver will also
!nr. In a duct with '-Miss Silver and Miss
Nora' Neal will u tho acompanlst. Little
Olga Eltner-wlli give a violin solo. The
storyiuf tlie opera Will bo told' by Mrs.
M. Lv Camoron, under whoso leadersh'p
the prog! am ia belrg given. '
. The Poclal Settlement will be the sub
ject of the 'program to be given Monday
aUcrnooti by the social science depart
ment or the- Omaha Woman'a club. Miss
Jessie Arnold, the new head resident at
rh Settlement house, will talk on social
settlement work, and thn Social Settle
ment Dramatic club will give a little
tkfct'-h, "A Colonial Dream." The pro
gram is In charge of Mrs. J. IT. Du
n'ont. Mrs. F. A. Follansbee Is lesdor of
the department. ' ' '
- The -creditable presentation of Percy's
MacKays's ."A Thousand Tears Ago,"
Monday' and Tuesday, by the Dundee
Woman's club has called forth wide ap
probation and requests for Its perform
ance on a larger scale at one of tha down
town theaters. Mrs.- George. C. Edgerty
states that this willprobably ba dons In
the near future,' ths proceeds to form
Be Shown This Week
. : ys
1 -
Sidney Booth of ths "Tellow Ticket" com
pany, who posed as ths hero, and John
Charles and Katherine Henry as ths vil
lain and ths working girl. Mors than 800
secondaries were ustd In ths production
of the picture, ahlch .is a melodrama of
mora than the ordinary thrilling sort
There Is an exr-lting hand-to-hand con
flict between a man and a woman a ths
I. lay and tbe quirk march of events rangs
from a wedllng to a murder and an
HUtomobil.f abduction scene. "The Cause '
comes in most subtly and poetically, a
symlMjllc figure that fades In and out at
critical periods tn the plot.' "Tour Girl
and Mine" is a big play wtlh a big mis
sion oulll on u big si si" am furnishes a
dtiUhtful evening's entertainment
i i :
Z". i i : v i;
--4 ; i ,s.
1 - if .
Washington Day Program
. 'ur'
the nucleus for a club house fund, for
which the members are very desirous.
Tho play was presented under the direc
tion of Mrs. W. U Selby amldnt a riot of
oriental coloring and costuming. The role
of each member of the cast was presented
In a finished manner, the part of Capo
comlco, played by Mrs. J. F. Ferguson,
and the four vagabond players, Mes
dames A. L. Green. C. J. Hubbard, G. G.
Oulnter and E. II. Westerfleld, having
especially brought down the house.
Mrs. Selby entertained the club, in
honor of the cast, at her home Friday
August Miller, of ths Juvenile court,
will talk on "The Gang Spirit in Boys,"
at a meeting of the Hanscom Park olrcle
of ths Child Conservation League of
America Tuesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. T. E. Banders, 2232 South Thirty-second
avenue. Mrs. J. E. Brown will
read a paper on the same subject. Mrs.
A. Llndscy will give a reading on the
opera "Parsifal."
Mrs. Warren Perry, state regent of
the Daughters of the American Involu
tion, has aent out a circular letter an
nouncing the entertainment of ths thir
teenth annual Nebraska conference bv
Omaha and Major Isaan Hadler chapters.
March 17-li). The notice gives a resume
of ths program as planned for this meet
ing. '
It la announced, that Qulvera chapter
of Falrbury, the present regent's chapter,
has endorsed ths candidacy of Mrs.
Charles II. Aull of Omaha, vies state
regent, for the regency next year.
Major Isaac Hadler - chapter of tha
Daughters of the American Revolution
will give a benefit bridge party at tho
Sanford hotel Monday afternoon. Tha
proceeds will be uited to purchase an his
torical marker to be placed in tha new
Fontenells hotel.
Ths Woman's Relief Corps Memory Day
Tells now To Get Quick Belief
fretn Head-Cold. It's Splendid I
In ona minute your clogtied nualriia
will- open, tbs air paasagea of your head
will clear and you can breathe freely. No
mors hawking, snuffling, blowing, head
ache, dryneee. No struggling for breath
st night; your cold or catarrh will be
Get a small bottle of Kly's Cream lialni
from your druggist now. Apply a little
of this fragraiit, antiseptic, healing cream
In your nostrils. It penetrates through
every sir passage of the head, soothes
the Inflamed or swollon mucous mem
brane and relief conies Instantly.
