Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 12

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    TTTTi omatta Rurnvr r.Ei;: febkuaky lm, ioi5.
Few Formal Function Are on the
Tapis During the Day from
How Until aiter.
Relat Celewaar.
WOXPAY Coronado rluh, dancing perty
t Chambers' arademvi Temple Israel
Burter-hood, dancing party at Home ho
tel; benefit bridge party of the Itongn
trrt of the American Revolution at Knn
ford hotel; Washington birthday In
ner at the Omaha club; fortnightly
Briflr e club. Mm, Oeorire ghelley, boat
aa: Original Monday Hrllf-e club, Mra
A. d. Beeeon, hoetece; Mr. Wnrren
PwiUlar, Washington birthday party at
Ma home; the Mleeea Irene and Heatrlce
Coed, Informal bridge for Mra. Kdtnund
V. Km of PL Ixula.
rtFBIAT Debutante Bridge clnb;
Thimble club, Mra. RuaaeU Harrl. 1
hoeteaa; Tuesday Bridge club; Trinity
Cathedral Clewing, Mra. P. H. Uavta,
tiosteea; Amateur Mualral rlub, Mra.
Harry P. V hltmore, hostess; Aeaila
club, dancing party at Rcottliih Kite
cathedral; Twinkle club, dancing party
t Metropolitan club; Mra. Hal Brady, 1
luncheon; I'an-Amerlcan Bridge, club,
Mra. R. I. Howe, hoateaa.
WEDNBSDAI-Wednesday Subsrrlptlon
club party at Metropolitan club; Wed
neeriav Hrldire club.
THl'R.sDAT (Jomua club, Mra. A. F.
Hoover, hoateaa; opening dinner of the
Fontenelle hotel; Thursday Bvenlng
fiubacriptlon Dancing club party at the
Metropolitan club; Pagalco club, duno
Ing party at the Metropolitan club; Prof.
W Hired Ward, lecture on Newman at
Beared Heart convent; Fontenelle chap
ter of the Order of the Eastern Klar
kensington. Mrs, W. J. Mettlon, hoet
eea FRIDAT Sixty-six Panclne rlub party at
rhambera' academy; Brotttah Rita
Woman's dab afternoon at the cattie
s' rai,
Now that the forty daya are upon ua In
their fullest significance, how could there
be anything to talk about In society
Of tears things are coin, but they
are on milady's secret calendar and now
It will be ever thus, 'nothing- fur the
pre a." We are put under lock and key
like the "old boy" In Life this month.
However visitors are arriving- and this
will be a iwtm of keeping- a few Infor
mal things on the tapis.
Mrs. Stanley Hartman of Chicago la
epeoted the middle of the week and will
be with her father, Mr. Albert Cahn, for
several weeks. Mrs. Hartman has a wide
circle of friends In Omaha who alwaya
look forward to her vtalta and make her
the honor gueat at numerous affairs.
Mlaa Greta Lane, who has been living
In New York for the last year with her
uncle, Mr. Vance Iane, arrived Tuesday
of last week and will be the gueat of Miaa
JEagenia Faitnrnon and Mlaa Ann Clifford
during her stay. ,
Mra. Rolicrt Lee Hamilton of Lincoln, Is
visiting her father, Mr. P. K. ller, and
sister, Mrs. Weltsel. this week.
For Hotel Opening. "
Society Is looking forward to the open
Ing of the Fontnneile Thuraday evening.
, The first large function will be a dinner
dance for the stockholders of the hotel
company, their wives and sweethearts.
This will tax the dining room capacity
to its fullest extent, so many othars are
planning dinner parties for the entire
week following.
One of the first out-of-town guests at
the . new Hotel Fontenelle, which opens
February IS, wlU be Mrs. William Ttadell
of Pecetur, who la a daughter of Logan
Fontenelle and keenly Interested and
anxious to see the handsome structure
that ears ner father s name. Bhe Is
moat Interesting personality, combining
x both the French and Indian trails of
character and well versed in matters per
taining to Indian history and legends. She
will be accompanied upon her visit to
this city by Miss Mary Mitchell, Indian
Interpreter at the Omaha reservation, and
will be guest of honor during her stay at
a luncheon given by the Omaha Woman's
Proas club at the Fontenelle.
Attend From at Vaisar.
