TTTK HEK: OMAHA, SATrilDAV. FKMtlWttY 20. irl5. By MELLIFICIA. Friday, February 19, 1915. AVE you a wealthy walk? Walks, psychologists affirm, shew ths H strongest Indications of characteristics of the owner, but rarely have we known that they announced the state of their checkbooks. An Omaha matron, the wife of a well known real estate man, while traveling recently, was asked by a fellow traveler, "Where are your diamonds?" Now this matron Is very conservative, and, as she says, to ber sorrow never possessed a diamond in her life. On receiving a reply to this effect, the speaker Insisted that It was an Impossibility, and would not become reconciled to the unfortunate state of milady's jewel box. Again and again the dlamondless passenger emphasized this fact, with the strongest proofs, but nothing could convince the stranger. "It is impossible! It is impossible:" she said, "for you have a wealthy iwallc Concert Parties. JordPty ta aroatly Interested In Miss Nuh'i performance with the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra thUi evenlnn. Miss Kaata will be the soloist with the entire orchestra of elghty-flv musicians under Bmll Oherhoffer. Many parties are planned fur this affair. Mr. and Mrs Charles T. Kounte will entertain at dinner this evening followed by a. box party at the concert In honor of their rueet, Mrs. Bartlett of 8t. Joseph. AfUtr tha concert this party with Miss France Nash will be entertained at the Omaha club. Covers will b placed for: Mr. and Mr. Wlllard Hosford, Mrs. Waiter Bartlett. MlM Helen Curtail y, Mr. Robert Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Gurdon W. Wattles will live an Informal dinner this evening at their home. later their guests will occupy a box at the concert. Mr. and Mrs. Wat tie wilt entertain: Mixed Mimes Margaret Wattle. Rathbune. Mary Wattles, Mrs. John X. Hoyt of Sioux City. Honors Dundee Woman's Club. Mrs. W. l Belby was hostess at a larga tea this afternoon In honor of the cast of tha masque, "A Thousand Tears Ago," which was glvn so creditably Ttieaday evening under the direction of Mrs. fielby. A profusion of pink roses decora tad the dining room and Amartcan beauty roses ware used throughout the rooms. Nearly 100 guests called. Mrs. George C. Edgerly. president of the club, received with the hostess and tha follow ing women assisted In the dining room: Meedames Meedam H. C. Van Glesen. T. W. Carmlchael. W. A. Benson. it. I) Innlilp, Sumner Breeee, of Chicago, A. C. Btokea. J. A. Moore, Junior Prom Tonight. The Junior Prom of tha Central High sohool will be held at Turpln's hall this evening. Ths hall will be decorated In the class colors. Mr. Ralph Powell, preat dant of the class of UK,. will lead the grand march. A large number of the university people Intend coming up for the dance, and It promises to be the most popular dance ef the year. With the Traveler.. Mr. and Mra. C. C. Trimble left for Cal ifornia Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James) Cbadwlek left for 'California, tost week. Miss Gladys Goodman left yesterday for Rook ford, 'III., .to attend tke annual Washington party and class reunion of Rock ford college. Before returning Mlaa Goodman will visit In Chicago and Fort Wayne. Ind. Entertains at Kensington. Mrs. T. N. Crosby gave a neighborhood kenslnston for Mrs. L. R. Cnmntnn Thursday afternoon. Her guests Included Mesdamea A I IVniamin R. M. f'rossman, C R. Maxwell, J. K. Maxwell, oscar ilium. If. I. Martin, F. H. Martin. M I ecu Florence Moore, Kale Overkampof , Clinton, la.; Isaac JJoyea, J. Fchonborn. Arnold Jagnr, Kllen Martin. M lures Fern Schonborn. For" the Future. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Reardaley will en tertain the Monday Evening Bridge club next week. