yhk iu:i;: o.MAiiA, sA'n;i:i)AV, fkhuijaky iu i!ir. - HONEER BUSINESS MAN CALLED wrr- ontstunilliiK approil eppll sllons to the amount of $ I ;!.,!. I.aed to All hat Three. KmcrBrncy ruircmjr was Icmrii to thirty-two ff the forty-one members of the sMKH-imlon. Hie first appll'Stlnns were approved on A usrii t .1. From that time until the last apt ll atlon ma. ap proved on O' tober , lusiiee .f 14r..r. were approved by the committee and the Treasury department at Waahlnston. At the time when the largest total of approved applications was outstanding, which was UU.XZ.wn, collateral to the amount of IW,T.!m was held by the committee. On Mrtnher 11 the fliet cancellation of this currency ti spproved. This the csncellatlon of tiOno.oon. The cancellation wss made January X. inrousn a nine eiiinaenry onapunim PASSES THROUGH OMAHA TO REST. the sudden and unforaeen war. thus served Its purpoe end has been retired in good time, even earlier than bankers generslly expected It might be. Covernoi- Carter. ex-Rorrnor of Hawaii, and the members of hl fsmllr sre en pn,i frnm the east, where they hsve total number of withdrawal applications approved by the committee end the Treas ury department wss 23. Thus there Is none of the Vreelsnd Aldrich emergency currency In circulation I been visiting. fr'ine: to Honolulu. They I will pssa thiouh Omaha tomorrow morn j In on the Northwestern-Union Psclflr. Get competent help throug'n The was last The at this time, it helped the country cvrnVFRNDR DF HAWA MARTIN DUNHAM, ; PIONEER, IS DEAD One of Earliest Settlers in Omsha i . ' Dies of Old Age After Eventful Life. ' LEADER 15 THE EARLY DAYS i , ill k Martin Dunham. "9 year old. pioneer Omaha huslness man and one .... n who helped to establlsn omana. aiea vesterday at bis borne. 118 Soutb Thirty-third street. Ailments In cident to old age were responsible for his death, according to relatives hn war at the bedside when the end came. Mr. Dunham was born In Clarke, Mercer county, Ta., on November 10, 1838. "When be was IB years old be n Tirkmn county. la., with bis family, nd spent the next few years on a farm. In '63 be retnrned to tne seme-1 .an known as Omaha, and estab-l llsbed s, harness and saddle making plant on the spot where the Paxton botel now stands. In the same year bo married Miss Sara J. Winsbip, who still survives him. Battle wllk Indlaaa. About this time. Mr. lntiam. as sec ond lieutenant of the First. Nebraska Volunteer militia. was being- Kept busy with stray companies of confederate soldiers who were dsnseroosly near, hav ing: captured ft. Jobeph. Later the In diana made things hot and along In Gt. when the country was shocked by tha ,Plum qreek massacre, Dunham took his company to Fort Kearney to battle tho hostile tribes. Mr. Dunham was an Intimate of the late Ulysses e. Grant, having known him at Oalena, 111., where the famous general was known as "Cap," Mexican war veteran, but then a clerk In a general tor. , Once Mr. Dunham went to Julesbura;, Colo., to buy' hides from the famous Jules K. Coffee. The town was one of ttvi most lawless of alt the frontier settle ments, and Mr. Dunham's life was con stantly endangered by stray bullets. He was elected mayor of this place, but re slgs'ed as soon, as he found It out be cause he didn't Intend to stay very long. Power la Polities. The deceased early reran' to take art Interest In the political life of the city and state, and was a power for many years. He was a member of the terri torial legislature which met in January. 167, and adopted the fourteenth and fif teenth amendments . to' th constitution so as to admit ' Nebraska ,a . a state, March 1. 