Mr. Caspar Offutt and Mr. Janrls Of
futt were among a number of Tale men
who went up to Vasaar last Saturday
for the Junior prom. Miss Josephine
Congdon, as a member of the junior class,
.was among the participant at the dance,
and Mlaa Erna Heed was one of the
twlve fortunate freshmen invited by the
Juniors to attend.
Easter Flam.
Mr. B. F. Smith and w", Farnam Smith
are rbattng fat New Orleans and Palm
Beach. Mr. B. F. Smith will meet his
daughter, Mrs. Joseph Baldrlgs, at At-
lantlo City In March, and will be joined
there by Mrs. Baldrige's daughter and
two sons for their spring vacation.
Mrs. Offutt will spend the Easter vs
cation with her sons and her daughter.
IVIrgtala, probably la Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Caldwell plan to
be at Atlaatta City for Baster with their
eona, Victor, Jabtn and David, whs are
cast attending ootlege,
Fatter Salea,
The women of the Flrat Presbyterian
church announce an Easter sale of fancy
articles) of all sorts to be held at the
church parlors en Thuraday. April 1- A
dinner wlU also be served tha same day.
Another Easter ealeewhlch Is an an
nual affair, will be the Trinity Cathedral
. Altar guild sal on the Saturday before
Raelor at Jacobs hail. The guild mem
bers are meeting every Friday afternoon
la Lent te sew for this sale and met yee-
tarday with Mrs. Walter Robeta. Every ,
member contributes two artlales for the
sale and there la considerable rivalry to
select and make the ' moat attractive
things. Tha members are:
Joseph barker. Id;
Clarke I'uweU.
Thomas Brown.
Uenraa Barker, Jr.;
llpn 1'etera.
l.nlcn hiep4ua,
fird Lata,
Ueorga Vtiaa.
U lanes
Caruune Barkalow, ftu.iiia.
ltaum. Mars ton.
'k..i...n.-t ' Tinouck.
rinlla 1 immmal, A Hoe Carter,
Dorulbv Hail. Daisy Dcane. !
Jjict Hall, , ,
Informal Musical.
The members of the North Side
Mothers club entertained their husbands
F.aturday evening at the home of Mr. and
Mra .F. F. Miller. Musical numbers were
given by Mlas Isabel Radman, violinist,
a ad Mr. George Comptoo. tenor. The
rooms were decorated with George Wash
ington favors. Tha grueats included:
Meaara. and Meedames fall
K. i Ama,
K. C. Rich.
h U Bitrr.
C J. Dlebarth.
G. C. Agwara.
41eorge Crocker.
ft. W. Yoddrr,
?. H. Tenant
. H. Ballard,
R. taitiert.
W. T. v herrv,
E. W. Powell.
O. C. y-fgAow,
K, Csraun.
R. H. rale,
1''. Johanaon,
a. Nortftrup,
Y. Kent.
F. if. Crana.
A. B- Anderson,
r. A. Ayr.
Ir. 1'eitA I"Ci-h.
Mra. e. Park. '
Recent Affairi.
Mr. aid Mra. W. R. Wataon enter
ii"i at auction brMge Monday and
1 utt.Uy evenlnea of Ut week. ( each
Chicago Matron Visiting Omaha Relatives
occasion four tables of players wera
Mlaa Nell Barnum entertained the mem
bers of the Daisy High Five club Thurs
day afternoon. Tha prises were awarded
to Mesdamea J, W. Boon, David Brown
and tha Misses Nell Barnum and J. Pep
per. Tha club will meet again in two
weeks with Mrs. J. T. Stewart.
The O. C. Whist club was entertained
at tha home of Mrs. E. C. Oaohenbeln
Friday afternoon. Tha decorations were
suggestive of Washington's birthday and
prises were won by Mrs. Ooorge Oschen-
belin and Mrs. George Worley. The mem-
be ra of the club are:
Meadames Mesdamea
George Worley, H. H. Kray, '
George Oschen- H. 1a W oodford,
belro, J. Lynch,
W.- A. Cole, B. C. Osehenbelm.
C. Krlckaen.
A new bridge club was organised Friday
at the home of Mrs. C. F. Ransom. It
will ba called tha Pan-American Bridge
club and will mee every other Tuesday.
The flrat meeting will take place Tues
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. R X
Row. Th members are
David Hrown
R. U Rows.
L- J. PlatU.
Nell ttemum.
