Tin; r.RK: omails. FEBRUARY VJ1... WANT ADS Wut ads received et any time, but to tneiir proper ciamwiration must be pre. ted before 12 o'clock noon for evening edition and T:3 t. m. for momlni and Fiindar edlUrma. Want ae fwlvw s"er sum hours will tw under tn neauiua, Too Lata to Classify." ' CASH RATFA Seven consecutive times. 1 font a woro ach Insertion. . ... Three times within en week. lVj MBU word each Insertion. Oca Urn. 1 csnta a word. THABOK RATKS. lUvan consecutive times. cant a. lino a.-h Insertion. . - - Three times within ono waak. cent a Hne each Insertion. Ore tlnw, II cents a Una. ... Count six average worda to iwm. Minimum charge. 10 cents. Aa advertisement Inserted to b '" tO discontinued must be atopped by writ ten order. At! claims for errors rnnat ha rnafle within fifteen daya aft.r tha last Inser tion of tha advertisement Too can place your want ad n Tha Baa 7 telephone. . TELEPHONE TTLKR 10 Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answer; have been eslled for and delivered during tha last week. It ta reasonable to suppose thai all of tha roojila below have made the d. aired aware, therefore do not call for the balance of their answers. Bee warn ads aure jet result. 0(7, fld DC. "C 11T mt 4nS "11 0 404 13?! o no u i.f 7 m sit 4is isn f r nt tie in tl m 417 i m , kj 4i ism r in ? 4 HM mm n iw J 111 M 477 1 tH 141 4?f 174 'i N MO 4KS I37S. . 1 tM W! llt I 14T d WT 1W0 V4 961 11 t 10 S l.l J4 Hi ta n mil i2 tt M 1Z14 140T nc. 14o 1411 1411 1414 14K 1424 142S 1411 J 4.1.1 14 1441 144R 144 14 .4 14 14A 14Ki 14T0 1471 in SC. 14R2 IMS ir.ii 1f13 1M7 UJO 1SK l JS40 If. 4. ISM IMS 17 1570 1671 1S74 HK5 IMS 1W7 16041 1BTII ABfO rrWFlRAI. NOTICES CARTEH. Nelllo Heed, died Thuraday at her reeldmcc. aaed 42 yr: r'uneral aervlcea Saturday. Febniary 3ft, at rcaldence, 4flo (Jrant atreet, at t ii. in. IntenncM FJpec. la. .Vtembere ot Kaalern fltar. Royal NeilfhJwra of America and frlerda are welcome. KRM.MF.R-Jarob, Feb. 11. 1915, ael Sc'cea7 atythe home. !43 N Hh Bt. Henxon, at 2 o'clock Katurday. Interment at Hartford City, Ind. Mra. F. 1C. Hhallenber la to he burled Saturday afternoon at o'clock from the tealdenee of her daughter, Mra. A. O. Hiicnannn. ISW Poulh Thirty-fourth Ht. Interment Bt Prowpect Hill, private Kindly omit flowera. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Hlrthe Harry and Ietha Anderaon. hoo pllal. boy: Carl and Nell lllckell. hoapltal, hoy; Jamea and Ionia Carnal. hoapltaK oy; Maurice and Anna Carroll, txw North Eighteenth, girl; ttonrad and Myr tle Uahmke, Heneon, girl; Hana and Treaa tiaah, South Tenth, girl; Fred and Maud Hack. 21fl Military avenue, boy; 4leorge II. and Helen Heikel, hoapltal, girl; Nela and Hannah Johnaon, girl; Thomaa and K-tta Martin, 2703 Capitol ave nue, girl; Ouy 8. and Majr Taylor, 1 lKarnam, girt; Harold J. and Bmma WooK, boy. Ucatha Mary A. Alderman, 7 SSO South Twentyflfth avenue? Millie Saylea, 7S, S4M Haylor; Kred R. Dufrene, M, ISai Karnam; Frank Qullala. 1 hour, hoapltal; (Srtrude Carlnon, 7, Florenoa; Maud U Uollen, 17, Thlrty-aaventh and Cuming; rtfle Cook, IS. 2802 North Fourteenth ; Katner K. Clauaaen, IS. aSUS South Twenty-third; William Herald, 46, HAS Bouth Thtrty-aecond : Henry Orabbert, 40, For tieth and Poppleton, MAHRIAOE LICENSE. The following couples have Deeo ttoanaad to wed: Name and Reaidence. ' Age, Harold O. Mourae. Council Bluffs a Kdna M. Cody. Council Bluffs 1! Jamea I- Outhrle, Omaha Over 21 Anna Onaaa, Kansas City. Mo.. ..Over 11 TODAY'S COMPLETE MOV1K PltOOIlAMS Exclualvely In The Be. Dowa Taiaav. CAMF.RAPHON K. 1403 DOUOrAS, The Ptlll on Hunaet Mountain. S-r. dr. The Unwilling Itrtde. Roy comedy. Coals of Fire. American drama. KUITK NO. 1. ISiTfARNAM. The Ml tie Engineer. (Helen Holmes.) Kal. 911a New Job. (C. Chaplin.) t-r. Has. oom. 1 he Language of the I'umh. Iuhln dr. FAKNAM TlTiCATF.R. 141& FARNAM. The lust and final episode of the Mil lion Dollar Mystery, No. ti, will be shown next Sunday and Monday. 1UFP TllEATUt, UTH AND HARNEY Horn of rsraroount Plcturea. I'AltK, I'holAllbU. Feature program dally. Kcelune Comedlaa. 61 M. WTH. PAHIXIK, 1408 DOUUIAB. The Fast Mall's Danger. Kalein drama. The Ambition of the Karon, t-r. E. dr. In the Palmy Daya. Mlna. comedy. I R1NCF.BS, 1317-18 Dol'aUAB. s uiieniai tiomance. (King Haggot.) S-r The Counterfeit. (Mary Fuller.) drams. How Dr. Cupid Won. Nestor comedy. Kuril AUAMO. 24TH AND FORT. l.nvliofiments. Majestic drama. Tha Master. S-reel K.-B. drama. Aa a Man Thlnketh. beauty comedy. 4 1.1 V TON. Mlh. AVE. AND BURDETTbl j raiiei Dy rieiiograpn. American dr (Sldilv ay Tlckllah. Keyatone comedy. Runaway June No. 4. 1 reela. J.IAMOND. mo LAKE, Maater Key No. 13. I-reel Ppecial. The Phantom Warning. Rea drama, with Dynamite. Joker comedy. DA EN PORT, 2303 DAVEuNlHJKT. The Submarine Spy. 1-reel Imp. A Mixed l'p Honeymoon, Joker comedy FRANKLIN. 24TH AND KHANKUN The Evil Men Do. S-r. Vltagraph drama. wii anu iiriur. ivaim comedv. liUAND (Theater lieautlfuli 1 & Utnney Feature . M RK OF MILLION. HIPPODROME, K14 Cumins sTreet caved by the Boys in Blue, 4 reela 11 THEATER. 14TH AND LOCUST A War Baby. 1-reel l.ubin drama, siarold'a Bad Man. Sellg comedy. By a M range Road. Ksnanay drama 'TIIIUiF, Xiu North 24th Street. (iod all this week. whUe making al terstiuns and Installing an up-(u-dat a'-reen. Watch paper fur opening. 1AJ Y A I iOTc ALD W ELL. Halln-rs Three, t-reel Victor Ninas kt Ixnrsoina Gulch. Frontier. The Butlers Baby. Joker comedy. PALACE. 