1867. lie wee elected again ,to the legislature in 1M having served In the special session of 'TV -, i . r He also served in. one regular and one special session' in UTS. About., this time he was made a member of the State Agri cultural .beard and wssi active In the or ganisation of the first board, of managv of, (that ody. From ISO to 18R3 he wit a'rnember o,f, the city council of Omaha, and was chairman Of the Fire and Folic bona VrtTMj)e. fllocumb law waa nut lntv errer. U al5"tweelded over the qla.rter- EMERGENCY MONEY RETIRED' Currency Uied as War Measure is j Withdrawn from Circulation and Canceled. ' NONE ISSUED TO OMAHA BANKS cen(c(rfVat..elelM'eUon.,. eC .' the-- tf 't?.e first lfffstature. !(' t XlneoTn (..', . , .. .'Active Aseoaar Pieaeers.' . A Io' the Douglas County' Pioneers' aji vlatlon Mr. Dunham waa a prime mover. and raany times had declined the presl Henry of that organisation. He waa also active In the formation ef the State I'lo users" association. ' ' For over forty-three years he haA been a Mion. and an Odd Fellow for. three years .longer. In 17 he was grand fnaa ter ef tbe state Masonlo order, and .waa aJse master of his own lodge, Capitol No. , of Omaha. On next Monday members of Capitol lodge were to have presented hint with the Jordan medal, as the oldest member of the order ra Omaha. Three children., all married, and his widow survive. Te children are Charles A., Dsntel II. of the Nebraska Telephone company, and Mrs; Elisabeth Origg, wife of Captain-" I 1 ' Orurg, " TT." 8. A, eta ttened at 8t Augustine, Fla,' No arrangemeota will .he made for tha funeral until Mrs. Ortgg bae been com municated with. . - . ' flmerrency currency ixmied iy the Ns- I ynnsl Currency asaoclatlqp snd the Tress- I tiry department has been withdrawn from circulation and cancelled. This waa the j currency issued under the Vreelsnd- i Aldiich Isw, when nn emergency in flnan- j clsl affairs wss presented st the outbreak ! of the wsr by the fesr that gold would I tend to flow from America to Europe. The nallonul association which was j formed st the opening of the war about j Autfuat 1, hy requirement of the law In 1 cases In' which It is desired to Issue emennsTPncy currency nnalnst collateral held In the banks, was In operation only six months, srd has now mailt Its report and cancelled the ist of the emergency currency that had been In circulation tip to this lime. , When the money emergency was talked of in the latter part of the summer a majority of Omaha bankers believed that no Issue of emergency currency would be necessary In Omaha, ns they felt there wss currency enough here io take care of any emerVerfcy.; Meeting after mVetlng was held. ; however, and It was decided that the local banks should form a cur rency association as roc ul red by law In order to be' trv a 'position to ask for an Issue i of emergency currency If they s)oul1. ever, find It necessary. They or ganised the' association, but1 did not ask lor an Issue. ".".). Tire New Tork banks, however, and a great, many ethers. from all over the east did ask tat -such- issue, and at one time there was a much as tU7.012.2gU of tha emergency currency in circulation. Tbst Was on October 13, tit which time-there Jury Finds Slayer Of Child Must Die ACRAMENTO. Oat., Feb. 1.-Dav1d Fountain,' church Janitor, who con fessed te the murder of 10-year-old Mar guerite Milling en In the German Lutheran church ef this city last December, wss found guilty late today of murder In the first degree.' Not a witness waa put on tbe stem! In Ills defease anj no plea for leniency was mads, fountain's at torneys In cross-examining witnesses, however, attempted to show thst hs was Insane. ... . The convicted man will be sentenced nest Tuesday te death. "Superior Judge M, C. aloe n commended the Jury for its decision, ssytng the ess was one ef the most atrocious. ever perpetrated in Call fornia. W. F. 