Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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Bringing Up Father
Cony right. HH international
Newr Barvloa
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
", f Y ' WILL YOO V I
Substitute! in Cornhusker Lineup
and Game Goei to Bet Moines
PKying Through Champion Carries
Off Indoor Title at New
MNCOTyN. Feb. 19 (Special Telegram.)
-With substitutes In the lineup Nebraska
dropped th first gams with Prake here
today, 30 to 19. tn a hard fought battle.
The score, et the end of the first half
wss to and obth trams tried hard In
the aecond half. The superior work of
Thomas, the Prake leader, determined
she contest- Hugg starred for Nebraska.
Following la the summary:
Campbell It. F.
Thlesen U K.
K-lfer C.
Mllllken U '
Hngg R- O.
R. F Kln
U. F Lynch
C SmltH
I.. O War nook
K. O Thorns
rlutstttuts: Rutherford for Campbell,
Gardner for Thlesen. Sheldon for Thle
sen, J lava tor l.vnoU. Hriink for Smith.
(Inalei Campbell. Kutlierford. Thlesen (2),
Xe(fr, Hliclclon. HKB p. King, Uynch,
rini)th tit, Vhoruss tr.(. Free throwsi
Thleaen. Thomas (J). Fouls: lluthorford
i), Camiitn ll. Kelfet, King. Lync'i. Hef
eree: Mack HyUnd, cx-lowa. Time of
halves: 30:10.
Iowa City High la
Still Near the
WASHINOTCkN. Fell. 1.-Results of the
Ixth week's matehes of the public high
aehaol shooting championship of the
Tnlted Mats ; was announced today,
Showing no ehanaje In the leaders. The
enret .
Claaa A Dmrlng-, Portland, Me. C7S,
gainst Portland, Ms.. Iowa Cliy, (7t,
against Halt Lake, Mi Manual, Waahlng-
ton, P. C IM, against Haiti more Poly
technic.. Wj Augurn. Cal., Ml, against
rltoneham, Him,, WO Morris, New York
TKy, Wl, airalnat Manual, Hrooklyn, N.
T.. Ill,
Claaa rV-eJprlngrield, Maw., aaalnat
Central, Orand Haplds, defaulted IX. wit t
ICllnUm, New Tork City, Ml, against Tuc,
on. Aria., Ii IMIca, N, Y., Mtt, agnlnat
'Stujrveaent, Kew York City. Weat
rn. WaahdnJrton, D. C, 141. acalnat
'Warren, pa., 1 tM; Jamlca. I I., r?S.
kaalnat BL Loula Manual, 7J.
Claaa O-Curtla, New York, M, airalnat
SaorameBto, Cal., W7: Ntithfleld, Yt., SU,
asalnat San Franclai'O, Polytechnic, 9C1;
Cadon. CUh., MZ, acalnat Commercial,
Brooklyn. N. T., K; Boyae, Brooklyn,
9i. T., tn. ataluat Commerolal, New York
IClty. defauited; Eaaurn, WaahltiBton.
O). C, SM, aaatnat Ollror, Cal., defaulted.
NEW YORK, Feb. F. Touchard,
the playlnR-thronirh champion, won the
National Indoos alnrlea tennla tltlea. to
day on the board courts of the Hevnnth
rearlment armory. In the final of this
division of the tournament, whlrTi bearan
a week ago. Touchard defeated A. M.
Lovlhond. former retjtmental champion,
-S, ft-2, -2.
The victory marked the third time
Touchard haa held the champlonahlp and
he became the permanent poaaeaaor of
the Seventh Reflment cup ortRlnally of
fered by offlcera of the command.
It waa Touchard's ability to change
pace at critical Junctures In the rallies
that helped the champion In the close
Ramea. Ilia back hand waa strong and
he plnyt'd the atrokea freely and hard.
Jack Johnson May
Return to Chicago
to Stand Trial
CHICAGO, Feb. 1. It was rumored In
the federal building today that Jack
Johnson, world's champion pugilist, un
der aentence for violating the Mann act,
might appear here in a few days. Dis
trict Attorney Clyne was noncommittal
In his comment on the rumor.
"I would not be surprised If Johnson
should step Into my office any stilnyte,'
said the federal prosecutor, who lm
mediately declined to say whether he
had been notified that Johnson would re
turn to Chicago.