2J9 DAVENPORT. Thou Shalt Not Flirt. L. Ko. comedy, lelsnd of Happiness. S-reel Big V. M BI'KHAN. ilir in Business. UU AND AMES. Lubio comedy. J I TBI - Wl I a i O- V. Lite's (iaina. S-reel Vltsgraph drama. ARBOR. S2D AND ARBOR. Hash House Masher. Keystone comedy. The Alarm ef Anaeioa. Aluei loaa tfraiua. Zudora K jilaode No. t. APULIA. 2i4 LEAVENWORTH. 'li.i Attorney for the Defease. -r. Lubla drama. The VValtrets and the Boobs. Kal. cm. ilTl MBIA. 1 ,lw8oT;'I HWTH. The '(t Code. 1-r Selig drama. The High! Girl. Vilssraph comedy, Mimd) i JLiwuUolr. blugraib djaiua. TORAV'8 COMPLETE MOVIE PROGRAMS Fxrlualvely In Tha He. Knath. rOMFORT, ?4TI f AND VINTON. The Great Python I'nhrwry. reeis. a high-class melodramatic photo play, with Sotl . Y(m)(I faring detective, A. Finn. ,V7 n ""CfiTv r a v oiu I r.. " ,.-..... 1'ater'a' Varatlnn. I.ubln comedy. The t'aharet Slnaer. 2-r. halcm drama. The Mn, the Mlaalon and the MjildJVlta; (TkM, SOI TH 1.1TH. Vengeance of Pampe"ti. (Pnwere.l All Aboard. 1-reel Neator comedy. Animated Weekly. iTtRIC. lf'17 VINTON. Father Waa a I-oafer. I.. Ko. comedy. Foola and Pajamaa. Joker comedy. Cancelled: i-reel Fl. iflMK7n AND I.K A V F.N WORTH. The lx)ne Came J-ree Kclalr. Kvery Iru-h a Hero. I. Ko. comedy. Rnmethlng doing tonight. VENEZ1A. Ull SO. UTH Four reeU rf Mutual plcturea. Weal. MONRO K, "S PARNAM. Heeret-ellg No. 9. Caat Cp by the Hea. tAllce Jovce 2-ree Kalein drama. Chiefly Concerning Male. Vita, com. Beaaoa. PWNPON, MS MAIN PT. Rtar of the Sr. i Pauline Buah.) 2-reel. A Political Meaa. Joker comedy. Aliaa Mr Pmlth. i MrQuarrle. i Big V. toaacll Hlnft KMTE NO. t. 54S BROAHWAT. Oilve In the Madhouae. F.dlain drama. The Ptolen Ruby. Zr. Kalem drama. Hlllv'a Wager. Vltagraph comedy. MCHOLAP. M7 RHOADWAT The Hagebruah Gal. ' 3-r. Vita, dr ima. Daredevil Harry. Mlna. comedy. ropkrT f.T7 BROADWAY. Changed Uvea. 3-reel tlnld Peal.. Fo Trot Craxe. sterling comedy. anmii' luaata. Flew"!1: THKATF.K. 24TII AND N RT.. Runamav June No. 5. The. Regenerating I,ove. Print Ilawley, the World In Motion, MAOIC, !4TH AND O. A Voice In the Night. 2-reol Kcl. Almoat a Pcandal. 1,. Ko. comedy. aaavtll. ORPHEfM. 24th and N Street, y.iidnra every Wedneaday. Keyatone playa, featuring Charlea Chap lin daily. A XXOl'NCEM KXTS YOU PKOPLK WHO NEVER IIAVK VOUU , SHOES HALF SOLE I) STOP! THINK! what you can aave In ONE year bv hav ing your ahoea repaired Inatead of buying new pair every tnree or four montha. YOU would think you were gettlna an exceptional bargain If you were to get a 14.00 or Iti.flO pair of ahoea for about 7To or ll.rt), which la really the caae with "FRIEDMAN REPAIRED BUOKH." Oct the habit TODAY, Repairing done while you wait. Men'a half-aotct 7.1o . 1. ad lea' half-aolea 60o Friedman. Bros. Shoe Repair Shop, 111 South Fourteenth St., Omaha. No. 8o. Main St., Council Hluffa. NOTICE. Iad!ea going to coaat ahould blaea Ihelr ordera early to avoid any delay In their plana. ANNA SIBTBK, .. Iidlea' Tailoring and Dreaamaklng, 101 3CS city National Bank Uldg. DKNTIbTR V All klnda of dental work done under careful supervision at the Den- Creighton Unlveraity (Allege of Den nairy, aiu b. ixtn Pi., omana. moderate. Retraction free. Fees rery HOMEMADE susae, only one In Oma ha. Bam Flwtier, 11i Leavenw'h. P. m, bliKBSMAKlNO and iaTTormg, work guaranteed. 240 Caas St. Tel. Red. mi. Wedding announoementa. Doug. Ptg. Co. HAZEL Leaf Pile Cones. Beat remedy for Itching, bleeding or m-otrudlna- nlUa! SOo jpoatpald; samples free. Sherman A Mcuonneii iintg Co., Ontaha. ENROLL now. Y. M. C- A. Bight school. LUCKY wadding rings at Brodegaard'a. AUTOMOBILES ONE Cadlllao, tn good condition. W0. tm Farnam Pt. AUTO PAINT1NU. Forda. 116. otliera. iJO uu. nriv iiu N. 16th. Phone Webster 17.10. 1100 REWARD for any magneto we can't repair. Colls repd. Havadurfer.210 N.1H. o FONTENELLK AUTO CO., dealers in used care that auarantea aervice. lis So. lth tH, Greenough Omaha Had, Rep. Co.. SuM Far. AUTO Clearing Houae. 3a Farnam, buys ana sens uneq cs-ia ramie uouglas ii0. C. ELSA8SER. expert radiator and lamp yir. if, iw, ism ieavenwortn. Industrial Garage Co.. 20tii at Harney Sts. LARGE top; do for IRney". Call Wph. ligj. FOR SALE My 113 six cylinder Chalm era oar. In first class condition Car can be seen at 4 Farnam St. Splendid pargain ror caan ouyer. FOR SALE 7-pasaenger automobile. Just the thing for Jltnev. Coat l&.OuO In ltlS. Will sell for S-'iOO spot cash. Car in good running order. Can be seen at garage. 24 N. 18th St., Omaha HA RLE Y-D A V I D SON 'mOT O B C Y CLE 3. Bart-atns in used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." S7(4 Ina venwort n. new ready ; bargains In used machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. ifith and Chicago. D. rut. nUSINEflS CHANCES AUTO repair shop, garage and black smith shop for rent or for sale. Charles Smasal. Papllllon, Neb. AN M. D , Ph. Q., conducting a drug store In connection with the practice of medi cine, would dispose of the stock cheap as he flnda It not practical to conduct the two; purchaser need not be registered. Address Y 6. Bee. C. J. Cans ii can sell your farming land. FOR SALK-Only blacksmith shop with tools, bulldlna. reeldinoa IS 70Q laithnut 1.6. Ilurry. Jim Wray. Sioux City. TO GET In or out of business. Call en haivukwtai'. 404 Bee Bldg. D. 8477. LIST burinces chances, property for rent sale or exchange with me. I will write an manner or insurance. W. O. Tern pletyn, Gen. BROKU.R. Ut Bee. 'Py. 