'VlllUngen. the father of the dead girl, ha asked permission to witness th hanging. "Swat the Fly" ,U a national slogan (for the summer. months, and.lt will; ! goon be advanced by every pa- ' Ter and magazine in the coun.. . try. Make Ibis national autl- .fly campaign BOOST YOUR BUSINESS, by making .your, ad a part of It. Tour Ad on a Ply Swatter wUl be a profitable meana of advertising. Every housewife, win want a Swatter on band, ready for the first fly. Make . this Swatter a reminder of your busings, " v Phone for our salesmen to rail with samples, or write for description and prices,- M. F. SflAFER & CO. 12th and ParnAin Hta.- Stocking Special Women's Fiber Silk Boot and cerized Stockings Black only. seamless ; high spliced heels and toes and dou ble soles. Special for Sat urday, only 19c E-t- '--T.-r-Tr--1 r--- 1 -rrr-At fprra .x - rXL--- '-wt lS l,arsm-vssi -v-. . y ts w.ass-e - -- - --e Jwlj Utovfr. Wf Ass-.p, ssaav-saw -'re sSS-rft mtarvrt ntil IE3X3133:0 Stocking Special Women's and Children'a Black Cotton Stockings Fine quality and medium weight. Double heels, toee and soles. Special Saturday, per pair, for only . 12k n 720 Women Can Buy Long Kid Gloves Saturday for $1.65 Usually These Gloves Would Sell to $3.50 r J? Most of them are real kid. Some of them are the famed PERRIN make. They.areinthe 16-button length and in White and in several favored colors. Just 720 pairs of them on $ 1 65 sale Saturday, a pair only.... J Art Needlework Faney Novelties Made of silk and ribbons. Fancy cushions, pin cueb' tons, bags, coat hangers and fancy boxes. Values in this lot rff from 1.00 to $2.00. Choice... OUC Fancy Neveltiee In Baskets, Fancy Silk Boxes, Work Bags and Hand Embroidered Pillows Good assort, ment. Usually sold from gf $2 to 4.50. Special, each. I UU Odds and Ends of Stamped Goods on Linen Centers and Pillows; also Work Aprons and Faucy Cre tonne trimmed Pillows. Values to 60c. Choice, for. . . .iUC Mercerised Crochet Floss Large balls, in tan. red, green, brown and navy; 25c value, per ball ivIC Steel Crochet Hooks With protec tor. Regular Sc quel- r e Ity. Saturday lOf OC American Beauty Packages Con taining Pillows. Scarfs. Bags and Centers, with floss to work. Val ues up to 60c. Your choice of the lot for 15c 1881 Rogers9 Silverware in a Great Sale Hundreds of pieces of this well-known and fully guaranteed silverware, comprising those varieties most wanted in the home. Offered at a fraction of the price that usually is asked. Regular Prrce. Sale Price, Tea Spoons 90c, get of six.. 4)p Dessert Spoons $1.75, set of six $1.10 Salad Forks $2 25, set of six f 1.79 Bouillon Spoons $2.25, set of six $1,79 Coffee Spoons $1.00, set of six 490 Orange Spoons $1.98, set of six 11.00 Table Spoons $2.00, set of six fl.2b Oyster Forks $2.00, set of six 81.31 Handsome and elegant Sherwood. Greylock and LaVigne patterns, attractive in the extreme, assembled for this sale, which should attract all those interested in beautiful silverware. Cold Meat Forks. Berry Spoons... Cream Ladles... Butter Knives... Sirgax Spoons.... Baby Spoons. . , Regular Price. 75c, each.. ...,$1.00, each.. 75c, each. . 50c, each.. ......60c, each., , .28c, each. Set of $ Knives and 6 Forks In case. $3.50. Sale price............. Sale Price- 39c 39c 39o - 19c 19c ...... ...19c Rpgular price $2.49 Set of 6 Knives and 6 Forks W. R. grade. In case. Regular price $3.00. BaJe price. .. .$2.19 8 Knives and 6 Forks Extra coin , plate silver. Regular price $2.50. Sale price. In case.. $1.29 S9.00 Chest for $5.98 26-Plece Chest Including 6 talves, 6 forks. 