Two Indictments under the Mann act
are pendjng against Johnson In addition
to the conviction In the Belle Bchrelber
rase. In which he forfeited his bond by
going to Europe.
UWJtNCn Kan., Feb. II -George A.
'lieeita, a veteran bass ball player, died
today, aged 10 years. H had been suf
fering feet nasal hemorrhage for three
"W !, In IMS ha eaught for the Chicago
llatleal league teem. ,
Mrs, Stroup's Team
Leads in Fed League
Mrs, Q. W. Btroop'o Ak-Sar-Ren bowl
ing team went Into ths lead In t'-e Carter
Lake Federal Bowling league 't'huraday
by rolling two high gamoa and bUh total.
Mre. Stroup's women rolled a total of K.
The Ak-Sar-Bena in six games have now
tolled 1.125 pins.
'lover Ixsafa
User Ullles
The "90V'
Giant Electric Spark Will Leap
Across Entire American Continent
BAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 1.-An electric
apark of enormous potential. Jumping
across the continent, will open the Pan-ama-Paclflo
International exposition at
noon tomorrow, Paclflo coast time.
In the White House at Washington, the
president will press a button and the
aerial of the great government radio
station at Arlington will snart and sput
ter. The vibrations will be received, an
Infinite reaction of a second lster by a
commercial station on he shores of Ban
Francisco bey. where they will be re
layed to a receiving instrument on the
exposition grounds.
As soon as the signal is received the
wheels will begin to turn and the foun
tains to play, the rates will awing open
and a procession of cittsene, with the.
mayor at their head, will march onto the
At the same time. President Charles C.
Moore of the exposition company will
Inform President JVJlons by word or
mouth, over a telephone line already set
up and waiting, that the wireless flash
has been received and the exposition is
open. In return President Wilson will
send his greetings and good wishes. Thus
the two latest modes of long distance
communication will be employed to vivify
the exposition.
Conditions Among
Chemical Workers
Indescribably Vile
ROOSEVELT, N. J., Feb. It.-Uving
conditions among the laborers at the
plants of the American Agricultural
Chemical company were denounced as
"Indescribably vUe" by Dr. Max Jacoby,
a local phyalolan. In testimony today be
fore the state legislative committee which
Is Investigating the causes of the strike
at the plants here last month and the
shooting of strikers by deputy sheriffs.
Disease was rampant, he said, and
malaria and tuberculosis so common that
it did not even ecclte pity. The chemical
fumes in which the men worked weak
ened the throat, lungs and intestines so
that they became susceptible to disease,
he said.
"Men and women die from tuberculosis
right along, after exposing others to It,"
said Dr. Jacoby.
"Uttle attention," the witness said,
"was paid to sick children, and physi
cians were seldom summoned except
when a child waa dying, and then more
to insure a proper death certificate than
with any hope of saving the lire of a
Children' were horn. Dr. Jaooby as
serted, amid conditions indescribable for
their filth and sordldness. Large families
lived tn three or four small rooms, with
some times three and four beds in each
room, with no ventilation nor privacy.
'No man could support a wife and
family on the wages they had been get
ting." declared the witness. "Almoat
every family had to keep boarders tn or
der to exist The general conditions led
to much Immorality."
Oil Cargo Intended
for Government of
'. Bulgaria is Seized
WASHINGTON, Feb. !. The Standard
Oil company today reported to the State
department the detention at Malta by
British authorities of the British steamer
Oneka, which sailed from New York,
January 2, laden with Its cargo of Amer
ican oil, part of which waa destined for
'Dedeagatch, Bulgaria. The oil company
contends that the oil billed to Bulgaria
was for the Bulgarian government, but
British suspicion was aroused because of
the close proximty of Turkey.
Three-quarters of the oil was destined
for Greek ports and the British author
ities permitted the ship to make those
deliveries upon promise to return to
Malta before proceeding to Bulgaria. In
the meantime, It was said. Great Britain
would determine whether the Bulgarian
cargo would be permitted to proceed or
to go to a prise court.
The owners of the cargo are seeking
the delivery of the oil without prise court
Resident's Advisers Do Not Believe.
An American Craft Will Be
Sunk by Germans. .
PHILADELPHIA.-Pa..' Feb. .-?; C.