'J0. LEASE and furniture of Hotel Ttlden. Inquire of Bill Brogan, Tllden, Neb. MODERN Jewelry atcre In town of S.0U0 - ursin ii sum at once lor rash. Address Y" 37b. Bee. o ONE of the lst retail bakenea In tha elty; no competition. - Call Web. 7UH, or address K l7. Be. RKSTA1 RANT for rent. Well located. well established, plenty of room. Flx turea for sale or rent J. B. Billings. Anna, r.eo. 4V-RKEL feature film, alth Nebraska rlghU; a good salesman's side line Ad- avT tIL M-iHun'lh7' Ul Woodland Ave.. Das Moines. la. sold. Write Jim Wray. Sioux City. SIGNS, show ear, "lark A A.n t 1T71 .Uh . H8T TOUR BUSINK8S" r''h, 'or ulck action and square 411 Bldg. Phone n'1 1K4 flit- !.. . . T ia.xtr.nn-nuy, leas , sell your ths ft . Vfch'" Supplies turougk telag 17 C' r,nB,n St- MERCHANTS' atok reducing and rlos Ing out ralea aiMcssfully promoted, ad Jlc frea H.rry aH alt Wmi Hh' a. Kansas City. Mo. ' l:i)t t THIAh WINTER TERM MOSIIER-LAMPMAN COLLFA3E, NOW OPEN. ITnaurpaaeed rlHxeca In nuelneaa, ahort hand and Knitliah nranrhca. (Jrnduatea guaiantced good pueltiona. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. For f-ee catMlugue add'"ss Moshcr-Lampman College 1th snl Farnam tre. Oihaha. Neh. l oK eale the following hularalilpa in a first rlnea Omaha Hialneaa College: One unlimited combination business and al.nrtl nr,d course. Una unlimited hualneaa courae. Oris unlimited sienographlo course. One tnree months' business or stsno graphic courae. will be fid at a discount at the office of the Omaha Bee JJOYLES COLLEGE Day Skjhool, Night Kchonl; complete hualneaa courae; complete shorthand or stenotype course: complete telegraphy course; civil service tranches slid Eng lu. (tirdenta ndmllttal at any time. Write, phone or tail for 1IR5 catalogue. ItOYLEb COLLltllK. II. U. BOYLE8. resident. Boylea Bldi;.. Omaha. Neb. Tel. Douglas l.r.tt. The VaD Snnt School Stenography Day school. u- 4:t. Night school. " tu .U. 1'th and Karnam b:. Doug's s SM7. EXPERT iHdy atouograiher will take piiplla. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, sielilng, punctuation, etc , taught and complete trail. lug given for bualneas ca reer. Private Inetru-ilon If desired. 4&4 Douglus St. Tel. Walnut 1327. FOR BALE Karnttara, New 2d-hand furniture, cash or terms; reasonable. Amcr. Furr.. Co.. 606 N. lth Musical I astrai aaeate. Slightly used high grade piano. P. 1017. Tre wrltero. RENT Remingtons, Monarc-hs and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1264. Rental credited If you purchase and only very newcat and highest grada mav chlnee at-nt cut. Kates, three months for 16 for understroke machlnea or S3 per month for latrwt model visible wrltera. I VI'tWHI'l KiiH ao.u, rented, repaired, central Typewriter Exchange, S07 . 17m RENT An Oliver typewriter, montha for U. Tlie. Oliver Typewriter Co.. D. 219 llaeelinateoaa. ?-hand mch. Oroaa Wreck Co., 21 tk Paul. tOK HALE New and wecond-hand c&roia and pocket billiard tablea and bowling alleya and acccaaoilca: bar flxturea of ail kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick Ua ike-Col Winder Co., 407-408 8. luth At. U NEW automatto weighing acalea, SS and 110. Match machlnea and lifting machines. One horae wagon, buggy and harneaa, also tools, lumber and other tnleoella neons articles for aa!a or trade, J. 0. Hill, EXECUTOR 73 So. Slat Ave. Phone Harney 141. PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER, PHONE DOUGLAS 4829. SXJ08 CALIFORNIA BT. CINDKTtS ?1.60 load. Harry Anderson. Douglas 2:W0. ONE roll beer wagon, in good repair. Blats Co. HELP U ANTED FEMALE " Clerical anil Olflee. SALESLADY, insurance. .Salary and Com. SALESLADY, hardware $40 STENO., Smith Premier 40 W atts Rcf. Co., KUMo-tj Brandeis Theater. NO FILING FEE. iBBST COMMERCIAL POSITIONB. Iady bookkeeper, good penman, experi enced, $H0. UOtJERH REFERENCE CO., 626-8 Btate Bank Bldg STEN04JRAPHER 60 TWO CIGAR CLERKS $36-140 MANICURIST 146 STENOGRAPHER 130 TH E CANO AGENCY, 000 BEE BLDO. CASHIER. A LITTLE STENOGRAPHY, "SOME BOOKKEEPING; MUST BH NEAT AND STRICTLY BUSINESS, S4ft iA DICTAPHONE OPERATOR, S65. CTO-OPERAT1VE REFERENCE CO., 1016-14 CITY NATIONAL. Ageala and Saleswomen. WANTED A woman to take orders for eaay seller; will pay salary. 114 .1 lBth. fr'netorr smd IraAr. LEARN halrdresslng. Oppenhelm Parlora ' lloaaeHeepera Oo mealies. THE Servant Girl Problem Blved Tha .Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired reaulta This applies to residents of Omaha, Bouth Omaha and Council Bluffa Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED A girl or woman to do general housework (German or Scandi navian preferred), must be good oook. Apply between hours of and S in the evening at &1H Webster St. or telephone liarncy 4,vi3 WANTED at once, experienced girl for general houae work, no washing. Mrs. A, F. Smith. 3010 lewey Ave. WANTED Experienced second girl. Ref erence required. Call 4iu no. oth Bt. WANTED A girl for housework; 1303 Park-Ave. Harney 3366 WANTED Good girl or middle-aged lady to assist with housework for her board and act as companion to elderly Igdy, 274 Orant Pt. Webster SlSS. "WANTED A girl for general housework; good wagea; must be good oook. An swer daytime. D. 1163; Eve., Web. 4K. WANTED A Klrl who attends school half day to take care of small child for board and room. Muat be on 18 years of age. H. 7of8. EXPERIENCED general houaework girl. where 2d girl and laundress la kept. ls7 P. Soth Bt WHITE girl for general housework. II. MM. EXP. GIRL for general housework; no washing, auus Ueer Fak Blvd. T. isju. YOlNG girl to assist with housework; and care for child, it. ss.'. J us Lass WANTF.IV-Nurse girl to take care of email child. 