6 dessert spoons, teaspoons, 1 butter knife and 1 sugar spoon. Regular price $9.00. Sale price. In an oak f r nn chest $DiJO $17.50 Chest for $10.98 47-Plece Chest Including $ knives, 6 forks, 12 tear spoons, 6 tablespoons, 6 dessert spoons, butter spreaders, 1 berry spoon, 1 cold meat fork, 1 gravy ladle, 1 butter knife and 1 sugar shell In Sjf. A fJQ 1881 Rogers. Regular $17.50. 8ale price. . $lU.0 $8.00 Chest for $4.98 28-Piece Chest Including 6 kniTes, 6 forks, 6 dessert spoons, 6 teaspoons, 1 butter knife and 1 sugar spoon -In W. R. grade. 'Regular price $8.00. sjA QQ Sale price, in oak chest..;. f4".70 $16.50 Chest for $8.98 47-Piece Chest Including 6 knives, 8 forks, 12 tea spoons, 6 tablespoons, 6 dessert spoons, 8 butter spreaders, 1 berry spoon, 1 cold meat fork, 1 gravy ladle, 1 butter knife and 1 augar shell in W. R. grade. Regular $16.50. Sale price. $8.98 Spring Suits for $19 That Are Notably Worthy There are just 65 of these new models, new and different in every way and dis playing the governing ideas of spring. Of especial Interest and Indicative of their newness are the clever short coats with the tucked empire belts, the rippling peplums, large patch pockets, new shaped collars, buttoned cuffs and skirts with the new yokes, flared bottoms and side pockets. Being this spring's styles in every way. these suits are in the most favored shades Sand, Putty, Belgium Blue, Navy, Bat tleship Gray, etc. (f1 A Choose any one of the 65 n I nl suits Saturday for K Dresses - - Special Lot Saturday ,$10 About 100 new spring models in the pop ular Serges, Crepes, Crepe de Chines and Taffetas in the new est and most desirable shades of the new season. Charming models fashioned in the very new high walsted empire effects with the wide flared skirts, the new folds, the new'chiffon sleeves, embroidered girdles and other fea tures characteristic of this season. Any one, for. These Skirts Are New; Their Price Is But $5.00 A large collection of entirely new models in the smartest ideas in walking and dress skirts at this price. The cloths are exclusive in many cases. The models are different. The colors are highly practical. Featuring the new yoke effects with the very fetching patch pockets and rows of button trimmings, tney give a vast change from the skirts that have been in vogue. Price OWS OI $5 $10 D 9 1 Spring Blouses- Fresh From Their Makers St si JJLilLL Arrived and Now "Chin Chin" Blouses The latest favorites In New York. They sre of radium silk and affectively trimmed with dain ty silk Chantllly lace. Very fascinating and exceedingly modish 6.98 Georgette Crepe, Radium Silk and Crepe do Chine Blouses These In the two-ln-one mod els, made so they may be worn either high neck or low neck style. An especially good value Crepe' de .Chins and Filet Lace Blouses Beautiful in the extreme; elegant snd dainty and most moderate In their pricing. Ixrw neck styles or with the high mili tary collars. Special for sb;oo One glance st this complete ud rarely well selected blouse assortment will convince the beholder of their newness and timeliness. The shades, of course, are flesh, maize, rose, battleship gray, Belgium blue hlte.. " K LOSHT pTtTICOAT Many of( the . newer spring models' especially adapted to tbe prevailing modes In women's outer wear have Just come from the makers. They display; all of the style Innovations of the new spring season. Here now in every shade to match the spring suit or the spring frock. Cotton Klosfits $1.50 to $2.98 Await Sel ection The celebrated "KLOS P1T" is the skirt that fits without a wrinkle. It Is made with the patented elastic girdle and the glove fasteners. Many women insist on them, having ex perienced their many points of superiority. - Here in all Jerseys or Jersey tops with mes saline or taffeta flounces. - All-Silk Klosfits for $5.00 Final Wind-Up Saturday of the Great Semi-Annual Shoe Sale Shoe Prices Are Cut to the Absolute Limit. BasementShoe Department. . Women's Suede Shoe All we have left, in black, brown and gray. All if gray. Ail sizes. clal Saturday, ptST. 