Pell and a G. Mortimer or New York
won the national doubles racquet cham
plonahlp here today by defeating Dwlght
F. Davts and J. W. Wear of 8t. Louis
four sets to three. The match was post
poned - three weeks ago because of an
Injury recelvnd by Fell in the final mum
1 of the tournament for the championship.
Davis and Wear won the title last year.
The scores were S-18, 1S-1T. 15-7, ls-15,
IMS. S-IS, 17-14.
tlzzi Sufferers
Waal to Ifcctf , Express Safe is
The Light It Turned on to a
Subject of D&rkrMss.
Ths mere fact that B. 8. B., ths ft moos j
Btiooa purinar, urtvee out aisraae is a
srorld's atery, a topic of eoavrrsatloa wher
ever atea get together.
Tbey wonder why, simply becsose most
remedies are mystified and pat before them
as "discoveries.' The facts ere tbst we
!ey toe much attention to possibilities and
not enough te real, homespun accomplish
meat. 8. S. B. is a remedy of our fathers.
It has a history that Is written deeply la
men's minds becauss It has doas the work.
Orlrra out deep seated disease, revived
hope, put the O. K. on appearance sad
clamped dows tight aoy tffurt of germs
te get the upper hand. Aoy sore spot es
ths skla is an immediate demand tor
H. S. H. aloes the ftrst principle of this
famoaa remedy Is to strike out for plsces
of trouble. This Is a pbyslologU-al fact
and K. S. 8. Is true to the workings if
our body.
Get a bottle cf B. B. B. today at asy
druggist sad begin blood health. It w--suatier
say blood dlaease sad do It In a
a ay to eiupheilxe Its Influence. And If
you would like definite sdvk-e write The
irt uno-i&c .. r, Kwtft ltidg.. atisnts.
t.a. Their mrdlca! opartmcnt is wasre
Thrown' from Train
Near Wahington
WASHINGTON. Feb. JAe-Poiloe and
deputy sheriffs were searching the Vir
ginia nuia today for two robbers wt
raided the exptess car of the Seaboard
Air line's Florida five 4nt rt. it
passed Alexandria. Va., last night, but
got only an empty safe for their risk.
The two robbers boarded the exnremv
car as the train stopped at Alexandria
atatlon, almost within sight of the Wash
ington monument, and bound and gagged
the messenger. They rolled the safe out
of the car door as the train was slowing
up for a bridge and then jumped after
I The helpless rneesenver rnd
the robbery waa not discovered until
after the train reached Richmond, three
nours taier.
A train robbery almost within the gates
of the capital stirred up the nolle ,u.
thcritles considerably.
Murderer Shot
While Trying to
Make His Escape
OTTAWA. Feb. 11 -News of an un
usual tragedy In northwest Canada
reached ths dominion government last
night. Romolo Caesar!, under sentence
to be hanged at White Horse. Yukon
territory, for murder, attempted to es
cape and waa shot by Oonstabis Hayes
oi me northwest mounted nollce. who
wss guarding him. Two bullet took
effect and the man died..
" A few minutes before this occurred a
telegram from the Canadian mlnlater of
Juatlce had reached White Horse, direct
ing the authorities not to proceed with
the execution as the government hsd
decided that Caesarl was Insane and had
commuted his sentence to lite Imprison
ment The sheriff was on the wsy to
convey ths news to Caesarl when he
mad his fatal dash for liberty.
Metcalfe's Comet
Again Reappears
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb. 1. The re
appearance of Metcalfe's comet, discov
ered In 1904 by the clergyman-astronomer
of that name, was announced at the
Harvard college observatory tonight
The comet waa found by Miss H. 8.
Xieavltt, an observatory assistant, on
photographs mads at the observatory
with the alxteen-tnch Metcalfe telescope.
Miss Leavltt was aided In her search by
the ephemerls of the comet's probable
course around the sun computed by
Blanchi, an Italian astronomer.
. The observatory bulletin gives the exact
position (epoch 1X76) of the comet as
February . 68S. Greenwich meantime.
Right ascension, S hours, 28 minutes, 36.2
seconds. Declination minus 1 degree, SO
minutes, 41 seconds.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19. The of
ficial text of Germany's reply to the
United States' note warning against
damage to American ships in the
naval war rone about the British
Isles had not been received at the
State department today. Officials
know, however that the reply has
been delivered, to the American am
bassador and is now on its way to
America. Officials explained the de
lay by pointing out that the ambas
sador had been using the cable which
comes from Rome and goes over a
circuitous route with numerous re
When the cabinet assembled for the
ususi Friday meeting the unofficial re
port of the text of the German note pub
lished yesterday wss dlcunsed informally.