720 b. V7th St. WANTED A girl for general houaework, M.utfa ST. i m.lv 11.1 K 1UIK WANTEI A good young girl to assist with eeneral housawork. Address M 121, care Bee. WANTED Experienced white girl for general houaework; pleasant surround ings, large, sunny room with private bath; references; top wages for compe tent help. 42Q No. tn St. walnut to. A WHITE girl for general housework no laundry; good wagea. Harney SlitS. WANTED A good girl for general houae work; keep a seuuntl girl. 41 r a J. A Sunderland. 1029 So. ih St WANTED Competent girt for general nouaework; in family; gooa wages; white girl only. Phone Webster MlseelleneMS. UtDlES aV nilssea' coals, suits, dresses 4k skirt samples at wholesale prices, lion. of fa New York Sample Store, zvti N. ltn YOCNG women coming to Omaha as Strangers are invited to visit the loung Women's Christian association building at St Marv'a Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding placea or o'herwia asslntd. Look tor our traveler's gude at I nioa etatloa WOMEN set government Jobs. 17 month. List free. Franklin Institute, Dept. U B. Rochester. N. J. HELP WANTED-MALE . Clerical and Utile. HAVE YOU SALES ABIL1TT7 WK CAN P8K MEN OF THIS CAMBER MANY SAI.K POSITIONS NOW OPEN APPLY SIS BEE BLlXJ. YOUNG man. 0 to S3 yeara, to act as aa asstalant to tn collectors, helping theiu to locate people; salary IS Per week. (Jail at once. 1 n -V WwHtnuii of World Bldg KAl.KSMAN. flour S1U0 la I eAI,lMKN, rement Salary depends SALESMAN, etluiation. .Salary and Com SALESMAN, drapery SaUry depend Walls Ref. Co., aK-4o-42 Brandvls Theatei IUG11-GH ADF. ciiuiiiier Ml poll ions. WEST. REF c BOND AS N., ikl Omaha Nat'l ifa.uk liidg. hi:m waxtf.d mai.k (let-leal and Office. WANT1TD An experienced book keeper on caatci n Mlrhnw, ledger. Muat wrlle good hualneaa hnnl; le quick and have aome years of ex lieriem e. Hnto form of position held and salary expected. Address P-477. Bee. taenia. Salesmen anil solicitors. EXPERIENCED advertising anllcltor to acll aa In street cars. To work Omaha and vicinity. Commission basis. Full or part time, lnterurbnn Moving Hgn Co., 30 N. Dearborn Pt., Chicago, 111. WANT KD Haleaman for Neiirirakii by Eaatern Medical Pnbllahlng Company to call exclusively on phvsiclana. tlond op portunity for live man. Y 376. Bee. WE have an opening for a specialty sales man wliu Is cape hie of mnklng fe.Of or more venrly: a man posseaeed of an en paginR fersonallty and energy. To aurh ae run cficr a permanent position pre. sentlng great possibilities. Write, glvln exp'rn-nce and referencea. National En graving company, 154 Narsau St.. New York City. Drug atore snaps; jobs. Knelst, Bee) Bldg. THh first payment now covers insurance till July 1. Ui IB. This makes our policy easy to sell, fall or write. Mutual Ben efit, Health and Accident Ass'n. 423-13 City Nst. Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb Factory and 'trades. ATTTOMOBILE WISE OR OTHERWISE Be wlae a 1 independent in business for yourself or earn hlg money. Our large and well equlpMd school and shop will produce thla result for you. Oct our unusual Intereating offr with Catalogue "C." Day a id night classes. Phone D. S04S. 1413-16-17 Dodge St. Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. LEARN RARBT71"! TRArlB. Be Independent; wagea and tools given. Electric maasage. Strictly modern. Big demand for barbers. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEOB, 1124 Douglas St.. Om. 1032 N St . Llneoln. MEN WANTED To learn tho barber trade, spring rush soon on. position waiting, world a fair taking Varbera away, money earned while learning, tui tion Includes beat tools. Write for illus trated catalogue. Moler Barber College, 110 B. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. Miscellaneous. GOOD YOUNG MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Biggest demand for our Magneto, Elec. Starter Auto Graduates. Too many un trained tinker repair men; good men posi tively needed. I:ig spring rush, jst-ca catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COL LEGE, 2053 Farnam St.. Omaha. Be an Auto Mechanic and draw a large aalary, or go Into tha auto bualneas for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shops will bring this result for you. Write for free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 214 N. 20th St.. Omaha. NeK "WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and eggs. i,uii jonn, ma ana capitoi. irEIJ WANTED MALE AND FEMA1H. THOUSANDS government jobs open to men and women: tZ to 1160 tr-nnlh Wrlta for list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 221B. fiocncsier, ?i. x. OMAHA government clerk examinations April 18. 170 month, common education sufficient. Sample Questions free. Apply Immediately. Address Y S61. Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man, 13, experienced aa cashier, bill and office clerk, dealrea position In Omaha; am college graduate; good cal culator and excellent penman; best of references, will start at a moderate sal ary. Address M, Bee. POSITION as telephone operator: seven years' experience. Best of reference. P. B. X. Work. O 690. Bee. WANTED by sober man. ateady first class barber job In country town. J. Miller, Stella, Neb. YOUNG MAN wants position aa chauf feur; would prefer reliable party going to exposition. Can give good reference. Addrarn Y-Z74, see. COLORED man wants Job aa porter or janitor: can furnish the best or refer ences. Tel. W. 7620. Call for Anderson at t avenlng, and I evenings. YOUNG man, attending Amerloan Auto college, wants work evenings to help defray expense of board; am used to hard work. Address u R, Bee. WANTED Position by competent ac countant and collection man; No. 1 ref erences. Call Webster 6u2 or address F sXS. Bee. FARMER, experienced, . small family; strictly temperate, (iarland Read, Gen eral Delivery, 1incoln, Neb WORK of any kind wsnted by reliable colored woman, scruoblng ana cleaning. Tyler 1600. Mrs. Bally. YOUNG man wanta place to work for board while attending Boylea college. Telephone Douglaa IMo. WTD Bundle washing. Msddle. W. 6655. WANTED Employment by middle-aged man. several years, railroad ana of floe experience); prefer position as traveling salesman or of flog work; can us typewriter i not a steno. K aal. Be. DAY work or bundle wash. Web. 7467, DAY work wanted. Web. 8207. TREE trimming. Call Web. 4634. SITUATION wanted as cook or ebasn- nermald work. Addross Ida Francis, SI 2 N Street. South Omaha. LADY wanta place as housekeeper. 