Jamaa Boon,
C. F. Ratekln.
Robert bketchley.
Frances Plattl
Entertain Chicago Visitor.
Misses Abbie Howes and Luotle Hender-
arts t ava m siiif nrH ah rart v sat t haa rirVTtlta of
1Um Henderson for Mlaa Wlllabelle
Olson of Chajago, who Is spending the
winter here. Decorations throughout the
houa? were cf heart, and cuplds. The
evening was spent In games and dancing.
Prises were won by Wise Pauline Trout,
Miss Nina Prthran and Messrs. William
Rndgere and Leou Kahn. The following
were r resent:
W iiiroeil) Glaon
of lili ag.
Paulhie Trout.
Maud UchtCaP.
Muttle liowea.
l.iu lU Henderaon,
Abble Howes.
William Rodgers.
HerWrt Mertlant,
I ran Kbhll,
Raliih Hrndereon,
Myrtle Rtialiit,
Mm Pet bran.
Wtlliam Mart el.
Kuwara .tol.
I.vnn Trle,
Hurry Hi-wra.
Mrs. h i a Tower.
Mr. and Mra. U. J. Henderson.
With Winter Travelert.
Mrs. 8. F. Robinson left the flrat of
the week for a two roontha' visit In Cali
Mr. A. I. Root went to Hot Springs,
Ark., Wedneaday and will be Joined there
la a week or two by Mrs. Root and their
Mra 13. P. Feck left Saturday evening
for New York, where ahe will Join Mrs.
Henry Eatabrook. and be their gueat
for a month at Jekylo Island, Ga.
Mr. Frank Moraman arrived Friday
ffoin Mlnneapolla, and with his brother
Rctx-rt and Mr. Wallace Lyman, left
Srlurday for California to visit the ex
position and Salt Lake City.
Mrs. W. A. Redlek U-avea today for
I'alm Bvach, accompanied by Mra Sweatt
of Mlnneapolla The will stop at tlis
Royal Ponclana and will be Joined In
about two weeks by Mr. Sweatt
Mr. A. I. Root has gono to Excelsior
Si rlnga and will be Joined there In ten
duya by Mra. Root, the children and
nurac, after which they will go to Cali
fornia for an extended stay, visiting
various cities and the expositions.
With the Visitor..
Mr. and Mra. J. B. Chlaam of Peoria,
III., are In the city visiting Mr. and Mrs.
C. J. Chlaam. '
Mr. John Patrick of Sheridan will ar
rive this week to Join Mrs. Patrick, who
I visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. J. Btown.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlon Sebastian, who
played at the Orpheum last week, were
guests while In Omaha of Mr. and Mrs.
John Campbell.- Mr. and Mrs. Sabastlan
were honor guests at a dinner Thursday
evening at the Ilenahaw given by Mr.
and Mrs. Campbell.
Et-A-Virp Club Dance.
The Et-A-VIrp club gave a dancing
party Thursday evening at Chambers'
academy. The following were present:
Helen Wis.
Martha Ewlng,
Rvas -HI kins,
Halen Grady," '
Grace Walsh,
K'lva Graham,
Winifred Loree.
Hilda Tudor,
Florence Tucker,
Llllle Kohlff,
Blanche rlprlnger,
l.oui Lewta,
Cleda Bragg,
Pagney Hansen,
Ellen Ertwarda,
Stella Leach,
Halite Jones,
Olndya Ellis.
Mesa re.
Genevieve Newcorab,
lota Pwlnney, .
Verna '.-ipxton,
IuiK Elbert,
Meta tFredrickson,
Clara Schubel.
Barbara Buhubel,
Irene Robinson,
Marie Daley,
iNancy Maae,
Alice Pamees,
May Walsh,
(Myrtle Rock,
Kvrthe B warts,
Irene Hlgben,
Margaret Herman,
A. I.. Reynolds,
r. V. Butts,
P. riswold,
1a. W. Knight,
Charles Nelson.
A. It. Burnlte,
otto Nielsen,
I E. Sodenberg,'
J. T. Moaa,
A. J. Jackson,
William Dana.
F. E. Hughes.
F. it. liagg,
K. T. Weatrand,
Clarence Hall,
O. M. Fox.
Harley Deema,
orge Row Ins,
H. li. Miller,
F. K. Whltlock,
Al Iek,
G. U Oreenleaf.
Walter Doyle.
