TUB I1KK: OMAHA. SAITIiDAY. FKMia'AKY -JO, 101.-. BEIEF CITY NEWS Utjr Btorer ft Tm Co. Domf. M ' Bona, genera! Insurance. ay Boot Pxlat IV-Now Sncon Pre argMS-Oraaa.a c. Lighting fu ture. treated Chblcs real estate loans. W. tt Thomas, i:i 6tat. Bank Bldg. "U ft Flnssrton Oo. General lnur a nee, moved to R iHate Hank Bldg. Vakraak Baring ft Loan Ass's, Open tor business in tta temporary loca tion with the United State National bank, 1609 Farnam. ThlsTes ot Caah Roy Tollman. 2101 txtcuat street, reports to the police that hi home nu entered Thursday night by thieves who seciired $.15 in caah. Bona Beslgn Paul Bohan lias riven up his position as assistant to City Prose cutor Fred Anlmuscr to take a position with the Mercantile Protective bureau. "Today's Oomplate Morli rrofrM" classified section today, and appears In Th I3ee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what th various moving plctura theaters offer. Ylait PoUoe Court I'eter Van Lorive. Frank Dubs and Antone Sobota of Brain ard, Neb., together with C. C. Machurlli and Georga Ball of David City were guests of City Prosecutor Fred Anheuser in police court Friday morning. Quickly ZKKsatad and easily co.slbW are two prima requisites of a deslrabis office location. TananU in Tha Be Building, "the building that is always new," find these two conditions of great service in building up their business XoBlroy Promoted Mr. William Mc Elroy of Kansas City has been promoted to assistant superintendent of the Ar mour Packing rompHny at that place. Mr. McElroy has many friends In this city and ts a brother of Mrs. Robert Dozler. Lyon Baa Studio Arthur Lyons, former Omaha boy, who recently won recognition at the Chicago Art institute, will continue the studio of the late Albert Rothery. It is announced. The studio is at 607 Karbach block, and Mr. Lyons will take charge of Mr. Rothery' pupils. Hotel Onaats Bobbed F. L. Grant, Mrs. Katie Hairing and Mrs. L. Krauae, all living at the Madison hotel. Twenty first and Chicago streets, report to the polloe that watchea were atolen from their rooms Thursday night. Grant' timepiece was a present from his father and mother and was invaluable to him. Cleaners and Dyers Of Nebraska Meet The -Nebraska Dyers and Cleaners asso ciation held a one-day meeting at tha Millard hotel yesterday afternoon, and a banquet at the same place in the evening. Twenty-five dyers and cleaners from various parts of the staU were in attend ance. Al Dresher, president of the asso ciation, presided. W. H. Bruce of Buffalo. N. T., at the afternoon session discussed .the proposed tax on gasoline, and praised the proposed plan of collective advertising aa advo cated by the national association. The association endorsed the proposed plan of the national association of estab-i llahing a trademark for master cleaner and dyers who posses adequate equip ment and are known to be reliable.' Among those attending the Omaha meeting were F. C. Wllmoth. Omaha; Leo Soukup, Lincoln; E. W. Truman, Lincoln; C. V. Higby, Lincoln; P. J. Hesler, York; Fred Btewart, Fremont; the McWilllams Brother. Falrbury; Edward J. Geesen. Seward;. 8. J. Howe. Omaha;, Ray Cook, Council Bluffs; Guy Liggett, Omaha; J. Thomas. Omaha; W. S. Rothery, Om aha; Al Dresher and S. S. Dresher, Om aha; Harry Keller, Omaha; F. J. Bus aey, Omaha. Leo Soukup of Lincoln wag elected pres ident In the final session of the conven tion at the Millard hotel. Fred Stewart of Fremont was made vice president. Guy Liggett of Omaha was re-elected treasurer, and Fred "Wllmoth of Omaha eecretary. C. D. J an Hon of Mlnden was made sergeant-at-arms. S. J. Howe of Omaha. W. F. Mc Williams of Falrbury and P. J. Hearer of York were elected on the board of directors. Fliokertail Senate Renigs on Suffrage BISMARCK. N. D.. Feb. 19.