It's Just fine. Dou't stay atuffrd-up
with a cold nr nasty catarrh Relief
comes so quickly
f y,i
I " .'SWl''''.'.""'::"' 4f
I -k ;:-:i; ' ' '
association will meet Thursday afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock at Memorial hall. Commit
tee reports will be received and the meet
ing will be presided over ty Mrs. Lillian
Eddy, president.
The Tennyson chapter of ths Chautau
qua Literary circle will rrteet by special
Invitation Thursday, Instead of Monday,
at the home of Mrs. Frank Ilaller. Roll
call will be answered by historical events
during the Norman reign in England. Ths
lesson from "Democrstle England" will
be led by Mrs. W. E. Rhoades. Ths
second act of "Harold" will be read by
members of the circle. Mrs. Ilaller Will
giv a talk on' her trip through Eng
land. The Dundee Woman's clab will meet
with Mrs. Royal Miller. X4 Chicago
street, Wednesday afternoon. : This IS to
be one of the Interesting current events
program, with Mrs. E. IV Humo as leader.
Annng tho speakers will be Mrs. Mary I.
Creljrh, leader of tho current topics de
partment of tho Omaha Woman's club,
and one of her subjects will be a resume
of tho mine trouble In Colorsdo. Mrs.
Edwsrd Johnson, president of ths Old
Peoples Home, will tell of ths work of
that institution, and Judgs Charles E.
Foster will talk on police court experi
ences. The next regular meeting of ths Wo
man's auxiliary of the Episcopal
churches of Omaha, South Omaha and
Florence will be held Friday at 11:30
o'clock In All Salnta church.
Miss Ciatidle V. Callaway will talk on
"East Indian Philosophy" Tuesday aft
ernoon at 4 o'clock at the meeting of ths
philosophical and ethics department of
the Omaha Woman's club. Miss Callaway
l:i the department's Instructor.'
The Ha Sigma club will celebrate Its
annual birthday party Friday at ths Jiomo
of Mrs. George Plstner. Ths program,
Those Having Brown Fumed Living Room
Furniture Should Buy Any Extra Fill-in Pieces Now
Chairs and Rockers
that were
$21, $24 to $50
are now
$15.75; $18 and $37.50
Bargains in Bed Room
Selected at random from the hun
dreds offered:
$83 Napoleon Bed, full site, &C
Circassian Walnut pUiJ
$68 Dressing; Table, Walnut, djEO
Triple mirrors &jt
$55 Dresser, genuine "it AO Cf
Tbona Mahogany... P'TaCissJVF
$4 5 Dresser, Curly Red t' CJQC
llirch JJ
Dieeslng Table, Bird's-
Eye Maple
$39 Dresser, Golden OQ Cf
Oak, quarter sawed. ptJ i3U
$22 Dresser, solid oak.
golden flniHh
$24 Dresser, genuine Ma
hogany, colonial
$GH Chiffonier, Mahogany,
Df: $54
inlaid Bheraton style.
$34 Dressing Table, fcOO Cft
quartered golden oak &tt iO vr
$40 Dressing Table, C3fi
Toona Mahogany. ....... 1JJ
Somnoe, Bird s-
Eye Maple
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
414-416-418 South 16th Street
which will ba a surprise to the members.
Is In charge of tha following committee,
of which Mrs. Frank Royd Is chairman:
Meadamea Frank Holmes. Frank Norton,
N. T. Fell and A. R. Pomers.
Mrs. Rertli Cletssohmann of the lata
social aervl.e lnarj will talk on "The
Value of Moving . Pictures" Wednesday
afternoon at a meeting of tho Omaha
Women's Christian Temperance union.
This mcetlnc Will be the regular monthly
educational one and will be held at tha
home of Mis. Ree Hlgbee. 24 Iang
don court. A musical program also has
been arrsnaed.
The current topics drpsrtment of the
Omaha Woman's cluh ll meet Tuesday
afternoon fr I. SO o'cltek. It was plannrt
, to discuss the coming of "Rllly f unnay,
I but since the date of his arrival has been
I postponed it Is doubtful whether this
subject wr.l be discussed Tuesday.