O. W. Btruler.
W. J. 1'almer.
R. H. McNamara.
A. H. Nuree,
Robert Hhlelds,
A. F. Brown.
William Craighead,
Ole Hennett,
Peterson, Carl Haarmann,
Thor Andreaen,
C. 8. Bwancult.
Dr. T. T. Harris,
Freeman Bradford,
Meaara. and Mesdamea
Clyde Hock. . R. E3. Fisher.
C. M. On nnt. Dr. It. Gaanter.
J. Simpson, Ben Frankela,
Future Affairi.
Mr. A. B. Warren will entertain at
supper this evening at the Omaha dub.
The Twinkle dub will entertain at a
dsnclng party Tuesday evening at the I
Metropolitan hall. I
The Pagalco club will give a social I
dancing party Thursdsy evening at I
Metropolitan halL
The cinosam Dancing club wiu enter-1
tain at the Scottish
Kite cathedral
Wedneaday evening.
Mrs. George Shirley wUI ba tha hoateaa
at the meeting of tha Fortnightly Bridge
club Monday afternoon.
Mrs. W. J. Mettlen will entertain the
Fontenelle chapter of the Order of tha
fiaatera Star at a kenalngtoa Thuraday
afternoon, February H, at her home oa
Hamilton street.
The Scottish Rita Woman'a club will
repeat the opera "Martha" Friday after
noon at the cathedral. Mra John Uear-
man haa charge of the program and Mra
Henry McDonald will be the hostesa
Mr. and Mrs. Warrea Swttsler will en
tertain membera of the Christian K
deavor society of the Westminster church
at their home, tSOt St. Mary's avenue, on
tha evening of Oeorga Washington's
birthday. Monday.
The Cacti rlub will entertain at an la
formal dancing party at Chanibers scad
emy Monday evening. The hall decora
tions will be suggestive of Washington's
birthday. The committee la charge in
cludes Jack fluchart. . Adrian Lund and
Clinton Hamilton.
One of the entertainments to be given
In homes of the "Daughters of the
American Revolution," who will have
their conference hare la March, -la aa
evening reception at tha home of Mrs
. Mcicau. i ne arrets- wiu be on
Wedneaday evening and the membera of
tha Sons at the American . Revolution
will be the gueata of tha "Daughters
Mrs. Hal Brady will give a luncheon
Tuesday for Mlse Ruth Donnelly of Tren
ton, N. J., who Is a member of the "Vo
der Cover 'company. Mra. Brady
playing with thla same company In Chi
cago when her marriage to Mr. Brady
about three months ago rut ahort her
Mlaa Donnelly, during hr
atage career,
stay hers, will be a gurt at tha Hrady
liomej hcre sir. and lira. Hal Brady
Guest of Eugenie Patterson
- "Wi1-
?gjj glassed
are keeping house in the absence of his
mother and father In Florida.
Newi of the Army,
Captain F. a. stritsinger, who has
been Quartermaster here for the last
three years, has been relieved from duty
In that corps and Is ordered to I the
Twenty-third infantry at Texas City.' He
will Join that regiment about the first of
March. Hla successor, Captain W. M.
Luhn, Tenth cavalry, haa arrived from
Huachua, Aria, with his wife and daugh
ter, and has taken an apartment at 211
South Thirty-third street.
i At Excelsior Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Brunner have gone
to Excelsior Springs to spend two weeks.
Mrs. N. L. Guckert has returned from
Exoelaior Springs.
Mrs. Herman Kountse returns today
from a short stay at Excelsior Springs.
For Mrs. Sunderland.
Complimentary to Mra. George Sunder
land of Chicago, tha guest of Mra George
Later, Mr. and Mra Claire Batrd enter-
talned Informally at bridge last evening.
Three tables of players were entertained.
Younff Omahasi in New York.
At the Rlts-Carleton In New York re-
oently. several Omaha glrla and boys met
Personnel of
Gradaate from MariaeUo Training
(fchool, Dec. 21, 1012, carrying all
honors of her rlaas and now with
Mra. lUce, 504 llrandels Theater
( 1
i I
I 1 i. f
Y 1
Recognising; the need existing in Omaha for a place where "the woman who cares." could go and get up-to-date
work done by expert operators, equipped with modern knowledge and' appliances. Mrs.. Rice went to
Chicago and graduated from the Marinello School. Mra. Rice haa opened the finest shop west of Chicago with
I every up-to-date appliance known to
wtll find what they hare long been
Mrs. Klce hss been awarded the
for tea at the invitation of Mra. J. II.