2764 V F I Kill HI. O.UV, WANTED Poalt ion by competent ac countant and collection man; No. 1 ref erence. Call Webster euz, or address F. , Bee. AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN. 18 YEARS OF AG Fa OF GOOn A I FWA-R A Nv E AND FAIR EDUCATION, DESIRES OPENING WITH PROMINENT AT TORNEY. PLACE TJES.1 RED WHEREl ADVANCEMENT AND STl'LT tF LAW IS P4VIM1RLH. EXPERIENCED IN N BWHPA PER WORK. CAN FURiNISUI EXCELLENT REFERENCE. FOR IN TERVIEW, CALL RED 6675. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE liorsea aad Vehicle. MANY well-matched teams; young marea: aome in foal. Call at Brewlna- Co.'a saloon. 1SI4 So. 13th St TEN head, good marea, weight 1,100 to 1,400 rounda. Must sell. 131 8. 32d 8t Take West Hanacom Park car. ATTENTION! Muat sell this week four husky mares In foal: 1.200 to I.4u0 pounds each; have been taktn on a debt. This Is a bargain. Call and Investigate, eua S. 20th St.. near Howard residence. FOR RALE The beat team; weight, 1.000. on In foal; alao a team of nlo. chunky farm mares, weight l.Soe pound each. In foal; must b sold within the next few days; cheap for ready cash. Inquire Jamea Henry, 1223 Dodge. TWO teams f well-IiiaUhed, -utiunky marea. weight 1.360 each; agea 6 and 1 year old; sound; trial given If neceaaary, private resident. Hi) iKxige. SHIP llv atock to South Omaha. Save mileage and ahrlnkag. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Must sell my splendid big team and 1 fine mares In foal. Cheap. Reg. 314 N. 17th. TWO teams of young, welt-rnalohed. chunky farm marea. heavy In foal; weight from 1,860 to 1.4u0 pounds; all good, sound marea, right out of hard work. J. Ryan, manager, a603 Farnam. FARM wagons. SnO and up; harneaa, Johnson-l'anforth Co., lttth st Clark Sta FOR SALE 30 head of horses and mare. age from 4 yeara to a years, ail well broke to work. Call telephone Squih tuZ Harriaon St . couth Omaha. ALL KINDS of horses cheap. Call at once. IK'11 N. IMh. i horses tnd mules, all kinds, off Missouri ranch. G. L. Ugutfout, Slus Cunilng. i,i vk htock ion halt: lloraea and Vehicles. t-PEATF.I) Brougham, good as new; good Park waaon. 24IT. Cumins. Red HITS Live StoeU r'naaanlsakon lifrrkaalt, MARTIN BROS A ;o.. Excnanga Bldg. liOST AMI FOITND OMAHA rOI NCII. HI.PFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost aome article would to well to call up the of fli-e of the: Omaha aV Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the atieet cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore tl em to the rik'li owner. Call Doug. 48. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. fJ. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and tther rectal dieearea without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectaj dleeasea with testimonials. DR. E. R. TA It R Y. 240 H.-e Hid g. Pileb and Fistula Cured without SCRGK AL OPERATION or PArlN. M Hc.TE.nTION trom BUSI NESS. PAY when CURED. A written IHIAKASTKK kIvi n in every caso treated Patient" must come to the of llce, 40S-9-10 Omaha Nutlorit bank, 17th and Farnam Sts. DR, WJLL1AM CREIOH'ION MAXWELL, Twenty-eight years in Omaha. Graduate of Bellevue lloai It 'l Medical College, New York City, N. Y. DRITG hablta succeaefiilly treated, 6-day guarantee, harmless and painless method, full Block; you can he treated at home. Address Dr. C. C. Altkcn, 828 Park Ave.- Phone Harney 3TW6. o. T?initnro Cured in a few dava without jMifiiui e paln CbU op wr1te j)r -vVrar tM Bee Bldg . Omaha. Established 1894. a NURSEBY PLANTS AND SEEDS FOR GOOD Feterila seed write J. K Warrick. Haatlngs. Neh. o PERSON AL B. THOMPSON of 46 Crescent Place, Chicago, 111., wishes to communicate with stockholders of the Coliseum com pany of "hlcago. III. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to vialt the Young Women'a Christian association building at 17th St and Bt. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed! to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. $7,000 to Pension Invalids If we receive 500 subscriptions to Ths Ladles Home Journal 11.60 The Saturday Evening Post 1 &0 The Country Gentleman l.aO Each month till April to equal last year's business, the original So.000 becomes the property of the Invalids' Pension assn., making 17,000 tn pension Invalids. We must have 57 subscriptions tn Febniary. Your order or renewal adda SO eta. Phone Doug. 7163 or address Gordon, the Magazine Man, OMAHA, NEB THE Salvation Army Industrial borne so llclts your old clothing, furniture, mags sines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglaa 4136 an4 our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new horae. 