'Worth to $3.00. Spe. $1.00 Children's Sample White Dresses at Less Than Half '" A manufacturer of children's white dresses sold us his sample line of more than 800 odd dresses (mostly In sixes S and 10 years). They will be offered upon the same price basis we secured them meaning bargains of unusual slse. Here are dainty voiles, lawns, dimities, organ- . . : . diss, challls, etc., mads In dainty and pleasing ef fects. Beautiful for confirmation and dreas wear. Lingerie Specials for Saturday Women's Fins Patent snd Dull Leather Shoes All we have left. All sizes. Worth to $3.00. Special Saturday, a pair. $1.50 .29c 'toniciNAL GENUINE ' .-J J. A?V IK".' "VNV r t r- P XUAeU JmUatwnf THREE MORE HEAVE THEIR ! Tk tSa Mow. When you catch cold or brgln tu tough Uk Ir. Bell's floe-Tar-Honey. It pen.- irsuw the throat and luiigs.-AU drug- I slsts.-Adverttaement. I Te reod-Drlnli for all Age ! Rich srilk, malted grsla, in powder form. 1 l-: i-i i L ij HATS INTO THE CITY RING j Puienuuition. upbuilding dwwhotebody. , I 1 nvifoimtee nursing mothers mmi ta. aced. Jo!m Tiiak. former tn.pector In !' j More bialthlul than tes or coee iuiiic iiiiiwvt-mrni arosriineni, axpecia to bs a city conmilaaion t.nillfJaie. ! Another aplrut Is Chsrlcs Hhsb&la, i tloK watchman and foreman of a street cleaning Sing In days gun. by. Patrick lijrl.nd. former c.uiullman in 6outh Omaiia snd now a resident of tliU I city. Is being mentioned. Infants' Soft Sole Shoes Pretty, dainty styles. Values to It. Specially priced, pair. Women's Fine House Slippers and Juliet Slippers All 1 A A sties. Saturday, pair.... pl UU Qlria' Shoes All kinds, Children's worth $1.00. Special, a All sixes. Pir $1.25 Plr Man's Fine Dress Shoes In tan or dull calf, with gray sloth tops. But ton and lacs or plain styles. Flat new English lasts; also- high tee atylea. All sizes. Are worth $3.50. Special.. Women's Fine Rubbers Storm and low rut styles. Special QA Saturday, a pair J7C Boys' 8hoes A splendid lot of good senrlceable solid leather f )a ahoes. To $2.50, pair Dresses worth to $3.50 and $4 for This will be the mothers $1.95 an of occasion of all children Dresses worth $6.50 and $8 for unusual interest for who can be fitted. or $2.95 $2.98 Extra Special cwidrinw! Rubbers Special, a 25c $2.45 Children's Dreas Shoes Worth $1.25. Special. Pair .69c Men's Fine Shoes All sizes. Are worth to $3.00. Special Jf nr Saturday, a pair )1.7D Men's Rubbers Storm and self- acting. Worth f 1.00. Spe cial, a pair .' 50c In Infants' and ear We have assembled several different lots of children's and in fants' garments that are odd sizes and broken in quantities. They are worth to 50c. All at one prices In This Lot We Shall' Offer Saturday. Children's colored dresses, children's colored apron, children's colored rompers, children's outing gowns Infants' bonnets, Infants' knit sacquea and infants' petti- costs. Choice of the lot Silk Crepe de Chine Combina tions and Oowne A very attrac Ure lot of exquisite garments. White and flesh colored, with dainty trimmings. Sereral mod els to select from. Choice Saturday, for. Crepe de Chine Corset Covers A new special lot of these dainty desirable garments just unbox ed. Pretty combinations o f shadow laces and silk and all-silk In white and flesh col ors. Your, choice Saturday, for wis rti Dainty Night Robes rr A very attractive with new dainty Aj) laces and embroider-n. Saturday 1 Uruay9 laces auu uiuuruiuci-"ci' ; I S les. In MngerletLiBI. i'I s, 1 jf". ra cloth, etc. A large I M . I B aW m assortment. Choice I 43-Piece White and Gold China Dinner Sets, Very Special Saturday, Only $9.65 Drug . and Toilet i ft- she st SMkstrtate. Salt fw." ttOMJCtt A Hufwaai Siat.Bieat. There srs so-csUd "hony and lr" pr.psra.Hons that cost the dwler bait as much but sail at tha sain prto as th. origins snd snuln. Foloy's Honey and r.r Compound. V.'e n.vr offer thw. jintatlons and sub.tltutrs. We know you w II buy Foley's wheusvey you bs1 a rouyh rup If you onre iim k. lcopl. roino lor(- dialan.. for ill. iru. Kol.y'.