Mclntoah, whoae son, Rustln, and daugh- 1
ter. Margery, were In the party. Miea '
Virginia Offutt, Caaper Offutt, Hunting-
ton Smith and Calvert Smith, the latter '
a son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Smith,
formerly of this city, were the guests.
Birthday Farty.
A birthday party was gtven in honor
of Miss Lillian Benson Thursday at her
home. The afternoon was apent with
mualc and game. Prizes were awarded
to Misses Ruth Cullen and Incs Hough.
Those present were:
llsses Misses
Fern Dudley, Hulda Taylor,
Ellen Klasaen, Gertrude Hansen,
Helen Will, ' Adelaide McKlnna,
inea Hough, Verna Montgomery,
Myrl Fonda, Amanda Rluaer,
Mable Montgomery, Ruth Cullen,
Margaret O'Urady, Marthena Frederick,
Beatrice Olson, Lillian Benson.
Visitor to Sing Here.
Miss Clora Spalding, member of the
Temple choir of Chicago, will bo in
Omaha over Sunday, visiting In the home
of Dr. S. K. Spalding. Mlaa Spalding
will aing at tha North Presbyterian
church at the evening service.
New. of the Wayfarer.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rahm are spending
a few weeks In Miami, Fla.
- Mr. and Mrs. George Redlok are spend
ing a fortnight In New York City.
Miss Mary Sheets is spending a month
with relatives at Fort Smith, Ark.
Lecture at Sacred Heart
Prof. Wilfred Ward of Oxford unlver
alty will give a lecture Thuraday after
noon at 3:90 o'clock at the Sacred Heart
convent on "Newman," for which tickets
will be on sale at the dorn. TTof. Ward
Few Folks Have
Gray Hair Now
Well-known local druggist says
everybody is using old-time recipe
of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Hair that losea its color and luster, or
when It fades, turns gray, dull and life
leas. Is caused by a lack of sulphur In
the hair. Our grandmother made up a
mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to
keep her locks dark and beautiful, and
thousands of women and men who value
that even color, that beautiful dark
shade of hair which is so attractive, use
only this old-time recipe.
Nowadays we get this famous mixture
by asking at any drug store for a lb-
cent bottle of "Wyeth'a Sage and Sul
phur Compound," which darkens tha
hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody
can possibly tell It haa been applied.
Besides. It takea off dandruff, stops
scalp Itching and falling hair. You Just
dampen a sponge or soft brush with It
and draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time. By morn
Ing the gray bair disappears; but what
delights the ladlea with Wyeth'a Sage
and Sulphur la that, besides beautifully
darkening the hair after a few applica
tions. It also brings back the' gloss and
luster and gives It an appearance of
abundance. Advertisement.
the Marinello
Brandeis Theater Building
Proftrietrma of the atarlaeUo Beeu
ty Khun, 044 llrandeia Theater llldg.
Mra. lUce baa resided la Omaha for
many years.
beauty culture, with graduate registered operators, and the ladlea of Omaha
looking for sxpertwork, sanitation
beauty concession in the new Konteoelle Hotel
haa Just completed a sertes of lectures
at Tale and Is pronounced a very brilliant
Infernal Dinner.
Mr. E. S. Vfcatbrook entertained at
dinner M day evening and later the
guests attended the Orpheum. The party
Mesere. and Mesdamea
Oould 1'iets, Kdwln f. Bwobe.
R. U Huntley,
Meedarme MeadHmea-.
Lea Cotton. Eva Wallace.
Visitor Return Home.
Mrs. Mark Hurts, who has been the
guest of Mra. J. W. Gannett since early
in December, left Tuesday for her home
at Nampa, Idaho.
Mra W. II. Cranmer and children, who
have been guesta of her mother, Mra. Ben
B. Wood, since before Christmas, expect
to return to Denver early this week.
Pergonal Mention.
Mrs. P. H. Wheeler, who was seriously
Indisposed last week. Is now steadily Im
proving. Mlas Helen Forenoon is spending the
week-end In Lincoln. Miss Sorenson Is a
gueat it the Kappa Gamma house there.
Mrs. Edward Crelghton went from the
hospital this week to the home of her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Connetl,
where she la convalescent from her re
cent serious illness.