After the cabinet meeting It was said
it waal considered that the situation was
not at all threatening and that the ad
ministration had no fear that any Ameri
can ship would be sunk.
The suggestion of Germany In the lat
est note to the United States that means
be found for Identifying and safeguard
ing American ships venturing into the
war son waa understood to have been
taken up. It was agreed, however, .that
the American government haa no author
ity to order ships to adopt such measures
as taken in Holland and the Scandinavian
countries, which Include the painting of
the nationality of the ship In large let
ters on each side.
It was understood, however, that in
quiries will be sent to maritime Insurance
companies to learn if any measures are
contemplated regarding neutral ships.
i '
Department Orders.
WASHINGTON, Feb. . fpeclal Tele
gram.) Carl 11. Fay. has been reap
pointed postmaster at Hecla, Hooker
tountv. Nebraska.
Harry L; Paulson has been appointed
rural letted carrier at Dorchester, Neb.,
an. I Arthur C. Hperry at Freynor. Ia.
Nebraska pensions grsnted: Mary K.
Kuhn. Gresham, 112; Philip Wlnohler.
Omaha, $3. On the recommendation of
Congressman Connelly, Dr. J. R Wlnnett
has been sppolnted pension T?eon at
Eldora, la.
The comptroller of the currency has re
oelved the application of the following
persons to organise, the Clark NatlonM
bank of Newton, la.: D. U (Iflrk, C. P.
Hunter, Frank 8. Ellman. O. P. Myers
an1 .lay Clark; capital t&O.OOO. To suc
ceed the banking noun of u. 1a Clark.
Predicts General
Use of Aeroplanes
In Next Few Years
WASHINGTON. Feb. 19. After Secre
tary Walcott of the Smithsonian Institu
tion had reminded the house naval com
mittee today that while Samuel P. Lang
ley was the first man In ' the -world to
make a heavier than air machine fly,
his country was last of aU In the world's
development of aviation, a resolution was
reported authorising the president to ap
point an advisory committee of scientists
to work on aircraft development
Secretary Walcott said the dirigibles In
the European war had not proven a suc
cess because they cannot weather gales
and are endangered In bad weather. He
aald that he had Information from Eng
lish aviators that heavier than air ma
chines are now flying In all kinds of
"If aeroplanes develop In the next ten
years as In the last decade." he said,
"they will be used for matt carrying
where there are no railroads; where there
are no bridges and where mountain ranges
ire to be crossed. They will cut expense
f reconnalsance and certain kinds of
traveling and will open large areas to
rapid communication. I believe we
eventually will have cheap fliers Just aa
we have cheap automobiles."
spring seeding, the war department has
decided that horses retired from the
army shall be sold only to the farmers.
Each buyer Is obliged to present a cer
tificate that he is a farmer and needs
HAVANA, Feb. 1. -Jose Caro. the
Spanish minister to Mexico, who s ex
pelled from that country by General Car'
ransa, , arrived here today from Vera
Cms on board the Bpantah steamer Maria
Christiana. He is accompanied by the
members of his staff. Sen or Caro de
clined to make any statement about his
departure rrom Mexico. He said ha
would remain here while awaiting instruc
tions from Madrid.
Sixteen Arrests
in Strike Riot
" iuhii, reo. js. -mxteen men
were arrested today In a riot la Fifth
Avenue almost directly la front ef 8t
rsirica a cawiarsx For a quarter of
an hous traffic was halted for several
blocks while SOS men fought la the street
Police reserves charged, the crowd with
night sticks and after a hard battle dis
persed the rioters.
The police asserted that the fight was
between strikers from a nearby tailoring
entsbllshment end mea who seuaht
uiuat people arst seek a dries
ii.t!m va ths straight road.
that puts . take their daces.
Kent rvuuJ uuick with a ttee Want Ad.