-The North iDakota senate recalled from the house tonight the equal suffrage bill, recently I passed by the upper body. Asa motion ' attached when the bill passed tha sen i ate make necessary a two-thirds major ity vote to repass the measure. It is gen erally believed it will not be reconsidered ' this session. The bill passed both houses ' two year ago, and If favorably acted on at this session would be submitted to the people two years hence. MANY WOUNDED SEEN ON THE STREETS OF BERLIN BBRLIN, Feb. 14.No fair picture conld (Correspondence of The Associated Presa) be drawn of the Berlin of war time that did not Include mention or the thousands of wounded In the streets In motor cars, In wheel chairs and In the crowds on the street, they re everywhere, limping, maimed and swathed in bandages. At one dinner table in the Hotel Adlor. were four officers, every one of them had his arm in a sling and two of whom had their heads in bandages. One, a captain, had lost his right hand, but he had the Iron cross of the first class and he seemed the happiest of the party. . Indeed, the cheerfulness of the wounded contrasted strikingly wljb the sad eyes of the many women In mourning. The toll has done little to weaken the spirit of the populace, but It Is beginning to horrify the visitor. Wltttr Dakl Wark. In summer the work of eliminating poisons and acids from the blood is helped by perspiration. In cold weather, with Uttle out door work or exercise to causa sweating, the kidneys have to do double work. . Foley Kidney pills help overworked, weak and diseased kidneys to filter and cast out of the blood the wast matter that causea paina In aides or back, rheumatism, lumbago, stiffness of joints, sore muscles and other Ills resulting from Improper elimination. For aale by all dealers. Advertisement trm KABIBBLE KABARET 'htS A ttfi PICKER, RRJS PlttS, A PKXER flROM "A" TD"Z TEUlMt) IOUUX.Y EVSW DMT 'BiM A EAlf OFCrjnwi fB0MM! ' SOCIETY COMES TO VIEW AUTO SHOW Beautiful Women, Htndiome Oown and Lovely Hats Vie with Shiny Can. AUTOS ABE THE L0DEST0NE It was a toss-up whether the big crowd that came to the Auditorium last night was there to admire the machines or Omaha's feminine beauty on parade. Perhaps several hundred were Interested only In the cold, glossy automobiles, and per haps another several hundred were Interested only In the warm, color ful beauties that paraded the floor on the arms of dress-suited and pleased escorts. The consensus of opinion seems to have it that it was a dual attraction that brought out the big crowd. Society night this year over-lapped the same event of last year, in point of attendance, by many hundred, it was officially stated. At 9 o'clock In the evening, the curbs In the vicin ity of the Auditorium were lined with electrics, and autos that had con veyed the elect of Omaha to the auto show. 'Ministers- aad I an. The newest in spring millinery bobbed about among the sea of the newest In motor vehtoles. Picking the b t all around styles In apparel wns lust aa distracting a problem aa choosing a car. Pome of the hats were built for vpeed, others for comfort, and still others were like cycle cars for all 'round use. The most favored head-gear seemed to be the "one-man top" kind, which is so small that one person can operate It, unas sisted. Bat It Is an An to Shore. The general types Indicated the popu lsiity of the stream-elliptical springs, the resiliency of which mad-; moving about quite a comfortable proced-ire. guite a few runabouts were also represented. But to gat back to tho automobiles for the benefit of which the show was given salesmen were busier last night than on any other night, ;1emonstratlng and scoring the good points of their cars. Every different make o: mauhlne, from truck to motorcycle was tho center of sn admiring throng of "prospects." Many aalee were reported for yesterday, and each salesman has a notebook full of prospects for the future. Tonight will not be cabaret night, Manager Clarke Powell announced. It was given out earlier in the week that Friday night would see a flock of en-' tertalners descending upon the Auditor ium, but Mr. Powell .saya that instead of BUbrettes charging up and down tho aisle armed with tambourines, the charg ing will be done by salesmen armed with notebook and catalogue. No Cabaret Tenla-ht. Somebody else connected with the show. other than Mr. Powell gave out the In formation, and all' week long gladiator ial posers, dancers, songsters, etc., have been taking up Mr. Powell's time. The auto show is averaging . attend ance