1110-1112-1114 Dodga St OPIUM, morphine, cocaine, etc. can be atic.cessfullly treated home; guaranteed, painless, harmless. Address Dr. C. C. Altken 828 Park Ave. Phone Hnr. 3393. -O ANYONE seeing old lady fall on West Leavenworth car, near ltith and Howard Sts.. about 13 30 n. m.. Feb. 16. communi cate with D. A. Holbrook. 3556 Paciflo St PET STOCK Dosja and Cats. SCOTCH collie pupa from pedigreed stock. Inquire at end of Benson car line or Phone Douglas 481. FOR SALE Two high grade pedigreed Boston Terrier femalee, S months old. H. A. Bauman, the Druggist, Grand Isl and, Nab. POULTRY ANT) SUPPLIES DON'T forget that three times more chickens have been hatched in Old Trusty incubators than in any other In cubator. Catalogue free on request Ad dress, M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center. Neb. STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x33 Inches, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75o a hundred at The Bee office. LET chickens pay your rent: aend for free book. "Turning Eggs Into Chick ens Into Dollars," andfiee sample world a only hatching chart; book describes Rayo Inoubatora; give most chicks; hatch on one gallon oil. Rayo Incubator Co., 1015 B 12th St.. Omaha. Neb. Phone Red 33o6. Mixed! grain, 100 lbs., $1.76, Wagner sof N.llf MAMMOTH White Pekln ducks and White Leghorn roosters. Tel. Har. 6904. LIVE WIRB BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA ABC of, Omaha N EW and ' 2d-hand motors, dynamos, magnetos, ate, and mech. repairs. LeBron Elect Works, 818-20 8. 12th. - U AHA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cuming. II Douglas 2467. Renovates feathera v' and mattresses of all klnda makoa feather mattresses snd down covera rACl'UM cleaners for sale. Vacuum cleaning dona In the home. Sanitary service to., iwtj Be rtiug. WE rent repair, sell neudlea and parts for all sewing machlnea Nr ' BRA Shi A CYCLE CO.. "Mlckel's, luth and Harney. Douglaa 1661 Aeeesstsala, E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A.. Address 433 Ramge Bldg.. Phone Douglas 74u6. Adding Machines. Dalton Adding Machines. 411 S. 16 D. 1443. Adder Mch. Co. (Waleal. W. O, W. D. 338. Architect. Everett S. Dodda. 611 Psxton Blk. D. 2SSL Ant Painting. FOBDS. 116; OTHERS, 120 UP. Brtgfre, 1446 N. 16th. Phone Webster 1730. Aata and Maaneto Repalrla. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 1411. Anctloneera. Dowd Auction Co., 1116-16 W. O. W. R. tZH. Attraetlona. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture mac bin and film baraaina Bin Print!. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 101 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. ttarawr. IS Chairs. 10c shave, neck ar.ave. 161T Far. Drill Kaarlea. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. rth and Martha Sta. C arpenters and lontraetora. STEVENSON. Ill S. 22d. Douglas 6620. t alifornln Laada. W. T. Smith Co.. 1111 City Nat'l Bk. D.261. thlna Palatlaaj. CHINA for decorating. Mra. Chamber' art Btuuio. Ii w. O. W. Bldg. Firing. Ruth Letchford. decorating, firing. R. K1 Cream Separator. Th Sharpies Separator Co.. l?th 4 Farn. t later and Well Digging. NEED well or cistern cleaned or dug? BCHAFFEH doe It. Phune Web. t6Jl. TTb; RiCKERTT Well Construction cV; nothing too big or Impossible; estimate furnished 110 N. list St. Omaha. Civil aOaalneer. M. J. LACY. 518 DEB BIJXI. DOUO 4T1. W. J. McEslliron. Tel D. 6ol. 1018 On. Nat. t'oal Dealers. fill Johnson' special, also Victor nut, TU..H- ma phpn, iq,!,, 17Q1 l)esntsn and Casar HaaiM. B1LUER doea It Phone Walnut UA MVK WIRE Bt'MINEHH MEN OF OMAHA Dancing; Aeademlea. IKM'G. AUDI. Spec'l rates for clubs and pri. dances. Call or tel. Mgr. D. 2424. : Turpin's Dancing Academy. 2Sth Farn. Markle'a Academy, 181 Harney. C H A M BE R 8' A ca dem y. cl a aslc. D. 0446. D. 1S7L Dentlsta. Dr. Bradbury. Nopalin 1608 Farnam. lirTodd a alveolar dentistry. 4"3 Brandeis I-inllry, I he lentiat, ;1 City Nat I Bank. Taft Dertal Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. Pyorihea, Dr. Flckea. 72A City Nat. Bank. Detectives. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States, Canada or Mexico, ttt Paxton Blk. Doug. 1373. Walnut 1520. JAMES ALLAN. 311 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1188. Dressmaking. Terrv 1 iressmr.k'g college. 20th Fa .nam. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wanta work bv dev. Phone Florenco SOS. WATSON & LUND, 2uu7 Cass St. Electric Sappllea. LEBRON Elec. Wks.. 318 S. 12th. T. 217. Drags. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Everything for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all si sea and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 2iiO Douglas Block. D. 19.W. SWITCHES from combings, 1.60. Psyrhe free. Mrs H. M. Eck, 300 Marcy. H. 5b46. HAIRDRESSING at your home. R. 6W1. Forlera. BEN FENSTER, 1410 N 24th St. W. 7777. Florists. A. DONAGHUE. 1H22 Harnay. Doug. 1001. BATH'S florists. 1M)4 Farnam St. HESS & SWOBOPA. 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 126ii Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. nntterlnsr and ".pontine;. FIRE PREVENTION CO., Douglai 4SR4. Hair Dressing. Harper method, n- 8, Balr4 Bldg. V. W1L Lighting Fixtures and Wiring. THOMAS DURKIN Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2418 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2518. Live Stork Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 007 8 13th. Red 4251 Messenger and Teamster. WHITE LINE. H09 S. 11th. Douglaa S31S. Mask, Coetnmes and Lodge Sappllea. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes. Ths largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumea In the country. Theo. Llebcn & Son, 1514 Howard. D. 4116. Jllaaaense. MIS8 WALTON, bath, massage. Tel. D. 4:w. Hours 9 to 9: Sunday n to ix CORA BELLING V ?