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Iamourraux will give a dancing party at Dundee hall Fri day evening. About forty couples will be preftent Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ralph will entertain at auction bridge Tuesday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Webster, who are leaving soon to make their home In Washington, D. C. Four . tables of players will be present. The Acacia 8. 11. Dancing club will give a dance Tuesday evening, February 23, at the Scottish Rite cathedral. The members of the fraternity and visiting members and their Immediate family are cordially invited to attend. Killian-Johnson Wedding. The wedding ef Miss Mildred M. John son and Leonard R. Kllllan took place at o'clock Thursday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert I Johnson. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. Mr. Morris of the Inv manuel Baptist church. ' Only th imme diate family were present. The bride Is a graduate of the 191J class of the Commercial High achool. Mr. Kll llan Is in business In Morse Bluffs. Alter a short trip Mr, and Mrs. Kllllan wUl be at home at Morse Bluffs. News of the Wayfarers. Mrs. E. C. Hopkins, who has been In New Tork for two weeks. Is expected home today. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Tngwersen and Mas ter James Ingwersen are spending a couple of weeks at Excelsior Springs. ' With the VisitorsT" Mrs. D. 8.40ulnter of Sioux Falls. 8. D., is visiting her daughter-in-law, Mrs G. O. Gulnter. Dr. and Mrs. C W. Perclval of St. Paul, Neb., are in the city, visiting their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Perclval. Dr. and Mra. Perclval are members of a large party from St. Paul attending the Auto mobile show. Mrs. Ktanley Hartman will arrive from Chicago next week to be the guest ' of nor father, Mr. Albert Cahn. Pleasures Past Mr. and Mra. Henry D. Frankfurt 'en tertained the Toung Men's Christian as sociation Glee club last evening at their home. The duh met for regular re hearsal end after the rehearsal an Im promptu musical program and toasts followed. Friday Lancing Club. The Friday Evening Dancing club will meet thla evening at Chambers'. The members include: Messrs. and Meadames George W. Iler. William R. Wood. K. P. Rover. .lark K.dgar A Baird, W. Rlghter Wood, lalre Balrd. Paul Burleigh, Mlaa Nan Murphy. Alex Rutherford. James Allen. Debutante Bridge Club. The Debutante Bridge club was enter tained thla afternoon by Mlaa Helen Clarke. The members present were: M leers Mlssca Frances Hochrtetler. Ann Olfford. Janet Hall. Fiigenl Patterson, Marian Kuhn, Blanche Deuel, virile Bacon. Htella Thumniel. HHen Clarke, Charlotte Callahan. Mrs. A. C. Hartman entertained the Fri day Bridge Luncheon club today at her home. Eight members were present. To Honor Visitor. Miss Mildred Butler gave a beautifully appointed luncheon tcday at her home In honor of Miss Lucy Hawk, who la visit ing Mrs. Jack Webster. Spring flower decorated the table and those Invited to meet the honor guest were: Mesdames Meulamra Ben Wood. Jsck Webster, Harold Prltchett, . Hal Brady. F. Kohlmeier which is an accompanied Mlssea teniae Pinning, Mary Burklev. Daphne Peters. Mieses- F.llxaheth Bruce, Kllxabeth Davis, Katharine Thummol. La loos Club Affair. The La loos club will give a dancing party at the Prairie Park club house this evening. The guests will be limited to the club membership. ' from Personal Mention. Mrs.' B. M. Marsh came home CI ark son hospital Monday. Mrs. Edward Johnson has been 111 at her home with an attack of la grippe for more than a week. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Benedict and their son, Lorlng, wril leave for Excelsior Springs, Mo., next week. Mr. A.' C. Grossman, who underwent an operation at the Nicholas) Senn hospital Monday, of last week, Is doing nicely and will be home the last of next week. In and Out of the Bee Hire. Miss Elleene Gulnter will return to her achool -next week. Mrs. Herman Kountae Is sojourning at Excelsior Springs, . . INSPECTORS SURVIVE TOUR OF THE SALOONS The city health department officials re port they have canvassed th saloon lunch counters of th city and found the food O. K. A recent death is said to have resulted frcm ptomaine poisoning caused by ham burger steak eaten In a saloon. The poison squad of the health depart ment sampled many hamburgers Thurs day and were ail able to report for duty this morning. SICK JUROR HALTS TRIAL OFjiIATTERS H. F. Kohlmeier of Wakefield Suo cumbs to Attack of Erysipelas and Delays the Case. MAY RESUME NEXT MONDAY The illness of a Juror brought to an abrupt halt the trial of Thomas H. Matters in federal court Friday morning;. The sick juror Is H. of Wakefield. lie has erysipelas, acute febrile disease, by diffused inflammation of the skin. It is considered contagious. He was attended by the government's physician. Dr. S. K. Spalding, who says he-will be able to break up the attack In twenty-four hours. Judge Youmans, who has been pushing the big trial with lengthened court hours, dismissed the Jury under orders to re port for duty Katurdav morning. It la not likely, however, that the trial will proceed before Monday morning. The trial of Thomas H. Matters on the charge of aiding and abetting President Melcholr Luebben of the defunct First National bank of Sutton to Issue certifi cates of deposit without authority, be gan Tuesray, February 9, and has now been In progress nine days, with no sign of the end being In sight. Bailiff la C hara-e of Jurors. The Jurors, with the exception of the sick man, will have to remain at their hotel In charge of a bailiff Just this much longer on account of the unexpected de lay. The time of the attorneys and Judge must also he largely wasted. In this connection several of the at torneys In the ease referred to the wis dom of having a change in the state con stitution, allowing ' certain measures to be taken In auch cases. "In the long cans the possibility of one of the twelve men In the Jury being taken 111 Is considerable," said A. W. Lane of Lincoln, who Is assisting United States Attorney Howell. "In some states they have a constitutional amendment allow ing the case to proceed with eleven Jurors In case one of them la taken III. Certain states confine this rule to civil cases, but others allow such a procedure in even criminal cases. "Another means which has been de vised to avald the possibility of delay on account of Illness of one of the twelve jurors is the swearing In of a thirteenth man with the regular twelve. "This thirteenth man sits through the trial precisely as the other Jurors. If none of ths twelve Is taken III, he has no part at all in determining the verdict But if one of the men Is taken ill this thirteenth man takes his piece and the sick man drops out of the case perma nently. It seems a very wise plan.;. But Who Wants to Eat Any Muskrat? WHITMAN, Neb., Feb. 18-To the Omaha Bee: Will you pleas investigate and report through your valuable paper whether or not the muskrat is eaten as food, I understand it is used quite ex tensively In and around Atlanta and other eastern localities and is considered a very delicate morsel and often served at select dinners. Personally I have proven the meat to be finely flavored and to be most excellent in potplns. It should be first parboiled in soda water, after which It needs no further treatment. YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY THE GREAT SHOE SALE ENDG SATURDAY NIGHT BOsTT raVXI. TO MAM XV THIS, TO OBXATBST SHOE BAB. OAZBB OKAJUk KiS BTEB XJTOWB. rei men- Wmfraa TtOm of S3. BO to SUioea . . . S3.B0 emd S4.00 An Men's aaoesA Also I consider the meat fine fried. In j the east It Is called marsh rabbit. 