of about 10,000 a day. ,Mp, Powell declared. Some-who pa a the ticket chop per stay inside (for a short while, and other's remain for hours, admiring the newest In vehicles. Conference is Held On River Terminals ST., LOUIS. Mo., Feb. 19. Delegate from most of the ststes In the Mississippi valley today attempted a conference here on river terminals. The meeting is to last two daya. Addresses were made by Governor Ma jor of Missouri, and former Governor F.berhardt of Minnesota, chairman of the gathering. The sessions today were devoted largely to reports on river terminal work In various cities. Including Minneapolis, Kansas City, New Orleans and Daven port. Former Governor Kberhardt aaid that at least a third of the upper Mississippi rlvW towns have begun river terminal. He urged that a campaign be Inaugurated to educate public opinion to the desirabil ity of such facilities. I. D. Moore of New Orleans said all river terminal should b owned by the public. Investors with money read the Real Estate ads In The Bee. Advertise your property for a quick sal. ANOMALIES OF CHICAGO ELECTION LAWS SHOWN CHICAGO? Feb. 19.-Mrs. Anfc-ela Mu rolo, American bom and a resident of Chicago all her life, cannot vote at the primary next T4sdy because she Is not a citizen, while Mrs. Minnie Clemens, for eign born, who never took out naturallra tion papera. has a right to help select a candidate for mayor. A double ruling of the election commis sion today deprived Mrs. Murolo, who voted last spring, of her franchise and granted Mrs. Clemens the privileges of an American cltisen. Mrs. Murolo. the commission found, recently married an alien and conse quently lost her American citizenship.' Mrs. Clemens was granted the right to vote because her husband, now dead, was naturalised eighteen years ago. Wmn her husband Is naturalised Mrs. Murolo can vote again. , WHAT CAUSES COLDS? This question and "How to Prevent Colds" ,is asked a thousand times every day. A cold is really a fever, not always caused by the weather but due to a -disordered condition of the blood or lack of important food elements. In changing seasons fat foods are essential because they dis tribute beat by enriching the blood and so render the body better able to withstand the varying elements. This is the underlying reason why the medicinal fats in Scott's Emulsion quickly overcome colds and build strength to prevent more serious sick ness. It contains nature's medicinal fats, so skillfully prepared that the blood pro6ts from every drop, and it it) tree from harmful drag or alcohol. - Bcatt t Bwwwe. BfaM-fcrts, M.J. AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA High School Debating Team Wins Fourth Straight Victory from Lincoln, MEETS OMAHA MEN FRIDAY The local debating team won its fourth consecutive debate from the Uncoln High school debating team by the unanimous decision of I to 0. at the high school auo torlum last evening. The question de bated was "Resolved. That the t'ntted States Should Own and Operate the nail roads.' the locals taking the affirmative and the Capital City trio the negative. Harold Trester, winner of second hon ors in 1P1S In the stste elimination contest for high school debaters, spoke with the Lincoln team. The locals, although weak on delivery, secured the declalon through superior argument. Friday evening the too el team will meet the Omaha High school team In the flrat league debate of the eastern district tetania f rem t.taeola. City Attorney II. C. iturphy returned yesterday from Lincoln where he has been for some days leading the antl-con-solidatlon fight Mr. Murphy Is 111 and has been suffering from a severe cold and Inflammation of the ear. It was said that his condition Is not serious end that he would be around In a day or two. Boom la Alhrlaat. Tending the stimulation of business there is a quiet boom on south of Al bright In property contiguous t that pur chased sometime ago by tho I'nlcn Ta cifle Railroad company. It la assarted that t'nlon Pacific shorts will he trans ferred to this section as soon as buai nes conditions wsrrant Increased ex pense on the part of the railroad. A number of other property moves are ani l to