-. ovr t!ilrty y.srs the rjly. Jur, tron.Mul nr.I liwi'lMr .toutfis. oitl Ii. I ;j ri 'tj;i'(ir)ii MADE w OMAHA U- S A Tiu- rj.T panting cirrs 1 ML f INL5I GrfAtML-Ol"' K i ;MMt'tlMiWiMll 'I i i . 'C , ' M '. '. j A - These sets are made of gen-1 uine imperial china, with a distinctive high quality gold band the real French china effect. The china is per fect, translucent and beauti fully modeled in a new plain edge shape. Each piece is oecorated with pure Roman gold around the edge. The handles, which are ex tra strong, are solidly cov ered with gold. The set is .sure to please anyone desiring an elegant table setting, because of its rich and refined appearance. Saturday we shall sell these 43-piece din- CARC ner sets for, only fl Saturday Candy Specials lal AM.rtrS Ma BH llr. Walnut, pm-.n. al mond snd Hr.sil nut brit tlM. 40c arsd& Hpe- eq rial Hfy. to AC S.rrUI Ow.ra Kralt Hll Koll.d In rhopn.d ) C nuti. 8p.'UI, lb...."'' t r.aa (ad Km- OfJ O.r DfHrl.w tM. Wad. Maple leat.ftt.aa f'.ra nirla. m.pl. gviu.. rocoa nut balla. maple nut klaa ee. H'lal hat- nr urd.y. a, pound artal (ma fraaat Sqaarea Vanilla, straw l.rry snd rhix o- n l.l. Special, ll...,vC For Vaihing ton's Birthday Flags A dosen Oo Flag Pine Special, each, 4o. or 3 for 10o boats Crossing the Del. aware.... 10c and 25c Washington Flag Statues -Kch ............IOC Washington Hate.... 5c Cherry Tree Logs Each. 2&c. 10c " 5c Hatchets Each. fo. 2 for 5c nd 3 ,or 8C Washington Cherry Can ji.s A pound 2&C M.leraae Bra at y Creaas Jufe1:!6.'''! 33c Mela Par r.wirr All ahad.a. OQ 6c .ix. " knrk'i Cat Reae Tal.aa. Pfn4tte Q- A can ..W U.rd.a'e Perfaaa. !pe'lsl Saturday, 1 A an uunce awfc. Gnn' Teth Peied.r Hp.rlal, ac oq0 aiae can Jatrall. S.. Special Haturdsy, the csk. DC K.avs P.r.mld. Seaa bprtlal, the . r. k...... M hit l.llar Rm. 8eaa -tHp.ctal. tha take 4711 WkHt Res y MHat S.as i 11 The r.k. Sal HrMllM Speolnl. 69c II 0 for- aise Sa.ey Prrfret Creaa Hpsclal, 2ac , I ZC if Hydrea.a i-i. i6c all.. Prraald. -fipcial, bottle Pl.trk.r'a fa.teHa - np.rial. Jao slse Olr . bottle 4C Hay. Hals Health Hprclal. 6IK- sine ?Q- bottle v.. ,.' Daadarta. Special Saturday. 25c IC. alar bottle SUfc. Haatla'a (mill till Seas Special. 1 Q cak.a. for .IrC l.rr'm Haapltal (..Ilea pfcial. 1-10. 7 parkas Se-larlt Rabber Sbrrti la- Special. St- th. yard OiC Pkrlai afrra Spe clL 100 In ttot- sn. tl.. for eVC Naaaatd. T..tb Paste baturdsy, Ii. J6c tube "c Specials 11 Waadbarr'a Pa rial W S.aa Saturday, li the cake C Palater'a Tell.t Wat.r Rearular $1.00 7Q size, for c Madame Vale's Kae Kaaairl U0 7Q lie. for 'fC 4711 l-allet Water All odors. oic size. 39c Babeerk'a TaUet W ater we Ma air a re Ftiva Ppe rlal. :4c values. . J5c r'.haar M.alrwre Baf fera iOc value.. 24c Geaalae Ta.iaaae Bat tle wuart. 1 7 I ' .O value Abaalta .Betel pe- nal, 60c size for f'reaea Marejalar Sat- urda . zc aixe for 39c -Sat- 12c A BlaT I-t af Pee Pew4ee4.ll 44e mmd eada af erll-kM.a beaada, we.lb te Sl.e. OS fteevtal. Ral'r. be. (IhHi af adde aad ead. af bite l.arr aa.d. Hair braahea, ealrraea. ete at leaa taaa balf. A blar aesarteaeat ta aelert f ream. H f Jl fct:Ji.r- e Ci v. Lti k. Adu rl.MUwul. Lcatr lies airai irc ariri