Mrs.' C. II Wlthnell will cenduct (he
(lesson en "Soi-lnl Welfare" at s. meeting
i of the Frances Wlllsvd Woman'a Cbrls
Itlun Temperance union WednesdHy after
noon t the home I sirs. J. a. laggari,
:-'". Alehster street. Mrs. C. D. Kcott,
iitnte secretary of the lpyal Tempera nc
lcgton department, will have rharge of
tha program.
The Penson Women's club gae Ha an
nual colonial party Saturday evening at
the home of Mrs. J. V. Ptarrett. A largs
majority or the memhorsnlp with their
gecets were' In attendance. Tho scene
vii sugestlvS of enrly dnys. George
and Martha Washlng'.on were Imperson
ii ted, ss well as other timely characters.
(Continued on Tags Twelve, Column To
Beautiful Hand Made Lace
for Bed Linens Very
Reasonably Priced
Old Ohlaess Embroideries, Brasses
and Msny Oriental Antiques that will
- Intsrsst you.
City National
Bank Bldg.
i 'i .ir i- mnini-i i v
Will assume tbe bead of the
Acadomy of Art, 507 Karbach
Block, that was run under the
management of tbe late Albert
Rothery. . Arthur Lyon will be
remembered as the young artist
who took first department honors
at Chicago Institute, Chicago. He
was a student tinder Mr. Rey
nolds; the portrait painter of Chi
cago. ' Mr. Lyons proposes to
make portrait painting a specialty.
that were
are now
fa W
Cretonnes For Bedspreads, Couch Covers,
Laundry Bags, Window Draperies, Etc
At prices out of all proportion to
Their Real Value
from 10 to 30 yards of a pattern. Patterns' that
cannot be restocked and must be closed out to make
room for other goods that are waiting.
I OT 1 Big assortment of
tonnes that sell for
Monday, by the yard
LOT 2 Wnx patterns to select from, 31-lnch and
38-lnch widths. These sell regularly from
85o to 95c, some 36c and we will close
them oat Monday, by the yard
LOT 3 Tnl8 ,ot nclule ooly Imported cretonnes,
linen and taffetas. The price was 75c to r
$1.85 per yard and there are some very If
beautiful pieces. Monday, they go, at, yard wVS
A. 1
i I . 'T ';. .' ' a 'VT-v. si, i
-1 -wc3- r-
Dishes Washed
in Seven Minutes
Hw many liouspwives can aay this
Not one We have made it posslhla
for every woman In Nebraska to do
so We positively guarantee
A ''Whirlpool" Sanitary
To Wash, Hterlllxe and Iry all ths
dishes you want to place into it with
in seven minutes. Another big
feature of the "Whirlpool" Is It
Will Not Break Finest China
or Cut Glass
All China, Cut Glass, ate., ean be
placed In the wire rack Inside the
"Whirlpool" ao it is impossible to
break, chip or crack.
Very Lljht Occupies
Small Space
The Whirlpool Is very Ilsjht but
durable eaalor to carry than pan of
dish water-tT-occuplea earn space as
email chair. Your hands nsvsr touch
the water. Come niM see.
Demonstration Sally.
Brlag This Ad CM 10 Dlseonat,
Writs for Booklet.
rhono Bong. ltll. 1110 Taroam St.
Cheer Up
Tboss articles ths
you thought coulc
nsvsr ba cleaned, cat
be' dry-cleaned, tho
roughly, with
Ttidt Maik
tha wonderful nsw cleaning compound. A
surprised and dslightsd ussr 'phonsd to usi
"SPOTATONE la absolutely ths grsatesj
clsansr for Oarmsnts, Gloves, Laces, te,thst I
aver bsard of, rd of, or nssd. YMtarday 1
clssnsd, beautifully, soma silks, gloves, laces
and ethsr wearing apparal, that I had deapairad
of ever being able te gat cleaned. Band ma halt
a doien bosas."
SPCTATONE dose not affact wlors, no
injurs ths finest fabrics. Ssnd 25c TODA Y
for a box. Ths results will surprise and
dsiight yoa, too, and save yoa money.
455 Brandeis Theatrs Building
Phone Douglas 860 Omaha, Neb.
Ota and rarnata.
hons D. SS4S. Boom a. Baldrlgs Bldg.
Selling Stickley Bros.
Furniture in Brown
Living Room Pieces Only
at 25
becauao we intend confining
our Stickley furniture to the
grey fumed finish.
Library Tables
that were
$15, $24 to $30
are now
$11.25. $18 and $22.50
31-inch and 3C-lnch ere
20c to 40c per ya