he held up waiting the decision of the consolidation bill. It la said that con solidation will make the coming of the new Improvements an aasured thing. Has Tw Places. Thieves broke Inta the home of Mrs. J. Hurhank, W19 O street. Wednesday night and stole a ult of clothes, a revolver and several trinkets. At Twenty-fourth and E street the burglar broke Into grocery store and stole HO.. Watali aad Chat, for Rail. James H. Bulla, president of the .south Omaha Trader' exchange, was presented with a gold watch and chain yesterdav noon by the members of the exchange In recognition of hi services as head f their orcantsatlon. Rutla was recently elected to succeed himself for the eighth consecutive term. When the rotunda of the exchange was filled with the members during noon hour nulla was Inveigled to Join the crowd. Uruce MoCulloucIt commented on Rulla'a long sffllntlon with the yards and the exchange and ended by thrusting the big goM watch and chain together with an elks tooth charm Into the hands of I'reaident Bulla. Bulla responded and after that the program wa continued. Just a hat the program was Is a secret, but according to Bulla "everybody wa happy." .ill . ..... -in oe cen at the Mease thenter tonlxht In a three-part offering entitled. "The Kegcniratlng l-ove." Thla la presented In conjunction with aeries number five of Hunaway June." which la the first showing of this episode In either of tho Omaha. Maatlp City Coast p. Office .pace for rent In Ree office I.ns street. Term., reasonable. Well known location. Tel. South 27. The (Jerman-American Democratic club . LhoiV " Sunday afternoon at SJ North T went. v -fourth street. Want ads for The Pee mav be left at The Ree s branch offloe, 2S18 N St. Kates So a word for one time, lHc a word each day for three days and 1c a word each tny for a week, l'rompt and courteous service. The eunPrs 0f Mrg. Anna Schleicher, who died In Lincoln Inst Tuesday, will he held this sfternoon at the (terman church at the corner of Twentv-four and Vinton streets at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made at tho Laurel Hill cemetery. The Northeast Improvement elub will meet this evening at the Garfield school building at Sixteenth and H streets John t'avanaugh of the city council will meet all rluh members and residents of tlio northeast section of the city In re Rard to placing more lights In this vicinity. The South Side Improvement club will meet this evening at 8 o'clock at the Mndlann school house. "More street Light and Where They Should he Ii ated." will he the question to be dis cussed. Councilman Alton will he present, snd citlxens of the southeast division arc sll Invited to attend. Caaahs aad Colds Are Serines. IVm't disregard your cold. Tou sneexe cough-are feverish Nature' warning. iPr. King' New lMxcovery will cure you. toe. All druggists. Advertisement Friday, Feb. 19, 1915- -Burgess-Nash Company- -STORE NEWS FOE SATTJRDAY- -Burg-ess-Nash Company- Phone D. 137 Sim e Om th Mmn F1if9 MwdlaY Ym9E FinA It In Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery. Saturday at 85c the Pair Saaag 1 f A' N IMPORTANT purchase brings these vejv unusual values in women's silk hose. Pure thread silk, in nil-silk or with mercerized garter tops, full fashioned, regular made foot, plain black: also with colored edge. Tha hog or what the manufacturer term aa "aeconda," but the Imperfection are so light that they are hard to find. IP they were rtrlctly flrat qual ity they would retail for $1.50 to $1.75 Instead of S5c a pair. Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose, 69c Women's black pure thread Bilk hose. Double garter top, full fash ioned, tegular made foot. Mill Imperfection of $1.00 quality, 69o pair. Bnrges Mash Co. stain OToor. These "Wirthmor" Waists are Exceedingly Good Looking at $1 IT'S really a pleaaant surprise to see what excellent waltta arw "old here for a dollar. Many people who hare never seen these Wlrthmor models on sale at our store, have a wrong; conception Of what kind of a waist one dollar will buy. They have been accustomed to associate the price with a waist of the Inferior sort, which as a rule la correct; but here w have