New Serum Cures
Cancer Successfully
NBW YORK, Feb. 11-The results of
the work of nearly a year by physicians.
surgeons and laboratory staff of the
General Memorial hospital of this cltr
tending to show the success of a- new
cancer serum, are expected to be nub-
llshed soon in an. official report of the
medical board of the institution, accord
ing to announcement made today. The
report will contain the name of the dis
coverer of the new serum, its composi
tion, the details of ths preliminary
laboratory work and the individual med
ical histories of the patients so far
treated In the hospital. Ths announce
ments forecast this report as one of the
moat Important contributions to acinnos
eminatlng from the medical profeeaion In
this country. Dr. James Douglas gave
a large sum of money la addition to a
very considerable amount of radium to
be devoted to the treatment of cancer.
The serum Is used by Injection, The
cancerous growths break down, disin
tegrate and disappear, it le assorted.
rrwlt aiemaaev I, Mmr.
NTW TORK. Feb, 11-Tfce I nJted Fruit
steamer Kanta alerts from Port Union,
with paasxtig ers aad mails for New York,
reported by wtrelaas early today that t
bad lost Its rudder la toe vicinity of
Cape Halt er an4 asked that a ooast
guard ruttar be sent t4 tts -r-lrtsniia.
The poait'oa f tbm San La kana was
given H 19 aorta laatuda, ;tU wwt
loBjrHade and as stearins waual bs a hear?
uortnerly gals. . "BJ
AKRON. O.. Feb. 11 Upon a plea of
guilty. Harry Boomdr, former grocery
clerk, wsa sentenced today to lifo Im
prisonment for the murder of Miss Vlnnta
Becker, a mission worksr. Miss Becker
waa slain with a hatchet In her brother's
store. Boomer confessed that he mur
dered tbe girl tn order to rob the place.
Tailoring Co.
At New Location
315 S. Fifteenth
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19. (Special Tel
e gram.) The senate committee on Indian
affairs today agreed to report as an
amendment to the Indian .appropriation
bill a bill which has the endorsement
of both Nebraska senators giving the
secretary of the Interior the right to con
nect up county roads through an Indian
reservation. The bill, which was favor
ably reported from the Indian affairs
committee of the senate and now on the
calendar, was prompted through the re
fusal of an Indian of the Winnebago res
ervation in Nebraska to sign the neces
sary permits as provided for under the
old law relating to the construction - of
county roads.
The Indian In question originally agreed
to the construction of a county road
through his property, but later withdrew
his consent, which tied up the proposi
tion completely. It is for the purpose of
correcting an obvious wrong that the
bill was agreed to today.
W. E. Whltoomb of Winnebago, who
haa been interested in the matter, left
for Nebraska today, feeling certain that
the legislation will get through all right.
Will H. Thompson and Herbert W.
Daniel of Omaha are In the city.
Horses Sold to Farmers.
(Correspondence of Associated Press.)
PARIS. Feb. It. In order to assure the
The tailor of old would
marvel at clothes as fine as
our spring Kensingtons
The tailor of today sees
in them the "handwriting
on the wall," which spells
the doom of his trade,
Ready clothes have al
ready driven the tailor
from the Overcoat field.
They are now -driving
him from the Suit field as
You will find our Ken
singtons to be foremost
among the best ready
Too perfect in style, fit
and fabric, and too low in
price, to warrant your
paying an excessive fee to
the tailor. . '.
First spring styles now
showing. See them today I
We've still tome fine 'Over
coats to sell at ridiculously
low prices.
At New Low Prices
Establishing A New Standard of Tire Values
,FISK OUAUTY, with Fisk Service, at the new Fisk Prices,
should be the standard by which all tires are judged. Make com
parisons. Talk to Fisk users. Get a line on actual values. Stop
and think what it really means to get FISK at the NEW prices.
Read These Prices For Comparison
3 x30
3i x 30
4 x 33
4 x 34
4k x3B
5 x 37
Plain Tread Casing
$ o.oo
11. GO
NowSVid Casing
$ 0.45
. 33.00
"If You Pay More Than Fisk Prices
You Pay For Something That Does Not Exist"
THE USER REAPS the benefit of our greatly increased production and our ever
increasing distribution. We accept, with the Dealer, a smaller
individual profit, in view of the greater volume of business done.
You Can Bu$ Fisk Tires At AU Dealers
, The Fisk Rubber Company
Home Office, Chkopee Falls, Mats.
Omaha Branch ' 2210 Farnam Street
Ta. C B Ma
aa. rat. oA.