Mrs. John Msdden left Thursday even
ing, with her small sou, Joe, for Alber-
querque, N. M., for the benefit of the
child's health. Mrs. Madden was accom
panied by her nurse. Miss Ptuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Levy and daugh
ter. Eugenia, have returned to their borne
In Lincoln after spending a few days with
Mrs. Levy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reh-
Combs' Pre-Inventory
On Watphes, Mounted Diamonds and Sterling Silver
(except on restricted patterns).
On Solid Gold and Gold Filled Jewelry, Cut Glass,
Plated Silver, Leather and
On odds and ends and broken lots of several depart
ments. All go at this great discount in order tbat we
may reduce our stock before inventory, March 1.
I "S
, ieJUiaa
CEE the way the Woods rear spring: are mounted an'ex
elusive, patented, important feature of the car These rear
springs don't rest on the axle They are mounted. on
' I-beam radius rods a foot forward of the axje.
'I ' U II II 'i 1 fflk
leaf full-elliptic springs take up what'a left .ao the car. rides
with unequaled smoothness over any road.
This feature of spring suspension is only one of many vitally Impor
tant details which make the 1915 Woods electric the most comfortable,
economical, enduring car you can buy Call or write for catalog
which explains them all and illustrates the new bodies.
2568-70-72 Farnam St, Omaha.
Beauty Shop
llead ' operator, graduate of Mari
nello Training School, November 21,
1014, taking high honors in all
branches, and awarded the red,
hile and blue diploma.
and courtesy.
feld. Mr. and Mrs: Levy came up to
attend the fortieth wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mra Rehfleld, which was cele
brated Tueadsy evening.
Miss Allco Jaqulth snd Mlas Mellora
Davis spent this week at Oleneyre, Pa.,
with a house party of ten at the Bloom
ing Grove Hunting club. The party was
made up of the same young men and
girls and their chaperoncs who attended
a frat houee party at Ithaca during the
recent Cornell prom week festivities.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. K. W. Dixon is in New Tork visit
ing his sister. Mrs. Rarclny.
Mr. and Mrs. George Redlek are spend
ing a few weeka in New Tork.
Mrs. F. A. Brogan left Friday for Em
poria, Kan., to vlMt her mother and
later. '
Mtse McHugh of Bioux City, who has
been here with her slater, Mrs. Ck W.
Wattles, returned homo Saturday,
Mrs. E. M. Pollard and two children,
of Nehawka. Neb., are spending the week
with Mrs. Pollard's mother, Mrs, Frank
Waterman. 1
Mr. Louis Naah returned Tuesday from
New York, Mra Nash remaining thero
with Mrs. E. 8. Wcstbrook. for another
week or so. v
Mra. Arthur C. Smith and Miss Harriet
Smith, who have bad an apartment in
New York for six weeks, aro expected
home this week.
Mr. Harley Moorhead has returned from
New Orleans, but Mra. Moorhead stopped
at Table Rock, Ark., to visit her sister
before coming home.
Mrs. William B. Martin returns to
morrow from Chicago, where she haa
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. a G. Strick
land and Mr. and Mrs. Burton Manaon
for the last three weeks.
Brass Goods and Umbrellas, j
These radius rods are attached
close to the hobs of the wheels
and thus relieve the axle of
the weight of the car. They
also relieve the springs of the
braking and driving strain,
preventing pitching of the car
when starting,. ors top ping
What these radius" rods do to'in
crease riding comfort ix remark
able. Their leverage reduces road
shock 30 before the shocks
reach the springs. Then the eight
Harney 409.
the Time
to eyerhaul your Spring Ward
robedon't wait until tha aeaaoa
Is In full swing.
Wi can ba of great assistance to
?'OU althor in cleaning and praaa
ng your last year's clothes, or In
re-dyelng in tha same or soma
other shade.
' Our dyeing this serine Is tha
best we have ever turned out.
If you Intend making ever a
garment sen it to us after rip
ping, but before re-modeling, aa
we can do better work oa tha
ripped goods,
0ut-of-Town People
r lease not that wa pay Parcel
'oat one way on all orders. Write
for our complete Frlca Ust.
"&crd Clsaaers aad Dyers."
1613-16-1T Joasa Street,
raoae Bmg. se.
Sraaca Office. 101S raraaaa .
ate PeUvory Bverywhsre.