-?."!.", IE tory treatments; 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. VAPOR liATHS Ma1; Douglas. Notice Entrance downstairs, basement, cor. of Dodse. MISS SCHMIDT, mnss., elec. bath. D. 713. open eve.. 9 p. m. ; Sundays. 12 to 6. MISS JACOilS, mass., mantcuring. Phone jjoug. 427. Hours 9 to ; Sunday 11 to 6. MASSAGE. 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. Misa Fluher, mass., elec. treat. Red 6036. MAKM4C1E 620 BEB BUILDING. JHiOOaUfi DOUGLAS 6372. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson. 1802 Farnam. R. 1. Doiiilia btki Open evenings and Sundays. Clara Lee, bath and massage. Doug. 876L Kathleen Mack, massage & bath. D. 7682. BATHS. 214 Baird Bldg., 17th and Doug. Moving, Storage and Cleaning;. W. C. FERRIN. 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1200, Oculists. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Dra. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathia physicians. Dr. Rerucha, 203-4 McCague Bldg. D. m Dr. Peterson. 603 Brandela Bldg.. D. 2144. printing. WATER S-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 524 S. 13th St. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY M'KENaiE PTG. CO. D. 2644. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1620 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3754. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 8. 11th St Patents. H. A. Sturges. 636 Brandeis Theater Bldg. D. O. Bamell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Roach F.itrrmlaatoi. B. B. B. Roach powder at Beaton'a Palntlna and Papering. HUGH M'MANUS, 417 N. 40th. H. 6728. 11 nines Renovated. PLUMES & flowers made over, cleaned dyed. Bertna .ruger, 23 Faxton. D. 8394. m mmA Time L.M-1C Klawrti. OA Opened, repaired, comb. J f V Pvw changed. F. E. Daven wx -s-w port, 14Q8 Dodge. D. 1821. Shoe Repalrlas;. Electric Shoe Rep. Co., 1867 gt Mary's Ar. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. Hi 8. 14. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv- lng, eio. We buy. sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 8. 12th. D. 1724. signs aad Ikonearda E. M CLARK & SON. Ill 8. 16TH ST. Steel Ceilings. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 a 10. Towel Sappllea. OMAHA Towel Supply. 107 & ilth. D. 528. Trsaki aad lancaica FRELING aV STEIN LE, 1806 Farnam St Tailor. CHAS. C. LANDERYOU. 108 N. 13th fit OLSEN ItOUECHE. la Harney. D. tStliJ Veterinarians.. DR. G. R. YOUNG. 4602 Center. Wal. SOU Wiaea and Liejaora. ALEX JETES. 201-S S. ilth St. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinners. 11 to 1. 10c. Globe liquor house. 424 N. 16th; California wine. 11.25 per gal. Write for price list HENRY -POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House, 622 N. 16th. Douglas 1S09. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO 5-pass. auto, fully equipped and In fine shape, mil model and cost S2,-to0 new; will trade for Omaha lot worth S00. Address 8. C. 1528. Bee. AUTO Empire. In good shape, can be used as roadster or truck for light hauling. What have you? Address 8. C. 626. Bee. AUTO Will trade automobile or will pay cash for dependable piano not priced ton high. Call Monday. Address. S. C. fc3. Bee. AUTOMOBILES Foi other automobile bargains ae tb "Automobile ' ciaseLfl catluu. BEST bargain In city. Oakland roadster, cost 11.600 new. In neat of condition; haa new tire. Will sell for , or take late model twin motorcycle (Indian pre ferred i as part pay. Aa I have no use for thla car, can give somebody a very good bargain. Address 8. C. 644. Bee. BANJO and mandolin, extra grade, for ooncert; want to trade (or diamond worth 0. S. C. Si2. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE Downtown res ts u inn t for sale cheap, or will trad for a hat hav you? Business good. Address S. C. 640. Boo. CORN PLANTER What have you To trade for corn planter, disk harrow, Flying 6wd cultivator. 10-in. breaking plow or 1-ft. weeder? Will trade 1 or ail for anything i can use. Address 8. C. 6.10. Bee. DIAMOND ring, quarter carat. Tit f any; tru-te or se.l cheap, only lii. 8. C. (37, Bee. DIAMOND For watch or shotgun. 8. C. 647, Bee. SWAPPERS COLUMN 1 DIAMOND RINGS, S.i and $1J each: one banjo, $55; one mandolin, $-"6. Sell one or nil. or trade for larger diamond, or might trade one for typewriter. S. C Bee. EARLY ENGLISH FURNITURE Li brary table, rocker with leather seat. seven brass trimmed booUcn.se sections, two tope and two liases with drawers; beautiful finish, brand new. Will trade for solid mahocany, or what have you? Addrfas S. C. 6.T., Hec. FINE new twin motorcycle to swap for Ford chassis. What have you? Address K-r. Be. GUITAR-Wsshburn guitar, with canvas case. Uood as new. Coat ITi.M). Will trade even for kodak or picture card projector of equal value. Address S. O. t.38. Bee. GASOLINE sad Iron, new, to swap for typewriter or what have you? Ernest .poniison, vaveriy, wen. GOOD, smooth ltjO In Nebraska, yielded i.1 3li0 In ffrnln nnri h.l- last momunn. i ' - miles to good railroad town; it, mile's to sciiuui, lenceu, no Duuamgs; price, m; terms right; no trades. Address Box 697, Grand Island, Neh, HAMPTON, 17-Jewel watch, Duber case. worth .is. Want diamond ring. Addreea S. C. 645, Bee. HO.MFR PIG FUNS Mated, to trade for chickens, or what have you. Will veil for cash. Phone Webster 2m. LOTS 20 gnd21, bTock 77M7iitarv addl tlon. Will trade for auto, or as part pa ment on cottage and lot for