been selling; waists at this low price that are pretty and appealing:, and that do possess real merit; rwalsta of auch charac ter ns any woman who desires to practice a reasonable economy should be pleased to wear. We know that the very becoming styles which go on bale tomorrow will meet with a ready sale, and so advise an early call. Wirthmor Waists are sold here exclusively. They are always one dollar and always worth more. There's value added to good value in the models that go on sale Saturday. First Floor. ' Bargain Square. A Remarkable Offering of Men's PAJAMAS and NIGHT SHIRTS AN OFFERING that will interest ev ery man who has needs of this sort or any woman who buys for the men in tlie family. The garments are the product of one of the foremost manufacturers! The Night Shirt at A9c and 08c Are cut extra full and splendidly made. The sort that sell regularly at $1 to $1.60. Two lots Saturday at 9c and 98c. lifM -' llamas at c h VMT CI AU sUes ,n a Plen11 selection of good 11 r patterns. Cut full, made regular and are I.if5vrLVTS the klnd usually sell for $1.60 and .rJ?tw? i5r $2.00. Saturday. Wic. Men' New Neckwear Saturday at RSe A new line of men'a high-grade neck woar -four-ln-hands. tbe kind that usual ly sells for $1.00, for 5c. Men's Bath Robe at H Price , Made of Terry cloth and Indian blanket robes; choice selection of styles and pat terns 91. tm, $2.08, n.Oft, 4.08, 95.08 and $6.00 Mti's ROc 811k Hom, 10c A remarkable selection, plain colors in great variety; plain weaves and accordions, some with clocks. Were 60c. Very special, Saturday, pair, 10. . 1 Pinal Clearaway of Men's $2.50 to 4.M) Hoft an1 Htlff Hats, 08c Broken lines and odd lots from the past season's business. Soft and stiff styles. Some velours, some fur with pugare bands, etc. Hats that were $2.50 to $4.00. In a final clearaway at 08c. Barges s-Mash Oo Mala Taoor. 52 Extra Fancy Famous "ATWOOD" GRAPE FRUIT, Large Size, 54 to the Case, Saturday at, Each, 4c HERE'S another .crrape fruit ppecial for Saturday that bids fair to surpass tho remarkable sale of a few days since. Thin time the fruit is the famous "Atwood" brand, known to m-ery housewife. Extra fancy and large size, f4 to tho ease, j 1 The kind that usually sell for 10c. Verv Kpoeial ior-lL'TZt Saturday, in the biff Economy Uasement at, each. jro pbon ordsrs Wo a told to dealer Wi reserve th right Unit oaaatlty Bargeso-sTaab Co. Basement. TOOL Specials for Saturday Japanned gaa plier; were 10c, for ...Ac Wall scrapers; were 10c. for .V Auger bits; were u6c, now for 15c Wooden level; were 40c, now for 10c Wooden levels; were $1.25. now at . . .00c Square baxtarti files, were 25c; for 15c Horse clippers, were $1.2; special, at. MOo Barges. aTasa Nickel plated ticket punchea; were 8Sc; pe dal, at . . . SOi' Carpenter pinchers; were 60c, for. . .a."Vc Monkey wrenches, were 75c, for , . ,80c Oo - i Bssamsat. Square bastard files, were 15c, for 0c Auger bits, g u a r a nteed, were COc, now for 80c Nail seta, were 10c, for . . .Ac mm w L(eatnnio M Fto 9 'pHEREFORE, Saturday will be the final elearaway on our entire main floor atock of 8Uocs ,or n?n, women, boys and girls. Wo fl note here but a few of the special reductions: Women's $3.00 to $3.50 Fancy Party Slippers, Pair, 79c SPECIAL! A limiled Quantity of wo men's fancy satin partv slippers, odd pairs and short ng lines. Formerly $3.00 and $3.50. IMp Clearaway prieo Saturday, pair. Women's $4.00 and $5.00 shoes, black atln, suede and tan, pair ; Women'a $4.00 and $5.00 shoes, patent and dull calf, pair ' vvumwn a ao.uu oimon stioes, patent and tt0 OP" dull calf, pair afrO.CJO Women'a $4.00 button ahoes, patent and o t dull calf, pair jOelD Women'a $8.50 button ahoea, patent and dull calf, pair Men's $5.00 shoes, variety of styles and $1.85 $1.95 " ' Men'a $4.00 ahoea, rartety of atorle.and Q OE leathers, pair ....... . ap3eiO Men'a $8. 