1 A RKADKIt. The niupkiat has been used for food, hut not to any great extent, because of the bad tinge given to the flesh by the presence of the musk glands. The Ency clopedia Americana says on this subject: "The musky odor of these animals la due to a thick fluid secreted In two small glands near the generative organs which Impart to the flesh a taint that makes It unpalatable to most persons." It is very widely used for Its fur. d.OOO,- IOO pelts being produced annually. It Is a very prolific animal, having three to nine young at a birth and often three births a year. The fur is used principally for making gloves, collars, caps, capes, muffs, trimmings, linings, etc. Don't Be Constipated. All klnda of ailments result from Con stipation. Dr. King's New Life Pills are mild and effective, prevent Constipation. 26c. AU druggists. Advertisement. F Infection! f :1a V. , i r-f nfttfn rnurn ... I lilt IIUI WUVII V V4C7 1 " ious ailments--sometimes Blood roigrm. Germ infection it a danger always present. So) Firttt Kill the germs prevent Infection by using SLOAN'S The Great Antiseptic Good for cuts, sores, sore throat, bruises, swellings, scratches and bites of animals. i?iy a bottle to-day. At all dealeri. Price ISo, 50c A tM Dr. EirtX.SIoan.lncPhila. I SLLauis Dangers in Fresh Milk B4.B M.oo! and ."v- at . 4.B0 boa M-00, fa.M ' sad 7.00 Mem hoss If U..d$2 "'$3 u FOI WCMEU and Broken Xiots aaa t of S3. BO BOSS. ror Women's hoes worth S3.60, $4, 94.SO. ror Women's hoes worth WM and 95.SO. mesilro Women' aBe2nahoei worth "$.oo, te.fto, 7. Ualk-Suer ESoot Shop . 317 South 16fh St. bactenological examination showed more than the legal number of bacteria." The above is taken from a Bulletin of the Chicago Department of Health. Statements like it appear in almost every bulletin issued by the health depart ments of various cities throughout the country. Disease of all kinds is being transmitted daily to human beings through the milk they use. Typhoid, scarlet fever and even tuberculosis are thus trans mitted. Protect yourself and your family. Use milk that carries no disease germs. The safest milk is, EVAPORAT ED KIlIkiK Unawvetened Sterilized w .kem the Spriegtime Comes, Gentle Annie!! According to the calendarSpring does not arrive in this latitude until next month Some one sang "The Spring She is a Young Maid That Does Not Know Her Mind' and there is not much in general conditions to indicate that there had been any change in the gentle maid. We know that Spring starts with us on Monday. On that date we will open up all over the store spick and span Spring merchandise and so the last farewell will be said to practically everything which carries a Winter appearance or complexion will it be a real "Raus mit cm" Well, judge ye here are the facts We Guess Yes: Second Floor 10 Aw M. . Suits. Coats and Dresses Many of which sold up to $35.00, at $5 each. Children's Section At 10 a. m., also COATS Juniors and children's, sizes sold up to $12.00. DRESSES Small sizes, sold up to $6.50. SWEATEES Large sizes, sold up to $5.C0. About 25 Small Women's Coats, sold up to $15.00. $1.00 EACH DID YOU GET THAT? WUJ THERE BE A SCRAMBLE? Seven Days More 7 Days ! 7 Days ! Only 7 Days ! After Saturday next no more Skirt making for gome time at 1.00 so it's up to you to get busy. The new Spring fabrics are in. We xnake a Skirt to your measure, well tailored, AND A! FIT, from goods purchased at the Dress Goods Section ONLY $1.00 FOR THE MAKING. This offer ends with Saturday, February 27th. FIRST MEASURED, FIRST MADE! Last Chance All the Gloves left of the two lowest price numbers from the Big Sale will be offered Sat urdaysale starting at 8:30 59 instead of $1.00. Most sizes still left. 89c for what are left from the special $1.25 and $1.50 lota GUARANTEED, LIKE ALL OUR GLOVES All the Shoes left from the wonderful sale which started today will be closed out Saturday, $3.05 per pair, worth to $5.00 and $8.00. NEW! MADE BY BAKER! LATE MODELS! At the Book and Stationery Section A counter covered with odds and ends Cards, Mottoes, Books, etc., which you could safely buy as we boys used to trade jack knives "Unsight,. Unseen' '5 for one lot; 10 for the other. A Few Last Words About Women's