rental purpose. Or will sell on very small monthly payments. Have moved from Omaha, and ar ho good to me. Address, aoxl94, l ndt rwooa, la. MINUTE REPEAT ER Gold hunting rase, 14-karat, strike the hours, quarter' hours arid alao minutes, also stop watch attachment; cost new Si00; for auto, dia monds, lot, merchandise, new or second hand furniture, or what have you? An swer P. C. 634. Omaha Bee. PAINT Have bbl. of Sherwin and Will Irtms' outside houae paint; 1st class. Will take part traps' and part cash. What have you? Address 8. C. tB3, Bee PIANO Going away; hlKh grade player and 20 rolls of music: see this and make me an offer or would trade for automot-ile, not too expemdve, or dia mond. Address 3. C. 611. Bee P1a"n6 Will trade a high-grade now 1 iano any case you want to select, for the keeping of two boya, 3 and 6 years respectively. Address S. C. 643. Bee. FIANO Have 1st class upright Swlck piano, cost 1150; will take J50 cash ant balance In chickens, cow, or horse; will trade on fair basis. Address S. C. 629, Bee. RUBBER BOOTS-Hav good pair of ruooer oooia almost new will sell or trade for something I can use; in good condition; siae S. C. 451, Bee. 6IGNS, showrarda. Clark St Son. D. 1378. TOOL 6HARPENER Never used; cost wholesale, 17. Will trade for anything, as hnve no use for It. Address S. C. 648, Bee. TYPEWRITER, ETC. What have you for typewriter and .45 caliber rifle? Ad dresa S. C. 631. Bee. VICTROLA 108 records, S26. Record cabl- n.l almnil rAm rT-.. . ...... ...... M) for all, or would trade for diamond orr.wh.al ,hv you. Total cost new over 1250. Address. S. C. 63. Bee. VACUUM WASHING MACHINES Have 200 well known va-uum chines, ail new and up-to-date. A guaran- iim.iiiiie. ASBiiii nere is your chance to make a cleanup thug spring. W"lll swap for auto, or what have youT Address -. OJ1, nee. VIOLIN I have a good violin worth 175 worth 125; both In good condition. Camera i. unu ij new. win iraae lor anything WADERS, ETC.-One pair good No, 84 canvass waders. What have you U swap. One 16-lnch Gen. Electric fan for wall or lipMk TTrArl 9 irinnfha TXrill ..11 WANTED to trade violin, case and bow vsliijt t- -7c eM ji..-i . I have you Aoareas a. u. ea4. Bee. WATCHV-What hav you to trad for 16? uiii lace, ii jewel Illtnola works watch; uaed but 6 years, and 17 gold chain T Have a watoh and don't have use for this one. What have you? Ann e a aa aa u a a ft T W'ATCH Ladles' gold watch, worth 17.00; SlaO .fin l-tan-n-.Ak.A J Jtist finished, worth 110.00. for good cut " .io nave an Kind or fine hand-crochet work whioh I lil swan' ror hand-painted dishes or cut glass or what yu have, or will sell for cash. Ad-1 dresa 8. C. 639, Bee. WATCH To trade for 1.000 tobacco taga. state full particulars In answer. Ad dress S. C. 622. Bee. WILL exchange section good land ona Hi1 5.rora 81dnV. Neb., 550 acres under cultivation, SOO acres in winter wheat, for good eaatern Nebraska farm. Write J. a. Bentley. Bldney, Neb. WANTED TO BUT GET Kaplan's prices for ii band furn.. enurn, cioines, 001 ore selling. Wb. 7)3. ONE or two carloads sawdust forpacklng iub. rrnie ua, stating prices. Fremont Ice and Band Co Fremont, Neb. Yale buys everything M nand. Tyiar llig. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. v. nceu, r arnam. uoug. 6146. WE BUY Id-hand clothe. 1421 N. 24th." HIGHEST prices fur furniture. Web. tel. FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. Fidelity Storage Co Storage, moving, packing and shipping. 16th & Jackson Sta Phone Douglas SMC 6IX-ROOM steam heated modern flat, will decorate to suit tenant. 126 In win ter, 116 In summer. Fell & Pinker ton Co.. SIS Board of Trade Bldg. 7-ROOM, best residence district. 4100 Dav enport; vacant March. Tel. Walnut 2fi68. STRICTLY modern brick flat, 7 rooms and bath. 821 Park Ave. Phone W. 814. OODEN ANNEX, Council Bluffs. oomi with kitchenette, steam heat. Phone 444, t-r.. modurn tlut, S. 24th. 122. H. 4711. FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 1, 4 and 6-rooin apartments tu city. Building lust fin ished. Flora Apartment. 3661 Jorres St 610 8. 27th. 6-r., mod. flat, 130. l' N. 2th, 7-r modern flat. 120. 612 8. 27th, 6-r.. modern flat, 13-). C. G. CARLBERO, 312 Brandeis Theater. EIGHT-ROOM bricks. $32.60. 131 N. Thirtieth. 113 South Thirtieth. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE- CO., 116 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. MOST up-to-date brick flat In city; hot water heat, larye lawn. P. 66il. H. 1S03. Famished Anartaaaata. The New 'Traverton" FIREPROOF BUILDING. 24th and Landon Court. We have a turn, front apartment for rent: all modem conveniences; conaol wall bed. kitchen, private bath, splendidly furnished. 4He owners. Traver Bros., Doug. 11S3. 705 Omaha National Bank. FURNISHED ROOM, heated. 4614 North list Ave. . MADISON '1st and Chicago; aieaiu Leal;' 110 mo. ai.d up; cafe In connection. D.&wA PLEASANTLY FURNISHED ROOM Ua private home. Cull Harney 4151. ONfc, lai'tie room, ga plate; private fam ily; 615 S -1i St. D. 66)n3. I1ANSCOM Pit. DUL. large modern heated room with all convenicucca, Cail H.46S1. OGDtN HOTEL, Council bluffa. steam heated rooms, fc per week. Phone tia. La Verna. UU Cap., front rma- Stem, ht SUITE OF TWO ROOM8 IN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. EXCEPTIONAL) CLo-ETS. NICE HOU8E, CONGENIAL) SURROUNDINGS, WITH BOARD. REASONABLE. ADDRESS A 64. BEE. FARNAM 2507 Strictly modem ruoma, $12; gentlemen. NEWLY furnished, healed rooms. 621 8. ltith. Apply Apt. 11. THE OOUJ No-Steana healed, nJorly furnished rooma Good iocaiioo. las) Harney.