60 shoe, variety of styles and r leathers, pair ) Big lot of children's and misses' high cut shoes. Were $2.60 and $3.00. Very special for Saturday at, pair, 51.75 and 51.95. Barge-Mask Co Main noe $2.85 meoB ao.uu inoea, variety of atylea and tfo leathers, pair , . , , JpO.aO Boys' $1.00 Knee PANTS for 59c Free Lessons . In crocheting and knitting at Art Em broidery Section Third Floor. Bee 'T'HAT'S what w. offer Saturday. Knee panta, peg top atyle, in a good selection of dark colors and patterns, mad. of ruimHi homespuns and worsted, forages i w n years, some of them lined, were $1.00, very special Saturday, at, pair. (-:& Co. rourth noor, 59c NOVELTIES and Candy for Wash ington's Birthday OUR selection of novelties, fav ors, etc, for Washington's Birthday affair la very complete. Hatrhts. at. each Bo baskets with cherries lOo Cherry trees, at lOo to fa.OO Chocolate, with whipped cream fllllna;, 40o kind, lb 05. Blark walnut penochl, lb. as. Caramel and peren roll, lb Boo Peanut brittle, home made, lb, ..leo Toasted marahmallow a. at, lb. ...ISO Peanuts, fresh roasted, quart ...Bo org MSiWaeh Co. Baa.rn.nt. ' KODAK TIME BUY yonr supplies at Burgesa Nash. where they develop your films free, when an order la left for printing. Ne. Brownie Kodak .fl.as No. 1 Brownie Kodak S3.00 No. IA Brownie Kodak fa.OO IHxtW Kodak Jr., for 7.00 Kodak, (or a.00 Barffesa-Beaa Oo Basement. ' $1.00 Clearaway for Saturday of Women's Flannelette KIMONOS OUR entire stock of women'a flannelette ki mono, reduced for Immediate clearance. The selection la extremely good. All late styles, nicely mad., and ther. la a pretty rang, of colors and patterns from which to choose. Thla Idea further three group: Women's 08c to $1.25 pjq Flannelette Kimonos far I OC THERE' are all sizes and a splendid rang, of oolora and patterns for selection; were 98c to $1.26, clearaway Saturday at 78c. Women's $1.50 to $1.93 Flannelette Kimonos for. AN EXCEPTIONALLY good selection, pretty coloring and patterns, wer. $1.60, $1.76 and $1.98, In th. clearaway Saturday at $1.00. Women's $2.25 to $3.50 sr Flannelette Kimonos for. . . . .y 1 eUu A REMARKABLE offering klmoaos that were $2.26 to $3.60. all In on. group Baturaay at tn. clearaway price of 91.00. urgeaBrei Ce. taoond noor. 7 - Piece Colonial Water Sets, Like Illustration. Saturday. 29c SPECIAL ! c?lonifl afls water Bets 7 pieces, lucmamg pitcner ana six glasses, good clear glass, limited quantity only, very special for Saturday, choice at 29c Tt"B WW" ' "'-fc n .j l'k : urress-aTasn Co. r the set. oorUi 11 oor. Drugs, Toilet and Rubber Good s Naphtha so p. 10 cakes 80c Ivory soap, 6 cakes for 18c Java Rlc. Powder, for 35c Beldlits Powder., 26a package . 14o Sloan's llnirattnt, 25c slse 16c Kondon's catarrhal jelly, 26c sit. 10c Sal Hepatite, 2 6c size for 10c 8yrup of figs, 60c sice (or Sic Mentholatum. 25c sis for 16c Horlick's m a Ited milk, $3.60 als. for $2.70 Burnasco house hold ammonia, 1 Quart for ... ,18o Pure peroxide, 1 pint bottle ...17c Ideal and Gloria brushes, $1.26 kind for otc Sani Flush, 26o can m 17c Duffy's malt. . .78c Beef, wine and iron 1-plnt 42c Jad salts, 76c size, for 40c Hot water bottles, $1.00 kind 40c Wood alcohol , 1 quart 25c Bars; Diamond "C" Laondry Soap. 12 cakes . . .25o Burnasco witch hazel, quart . ,20c Jap Ros. or Pmlm ollve soap, cak. 7o On. lot of 6c toilet soapa 2o Canthrox shampoo COc size 29c Pasteurlne tooth paste, 25c size. 16c Peroxide cream, 26a size for ...... 12c Theatrical cream, 1-lb. for 80c Abonlta cream, 60e size for 20c One lot of 50c toilet waters for .... 87c Hot water bottles, $1.50 kind 70c 20-Mule Team bo rax. 1-lb. pkg. ,0o Crepe to 1 lot paper, 10c grade, 4 roll for 25c Face chamois, 16c kind for ......9c Castile soap, large bar for ......25c Borax Chip, large pkg. 19c Hot water bottles, $1.26 kind ....60c Combination water bottle and syringe, $1.00 kind ...ooc Rubber glorea, 50c kind for 10c Fountain syringe tubing, the regular length, for. .. ,10c No. 2 Cello botue, guaranteed S years, for S1.DM Whit. Rom or 1m cut Blossom At tract, ounce . .STi FelaN aphtha aoap, 10 cakes 30c Liquid veaeer, 50c six. for 8c , Liquid veneer, 2oc aise for iHc Crepe toilet paper, 6c grade, 8 rolls, for 25c Window or automo bile chamota, the $1.26 kind 79o Sponges, Urge mm, for b Hair brushes, 50c kind 25c Pinkham'a c o m pound. $1.00 sue tor oic ess-Basa Co. Hal rice. GESS-WAS THI "everybody's store" " ' - LV CXT FLOWKItS Of all kinds at spe cial prices. i