Winter Underwear and Hosiery UNION SUITS Mainly Outsizes A big chance for large women 49 instead of $1.25 on Saturday. , Merode Cotton Vests and Pants, advertised from Maine to California as a 50-cent garment, with us Saturday, 29 each. Wayne Hosiery (Pony) You know tnem 15c instead of 25c. Light weight wool for early spring, $1.29 instead of $1.50. The process by which Cottage Milk is sterilized de stroys any germs the milk may contain. It is packed in germ-proof cans which keep it from exposure from the time it leaves our sanitary condenseries until it is opened in your kitchen. Cottage Milk overcomes all the dangers of contami nation to which bottle milk is subjected in bottling, hand ling and delivering. Cottage Evaporated Milk is mad fresh every day from milk that cornea from the healthiest cow In the best dairying districts of the country. Nothing la added, only a part of the water taken out by evaporating. It ha more than twice the food value of bottle milk and can be used for every purpose where you now use milk or cream. For cereals, for coffee, for cooking, for the children, it is the ideal, aafe milk. Try a package today. Yea will like it and the con venience of always having supply of fresh milk in your pantry will appeal to you. Thm Milk Without the Coohd Tatte At AH Good Dealers In Two Sizes 5 and 10 Cents AMERICAN MILK COMPANY Chicago 455 Boy Vour irogs at the Busy Qexall Drug Stores Savo Timo! Savo Money! MISCELLANEOUS DRUGS IQO 8-grtUn Quinine nils. -29 IQO 8-ftraln Qntntnw 111U . .39 IQO Blwud's Iron Tonic Pills 2Q i Ih. Copperas or Sulphur . . . 5 8.V hottlo Pinto Water . . . - S4 Formaldehyde, liquid, 25. 50 liorden'w Kagl fond. Milk 12 41 fclnda Malt Kxtrartn. two hot- n.i for 25 5Qc Pure Wltfh Ha7.fl 29 5Qc Hay Kiim 29 TOILET GOODS & PROPRIETARY MEDICINES 60c Charles' Flesh Food . ...24c $1.00 Cooper's New Disc....84o 60c Doan's Kidney Pills ...,34 25e Allen's Foot Ease 19c Allcock'a Porous Plasters ..12c 60c Bromo Seltzer 20c 86c Castorla, genuine 21c 35a CuUcura Soap ...17c 60c Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin 20c 60e Carmen Face Powder (four shades) ..20c 60c Canthrox -.29c J 5c Espey's Fragrant Cream 14c $1.00 Fellow's Syrup for ...84c $1.25 Gude's Peptomangan ..S8o S 6c Houblgant'a Rice Powder, per fumed ftesh or white 17c $1.00 Horlick'a Malted Mllk..B9c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream at 29c and 79c strictly pure Peroilde of Hydro gen at lac. 19c and B9e $1.00 Listerias. Lambert's ..59e 2fce Laxative Bromo Quints (K. W. Groves') lw SOe LaBlache Face Powder (four shades) 8 60c Lee'a Rhubarb Laxative ..Sc 60c Malvina Cream for ..... .29c $1.00 Pierce's Fav. Pres 64c $1.00 Peruna for 84c $1.00 Pinkham'a Compound etc B.-B. 8 64c and 1.S4 Scott's Emulsion . . . .39c and 69c $1.25 Tona Vita 08c 25c Lasell'a Massatta Talcum 12c Mentholatum ...... 14c and 84c $1.60 Oriental Cream, Gouraud's. for 98c SOe Pape'a Dfapepsln ..29c 26e Packer's Tar Soap 14c 60e Pebeco Tooth Paste for 84c 250 Pond's Vanishing Cream .14c SOe Poaaonl's Face Powder (four shades) S4c 35c Roger ft Gallet Perfumed Rice Powder 17c Sal Hepatka .... 19c, S4c and 69c 60e California Syrup of Figs, original 84c SOe Bexopre Glovine 29c (The kind Peggy O'Neill uses.) 60c Stuart's Dyspepsia. Tablets 84c 25c Tta. for tender feet 14c 25e 2T11 WnlU Rose Soap ..12c 1 5c Woodbury 'a Facial Soap. .17c Prices) quoted above are for frefch and genuine goods, purchased, tn almost every Instances direct from the manufacturer or Importer for spot cah. Sherman & ClcGonncIl Drug Go. Corner 16th and Podge 8ts. LOYAL DRfO COM 207-209 N. loth St, OWL DRVU CO loth and Harney 8ts. HARVAK1), 24tb and Farnam. Ho Honoy Till Cured rlatttla aad AM Rocta! Meaaaoa wrao' wHk rt taa kalfa. rr. awraa iutIm. tort far Fraa ItiaatrataS kwak m RMtl IMaaaaaa aa taattaiaalals at Saiadraaa ml caraa aatlaata la Siaaraaaa aa4 lawa. I j DR. C n. TARRY 240 Dee Olds:.. Omaha. Neb.